Downloading Video and Audio from Google Drive into iMovie on the
Note: You will need an Internet connection for this along with the Google Drive iPad app and the
iMovie iPad app.
Using Google Drive will allow you to bring video and audio files to the iPad without having to sync the
iPad to a computer. If you use the syncing method and iTunes you run the risk of deleting all videos
currently on the iPad (including ones you shot with the camera app).
Note: iMovie for iPad does not handle large file sizes (15mb) well, so if possible convert your files
before uploading to Google Drive.
First create a project in iMovie on the iPad in which you want to play your video and audio. You will
need to have something on the timeline in order for iMovie to save. Make sure to note the name
of the project. (Review the iMovie for iPad document for assistance.)
Next, you will need a Google account to use Google Drive. Use a computer (this can be a mac or
pc computer) to upload audio and video onto Google Drive. Once you have finished uploading to
Google Drive on the computer, open the Google Drive app on the iPad. (If this is your first time
opening the app, you’ll need to login with your Google account info.)
Find the media you would like to insert and tap the information icon for that media. When the
information panel pops out with a list of options, select Open In. In the next Pop up, select iMovie.
Information icon
This will take you to the iMovie app where it will ask you to select a project. Select the project you
just created.
iMovie will receive the entire file and place it on the timeline after the playhead. You can use the
editing tools in iMovie to shorten the clip to what you need. If you delete the audio or video clips
from the timeline, they will remain in the Events of iMovie as long as you don’t delete the
project. If you need to use the same clip in a different project, simply go to the other project and the
clips will be in the events tab. To find audio pulled from Google Drive into iMovie on the iPad look
under Imported in the Audio tab of the Events panel.
Select import to
view the audio
clips brought in
from Google