Platform for Ajax
Web Applications
Download SmartClient today!
Web applications will become
indistinguishable from traditional
Bruce Tognazzini &
Jakob Nielsen
Enterprise Success
SmartClient radically enhances the
responsiveness and usability of our
web-based applications, without
requiring any client software.
Worldwide eBusiness
Operations Manager
Philips Semiconductors
OEM Success
We evaluated many alternatives, and
Isomorphic provides the most mature
smart client technology for zero-
install web applications.
Vice President
Tools & Technology
Core Benefits
Increased end user acceptance and
Reduced development time, cost,
and risk.
Zero-install deployment across all
client operating systems.
Seamless integration with existing
web applications and frameworks.
Radically improved system
scalability and performance.
Web applications without compromise.
Ajax RIA System
The SmartClient
Ajax RIA System provides web developers with the most advanced
platform for rich GUI, zero-install applications. Since 2000, leading enterprises and
software vendors have deployed SmartClient to upgrade the usability and performance of
standards-based web applications.
Rich User Interface Productivity
SmartClient provides all of the user interface controls and interactions that users have
come to expect from desktop applications, including windows, tabs, grids, forms, trees,
tooltips, keyboard navigation, drag & drop, wizards, and much more.
Example SmartClient application
Metadata-Driven, Service-Oriented Architecture
Instant Interface: SmartClient applications can be generated directly from standard
metadata formats, including XML Schema and web services description language (WSDL).
Generated applications can be customized and extended in a robust model that enables
painless migration to new versions of metadata and services. By “projecting” standard
metadata as SmartClient applications, enterprises can combine cutting-edge interface
technology with an agile, standards-driven approach.
True Ajax: SmartClient’s “client-side MVC” architecture moves all presentation logic to
the browser, maximizing the responsiveness and scalability benefits of Ajax by minimizing
server round-trips. Smart data managers adaptively offload tasks to the browser,
improving user experience and boosting performance far beyond what is possible with
Ajax architectures based on server-side component models.
Any Server: SmartClient supports standards-based integration with any server platform,
and also includes a Java integration server for accelerated integration with Java-based
applications via declarative binding to existing Java business logic.
Flexible, Rapid Development
SmartClient implements a robust stack of Ajax services, components, and tools on top of
all standard web browsers, using pure JavaScript and HTML. This architecture
encapsulates the “rocket science” complexity of deep browser programming, while
providing open APIs at all levels for extensions and customization.
SmartClient client-side architecture
Developers can create SmartClient applications at multiple levels, using pure XML
metadata, enhanced JavaScript object-oriented code, or drag-and-drop visual tools.
<field name="category" canEdit="false"/>
<field name="inStock">
function (value, record, field, rowNum, colNum) {
if (value) return isc.Canvas.imgHTML("checked.png",13,13);
else return isc.Canvas.imgHTML("unchecked.png",13,13)
SmartClient XML + JavaScript code snippet
Rich + Thin = Smart
Leading enterprise software developers use the SmartClient presentation layer to:
develop next-generation rich web applications
incrementally upgrade existing web applications
convert legacy desktop applications to access-anywhere applications
Join the Ajax evolution! For more information, visit
RIA System
Supported Clients
Internet Explorer 5.5+
Firefox 1.0+
Mozilla 1.4+
Netscape 7.1+
Safari 1.3+
Advantage: SmartClient
Proven technology
Relied on by major software vendors
Used in products, not just projects
Easy to learn
Free, instant-on evaluation SDK
Comprehensive docs and examples
Flexible architecture
Dynamic metadata-driven integration
Robust extension and customization
Complete solution
Tools for the complete lifecycle
No HTML/Ajax expertise required
Stable platform
Never broken by browser updates
Backwards compatible since 2001
More at
109 Stevenson Street, Level 4
San Francisco, CA 94105
415 222 9902 phone
415 222 9912 fax
©2007 Isomorphic Software. All rights reserved. Isomorphic
Software, SmartClient, the Isomorphic Software logo, and Rich +
Thin = Smart are trademarks of Isomorphic Software, Inc. All
other product and company names and marks in this document are
the property of their respective owners and are mentioned for
identification purposes only. Revised 03/2007.