P&C Insurance Company Valuation
Richard Goldfarb, FCAS, CFA, FRM
Original Draft: 2005 (Revised: 2010)
This study note was prepared for use on the CAS Exam Syllabus. Its purpose is to describe various
valuation approaches presented in introductory finance textbooks and to discuss practical
implementation issues that arise when using these methods to value a Property & Casualty insurance
The methods described focus on those used by practitioners, including the dividend discount model,
the discounted cash flow model using free cash flow, the abnormal earnings model and relative
valuation using multiples. Applications of option pricing methods in equity valuation are briefly
discussed, including the real options framework.
Several reviewers provided comments and suggestions that significantly enhanced the final version of
the study note, including Walt Stewart, Wei Chuang, Victor Choi, Derek Jones, Mike Belfatti and
Patrick Charles. I’d like to especially thank Emily Gilde for painstakingly verifying and correcting all
of the calculations in an earlier draft and improving the content in several areas. Any remaining
errors, of course, are my own.
Note Regarding 2010 Revision
The 2010 revision reflects a change to the title of the study note resulting from revisions to the
numbering convention used for the CAS exam for which this study note was originally produced. In
addition, some typographical errors have been corrected. All other content remains the same as in the
2005 version.
Revised: October 2010 2
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Summary of Valuation Methods ..................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Dividend Discount Model (DDM) ............................................................................................ 3
2.2 Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) ................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Abnormal Earnings ................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Relative Valuation Using Multiples .......................................................................................... 4
2.5 Option Pricing Theory .............................................................................................................. 5
3. Dividend Discount Model (DDM) .................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Overview of the DDM .............................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Terminal Value ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Application of the DDM ........................................................................................................... 7
3.4 P&C Insurance Company Example ........................................................................................ 13
4. Discounted Cash Flow .................................................................................................................. 18
4.1 Free Cash Flow to the Firm..................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Free Cash Flow to Equity........................................................................................................ 19
4.3 Applying the FCFE Method .................................................................................................... 21
5. Abnormal Earnings Valuation Method ......................................................................................... 27
5.1 Background on Abnormal Earnings Method .......................................................................... 27
5.2 Accounting Distortions ........................................................................................................... 28
5.3 Application to P&C Insurance Companies ............................................................................. 29
6. Relative Valuation Using Multiples .............................................................................................. 34
6.1 Price-Earnings Ratio ............................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Price to Book Value Ratio ...................................................................................................... 36
6.3 Firm vs. Equity Multiples ....................................................................................................... 37
6.4 Market vs. Transaction Multiples ........................................................................................... 37
6.5 Application of Relative Valuation for Multi-Line Firms ........................................................ 40
7. Option Pricing Methods ................................................................................................................ 45
7.1 Valuing Equity as a Call Option ............................................................................................. 45
7.2 Real Options Valuation ........................................................................................................... 46
8. Additional Considerations............................................................................................................. 49
9. References ..................................................................................................................................... 50
Revised: October 2010 3
1. Introduction
This study note was prepared for use on the CAS Exam Syllabus. Its purpose is to describe various
valuation approaches presented in introductory finance textbooks and to discuss practical
implementation issues that arise when using these methods to value a Property & Casualty insurance
2. Summary of Valuation Methods
This section provides a brief overview of several methods used to value the common shareholders’
equity of financial and non-financial companies. Discussion of the various practical implementation
issues for P&C insurance company valuation will be covered in subsequent sections.
2.1 Dividend Discount Model (DDM)
The DDM is the basic model presented in introductory finance textbooks. The method is based on the
premise that the equity value of any firm is simply the present value of all future dividends. To apply
this methodology, dividend payments are forecasted for all future periods and then discounted to
present value using an appropriate (risk-adjusted) discount rate. Alternatively, dividends can be
forecasted over a finite horizon and a terminal value can be used to reflect the value of all remaining
dividends to be received beyond the explicit forecast horizon.
2.2 Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
The DCF method is closely related to the DDM approach discussed above. However, rather than
forecast and discount the actual dividends, the DCF method focuses on free cash flow.
The free cash flow is defined as all cash that could be paid as a dividend, regardless of whether or not
it actually will be paid in the period it is generated. Free cash flow is measured net of any amounts
required to be reinvested in the firm to maintain its operations and generate growth at the rate
assumed in the forecasts.
The implicit assumption in this method is that the free cash flow not paid as a dividend is invested to
earn an appropriate (risk-adjusted) return. When an investment earns a fair risk-adjusted rate of
return, there is no positive or negative effect on the value of the firm from retaining rather than paying
out the free cash flow.
There are two variations of this approach. These variations are referred to as the Free Cash Flow to
the Firm (FCFF) approach and the Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) approach.
FCFF – In this variation, the focus is on the free cash flow to the entire firm, prior to taking
into account any debt payments or tax consequences associated with the debt payments
FCFF thus represents the cash that could be paid to all sources of capital, including both the
debtholders and the equity holders. Discounting the FCFF produces a value for the entire
firm. The value of the equity portion of the firm is then determined by subtracting the market
value of the debt from the total firm value. The ease with which most debt instruments can be
valued makes it relatively easy to value the equity portion of the firm using this indirect
FCFE – In this variation, the focus is on the free cash flows to the equity holders only, as
opposed to the free cash flows to the entire firm. The free cash flow to equity, FCFE,
therefore represents the cash generated by the firm, over and above its reinvestment and debt
financing costs, which could be paid to the shareholders of the firm. This is estimated using
the same approach used to estimate the FCFF, with the additional step of subtracting the debt
payments, net of their associated tax consequences, from the free cash flow to the firm to
Debt payments are deductible for corporate tax purposes.
Revised: October 2010 4
derive the free cash flow to equity. The resulting valuation thus represents the equity
valuation directly by determining the present value of these free cash flows.
An important distinction between the FCFF and FCFE methods is that they each use a
different discount rate. The FCFF approach uses a discount rate that reflects the overall risk
to both debtholders and equity holders (a so-called weighted average cost of capital); the
FCFE approach uses a discount rate that reflects the risk to the equity holders only.
2.3 Abnormal Earnings (AE)
The AE method separates the book value of the firm from the value of the future earnings. The book
value of a firm represents the value of the firm’s equity assuming that the firm earns only the
investors’ required return on book value in all future periods. Valuations in excess of book value
must therefore be the result of earnings in excess of the investors’ required earnings. These earnings
in excess of the investors’ required earnings are referred to as the “abnormal earnings
. The
abnormal earnings in all future periods can be discounted and then added to the current book value to
obtain the equity value of the firm.
An important distinction between this method and the DDM and DCF methods discussed earlier is
that these latter methods both adjust the accounting-based net income measure into a cash flow
measure, such as dividends paid or free cash flow. This translation is done to remove any potential
distortions introduced by accounting rules designed to defer the recognition of revenues and expenses.
While it makes sense to unwind accounting distortions, some analysts point out that these distortions
eventually unwind themselves. In some cases, using unadjusted accounting values may actually
provide a more accurate valuation than would result using “cash flow” figures derived from
unwinding certain accounting distortions, especially when applied over finite horizons
Another important distinction between the abnormal earnings approach and the DCF or DDM
approaches is that this method focuses on the source of value creation – the firm’s ability to earn a
return on equity in excess of investors’ required returns. The DCF and DDM focus only on the effect
of this value creation – the firm’s ability to pay cash flows to its owners.
2.4 Relative Valuation Using Multiples
One common characteristic of the previously discussed methods is that they all require detailed
assumptions regarding revenues, expenses, growth rates, etc. in perpetuity. These assumptions, when
taken together, result in forecasts of key valuation variables such as dividends, free cash flows or
The net effect of all of these assumptions can often be summarized as a “multiple” to be applied to a
selected financial measure, such as next-period’s earnings, cash flow or book value, which will be
demonstrated in more detail later in this study note. When these assumptions regarding revenues,
expenses, growth rates, etc. are the same for comparable firms, then a shortcut valuation can be
estimated using the multiples calculated from the valuation of these comparable firms. In other
words, the firm’s equity can be valued relative to other firms.
Valuation multiples of comparable firms play an important role in all valuations. Even when the
multiples are not being used to perform the primary valuation, the valuation multiples of comparable
firms often serve as a critical reasonableness check, indicating whether or not the assumptions driving
the DDM, DCF or Abnormal Earnings approaches make sense in the aggregate and whether they
differ materially from the assumptions inherent in the valuations of other comparable firms.
This method of valuation often appears under a variety of other names, including the “residual income” method or the
“economic value added” method. The latter terminology was popularized by consulting firm Stern Stewart in the 1990s as
"EVA™" and is a registered trademark of that firm. The more generic term "abnormal earnings" is used in this study note.
See Sougiannis, Theodore and Penman, Stephen H., "A Comparison of Dividend, Cash Flow, and Earnings Approaches to
Equity Valuation".
Revised: October 2010 5
2.5 Option Pricing Theory
In a 1974 paper
, Robert Merton showed that the equity of a firm could be viewed as a call option on
the assets of the firm with a strike price equal to the (undiscounted) value of the liabilities. The equity
owners can be thought of as having sold the assets of the firm to the debtholders but have the right to
buy back the assets by repaying the face value of the debt on the maturity date.
Using this perspective of equity as a call option, some analysts have attempted to use option pricing
formulas such as the Black-Scholes formula, or more typically variations of this formula, to value the
equity of a firm.
Although theoretically sound, this approach is difficult to implement. There are numerous practical
limitations associated with determining the necessary inputs, accurately reflecting the real-world
complexity of many firms’ capital structure (e.g. there are often multiple classes of debt with multiple
maturity dates), and other issues.
Nonetheless, the theoretical foundation of option pricing has recently proven to be useful in thinking
about specific sources of value from so-called real options. Some examples of real options include
options to expand current operations, options to make follow-on investments, options to abandon
projects and other forms of managerial flexibility.
Given this overview of the various valuation approaches, the next section of this study note will
discuss their specific application to the valuation of P&C insurance companies.
See Merton, Robert C. "On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates".
Revised: October 2010 6
3. Dividend Discount Model (DDM)
3.1 Overview of the DDM
The DDM in many ways serves as the foundation of the other methods that will be covered in this
study note. As a result, a relatively detailed explanation is warranted. But given the coverage of this
approach in introductory finance textbooks
, it should be sufficient to simply summarize the key
points here.
To begin, one can think of the value of a share of stock as the discounted (present) value of the
expected future dividends. Since this definition includes all dividends paid, there is no need to adjust
this definition in the case of firms that do not currently pay dividends – eventually some dividends
will have to be paid, even if they merely represent a liquidating dividend at some distant date.
In symbols,
where, E(Div
) reflects the expected dividends to be paid at the end of period i and k is the appropriate
discount rate (see below).
In the case where dividends are expected to grow (in perpetuity) at a constant rate, g, this can be
simplified as:
In the more general case, dividends may be projected over a finite horizon and then assumed to grow
at a constant rate in perpetuity beyond that horizon. For example, if a three-year horizon is used, the
formula can be written as the present value of each of the next three dividends plus the present value
of the remaining future dividends beginning in year four. Since the dividends are assumed to grow at
a constant rate in perpetuity beginning in year four, the previous formula can be used to represent this
value at the end of the third year, which is referred to as the terminal value.
The resulting formula in the case of a three year horizon is therefore,
Value Terminal where,
Value Terminal
Before getting into the details of how to estimate the dividends, the growth rates and the appropriate
discount rate, consider the following example.
Example 1 – Application of DDM
Assume that as of the end of 2004, the expected dividends for an insurance company are estimated as follows:
Table 1: Estimated Dividends
Expected Dividend
2005 100
2006 120
2007 135
2008 150
2009 165
See Bodie, Kane and Marcus (6
Edition), Chapter 18.
Revised: October 2010 7
From 2009 on, the dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate of 5% per year and the appropriate risk
adjusted discount rate is 15%.
The DDM can be used to value of the equity of this firm as of the end of 2004.
The first step is to calculate the PV of each of the first five dividends using the discount rate of 15%. This gives
a value of the dividends to be earned during the next five years (excluding the dividends beyond that point) as
To value the remaining dividends beyond 2009, note that the dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 5%
from year 2010 on. This suggests that the 2010 dividend is 165*1.05 = 173.25 and the value as of the end of
2009 is:
This value of 1,732.5 represents the terminal value as of the end of the explicit dividend forecast horizon. The
present value of this amount as of the end of 2004 is 1,732.5/1.15
= 861.
Adding the present value of this terminal value to the present value of the dividends for years 2005 through
2009, the total value of all future dividends is V
= 434 + 861 = $1,295.
3.2 Terminal Value
In the previous example, the dividends from year 2010 on were worth a total of $1,732.5 as of the end
of 2009 and had a present value of $861 as of the end of 2004. This terminal value beyond the
explicit dividend forecast horizon is driven largely by the assumption of 5% perpetual dividend
growth beyond 2009. Given the fact that the terminal value represents 66.5% of the total value of the
firm’s equity, it is important to consider these terminal value assumptions carefully.
For convenience, the terminal value as of the end of 2009 can be expressed as:
Value Terminal
= Div
In other words, the terminal value at the end of 2009 is worth “10.5 times the 2009 dividend”. This
suggests treating 10.5 as a multiple to be applied to the current dividend amount as of the terminal
date. This multiple effectively summarizes in one number the net effect of the following assumptions:
i) Dividends will grow at a constant rate forever;
ii) The growth rate is 5%;
iii) The appropriate discount rate is 15%.
3.3 Application of the DDM
The following three key assumptions are required to implement the DDM:
Expected Dividends During Forecast Horizon
Dividend Growth Rates Beyond Forecast Horizon
Appropriate Risk-Adjusted Discount Rate
Each of these assumptions will be discussed in more detail in this section.
3.3.1 Expected Dividends During Forecast Horizon
Forecasting expected future dividends is a complex exercise with a substantial degree of uncertainty.
Fundamentally, this will involve forecasts of revenues, expenses, investment needs, cash flow needs
and other values for several future periods. These forecasts will require careful consideration of prior
business written, expected renewals and new business written.
Revised: October 2010 8
For the sake of brevity, this study note will assume that such forecasts have already been performed.
The models used for these forecasts will not be discussed here. For a detailed discussion of the
process one might follow to prepare these forecasts for a generic firm, see Business Analysis &
Valuation, by Palepu, Bernard and Healey. For a more focused discussion of how this could be done
for a P&C insurance company, see The Application of Fundamental Valuation Principles to
Property/Casualty Insurance Companies, by Blackburn, Jones, Schwartzman and Siegman or Using
the Public Access DFA Model: A Case Study by D’Arcy, Gorvett, Hettinger and Walling.
3.3.2 Dividend Growth Rates Beyond Forecast Horizon
Estimates of growth rates for revenues, expenses and other variables are inherently part of the process
of estimating dividends during the forecast horizon.
Beyond the explicit forecast horizon though, growth rates used in the terminal value calculation are
more difficult to determine. One simple approach is to use the growth rates during the explicit
forecast horizon to extrapolate the future growth rates.
Another approach is to base the growth rate on the dividend payout ratio, representing the portion of
earnings paid as dividends
, and the return on equity, which represents the profit per dollar of
reinvested earnings. This reflects the fact that growth in earnings, and hence dividends, is driven by
the retention of some portion of the current period’s earnings so that they can be reinvested to
generate additional future period income.
Typically, the term plowback ratio is used to refer to that portion of earnings retained and reinvested
in the firm and the firm’s return on equity (ROE) is often used to indicate the income generated from
such reinvestment. Combining these, the growth rate, g, is estimated as:
ROEplowbackg *=
The assumed growth rate plays a significant role in the ultimate valuation, particularly due to its
impact on the terminal value estimate. When estimating the terminal value, the growth rate should
reflect the steady-state perpetual
growth rate and should not reflect any bias resulting from higher than
normal short-term growth estimates. For instance, a growth rate in excess of the growth rate for the
entire economy should be assessed carefully, as this implies the firm’s share of the total economy will
eventually rise to unreasonable levels.
It is important to recognize that high growth rates do not necessarily increase the value of the firm. If
all other assumptions were held constant, then mathematically this would be the case. However,
assumptions about growth rates, dividend payout rates and the risk-adjusted discount rate cannot be
made independently of each other. For instance, simultaneously high growth rates and high dividend
payout rates are unlikely to be sustainable and so the effects of high growth rates are likely to be
offset by lower dividend amounts.
Additionally, the dividend payments for firms with high growth rates are likely to be riskier (in a
systematic risk sense) than those of firms with low growth rates. The high growth firms often depend
upon a favorable economic climate for their growth, which introduces more systematic risk. As a
result, the effects of high growth rates are likely to be offset by discounting the dividends to present
value using higher risk-adjusted discount rates.
3.3.3 Appropriate Risk-Adjusted Discount Rate
A key element of the previous example is the appropriate discount rate to use in the calculation of the
present value of the expected cash flows. An entire study note could be devoted to this topic alone.
Some of the most important issues associated with the choice of discount rates will be discussed here;
additional details are available from various sources contained in the References section of the paper
Since stock buybacks are economically equivalent to large cash dividends, these should be included in any reference to
"dividends" in the text.
See, in particular, Bodie, Kane and Marcus and Cornell, Bradford, 1993, Corporate Valuation: Tools for Effective
Appraisal and Decision Making, Business One Irwin, New York, NY.
Revised: October 2010 9 Risk-Adjusted Discount Rates vs. Risk-Adjusted Cash Flows
When valuing uncertain or risky cash flows, it is important to reflect this risk in the value that is
calculated. The most common approach to making this risk adjustment is to discount the cash flows
at a risk-adjusted discount rate that is higher than the risk free rate, thereby producing a value that is
lower than it otherwise would be in the absence of this risk.
However, reflecting this risk in the discount rate is not the only way to accomplish this objective.
Alternative approaches that incorporate the risk adjustment directly in the cash flows may even be
preferred. Halliwell
, for instance, presents compelling arguments for reflecting risk adjustments in
the cash flows, using utility theory to produce certainty equivalent cash flows that can be discounted
at risk free discount rates. This approach is closely related to the risk neutral valuation approach
widely used to value derivative securities, as well as other probability transform methods advocated
for pricing insurance risks, such as the Proportional Hazard Transform or the Wang Transform
While the certainty equivalent, risk-neutral and probability transform approaches are appealing on
theoretical grounds, the use of risk-adjusted discount rates is currently more common in practice. No
clear consensus yet exists on how to apply these alternative approaches consistently in many real-
world applications. Therefore, this study note will follow the more common approach using risk-
adjusted discount rates and will focus on some of the principal issues involved in this process. Private vs. Equilibrium Market Valuation
Before addressing specific methods of determining discount rates, it is important to make a distinction
between a private valuation and an equilibrium market valuation.
In a private valuation, individual investors are assumed to have their own view of "risk" and to hold
different existing portfolios. Any potential investment is assessed relative to the investor’s existing
portfolio. As a result, the value of any stream of risky or uncertain cash flows may have a different
value to different investors.
In an equilibrium market valuation, it is often assumed that all investors hold the same portfolio,
assess the risk associated with a new investment in an identical fashion and also have the same
estimates of future cash flows. Alternatively, it can be recognized that investors will not have
identical risk and cash flows assessments, but only the marginal investor’s risk and cash flow
assumptions will determine the “market” price of the investment. In this case, it is not necessary to
assume that every investor will place the same value on a given investment, but if an investor’s
private valuation differs from others’ valuations they simply will not trade at the market price.
Theoretical rate of return models often used to determine risk-adjusted discount rates tend to focus on
market equilibrium rates of return. As a result, they serve as a useful starting point for determining
any one investor’s appropriate discount rate for a given opportunity, but may not reflect all factors
that need to be considered by any specific investor. Determining the Discount Rate
The most popular model used to estimate (equilibrium) shareholder return expectations is the Capital
Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
. The CAPM attempts to describe the relationship between the “risk”
of an equity investment and the return investors expect to earn on that investment. In this model, risk
is defined in terms of the investment’s beta, a measure of systematic risk (risk that cannot be
diversified away in a large portfolio). The beta reflects the degree to which the percentage changes in
market value (the rates of return) co-vary with the rates of return on a hypothetical portfolio
See Halliwell, Leigh J., "A Critique of Risk-Adjusted Discounting".
See Wang, Shaun, "Insurance Pricing and Increased Limits Ratemaking by Proportional Hazards Transforms".
See Appendix C of Halliwell.
The discussion of only the CAPM as the source of discount rates in this study note is not intended to suggest a particular
preference for this model. Other models, including Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), a Multi-factor CAPM or the Fama-
French 3-Factor Model could certainly be used in place of the CAPM throughout.
Revised: October 2010 10
consisting of all risky assets that an investor may choose to invest in. This portfolio of all risky assets
is referred to as the market portfolio.
Mathematically, the CAPM can be expressed as follows:
rrErk +=
k = expected or required equity return
= risk free rate
] = expected market return
] - r
= expected equity market risk premium
β = Beta, a measure of the systematic market risk
This model is mechanically trivial to implement. However, there are important considerations to note
when estimating beta, the risk-free rate and the expected equity market risk premium. Estimating Beta
There are two common methods used to determine the beta for the purposes of valuation – measuring
the target firm’s beta directly or using an industry-wide beta.
Firm Beta
- Historical stock price data of the firm can be used to directly measure the
CAPM Beta. The estimation is performed using a linear regression of the company’s
returns against the market returns. The company’s historical beta can then be assumed to
remain constant for the prospective period. Betas measured in this way are commonly
reported by Bloomberg and other sources, sometimes inclusive of various statistical
adjustments to improve the estimates, as discussed in Bodie, Kane and Marcus
Industry Beta
- Beta estimates for individual firms are often unreliable due to statistical
issues affecting individual firm data and changes in firm risk over time. Somewhat more
reliable and stable are industrywide mean or median values. For example, Cummins and
estimate an industry-wide CPM beta for P&C insurers of approximately 0.843.
This estimate reflects an average across all P&C insurers, each with different mixes of
business and different degrees of financial leverage (debt). Therefore, the industry
average should be interpreted carefully and adjustments may be required to reflect factors
such as:
a. Mix of Business – With respect to adjustments for different mixes of
business, ideally only those firms with a comparable mix to the firm being
valued should be used. However, as the definition of “comparable firms”
gets more precise, the number of eligible firms drops significantly and the
result becomes less reliable. Ultimately, judgment is needed.
b. Financial Leverage – When firms raise capital by issuing debt, the leverage
that is introduced impacts the degree of risk to the equity holders, making
cash flows to equity holders riskier and the betas higher. This effect will
show up in any estimates of the betas of firms with debt outstanding and
therefore may make the betas of different firms difficult to compare.
To make the various betas easier to compare and to allow for the use of an
industrywide mean or median beta, the beta is often defined to reflect solely
See Bodie, Kane and Marcus, Chapter 10.
See Cummins and Phillips, "Estimating the Cost of Equity Capital for a Property-Liability Insurer", March 2004
Revised: October 2010 11
the business risk of the firm and not the effect of debt leverage. This is the
beta that would exist had the firm been capitalized entirely with equity and is
often referred to as the all-equity beta.
Introductory finance texts provide a full description of how one could de-
lever the equity betas to estimate the beta for an all-equity firm, so that
material will not be reviewed here
. However, once the average all-equity
beta for the industry is obtained, the equity beta for any particular firm would
be found by readjusting the beta to reflect the amount of debt leverage for
that particular firm
While this approach to de-levering and then re-levering industry betas is
often covered in the introductory finance textbooks, its application to
insurance company valuation is somewhat limited, and perhaps unnecessary.
This is because policyholder liabilities also result in leverage effects that are
not fully accounted for when the beta is adjusted solely for debt leverage.
Therefore, it may be reasonable to assume that the total leverage of all firms
in the insurance industry is similar and that the appropriate leveraged
return for any particular firm is based on the industry average equity beta,
without any further adjustments.
In the above discussion, the focus was on the beta for the equity of the firm
so that the expected returns to the equity holders can be measured. The
equity holders’ returns expectations are relevant because the intent of the
DDM is to value the dividends to the equity holders. These expected returns
to the equity holders will differ from the firm’s weighted average cost of
capital (WACC), which reflects the returns to both debt
and equity
providers. The WACC is a commonly referenced estimate of the “cost of
capital” but is not directly used in the DDM. An alternative valuation model
that does use the WACC will be discussed in a subsequent section.
Below are some representative estimates of equity betas for various publicly traded
insurers and reinsurers as of October 2004
Table 2: P&C Insurer and Reinsurer Equity Betas (Oct. 2004)
American International Group, Inc 0.89
The Allstate Corporation 0.38
The Progressive Corp. 0.83
Chubb Corporation 0.72
ACE Limited 0.72
XL Capital Ltd. 0.59
CNA Financial Corporation 0.64
Market Value Weighted Average 0.79
See Brealey & Meyers, Principles of Corporate Finance.
The so-called Miles-Ezzel formula reflects the relationship between the levered equity return and the all-equity return.
The levered return, r
, is related to the unlevered equity return (r), the pre-tax debt return (r
), the effective corporate tax rate
(T) and the market values of the debt (D) and equity (E) according to the formula:
= r + (1-T)(D/E)(r-r
The debt return used in the WACC formula is usually the after-tax yield on the debt.
Source: Yahoo! Finance
Revised: October 2010 12 Estimating the Risk Free Rate
The risk-free rate plays an important role in the standard CAPM. It should be based on current yields
on risk free securities, which are often represented using zero-coupon U.S. Treasury yields.
To properly reflect the shape of the term structure, it is also appropriate to discount each cash flow at
a rate that reflects the time to payment. Therefore, one would want to use a different required return
for each time period, k
, to discount each cash flow at time period t, rather than a single discount rate k
for all time periods. This will also involve estimating a different equity risk premium (see below) for
each time period.
In practice, it is common to avoid this complexity and instead use a single risk free rate and a single
equity risk premium for all maturities. One still has a choice of which maturity to use for the risk free
rate. The options include:
90-Day T-Bills – These are the purest “risk free” instruments as they are free of both
credit and reinvestment risk. In textbook applications these are the securities most often
Maturity Matched T-Notes – Some practitioners prefer to use a Treasury security with a
term that matches the average maturity of the cash flows being valued.
T-Bonds – Yields on 20-year Treasury bonds likely represent the most reasonable current
estimate of the long run average short-term yields. These are also the most stable and the
most logical choice for corporate decision-making because they come closest to matching
the duration of the market portfolio and of the cash flows being valued.
However, long-term yields also reflect a liquidity or term premium. As a result, the
historical term premium between long-term and short-term yields should be netted out of
the long-term yields. Bradford Cornell estimates that this term premium has historically
been approximately 1.2%
For the remainder of this study note, the risk free rate will be based on the 20-year T-bond yield,
adjusted to reflect a 1.2% term premium, as a proxy for the long term average short-term yield. Estimating the Equity Market Risk Premium
The actual spread between the market return and the short-term risk free rate has historically averaged
approximately 6% to 8%. As a result, some authors recommend using this as a forecast of the future
equity risk premium.
However, many authors have noted a so-called equity premium puzzle in that the historical premiums
seem too high relative to any commonly proposed theories of investor behavior. Many attribute the
historical return premium over risk free investments to be the result of good luck on the part of equity
investors and/or bad luck on the part of bond investors. A 2004 CAS paper by Derrig and Orr
surveys the literature on the equity risk premium and documents estimates of the expected equity risk
premium ranging from 4% to 8%, somewhat lower than the historical average.
The key considerations in determining the appropriate equity risk premium include the following:
Short-term vs. Long-term Risk Free Rates as Benchmark – The market risk premium
reflects the spread between the expected market return and the risk free rate. Since the
risk free rate appears twice in the CAPM formula, it is important to use a consistent
definition of the risk free rate in both the CAPM formula and in the measurement of the
market risk premium. If a short-term yield is used in the CAPM, the market risk premium
should be measured relative to short-term yields. Alternatively, if long-terms yields are
See Cornell, Corporate Valuation, Chapter 7.
Derrig, Richard A. and Elisha D. Orr, "Equity Risk Premium: Expectations Great and Small".
Revised: October 2010 13
used as the risk free rate, the market risk premium should reflect the spread between the
market returns and the long-term risk free yields.
Arithmetic vs. Geometric Averages – When calculating average risk premiums, a choice
must be made between arithmetic and geometric averages. Generally, arithmetic
averages are preferred for single period forecasts. However for multiple period forecasts
or long-term averages, geometric averages are preferred
Historical vs. Implied Risk Premiums – As noted in the Derrig and Orr study, risk
premiums can be estimated based on either historical averages or by estimating the risk
premium that is implied by current market prices.
For the historical risk premiums, a choice has to be made with respect to the time period
over which to measure the average returns, as the equity risk premium has fluctuated
significantly over the past 75 or so years.
The table below demonstrates the effect of using different time periods (as well as
different choices for the risk free asset and arithmetic vs. geometric averages):
Table 3: Historical U.S. Risk Premiums
Stocks vs. T-Bills Stocks vs. T-Bonds
Period Arithmetic Geometric Arithmetic Geometric
1928-2000 8.41% 7.17% 6.53% 5.51%
1962-2000 6.41% 5.25% 5.30% 4.52%
1990-2000 11.42% 7.64% 12.67% 7.09%
Note that the use of historical data, as shown in the above table, is not the only approach
used to estimate risk premiums. An alternative method is to infer the equity risk
premium from current market prices. For instance, one could use the DDM on an
aggregate market index and solve for the risk premium given assumptions about the risk
free rate, aggregate dividends and aggregate growth rates.
Taking these considerations into account, it is difficult to recommend any single value to be used for
the equity risk premium. Any analysis should consider a range of possible values and the impact of
different assumptions should be reviewed. A baseline risk premium of 5.5% will be used throughout
the remainder of this study note and sensitivity analysis will be performed.
3.4 P&C Insurance Company Example
In this section, a simplified example of the DDM will be used to demonstrate the valuation of a P&C
insurance company. To keep the discussion focused on the valuation methodology and not the
detailed accounting issues, the example will rely upon simplified extracts from forecasted financial
statements prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP accounting rules.
See Damodaran, Investment Valuation
Source: Damodaran, Investment Valuation
Revised: October 2010 14
Example 2 – DDM for Sample Insurance Company
Consider the following 5-year forecasts of the financial results for Sample Insurance Company. The data below
shows actual (2004) and 5 years of forecasted (2005 – 2009) income statement and balance sheet items, each
according to U.S. GAAP.
Table 4: U.S. GAAP Income Statement ($000’s)
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Selected US GAAP Income Statement Items
Net Income Before Tax 14,598 15,366 16,134 16,941 17,788 18,678
Corporate Income Tax 5,109
5,378 5,647 5,929 6,226 6,537
Net Income After Tax 9,489 9,988 10,487 11,012 11,562 12,141
Selected US GAAP Balance Sheet Items
Total Assets 471,550 493,359 523,125 558,165 598,112 642,413
Total Liabilities 371,550 388,365 412,887 442,421 476,588 514,818
US GAAP Equity 100,000
104,994 110,238 115,744 121,525 127,595
Total Liabilities and Equity 471,550 493,359 523,125 558,165 598,112 642,413
Dividends Paid (50% of NI) 4,744 4,994 5,244 5,506 5,781 6,070
The following additional information is available for Sample Insurance Company:
Dividend Payout Ratio – The firm has a current dividend payout ratio equal to 50% of its after-tax
net income and intends to maintain this payout ratio indefinitely.
Risk Free Rate – The current yield
of the 20-year U.S. Treasury Bond is approximately 4.33%
with annual compounding. This rate will be used as the risk free rate.
Company’s Equity Beta – The company’s actual equity beta cannot be estimated directly because
it is a relatively new company with limited historical equity price data.
Equity Betas for Peer Companies – The industry beta for this company’s closest peers is estimated
to be 0.84. The companies in the peer group have comparable levels of financial leverage (debt
outstanding as a percentage of the firm value) and operating leverage (premiums as a percentage of
GAAP equity).
The following steps are used to implement the DDM to value this company:
Step 1: Determine Dividend During Forecast Period
These amounts were provided in the table above and are summarized here for convenience:
Table 5: U.S. GAAP Income Statement ($000’s)
2006 2007 2008 2009
Dividends Paid 4,994 5,244 5,506 5,781 6,070
As of June 2, 2004, the 20-year CMT yield with semi-annual compounding is 5.47%. Subtracting the 1.2% term premium
and converting to an annually compounding basis results in the 4.33% risk free rate.
Revised: October 2010 15
Step 2: Estimate Dividend Growth Rate Beyond Year 2009
Refer to the selected financial data shown below:
Table 6: Selected Financial Data
2006 2007 2008 2009
GAAP Equity Beginning of Period) 100,000 104,994 110,238 115,744 121,525
GAAP Equity (End of Period) 104,994 110,238 115,744 121,525 127,595
Net Income 9,988 10,487 11,012 11,562 12,141
Dividend 4,994 5,244 5,506 5,781 6,070
Based on these values, the following values needed to estimate the growth rate in dividends beyond the
2009 forecast horizon are obtained:
Table 7: Growth Rate Data
2006 2007 2008 2009
Dividend Payout Ratio 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0%
Plowback Ratio 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0%
ROE = NI / Beginning GAAP Equity 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%
Dividend Growth Rate
Expected Plowback Ratio 50.0%
Expected Average ROE 10.0%
Growth Rate 5.0%
As shown in the table, the formula expressing the growth rate as the plowback ratio multiplied by the
ROE is used to obtain a growth rate of 5.0% beyond the forecast horizon. This is consistent with the
dividend growth rate during the forecast horizon. This may not always be the case, for instance, if the
long-term average ROE or dividend payout ratios are expected to differ from the short-term values
during the forecast horizon.
Step 3: Estimate Required Equity Return
The CAPM equity beta, based on the equity betas of peer companies, was stated earlier and assumed to
equal 0.84. Using CAPM with the following parameters, the appropriate discount rate is estimated to
be 8.95%, as shown below.
Table 8: Discount Rate
Risk Free Rate 4.33%
Equity Risk Premium 5.50%
Equity Beta 0.84
Discount Rate 8.95%
Revised: October 2010 16
Step 4: Determine Value
The dividends and terminal value amounts can now be combined to estimate the total equity value by
discounting each amount at the 8.95% discount rate:
Table 9: Valuation Using DDM
2006 2007 2008 2009 Terminal Value
Dividend 4,994 5,244 5,506 5,781 6,070 161,354
PV Factor 0.918 0.842 0.773 0.710 0.651 0.651
PV 4,584 4,418 4,257 4,103 3,954 105,110
Value 126,426
The terminal value was determined based on an assumption of constant growth beyond 2009 of 5.0%,
the discount rate of 8.95% and the year 2009 dividends of 6,070.
)05.1( *070,6
Value Terminal =
The present value of this terminal value estimate is then 161,354/1.0895
= 105,110.
The total estimated value of the equity is then the sum of the present values of the five dividend
payments and the terminal value, which totals $126.4 million.
Step 4: Sensitivity Analysis
Notice that the present value of the terminal value component is approximately $105 million. This
means that 83% of the total value of the firm is reflected in the terminal value, which assumes
perpetual growth in dividends of 5%. The magnitude of the terminal value relative to the total value of
the firm suggests the need to be very careful about the sensitivity of the result to this growth
Below is a table that shows the sensitivity of the terminal value and the total equity value to estimates
of the growth rates. The different rates shown represent the results of alternative assumptions
regarding the ROE beyond the forecast horizon, with the dividend payout rate remaining constant. For
example, if the ROE were to decline to the level of the investor’s required return (8.95%) the growth
rate would decline to 4.475%. The resulting total valuation would decrease from $126.4 million to
$114.2 million. This represents a reduction of 9.7%.
Table 10: Sensitivity to Alternative Growth Rate Assumptions
Growth Rate
Nominal Terminal Value PV Terminal Value Equity Value
4.000% 127,531 83,077 104,393
4.475% 142,543 92,856 114,172
5.000% 161,354 105,110 126,426
6.000% 218,108 142,081 163,397
Revised: October 2010 17
The sensitivity of the firm value to the estimated discount rate can also be tested. For instance, using
alternative assumptions about the equity risk premium would result in the following alternative
estimates of the CAPM discount rate and equity value:
Table 11: Sensitivity to Alternative Equity Risk Premium
Equity Risk Premium
CAPM Discount Rate Equity Value
4.0% 7.69% 185,644
5.5% 8.95% 126,426
6.0% 9.37% 114,276
8.0% 11.06% 82,407
Combining these ranges of discount rates and ranges of growth rates beyond the forecast horizon, the
following estimates of total equity value would be obtained:
Table 12: Sensitivity to Growth and Discount Assumptions
Growth Rate Beyond Forecast Horizon
Discount Rate 4.000% 4.475% 5.000% 6.000%
7.69% 140,176 159,347 185,644 284,921
8.95% 104,393 114,172 126,426 163,397
9.37% 96,198 104,309 114,276 143,082
11.06% 73,081 77,389 82,407 95,419
Notice that the valuation in this table ranges from a low of $73 million to a high of $285 million. This
is a rather large range. But recall that the growth rates and discount rates are not independent of each
other. Rapid growth is unlikely to be possible without assuming more risk; stable, low growth
businesses are unlikely to exhibit high systematic risk. In the case of the previous table, the equity risk
premium was varied but the estimated CAPM betas were not altered to ensure consistency with the
assumed growth rates. This suggests that the more extreme values in the table are less realistic than
many of the other entries in the table.
Revised: October 2010 18
4. Discounted Cash Flow
The valuation approach based on the present value of future dividends is easy to understand. A fair
amount of detail for that model was presented because many of the elements of the application to a
real valuation exercise apply equally well to other methods. However, the dividend discount model
(DDM) has some important limitations. Actual dividend payments are highly discretionary and can
be difficult to forecast. In addition, the increased use of stock buybacks as an efficient vehicle for
returning funds to shareholders requires that, at a minimum, a fairly liberal definition of “dividend” be
An alternative, though very closely related, approach is to focus on free cash flows rather than
dividends. The free cash flows represent all of the cash that could be paid out as dividends or other
payments to the capital providers, after making appropriate adjustments to reflect amounts needed to
support current operations and the expected growth. The key difference between this approach,
referred to here as the discounted cash flow (DCF) method, and the DDM is simply the recognition
that free cash flow not paid as a dividend immediately would be invested to earn a fair risk adjusted
return (i.e. it would not be stuffed in a drawer). As long as this can be assumed to be the case, there is
no impact on value, positive or negative, from not paying the funds out immediately. For the purpose
of valuation, it is acceptable to assume that the entire free cash flow is in fact paid as a dividend.
The DCF approach abstracts away from actual dividend policy and focuses on the cash that could be
paid in each future period. This is not meant to suggest that "cash flow" is measured exactly as it
might be defined under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). This is because free
flow also reflects the capital expenditures needed to maintain the firm’s operations and generate the
earnings growth inherent in the forecasts.
When applying the free cash flow approach, there are two alternative methods used. One approach is
to focus on the free cash flows to the entire firm and the other approach is to focus on the free cash
flow to the equity holders only.
4.1 Free Cash Flow to the Firm
The Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF) approach values the entire firm and then subtracts off the
market value of the debt to value the equity indirectly. This valuation methodology is discussed in
some detail in Chapter 18 of Bodie, Kane and Marcus as well as other introductory finance texts.
While this approach has many advantages when applied to most industries, it is problematic when
applied to financial services firms such as insurance companies.
Damodaran discusses the difficulties applying the FCFF method to banks and insurance companies.
His key points can be summarized as follows:
Policyholder Liabilities vs. Debt - The FCFF method values the entire firm and then
subtracts off the value of the debt to value the equity. This approach treats the debt as a
source of capital that is more like the equity of the firm rather than a part of the firm’s
normal business activities. As noted earlier with respect to the levered equity beta, the
distinction between debt and policyholders liabilities for a P&C insurance company is
rather arbitrary and there is no economic rationale for different treatment of these two
sources of liability.
WACC and APV – The FCFF approach is applied by first using the firm’s weighted
average cost of capital (WACC) as the discount rate for the free cash flows to determine
the value of the entire firm. The market value of the debt is then subtracted from this
amount to determine the value of the equity.
Alternatively, the free cash flows could be discounted using the unlevered, all-equity
discount rate (assuming that there is no debt) to derive the value of the firm without
consideration of the debtholders’ claims, the tax consequences of the debt or the impact
of debt on the riskiness of the equity holders’ claims. The equity value is determined by
subtracting the market value of the debt from the firm value and then making two
adjustments. The first adjustment reflects the debt’s tax consequences by adding the
Revised: October 2010 19
value of the debt’s tax shields. The second adjustment reflects the debt’s effect on equity
risk by incorporating an estimate of the potential cost of financial distress. This
alternative approach is often referred to as an Adjusted Present Value (APV) approach.
In either case, the existence of policyholder liabilities makes it difficult to precisely define
either the WACC or the unlevered, all-equity discount rate needed for the APV approach.
Since this study note focuses on valuation for P&C insurance companies, the FCFF approach will not
be presented in any detail here
4.2 Free Cash Flow to Equity
When valuing insurance companies, it is preferable to focus on the Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE)
method. FCFE is very similar to FCFF but it reflects free cash flows after deductions for interest
payments, net of any tax consequences of these interest payments, and any net change in borrowings
(i.e. repayment of debt and new debt issued). This focus on the cash flows to the equity holders also
means that the discount rate reflects only the risk to the equity holders rather than the WACC
mentioned above. This allows the use of the levered equity return as the discount rate, which is useful
given the difficulties identified earlier with the estimation of the unlevered equity return for P&C
insurance companies.
The typical textbook definition of FCFE is summarized as shown in the following table:
Table 13: Definition of Free Cash Flow to Equity
Net Income
plus Non-Cash Charges (Expenses)
less Net Working Capital Investment
less Capital Expenditures
plus Net Borrowing
Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE)
Typically, expenses that are deducted under U.S. GAAP accounting but do not represent actual cash
expenditures are added back to the reported net income to determine the cash flow available to be paid
to equity holders. These amounts are referred to in the table above as Non-Cash Charges. For a P&C
insurer, the most significant of these “non-cash” expense items on the income statement are the
increases in the loss and expense reserves. These increases in reserves have a large impact on the
reported income but not on the actual cash flow. This would seem to suggest that changes in reserves
could be added back to net income, but this is not the case, as will be explained below.
Notice that two other components of the free cash flow to equity calculation include changes in net
working capital and capital expenditures. Both of these amounts represent uses of cash flow needed
to maintain the firm’s operations and support the growth that is planned. Working Capital Investment
shown in the above table reflects net short term (non-cash) assets held to facilitate company
operations, such as inventory or accounts receivable. Capital Expenditures typically refer to
investment in property, plant, equipment and other physical items. For P&C insurance companies, net
working capital is not typically significant and will not be discussed in detail here
The definition of capital expenditures for P&C insurance companies is more complicated because it
must be adjusted to include changes in loss and expense reserve balances as well as increases in
capital held (“invested”) to meet regulatory and/or rating agency capital requirements consistent with
the company’s business plan.
The interested reader should refer to Damodaran's Investment Valuation for a thorough treatment of this valuation
Refer to Damadoran and Stowe, et. al. for extensive discussion of the other components of Non-Cash Charges and Net
Revised: October 2010 20
Treatment of Increase in Loss and Expense Reserves – Recall that the FCFE represents the
cash flow that could be paid to shareholders in any particular period. In the simple case of a
two year insurance policy where the firm collects the premium net of expenses up front and
then pays claims at the end of the second period, it would not be sufficient to treat the net
premiums as the (positive) free cash flow in the first period and the claim payments as the
(negative) free cash flow in the second period. This is because some of the premium
collected in the first period is not free to be paid to shareholders. Instead, some portion of the
premium must be held in claim reserves, usually on an undiscounted basis.
The implication of this is that when calculating FCFE, changes in loss and expense reserves
can be included in the definition of capital expenditures. Since these changes in reserves
reflect the most significant Non-Cash Charges, which according to the usual definition of
FCFE would be added back to Net Income, and also reflect a significant portion of Capital
Expenditures, which would be subtracted from Net Income, these two adjustments will cancel
each other out. The result is that the increases in loss and expense reserves, which have
already been reflected in the net income figures, can be ignored in the steps used to estimate
FCFE through adjustments to net income.
Treatment of Increase in Required Capital – In addition to reserve requirements, insurers are
subject to regulatory and/or rating agency capital requirements. Just as a widget manufacturer
must invest capital in machinery to make widgets, an insurance company must invest capital
before it can sell an insurance policy. Such regulatory minimum capital requirements should
be treated as "capital expenditures" for the purposes of determining free cash flow.
Furthermore, the ability of an insurer to meet its growth targets and profitability targets is tied
closely to public perception of its financial strength and credit standing. Therefore, capital
required to maintain the firm’s target credit rating implied by the business plan should also be
treated as equivalent to a capital expenditure. In both of these cases, the regulatory and rating
agency capital requirements serve to reduce the free cash flow relative to U.S. GAAP
definitions of net income.
To focus attention on the valuation methodology as opposed to accounting and regulatory
issues in this study note, specific regulatory or rating agency capital requirements will not be
addressed here. In the numerical examples shown, the minimum capital requirements are
approximated using simplified capital standards that are meant to mirror Standard & Poor’s
guidelines applicable to AA-rated insurers. The interested reader should refer to Standard &
Poor’s "Property/Casualty Insurance Ratings Criteria" for more information on this important
aspect of valuation.
In a real-world application, there are likely to be multiple constraints on free cash flow
resulting from the need to hold capital in the firm. The most binding constraint could be the
result of regulatory restrictions, rating agency restrictions or perhaps management’s own
assessment of the capital needed to support the risk-taking activities of the firm without
negatively impacting the firm’s ability to achieve its growth plans. In this case it would be
necessary to determine the most binding constraint on capital and assess how it impacts free
cash flow.
The resulting definition of FCFE that can be used for P&C insurers is therefore adjusted as follows:
Table 14: Simplified Definition of Free Cash Flow to Equity for P&C Insurer
Net Income
Plus Non-Cash Charges – Excluding Changes in Reserves
Less Net Working Capital Investment
Less Increase in Required Capital
Plus Net Borrowing
Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE)
Revised: October 2010 21
Example 3 – Free Cash Flow to Equity Calculation for ABC Insurance Company
Consider a hypothetical P&C insurer, ABC Insurance Company. In the current period the company had
beginning U.S. GAAP Equity equal to $103.500 million and U.S. GAAP Net Income equal to $17.193 million.
Based on their internal financial model that reflects their growth plans for the coming year, they have
determined that the capital needed (at the start of their next accounting period) to maintain their AA-rating is
$108.624 million.
For simplicity, assume that there are no non-cash charges included in the net income figure other than changes
in reserves, there are no net working capital investments and there are no increases in borrowings.
The Free Cash Flow to Equity for this firm in the current period can be calculated as follows:
Table 15: Calculation of Free Cash Flow to Equity for ABC Insurance Company ($ Millions)
Beginning US GAAP Equity 103.500
Net Income 17.193
Ending US GAAP Equity - Before Dividends 120.693
Minimum Capital - Based on Target S&P AA Rating 108.624
Beginning US GAAP Equity 103.500
Increase in Required Capital 5.124
Net Income 17.193
Non Cash Charges (Excluding Change in Reserves) 0
Net Working Capital Investment 0
Capital Expenditures = Increase in Required Capital 5.124
Net Borrowing
Free Cash Flow to Equity 12.069
Notice that the FCFE could also be calculated as the difference between the ending GAAP equity and the
minimum required capital, as shown here:
Table 16: Alternative Calculation of Free Cash Flow to Equity for ABC Insurance Company
Ending US GAAP Equity - Before Dividends 120.693
Minimum Capital - Based on Target S&P AA Rating 108.624
Free Cash Flow to Equity 12.069
4.3 Applying the FCFE Method
Once the FCFE values are determined, much of the remainder of the valuation exercise is similar to
what was done using the DDM. The free cash flows during the forecast horizon are valued using an
appropriate risk-adjusted discount rate and the terminal value is estimated by assuming a constant
growth rate in free cash flow and an appropriate discount rate.
Below, several details regarding this methodology will be addressed. The financial model for ABC
Insurance Company used in Example 3 above will be used as a reference. The Net Income, Equity
and Free Cash Flow to Equity amounts for the years 2005 – 2009 were calculated using the same
methodology and the key elements are summarized as follows:
Revised: October 2010 22
Table 17: Free Cash Flow to Equity for ABC Insurance Company 2005 – 2009 ($000’s)
2006 2007 2008 2009
Beginning US GAAP Equity 103,500 108,624 113,274 117,648 122,422
Net Income 17,193
17,236 17,446 18,376 18,967
Ending US GAAP Equity - Before Dividends 120,693 125,860 130,720 136,024 141,388
Minimum Capital - Based on Target S&P AA Rating 108,624 113,274 117,648 122,422 127,250
Beginning US GAAP Equity 103,500
108,624 113,274 117,648 122,422
Increase in Required Capital 5,124 4,650 4,374 4,774 4,828
Free Cash Flow to Equity 12,069 12,586 13,072 13,602 14,139
4.3.1 Growth Rates
Earlier in the discussion of the DDM approach, growth rates were estimated using historical averages
or by relying on the fundamental principle that growth is the result of income that is reinvested in the
firm and that subsequently earns a positive return (ROE).
When using the FCFE method, it is important to note the implicit assumption that all free cash flow to
equity is paid to shareholders. Therefore, the definition of reinvestment for purposes of determining
growth rates is slightly different than it was in the DDM. In that case it was sufficient to simply
compare the dividends paid to the firm’s net income.
For a P&C insurance company, the best determinant of growth is the portion of net income that is
used to increase the capital base of the firm, since the capital base of the firm determines the
maximum growth that can be achieved given the regulatory and rating agency constraints
Combining this with the return on equity provides an estimate of the growth rate beyond the forecast
horizon, as shown below using the ABC Insurance Company example data.
Table 18: Estimated Growth Rate Beyond Forecast Horizon ($000’s)
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Net Income 17,193 17,236 17,446 18,376 18,967
Free Cash Flow to Equity 12,069
12,586 13,072 13,602 14,139
Reinvested Capital 5,124 4,650 4,374 4,774 4,828
Reinvestment Rate 29.8% 27.0% 25.1% 26.0% 25.5%
Beginning Capital 103,500 108,624 113,274 117,648 122,422
ROE 16.6% 15.9% 15.4% 15.6% 15.5%
Free Cash Flow Growth Rate
During Forecast Horizon 4.3% 3.9% 4.1% 3.9%
Beyond Forecast Horizon - Estimated 3.9%
It can be argued that growth is also constrained by the firm's investment in quality personnel. See Damodaran, Investment
Valuation, for a more detailed discussion of this issue.
Revised: October 2010 23
In the above table, the following calculations are shown:
Reinvested Capital = Net Income – Free Cash Flow
Reinvestment Rate = Reinvested Capital / Net Income
ROE = Net Income / Beginning Capital
Forecast Horizon Growth Rate = FCFE
Horizon Growth Rate = Reinvestment Rate
= 3.9%
4.3.2 Discount Rate
The appropriate discount rate for this method is determined in essentially the same manner as in the
DDM. It is, however, important to ensure that the assumption regarding the riskiness of the cash
flows is consistent with the assumption regarding the distribution of the free cash flow to
Compared to the DDM, the FCFE model assumes that more cash is distributed to shareholders in each
period because all cash that could be paid as a dividend is assumed to be paid. The values used in the
calculation are not impacted by the firm’s actual dividend policy. This does not affect the overall
valuation because of the implicit assumption that any cash that was not distributed in the form of
dividends and was not needed to support growth in the insurance operations would be invested in
marketable securities and would earn an appropriate risk-adjusted return. Investments in marketable
securities should generally be a zero net present value activity and so value is neither created nor
destroyed from this activity.
The riskiness of the dividend cash flows can be thought of as representing an average of the riskiness
of the insurance operations and the investment operations. As a result, it is likely to be the case that
the appropriate discount rate in the FCFE model is different than the discount rate in the DDM model.
The two models assume different proportions of investment income and underwriting income because
the FCFE method pays out all free cash flow while the DDM model pays out only the assumed
dividends and reinvests the balance in marketable securities. The DDM model’s measure of risk is
therefore impacted by a larger proportion of the risk coming from marketable securities than from
underwriting risk.
Specifically quantifying this difference in risk is a challenge. When the CAPM is used as the basis for
the risk-adjusted discount rate, what matters is systematic risk and not total risk. For most practical
purposes the precision of the discount rate calculation is low enough that this distinction is often
ignored. Therefore, for simplicity the example below will assume the same discount rates can be used
in the DDM and FCFE models.
4.3.3 Example of FCFE Method Using ABC Insurance Company Data
The following example uses the data referenced above in Table 17 for the ABC Insurance Company
to demonstrate the FCFE method and to perform sensitivity analysis of the results.
Revised: October 2010 24
Example 4 – Valuation of ABC Insurance Company using FCFE Method
Using the estimated FCFE for ABC Insurance Company, the 3.9% growth rate assumption discussed in the text
and the same 8.95% discount rate assumption used earlier, the calculations using the FCFE method are as shown
Table 19: Valuation Using Free Cash Flow to Equity Method ($000’s)
2006 2007 2008 2009 Terminal Value
FCFE 12,069 12,586 13,072 13,602 14,139 290,899
PV Factor 0.918 0.842 0.773 0.710 0.651 0.651
PV 11,078 10,603 10,108 9,654 9,210 189,499
Value 240,152
The terminal value shown above was determined based on an assumption of constant growth beyond 2009 of
3.9%, the discount rate of 8.95% and the year 2009 FCFE of 14,139.
)039.1( *139,14
Value Terminal =
The total estimated value of the equity is the sum of the present values of the five FCFE amounts and the present
value of the terminal value. The total equity value is $240.2 million.
Sensitivity Analysis
Notice that the discounted terminal value is 290,899/(1.0895
) = 189,499. This means that 79% of the total
value of the firm is reflected in the terminal value, which assumes perpetual growth in FCFE of 3.9%. This
suggests the need to be very careful about the sensitivity of the results to this growth assumption.
Below is a table that shows the sensitivity of the terminal value and the total equity value to estimates of the
growth rates. The different rates shown represent the results of alternative assumptions regarding the ROE
beyond the forecast horizon. For example, if the ROE were to decline to the level of the investor’s required
return (8.95%) then the growth rate would decline to 2.3%. The resulting equity valuation would decrease from
$240.2 million to $192.3 million, a reduction of 20%.
Table 20: Sensitivity to Alternative Growth Rate Assumptions
Growth Rate
Terminal Value PV of Terminal Value Total Equity Value
2.3% 217,507 141,689 192,342
3.1% 249,185 162,325 212,978
3.9% 290,899 189,499 240,152
4.8% 357,052 232,593 283,246
The sensitivity of the firm value to the estimated discount rate can also be tested. For instance, using alternative
assumptions about the equity risk premium would result in the following alternative estimates of the CAPM
discount rate and equity value:
Table 21: Sensitivity to Alternative Equity Risk Premium
Discount Rate Equity Value
4.0% 7.69% 320,023
5.5% 8.95% 240,152
6.0% 9.37% 221,706
8.0% 11.06% 169,355
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Combining these ranges of discount rates and ranges of growth rates beyond the forecast horizon, the following
estimates of total equity value would be obtained:
Table 22: Sensitivity to Growth and Discount Assumptions
Growth Rate Beyond Forecast Horizon
Discount Rate 2.3% 3.1% 3.9% 4.8%
7.69% 237,683 266,794 320,023 419,443
8.95% 185,829 212,978 240,152 283,246
9.37% 180,823 201,211 221,706 252,652
11.06% 146,872 160,882 169,355 181,227
Notice that the valuation in this table ranges from a low of approximately $147 million to a high of $419
million. It may be unrealistic to assume that the highest growth rates and the lowest discount rates would apply
simultaneously, making the most extreme values potential less reliable. Nonetheless, this highlights the wide
range of results that can be obtained and the need to carefully consider all of the assumptions made.
4.3.4 Observations Regarding Example 4
Before proceeding further, some important observations with respect to the application of the FCFE
method are noted.
Terminal Value – The terminal value calculated in the previous example ($290,899) was
based on assumptions of the Year 2009 FCFE, the growth rate beyond that point and the
discount rate. This terminal value is 290,899/14,139 = 20.6 times the Year 2009 FCFE.
In other words, the impact of the growth rate and discount rate assumptions could have
been combined into a single multiple of the FCFE and expressed the terminal value as
"20.6 times" FCFE.
Average Discount Rates – Most firms’ overall earnings and cash flows represent the total
amounts across a variety of businesses, each with their own risk profile. The discount
rate therefore represents an average discount rate reflecting the average risk from all of
these separate businesses and activities. To the extent that the mix of business or degree
of financial leverage is changing, these changes should be reflected in different discount
rates for different time periods or cash flows.
Market Value of Net Cash Flows – The use of a single discount rate for the net free cash
flow to equity implicitly discounts each of its components at the same rate. Therefore,
cash flows from investment returns and cash flows from liability payments, as well as
other cash flows, are discounted at the same weighted average rate, even though the risk
characteristics of the component cash flows likely vary considerably. It is worth
considering whether this is appropriate.
Most textbook presentations of the FCFE approach focus on the valuation of industrial
firms in which investments in cash and marketable securities are usually minimal. In
these cases, the definition of FCFE does not include investment income on currently held
marketable securities. These non-operating assets are excluded from the valuation and
added back in at their current market values at the end. For insurance companies, this
distinction between operating and non-operating assets is considerably more difficult to
make. As a result, it is typical to include investment income cash flows in the definition
of FCFE.
Including investment returns in the definition of free cash flow and then calculating their
present value at an average rate for all cash flows is unlikely to reproduce a present value
equal to the market value of the investment at inception. When investments are restricted
to marketable securities, especially those most often found in P&C insurance investment
Revised: October 2010 26
portfolios, $1,000 invested in stocks is worth the same on the date of the investment as
$1,000 invested in corporate bonds or $1,000 invested in risk-free bonds. It is true that
their income and cash flow profiles differ and so their future value will differ. However,
their present values at the date the investment is made should be identical. This result
will only occur though if the discount rates used to determine the present values differ
and reflect the riskiness of the respective investments. The use of an average rate for all
cash flows will not produce the correct value for any particular investment.
When future investment cash flows are included in the aggregate cash flows, it can appear
to be the case that value is either created or destroyed based on different assumptions
about the asset portfolio composition. This misleading result occurs because the discount
rate used reflects the average risk for the entire firm’s net cash flows rather than the
appropriate risk-adjusted rate for the investment asset cash flows themselves.
Similarly, using an average discount rate to calculate the present value of liability cash
flows is unlikely to produce an accurate risk-adjusted value for this liability, as the
appropriate risk-adjusted discount rate for liability cash flows is a rate below the risk free
. This would reflect the positive risk premium that would have to be paid in order to
transfer this uncertain liability to a third party.
For this reason, some analysts argue that the assets and liabilities should be valued
separately to ensure market consistent valuation of each. But separately valuing each
component of the free cash flow may not be practical. This is because the cash flow
specific risk-adjusted discount rates may be extremely difficult to quantify. This is
particularly true for assets and liabilities that are not currently reflected on the firm’s
balance sheet.
As a result, this study note will follow the common practice of discounting net cash flows
at an average rate. Sensitivity testing can be used to ensure that assumptions regarding
investment policy have reasonable and appropriate impacts on the value of the firm.
Further discussion of this issue in the context of the valuation of life insurance companies
can be found in Girard.
See Butsic, "Determining the Proper Interest Rate for Loss Reserve Discounting: An Economic Approach".
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5. Abnormal Earnings Valuation Method
The DCF approach to valuation just described is relatively simple to understand and focuses attention
directly on the net cash flow generating capacity of the firm. Furthermore, the process of thinking
through the cash flow generating activities of the firm, quantifying the firm’s capital needs and
contemplating the risk factors is an important and worthwhile part of any valuation exercise.
However, the DCF method suffers from some practical weaknesses. To estimate free cash flows, the
analyst must first forecast financial statements (income statements and balance sheets) according to a
specific set of accounting standards (U.S. GAAP, U.S. Statutory or International Accounting
Standards). Then, a variety of adjustments are made to the forecasts of net income to estimate the free
cash flow. The resulting values for free cash flow (to equity) may then bear little resemblance to the
forecasts that management is familiar with, such as the values used within the firm’s internal planning
process, the financial results of peer companies or the forecasts of external analysts. This might make
it difficult to assess the reasonableness of the forecasted free cash flows or estimate their future
growth rates.
An alternative method that relies more directly on accounting measures of net income rather than cash
flows is referred to here as the Abnormal Earnings (AE) approach. Using this method, the accounting
net income is not adjusted to reflect cash flows. Instead, reported book value and forecasted net
income under the applicable accounting framework are used directly.
Before presenting this approach, it is useful to note that finance textbooks have long advocated a
preference for cash flow models as opposed to accounting-based earnings models in order to
accurately reflect the timing of the cash flows and to avoid problems associated with arbitrary
methodology choices that may not represent real effects on firm value. More recently, several
academics and practitioners have demonstrated that a discounted accounting-based earnings approach
often produces more accurate valuation estimates and may offer additional benefits by framing the
problem differently than the traditional cash flow models
5.1 Background on Abnormal Earnings Method
Recall from the pricing of bonds that the value of a default free bond merely represents the present
value of its coupon and principal payments, discounted at the appropriate (maturity matched) zero-
coupon yields. In the event that the coupon rate and the yields are equal, the bond’s market value will
equal its face value (principal amount). This is because the periodic interest paid on the bond, based
on its coupon rate, is exactly equal to the periodic interest that investors demand. Similarly, if the
coupon rate exceeds the yields, the bond will be have a higher value than the face value; if the coupon
rate is below the yields then its market value will be below the face value.
This same concept can be extended to the valuation of a firm based on its accounting values. The
book value of the firm reflects the value of the firm’s equity capital, at least according to a specific
accounting standard (e.g. U.S. GAAP). If the firm can earn a return on this capital exactly equal to a
"normal" return demanded by its shareholders, then the market value of the firm’s equity should
exactly equal its book value
. This is similar to the notion that the market value and face value of a
bond are equal if the coupon rate and yield are equal.
This suggests that positive (negative) deviations from book value must be due to the firm’s ability to
earn more (less) than this "normal" rate demanded by shareholders. By focusing attention solely on
these "abnormal" earnings, the present value of all future abnormal earnings can be calculated and
added to the book value to determine the total value of the firm’s equity.
See Sougiannis and Penham.
For simplicity, I will assume that the assets and liabilities are both fairly stated on the balance sheet according to the
appropriate accounting methods and that there is no systematic bias in the reported book value.
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In mathematical terms, the abnormal earnings (AE) in any given period, t, are equal to:
= Net Income
– [Required Equity Return
* Book Value of Equity
= NI
k * BV
= (ROE
k) BV
where, NI
is the net income for period t, BV
is the beginning book value for period t, ROE
is the
return on equity in period t and k is the required return.
Of course, the actual abnormal earnings for future periods at the time of the valuation are not known.
The expected values of these abnormal earnings, denoted E[AE
], are used.
Then the value of the equity of the firm is simply:
Earnings) Abnormal dPV(Expecte Equity of ValueBook Beginning Equity of Value
Just as with the DDM and DCF approaches, the abnormal earnings approach is typically implemented
by forecasting abnormal earnings for several periods (the forecast horizon). Then, a terminal value
must be calculated that reflects abnormal earnings beyond this forecast horizon.
In the DDM and DCF valuation approaches, the terminal value calculation usually assumes that the
dividends or free cash flows will continue in perpetuity and often the amounts are assumed to grow at
a constant rate. In the case of the AE method, these terminal valuation assumptions are often
different. Abnormal earnings are less likely to continue in perpetuity and are more likely to decline to
zero as new competition is attracted to businesses with positive abnormal earnings.
The difficulty of achieving sustained growth in abnormal earnings is one reason why practitioners
often favor the AE approach. This method forces the analyst to explicitly consider the limits of
growth from a value perspective. Growth in earnings may be easy to achieve by simply increasing the
book value of the firm, but this growth adds value only if the earnings exceed the shareholders’
expected returns. Normal earnings growth does not add value; only abnormal earnings add value.
5.2 Accounting Distortions
It may be surprising that the arbitrary nature of certain accounting rules does not necessarily limit the
usefulness of unadjusted earnings for valuation purposes. How, for instance, can one ignore the
reality that P&C insurance reserves must be carried at their nominal value rather than their discounted
To reconcile this apparent weakness, note that the abnormal earnings approach includes both the
current book value and the discounted value of future abnormal earnings in the value of the equity.
As a result, accounting rules that distort estimates of earnings will also distort the estimates of book
and will eventually reverse themselves. This is an important point and is worth
demonstrating. An example used by Palepu, Bernard and Healy, in their textbook, Business Analysis
and Valuation, will be used here.
Assume a manufacturing firm could have capitalized $100 of expenditures and included them in the
value of its inventory, but instead decided to treat these costs as a current period expense. Both their
income and end-of-period book value will be reduced by $100 in the current period. For instance,
assume that their book value would have been $1,000 had they capitalized these costs but is only $900
Technically, for this to be true the forecasts must satisfy what is referred to as the "clean surplus condition". The clean
surplus condition assumes that changes in book value solely reflect earnings, dividends and capital contributions. It
precludes accounting entries that impact book value without flowing through earnings, such as in the case of foreign
currency translations under U.S. GAAP accounting. U.S. and international accounting standards do not always adhere to the
clean surplus condition, so adjustments may be required. See Ohlson,
Earnings, Book Values and Dividends in Equity
for more details.
Revised: October 2010 29
as the result of expensing these costs. Further assume that they will sell the inventory for $200 in two
years and that the required rate of return is 13%.
As shown in the table below, the two approaches will begin with different book values. In the first
period, there are no earnings. In the second period, the goods are sold for $200, causing one method
to report income of $100 and one method to report income of $200. But the use of different starting
book values causes the resulting equity values, found by adding the present value of the Period 1 and
Period 2 abnormal earnings to the book value, to be identical.
Table 23: Demonstration of Self-Correcting Accounting
Method 1 Method 2
Capitalize Cost Expense Cost
Beginning Book Value 1,000.00 900.00
Period 1
Sales 0.00 0.00
less Inventory Cost 0.00 0.00
Earnings 0.00 0.00
less Required Return * Book Value 130.00 117.00
Abnormal Earnings -130.00 -117.00
PV(Abnormal Earnings) = AE/1.13 -115.04 -103.54
Period 2
Sales 200.00 200.00
less Inventory Cost 100.00
Earnings 100.00 200.00
less Required Return * Book Value 130.00
Abnormal Earnings -30.00 83.00
PV(Abnormal Earnings) = AE/1.13
-23.49 65.00
Value 861.46 861.46
It is important to not take too much comfort from the self-correcting nature of the accounting entries.
The example above seems to suggest that the choice of accounting methods is irrelevant. However,
there are many reasons to prefer an accounting system that reflects the economic reality as accurately
as possible. The accounting values will influence the perception of the business’ performance by
those performing the valuation and could affect the choice of assumptions. So while the DCF and AE
approaches will produce the same value, they may produce an incorrect value if the accounting
system severely distorts the perception of value creation.
More importantly, as will be shown in the detailed discussion below, the DCF and AE approaches
result in a significantly different split between the value within the forecast horizon and the value
attributed to the terminal value. A more accurate accounting system will result in more of the value
being accurately reflected in the book value (or within the forecast horizon) and less of it attributed to
the terminal value. Given the healthy skepticism needed to assess terminal value estimates, this could
be an important consideration in some valuations.
5.3 Application to P&C Insurance Companies
5.3.1 Example
To see how the abnormal earnings approach could be used to value a P&C insurance company, the
example used earlier will be continued. The following components of the AE method are highlighted
for clarity:
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Book Value – The beginning book value is perhaps the easiest component to estimate,
since it will in most cases be the reported book value of the equity of the firm.
Nonetheless, two adjustments may need to be made. First, any systematic bias in the
reported asset and liability values should be eliminated. For P&C insurers, this may
involve restating the reported loss reserves. Second, it is common to make an adjustment
to reflect the tangible book value rather than the reported book value. The tangible book
value of the firm is simply the reported book value adjusted to remove the impact of
intangible assets such as goodwill. In subsequent periods, the (tangible) book value is
adjusted to reflect the net income less dividends and share repurchases plus any capital
Net Income During Forecast Horizon – The net income estimates for the forecast horizon
are determined using the same forecasting models used earlier. Here, no adjustments are
made to reflect free cash flows. In this process it is acceptable, though not necessary, to
adjust the accounting basis to remove any biases that may exist in the accounting system
and develop net income estimates that more closely reflect economic reality.
For example, under U.S. GAAP accounting P&C loss reserves generally are not
. Some analysts would therefore argue that the book value should be
adjusted to reflect the discounted loss reserves as this might more closely reflect the
economic value of these liabilities. If this is done, then there should be a corresponding
adjustment to the assumed ROE, since the same earnings will be generated from a larger
capital base.
If reserves are discounted, it is also important to consider what rate is appropriate to
discount the loss reserves. Some would use a risk-free rate. However, this would not
truly reflect the economic value of the liabilities unless the liabilities were adjusted to also
include a risk margin
Required Rate of Return
– As in the DDM and DCF approaches, the required return
used in an AE valuation should reflect the equity investors’ appropriate discount rate.
The CAPM can be used for this purpose.
Abnormal Earnings – Abnormal earnings equal the amount by which net income exceeds
the required income. Required income is the product of the required rate of return and the
beginning of period book value.
Growth Rate Beyond Forecast Horizon – In this model growth in abnormal earnings
reflects both the growth rate in the book value of the firm as well as the amount by which
the ROE exceeds the required return. Even in cases where the book value is growing
significantly, as in the case where dividends are not paid and the invested asset portfolio
grows, abnormal earnings could be declining and could even be zero. For this reason,
terminal value growth rates under this method will quite often be very low (or negative).
Recalling the clean surplus condition discussed in Footnote 29, it is also important to
ensure that the growth in book value that is assumed does not require additional capital
contributions. Otherwise, the valuation will not accurately reflect the value to the current
equity holders.
This follows the "clean surplus condition" discussed in Footnote 29.
One notable exception is certain tabular workers' compensation reserves.
See Butsic or the CAS Fair Value White Paper.
The terms "cost of capital" or "hurdle rate" are quite commonly used to refer to this required return in this context.
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Example 5 – Abnormal Earnings Valuation for ABC Insurance Company
Using the same financial model results for ABC Insurance Company as in the previous example, key financial
statement variables are summarized below and used to estimate the Abnormal Earnings in each period of the
Table 24: Calculation of Abnormal Earnings
2006 2007 2008 2009
GAAP Equity - Beginning of Year 103,500 108,624 113,274 117,648 122,422
Required Return 8.95% 8.95% 8.95% 8.95% 8.95%
Normal Earnings 9,263 9,722 10,138 10,529 10,957
Net Income 17,193 17,236 17,446 18,376 18,967
Abnormal Earnings 7,930 7,514 7,308 7,847 8,010
To estimate the equity value, it is important to estimate the growth rate of the abnormal earnings. One fairly
optimistic approach would be to estimate the rate of growth in the book value of the firm and assume that the
difference between the ROE and the required return is constant in perpetuity.
Table 25: Calculation of Abnormal Earnings Growth Rates
2006 2007 2008 2009
GAAP Equity - Beginning of Year 103,500 108,624 113,274 117,648 122,422
GAAP Equity - End of Year 108,624
113,274 117,648 122,422 127,250
Growth in Book Value 5,124 4,650 4,374 4,774 4,828
Book Value Growth Rate 5.0% 4.3% 3.9% 4.1% 3.9%
These book value growth rates and constant abnormal earnings as a percentage of book value would result in an
abnormal earnings growth rate of roughly 4.0%. Using that assumption in perpetuity would be very optimistic.
It is more likely that the difference between ROE and the required return will decline to zero over a finite time
horizon. For simplicity here, abnormal earnings will be assumed to be constant (growth rate equal to zero) and
the valuation will be done using different assumptions with regard to the time horizon over which the abnormal
earnings will persist.
The simplest case to show first is the case where abnormal earnings continue in perpetuity.
Table 26: Valuation Using Abnormal Earnings Method – Constant AE in Perpetuity
2006 2007 2008 2009 Terminal Value
Abnormal Earnings 7,930 7,514 7,308 7,847 8,010 89,494
PV Factor 0.918 0.842 0.773 0.710 0.651 0.651
PV 7,279 6,330 5,651 5,569 5,218 58,299
Sum of PV(AE) 88,345
Beginning Book Value 103,500
Total Equity Value 191,845
To calculate the Terminal Value in the table above, the 2009 abnormal earnings of $8,010 are assumed to be
constant and continue in perpetuity. When discounted to the valuation date, the terminal value represents 30%
of the total equity value.
Revised: October 2010 32
Sensitivity Analysis
In any valuation exercise, it is important to test the sensitivity of the results to many of the key assumptions.
For example, the terminal value assumed abnormal earnings in perpetuity. As noted, abnormal earnings should
often be assumed to decline to zero over some finite horizon. In the long run, abnormal earnings require that the
firm earn an ROE in excess of the shareholders’ required return. These will be sustainable only if there is a
competitive advantage that will not ultimately be competed away.
In the numerical example above, the abnormal earnings were assumed to continue in perpetuity. A more
realistic assumption is that the firm is able to earn abnormal returns (i.e. achieve an ROE in excess of the
shareholders’ required return) for only n-years after the forecast horizon. The following table shows what
would happen if the abnormal earnings declined linearly over a 5-, 10- or 15-year period
. In this case, the
terminal value estimates and the resulting total equity values would be as shown below:
Table 27: Sensitivity of Equity Value to Abnormal Earnings Horizon
Version A – 5 Years Version B – 10 Years Version C – 15 Years
Year AE PV of AE AE PV of AE AE PV of AE
2010 6,675 6,126 7,282 6,683 7,509 6,892
2011 5,340 4,499 6,553 5,521 7,009 5,904
2012 4,005 3,097 5,825 4,504 6,508 5,032
2013 2,670 1,895 5,097 3,618 6,007 4,264
2014 1,335 870 4,369 2,846 5,507 3,587
2015 0 0 3,641 2,177 5,006 2,993
2016 0 0 2,913 1,598 4,505 2,473
2017 0 0 2,184 1,100 4,005 2,017
2018 0 0 1,456 673 3,504 1,620
2019 0 0 728 309 3,004 1,275
2020 0 0 0 0 2,503 975
2021 0 0 0 0 2,002 716
2022 0 0 0 0 1,502 493
2023 0 0 0 0 1,001 302
2024 0 0
0 0 501 138
Terminal Value 16,486 29,030 38,681
PV of Terminal Value 10,740 18,911 25,198
PV of AE 2005-2009 30,047 30,047 30,047
Beginning Book Value 103,500
103,500 103,500
Total Equity Value 144,287 152,458 158,745
The assumption of constant abnormal earnings in perpetuity resulted in $58,299 of terminal value. This value
declines substantially (to $10,740; $18,911; or $25,198), if the abnormal earnings eventually decline to zero
over a 5-, 10- or 15-year horizon. This emphasis on the ability of the firm to generate abnormal earnings, which
is the real source of value creation, is one of the key advantages of this method as compared to the DDM and
DCF methods.
For this analysis, the assumption is that there are n more years of potential abnormal earnings and that the amount
decreases by 1/(
n+1) times the 2009 estimated abnormal earnings each year. This ensures n additional years of positive
abnormal earnings.
Revised: October 2010 33
5.3.2 Observations Regarding Example 5
As demonstrated in the previous example, the AE approach takes a different perspective than the
DDM and DCF methods. Neither dividends nor free cash flows are really sources of value creation.
Instead, these measures are more accurately the consequences of value creation. By emphasizing the
firm’s ability to earn abnormal profits, the abnormal earnings approach makes use of assumptions that
are more directly tied to value creation.
An additional benefit of the approach is that it de-emphasizes the importance of the terminal value
estimates and the assumptions that drive those. In the examples demonstrating the DDM and DCF
methods, the terminal values represented 83% and 79% of the total equity value. In the AE estimate,
the terminal value represented only 30% of the total equity value even when the abnormal earnings
were expected to continue in perpetuity.
These points are emphasized here to remind the reader that the AE method is not simply an algebraic
recharacterization of the free cash flow method. Blackburn, et. al. demonstrate that under consistent
assumptions these approaches are, in fact, mathematically equivalent. However, the two methods
may not necessarily produce the same answers in practice. The use of one method or the other may
cause the analyst to focus on different aspects of the business and could result in different
assumptions being made.
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6. Relative Valuation Using Multiples
The DDM, DCF and AE methods discussed so far share as a critical starting point the availability of
long-term forecasts of key financial statement variables. Given the popularity of dynamic financial
models in recent years and the simplistic nature of the presentation here, this may not have seemed
like a daunting exercise. This is misleading. In reality, reliable forecasts of publicly traded insurers
are extremely difficult for outsiders to build.
First, an outsider or minority investor may not have access to data in sufficient detail to properly
parameterize the model. Second, without the kind of market knowledge and specific planning data
used by company executives, growth and rate adequacy estimates may be difficult to obtain. And
third, even a relatively short horizon such as 5 years may stretch the limits of one’s forecasting ability.
In this section, a methodology for valuation that appears to avoid the need to deal with these forecasts
is presented. In reality, this approach requires the same assumptions needed to prepare the detailed
forecasts in the DDM, DCF and AE models are used, though not as explicitly. As a result, this
approach tends to appear to be easier to implement.
6.1 Price-Earnings Ratio
6.1.1 P-E Ratio Based on Fundamentals
In various earlier discussions of the terminal value it was noted that one could collapse all of the
assumptions underlying a DDM, DCF or Abnormal Earnings into a single multiple.
For instance, in the DDM model a constant dividend payout rate and constant growth rate in
perpetuity result in the following formula for the price (per share) of the equity:
RatePayout Dividend *)SharePer Earnings(
Dividing both sides by the expected earnings per share (EPS) and dropping, for convenience, the
expected value operator, this can be written as:
RatePayout Dividend
This indicates that the "Price-Earnings Ratio" (P-E ratio) is tied directly to the DDM and can be used
to summarize, in a single number, the combined effect of the constant dividend payout rate, the
constant growth rate and the appropriate discount rate. The price is then simply this P-E ratio times
the expected earnings per share next period.
To see what "typical" P-E ratios might be, assume that the ROE is fixed at 15% but that the dividend
payout ratios and discount rates are allowed to vary. The ROE, dividend payout rates and growth rate
are linked through the formula,
g = (1 – Dividend Payout Rate) * ROE
As a result, the following range of P-E ratios could be obtained using different discount rates and
dividend payout rates:
Table 28: Illustrative P-E Ratios (ROE = 15%)
Dividend Payout Ratio
Discount Rate 40% 50% 60%
10.0% 40.0 20.0 15.0
12.5% 11.4 10.0 9.2
15.0% 6.7 6.7 6.7
Notice that when the discount rate and the ROE are both 15%, the P-E ratio is constant across
different dividend payout rates. This demonstrates a point made previously that the dividend payout
Revised: October 2010 35
ratio, and hence the growth rate, does not affect the value of the firm if the firm’s ROE is equal to the
discount rate.
6.1.2 Representative P&C Industry P-E Ratios
In the basic formula for the P-E ratio shown above, the estimated future period’s earnings were used
as the basis for determining the ratio of price to "earnings". The P-E ratio could also be presented in
terms of the prior
period’s earnings; often both approaches are used in practice. To avoid confusion,
the former approach using expected future earnings is referred to as the forward or leading P-E ratio;
the latter approach using prior period’s earnings is referred to as the trailing P-E ratio.
The following table indicates the trailing and forward P-E ratios of several P&C insurers as of June 6,
Table 29: P&C Insurance Trailing and Forward P-E Ratios
Market Capitalization ($ B) Trailing P-E Ratio Forward P-E
American International Group 142.17 14.85 9.89
Hartford Financial Services 22.13 10.07 9.12
Chubb Corporation 16.47 9.92 10.07
ACE Limited 12.55 11.57 7.14
XL Capital Ltd. 10.44 9.24 7.33
Sample Average 203.76 13.44 9.52
P&C Insurance Industry
517.18 13.07 NA
In this table, the trailing P-E ratios are based upon current market prices and 2004 GAAP earnings. It
is important to recognize that these trailing P-E ratios for any individual company can be distorted by
unusually positive or negative earnings surprises in the past year. For this reason, analysts will often
favor the use of core earnings that smooth the effects of unusual, non-recurring events or the use of
forward P-E ratios that reflect analyst estimates of prospective earnings. The forward P-E ratios
shown reflect consensus analyst estimates of prospective earnings.
6.1.3 Alternative Uses for P-E Ratios
The P-E ratio can be used for several purposes:
Validation of Assumptions – The number of assumptions required to forecast financial
results and estimate terminal values can be daunting. In many cases, it may be difficult to
verify each assumption against objective benchmarks. However, once the valuation is
performed it may be possible to recharacterize the value as a ratio to forward or trailing
earnings and compare the resulting P-E ratio to the P-E ratios implied by the market
values of peer companies.
This is instructive because if two firms are expected to have comparable growth rates,
dividend payout rates, discount rates, etc. then they should have comparable P-E ratios. If
differences in P-E ratios cannot be explained as a result of differences in one or more of
these key variables, this might indicate that one or more of the assumptions are
Source: Yahoo! Finance, June 6, 2005.
The industry average trailing P-E is weighted by market value. The universe includes all firms included in the Yahoo!
Finance P&C Insurance Industry sector but excludes Berkshire Hathaway (an outlier with significant non-insurance
operations) as well as Renaissance Re (due to an apparent data error) and any firm with negative earnings in the most recent
period. Industry-wide forward P-E ratios were not available and are not shown.
Revised: October 2010 36
Shortcut to Valuation – Aside from the validation of an otherwise full-fledged forecast
and valuation, the P-E ratio of peer companies might serve as a useful shortcut to
valuation in cases where industry average performance is expected. In this case, a group
of peer companies would be selected and their mean or median P-E ratios could be used.
Of course, given the skewed nature of such ratios, the median industry P-E may be
Terminal Value – Even in instances where a full valuation based on separate forecasts is
performed, it may be useful to rely on peer P-E ratios to help guide the terminal value
In this case, the one additional point to note is that a reasonable terminal value should be
based on assumptions appropriate as of the end of the forecast horizon. If, for instance,
the industry is expected to experience excessive short-term growth and then slow down to
a low-growth steady state, the current valuations of peer companies will reflect this short-
term high growth rate to some extent. The current P-E ratios may therefore overstate the
appropriate P-E ratio at the forecast horizon.
6.2 Price to Book Value Ratio
The P-E ratio described above is just one of numerous "multiples" that can be used in this way. As
another example, consider the Price-Book Value multiple (or equivalently the Price to Tangible Book
Value). The P-BV ratio is commonly preferred over the P-E ratio when valuing banks, insurance
companies and other financial services firms with substantial holdings in marketable securities.
6.2.1 P-BV Ratio Based on Fundamentals
As before, the P-BV ratio is tied directly to the other methods discussed.
For instance, consider the abnormal earnings approach, which can be written as:
BV Price
If the book value is assumed to grow at a constant rate, g, and the ROE is assumed to be constant,
then this can be written as:
[] []
BV Price
+= L
Finally, dividing both sides by the beginning book value, the P-BV ratio is given as:
Note that this derivation assumed that the growth rate in book value and the excess return per period
(ROE – k) would persist in perpetuity. This will rarely be the case. The excess returns would
eventually invite competition that will put pressure on the ROE, the growth rate or both. Alternate
formulas that reflect a period after which the excess returns decline to zero can be easily derived
Nonetheless, the previous formula demonstrates the important link between the P-BV multiple and
fundamental firm characteristics such as the ROE, the growth rate and the discount rate.
For example, if after 5 years the ROE is assumed to decline to the level of the cost of capital, the P-BV ratio would be:
Revised: October 2010 37
If a constant ROE of 15% is assumed, the growth rate and the discount rate can be varied to derive the
following range of P-BV ratios:
Table 30: Illustrative P-BV Ratios (ROE = 15%)
Growth Rates
Discount Rate 0% 2% 4%
10.0% 1.50 1.63 1.83
12.5% 1.20 1.24 1.29
15.0% 1.00 1.00 1.00
6.2.3 Representative P&C Industry P-BV Ratios
The P-BV ratios for several P&C insurers are shown below:
Table 31: P&C Insurance Trailing P-BV Ratios
Market Capitalization ($ B) Trailing P-BV
American International Group 142.17 1.77
Hartford Financial Services 22.13 1.54
Chubb Corporation 16.47 1.57
ACE Limited 12.55 1.25
XL Capital Ltd. 10.44 1.34
Sample Average 203.76 1.67
P&C Insurance Industry 517.18 1.54
6.2.3 Alternative Uses for P-BV Ratios
Just as in the case of the P-E ratios, the P-BV ratio can be used to validate other forecasts, serve as a
shortcut or be used as a terminal value estimate in other approaches. Because it is linked directly to
these other methods, industry peer P-BV multiples can serve as a useful benchmark.
6.3 Firm vs. Equity Multiples
Recall the two alternative methods of applying the DCF approach. The FCFF method values the
entire firm and subtracts the value of debt to obtain the equity value; the FCFE method values the
equity directly. The two examples shown above, the P-E and the P-BV, both focus on per share
equity measures in the denominator. These multiples could just as readily have used a firmwide
measure, such as firmwide revenue or total asset value as the basis for a multiple. However, for the
same reasons that valuing the equity directly using free cash flows to equity (FCFE) is preferred when
valuing P&C insurers, it is preferable to avoid firmwide valuation multiples and limit the use of
multiples to equity measures.
6.4 Market vs. Transaction Multiples
The P-E and P-BV ratios shown above were based on the market price of the companies’ shares on a
particular day, their most recent financial statement values and current analyst estimates for next
year’s earnings and book value. Of course the market value and forecasted financial statement values
fluctuate, sometimes significantly, from day to day and so it may often be useful to observe these
ratios over a number of time periods.
Source: Yahoo! Finance, June 6, 2005.
Revised: October 2010 38
Some practitioners prefer to avoid these fluctuations of market multiples and focus instead on
transaction multiples based on actual merger or acquisition prices or initial public offerings (IPOs).
For example, below is a table of recent transaction multiples for several P&C insurance companies:
Table 32: Transaction Multiples
P-E P-BV Transaction Year
Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd. 13.10 1.10 IPO 2003
AXIS Capital Holdings Ltd. 28.60 1.40 IPO 2003
Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd. 13.20 1.00 IPO 2003
Infinity Property and Casualty Corp. 13.90 0.90 IPO 2003
Mercer Insurance Group, Inc. 20.00 0.70 IPO 2003
United National Group, Ltd. 18.50 1.30 IPO 2003
Safety Insurance Group, Inc. 24.50 1.30 IPO 2002
Montpelier Re Holdings, Ltd. 20.20 1.00 IPO 2002
Travelers Property Casualty 17.50 1.00 IPO 2002
One advantage of transaction multiples is that typically the price in these transactions is based on a
complex negotiation with sophisticated parties on both sides. As a result, some practitioners consider
these prices to be more meaningful than multiples based solely on current market prices. However,
there are several reasons to be cautious:
Control Premiums – M&A transaction prices typically contain what might be considered
"control premiums" that reflect the buyer’s willingness to pay more for a company in
order to gain control of its operations and make different strategic and managerial
decisions than the current management. In these cases, the multiples based on current
operations and/or current analyst forecasts might be misleading.
Overpricing in M&A Transactions – Academic studies of M&A transactions
show that
when mergers and acquisitions increase total shareholder value, most of these gains
accrue to the target firm’s shareholders and not the acquiring firm. This suggests that
acquiring firms have a tendency to overpay. There are multiple causes for this, including
managerial hubris, the difficulties of integrating management structures and the failure of
planned synergies to fully materialize. But regardless of the reason, it would be prudent
to consider this when using M&A transaction multiples.
Underpricing in IPO Transactions – When firms undertake an initial public offering (IPO)
there is a great deal of disclosure and thorough analyses conducted by the firm’s bankers
as well as investors. This analysis conducted during the IPO process ought to suggest a
greater degree of reliability for IPO prices than general market prices. However, the
underpricing of IPOs, reflected in the downward bias in initial offering prices, has been
widely recognized and documented in numerous academic studies
. In recent years,
particularly during the technology bubble of the late 1990s, a misalignment of the
investment bankers’ and managers’ interest with those of the shareholders greatly
exacerbated this problem
. IPO pricing multiples should therefore be interpreted
Reported Financial Variables – Even in cases where the prices in M&A and IPO
transactions are more reliable, it may not be the case that the reported multiples are as
accurate. This is because the reported multiples will be based on either the prior period’s
Source: Conning & Company
See Damodaran, Investment Fables
See Ritter, "Initial Public Offerings"
See Partnoy, Infectious Greed
Revised: October 2010 39
financial statements or some published analysts’ estimates of next period’s financial
statements. The prices themselves may have been based on different forecasts. As a
result, the multiples may not accurately reflect the buyer’s underlying assumptions about
growth rates, ROE assumptions and discount rates.
Underlying Economic Assumptions – By definition, transaction multiples will typically
come from past transactions that may have been carried out in a different economic
environment. Key valuation variables that are imbedded in these multiples, such as
interest rates, industry growth rates and industry profitability outlooks, may no longer be
To understand the potential variation in valuation multiples over time, consider the
following table of P&C insurance multiples over a 10-year period:
Table 33: P&C Insurance Industry Mean Market Multiples
Even during this short time period, P&C valuation multiples exhibit variation that would
be significant in practice, with high and low multiples as much as 50% above and 36%
below the mean multiples.
Source: Conning & Company
Year Price to Earnings Price to Book Value
1985 21.0 1.5
1986 10.0 1.6
1987 19.0 1.2
1988 12.0 1.5
1989 10.0 1.3
1990 11.0 1.5
1991 15.0 1.3
1992 15.0 1.1
1993 18.0 1.4
1994 9.0
Average 14.0 1.4
Revised: October 2010 40
Example 6 – Relative Valuation
Consider a P&C insurer with projected 2005 Earnings of $1.5 billion and a beginning book value of $10 billion.
Using the average forward P-E ratio for the five firms shown in Table 29 and the average trailing P-BV ratio for
the five firms shown in Table 31, the following three estimates of the value of this firm can be produced:
Table 34: Valuation Based on Earnings and Book Value Multiples
Method 1: Forward P-E Ratio
Forward Earnings $1.50 B
P-E 9.52
Equity Value $14.28 B
Method 2: Trailing P-BV Ratio
Trailing Book Value $10.00 B
Trailing P-BV 1.67
Equity Value $16.70 B
Average $15.49 B
It is important to recognize that this example utilized the average forward P-E and trailing P-BV ratios for five
selected companies that did not necessarily have identical operations. In an actual application, it would be
important to assess the appropriateness of each of the peer companies used in this average. Companies with
different underlying fundamentals (growth rates, risk profiles, leverage ratios, etc.) would not be expected to
have identical P-E or P-BV ratios and therefore the peer group has to be carefully constructed.
6.5 Application of Relative Valuation for Multi-Line Firms
Among the key issues to assess in the selection of peer companies is the comparability of the
underlying businesses. This becomes particularly difficult in a realistic application because most
insurers operate in a variety of markets, each with their own growth rates and risk profiles. The
universe of closely comparable firms is actually quite small.
This issue is best illustrated by deviating for a moment from the focus on P&C insurers only and
considering how relative valuation might be applied to a multi-line insurer with P&C, Life, and
Financial Services businesses. In each case, relative valuation can be used with the segment-specific
financial measures and multiples based on firms that operate in only the specific segment of interest.
Alternatively, peer companies with comparably diverse operations can be used along with the
firmwide financial measures. In either case, the peer groups are likely to be quite limited and
considerable effort will be required to assess the results.
6.5.1 Use of Pure Play Peers
Consider the case of a hypothetical diversified insurer, referred to here as Study Note Insurer (SNI).
SNI is assumed to represent a diversified financial services firm with operations that include P&C
insurance, life insurance and other financial services businesses such as trading, premium financing,
The valuation of SNI would proceed in the following fashion:
Collect Financial Data by Segment
Separate the firm into its distinct business segments, each with its own growth rate,
profitability and risk level. The three business segments used include:
Revised: October 2010 41
P&C Insurance
Life Insurance
Financial Services
Use either published financial reports (for trailing values) or independent forecasts (for
forward looking values) to obtain key financial variables for each of SNI’s segments. In
practice, this could prove to be more of a challenge than it appears, depending on the
degree of segment detail provided in the firm’s financial statements.
In the table below, segment-specific trailing earnings for the most recent fiscal year and
an allocation of the total book value of the firm to each business segment are shown. The
book values might reflect adjustments for reserve adequacy, the removal of goodwill or
similar adjustments to ensure comparability with other firms.
Table 35: SNI P&C Segment Financial Data ($ Millions) – Actual Amounts from Latest Fiscal Year
Current Year
P&C Life Fin Services
Earnings 561 839 478
Book Value 3,058 6,160 2,137
Also of interest might be a smoothed estimate of earnings that reflects a forward-looking
best-estimate of next period’s earnings. These smoothed earnings will remove any
unusual results from the most recent period and reflect amounts that might reflect a more
useful base from which to project future earnings. In practice, it is common to use current
actual book value and an average ROE to derive the smoothed earnings. For simplicity,
the analysis is limited to the use of trailing earnings in this example.
Peer Company Selections (Pure Play Companies)
The next step is to identify peer companies in each of the business segments. Ideally, one
would want to identify publicly traded firms whose operations consist solely of either
P&C insurance, life insurance or financial services businesses. The reliance on single-
business entities, known as “pure play” firms, is intended to ensure that the underlying
financial characteristics of each business are reflected.
To ensure that the selected companies are appropriate peers for each of SNI’s segments, it
would be necessary to compare the firms’ respective businesses (products offered,
markets served, etc.). The ROE, financial leverage and growth rates of the firms would
be reviewed to ensure that the firms were comparable on all of these bases.
To highlight the limitations one might encounter, only two peers are identified for the
P&C segment and one of them is assumed to have negative trailing earnings that make its
trailing P-E ratio meaningless. Four life insurance and two financial services two peers
are also identified.
Choice of Multiples
To avoid relying on a single multiple, several valuation multiples would be used, such as
Price/Earnings (trailing) and Price/Book Value (trailing).
The following table shows the peer multiples for the P&C segment:
Table 36: P&C Insurance Segment Peer Multiples
P&C Peer 1 P&C Peer 2 Simple Average
P-E 17.07 N/A 17.07
P-BV 1.75 2.27 2.01
Revised: October 2010 42
The Life Insurance segment multiples are as follows:
Table 37: Life Insurance Segment Peer Multiples
Life Peer 1 Life Peer 2 Life Peer 3 Life Peer 4 Simple Average
P-E 20.10 19.06 13.77 25.78 19.68
P-BV 2.41 2.33 3.00 4.25 3.00
And the Financial Services segment multiples are as follows:
Table 38: Financial Services Segment Peer Multiples
Asset Mgt Peer 1 Asset Mgt Peer 2 Simple Average
P-E 29.75 19.89 24.82
P-BV 6.10 2.78 4.44
Application of Multiples for Segment Valuation
The P&C segment financial data is then combined with the P&C peer multiples to obtain
the following estimates of the value of the P&C segment.
Table 39: P&C Segment Valuation ($ Millions)
Valuation Basis
SNI Amount Peer Multiple Segment Value
Earnings 561 17.07 9,576
Book Value 3,058 2.01 6,147
Similar analyses are done for the other two segments, as shown in the following two
Table 40: Life Segment Valuation ($ Millions)
Valuation Basis
SNI Amount Peer Multiple Segment Value
Earnings 839 19.68 16,512
Book Value 6,160 3.00 18,480
Table 41: Financial Services Segment Valuation ($ Millions)
Valuation Basis
SNI Amount Peer Multiple Segment Value
Earnings 478 24.82 11,864
Book Value 2,137 4.44 9,488
Revised: October 2010 43
Total Firm Value
The total value of SNI’s equity would reflect the sum of the segment values, as shown in
the table below:
Table 42: SNI Valuation Summary ($ Millions)
P&C Insurance 7,862
Life Insurance 17,496
Financial Services 10,676
Total 36,034
Validation Against Other Diversified Insurers
Since the universe of possible peer companies by segment is very limited, it may be
difficult to select more than a few firms in each segment. If these selected peer
companies are not truly comparable, the results could be biased.
As an alternative to the segment valuation, other diversified insurance/financial services
firms could also be used as the source of peer multiples. These diversified firms would
be selected so that they are similar to SNI in many respects – similar businesses, similar
ROE, similar S&P claims paying rating, similar CAPM betas, etc.
Peer multiples for three diversified insurers are summarized as follows:
Table 43: Peer Multiples – Diversified Insurance/Financial Services
Diversified Peer 1 Diversified Peer 2 Diversified Peer 3 Average
P-E 17.53 16.89 11.48 15.30
P-BV 2.34 2.25 1.35 1.98
When the average multiples are applied to SNI’s total earnings and book value across all
segments, the following results are obtained:
Table 44: SNI Valuation – Diversified Insurance/Financial Services Peers ($ Millions)
Valuation Basis
SNI Amount Peer Multiple Equity Value
Earnings 1,878 15.30 28,733
Book Value 11,355 1.98 22,483
Average 25,608
Additional Considerations
The following additional observations are made with respect to the above example:
Choice of Peer Companies – The valuation relied heavily on the assumption that the average
multiples for the selected peer companies are appropriate for SNI. The validity of the chosen
peer companies depends on whether the ROE, growth rate and discount rate assumptions are
comparable for these firms (or at least the net effect is comparable). This is ultimately a
matter of informed judgment.
Revised: October 2010 44
Consider, for instance, the peer companies selected for the Life Insurance segment:
Table 45: Comparison of Life Segment Peer P-E Multiples
Life Peer 1 20.10
Life Peer 2 19.06
Life Peer 3 13.77
Life Peer 4 25.78
Simple Average 19.68
The first two firms’ multiples are approximately equal to the average multiple. However, one
firm’s P-E is approximately 30% lower than this average and another firm’s P-E is
approximately 30% higher than this average. As a result, which of these four firms are
included in the average multiple calculation can have a material impact. Determining which
of the firms has operations most like SNI’s operations is important.
Notice also that the valuation used trailing P-E ratios in the analysis. The large differences in
P-E ratios could merely reflect special circumstances in the latest reporting year for one or
more of these firms that caused their earnings to be artificially lower or higher than expected.
This may not truly reflect differences in expected ROEs, growth rates or discount rates and
therefore should not be used to proxy for the appropriate ROE, growth and discount rate
assumptions that would be used in an explicit DCF valuation.
Growth rates and discount rates for SNI and their peers could very well differ substantially
due to underlying fundamental differences in their operations.
Simple Average vs. Weighted Average Multiples – Notice that when valuing the various
segments, the peer companies’ respective multiples were averaged using a simple average. If
the peer firms are not roughly the same size, a weighted average might be more appropriate.
Revised: October 2010 45
7. Option Pricing Methods
Many recently published valuation textbooks now include extensive discussion of the use of option
pricing theory in the valuation of the equity of a firm. This section briefly discusses the rationale
behind this approach and its potential applicability to insurance company valuation.
Two related approaches are presented: (a) valuing the equity as a call option rather than as a
discounted stream of future dividends, cash flow or abnormal earnings and (b) the valuation of real
options as an additional source of value to be added to the DCF, AE or relative valuation results.
7.1 Valuing Equity as a Call Option
7.1.1 Background
This method is based on Merton’s characterization of equity as a call option on the company’s assets,
with a strike price equal to the face value of the debt.
When a firm is owned entirely by equity holders, they own all of the assets of the firm – the physical
assets plus the income that those assets produce over the life of the company. If the equity holders
issue debt (i.e. borrow money), then the equity holders no longer own all of the value of the firm, V.
Instead, they own the excess of the value of the firm over the debt that they have to repay at time T,
denoted D. In other words E
= max(V
- D, 0), which looks like a call on the value of V
with a
strike price of D.
When the equity holders borrowed the present value of D, they gave all of the assets of the firm to the
bondholders, who will keep them if the debt is not repaid. However, by repaying the debt at time T,
the equity holders have the right to buy back the assets of the firm by paying D. If V
< D on that
date, they will not buy the assets back and will let the bondholders keep the assets. In other words,
they will default.
To value the equity of a firm as a call option on the assets, the Black-Scholes option pricing formula
can be used, with some modifications. For instance, instead of using the value of the stock and its
volatility as inputs, the value and volatility of all
of the firm’s assets are the critical inputs. In
addition, the strike price is set equal to the face value of the debt and the expiration date for the option
is set equal to the (single) expiration date of the debt.
7.1.2 Application to P&C Insurers
For many years after Merton’s original presentation, this approach remained a purely theoretical
discussion and was not commonly used as a valuation framework because of its many practical
limitations. In recent years, as option pricing methods have become more widely understood, the use
of this approach has grown. For instance, a variation of this approach is now used to estimate
probabilities of default for publicly traded firms
However, when it comes to the valuation of P&C insurance companies, this is still largely a
theoretical model. The reason for this is similar to why equity valuation methods rather than firm
valuation methods are generally preferred for insurance company valuations – the notion of "debt" for
an insurance company is not well defined. An insurer’s policyholder liabilities are essentially
indistinguishable from other debt from the perspective of the equity holder. Due to the complexity of
the policyholder liabilities, a single expiration date for all of an insurer’s "debt" cannot be readily
Given the limitations of this approach in a practical valuation analysis, this approach will not be
explored further in this study note.
The most widely known application is the Moody's/KMV Credit Default Model.
Revised: October 2010 46
7.2 Real Options Valuation
7.2.1 Background on Real Options
Another use of option pricing theory of relevance to valuation is the real options framework. The real
options approach attempts to value various sources of managerial flexibility that can often be thought
of as put and call options. Some of the most common real options include the following
Abandonment Option – Many projects can be terminated early and the investment sold
for its liquidation value less closing-down costs. This option is valued as an American
put on the value of the project with a strike equal to the net liquidation proceeds.
Expansion Option – Projects that are successful often contain an option to expand the
scope of the project and capture more profits. This is valued as an American call option
on the (gross) value of the additional capacity with a strike price equal to the cost of
creating the capacity.
Contraction Option – This is the opposite of the expansion option. It is valued as an
American put on the (gross) value of the lost capacity with a strike equal to the cost
Option to Defer – Otherwise known as the option to wait, this is an American call on the
value of a project. It essentially measures the value of being able to hold off on a project
until more information is known – hence, preventing the bad outcomes at the expense of
maybe giving up some interim revenue in the good outcomes.
Option to Extend – This is an option to extend the life of a project by paying a fixed
amount. It is valued as a European call option on the asset’s future value.
The argument that managerial flexibility has value that should be included within the equity valuation
is appealing. However, care must be taken to distinguish between managerial choices that have value
and managerial choices that do not. For instance, all firms have the "flexibility" to buy assets at their
market prices, but this does not in itself create value. Value is created only when assets can be
purchased at less than their fair value or when the firm has exclusive
access to opportunities.
7.2.2 Example of Real Option Analysis
The valuation of real options is considerably more complex than the valuation of options on financial
instruments. Practices vary widely with respect to implementation of standard option pricing models
for these sorts of options. For the sake of clarity, this section will provide a brief demonstration of
just one particular method used by some insurance company equity analysts. The example will be
intentionally simplified to highlight the rationale behind this methodology. The specific formulas
used here have certain limitations and may not be applicable in all situations.
Assume an insurer has a new business opportunity that it has not yet exploited due to uncertainty with
regard to its value. Based on current assumptions, the opportunity will require an initial investment of
$500 million and will generate an expected ROE (in perpetuity) of 8.95%, exactly equal to its cost of
capital. There is uncertainty with respect to the ROE that will be achieved, but this uncertainty will
diminish over a three year period.
Using the Abnormal Earnings valuation methodology, it is easy to see that the gross value of the
opportunity equals the initial book value of $500 million because the expected abnormal earnings are
equal to zero in every future period. Given the required investment of $500 million, the net value of
this opportunity is zero and there would be no incentive for the firm to enter into this business.
Nonetheless, there may be a real option value to consider here. Assume that the firm’s flexibility
allows it to essentially lock in the required investment for a set period, say 3 years for the sake of the
example. During this time the uncertainty with respect to the ROE that can be achieved will be
This list is taken from Hull. Other sources for more information on real options valuation include Damodaran and
Revised: October 2010 47
resolved. If it turns out that the ROE on this business exceeds the current expected value of 8.95% in
perpetuity and the firm can still invest only $500 million in book value to enter the business, then
there may be a real option value associated with this flexibility.
The value of their flexibility to delay making the investment may be estimated using the Black-
Scholes option pricing formula and an assumption regarding the volatility of the value of the business’
cash flows. The volatility assumption would be based upon the volatility of the ROE and would be
impacted by other valuation factors such as whether the abnormal earnings continue in perpetuity.
For the sake of simplicity, the volatility is arbitrarily set at 20% for this example.
The specific formula is summarized as follows:
)()(ValueOption Real
where A = Current Value of Cash Flows ($500), I = Required Investment ($500), r = continuously
compounded risk-free interest rate (4.55%), T = Time to Expiration (3), and
σ = Volatility of Current
Value (20%). As in the standard Black-Scholes model, N( ) is the standard normal CDF, and d
are defined as follows:
= d
- σ
Table 46: Real Option Value of New P&C Insurance Opportunities
Asset Value (A) 500
Strike Price (I) 500
Volatility (σ) 20.0%
Time to Expiration in years (T) 3.00
Risk Free Rate (r) 4.55%
) 0.715
) 0.587
Option Value ($ Millions) 101.1
As a result of these calculations, it would be appropriate to include an additional $101.1 million to the
valuation of the firm. The underlying new business opportunity does not have any value to the firm
now, even if the investment were made to enter the business. However, the firm’s ability to wait for
three years before committing to the investment provides it with a real option. The value of this
option, as opposed to the value of the underlying business, should be added to the estimates produced
by valuing all of the firm’s existing businesses.
7.2.3 Practical Considerations
The calculations described in the previous example were intended to demonstrate the concepts
underlying attempts to include the value of managerial flexibility in the value of a firm. In practice, it
may be substantially more difficult to a) identify the new businesses for which some real option value
may exist, b) assess the current value of these businesses and c) determine whether the firm actually
has the ability to enter these businesses at a fixed price or at a price that otherwise differs from the
Revised: October 2010 48
businesses’ market value. It is appropriate to contemplate the potential for firms to have exclusive
rights or exclusive abilities to capitalize on new business opportunities, but placing a dollar value on
these opportunities requires considerably more judgment and insight than the simplified example here
might suggest.
7.2.4 Key Valuation Considerations
In addition to the practical considerations raised in the previous section, there are also a variety of
technical issues that must be considered in the actual valuation formula. The following is a sample of
some of these considerations:
Valuing the Underlying Business Cash Flows – In this example the gross value of the
business was valued using the AE method but the abnormal earnings were assumed to
continue in perpetuity. This assumption made the value of the underlying cash flows change
each period primarily as the result of the volatility of the ROE.
In practice, abnormal earnings periods usually have a finite life. As a result, after each period
passes with the option not exercised, the gross value of the cash flows will decline. This
effect is comparable to the effect on the stock price after cash dividends are paid and
adjustments to the option valuation formula similar to those made when valuing options on
stocks that pay dividends may be appropriate.
Time to Option Maturity – In this example the time to maturity was assumed to be known and
had a finite value. In practice, real options are likely to have uncertain maturities – or
possibly no maturity date at all.
Exercise Type – The example was simplified by assuming that the option could be exercised
only at maturity. In practice, real options are more likely to be American-style options that
can be exercised any time until maturity. Appropriate adjustments to the option pricing
formula would therefore be made in these cases
Appropriate Valuation Formula – This example used the Black-Scholes formula to value the
option. For certain real options, the implicit assumption of a lognormal underlying asset price
distribution may be inappropriate and other valuation formulas may be appropriate.
7.2.5 Assessing the Reasonableness of Real Option Values
To assess the reasonableness of the real option valuation results, it is helpful to consider the following
characteristics that make real options more valuable:
Options are more valuable when new information will be discovered prior to their
expiration date that will allow for a more informed decision. If no new information
exists, then waiting to make a decision might be convenient but it won’t necessarily add
significant value to the firm.
Expansion options are valuable only if there is some exclusive right or ability to exercise
them. It is not sufficient to say that new business opportunities might come along in the
future. If there is competition, other firms might also attempt to capitalize on these
opportunities, driving up the exercise cost and eroding any net value impact to the firm
upon exercise.
The exercise price must be fixed in order for the option to have value. As an extreme
example, an "option" to purchase an asset at some future date at the then current
price does not have any value.
See Hull.
Revised: October 2010 49
8. Additional Considerations
Given the limited scope of this study note, a variety of complicating factors have been ignored. This
section will include a partial list of these factors, but readers are encouraged to review the sources
included in the References section for more complete details.
Topics of particular interest may include the following:
Complex Capital Structures – The valuation methods discussed here reflect the value to all of
the stakeholders who have a claim on the equity value of the firm. These stakeholders may
include a broader group than just the current shareholders of the firm. Determining that value
of the common shareholders’ interests therefore might require more than just dividing the
total equity value by the number of outstanding common shares.
One adjustment may include special consideration for preferred shareholders. Another more
complicated adjustment is to reflect the value of any outstanding warrants or employee stock
options. These are call options issued by the firm to investors, management or other
employees. The value of the publicly traded shares must take into account the effect on firm
value and the number of shares outstanding if and when these options are exercised.
Valuation of Non-Operating Assets – The methods discussed here assumed that the assets of
the firm were used to generate the earnings and cash flows depicted in the valuation formulas.
Other assets may require special considerations.
International Considerations – A variety of issues associated with international operations
have been ignored, including methods needed to assess the consolidated financial statements
for globally diversified firms and methods used to reflect currency risk in the valuation
The text by Damodaran and the text by Stowe, Robinson, Pinto and McLeavey each provide complete
discussions of these and other related valuation topics.
Revised: October 2010 50
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