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Rule 101. Scope
(a) Scope. These rules apply to courts-martial
proceedings to the extent and with the exceptions
stated in Mil. R. Evid. 1101.
(b) Sources of Law. In the absence of guidance in
this Manual or these rules, courts-martial will apply:
(1) First, the Federal Rules of Evidence and the
case law interpreting them; and
(2) Second, when not inconsistent with subdivi-
sion (b)(1), the rules of evidence at common law.
(c) Rule of Construction. Except as otherwise pro-
vided in these rules, the term military judge” in-
cludes the president of a special court-martial
without a military judge and a summary court-mar-
tial officer.
Discussion was added to these Rules in 2013. The Discussion
itself does not have the force of law, even though it may describe
legal requirements derived from other sources. It is in the nature
of treatise, and may be used as secondary authority. If a matter is
included in a rule, it is intended that the matter be binding, unless
it is clearly expressed as precatory. The Discussion will be re-
vised from time to time as warranted by changes in applicable
law. See Composition of the Manual for Courts-Martial in Appen-
dix 21.
Practitioners should also refer to the Analysis of the Military
Rules of Evidence contained in Appendix 22 of this Manual. The
Analysis is similar to Committee Notes accompanying the Federal
Rules of Evidence and is intended to address the basis of the rule,
deviation from the Federal Rules of Evidence, relevant precedent,
and drafters intent.
Rule 102. Purpose
These rules should be construed so as to adminis-
ter every proceeding fairly, eliminate unjustifiable
expense and delay, and promote the development of
evidence law, to the end of ascertaining the truth
and securing a just determination.
Rule 103. Rulings on evidence
(a) Preserving a Claim of Error. A party may claim
error in a ruling to admit or exclude evidence only if
the error materially prejudices a substantial right of
the party and:
(1) if the ruling admits evidence, a party, on the
(A) timely objects or moves to strike;
(B) states the specific ground, unless it was
apparent from the context; or
(2) if the ruling excludes evidence, a party in-
forms the military judge of its substance by an offer
of proof, unless the substance was apparent from the
(b) Not Needing to Renew an Objection or Offer of
Proof. Once the military judge rules definitively on
the record admitting or excluding evidence, either
before or at trial, a party need not renew an objec-
tion or offer of proof to preserve a claim of error for
(c) Review of Constitutional Error. The standard
provided in subdivision (a)(2) does not apply to er-
rors implicating the United States Constitution as it
applies to members of the Armed Forces, unless the
error arises under these rules and subdivision (a)(2)
provides a standard that is more advantageous to the
accused than the constitutional standard.
(d) Military Judges Statement about the Ruling;
Directing an Offer of Proof. The military judge may
make any statement about the character or form of
the evidence, the objection made, and the ruling.
The military judge may direct that an offer of proof
be made in question-and-answer form.
(e) Preventing the Members from Hearing Inadmis-
sible Evidence. In a court-martial composed of a
military judge and members, to the extent practica-
ble, the military judge must conduct a trial so that
inadmissible evidence is not suggested to the mem-
bers by any means.
(f) Taking Notice of Plain Error. A military judge
may take notice of a plain error that materially prej-
udices a substantial right, even if the claim of error
was not properly preserved.
Rule 104. Preliminary questions
(a) In General. The military judge must decide any
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preliminary question about whether a witness is
available or qualified, a privilege exists, a continu-
ance should be granted, or evidence is admissible. In
so deciding, the military judge is not bound by evi-
dence rules, except those on privilege.
(b) Relevance that Depends on a Fact. When the
relevance of evidence depends on whether a fact
exists, proof must be introduced sufficient to support
a finding that the fact does exist. The military judge
may admit the proposed evidence on the condition
that the proof be introduced later. A ruling on the
sufficiency of evidence to support a finding of ful-
fillment of a condition of fact is the sole responsibil-
ity of the military judge, except where these rules or
this Manual provide expressly to the contrary.
(c) Conducting a Hearing so that the Members Can-
not Hear It. Except in cases tried before a special
court-martial without a military judge, the military
judge must conduct any hearing on a preliminary
question so that the members cannot hear it if:
(1) the hearing involves the admissibility of a
statement of the accused under Mil. R. Evid. 301-
(2) the accused is a witness and so requests; or
(3) justice so requires.
(d) Cross-Examining the Accused. By testifying on
a preliminary question, the accused does not become
subject to cross-examination on other issues in the
(e) Evidence Relevant to Weight and Credibility.
This rule does not limit a partys right to introduce
before the members evidence that is relevant to the
weight or credibility of other evidence.
Rule 105. Limiting evidence that is not
admissible against other parties or for other
If the military judge admits evidence that is ad-
missible against a party or for a purpose but not
against another party or for another purpose the
military judge, on timely request, must restrict the
evidence to its proper scope and instruct the mem-
bers accordingly.
Rule 106. Remainder of or related writings
or recorded statements
If a party introduces all or part of a writing or
recorded statement, an adverse party may require the
introduction, at that time, of any other part or any
other writing or recorded statement that in fairness
ought to be considered at the same time.
Rule 201. Judicial notice of adjudicative
(a) Scope. This rule governs judicial notice of an
adjudicative fact only, not a legislative fact.
(b) Kinds of Facts that May Be Judicially Noticed.
The military judge may judicially notice a fact that
is not subject to reasonable dispute because it:
(1) is generally known universally, locally, or in
the area pertinent to the event; or
(2) can be accurately and readily determined from
sources whose accuracy cannot reasonably be
(c) Taking Notice. The military judge:
(1) may take judicial notice whether requested or
not; or
(2) must take judicial notice if a party requests it
and the military judge is supplied with the necessary
The military judge must inform the parties in open
court when, without being requested, he or she takes
judicial notice of an adjudicative fact essential to
establishing an element of the case.
(d) Timing. The military judge may take judicial
notice at any stage of the proceeding.
(e) Opportunity to Be Heard. On timely request, a
party is entitled to be heard on the propriety of
taking judicial notice and the nature of the fact to be
noticed. If the military judge takes judicial notice
before notifying a party, the party, on request, is still
entitled to be heard.
(f) Instructing the Members. The military judge
must instruct the members that they may or may not
accept the noticed fact as conclusive.
Rule 202. Judicial notice of law
(a) Domestic Law. The military judge may take ju-
dicial notice of domestic law. If a domestic law is a
fact that is of consequence to the determination of
the action, the procedural requirements of Mil. R.
Evid. 201 except Rule 201(f) apply.
(b) Foreign Law. A party who intends to raise an
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issue concerning the law of a foreign country must
give reasonable written notice. The military judge, in
determining foreign law, may consider any relevant
material or source, in accordance with Mil. R. Evid.
104. Such a determination is a ruling on a question
of law.
Rule 301. Privilege concerning compulsory
(a) General Rule. An individual may claim the most
favorable privilege provided by the Fifth Amend-
ment to the United States Constitution, Article 31, or
these rules. The privileges against self-incrimination
are applicable only to evidence of a testimonial or
communicative nature.
(b) Standing. The privilege of a witness to refuse to
respond to a question that may tend to incriminate
the witness is a personal one that the witness may
exercise or waive at his or her discretion.
(c) Limited Waiver. An accused who chooses to tes-
tify as a witness waives the privilege against self-
incrimination only with respect to the matters about
which he or she testifies. If the accused is on trial
for two or more offenses and on direct examination
testifies about only one or some of the offenses, the
accused may not be cross-examined as to guilt or
innocence with respect to the other offenses unless
the cross-examination is relevant to an offense con-
cerning which the accused has testified. This waiver
is subject to Mil. R. Evid. 608(b).
A military judge is not required to provide Article 31 warnings. If
a witness who seems uninformed of the privileges under this rule
appears likely to incriminate himself or herself, the military judge
may advise the witness of the right to decline to make any answer
that might tend to incriminate the witness and that any self-
incriminating answer the witness might make can later be used as
evidence against the witness. Counsel for any party or for the
witness may ask the military judge to so advise a witness if such
a request is made out of the hearing of the witness and the
members, if present. Failure to so advise a witness does not make
the testimony of the witness inadmissible.
(d) Exercise of the Privilege. If a witness states that
the answer to a question may tend to incriminate
him or her, the witness cannot be required to answer
unless the military judge finds that the facts and
circumstances are such that no answer the witness
might make to the question would tend to incrimi-
nate the witness or that the witness has, with respect
to the question, waived the privilege against self-
incrimination. A witness may not assert the privilege
if he or she is not subject to criminal penalty as a
result of an answer by reason of immunity, running
of the statute of limitations, or similar reason.
(1) Immunity Requirements. The minimum grant
of immunity adequate to overcome the privilege is
that which under either R.C.M. 704 or other proper
authority provides that neither the testimony of the
witness nor any evidence obtained from that testi-
mony may be used against the witness at any subse-
quent trial other than in a prosecution for perjury,
false swearing, the making of a false official state-
ment, or failure to comply with an order to testify
after the military judge has ruled that the privilege
may not be asserted by reason of immunity.
(2) Notification of Immunity or Leniency. When a
prosecution witness before a court-martial has been
granted immunity or leniency in exchange for testi-
mony, the grant must be reduced to writing and
must be served on the accused prior to arraignment
or within a reasonable time before the witness tes-
tifies. If notification is not made as required by this
rule, the military judge may grant a continuance
until notification is made, prohibit or strike the testi-
mony of the witness, or enter such other order as
may be required.
(e) Waiver of the Privilege. A witness who answers
a self-incriminating question without having asserted
the privilege against self-incrimination may be re-
quired to answer questions relevant to the disclosure,
unless the questions are likely to elicit additional
self-incriminating information.
(1) If a witness asserts the privilege against self-
incrimination on cross-examination, the military
judge, upon motion, may strike the direct testimony
of the witness in whole or in part, unless the matters
to which the witness refuses to testify are purely
(2) Any limited waiver of the privilege under
subdivision (e) applies only at the trial in which the
answer is given, does not extend to a rehearing or
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new or other trial, and is subject to Mil. R. Evid.
(f) Effect of Claiming the Privilege.
(1) No Inference to Be Drawn. The fact that a
witness has asserted the privilege against self-in-
crimination cannot be considered as raising any in-
ference unfavorable to either the accused or the
(2) Pretrial Invocation Not Admissible. The fact
that the accused during official questioning and in
exercise of rights under the Fifth Amendment to the
United States Constitution or Article 31 remained
silent, refused to answer a certain question, re-
quested counsel, or requested that the questioning be
terminated, is not admissible against the accused.
(3) Instructions Regarding the Privilege. When
the accused does not testify at trial, defense counsel
may request that the members of the court be in-
structed to disregard that fact and not to draw any
adverse inference from it. Defense counsel may re-
quest that the members not be so instructed. Defense
counsels election will be binding upon the military
judge except that the military judge may give the
instruction when the instruction is necessary in the
interests of justice.
Rule 302. Privilege concerning mental
examination of an accused
(a) General rule. The accused has a privilege to
prevent any statement made by the accused at a
mental examination ordered under R.C.M. 706 and
any derivative evidence obtained through use of
such a statement from being received into evidence
against the accused on the issue of guilt or inno-
cence or during sentencing proceedings. This privi-
lege may be claimed by the accused notwithstanding
the fact that the accused may have been warned of
the rights provided by Mil. R. Evid. 305 at the
(b) Exceptions.
(1) There is no privilege under this rule when the
accused first introduces into evidence such state-
ments or derivative evidence.
(2) If the court-martial has allowed the defense to
present expert testimony as to the mental condition
of the accused, an expert witness for the prosecution
may testify as to the reasons for his or her conclu-
sions, but such testimony may not extend to state-
ments of the accused except as provided in
subdivision (b)(1).
(c) Release of Evidence from an R.C.M. 706 Exami-
nation. If the defense offers expert testimony con-
cerning the mental condition of the accused, the
military judge, upon motion, must order the release
to the prosecution of the full contents, other than
any statements made by the accused, of any report
prepared pursuant to R.C.M. 706. If the defense of-
fers statements made by the accused at such exami-
nation, the military judge, upon motion, may order
the disclosure of such statements made by the ac-
cused and contained in the report as may be neces-
sary in the interests of justice.
(d) Noncompliance by the Accused. The military
judge may prohibit an accused who refuses to coop-
erate in a mental examination authorized under
R.C.M. 706 from presenting any expert medical tes-
timony as to any issue that would have been the
subject of the mental examination.
(e) Procedure. The privilege in this rule may be
claimed by the accused only under the procedure set
forth in Mil. R. Evid. 304 for an objection or a
motion to suppress.
Rule 303. Degrading questions
Statements and evidence are inadmissible if they
are not material to the issue and may tend to de-
grade the person testifying.
Rule 304. Confessions and admissions
(a) General rule. If the accused makes a timely mo-
tion or objection under this rule, an involuntary
statement from the accused, or any evidence derived
therefrom, is inadmissible at trial except as provided
in subdivision (e).
(1) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(A) Involuntary statement” means a statement
obtained in violation of the self-incrimination privi-
lege or Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment
to the United States Constitution, Article 31, or
through the use of coercion, unlawful influence, or
unlawful inducement.
(B) Confession means an acknowledgment of
(C) “Admission means a self-incriminating
statement falling short of an acknowledgment of
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guilt, even if it was intended by its maker to be
(2) Failure to deny an accusation of wrongdoing
is not an admission of the truth of the accusation if
at the time of the alleged failure the person was
under investigation or was in confinement, arrest, or
custody for the alleged wrongdoing.
(b) Evidence Derived from a Statement of the Ac-
cused. When the defense has made an appropriate
and timely motion or objection under this rule, evi-
dence allegedly derived from a statement of the ac-
cused may not be admitted unless the military judge
finds by a preponderance of the evidence that:
(1) the statement was made voluntarily,
(2) the evidence was not obtained by use of the
accuseds statement, or
(3) the evidence would have been obtained even
if the statement had not been made.
(c) Corroboration of a Confession or Admission.
(1) An admission or a confession of the accused
may be considered as evidence against the accused
on the question of guilt or innocence only if inde-
pendent evidence, either direct or circumstantial, has
been admitted into evidence that corroborates the
essential facts admitted to justify sufficiently an in-
ference of their truth.
(2) Other uncorroborated confessions or admis-
sions of the accused that would themselves require
corroboration may not be used to supply this inde-
pendent evidence. If the independent evidence raises
an inference of the truth of some but not all of the
essential facts admitted, then the confession or ad-
mission may be considered as evidence against the
accused only with respect to those essential facts
stated in the confession or admission that are corrob-
orated by the independent evidence.
(3) Corroboration is not required for a statement
made by the accused before the court by which the
accused is being tried, for statements made prior to
or contemporaneously with the act, or for statements
offered under a rule of evidence other than that
pertaining to the admissibility of admissions or
(4) Quantum of Evidence Needed. The independ-
ent evidence necessary to establish corroboration
need not be sufficient of itself to establish beyond a
reasonable doubt the truth of facts stated in the ad-
mission or confession. The independent evidence
need raise only an inference of the truth of the
essential facts admitted. The amount and type of
evidence introduced as corroboration is a factor to
be considered by the trier of fact in determining the
weight, if any, to be given to the admission or
(5) Procedure. The military judge alone is to de-
termine when adequate evidence of corroboration
has been received. Corroborating evidence must be
introduced before the admission or confession is in-
troduced unless the military judge allows submission
of such evidence subject to later corroboration.
(d) Disclosure of Statements by the Accused and
Derivative Evidence. Before arraignment, the prose-
cution must disclose to the defense the contents of
all statements, oral or written, made by the accused
that are relevant to the case, known to the trial
counsel, and within the control of the Armed Forces,
and all evidence derived from such statements, that
the prosecution intends to offer against the accused.
(e) Limited Use of an Involuntary Statement. A
statement obtained in violation of Article 31 or Mil.
R. Evid. 305(b)-(c) may be used only:
(1) to impeach by contradiction the in-court testi-
mony of the accused; or
(2) in a later prosecution against the accused for
perjury, false swearing, or the making of a false
official statement.
(f) Motions and Objections.
(1) Motions to suppress or objections under this
rule, or Mil. R. Evid. 302 or 305, to any statement
or derivative evidence that has been disclosed must
be made by the defense prior to submission of a
plea. In the absence of such motion or objection, the
defense may not raise the issue at a later time except
as permitted by the military judge for good cause
shown. Failure to so move or object constitutes a
waiver of the objection.
(2) If the prosecution seeks to offer a statement
made by the accused or derivative evidence that was
not disclosed before arraignment, the prosecution
must provide timely notice to the military judge and
defense counsel. The defense may object at that
time, and the military judge may make such orders
as are required in the interests of justice.
(3) The defense may present evidence relevant to
the admissibility of evidence as to which there has
been an objection or motion to suppress under this
rule. An accused may testify for the limited purpose
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of denying that the accused made the statement or
that the statement was made voluntarily.
(A) Prior to the introduction of such testimony
by the accused, the defense must inform the military
judge that the testimony is offered under subdivision
(B) When the accused testifies under subdivi-
sion (f)(3), the accused may be cross-examined only
as to the matter on which he or she testifies. Nothing
said by the accused on either direct or cross-exami-
nation may be used against the accused for any
purpose other than in a prosecution for perjury, false
swearing, or the making of a false official statement.
(4) Specificity. The military judge may require
the defense to specify the grounds upon which the
defense moves to suppress or object to evidence. If
defense counsel, despite the exercise of due dili-
gence, has been unable to interview adequately those
persons involved in the taking of a statement, the
military judge may make any order required in the
interests of justice, including authorization for the
defense to make a general motion to suppress or
general objection.
(5) Rulings. The military judge must rule, prior to
plea, upon any motion to suppress or objection to
evidence made prior to plea unless, for good cause,
the military judge orders that the ruling be deferred
for determination at trial or after findings. The mili-
tary judge may not defer ruling if doing so adversely
affects a partys right to appeal the ruling. The mili-
tary judge must state essential findings of fact on the
record when the ruling involves factual issues.
(6) Burden of Proof. When the defense has made
an appropriate motion or objection under this rule,
the prosecution has the burden of establishing the
admissibility of the evidence. When the military
judge has required a specific motion or objection
under subdivision (f)(4), the burden on the prosecu-
tion extends only to the grounds upon which the
defense moved to suppress or object to the evidence.
(7) Standard of Proof. The military judge must
find by a preponderance of the evidence that a state-
ment by the accused was made voluntarily before it
may be received into evidence. When trial is by a
special court-martial without a military judge, a de-
termination by the president of the court that a state-
ment was made voluntarily is subject to objection by
any member of the court. When such objection is
made, it will be resolved pursuant to R.C.M.
(8) Effect of Guilty Plea. Except as otherwise ex-
pressly provided in R.C.M. 910(a)(2), a plea of
guilty to an offense that results in a finding of guilty
waives all privileges against self-incrimination and
all motions and objections under this rule with
respect to that offense regardless of whether raised
prior to plea.
(g) Weight of the Evidence. If a statement is admit-
ted into evidence, the military judge must permit the
defense to present relevant evidence with respect to
the voluntariness of the statement and must instruct
the members to give such weight to the statement as
it deserves under all the circumstances.
(h) Completeness. If only part of an alleged admis-
sion or confession is introduced against the accused,
the defense, by cross-examination or otherwise, may
introduce the remaining portions of the statement.
(i) Evidence of an Oral Statement. A voluntary oral
confession or admission of the accused may be
proved by the testimony of anyone who heard the
accused make it, even if it was reduced to writing
and the writing is not accounted for.
(j) Refusal to Obey an Order to Submit a Body
Substance. If an accused refuses a lawful order to
submit for chemical analysis a sample of his or her
blood, breath, urine or other body substance, evi-
dence of such refusal may be admitted into evidence
(1) A charge of violating an order to submit such
a sample; or
(2) Any other charge on which the results of the
chemical analysis would have been admissible.
Rule 305. Warnings about rights
(a) General rule. A statement obtained in violation
of this rule is involuntary and will be treated under
Mil. R. Evid. 304.
(b) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) Person subject to the code” means a person
subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice as
contained in Chapter 47 of Title 10, United States
Code. This term includes, for purposes of subdivi-
sion (c) of this rule, a knowing agent of any such
person or of a military unit.
(2) Interrogation means any formal or informal
questioning in which an incriminating response ei-
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ther is sought or is a reasonable consequence of such
(3) “Custodial interrogation means questioning
that takes place while the accused or suspect is in
custody, could reasonably believe himself or herself
to be in custody, or is otherwise deprived of his or
her freedom of action in any significant way.
(c) Warnings Concerning the Accusation, Right to
Remain Silent, and Use of Statements.
(1) Article 31 Rights Warnings. A statement ob-
tained from the accused in violation of the accused’s
rights under Article 31 is involuntary and therefore
inadmissible against the accused except as provided
in subdivision (d). Pursuant to Article 31, a person
subject to the code may not interrogate or request
any statement from an accused or a person suspected
of an offense without first:
(A) informing the accused or suspect of the
nature of the accusation;
(B) advising the accused or suspect that the
accused or suspect has the right to remain silent; and
(C) advising the accused or suspect that any
statement made may be used as evidence against the
accused or suspect in a trial by court-martial.
(2) Fifth Amendment Right to Counsel. If a per-
son suspected of an offense and subjected to custo-
dial interrogation requests counsel, any statement
made in the interrogation after such request, or evi-
dence derived from the interrogation after such re-
quest, is inadmissible against the accused unless
counsel was present for the interrogation.
(3) Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel. If an ac-
cused against whom charges have been preferred is
interrogated on matters concerning the preferred
charges by anyone acting in a law enforcement ca-
pacity, or the agent of such a person, and the ac-
cused requests counsel, or if the accused has
appointed or retained counsel, any statement made
in the interrogation, or evidence derived from the
interrogation, is inadmissible unless counsel was
present for the interrogation.
(4) Exercise of Rights. If a person chooses to
exercise the privilege against self-incrimination,
questioning must cease immediately. If a person
who is subjected to interrogation under the circum-
stances described in subdivisions (c)(2) or (c)(3) of
this rule chooses to exercise the right to counsel,
questioning must cease until counsel is present.
(d) Presence of Counsel. When a person entitled to
counsel under this rule requests counsel, a judge
advocate or an individual certified in accordance
with Article 27(b) will be provided by the United
States at no expense to the person and without
regard to the persons indigency and must be present
before the interrogation may proceed. In addition to
counsel supplied by the United States, the person
may retain civilian counsel at no expense to the
United States. Unless otherwise provided by regula-
tions of the Secretary concerned, an accused or sus-
pect does not have a right under this rule to have
military counsel of his or her own selection.
(e) Waiver.
(1) Waiver of the Privilege Against Self-Incrimi-
nation. After receiving applicable warnings under
this rule, a person may waive the rights described
therein and in Mil. R. Evid. 301 and make a state-
ment. The waiver must be made freely, knowingly,
and intelligently. A written waiver is not required.
The accused or suspect must affirmatively acknowl-
edge that he or she understands the rights involved,
affirmatively decline the right to counsel, and af-
firmatively consent to making a statement.
(2) Waiver of the Right to Counsel. If the right to
counsel is applicable under this rule and the accused
or suspect does not affirmatively decline the right to
counsel, the prosecution must demonstrate by a pre-
ponderance of the evidence that the individual
waived the right to counsel.
(3) Waiver After Initially Invoking the Right to
(A) Fifth Amendment Right to Counsel. If an
accused or suspect subjected to custodial interroga-
tion requests counsel, any subsequent waiver of the
right to counsel obtained during a custodial interro-
gation concerning the same or different offenses is
invalid unless the prosecution can demonstrate by a
preponderance of the evidence that:
(i) the accused or suspect initiated the com-
munication leading to the waiver; or
(ii) the accused or suspect has not con-
tinuously had his or her freedom restricted by con-
finement, or other means, during the period between
the request for counsel and the subsequent waiver.
(B) Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel. If an
accused or suspect interrogated after preferral of
charges as described in subdivision (c)(1) requests
counsel, any subsequent waiver of the right to coun-
sel obtained during an interrogation concerning the
JUNE 2015
same offenses is invalid unless the prosecution can
demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that
the accused or suspect initiated the communication
leading to the waiver.
(f) Standards for Nonmilitary Interrogations.
(1) United States Civilian Interrogations. When a
person subject to the code is interrogated by an
official or agent of the United States, of the District
of Columbia, or of a State, Commonwealth, or pos-
session of the United States, or any political subdivi-
sion of such a State, Commonwealth, or possession,
the persons entitlement to rights warnings and the
validity of any waiver of applicable rights will be
determined by the principles of law generally recog-
nized in the trial of criminal cases in the United
States district courts involving similar interrogations.
(2) Foreign Interrogations. Warnings under Arti-
cle 31 and the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the
United States Constitution are not required during an
interrogation conducted outside of a State, district,
Commonwealth, territory, or possession of the
United States by officials of a foreign government or
their agents unless such interrogation is conducted,
instigated, or participated in by military personnel or
their agents or by those officials or agents listed in
subdivision (f)(1). A statement obtained from a for-
eign interrogation is admissible unless the statement
is obtained through the use of coercion, unlawful
influence, or unlawful inducement. An interrogation
is not participated in by military personnel or their
agents or by the officials or agents listed in subdivi-
sion (f)(1) merely because such a person was present
at an interrogation conducted in a foreign nation by
officials of a foreign government or their agents, or
because such a person acted as an interpreter or took
steps to mitigate damage to property or physical
harm during the foreign interrogation.
Rule 306. Statements by one of several
When two or more accused are tried at the same
trial, evidence of a statement made by one of them
which is admissible only against him or her or only
against some but not all of the accused may not be
received in evidence unless all references inculpat-
ing an accused against whom the statement is inad-
missible are deleted effectively or the maker of the
statement is subject to cross-examination.
Rule 311. Evidence obtained from unlawful
searches and seizures
(a) General rule. Evidence obtained as a result of an
unlawful search or seizure made by a person acting
in a governmental capacity is inadmissible against
the accused if:
(1) the accused makes a timely motion to sup-
press or an objection to the evidence under this rule;
(2) the accused had a reasonable expectation of
privacy in the person, place or property searched;
the accused had a legitimate interest in the property
or evidence seized when challenging a seizure; or
the accused would otherwise have grounds to object
to the search or seizure under the Constitution of the
United States as applied to members of the Armed
(b) Definition. As used in this rule, a search or sei-
zure is unlawful” if it was conducted, instigated, or
participated in by:
(1) military personnel or their agents and was in
violation of the Constitution of the United States as
applied to members of the Armed Forces, a federal
statute applicable to trials by court-martial that re-
quires exclusion of evidence obtained in violation
thereof, or Mil. R. Evid. 312-317;
(2) other officials or agents of the United States,
of the District of Columbia, or of a State, Common-
wealth, or possession of the United States or any
political subdivision of such a State, Common-
wealth, or possession, and was in violation of the
Constitution of the United States, or is unlawful
under the principles of law generally applied in the
trial of criminal cases in the United States district
courts involving a similar search or seizure; or
(3) officials of a foreign government or their
agents, where evidence was obtained as a result of a
foreign search or seizure that subjected the accused
to gross and brutal maltreatment. A search or seizure
is not participated in by a United States military or
civilian official merely because that person is pres-
ent at a search or seizure conducted in a foreign
nation by officials of a foreign government or their
agents, or because that person acted as an interpreter
or took steps to mitigate damage to property or
physical harm during the foreign search or seizure.
(c) Exceptions.
(1) Impeachment. Evidence that was obtained as
a result of an unlawful search or seizure may be
JUNE 2015
used to impeach by contradiction the in-court testi-
mony of the accused.
(2) Inevitable Discovery. Evidence that was ob-
tained as a result of an unlawful search or seizure
may be used when the evidence would have been
obtained even if such unlawful search or seizure had
not been made.
(3) Good Faith Execution of a Warrant or Search
Authorization. Evidence that was obtained as a result
of an unlawful search or seizure may be used if:
(A) the search or seizure resulted from an au-
thorization to search, seize or apprehend issued by
an individual competent to issue the authorization
under Mil. R. Evid. 315(d) or from a search warrant
or arrest warrant issued by competent civilian
(B) the individual issuing the authorization or
warrant had a substantial basis for determining the
existence of probable cause; and
(C) the officials seeking and executing the au-
thorization or warrant reasonably and with good
faith relied on the issuance of the authorization or
warrant. Good faith is to be determined using an
objective standard.
(d) Motions to Suppress and Objections.
(1) Disclosure. Prior to arraignment, the prosecu-
tion must disclose to the defense all evidence seized
from the person or property of the accused, or be-
lieved to be owned by the accused, or evidence
derived therefrom, that it intends to offer into evi-
dence against the accused at trial.
(2) Time Requirements.
(A) When evidence has been disclosed prior to
arraignment under subdivision (d)(1), the defense
must make any motion to suppress or objection
under this rule prior to submission of a plea. In the
absence of such motion or objection, the defense
may not raise the issue at a later time except as
permitted by the military judge for good cause
shown. Failure to so move or object constitutes a
waiver of the motion or objection.
(B) If the prosecution intends to offer evidence
described in subdivision (d)(1) that was not dis-
closed prior to arraignment, the prosecution must
provide timely notice to the military judge and to
counsel for the accused. The defense may enter an
objection at that time and the military judge may
make such orders as are required in the interest of
(3) Specificity. The military judge may require
the defense to specify the grounds upon which the
defense moves to suppress or object to evidence
described in subdivision (d)(1). If defense counsel,
despite the exercise of due diligence, has been una-
ble to interview adequately those persons involved
in the search or seizure, the military judge may enter
any order required by the interests of justice, includ-
ing authorization for the defense to make a general
motion to suppress or a general objection.
(4) Challenging Probable Cause.
(A) Relevant Evidence. If the defense chal-
lenges evidence seized pursuant to a search warrant
or search authorization on the ground that the war-
rant or authorization was not based upon probable
cause, the evidence relevant to the motion is limited
to evidence concerning the information actually
presented to or otherwise known by the authorizing
officer, except as provided in subdivision (d)(4)(B).
(B) False Statements. If the defense makes a
substantial preliminary showing that a government
agent included a false statement knowingly and in-
tentionally or with reckless disregard for the truth in
the information presented to the authorizing officer,
and if the allegedly false statement is necessary to
the finding of probable cause, the defense, upon
request, is entitled to a hearing. At the hearing, the
defense has the burden of establishing by a prepon-
derance of the evidence the allegation of knowing
and intentional falsity or reckless disregard for the
truth. If the defense meets its burden, the prosecu-
tion has the burden of proving by a preponderance
of the evidence, with the false information set aside,
that the remaining information presented to the
authorizing officer is sufficient to establish probable
cause. If the prosecution does not meet its burden,
the objection or motion must be granted unless the
search is otherwise lawful under these rules.
(5) Burden and Standard of Proof.
(A) In general. When the defense makes an
appropriate motion or objection under subdivision
(d), the prosecution has the burden of proving by a
preponderance of the evidence that the evidence was
not obtained as a result of an unlawful search or
seizure, that the evidence would have been obtained
even if the unlawful search or seizure had not been
made, or that the evidence was obtained by officials
who reasonably and with good faith relied on the
JUNE 2015
issuance of an authorization to search, seize, or ap-
prehend or a search warrant or an arrest warrant.
(B) Statement Following Apprehension. In ad-
dition to subdivision (d)(5)(A), a statement obtained
from a person apprehended in a dwelling in viola-
tion R.C.M. 302(d)(2) and (e), is admissible if the
prosecution shows by a preponderance of the evi-
dence that the apprehension was based on probable
cause, the statement was made at a location outside
the dwelling subsequent to the apprehension, and the
statement was otherwise in compliance with these
(C) Specific Grounds of Motion or Objection.
When the military judge has required the defense to
make a specific motion or objection under subdivi-
sion (d)(3), the burden on the prosecution extends
only to the grounds upon which the defense moved
to suppress or objected to the evidence.
(6) Defense Evidence. The defense may present
evidence relevant to the admissibility of evidence as
to which there has been an appropriate motion or
objection under this rule. An accused may testify for
the limited purpose of contesting the legality of the
search or seizure giving rise to the challenged evi-
dence. Prior to the introduction of such testimony by
the accused, the defense must inform the military
judge that the testimony is offered under subdivision
(d). When the accused testifies under subdivision
(d), the accused may be cross-examined only as to
the matter on which he or she testifies. Nothing said
by the accused on either direct or cross-examination
may be used against the accused for any purpose
other than in a prosecution for perjury, false swear-
ing, or the making of a false official statement.
(7) Rulings. The military judge must rule, prior to
plea, upon any motion to suppress or objection to
evidence made prior to plea unless, for good cause,
the military judge orders that the ruling be deferred
for determination at trial or after findings. The mili-
tary judge may not defer ruling if doing so adversely
affects a partys right to appeal the ruling. The mili-
tary judge must state essential findings of fact on the
record when the ruling involves factual issues.
(8) Informing the Members. If a defense motion
or objection under this rule is sustained in whole or
in part, the court-martial members may not be in-
formed of that fact except when the military judge
must instruct the members to disregard evidence.
(e) Effect of Guilty Plea. Except as otherwise ex-
pressly provided in R.C.M. 910(a)(2), a plea of
guilty to an offense that results in a finding of guilty
waives all issues under the Fourth Amendment to
the Constitution of the United States and Mil. R.
Evid. 311-317 with respect to the offense, whether
or not raised prior to plea.
Rule 312. Body views and intrusions
(a) General rule. Evidence obtained from body
views and intrusions conducted in accordance with
this rule is admissible at trial when relevant and not
otherwise inadmissible under these rules.
(b) Visual examination of the body.
(1) Consensual Examination. Evidence obtained
from a visual examination of the unclothed body is
admissible if the person consented to the inspection
in accordance with Mil. R. Evid. 314(e).
(2) Involuntary Examination. Evidence obtained
from an involuntary display of the unclothed body,
including a visual examination of body cavities, is
admissible only if the inspection was conducted in a
reasonable fashion and authorized under the follow-
ing provisions of the Military Rules of Evidence:
(A) inspections and inventories under Mil. R.
Evid. 313;
(B) searches under Mil. R. Evid. 314(b) and
314(c) if there is a reasonable suspicion that weap-
ons, contraband, or evidence of crime is concealed
on the body of the person to be searched;
(C) searches incident to lawful apprehension
under Mil. R. Evid. 314(g);
(D) searches within a jail, confinement facility,
or similar facility under Mil. R. Evid. 314(h) if rea-
sonably necessary to maintain the security of the
institution or its personnel;
(E) emergency searches under Mil. R. Evid.
314(i); and
(F) probable cause searches under Mil. R.
Evid. 315.
An examination of the unclothed body under this rule should be
conducted whenever practicable by a person of the same sex as
that of the person being examined; however, failure to comply
with this requirement does not make an examination an unlawful
search within the meaning of Mil. R. Evid. 311.
(c) Intrusion into Body Cavities.
JUNE 2015
(1) Mouth, Nose, and Ears. Evidence obtained
from a reasonable nonconsensual physical intrusion
into the mouth, nose, and ears is admissible under
the same standards that apply to a visual examina-
tion of the body under subdivision (b).
(2) Other Body Cavities. Evidence obtained from
nonconsensual intrusions into other body cavities is
admissible only if made in a reasonable fashion by a
person with appropriate medical qualifications and
(A) at the time of the intrusion there was prob-
able cause to believe that a weapon, contraband, or
other evidence of crime was present;
(B) conducted to remove weapons, contraband,
or evidence of crime discovered under subdivisions
(b) or (c)(2)(A) of this rule;
(C) conducted pursuant to Mil. R. Evid.
(D) conducted pursuant to a search warrant or
search authorization under Mil. R. Evid. 315; or
(E) conducted pursuant to Mil. R. Evid. 314(h)
based on a reasonable suspicion that the individual
is concealing a weapon, contraband, or evidence of
(d) Extraction of Body Fluids. Evidence obtained
from nonconsensual extraction of body fluids is ad-
missible if seized pursuant to a search warrant or a
search authorization under Mil. R. Evid. 315. Evi-
dence obtained from nonconsensual extraction of
body fluids made without such a warrant or authori-
zation is admissible, notwithstanding Mil. R. Evid.
315(g), only when probable cause existed at the time
of extraction to believe that evidence of crime would
be found and that the delay necessary to obtain a
search warrant or search authorization could have
resulted in the destruction of the evidence. Evidence
obtained from nonconsensual extraction of body flu-
ids is admissible only when executed in a reasonable
fashion by a person with appropriate medical
(e) Other Intrusive Searches. Evidence obtained
from a nonconsensual intrusive search of the body,
other than searches described in subdivisions (c) or
(d), conducted to locate or obtain weapons, contra-
band, or evidence of crime is admissible only if
obtained pursuant to a search warrant or search au-
thorization under Mil. R. Evid. 315 and conducted in
a reasonable fashion by a person with appropriate
medical qualifications in such a manner so as not to
endanger the health of the person to be searched.
Compelling a person to ingest substances for the purposes of
locating the property described above or to compel the bodily
elimination of such property is a search within the meaning of
this section.
(f) Intrusions for Valid Medical Purposes. Evidence
or contraband obtained in the course of a medical
examination or an intrusion conducted for a valid
medical purpose is admissible. Such an examination
or intrusion may not, for the purpose of obtaining
evidence or contraband, exceed what is necessary
for the medical purpose.
Nothing in this rule will be deemed to interfere with the lawful
authority of the Armed Forces to take whatever action may be
necessary to preserve the health of a service member.
(g) Medical Qualifications. The Secretary concerned
may prescribe appropriate medical qualifications for
persons who conduct searches and seizures under
this rule.
Rule 313. Inspections and inventories in the
Armed Forces
(a) General Rule. Evidence obtained from lawful
inspections and inventories in the Armed Forces is
admissible at trial when relevant and not otherwise
inadmissible under these rules. An unlawful weapon,
contraband, or other evidence of a crime discovered
during a lawful inspection or inventory may be
seized and is admissible in accordance with this rule.
(b) Lawful Inspections. An inspection is an exam-
ination of the whole or part of a unit, organization,
installation, vessel, aircraft, or vehicle, including an
examination conducted at entrance and exit points,
conducted as an incident of command the primary
purpose of which is to determine and to ensure the
security, military fitness, or good order and disci-
pline of the unit, organization, installation, vessel,
aircraft, or vehicle. Inspections must be conducted in
a reasonable fashion and, if applicable, must comply
with Mil. R. Evid. 312. Inspections may utilize any
reasonable natural or technological aid and may be
conducted with or without notice to those inspected.
JUNE 2015
(1) Purpose of Inspections. An inspection may
include, but is not limited to, an examination to
determine and to ensure that any or all of the fol-
lowing requirements are met: that the command is
properly equipped, functioning properly, maintaining
proper standards of readiness, sea or airworthiness,
sanitation and cleanliness; and that personnel are
present, fit, and ready for duty. An order to produce
body fluids, such as urine, is permissible in accord-
ance with this rule.
(2) Searches for Evidence. An examination made
for the primary purpose of obtaining evidence for
use in a trial by court-martial or in other disciplinary
proceedings is not an inspection within the meaning
of this rule.
(3) Examinations to Locate and Confiscate Weap-
ons or Contraband.
(A) An inspection may include an examination
to locate and confiscate unlawful weapons and other
contraband provided that the criteria set forth in sub-
division (b)(3)(B) are not implicated.
(B) The prosecution must prove by clear and
convincing evidence that the examination was an
inspection within the meaning of this rule if a pur-
pose of an examination is to locate weapons or con-
traband, and if:
(i) the examination was directed immediately
following a report of a specific offense in the unit,
organization, installation, vessel, aircraft, or vehicle
and was not previously scheduled;
(ii) specific individuals are selected for ex-
amination; or
(iii) persons examined are subjected to sub-
stantially different intrusions during the same
(c) Lawful Inventories. An inventory is a reasona-
ble examination, accounting, or other control meas-
ure used to account for or control property, assets, or
other resources. It is administrative and not
prosecutorial in nature, and if applicable, the inven-
tory must comply with Mil. R. Evid. 312. An exami-
nation made for the primary purpose of obtaining
evidence for use in a trial by court-martial or in
other disciplinary proceedings is not an inventory
within the meaning of this rule.
Rule 314. Searches not requiring probable
(a) General Rule. Evidence obtained from reasona-
ble searches not requiring probable cause is admissi-
ble at trial when relevant and not otherwise
inadmissible under these rules or the Constitution of
the United States as applied to members of the
Armed Forces.
(b) Border Searches. Evidence from a border search
for customs or immigration purposes authorized by a
federal statute is admissible.
(c) Searches Upon Entry to or Exit from United
States Installations, Aircraft, and Vessels Abroad. In
addition to inspections under Mil. R. Evid. 313(b),
evidence is admissible when a commander of a
United States military installation, enclave, or air-
craft on foreign soil, or in foreign or international
airspace, or a United States vessel in foreign or
international waters, has authorized appropriate per-
sonnel to search persons or the property of such
persons upon entry to or exit from the installation,
enclave, aircraft, or vessel to ensure the security,
military fitness, or good order and discipline of the
command. A search made for the primary purpose of
obtaining evidence for use in a trial by court-martial
or other disciplinary proceeding is not authorized by
subdivision (c).
Searches under subdivision (c) may not be conducted at a time or
in a manner contrary to an express provision of a treaty or
agreement to which the United States is a party; however, failure
to comply with a treaty or agreement does not render a search
unlawful within the meaning of Mil. R. Evid. 311.
(d) Searches of Government Property. Evidence
resulting from a search of government property
without probable cause is admissible under this rule
unless the person to whom the property is issued or
assigned has a reasonable expectation of privacy
therein at the time of the search. Normally a person
does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in
government property that is not issued for personal
use. Wall or floor lockers in living quarters issued
for the purpose of storing personal possessions nor-
mally are issued for personal use, but the determina-
tion as to whether a person has a reasonable
expectation of privacy in government property is-
sued for personal use depends on the facts and cir-
cumstances at the time of the search.
JUNE 2015
(e) Consent Searches.
(1) General Rule. Evidence of a search conducted
without probable cause is admissible if conducted
with lawful consent.
(2) Who May Consent. A person may consent to a
search of his or her person or property, or both,
unless control over such property has been given to
another. A person may grant consent to search prop-
erty when the person exercises control over that
Where a co-occupant of property is physically present at the time
of the requested search and expressly states his refusal to consent
to the search, a warrantless search is unreasonable as to that co-
occupant and evidence from the search is inadmissible as to that
co-occupant. Georgia v. Randolph, 547 U.S. 103 (2006).
(3) Scope of Consent. Consent may be limited in
any way by the person granting consent, including
limitations in terms of time, place, or property, and
may be withdrawn at any time.
(4) Voluntariness. To be valid, consent must be
given voluntarily. Voluntariness is a question to be
determined from all the circumstances. Although a
persons knowledge of the right to refuse to give
consent is a factor to be considered in determining
voluntariness, the prosecution is not required to
demonstrate such knowledge as a prerequisite to es-
tablishing a voluntary consent. Mere submission to
the color of authority of personnel performing law
enforcement duties or acquiescence in an announced
or indicated purpose to search is not a voluntary
(5) Burden and Standard of Proof. The prosecu-
tion must prove consent by clear and convincing
evidence. The fact that a person was in custody
while granting consent is a factor to be considered in
determining the voluntariness of consent, but it does
not affect the standard of proof.
(f) Searches Incident to a Lawful Stop.
(1) Lawfulness. A stop is lawful when conducted
by a person authorized to apprehend under R.C.M.
302(b) or others performing law enforcement duties
and when the person making the stop has informa-
tion or observes unusual conduct that leads him or
her reasonably to conclude in light of his or her
experience that criminal activity may be afoot. The
stop must be temporary and investigatory in nature.
(2) Stop and Frisk. Evidence is admissible if
seized from a person who was lawfully stopped and
who was frisked for weapons because he or she was
reasonably suspected to be armed and dangerous.
Contraband or evidence that is located in the process
of a lawful frisk may be seized.
Subdivision (f)(2) requires that the official making the stop have a
reasonable suspicion based on specific and articulable facts that
the person being frisked is armed and dangerous. Officer safety is
a factor, and the officer need not be absolutely certain that the
individual detained is armed for the purposes of frisking or pat-
ting down that persons outer clothing for weapons. The test is
whether a reasonably prudent person in similar circumstances
would be warranted in a belief that his or her safety was in
danger. The purpose of a frisk is to search for weapons or other
dangerous items, including but not limited to: firearms, knives,
needles, or razor blades. A limited search of outer clothing for
weapons serves to protect both the officer and the public; there-
fore, a frisk is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment.
(3) Vehicles. Evidence is admissible if seized in
the course of a search for weapons in the areas of
the passenger compartment of a vehicle in which a
weapon may be placed or hidden, so long as the
person lawfully stopped is the driver or a passenger
and the official who made the stop has a reasonable
suspicion that the person stopped is dangerous and
may gain immediate control of a weapon.
The scope of the search is similar to the stop and frisk defined
in subdivision (f)(2) of this rule. During the search for weapons,
the official may seize any item that is immediately apparent as
contraband or as evidence related to the offense serving as the
basis for the stop. As a matter of safety, the official may, after
conducting a lawful stop of a vehicle, order the driver and any
passengers out of the car without any additional suspicion or
(g) Searches Incident to Apprehension.
(1) General Rule. Evidence is admissible if
seized in a search of a person who has been lawfully
apprehended or if seized as a result of a reasonable
protective sweep.
(2) Search for Weapons and Destructible Evi-
dence. A lawful search incident to apprehension may
include a search for weapons or destructible evi-
dence in the area within the immediate control of a
person who has been apprehended. Immediate con-
trol’ means that area in which the individual search-
JUNE 2015
ing could reasonably believe that the person
apprehended could reach with a sudden movement
to obtain such property.
(3) Protective Sweep for Other Persons.
(A) Area of Potential Immediate Attack. Ap-
prehending officials may, incident to apprehension,
as a precautionary matter and without probable
cause or reasonable suspicion, look in closets and
other spaces immediately adjoining the place of ap-
prehension from which an attack could be immedi-
ately launched.
(B) Wider Protective Sweep. When an appre-
hension takes place at a location in which another
person might be present who might endanger the
apprehending officials or others in the area of the
apprehension, a search incident to arrest may law-
fully include a reasonable examination of those
spaces where a person might be found. Such a rea-
sonable examination is lawful under subdivision (g)
if the apprehending official has a reasonable suspi-
cion based on specific and articulable facts that the
area to be examined harbors an individual posing a
danger to those in the area of the apprehension.
(h) Searches within Jails, Confinement Facilities, or
Similar Facilities. Evidence obtained from a search
within a jail, confinement facility, or similar facility
is admissible even if conducted without probable
cause provided that it was authorized by persons
with authority over the institution.
(i) Emergency Searches to Save Life or for Related
Purposes. Evidence obtained from emergency
searches of persons or property conducted to save
life, or for a related purpose, is admissible provided
that the search was conducted in a good faith effort
to render immediate medical aid, to obtain informa-
tion that will assist in the rendering of such aid, or
to prevent immediate or ongoing personal injury.
(j) Searches of Open Fields or Woodlands. Evi-
dence obtained from a search of an open field or
woodland is admissible provided that the search was
not unlawful within the meaning of Mil. R. Evid.
Rule 315. Probable cause searches
(a) General rule. Evidence obtained from reasona-
ble searches conducted pursuant to a search warrant
or search authorization, or under the exigent circum-
stances described in this rule, is admissible at trial
when relevant and not otherwise inadmissible under
these rules or the Constitution of the United States
as applied to members of the Armed Forces.
Although military personnel should adhere to procedural guidance
regarding the conduct of searches, violation of such procedural
guidance does not render evidence inadmissible unless the search
is unlawful under these rules or the Constitution of the United
States as applied to members of the Armed Forces. For example,
if the person whose property is to be searched is present during a
search conducted pursuant to a search authorization granted under
this rule, the person conducting the search should notify him or
her of the fact of authorization and the general substance of the
authorization. Such notice may be made prior to or contem-
poraneously with the search. Property seized should be invento-
ried at the time of a seizure or as soon thereafter as practicable. A
copy of the inventory should be given to a person from whose
possession or premises the property was taken. Failure to provide
notice, make an inventory, furnish a copy thereof, or otherwise
comply with this guidance does not render a search or seizure
unlawful within the meaning of Mil. R. Evid. 311.
(b) Definitions. As used in these rules:
(1) Search authorization means express permis-
sion, written or oral, issued by competent military
authority to search a person or an area for specified
property or evidence or for a specific person and to
seize such property, evidence, or person. It may con-
tain an order directing subordinate personnel to con-
duct a search in a specified manner.
(2) Search warrant” means express permission to
search and seize issued by competent civilian
(c) Scope of Search Authorization. A search authori-
zation may be valid under this rule for a search of:
(1) the physical person of anyone subject to mili-
tary law or the law of war wherever found;
(2) military property of the United States or of
nonappropriated fund activities of an Armed force of
the United States wherever located;
(3) persons or property situated on or in a mili-
tary installation, encampment, vessel, aircraft, vehi-
cle, or any other location under military control,
wherever located; or
(4) nonmilitary property within a foreign
If nonmilitary property within a foreign country is owned, used,
occupied by, or in the possession of an agency of the United
States other than the Department of Defense, a search should be
conducted in coordination with an appropriate representative of
the agency concerned, although failure to obtain such coordina-
JUNE 2015
tion would not render a search unlawful within the meaning of
Mil. R. Evid. 311. If other nonmilitary property within a foreign
country is to be searched, the search should be conducted in
accordance with any relevant treaty or agreement or in coordina-
tion with an appropriate representative of the foreign country,
although failure to obtain such coordination or noncompliance
with a treaty or agreement would not render a search unlawful
within the meaning of Mil. R. Evid. 311.
(d) Who May Authorize. A search authorization
under this rule is valid only if issued by an impartial
individual in one of the categories set forth in subdi-
visions (d)(1) and (d)(2). An otherwise impartial
authorizing official does not lose impartiality merely
because he or she is present at the scene of a search
or is otherwise readily available to persons who may
seek the issuance of a search authorization; nor does
such an official lose impartial character merely be-
cause the official previously and impartially author-
ized investigative activities when such previous
authorization is similar in intent or function to a
pretrial authorization made by the United States dis-
trict courts.
(1) Commander. A commander or other person
serving in a position designated by the Secretary
concerned as either a position analogous to an offi-
cer in charge or a position of command, who has
control over the place where the property or person
to be searched is situated or found, or, if that place
is not under military control, having control over
persons subject to military law or the law of war; or
(2) Military Judge or Magistrate. A military
judge or magistrate if authorized under regulations
prescribed by the Secretary of Defense or the Secre-
tary concerned.
(e) Who May Search.
(1) Search Authorization. Any commissioned of-
ficer, warrant officer, petty officer, noncommis-
sioned officer, and, when in the execution of guard
or police duties, any criminal investigator, member
of the Air Force security forces, military police, or
shore patrol, or person designated by proper author-
ity to perform guard or police duties, or any agent of
any such person, may conduct or authorize a search
when a search authorization has been granted under
this rule or a search would otherwise be proper
under subdivision (g).
(2) Search Warrants. Any civilian or military
criminal investigator authorized to request search
warrants pursuant to applicable law or regulation is
authorized to serve and execute search warrants. The
execution of a search warrant affects admissibility
only insofar as exclusion of evidence is required by
the Constitution of the United States or an applica-
ble federal statute.
(f) Basis for Search Authorizations.
(1) Probable Cause Requirement. A search au-
thorization issued under this rule must be based
upon probable cause.
(2) Probable Cause Determination. Probable
cause to search exists when there is a reasonable
belief that the person, property, or evidence sought
is located in the place or on the person to be sear-
ched. A search authorization may be based upon
hearsay evidence in whole or in part. A determina-
tion of probable cause under this rule will be based
upon any or all of the following:
(A) written statements communicated to the
authorizing official;
(B) oral statements communicated to the
authorizing official in person, via telephone, or by
other appropriate means of communication; or
(C) such information as may be known by the
authorizing official that would not preclude the offi-
cer from acting in an impartial fashion. The Secre-
tary of Defense or the Secretary concerned may
prescribe additional requirements through regulation.
(g) Exigencies. Evidence obtained from a probable
cause search is admissible without a search warrant
or search authorization when there is a reasonable
belief that the delay necessary to obtain a search
warrant or search authorization would result in the
removal, destruction, or concealment of the property
or evidence sought. Military operational necessity
may create an exigency by prohibiting or preventing
communication with a person empowered to grant a
search authorization.
Rule 316. Seizures
(a) General rule. Evidence obtained from reasona-
ble seizures is admissible at trial when relevant and
not otherwise inadmissible under these rules or the
Constitution of the United States as applied to mem-
bers of the Armed Forces.
(b) Apprehension. Apprehension is governed by
R.C.M. 302.
(c) Seizure of Property or Evidence.
(1) Based on Probable Cause. Evidence is admis-
sible when seized based on a reasonable belief that
JUNE 2015
the property or evidence is an unlawful weapon,
contraband, evidence of crime, or might be used to
resist apprehension or to escape.
(2) Abandoned Property. Abandoned property
may be seized without probable cause and without a
search warrant or search authorization. Such seizure
may be made by any person.
(3) Consent. Property or evidence may be seized
with consent consistent with the requirements appli-
cable to consensual searches under Mil. R. Evid.
(4) Government Property. Government property
may be seized without probable cause and without a
search warrant or search authorization by any person
listed in subdivision (d), unless the person to whom
the property is issued or assigned has a reasonable
expectation of privacy therein, as provided in Mil.
R. Evid. 314(d), at the time of the seizure.
(5) Other Property. Property or evidence not in-
cluded in subdivisions (c)(1)-(4) may be seized for
use in evidence by any person listed in subdivision
(d) if:
(A) Authorization. The person is authorized to
seize the property or evidence by a search warrant or
a search authorization under Mil. R. Evid. 315;
(B) Exigent Circumstances. The person has
probable cause to seize the property or evidence and
under Mil. R. Evid. 315(g) a search warrant or
search authorization is not required; or
(C) Plain View. The person while in the course
of otherwise lawful activity observes in a reasonable
fashion property or evidence that the person has
probable cause to seize.
(6) Temporary Detention. Nothing in this rule
prohibits temporary detention of property on less
than probable cause when authorized under the Con-
stitution of the United States.
(d) Who May Seize. Any commissioned officer,
warrant officer, petty officer, noncommissioned offi-
cer, and, when in the execution of guard or police
duties, any criminal investigator, member of the Air
Force security forces, military police, or shore pa-
trol, or individual designated by proper authority to
perform guard or police duties, or any agent of any
such person, may seize property pursuant to this
(e) Other Seizures. Evidence obtained from a sei-
zure not addressed in this rule is admissible pro-
vided that its seizure was permissible under the
Constitution of the United States as applied to mem-
bers of the Armed Forces.
Rule 317. Interception of wire and oral
(a) General rule. Wire or oral communications con-
stitute evidence obtained as a result of an unlawful
search or seizure within the meaning of Mil. R.
Evid. 311 when such evidence must be excluded
under the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of
the United States as applied to members of the
Armed Forces or if such evidence must be excluded
under a federal statute applicable to members of the
Armed Forces.
(b) When Authorized by Court Order Evidence from
the interception of wire or oral communications is
admissible when authorized pursuant to an applica-
tion to a federal judge of competent jurisdiction
under the provisions of a federal statute.
Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §2516(1), the Attorney General, Deputy
Attorney General, Associate Attorney General, or any Assistant
Attorney General, any acting Assistant Attorney General, or any
Deputy Assistant Attorney General or acting Deputy Assistant
Attorney General in the Criminal Division or National Security
Division specially designated by the Attorney General, may au-
thorize an application to a Federal judge of competent jurisdiction
for, and such judge may grant in conformity with 18 U.S.C.
§2518, an order authorizing or approving the interception of wire
or oral communications by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or
a Federal agency having responsibility for the investigation of the
offense as to which the application is made, for purposes of
obtaining evidence concerning the offenses enumerated in 18
U.S.C. §2516(1), to the extent such offenses are punishable under
the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
(c) Regulations. Notwithstanding any other provi-
sion of these rules, evidence obtained by members
of the Armed Forces or their agents through inter-
ception of wire or oral communications for law en-
forcement purposes is not admissible unless such
(1) takes place in the United States and is author-
ized under subdivision (b);
(2) takes place outside the United States and is
authorized under regulations issued by the Secretary
of Defense or the Secretary concerned; or
(3) is authorized under regulations issued by
JUNE 2015
Secretary of Defense or the Secretary concerned and
is not unlawful under applicable federal statutes.
Rule 321. Eyewitness identification
(a) General rule. Testimony concerning a relevant
out-of-court identification by any person is admissi-
ble, subject to an appropriate objection under this
rule, if such testimony is otherwise admissible under
these rules. The witness making the identification
and any person who has observed the previous iden-
tification may testify concerning it. When in testi-
mony a witness identifies the accused as being, or
not being, a participant in an offense or makes any
other relevant identification concerning a person in
the courtroom, evidence that on a previous occasion
the witness made a similar identification is admissi-
ble to corroborate the witnesss testimony as to iden-
tity even if the credibility of the witness has not
been attacked directly, subject to appropriate objec-
tion under this rule.
(b) When Inadmissible. An identification of the ac-
cused as being a participant in an offense, whether
such identification is made at the trial or otherwise,
is inadmissible against the accused if:
(1) The identification is the result of an unlawful
lineup or other unlawful identification process, as
defined in subdivision (c), conducted by the United
States or other domestic authorities and the accused
makes a timely motion to suppress or an objection to
the evidence under this rule; or
(2) Exclusion of the evidence is required by the
Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States as applied to mem-
bers of the Armed Forces. Evidence other than an
identification of the accused that is obtained as a
result of the unlawful lineup or unlawful identifica-
tion process is inadmissible against the accused if
the accused makes a timely motion to suppress or an
objection to the evidence under this rule and if ex-
clusion of the evidence is required under the Consti-
tution of the United States as applied to members of
the Armed Forces.
(c) Unlawful Lineup or Identification Process.
(1) Unreliable. A lineup or other identification
process is unreliable, and therefore unlawful, if the
lineup or other identification process is so suggestive
a s t o c r e a t e a s u b s t a n t i a l l i k e l i h o o d o f
(2) In Violation of Right to Counsel. A lineup is
unlawful if it is conducted in violation of the ac-
cuseds rights to counsel.
(A) Military Lineups. An accused or suspect is
entitled to counsel if, after preferral of charges or
imposition of pretrial restraint under R.C.M. 304 for
the offense under investigation, the accused is re-
quired by persons subject to the code or their agents
to participate in a lineup for the purpose of identifi-
cation. When a person entitled to counsel under this
rule requests counsel, a judge advocate or a person
certified in accordance with Article 27(b) will be
provided by the United States at no expense to the
accused or suspect and without regard to indigency
or lack thereof before the lineup may proceed. The
accused or suspect may waive the rights provided in
this rule if the waiver is freely, knowingly, and intel-
ligently made.
(B) Nonmilitary Lineups. When a person sub-
ject to the code is required to participate in a lineup
for purposes of identification by an official or agent
of the United States, of the District of Columbia, or
of a State, Commonwealth, or possession of the
United States, or any political subdivision of such a
State, Commonwealth, or possession, and the provi-
sions of subdivision (c)(2)(A) do not apply, the per-
sons entitlement to counsel and the validity of any
waiver of applicable rights will be determined by the
principles of law generally recognized in the trial of
criminal cases in the United States district courts
involving similar lineups.
(d) Motions to Suppress and Objections.
(1) Disclosure. Prior to arraignment, the prosecu-
tion must disclose to the defense all evidence of, or
derived from, a prior identification of the accused as
a lineup or other identification process that it intends
to offer into evidence against the accused at trial.
(2) Time Requirement. When such evidence has
been disclosed, any motion to suppress or objection
under this rule must be made by the defense prior to
submission of a plea. In the absence of such motion
or objection, the defense may not raise the issue at a
later time except as permitted by the military judge
for good cause shown. Failure to so move consti-
tutes a waiver of the motion or objection.
(3) Continuing Duty. If the prosecution intends to
offer such evidence and the evidence was not dis-
closed prior to arraignment, the prosecution must
provide timely notice to the military judge and coun-
sel for the accused. The defense may enter an objec-
JUNE 2015
tion at that time, and the military judge may make
such orders as are required in the interests of justice.
(4) Specificity. The military judge may require
the defense to specify the grounds upon which the
defense moves to suppress or object to evidence. If
defense counsel, despite the exercise of due dili-
gence, has been unable to interview adequately those
persons involved in the lineup or other identification
process, the military judge may enter any order re-
quired by the interests of justice, including authori-
zation for the defense to make a general motion to
suppress or a general objection.
(5) Defense Evidence. The defense may present
evidence relevant to the issue of the admissibility of
evidence as to which there has been an appropriate
motion or objection under this rule. An accused may
testify for the limited purpose of contesting the le-
gality of the lineup or identification process giving
rise to the challenged evidence. Prior to the intro-
duction of such testimony by the accused, the de-
fense must inform the military judge that the
testimony is offered under subdivision (d). When the
accused testifies under subdivision (d), the accused
may be cross-examined only as to the matter on
which he or she testifies. Nothing said by the ac-
cused on either direct or cross-examination may be
used against the accused for any purpose other than
in a prosecution for perjury, false swearing, or the
making of a false official statement.
(6) Burden and Standard of Proof. When the de-
fense has raised a specific motion or objection under
subdivision (d)(3), the burden on the prosecution
extends only to the grounds upon which the defense
moved to suppress or object to the evidence.
(A) Right to Counsel.
(i) Initial Violation of Right to Counsel at a
Lineup. When the accused raises the right to pres-
ence of counsel under this rule, the prosecution must
prove by a preponderance of the evidence that coun-
sel was present at the lineup or that the accused,
having been advised of the right to the presence of
counsel, voluntarily and intelligently waived that
right prior to the lineup.
(ii) Identification Subsequent to a Lineup
Conducted in Violation of the Right to Counsel.
When the military judge determines that an identifi-
cation is the result of a lineup conducted without the
presence of counsel or an appropriate waiver, any
later identification by one present at such unlawful
lineup is also a result thereof unless the military
judge determines that the contrary has been shown
by clear and convincing evidence.
(B) Unreliable Identification.
(i) Initial Unreliable Identification. When an
objection raises the issue of an unreliable identifica-
tion, the prosecution must prove by a preponderance
of the evidence that the identification was reliable
under the circumstances.
(ii) Identification Subsequent to an Unreli-
able Identification. When the military judge deter-
mines that an identification is the result of an
unreliable identification, a later identification may
be admitted if the prosecution proves by clear and
convincing evidence that the later identification is
not the result of the inadmissible identification.
(7) Rulings. A motion to suppress or an objection
to evidence made prior to plea under this rule will
be ruled upon prior to plea unless the military judge,
for good cause, orders that it be deferred for deter-
mination at the trial of the general issue or until
after findings, but no such determination will be
deferred if a partys right to appeal the ruling is
affected adversely. Where factual issues are involved
in ruling upon such motion or objection, the military
judge will state his or her essential findings of fact
on the record.
(e) Effect of Guilty Pleas. Except as otherwise ex-
pressly provided in R.C.M. 910(a)(2), a plea of
guilty to an offense that results in a finding of guilty
waives all issues under this rule with respect to that
offense whether or not raised prior to the plea.
Rule 401. Test for relevant evidence
Evidence is relevant if:
(a) it has any tendency to make a fact more or less
probable than it would be without the evidence; and
(b) the fact is of consequence in determining the
Rule 402. General admissibility of relevant
(a) Relevant evidence is admissible unless any of
the following provides otherwise:
JUNE 2015
(1) the United States Constitution as it applies to
members of the Armed Forces;
(2) a federal statute applicable to trial by courts-
(3) these rules; or
(4) this Manual.
(b) Irrelevant evidence is not admissible.
Rule 403. Excluding relevant evidence for
prejudice, confusion, waste of time, or other
The military judge may exclude relevant evidence
if its probative value is substantially outweighed by
a danger of one or more of the following: unfair
prejudice, confusing the issues, misleading the mem-
bers, undue delay, wasting time, or needlessly
presenting cumulative evidence.
Rule 404. Character evidence; crimes or
other acts
(a) Character Evidence.
(1) Prohibited Uses. Evidence of a persons char-
acter or character trait is not admissible to prove that
on a particular occasion the person acted in accord-
ance with the character or trait.
(2) Exceptions for an Accused or Victim
(A) The accused may offer evidence of the ac-
cuseds pertinent trait and, if the evidence is admit-
ted, the prosecution may offer evidence to rebut it.
General military character is not a pertinent trait for
the purposes of showing the probability of innocence
of the accused for the following offenses under the
(i) Articles 120-123a;
(ii) Articles 125-127;
(iii) Articles 129-132;
(iv) Any other offense in which evidence of
general military character of the accused is not rele-
vant to any element of an offense for which the
accused has been charged; or
(v) An attempt or conspiracy to commit one
of the above offenses.
(B) Subject to the limitations in Mil. R. Evid.
412, the accused may offer evidence of an alleged
victims pertinent trait, and if the evidence is admit-
ted, the prosecution may:
(i) offer evidence to rebut it; and
(ii) offer evidence of the accuseds same
trait; and
(C) in a homicide or assault case, the prosecu-
tion may offer evidence of the alleged victims trait
of peacefulness to rebut evidence that the victim was
the first aggressor.
(3) Exceptions for a Witness. Evidence of a
nesss character may be admitted under Mil R. Evid.
607, 608, and 609.
(b) Crimes, Wrongs, or Other Acts.
(1) Prohibited Uses. Evidence of a crime, wrong,
or other act is not admissible to prove a persons
character in order to show that on a particular occa-
sion the person acted in accordance with the
(2) Permitted Uses; Notice. This evidence may be
admissible for another purpose, such as proving mo-
tive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowl-
edge, identity, absence of mistake, or lack of
accident. On request by the accused, the prosecution
(A) provide reasonable notice of the general
nature of any such evidence that the prosecution
intends to offer at trial; and
(B) do so before trial or during trial if the
military judge, for good cause, excuses lack of pre-
trial notice.
Rule 405. Methods of proving character
(a) By Reputation or Opinion. When evidence of a
persons character or character trait is admissible, it
may be proved by testimony about the persons rep-
utation or by testimony in the form of an opinion.
On cross-examination of the character witness, the
military judge may allow an inquiry into relevant
specific instances of the persons conduct.
(b) By Specific Instances of Conduct. When a per-
sons character or character trait is an essential ele-
ment of a charge, claim, or defense, the character or
trait may also be proved by relevant specific in-
stances of the persons conduct.
(c) By Affidavit. The defense may introduce affida-
vits or other written statements of persons other than
the accused concerning the character of the accused.
If the defense introduces affidavits or other written
statements under this subdivision, the prosecution
may, in rebuttal, also introduce affidavits or other
written statements regarding the character of the ac-
cused. Evidence of this type may be introduced by
JUNE 2015
the defense or prosecution only if, aside from being
contained in an affidavit or other written statement,
it would otherwise be admissible under these rules.
(d) Definitions. Reputation means the estimation
in which a person generally is held in the commu-
nity in which the person lives or pursues a business
or profession. Community in the Armed Forces
includes a post, camp, ship, station, or other military
organization regardless of size.
Rule 406. Habit; routine practice
Evidence of a persons habit or an organizations
routine practice may be admitted to prove that on a
particular occasion the person or organization acted
in accordance with the habit or routine practice. The
military judge may admit this evidence regardless of
whether it is corroborated or whether there was an
Rule 407. Subsequent remedial measures
(a) When measures are taken that would have made
an earlier injury or harm less likely to occur, evi-
dence of the subsequent measures is not admissible
to prove:
(1) negligence;
(2) culpable conduct;
(3) a defect in a product or its design; or
(4) a need for a warning or instruction.
(b) The military judge may admit this evidence for
another purpose, such as impeachment or if dis-
puted proving ownership, control, or the feasibility
of precautionary measures.
Rule 408. Compromise offers and
(a) Prohibited Uses. Evidence of the following is
not admissible on behalf of any party either to
prove or disprove the validity or amount of a dis-
puted claim or to impeach by a prior inconsistent
statement or a contradiction:
(1) furnishing, promising, or offering or accept-
ing, promising to accept, or offering to accept a
valuable consideration in order to compromise the
claim; and
(2) conduct or a statement made during compro-
mise negotiations about the claim except when the
negotiations related to a claim by a public office in
the exercise of its regulatory, investigative, or en-
forcement authority.
(b) Exceptions. The military judge may admit this
evidence for another purpose, such as proving wit-
ness bias or prejudice, negating a contention of un-
due delay, or proving an effort to obstruct a criminal
investigation or prosecution.
Rule 409. Offers to pay medical and similar
Evidence of furnishing, promising to pay, or of-
fering to pay medical, hospital, or similar expenses
resulting from an injury is not admissible to prove
liability for the injury.
Rule 410. Pleas, plea discussions, and
related statements
(a) Prohibited Uses. Evidence of the following is
not admissible against the accused who made the
plea or participated in the plea discussions:
(1) a guilty plea that was later withdrawn;
(2) a nolo contendere plea;
(3) any statement made in the course of any judi-
cial inquiry regarding either of the foregoing pleas;
(4) any statement made during plea discussions
with the convening authority, staff judge advocate,
trial counsel or other counsel for the government if
the discussions did not result in a guilty plea or they
resulted in a later-withdrawn guilty plea.
(b) Exceptions. The military judge may admit
statement described in subdivision (a)(3) or
(1) when another statement made during the
plea or plea discussions has been introduced, if in
fairness the statements ought to be considered to-
gether; or
(2) in a proceeding for perjury or false statement,
if the accused made the statement under oath, on the
record, and with counsel present.
(c) Request for Administrative Disposition. A state-
ment made during plea discussions includes a state-
ment made by the accused solely for the purpose of
requesting disposition under an authorized procedure
for administrative action in lieu of trial by court-
martial; on the record includes the written state-
ment submitted by the accused in furtherance of
such request.
JUNE 2015
Rule 411. Liability Insurance
Evidence that a person was or was not insured
against liability is not admissible to prove whether
the person acted negligently or otherwise wrongful-
ly. The military judge may admit this evidence for
another purpose, such as proving witness bias or
prejudice or proving agency, ownership, or control.
Rule 412. Sex offense cases: The victim’s
sexual behavior or predisposition
(a) Evidence generally inadmissible. The following
evidence is not admissible in any proceeding involv-
ing an alleged sexual offense except as provided in
subdivisions (b) and (c):
(1) Evidence offered to prove that any alleged
victim engaged in other sexual behavior.
(2) Evidence offered to prove any alleged vic-
tims sexual predisposition.
(b) Exceptions.
(1) In a proceeding, the following evidence is ad-
missible, if otherwise admissible under these rules:
(A) evidence of specific instances of sexual be-
havior by the alleged victim offered to prove that a
person other than the accused was the source of
semen, injury, or other physical evidence;
(B) evidence of specific instances of sexual be-
havior by the alleged victim with respect to the
person accused of the sexual misconduct offered by
the accused to prove consent or by the prosecution;
(C) evidence the exclusion of which would vi-
olate the constitutional rights of the accused.
(c) Procedure to determine admissibility.
(1) A party intending to offer evidence under sub-
section (b) must
(A) file a written motion at least 5 days prior
to entry of pleas specifically describing the evidence
and stating the purpose for which it is offered unless
the military judge, for good cause shown, requires a
different time for filing or permits filing during trial;
(B) serve the motion on the opposing party and
the military judge and notify the alleged victim or,
when appropriate, the alleged victims guardian or
(2) Before admitting evidence under this rule, the
military judge must conduct a hearing, which shall
be closed. At this hearing, the parties may call wit-
nesses, including the alleged victim, and offer rele-
vant evidence. The alleged victim must be afforded
a reasonable opportunity to attend and be heard.
However, the hearing may not be unduly delayed for
this purpose. The right to be heard under this rule
includes the right to be heard through counsel, in-
l Victims Counsel under section
1044e of title 10, United States Code. In a case
before a court- martial composed of a military
judge and members, the military judge shall
conduct the hearing outside the presence of the
members pursuant to Article 39(a). The motion,
related papers, and the record of the hearing must
be sealed in accordance with
R.C.M. 1103A and remain under seal unless the
military judge or an appellate court orders otherwise.
(3) If the military judge determines on the basis
of the hearing described in paragraph (2) of this
subsection that the evidence that the accused seeks
to offer is relevant for a purpose under subsection
(b) and that the probative value of such evidence
outweighs the danger of unfair prejudice to the al-
leged victims privacy, such evidence shall be ad-
missible under this rule to the extent an order made
by the military judge specifies evidence that may be
offered and areas with respect to which the alleged
victim may be examined or cross-examined. Such
evidence is still subject to challenge under Mil. R.
Evid. 403.
(d) For purposes of this rule, the term sexual of-
fense” includes any sexual misconduct punishable
under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, federal
law or state law. Sexual behavior includes any
sexual behavior not encompassed by the alleged of-
fense. The term sexual predisposition refers to an
alleged victims mode of dress, speech, or lifestyle
that does not directly refer to sexual activities or
thoughts but that may have a sexual connotation for
the fact finder.
Rule 413. Similar crimes in sexual offense
(a) Permitted Uses. In a court-martial proceeding
JUNE 2015
for a sexual offense, the military judge may admit
evidence that the accused committed any other sex-
ual offense. The evidence may be considered on any
matter to which it is relevant.
(b) Disclosure to the Accused. If the prosecution
intends to offer this evidence, the prosecution must
disclose it to the accused, including any witnesses’
statements or a summary of the expected testimony.
The prosecution must do so at least 5 days prior to
entry of pleas or at a later time that the military
judge allows for good cause.
(c) Effect on Other Rules. This rule does not limit
the admission or consideration of evidence under
any other rule.
(d) Definition. As used in this rule, sexual offense”
means an offense punishable under the Uniform
Code of Military Justice, or a crime under federal or
state law (as state” is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 513),
(1) any conduct prohibited by Article 120;
(2) any conduct prohibited by 18 U.S.C. chapter
(3) contact, without consent, between any part of
the accuseds body, or an object held or controlled
by the accused, and another persons genitals or
(4) contact, without consent, between the ac-
cuseds genitals or anus and any part of another
persons body;
(5) contact with the aim of deriving sexual pleas-
ure or gratification from inflicting death, bodily inju-
ry, or physical pain on another person; or
(6) an attempt or conspiracy to engage in conduct
described in subdivisions (d)(1)-(5).
Rule 414. Similar crimes in child-molestation
(a) Permitted Uses. In a court-martial proceeding in
which an accused is charged with an act of child
molestation, the military judge may admit evidence
that the accused committed any other offense of
child molestation. The evidence may be considered
on any matter to which it is relevant.
(b) Disclosure to the Accused. If the prosecution
intends to offer this evidence, the prosecution must
disclose it to the accused, including witnesses’ state-
ments or a summary of the expected testimony. The
prosecution must do so at least 5 days prior to entry
of pleas or at a later time that the military judge
allows for good cause.
(c) Effect on Other Rules. This rule does not limit
the admission or consideration of evidence under
any other rule.
(d) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) “Child means a person below the age of 16;
(2) “Child molestation means an offense punish-
able under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or
a crime under federal law or under state law (as
state” is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 513), that involves:
(A) any conduct prohibited by Article 120 and
committed with a child;
(B) any conduct prohibited by 18 U.S.C. chap-
ter 109A and committed with a child;
(C) any conduct prohibited by 18 U.S.C. chap-
ter 110;
(D) contact between any part of the accuseds
body, or an object held or controlled by the accused,
and a childs genitals or anus;
(E) contact between the accuseds genitals or
anus and any part of a childs body;
(F) contact with the aim of deriving sexual
pleasure or gratification from inflicting death, bodily
injury, or physical pain on a child; or
(G) an attempt or conspiracy to engage in con-
duct described in subdivisions (d)(2)(A)-(F).
Rule 501. Privilege in general
(a) A person may not claim a privilege with respect
to any matter except as required by or provided for
(1) the United States Constitution as applied to
members of the Armed Forces;
(2) a federal statute applicable to trials by courts-
(3) these rules;
(4) this Manual; or
(5) the principles of common law generally rec-
ognized in the trial of criminal cases in the United
States district courts under rule 501 of the Federal
Rules of Evidence, insofar as the application of such
principles in trials by courts-martial is practicable
JUNE 2015
and not contrary to or inconsistent with the Uniform
Code of Military Justice, these rules, or this Manual.
(b) A claim of privilege includes, but is not limited
to, the assertion by any person of a privilege to:
(1) refuse to be a witness;
(2) refuse to disclose any matter;
(3) refuse to produce any object or writing; or
(4) prevent another from being a witness or dis-
closing any matter or producing any object or
(c) The term person includes an appropriate repre-
sentative of the Federal Government, a State, or po-
litical subdivision thereof, or any other entity
claiming to be the holder of a privilege.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of these
rules, information not otherwise privileged does not
become privileged on the basis that it was acquired
by a medical officer or civilian physician in a
professional capacity.
Rule 502. Lawyer-client privilege
(a) General Rule. A client has a privilege to refuse
to disclose and to prevent any other person from
disclosing confidential communications made for the
purpose of facilitating the rendition of professional
legal services to the client:
(1) between the client or the clients representa-
tive and the lawyer or the lawyers representative;
(2) between the lawyer and the
(3) by the client or the client’s lawyer to a lawyer
representing another in a matter of common interest;
(4) between representatives of the client or be-
tween the client and a representative of the client; or
(5) between lawyers representing the client.
(b) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) Client” means a person, public officer, cor-
poration, association, organization, or other entity,
either public or private, who receives professional
legal services from a lawyer, or who consults a
lawyer with a view to obtaining professional legal
services from the lawyer.
(2) Lawyer means a person authorized, or rea-
sonably believed by the client to be authorized, to
practice law; or a member of the Armed Forces
detailed, assigned, or otherwise provided to repre-
sent a person in a court-martial case or in any mili-
tary investigation or proceeding. The term lawyer
does not include a member of the Armed Forces
serving in a capacity other than as a judge advocate,
legal officer, or law specialist as defined in Article
1, unless the member:
(A) is detailed, assigned, or otherwise provided
to represent a person in a court-martial case or in
any military investigation or proceeding;
(B) is authorized by the Armed Forces, or rea-
sonably believed by the client to be authorized, to
render professional legal services to members of the
Armed Forces; or
(C) is authorized to practice law and renders
al legal
(3) Lawyers representative” means a person
employed by or assigned to assist a lawyer in pro-
viding professional legal services.
(4) A communication is confidential” if not in-
tended to be disclosed to third persons other than
those to whom disclosure is in furtherance of the
rendition of professional legal services to the client
or those reasonably necessary for the transmission of
the communication.
(c) Who May Claim the Privilege. The privilege
may be claimed by the client, the guardian or con-
servator of the client, the personal representative of
a deceased client, or the successor, trustee, or similar
representative of a corporation, association, or other
organization, whether or not in existence. The law-
yer or the lawyers representative who received the
communication may claim the privilege on behalf of
the client. The authority of the lawyer to do so is
presumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
(d) Exceptions. There is no privilege under this rule
under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Crime or Fraud. If the communication clearly
contemplated the future commission of a fraud or
crime or if services of the lawyer were sought or
obtained to enable or aid anyone to commit or plan
to commit what the client knew or reasonably
should have known to be a crime or fraud;
(2) Claimants through Same Deceased Client. As
to a communication relevant to an issue between
parties who claim through the same deceased client,
regardless of whether the claims are by testate or
intestate succession or by inter vivos transaction;
(3) Breach of Duty by Lawyer or Client. As to a
communication relevant to an issue of breach of
JUNE 2015
duty by the lawyer to the client or by the client to
the lawyer;
(4) Document Attested by the Lawyer. As to a
communication relevant to an issue concerning an
attested document to which the lawyer is an attesting
witness; or
(5) Joint Clients. As to a communication relevant
to a matter of common interest between two or more
clients if the communication was made by any of
them to a lawyer retained or consulted in common,
when offered in an action between any of the
Rule 503. Communications to clergy
(a) General Rule. A person has a privilege to refuse
to disclose and to prevent another from disclosing a
confidential communication by the person to a cler-
gyman or to a clergymans assistant, if such commu-
nication is made either as a formal act of religion or
as a matter of conscience.
(b) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) Clergymanmeans a minister, priest, rabbi,
chaplain, or other similar functionary of a religious
organization, or an individual reasonably believed to
be so by the person consulting the clergyman.
(2) Clergymans assistant” means a person em-
ployed by or assigned to assist a clergyman in his
capacity as a spiritual advisor.
(3) A communication is confidential” if made to
a clergyman in the clergymans capacity as a spirit-
ual adviser or to a clergymans assistant in the as-
sistants official capacity and is not intended to be
disclosed to third persons other than those to whom
disclosure is in furtherance of the purpose of the
communication or to those reasonably necessary for
the transmission of the communication.
(c) Who May Claim the Privilege. The privilege
may be claimed by the person, guardian, or conser-
vator, or by a personal representative if the person is
deceased. The clergyman or clergymans assistant
who received the communication may claim the
privilege on behalf of the person. The authority of
the clergyman or clergymans assistant to do so is
presumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
Rule 504. Husband-wife privilege
(a) Spousal Incapacity. A person has a privilege to
refuse to testify against his or her spouse.
(b) Confidential Communication Made During the
(1) General Rule. A person has a privilege during
and after the marital relationship to refuse to dis-
close, and to prevent another from disclosing, any
confidential communication made to the spouse of
the person while they were husband and wife and
not separated as provided by law.
(2) Definition. As used in this rule, a communica-
tion is confidential” if made privately by any per-
son to the spouse of the person and is not intended
to be disclosed to third persons other than those
reasonably necessary for transmission of the
(3) Who May Claim the Privilege. The privilege
may be claimed by the spouse who made the com-
munication or by the other spouse on his or her
behalf. The authority of the latter spouse to do so is
presumed in the absence of evidence of a waiver.
The privilege will not prevent disclosure of the com-
munication at the request of the spouse to whom the
communication was made if that spouse is an ac-
cused regardless of whether the spouse who made
the communication objects to its disclosure.
(c) Exceptions.
(1) To Spousal Incapacity Only. There is no priv-
ilege under subdivision (a) when, at the time the
testimony of one of the parties to the marriage is to
be introduced in evidence against the other party, the
parties are divorced or the marriage has been
(2) To Spousal Incapacity and Confidential Com-
munications. There is no privilege under subdivi-
sions (a) or (b):
(A) In proceedings in which one spouse is
charged with a crime against the person or property
of the other spouse or a child of either, or with a
crime against the person or property of a third per-
son committed in the course of committing a crime
against the other spouse;
(B) When the marital relationship was entered
into with no intention of the parties to live together
as spouses, but only for the purpose of using the
purported marital relationship as a sham, and with
respect to the privilege in subdivision (a), the rela-
tionship remains a sham at the time the testimony or
statement of one of the parties is to be introduced
against the other; or with respect to the privilege in
JUNE 2015
subdivision (b), the relationship was a sham at the
time of the communication; or
(C) In proceedings in which a spouse is
charged, in accordance with Article 133 or 134, with
importing the other spouse as an alien for prostitu-
tion or other immoral purpose in violation of 18
U.S.C. §1328; with transporting the other spouse in
interstate commerce for immoral purposes or other
offense in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2421-2424; or
with violation of such other similar statutes under
which such privilege may not be claimed in the trial
of criminal cases in the United States district courts.
(D) Where both parties have been substantial
participants in illegal activity, those communications
between the spouses during the marriage regarding
the illegal activity in which they have jointly partici-
pated are not marital communications for purposes
of the privilege in subdivision (b) and are not enti-
tled to protection under the privilege in subdivision
(d) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) “A child of either means a biological child,
adopted child, or ward of one of the spouses and
includes a child who is under the permanent or tem-
porary physical custody of one of the spouses, re-
gardless of the existence of a legal parent-child
relationship. For purposes of this rule only, a child
(A) an individual under the age of 18;
(B) an individual with a mental handicap who
functions under the age of 18.
(2) Temporary physical custody means a parent
has entrusted his or her child with another. There is
no minimum amount of time necessary to establish
temporary physical custody, nor is a written agree-
ment required. Rather, the focus is on the parent’s
agreement with another for assuming parental re-
sponsibility for the child. For example, temporary
physical custody may include instances where a par-
ent entrusts another with the care of their child for
recurring care or during absences due to temporary
duty or deployments.
Rule 505. Classified information
(a) General Rule. Classified information must be
protected and is privileged from disclosure if disclo-
sure would be detrimental to the national security.
Under no circumstances may a military judge order
the release of classified information to any person
not authorized to receive such information. The Sec-
retary of Defense may prescribe security procedures
for protection against the compromise of classified
information submitted to courts-martial and appel-
late authorities.
(b) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) Classified information means any informa-
tion or material that has been determined by the
United States Government pursuant to an executive
order, statute, or regulations, to require protection
against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of na-
tional security, and any restricted data, as defined in
42 U.S.C. §2014(y).
(2) National security means the national de-
fense and foreign relations of the United States.
(3) In camera hearing means a session
Article 39(a) from which the public is excluded.
(4) In camera review means an inspection of
documents or other evidence conducted by the mili-
tary judge alone in chambers and not on the record.
(5) Ex parte” means a discussion between the
military judge and either the defense counsel or
prosecution, without the other party or the public
present. This discussion can be on or off the record,
depending on the circumstances. The military judge
will grant a request for an ex parte discussion or
hearing only after finding that such discussion or
hearing is necessary to protect classified information
or other good cause. Prior to granting a request from
one party for an ex parte discussion or hearing, the
military judge must provide notice to the opposing
party on the record. If the ex parte discussion is
conducted off the record, the military judge should
later state on the record that such ex parte discussion
took place and generally summarize the subject mat-
ter of the discussion, as appropriate.
(c) Access to Evidence. Any information admitted
into evidence pursuant to any rule, procedure, or
order by the military judge must be provided to the
(d) Declassification. Trial counsel should, when
practicable, seek declassification of evidence that
may be used at trial, consistent with the require-
ments of national security. A decision not to declas-
sify evidence under this section is not subject to
review by a military judge or upon appeal.
(e) Action Prior to Referral of Charges
(1) Prior to referral of charges, upon a showing
by the accused that the classified information sought
JUNE 2015
is relevant and necessary to an element of the of-
fense or a legally cognizable defense, the convening
authority must respond in writing to a request by the
accused for classified information if the privilege in
this rule is claimed for such information. In response
to such a request, the convening authority may:
(A) delete specified items of classified infor-
mation from documents made available to the
(B) substitute a portion or summary of the in-
formation for such classified documents;
(C) substitute a statement admitting relevant
facts that the classified information would tend to
(D) provide the document subject to conditions
that will guard against the compromise of the infor-
mation disclosed to the accused; or
(E) withhold disclosure if actions under (A)
through (D) cannot be taken without causing identi-
fiable damage to the national security.
(2) An Article 32 investigating officer may not
rule on any objection by the accused to the release
of documents or information protected by this rule.
(3) Any objection by the accused to the withhold-
ing of information or to the conditions of disclosure
must be raised through a motion for appropriate re-
lief at a pretrial conference.
(f) Actions after Referral of Charges.
(1) Pretrial Conference. At any time after referral
of charges, any party may move for a pretrial con-
ference under Article 39(a) to consider matters relat-
ing to classified information that may arise in
connection with the trial. Following such a motion,
or when the military judge recognizes the need for
such conference, the military judge must promptly
hold a pretrial conference under Article 39(a).
(2) Ex Parte Permissible. Upon request by either
party and with a showing of good cause, the military
judge must hold such conference ex parte to the
extent necessary to protect classified information
from disclosure.
(3) Matters to be Established at Pretrial Confer-
(A) Timing of Subsequent Actions. At the pre-
trial conference, the military judge must establish
the timing of:
(i) requests for
(ii) the provision of notice required by sub-
division (i) of this rule; and
(iii) established by subdivision (j) of this
(B) Other Matters. At the pretrial conference,
the military judge may also consider any matter that
relates to classified information or that may promote
a fair and expeditious trial.
(4) Convening Authority Notice and Action. If a
claim of privilege has been made under this rule
with respect to classified information that apparently
contains evidence that is relevant and necessary to
an element of the offense or a legally cognizable
defense and is otherwise admissible in evidence in
the court-martial proceeding, the matter must be
reported to the convening authority. The convening
authority may:
(A) institute action to obtain the classified in-
formation for the use by the military judge in mak-
ing a determination under subdivision (j);
(B) dismiss the charges;
(C) dismiss the charges or specifications or
both to which the information relates; or
(D) take such other action as may be required
in the interests of justice.
(5) Remedies. If, after a reasonable period of
time, the information is not provided to the military
judge in circumstances where proceeding with the
case without such information would materially prej-
udice a substantial right of the accused, the military
judge must dismiss the charges or specifications or
both to which the classified information relates.
(g) Protective Orders. Upon motion of the trial
counsel, the military judge must issue an order to
protect against the disclosure of any classified infor-
mation that has been disclosed by the United States
to any accused in any court-martial proceeding or
that has otherwise been provided to, or obtained by,
any such accused in any such court-martial proceed-
ing. The terms of any such protective order may
include, but are not limited to, provisions.
(1) prohibiting the disclosure of the information
except as authorized by the military judge;
(2) requiring storage of material in a manner ap-
propriate for the level of classification assigned to
the documents to be disclosed;
(3) requiring controlled access to the material
JUNE 2015
during normal business hours and at other times
upon reasonable notice;
(4) mandating that all persons requiring security
clearances will cooperate with investigatory person-
nel in any investigations that are necessary to obtain
a security clearance;
(5) requiring the maintenance of logs regarding
access by all persons authorized by the military
judge to have access to the classified information in
connection with the preparation of the defense;
(6) regulating the making and handling of notes
taken from material containing classified informa-
tion; or
(7) requesting the convening authority to author-
ize the assignment of government security personnel
and the provision of government storage facilities.
(h) Discovery and Access by the Accused.
(1) Limitations.
(A) Government Claim of Privilege. In a court-
martial proceeding in which the government seeks to
delete, withhold, or otherwise obtain other relief
with respect to the discovery of or access to any
classified information, the trial counsel must submit
a declaration invoking the United States classified
information privilege and setting forth the damage to
the national security that the discovery of or access
to such information reasonably could be expected to
cause. The declaration must be signed by the head,
or designee, of the executive or military department
or government agency concerned.
(B) Standard for Discovery or Access by the
Accused. Upon the submission of a declaration
under subdivision (h)(1)(A), the military judge may
not authorize the discovery of or access to such
classified information unless the military judge de-
termines that such classified information would be
noncumulative and relevant to a legally cognizable
defense, rebuttal of the prosecutions case, or to sen-
tencing. If the discovery of or access to such classi-
fied information is authorized, it must be addressed
in accordance with the requirements of subdivision
(2) Alternatives to Full Discovery.
(A) Substitutions and Other Alternatives. The
military judge, in assessing the accuseds right to
discover or access classified information under sub-
division (h), may authorize the government:
(i) to delete or withhold specified items of
classified information;
(ii) to substitute a summary for classified in-
formation; or
(iii) to substitute a statement admitting rele-
vant facts that the classified information or material
would tend to prove, unless the military judge deter-
mines that disclosure of the classified information
itself is necessary to enable the accused to prepare
for trial.
(B) In Camera Review. The military judge
must, upon the request of the prosecution, conduct
an in camera review of the prosecutions motion and
any materials submitted in support thereof and must
not disclose such information to the accused.
(C) Action by Military Judge. The military
judge must grant the request of the trial counsel to
substitute a summary or to substitute a statement
admitting relevant facts, or to provide other relief in
accordance with subdivision (h)(2)(A), if the mili-
tary judge finds that the summary, statement, or
other relief would provide the accused with substan-
tially the same ability to make a defense as would
discovery of or access to the specific classified
(3) Reconsideration. An order of a military judge
authorizing a request of the trial counsel to sub-
stitute, summarize, withhold, or prevent access to
classified information under subdivision (h) is not
subject to a motion for reconsideration by the ac-
cused, if such order was entered pursuant to an ex
parte showing under subdivision (h).
(i) Disclosure by the Accused.
(1) Notification to Trial Counsel and Military
Judge. If an accused reasonably expects to disclose,
or to cause the disclosure of, classified information
in any manner in connection with any trial or pre-
trial proceeding involving the prosecution of such
accused, the accused must, within the time specified
by the military judge or, where no time is specified,
prior to arraignment of the accused, notify the trial
counsel and the military judge in writing.
(2) Content of Notice. Such notice must include a
brief description of the classified information.
(3) Continuing Duty to Notify. Whenever the ac-
cused learns of additional classified information the
accused reasonably expects to disclose, or to cause
the disclosure of, at any such proceeding, the ac-
cused must notify trial counsel and the military
JUNE 2015
judge in writing as soon as possible thereafter and
must include a brief description of the classified
(4) Limitation on Disclosure by Accused. The ac-
cused may not disclose, or cause the disclosure of,
any information known or believed to be classified
in connection with a trial or pretrial proceeding
(A) notice has been given under subdivision
(i); and
(B) the government has been afforded a rea-
sonable opportunity to seek a determination pursuant
to the procedure set forth in subdivision (j).
(5) Failure to comply. If the accused fails to com-
ply with the requirements of subdivision (i), the mil-
itary judge:
(A) may preclude disclosure of any classified
information not made the subject of notification; and
(B) may prohibit the examination by the ac-
cused of any witness with respect to any such
(j) Procedure for Use of Classified Information in
Trials and Pretrial Proceedings.
(1) Hearing on Use of Classified
(A) Motion for Hearing. Within the time speci-
fied by the military judge for the filing of a motion
under this rule, either party may move for a hearing
concerning the use at any proceeding of any classi-
fied information. Upon a request by either party, the
military judge must conduct such a hearing and must
rule prior to conducting any further proceedings.
(B) Request for In Camera Hearing. Any hear-
ing held pursuant to subdivision (j) (or any portion
of such hearing specified in the request of a knowl-
edgeable United States official) must be held in
camera if a knowledgeable United States official
possessing authority to classify information submits
to the military judge a declaration that a public
proceeding may result in the disclosure of classified
(C) Notice to Accused. Before the hearing, trial
counsel must provide the accused with notice of the
classified information that is at issue. Such notice
must identify the specific classified information at
issue whenever that information previously has been
made available to the accused by the United States.
When the United States has not previously made the
information available to the accused in connection
with the case the information may be described by
generic category, in such forms as the military judge
may approve, rather than by identification of the
specific information of concern to the United States.
(D) Standard for Disclosure. Classified infor-
mation is not subject to disclosure under subdivision
(j) unless the information is relevant and necessary
to an element of the offense or a legally cognizable
defense and is otherwise admissible in evidence. In
presentencing proceedings, relevant and material
classified information pertaining to the appropriate-
ness of, or the appropriate degree of, punishment
must be admitted only if no unclassified version of
such information is available.
(E) Written Findings. As to each item of classi-
fied information, the military judge must set forth in
writing the basis for the determination.
(2) Alternatives to Full Disclosure.
(A) Motion by the Prosecution. Upon any de-
termination by the military judge authorizing the dis-
closure of specific classified information under the
procedures established by subdivision (j), the trial
counsel may move that, in lieu of the disclosure of
such specific classified information, the military
judge order:
(i) the substitution for such classified infor-
mation of a statement admitting relevant facts that
the specific classified information would tend to
(ii) the substitution for such classified infor-
mation of a summary of the specific classified infor-
mation; or
(iii) any other procedure or redaction limit-
ing the disclosure of specific classified information.
(B) Declaration of Damage to National Securi-
ty. The trial counsel may, in connection with a mo-
tion under subdivision (j), submit to the military
judge a declaration signed by the head, or designee,
of the executive or military department or govern-
ment agency concerned certifying that disclosure of
classified information would cause identifiable dam-
age to the national security of the United States and
explaining the basis for the classification of such
information. If so requested by the trial counsel, the
military judge must examine such declaration during
an in camera review.
(C) Hearing. The military judge must hold a
hearing on any motion under subdivision (j). Any
such hearing must be held in camera at the request
JUNE 2015
of a knowledgeable United States official possessing
authority to classify information.
(D) Standard for Use of Alternatives. The mili-
tary judge must grant such a motion of the trial
counsel if the military judge finds that the statement,
summary, or other procedure or redaction will pro-
vide the accused with substantially the same ability
to make his or her defense as would disclosure of
the specific classified information.
(3) Sealing of Records of In Camera Hearings. If
at the close of an in camera hearing under subdivi-
sion (j) (or any portion of a hearing under subdivi-
sion (j) that is held in camera), the military judge
determines that the classified information at issue
may not be disclosed or elicited at the trial or pre-
trial proceeding, the record of such in camera hear-
ing must be sealed in accordance with R.C.M.
1103A and preserved for use in the event of an
appeal. The accused may seek reconsideration of the
military judges determination prior to or during
(4) Remedies.
(A) If the military judge determines that alter-
natives to full disclosure may not be used and the
prosecution continues to object to disclosure of the
information, the military judge must issue any order
that the interests of justice require, including but not
limited to, an order:
(i) striking or precluding all or part of the
testimony of a witness;
(ii) declaring a mistrial;
(iii) finding against the government on any
issue as to which the evidence is relevant and mate-
rial to the defense;
(iv) dismissing the charges, with or without
prejudice; or
(v) dismissing the charges or specifications
or both to which the information relates.
(B) The government may avoid the sanction
for nondisclosure by permitting the accused to dis-
close the information at the pertinent court-martial
(5) Disclosure of Rebuttal Information. Whenever
the military judge determines that classified informa-
tion may be disclosed in connection with a trial or
pretrial proceeding, the military judge must, unless
the interests of fairness do not so require, order the
prosecution to provide the accused with the informa-
tion it expects to use to rebut the classified
(A) Continuing Duty. The military judge may
place the prosecution under a continuing duty to
disclose such rebuttal information.
(B) Sanction for Failure to Comply. If the
prosecution fails to comply with its obligation under
subdivision (j), the military judge:
(i) may exclude any evidence not made the
subject of a required disclosure; and
(ii) may prohibit the examination by the
prosecution of any witness with respect to such
(6) Disclosure at Trial of Previous Statements by
a Witness.
(A) Motion for Production of Statements in
Possession of the Prosecution. After a witness called
by the trial counsel has testified on direct examina-
tion, the military judge, on motion of the accused,
may order production of statements of the witness in
the possession of the prosecution that relate to the
subject matter as to which the witness has testified.
This paragraph does not preclude discovery or asser-
tion of a privilege otherwise authorized.
(B) Invocation of Privilege by the Government.
If the government invokes a privilege, the trial coun-
sel may provide the prior statements of the witness
to the military judge for in camera review to the
extent necessary to protect classified information
from disclosure.
(C) Action by Military Judge. If the military
judge finds that disclosure of any portion of the
statement identified by the government as classified
would be detrimental to the national security in the
degree required to warrant classification under the
applicable Executive Order, statute, or regulation,
that such portion of the statement is consistent with
the testimony of the witness, and that the disclosure
of such portion is not necessary to afford the ac-
cused a fair trial, the military judge must excise that
portion from the statement. If the military judge
finds that such portion of the statement is inconsis-
tent with the testimony of the witness or that its
disclosure is necessary to afford the accused a fair
trial, the military judge must, upon the request of the
trial counsel, consider alternatives to disclosure in
accordance with subdivision (j)(2).
(k) Introduction into Evidence of Classified Infor-
JUNE 2015
(1) Preservation of Classification Status. Writ-
ings, recordings, and photographs containing classi-
fied information may be admitted into evidence in
court-martial proceedings under this rule without
change in their classification status.
(A) Precautions. The military judge in a trial
by court-martial, in order to prevent unnecessary
disclosure of classified information, may order ad-
mission into evidence of only part of a writing,
recording, or photograph, or may order admission
into evidence of the whole writing, recording, or
photograph with excision of some or all of the clas-
sified information contained therein, unless the
whole ought in fairness be considered.
(B) Classified Information Kept Under Seal.
The military judge must allow classified information
offered or accepted into evidence to remain under
seal during the trial, even if such evidence is dis-
closed in the court-martial proceeding, and may,
upon motion by the government, seal exhibits con-
taining classified information in accordance with
R.C.M. 1103A for any period after trial as necessary
to prevent a disclosure of classified information
when a knowledgeable United States official posses-
sing authority to classify information submits to the
military judge a declaration setting forth the damage
to the national security that the disclosure of such
information reasonably could be expected to cause.
(2) Testimony.
(A) Objection by Trial Counsel. During the ex-
amination of a witness, trial counsel may object to
any question or line of inquiry that may require the
witness to disclose classified information not
previously found to be admissible.
(B) Action by Military Judge. Following an ob-
jection under subdivision (k), the military judge
must take such suitable action to determine whether
the response is admissible as will safeguard against
the compromise of any classified information. Such
action may include requiring trial counsel to provide
the military judge with a proffer of the witnesss
response to the question or line of inquiry and re-
quiring the accused to provide the military judge
with a proffer of the nature of the information
sought to be elicited by the accused. Upon request,
the military judge may accept an ex parte proffer by
trial counsel to the extent necessary to protect classi-
fied information from disclosure.
(3) Closed session. The military judge may, sub-
ject to the requirements of the United States Consti-
tution, exclude the public during that portion of the
presentation of evidence that discloses classified
(l) Record of Trial. If under this rule any informa-
tion is withheld from the accused, the accused ob-
jects to such withholding, and the trial is continued
to an adjudication of guilt of the accused, the entire
unaltered text of the relevant documents as well as
the prosecutions motion and any materials submit-
ted in support thereof must be sealed in accordance
with R.C.M. 1103A and attached to the record of
trial as an appellate exhibit. Such material must be
made available to reviewing authorities in closed
proceedings for the purpose of reviewing the deter-
mination of the military judge. The record of trial
with respect to any classified matter will be prepared
under R.C.M. 1103(h) and 1104(b)(1)(D).
In addition to the Sixth Amendment right of an accused to a
public trial, the Supreme Court has held that the press and general
public have a constitutional right under the First Amendment to
access to criminal trials. United States v. Hershey, 20 M.J. 433,
436 (C.M.A. 1985) (citing Richmond Newspapers, Inc. v. Virgin-
ia, 448 U.S. 555 (1980)). The test that must be met before closure
of a criminal trial to the public is set out in Press-Enterprise Co.
v. Superior Court, 464 U.S. 501 (1984), to wit: the presumption
of openness may be overcome by an overriding interest based on
findings that closure is essential to preserve higher values and is
narrowly tailored to serve that interest. The military judge must
consider reasonable alternatives to closure and must make ade-
quate findings supporting the closure to aid in review.
Rule 506. Government information other
than classified information
(a) Protection of Government Information. Except
where disclosure is required by a federal statute,
government information is privileged from disclo-
sure if disclosure would be detrimental to the public
(b) Scope. Government information includes offi-
cial communication and documents and other infor-
mation within the custody or control of the Federal
Government. This rule does not apply to classified
information (Mil. R. Evid. 505) or to the identity of
an informant (Mil. R. Evid. 507).
(c) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) In camera hearingmeans a session
Article 39(a) from which the public is excluded.
JUNE 2015
(2) In camera review means an inspection of
documents or other evidence conducted by the mili-
tary judge alone in chambers and not on the record.
(3) Ex parte” means a discussion between the
military judge and either the defense counsel or
prosecution, without the other party or the public
present. This discussion can be on or off the record,
depending on the circumstances. The military judge
will grant a request for an ex parte discussion or
hearing only after finding that such discussion or
hearing is necessary to protect government informa-
tion or other good cause. Prior to granting a request
from one party for an ex parte discussion or hearing,
the military judge must provide notice to the oppos-
ing party on the record. If the ex parte discussion is
conducted off the record, the military judge should
later state on the record that such ex parte discussion
took place and generally summarize the subject mat-
ter of the discussion, as appropriate.
(d) Who May Claim the Privilege. The privilege
may be claimed by the head, or designee, of the
executive or military department or government
agency concerned. The privilege for records and in-
formation of the Inspector General may be claimed
by the immediate superior of the inspector general
officer responsible for creation of the records or
information, the Inspector General, or any other su-
perior authority. A person who may claim the privi-
lege may authorize a witness or the trial counsel to
claim the privilege on his or her behalf. The author-
ity of a witness or the trial counsel to do so is
presumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
(e) Action Prior to Referral of Charges.
(1) Prior to referral of charges, upon a showing
by the accused that the government information
sought is relevant and necessary to an element of the
offense or a legally cognizable defense, the conven-
ing authority must respond in writing to a request by
the accused for government information if the privi-
lege in this rule is claimed for such information. In
response to such a request, the convening authority
(A) delete specified items of government infor-
mation claimed to be privileged from documents
made available to the accused;
(B) substitute a portion or summary of the in-
formation for such documents;
(C) substitute a statement admitting relevant
facts that the government information would tend to
(D) provide the document subject to conditions
similar to those set forth in subdivision (g) of this
rule; or
(E) withhold disclosure if actions under subdi-
visions (e)(1)(1)-(4) cannot be taken without causing
identifiable damage to the public interest.
(2) Any objection by the accused to withholding
of information or to the conditions of disclosure
must be raised through a motion for appropriate re-
lief at a pretrial conference.
(f) Action After Referral of Charges.
(1) Pretrial Conference. At any time after referral
of charges, any party may move for a pretrial con-
ference under Article 39(a) to consider matters relat-
ing to government information that may arise in
connection with the trial. Following such a motion,
or when the military judge recognizes the need for
such conference, the military judge must promptly
hold a pretrial conference under Article 39(a).
(2) Ex Parte Permissible. Upon request by either
party and with a showing of good cause, the military
judge must hold such conference ex parte to the
extent necessary to protect government information
from disclosure.
(3) Matters to be Established at Pretrial Confer-
(A) Timing of Subsequent Actions. At the pre-
trial conference, the military judge must establish
the timing of:
(i) requests for discovery;
(ii) the provision of notice required by sub-
division (i) of this rule; and
(iii) the initiation of the procedure estab-
lished by subdivision (j) of this rule.
(B) Other Matters. At the pretrial conference,
the military judge may also consider any matter
which relates to government information or which
may promote a fair and expeditious trial.
(4) Convening Authority Notice and Action. If a
claim of privilege has been made under this rule
with respect to government information that ap-
parently contains evidence that is relevant and nec-
essary to an element of the offense or a legally
cognizable defense and is otherwise admissible in
evidence in the court-martial proceeding, the matter
JUNE 2015
must be reported to the convening authority. The
convening authority may:
(A) institute action to obtain the information
for use by the military judge in making a determina-
tion under subdivision (j);
(B) dismiss the charges;
(C) dismiss the charges or specifications or
both to which the information relates; or
(D) take such other action as may be required
in the interests of justice.
(5) Remedies. If after a reasonable period of time
the information is not provided to the military judge
in circumstances where proceeding with the case
without such information would materially prejudice
a substantial right of the accused, the military judge
must dismiss the charges or specifications or both to
which the information relates.
(g) Protective Orders. Upon motion of the trial
counsel, the military judge must issue an order to
protect against the disclosure of any government in-
formation that has been disclosed by the United
States to any accused in any court-martial proceed-
ing or that has otherwise been provided to, or ob-
tained by, any such accused in any such court-
martial proceeding. The terms of any such protective
order may include, but are not limited to, provisions:
(1) prohibiting the disclosure of the information
except as authorized by the military judge;
(2) requiring storage of the material in a manner
appropriate for the nature of the material to be
(3) requiring controlled access to the material
during normal business hours and at other times
upon reasonable notice;
(4) requiring the maintenance of logs recording
access by persons authorized by the military judge
to have access to the government information in
connection with the preparation of the defense;
(5) regulating the making and handling of notes
taken from material containing government informa-
tion; or
(6) requesting the convening authority to author-
ize the assignment of government security personnel
and the provision of government storage facilities.
(h) Discovery and Access by the Accused.
(1) Limitations.
(A) Government Claim of Privilege. In a court-
martial proceeding in which the government seeks to
delete, withhold, or otherwise obtain other relief
with respect to the discovery of or access to any
government information subject to a claim of privi-
lege, the trial counsel must submit a declaration in-
voking the United States government information
privilege and setting forth the detriment to the public
interest that the discovery of or access to such infor-
mation reasonably could be expected to cause. The
declaration must be signed by a knowledgeable
United States official as described in subdivision (d)
of this rule.
(B) Standard for Discovery or Access by the
Accused. Upon the submission of a declaration
under subdivision (h)(1)(A), the military judge may
not authorize the discovery of or access to such
government information unless the military judge
determines that such government information would
be noncumulative, relevant, and helpful to a legally
cognizable defense, rebuttal of the prosecution’s
case, or to sentencing. If the discovery of or access
to such government information is authorized, it
must be addressed in accordance with the require-
ments of subdivision (h)(2).
(2) Alternatives to Full Disclosure.
(A) Substitutions and Other Alternatives. The
military judge, in assessing the accuseds right to
discover or access government information under
subdivision (h), may authorize the government:
(i) to delete or withhold specified items of
government information;
(ii) to substitute a summary for government
information; or
(iii) to substitute a statement admitting rele-
vant facts that the government information or mate-
rial would tend to prove, unless the military judge
determines that disclosure of the government infor-
mation itself is necessary to enable the accused to
prepare for trial.
(B) In Camera Review. The military judge
must, upon the request of the prosecution, conduct
an in camera review of the prosecutions motion and
any materials submitted in support thereof and must
not disclose such information to the accused.
(C) Action by Military Judge. The military
judge must grant the request of the trial counsel to
substitute a summary or to substitute a statement
admitting relevant facts, or to provide other relief in
accordance with subdivision (h)(2)(A), if the mili-
tary judge finds that the summary, statement, or
JUNE 2015
other relief would provide the accused with substan-
tially the same ability to make a defense as would
discovery of or access to the specific government
(i) Disclosure by the Accused.
(1) Notification to Trial Counsel and Military
Judge. If an accused reasonably expects to disclose,
or to cause the disclosure of, government informa-
tion subject to a claim of privilege in any manner in
connection with any trial or pretrial proceeding in-
volving the prosecution of such accused, the accused
must, within the time specified by the military judge
or, where no time is specified, prior to arraignment
of the accused, notify the trial counsel and the mili-
tary judge in writing.
(2) Content of Notice. Such notice must include a
brief description of the government information.
(3) Continuing Duty to Notify. Whenever the ac-
cused learns of additional government information
the accused reasonably expects to disclose, or to
cause the disclosure of, at any such proceeding, the
accused must notify trial counsel and the military
judge in writing as soon as possible thereafter and
must include a brief description of the government
(4) Limitation on Disclosure by Accused. The ac-
cused may not disclose, or cause the disclosure of,
any information known or believed to be subject to a
claim of privilege in connection with a trial or pre-
trial proceeding until:
(A) notice has been given under subdivision
(i); and
(B) the government has been afforded a rea-
sonable opportunity to seek a determination pursuant
to the procedure set forth in subdivision (j).
(5) Failure to Comply. If the accused fails to
comply with the requirements of subdivision (i), the
military judge:
(A) may preclude disclosure of any govern-
ment information not made the subject of notifica-
tion; and
(B) may prohibit the examination by the ac-
cused of any witness with respect to any such
(j) Procedure for Use of Government Information
Subject to a Claim of Privilege in Trials and Pre-
trial Proceedings.
(1) Hearing on Use of Government Information.
(A) Motion for Hearing. Within the time speci-
fied by the military judge for the filing of a motion
under this rule, either party may move for an in
camera hearing concerning the use at any proceeding
of any government information that may be subject
to a claim of privilege. Upon a request by either
party, the military judge must conduct such a hear-
ing and must rule prior to conducting any further
(B) Request for In Camera Hearing. Any hear-
ing held pursuant to subdivision (j) must be held in
camera if a knowledgeable United States official de-
scribed in subdivision (d) of this rule submits to the
military judge a declaration that disclosure of the
information reasonably could be expected to cause
identifiable damage to the public interest.
(C) Notice to Accused. Subject to subdivision
(j)(2) below, the prosecution must disclose govern-
ment information claimed to be privileged under this
rule for the limited purpose of litigating, in camera,
the admissibility of the information at trial. The mil-
itary judge must enter an appropriate protective or-
der to the accused and all other appropriate trial
participants concerning the disclosure of the infor-
mation according to subdivision (g), above. The ac-
cused may not disclose any information provided
under subdivision (j) unless, and until, such informa-
tion has been admitted into evidence by the military
judge. In the in camera hearing, both parties may
have the opportunity to brief and argue the admissi-
bility of the government information at trial.
(D) Standard for Disclosure. Government in-
formation is subject to disclosure at the court-martial
proceeding under subdivision (j) if the party making
the request demonstrates a specific need for informa-
tion containing evidence that is relevant to the guilt
or innocence or to punishment of the accused, and is
otherwise admissible in the court-martial proceeding.
(E) Written Findings. As to each item of gov-
ernment information, the military judge must set
forth in writing the basis for the determination.
(2) Alternatives to Full Disclosure.
(A) Motion by the Prosecution. Upon any de-
termination by the military judge authorizing disclo-
sure of specific government information under the
procedures established by subdivision (j), the prose-
cution may move that, in lieu of the disclosure of
such information, the military judge order:
(i) the substitution for such government in-
JUNE 2015
formation of a statement admitting relevant facts that
the specific government information would tend to
(ii) the substitution for such government in-
formation of a summary of the specific government
information; or
(iii) any other procedure or redaction limit-
ing the
e of
(B) Hearing. The military judge must hold a
hearing on any motion under subdivision (j). At the
request of the trial counsel, the military judge will
conduct an in camera hearing.
(C) Standard for Use of Alternatives. The mili-
tary judge must grant such a motion of the trial
counsel if the military judge finds that the statement,
summary, or other procedure or redaction will pro-
vide the accused with substantially the same ability
to make his or her defense as would disclosure of
the specific government information.
(3) Sealing of Records of In Camera Hearings. If
at the close of an in camera hearing under subdivi-
sion (j) (or any portion of a hearing under subdivi-
sion (j) that is held in camera), the military judge
determines that the government information at issue
may not be disclosed or elicited at the trial or pre-
trial proceeding, the record of such in camera hear-
ing must be sealed in accordance with R.C.M.
1103A and preserved for use in the event of an
appeal. The accused may seek reconsideration of the
military judges determination prior to or during
(4) Remedies.
(A) If the military judge determines that alter-
natives to full disclosure may not be used and the
prosecution continues to object to disclosure of the
information, the military judge must issue any order
that the interests of justice require, including but not
limited to, an order:
(i) striking or precluding all or part of the
testimony of a witness;
(ii) declaring a mistrial;
(iii) finding against the government on any
issue as to which the evidence is relevant and neces-
sary to the defense;
(iv) dismissing the charges, with or without
prejudice; or
(v) dismissing the charges or specifications
or both to which the information relates.
(B) The government may avoid the sanction
for nondisclosure by permitting the accused to dis-
close the information at the pertinent court-martial
(5) Disclosure of Rebuttal Information. Whenever
the military judge determines that government infor-
mation may be disclosed in connection with a trial
or pretrial proceeding, the military judge must, un-
less the interests of fairness do not so require, order
the prosecution to provide the accused with the in-
formation it expects to use to rebut the government
(A) Continuing Duty. The military judge may
place the prosecution under a continuing duty to
disclose such rebuttal information.
(B) Sanction for Failure to Comply. If the
prosecution fails to comply with its obligation under
subdivision (j), the military judge may make such
ruling as the interests of justice require, to include:
(i) excluding any evidence not made the sub-
ject of a required disclosure; and
(ii) prohibiting the examination by the prose-
cution of any witness with respect to such
(k) Appeals of Orders and Rulings. In a court-mar-
tial in which a punitive discharge may be adjudged,
the government may appeal an order or ruling of the
military judge that terminates the proceedings with
respect to a charge or specification, directs the dis-
closure of government information, or imposes sanc-
tions for nondisclosure of government information.
The government may also appeal an order or ruling
in which the military judge refuses to issue a protec-
tive order sought by the United States to prevent the
disclosure of government information, or to enforce
such an order previously issued by appropriate au-
thority. The government may not appeal an order or
ruling that is, or amounts to, a finding of not guilty
with respect to the charge or specification.
(l) Introduction into Evidence of Government Infor-
mation Subject to a Claim of Privilege.
(1) Precautions. The military judge in a trial by
court-martial, in order to prevent unnecessary disclo-
sure of government information after there has been
a claim of privilege under this rule, may order ad-
mission into evidence of only part of a writing,
recording, or photograph or admit into evidence the
JUNE 2015
JUNE 2015
whole writing, recording, or photograph with exci-
sion of some or all of the government information
contained therein, unless the whole ought in fairness
to be considered.
(2) Government Information Kept Under Seal.
The military judge must allow government informa-
tion offered or accepted into evidence to remain
under seal during the trial, even if such evidence is
disclosed in the court-martial proceeding, and may,
upon motion by the prosecution, seal exhibits con-
taining government information in accordance with
R.C.M. 1103A for any period after trial as necessary
to prevent a disclosure of government information
when a knowledgeable United States official de-
scribed in subdivision (d) submits to the military
judge a declaration setting forth the detriment to the
public interest that the disclosure of such informa-
tion reasonably could be expected to cause.
(3) Testimony.
(A) Objection by Trial Counsel. During exami-
nation of a witness, trial counsel may object to any
question or line of inquiry that may require the wit-
ness to disclose government information not
previously found admissible if such information has
been or is reasonably likely to be the subject of a
claim of privilege under this rule.
(B) Action by Military Judge. Following such
an objection, the military judge must take such suita-
ble action to determine whether the response is ad-
missible as will safeguard against the compromise of
any government information. Such action may in-
clude requiring trial counsel to provide the military
judge with a proffer of the witnesss response to the
question or line of inquiry and requiring the accused
to provide the military judge with a proffer of the
nature of the information sought to be elicited by the
accused. Upon request, the military judge may ac-
cept an ex parte proffer by trial counsel to the extent
necessary to protect government information from
(m) Record of Trial. If under this rule any informa-
tion is withheld from the accused, the accused ob-
jects to such withholding, and the trial is continued
to an adjudication of guilt of the accused, the entire
unaltered text of the relevant documents as well as
the prosecutions motion and any materials submit-
ted in support thereof must be sealed in accordance
with R.C.M. 1103A and attached to the record of
trial as an appellate exhibit. Such material must be
made available to reviewing authorities in closed
proceedings for the purpose of reviewing the deter-
mination of the military judge.
Rule 507. Identity of informants
(a) General Rule. The United States or a State or
subdivision thereof has a privilege to refuse to dis-
close the identity of an informant. Unless otherwise
privileged under these rules, the communications of
an informant are not privileged except to the extent
necessary to prevent the disclosure of the inform-
ants identity.
(b) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) Informant” means a person who has fur-
nished information relating to or assisting in an in-
vestigation of a possible violation of law to a person
whose official duties include the discovery, investi-
gation, or prosecution of crime.
(2) In camera review means an inspection of
documents or other evidence conducted by the mili-
tary judge alone in chambers and not on the record.
(c) Who May Claim the Privilege. The privilege
may be claimed by an appropriate representative of
the United States, regardless of whether information
was furnished to an officer of the United States or a
State or subdivision thereof. The privilege may be
claimed by an appropriate representative of a State
or subdivision if the information was furnished to an
officer thereof, except the privilege will not be al-
lowed if the prosecution objects.
(d) Exceptions.
(1) Voluntary Disclosures; Informant as a Prose-
cution Witness. No privilege exists under this rule:
(A) if the identity of the informant has been
disclosed to those who would have cause to resent
the communication by a holder of the privilege or by
the informants own action; or
(B) if the informant appears as a witness for
the prosecution.
(2) Informant as a Defense Witness. If a claim of
privilege has been made under this rule, the military
judge must, upon motion by the accused, determine
whether disclosure of the identity of the informant is
necessary to the accused’s defense on the issue of
guilt or innocence. Whether such a necessity exists
will depend on the particular circumstances of each
case, taking into consideration the offense charged,
the possible defense, the possible significance of the
informants testimony, and other relevant factors. If
JUNE 2015
it appears from the evidence in the case or from
other showing by a party that an informant may be
able to give testimony necessary to the accuseds
defense on the issue of guilt or innocence, the mili-
tary judge may make any order required by the in-
terests of justice.
(3) Informant as a Witness regarding a Motion to
Suppress Evidence. If a claim of privilege has been
made under this rule with respect to a motion under
Mil. R. Evid. 311, the military judge must, upon
motion of the accused, determine whether disclosure
of the identity of the informant is required by the
United States Constitution as applied to members of
the Armed Forces. In making this determination, the
military judge may make any order required by the
interests of justice.
(e) Procedures.
(1) In Camera Review. If the accused has articu-
lated a basis for disclosure under the standards set
forth in this rule, the prosecution may ask the mili-
tary judge to conduct an in camera review of affida-
vits or other evidence relevant to disclosure.
(2) Order by the Military Judge. If a claim of
privilege has been made under this rule, the military
judge may make any order required by the interests
of justice.
(3) Action by the Convening Authority. If the mil-
itary judge determines that disclosure of the identity
of the informant is required under the standards set
forth in this rule, and the prosecution elects not to
disclose the identity of the informant, the matter
must be reported to the convening authority. The
convening authority may institute action to secure
disclosure of the identity of the informant, terminate
the proceedings, or take such other action as may be
appropriate under the circumstances.
(4) Remedies. If, after a reasonable period of time
disclosure is not made, the military judge, sua
sponte or upon motion of either counsel and after a
hearing if requested by either party, may dismiss the
charge or specifications or both to which the infor-
mation regarding the informant would relate if the
military judge determines that further proceedings
would materially prejudice a substantial right of the
Rule 508. Political vote
A person has a privilege to refuse to disclose the
tenor of the persons vote at a political election
conducted by secret ballot unless the vote was cast
Rule 509. Deliberations of courts and juries
Except as provided in Mil. R. Evid. 606, the de-
liberations of courts, courts-martial, military judges,
and grand and petit juries are privileged to the extent
that such matters are privileged in trial of criminal
cases in the United States district courts, but the
results of the deliberations are not privileged.
Rule 510. Waiver of privilege by voluntary
(a) A person upon whom these rules confer a privi-
lege against disclosure of a confidential matter or
communication waives the privilege if the person or
the persons predecessor while holder of the privi-
lege voluntarily discloses or consents to disclosure
of any significant part of the matter or communica-
tion under such circumstances that it would be inap-
propriate to allow the claim of privilege. This rule
does not apply if the disclosure is itself a privileged
(b) Unless testifying voluntarily concerning a privi-
leged matter or communication, an accused who tes-
tifies in his or her own behalf or a person who
testifies under a grant or promise of immunity does
not, merely by reason of testifying, waive a privilege
to which he or she may be entitled pertaining to the
confidential matter or communication.
Rule 511. Privileged matter disclosed under
compulsion or without opportunity to claim
(a) General Rule. Evidence of a statement or other
disclosure of privileged matter is not admissible
against the holder of the privilege if disclosure was
compelled erroneously or was made without an op-
portunity for the holder of the privilege to claim the
(b) Use of Communications Media. The telephonic
transmission of information otherwise privileged
under these rules does not affect its privileged char-
acter. Use of electronic means of communication
other than the telephone for transmission of informa-
tion otherwise privileged under these rules does not
affect the privileged character of such information if
JUNE 2015
use of such means of communication is necessary
and in furtherance of the communication.
Rule 512. Comment upon or inference from
claim of privilege; instruction
(a) Comment or Inference Not Permitted.
(1) The claim of a privilege by the accused
whether in the present proceeding or upon a prior
occasion is not a proper subject of comment by the
military judge or counsel for any party. No inference
may be drawn therefrom.
(2) The claim of a privilege by a person other
than the accused whether in the present proceeding
or upon a prior occasion normally is not a proper
subject of comment by the military judge or counsel
for any party. An adverse inference may not be
drawn there from except when determined by the
military judge to be required by the interests of
(b) Claiming a Privilege Without the Knowledge of
the Members. In a trial before a court-martial with
members, proceedings must be conducted, to the ex-
tent practicable, so as to facilitate the making of
claims of privilege without the knowledge of the
members. Subdivision (b) does not apply to a special
court-martial without a military judge.
(c) Instruction. Upon request, any party against
whom the members might draw an adverse inference
from a claim of privilege is entitled to an instruction
that no inference may be drawn there from except as
provided in subdivision (a)(2).
Rule 513. Psychotherapistpatient privilege
(a) General Rule. A patient has a privilege to refuse
to disclose and to prevent any other person from
disclosing a confidential communication made be-
tween the patient and a psychotherapist or an assist-
ant to the psychotherapist, in a case arising under
the Uniform Code of Military Justice, if such com-
munication was made for the purpose of facilitating
diagnosis or treatment of the patients mental or
emotional condition.
(b) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) Patient” means a person who consults with
or is examined or interviewed by a psychotherapist
for purposes of advice, diagnosis, or treatment of a
mental or emotional condition.
(2) Psychotherapist” means a psychiatrist,
cal psychologist, clinical social worker, or other
mental health professional who is licensed in any
State, territory, possession, the District of Columbia,
or Puerto Rico to perform professional services as
such, or who holds credentials to provide such serv-
ices as such, or who holds credentials to provide
such services from any military health care facility,
or is a person reasonably believed by the patient to
have such license or credentials.
(3) “Assistant to a psychotherapist” means a per-
s o n d i r e c t e d b y o r a s s i g n e d t o a s s i s t a
psychotherapist in providing professional services,
or is reasonably believed by the patient to be such.
(4) A communication is confidential” if not in-
tended to be disclosed to third persons other than
those to whom disclosure is in furtherance of the
rendition of professional services to the patient or
those reasonably necessary for such transmission of
the communication.
(5) Evidence of a patients records or communi-
cations means testimony of a psychotherapist, or
assistant to the same, or patient records that pertain
to communications by a patient to a psychotherapist,
or assistant to the same, for the purposes of diagno-
sis or treatment of the patients mental or emotional
(c) Who May Claim the Privilege. The privilege
may be claimed by the patient or the guardian or
conservator of the patient. A person who may claim
the privilege may authorize trial counsel or defense
counsel to claim the privilege on his or her behalf.
The psychotherapist or assistant to the psycho-
therapist who received the communication may
claim the privilege on behalf of the patient. The
authority of such a psychotherapist, assistant, guardi-
an, or conservator to so assert the privilege is pre-
sumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
(d) Exceptions. There is no privilege under this rule:
(1) when the patient is dead;
(2) when the communication is evidence of child
abuse or of neglect, or in a proceeding in which one
spouse is charged with a crime against a child of
either spouse;
(3) when federal law, state law, or service regula-
tion imposes a duty to report information contained
in a communication;
(4) when a psychotherapist or assistant to a
psychotherapist believes that a patients mental or
JUNE 2015
emotional condition makes the patient a danger to
any person, including the patient;
(5) if the communication clearly contemplated the
future commission of a fraud or crime or if the
services of the psychotherapist are sought or ob-
tained to enable or aid anyone to commit or plan to
commit what the patient knew or reasonably should
have known to be a crime or fraud;
(6) when necessary to ensure the safety and secu-
rity of military personnel, military dependents, mili-
tary property, classified information, or the
accomplishment of a military mission;
(7) when an accused offers statements or other
evidence concerning his mental condition in defense,
extenuation, or mitigation, under circumstances not
covered by R.C.M. 706 or Mil. R. Evid. 302. In
such situations, the military judge may, upon mo-
tion, order disclosure of any statement made by the
accused to a psychotherapist as may be necessary in
the interests of justice; or
(e) Procedure to Determine Admissibility of Patient
Records or Communications.
(1) In any case in which the production or admis-
sion of records or communications of a patient other
than the accused is a matter in dispute, a party may
seek an interlocutory ruling by the military judge. In
order to obtain such a ruling, the party must:
(A) file a written motion at least 5 days prior
to entry of pleas specifically describing the evidence
and stating the purpose for which it is sought or
offered, or objected to, unless the military judge, for
good cause shown, requires a different time for fil-
ing or permits filing during trial; and
(B) serve the motion on the opposing party, the
military judge and, if practical, notify the patient or
the patients guardian, conservator, or representative
that the motion has been filed and that the patient
has an opportunity to be heard as set forth in subdi-
vision (e)(2).
(2) Before ordering the production or admission
of evidence of a patients records or communication,
the military judge must conduct a hearing, which
shall be closed. At the hearing, the parties may call
witnesses, including the patient, and offer other rele-
vant evidence. The patient must be afforded a rea-
sonable opportunity to attend the hearing and be
heard. However, the hearing may not be unduly de-
layed for this purpose. The right to be heard under
this rule includes the right to be heard through coun-
sel, including Special Victims Counsel under
section 1044e of title 10, United States Code. In a
case before a court-martial comprised of a military
judge and members, the military judge must
conduct the hear- ing outside the presence of the
(3) The military judge may examine the evidence
or a proffer thereof in camera, if such examination is
necessary to rule on the production or admissibility
of protected records or communications. Prior to
conducting an in camera review, the military judge
must find by a preponderance of the evidence that
the moving party showed:
(A) a specific factual basis demonstrating a
reasonable likelihood that the records or communi-
cations would yield evidence admissible under an
exception to the privilege;
(B) that the requested information meets one of
the enumerated exceptions under subsection (d) of
this rule;
(C) that the information sought is not merely
cumulative of other information available; and
(D) that the party made reasonable efforts to
obtain the same or substantially similar information
through non-privileged sources.
(4) Any production or disclosure permitted by the
military judge under this rule must be narrowly tai-
lored to only the specific records or communica-
t i o n s , o r p o r t i o n s o f s u c h r e c o r d s o r
communications, that meet the requirements for one
of the enumerated exceptions to the privilege under
subsection (d) of this Rule and are included in the
stated purpose for which the records or
communications are sought under subsection
(e)(1)(A) of this Rule.
(5) To prevent unnecessary disclosure of evi- dence
of a patient’s records or communications, the military
judge may issue protective orders or may admit only
portions of the evidence.
(6) The motion, related papers, and the record of the
hearing must be sealed in accordance with
R.C.M. 1103A and must remain under seal unless the
military judge or an appellate court orders otherwise.
Rule 514. Victim advocate-victim and
Department of Defense Safe Helpline staff-
victim privilege.
(a) General Rule. A victim has a privilege to refuse
to disclose and to prevent any other person from
disclosing a confidential communication made be-
JUNE 2015
tween the alleged victim and a victim advocate or
between the alleged victim and Department of De-
fense Safe Helpline staff, in a case arising under the
UCMJ, if such communication was made for the
purpose of facilitating advice or assistance to the
alleged victim.
(b) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(1) Victim means any person who is alleged to
have suffered direct physical or emotional harm as
the result of a sexual or violent offense.
(2) Victim advocate” means a person who:
(A) is designated in writing as a victim advo-
cate in accordance with service regulation;
(B) is authorized to perform victim advocate
duties in accordance with service regulation and is
acting in the performance of those duties; or
(C) is certified as a victim advocate pursuant to
federal or state requirements.
(3) Department of Defense Safe Helpline staff
are persons who are designated by competent
authority in writing as Department of Defense Safe
Helpline staff.
(4) A communication is confidential” if made in
the course of the victim advocate-victim relationship
or Department of Defense Safe Helpline staff-victim
relationship and not intended to be disclosed to third
persons other than those to whom disclosure is made
in furtherance of the rendition of advice or assist-
ance to the alleged victim or those reasonably neces-
sary for such transmission of the communication.
(5) Evidence of a victims records or communi-
cations means testimony of a victim advocate or
Department of Defense Safe Helpline staff, or re-
cords that pertain to communications by a victim to
a victim advocate or Department of Defense Safe
Helpline staff, for the purposes of advising or pro-
viding assistance to the victim.
(c) Who May Claim the Privilege. The privilege
may be claimed by the victim or the guardian or
conservator of the victim. A person who may claim
the privilege may authorize trial counsel or a coun-
sel representing the victim to claim the privilege on
his or her behalf. The victim advocate or Depart-
ment of Defense Safe Helpline staff who received
the communication may claim the privilege on be-
half of the victim. The authority of such a victim
advocate, Department of Defense Safe Helpline
staff, guardian, conservator, or a counsel represent-
ing the victim to so assert the privilege is presumed
in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
(d) Exceptions. There is no privilege under this rule:
(1) when the victim is dead;
(2) When federal law, state law, Department of
Defense regulation, or service regulation imposes a
duty to
ned in a
(3) When a victim advocate or Department of De-
fense Safe Helpline staff believes that a victims
mental or emotional condition makes the victim a
danger to any person, including the victim;
(4) If the communication clearly contemplated
the future commission of a fraud or crime, or if the
services of the victim advocate or Department of
Defense Safe Helpline staff are sought or obtained
to enable or aid anyone to commit or plan to commit
what the victim knew or reasonably should have
known to be a crime or fraud;
(5) when necessary to ensure the safety and secu-
rity of military personnel, military dependents, mili-
tary property, classified information, or the
accomplishment of a military mission; or
(6) when admission or disclosure of a communi-
cation is constitutionally required.
(e) Procedure to Determine Admissibility of Victim
Records or Communications.
(1) In any case in which the production or admis-
sion of records or communications of a victim is a
matter in dispute, a party may seek an interlocutory
ruling by the military judge. In order to obtain such
a ruling, the party must:
(A) file a written motion at least 5 days prior
to entry of pleas specifically describing the evidence
and stating the purpose for which it is sought or
offered, or objected to, unless the military judge, for
good cause shown, requires a different time for fil-
ing or permits filing during trial; and
(B) serve the motion on the opposing party, the
military judge and, if practicable, notify the victim
or the victims guardian, conservator, or representa-
tive that the motion has been filed and that the
victim has an opportunity to be heard as set forth in
subdivision (e)(2).
(2) Before ordering the production or admission
of evidence of a victim’s records or communication,
the military judge must conduct a hearing, which
shall be closed. At the hearing, the parties may call
witnesses, including the victim, and offer other rele-
JUNE 2015
vant evidence. The victim must be afforded a rea-
sonable opportunity to attend the hearing and be heard.
However, the hearing may not be unduly de-
layed for this purpose. The right to be heard under this
rule includes the right to be heard through coun- sel,
including Special Victims’ Counsel under section 1044e
of title 10, United States Code. In a case before a
court-martial composed of a military judge and
members, the military judge must conduct the hear- ing
outside the presence of the members.
(3) The military judge may examine the
evidence, or a proffer thereof, in camera if such
examination is necessary to rule on the production
or admissibility of protected records or
communications. Prior to conducting an in camera
review, the military judge must find by a
preponderance of the evidence that the moving
party showed:
(A) a specific factual basis demonstrating a
reasonable likelihood that the records or communi-
cations would yield evidence admissible under an
exception to the privilege;
(B) that the requested information meets one of
the enumerated exceptions under subsection (d) of
this rule;
(C) that the information sought is not merely
cumulative of other information available; and
(D) that the party made reasonable efforts to
obtain the same or substantially similar information
through non-privileged sources.
(4) Any production or disclosure permitted by the
military judge under this rule must be narrowly tai-
lored to only the specific records or communica
tions, or portions of such records or
communications, that meet the requirements for one
of the enumerated exceptions to the privilege under
subsection (d) above and are included in the stated
purpose for which the records or communications
are sought under subsection (e)(1)(A) above.
(5) To prevent unnecessary disclosure of evi-
dence of a victims records or communications, the
military judge may issue protective orders or may
admit only portions of the evidence.
(6) The motion, related papers, and the record of
the hearing must be sealed in accordance with
R.C.M. 1103A and must remain under seal unless
the military judge or an appellate court orders
Rule 601. Competency to testify in general
Every person is competent to be a witness unless
these rules provide otherwise.
Rule 602. Need for personal knowledge
A witness may testify to a matter only if evidence
is introduced sufficient to support a finding that the
witness has personal knowledge of the matter. Evi-
dence to prove personal knowledge may consist of
the witnesss own testimony. This rule does not ap-
ply to a witnesss expert testimony under Mil. R.
Evid. 703.
Rule 603. Oath or affirmation to testify
Before testifying, a witness must give an oath or
affirmation to testify truthfully. It must be in a form
designed to impress that duty on the witnesss
Rule 604. Interpreter
An interpreter must be qualified and must give an
oath or affirmation to make a true translation.
Rule 605. Military judges competency as a
(a) The presiding military judge may not testify as a
witness at any proceeding of that court-martial. A
party need not object to preserve the issue.
(b) This rule does not preclude the military judge
from placing on the record matters concerning do-
cketing of the case.
Rule 606. Member’s competency as a
(a) At the Trial by Court-Martial. A member of a
court-martial may not testify as a witness before the
other members at any proceeding of that court-mar-
tial. If a member is called to testify, the military
judge must except in a special court-martial with-
out a military judge give the opposing party an
opportunity to object outside the presence of the
JUNE 2015
(b) During an Inquiry into the Validity of a Finding
or Sentence.
(1) Prohibited Testimony or Other Evidence. Dur-
ing an inquiry into the validity of a finding or sen-
tence, a member of a court-martial may not testify
about any statement made or incident that occurred
during the deliberations of that court-martial; the
effect of anything on that member’s or another
members vote; or any members mental processes
concerning the finding or sentence. The military
judge may not receive a members affidavit or evi-
dence of a members statement on these matters.
(2) Exceptions. A member may testify about
(A) extraneous prejudicial information was im-
properly brought to the members attention;
(B) unlawful command influence or any other
outside influence was improperly brought to bear on
any member; or
(C) a mistake was made in entering the finding
or sentence on the finding or sentence forms.
Rule 607. Who may impeach a witness
Any party, including the party that called the wit-
ness, may attack the witnesss credibility.
Rule 608. A witness’s character for
truthfulness or untruthfulness
(a) Reputation or Opinion Evidence. A witnesss
credibility may be attacked or supported by testi-
mony about the witnesss reputation for having a
character for truthfulness or untruthfulness, or by
testimony in the form of an opinion about that char-
acter. Evidence of truthful character is admissible
only after the witnesss character for truthfulness has
been attacked.
(b) Specific Instances of Conduct. Except for a
criminal conviction under Mil. R. Evid. 609, extrin-
sic evidence is not admissible to prove specific in-
stances of a witnesss conduct in order to attack or
support the witnesss character for truthfulness. The
military judge may, on cross-examination, allow
them to be inquired into if they are probative of the
character for truthfulness or untruthfulness of:
(1) the witness; or
(2) another witness whose character the witness
being cross-examined has testified about. By testify-
ing on another matter, a witness does not waive any
privilege against self-incrimination for testimony
that relates only to the witnesss character for
(c) Evidence of Bias. Bias, prejudice, or any motive
to misrepresent may be shown to impeach the wit-
ness either by examination of the witness or by
evidence otherwise adduced.
Rule 609. Impeachment by evidence of a
criminal conviction
(a) In General. The following rules apply to attack-
ing a witnesss character for truthfulness by evi-
dence of a criminal conviction:
(1) For a crime that, in the convicting jurisdic-
tion, was punishable by death, dishonorable dis-
charge, or by imprisonment for more than one year,
the evidence:
(A) must be admitted, subject to Mil. R. Evid.
403, in a court-martial in which the witness is not
the accused; and
(B) must be admitted in a court-martial in
which the witness is the accused, if the probative
value of the evidence outweighs its prejudicial effect
to that accused; and
(2) For any crime regardless of the punishment,
the evidence must be admitted if the court can read-
ily determine that establishing the elements of the
crime required proving or the witnesss admitting
a dishonest act or false statement.
(3) In determining whether a crime tried by court-
martial was punishable by death, dishonorable dis-
charge, or imprisonment in excess of one year, the
maximum punishment prescribed by the President
under Article 56 at the time of the conviction applies
without regard to whether the case was tried by
general, special, or summary court-martial.
(b) Limit on Using the Evidence After 10 Years.
Subdivision (b) applies if more than 10 years have
passed since the witnesss conviction or release from
confinement for it, whichever is later. Evidence of
the conviction is admissible only if:
(1) its probative value, supported by specific facts
and circumstances, substantially outweighs its preju-
dicial effect; and
(2) the proponent gives an adverse party reasona-
ble written notice of the intent to use it so that the
party has a fair opportunity to contest its use.
(c) Effect of a Pardon, Annulment, or Certificate of
JUNE 2015
Rehabilitation. Evidence of a conviction is not ad-
missible if:
(1) the conviction has been the subject of a par-
don, annulment, certificate of rehabilitation, or other
equivalent procedure based on a finding that the
person has been rehabilitated, and the person has not
been convicted of a later crime punishable by death,
dishonorable discharge, or imprisonment for more
than one year; or
(2) the conviction has been the subject of a par-
don, annulment, or other equivalent procedure based
on a finding of innocence.
(d) Juvenile Adjudications. Evidence of a juvenile
adjudication is admissible under this rule only if:
(1) the adjudication was of a witness other than
the accused;
(2) an adults conviction for that offense would
be admissible to attack the adults credibility; and
(3) admitting the evidence is necessary to fairly
determine guilt or innocence.
(e) Pendency of an Appeal. A conviction that
satisfies this rule is admissible even if an appeal is
pending, except that a conviction by summary court-
martial or special court-martial without a military
judge may not be used for purposes of impeachment
until review has been completed under Article 64 or
Article 66, if applicable. Evidence of the pendency
is also admissible.
(f) Definition. For purposes of this rule, there is a
convictionin a court-martial case when a sentence
has been adjudged.
Rule 610. Religious beliefs or opinions
Evidence of a witnesss religious beliefs or opin-
ions is not admissible to attack or support the wit-
nesss credibility.
Rule 611. Mode and order of examining
witnesses and presenting evidence
(a) Control by the Military Judge; Purposes. The
military judge should exercise reasonable control
over the mode and order of examining witnesses and
presenting evidence so as to:
(1) make those procedures effective for determin-
ing the truth;
(2) avoid wasting time; and
(3) protect witnesses from harassment or undue
(b) Scope of Cross-Examination. Cross-examination
should not go beyond the subject matter of the direct
examination and matters affecting the witnesss
credibility. The military judge may allow inquiry
into additional matters as if on direct examination.
(c) Leading Questions. Leading questions should
not be used on direct examination except as neces-
sary to develop the witnesss testimony. Ordinarily,
the military judge should allow leading questions:
(1) on cross-examination; and
(2) when a party calls a hostile witness or a wit-
ness identified with an adverse party.
(d) Remote live testimony of a child.
(1) In a case involving domestic violence or the
abuse of a child, the military judge must, subject to
the requirements of subdivision (d)(3) of this rule,
allow a child victim or witness to testify from an
area outside the courtroom as prescribed in R.C.M.
(2) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(A) “Child means a person who is under the
age of 16 at the time of his or her testimony.
(B) “Abuse of a child means the physical or
mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, or negli-
gent treatment of a child.
(C) Exploitation means child pornography or
child prostitution.
(D) Negligent treatment” means the failure to
provide, for reasons other than poverty, adequate
food, clothing, shelter, or medical care so as to en-
danger seriously the physical health of the child.
(E) Domestic violence means an offense that
has as an element the use, or attempted or threatened
use of physical force against a person by a current
or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim;
by a person with whom the victim shares a child in
common; by a person who is cohabiting with or has
cohabited with the victim as a spouse, parent, or
guardian; or by a person similarly situated to a
spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim.
(3) Remote live testimony will be used only
where the military judge makes the following three
findings on the record:
(A) that it is necessary to protect the welfare of
the particular child witness;
e ch
d wi tn
s wo
JUNE 2015
traumatized, not by the courtroom generally, but by
the presence of the defendant; and
(C) that the emotional distress suffered by the
child witness in the presence of the defendant is
more than de minimis.
(4) Remote live testimony of a child will not be
used when the accused elects to absent himself from
the courtroom in accordance with R.C.M. 804(d).
(5) In making a determination under subdivision
(d)(3), the military judge may question the child in
chambers, or at some comfortable place other than
the courtroom, on the record for a reasonable period
of time, in the presence of the child, a representative
of the prosecution, a representative of the defense,
and the childs attorney or guardian ad litem.
Rule 612. Writing used to refresh a witness’s
(a) Scope. This rule gives an adverse party certain
options when a witness uses a writing to refresh
(1) while testifying; or
(2) before testifying, if the military judge decides
that justice requires the party to have those options.
(b) Adverse Partys Options; Deleting Unrelated
Matter. An adverse party is entitled to have the
writing produced at the hearing, to inspect it, to
cross-examine the witness about it, and to introduce
in evidence any portion that relates to the witnesss
testimony. If the producing party claims that the
writing includes unrelated or privileged matter, the
military judge must examine the writing in camera,
delete any unrelated or privileged portion, and order
that the rest be delivered to the adverse party. Any
portion deleted over objection must be preserved for
the record.
(c) Failure to Produce or Deliver the Writing. If a
writing is not produced or is not delivered as or-
dered, the military judge may issue any appropriate
order. If the prosecution does not comply, the mili-
tary judge must strike the witnesss testimony or if
justice so requires declare a mistrial.
(d) No Effect on Other Disclosure Requirements.
This rule does not preclude disclosure of information
required to be disclosed under other provisions of
these rules or this Manual.
Rule 613. Witness’s prior statement
(a) Showing or Disclosing the Statement During Ex-
amination. When examining a witness about the wit-
nesss prior statement, a party need not show it or
disclose its contents to the witness. The party must,
on request, show it or disclose its contents to an
adverse partys attorney.
(b) Extrinsic Evidence of a Prior Inconsistent State-
ment. Extrinsic evidence of a witnesss prior incon-
sistent statement is admissible only if the witness is
given an opportunity to explain or deny the state-
ment and an adverse party is given an opportunity to
examine the witness about it, or if justice so re-
quires. Subdivision (b) does not apply to an oppos-
ing partys statement under Mil R. Evid. 801(d)(2).
Rule 614. Court-martials calling or
examining a witness
(a) Calling. The military judge may sua sponte or
at the request of the members or the suggestion of a
party call a witness. Each party is entitled to cross-
examine the witness. When the members wish to
call or recall a witness, the military judge must de-
termine whether the testimony would be relevant
and not barred by any rule or provision of this
(b) Examining. The military judge or members may
examine a witness regardless of who calls the wit-
ness. Members must submit their questions to the
military judge in writing. Following the opportunity
for review by both parties, the military judge must
rule on the propriety of the questions, and ask the
questions in an acceptable form on behalf of the
members. When the military judge or the members
call a witness who has not previously testified, the
military judge may conduct the direct examination
or may assign the responsibility to counsel for any
(c) Objections. Objections to the calling of wit-
nesses by the military judge or the members or to
the interrogation by the military judge or the mem-
bers may be made at the time or at the next availa-
ble opportunity when the members are not present.
Rule 615. Excluding witnesses
At a partys request, the military judge must order
witnesses excluded so that they cannot hear other
witnesses’ testimony, or the military judge may do
JUNE 2015
so sua sponte. This rule does not authorize
(a) the accused;
(b) a member of an Armed service or an employee
of the United States after being designated as a rep-
resentative of the United States by the trial counsel;
(c) a person whose presence a party shows to be
essential to presenting the partys case;
(d) a person authorized by statute to be present; or
(e) A victim of an offense from the trial of an ac-
cused for that offense, unless the military judge,
after receiving clear and convincing evidence, deter-
mines that testimony by the victim would be materi-
ally altered if the victim heard other testimony at
that hearing or proceeding.
Rule 701. Opinion testimony by lay
If a witness is not testifying as an expert, testi-
mony in the form of an opinion is limited to one that
(a) rationally based on the witnesss perception;
(b) helpful to clearly understanding the witnesss
testimony or to determining a fact in issue; and
(c) not based on scientific, technical, or other spe-
cialized knowledge within the scope of Mil. R. Evid.
Rule 702. Testimony by expert witnesses
A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowl-
edge, skill, experience, training, or education may
testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if:
(a) the experts scientific, technical, or other spe-
cialized knowledge will help the trier of fact to un-
derstand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue;
(b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts or
(c) the testimony is the product of reliable principles
and methods; and
(d) the expert has reliably applied the principles and
methods to the facts of the case.
Rule 703. Bases of an experts opinion
An expert may base an opinion on facts or data in
the case that the expert has been made aware of or
personally observed. If experts in the particular field
would reasonably rely on those kinds of facts or data
in forming an opinion on the subject, they need not
be admissible for the opinion to be admitted. If the
facts or data would otherwise be inadmissible, the
proponent of the opinion may disclose them to the
members of a court-martial only if the military judge
finds that their probative value in helping the mem-
bers evaluate the opinion substantially outweighs
their prejudicial effect.
Rule 704. Opinion on an ultimate issue
An opinion is not objectionable just because it
embraces an ultimate issue.
Rule 705. Disclosing the facts or data
underlying an expert’s opinion
Unless the military judge orders otherwise, an ex-
pert may state an opinion and give the reasons for
it without first testifying to the underlying facts or
data. The expert may be required to disclose those
facts or data on cross-examination.
Rule 706. Court-appointed expert witnesses
(a) Appointment Process. The trial counsel, the de-
fense counsel, and the court-martial have equal op-
portunity to obtain expert witnesses under Article 46
and R.C.M. 703.
(b) Compensation. The compensation of expert wit-
nesses is governed by R.C.M. 703.
(c) Accused’s Choice of Experts. This rule does not
limit an accused in calling any expert at the ac-
cuseds own expense.
Rule 707. Polygraph examinations
(a) Prohibitions. Notwithstanding any other provi-
sion of law, the result of a polygraph examination,
the polygraph examiners opinion, or any reference
to an offer to take, failure to take, or taking of a
polygraph examination is not admissible.
(b) Statements Made During a Polygraph Examina-
tion. This rule does not prohibit admission of an
JUNE 2015
otherwise admissible statement made during a poly-
graph examination.
itself establish the declarant’s authority under (C);
the existence or scope of the relationship under (D);
or the existence of the conspiracy or participation in
it under (E).
Rule 801. Definitions that apply to this
section; exclusions from hearsay
(a) Statement. Statement” means a persons oral
assertion, written assertion, or nonverbal conduct, if
the person intended it as an assertion.
(b) Declarant. Declarant” means the person who
made the statement.
(c) Hearsay. Hearsay means a statement that:
(1) the declarant does not make while testifying
at the current trial or hearing; and
(2) a party offers in evidence to prove the truth of
the matter asserted in the statement.
(d) Statements that Are Not Hearsay. A
that meets the following conditions is not
(1) A Declarant-Witnesss Prior Statement.
declarant testifies and is subject to cross-examina-
tion about a prior statement, and the statement:
(A) is inconsistent with the declarant’s testi-
mony and was given under penalty of perjury at a
trial, hearing, or other proceeding or in a deposition;
(B) is consistent with the declarants testimony
and is offered to rebut an express or implied charge
that the declarant recently fabricated it or acted from
a recent improper influence or motive in so testify-
ing; or
entifies a person as someone the
declarant perceived earlier.
(2) An Opposing Partys Statement. The state-
ment is offered against an opposing party and:
(A) was made by the party in an individual or
representative capacity;
(B) is one the party manifested that it adopted
or believed to be true;
(C) was made by a person whom the party
authorized to make a statement on the subject;
(D) was made by the partys agent or employee
on a matter within the scope of that relationship and
while it existed; or
(E) was made by the partys co-conspirator
during and in furtherance of the conspiracy.
The statement must be considered but does not by
Rule 802. The rule against hearsay
Hearsay is not admissible unless any of the fol-
lowing provides otherwise:
(a) a federal statute applicable in trial by courts-
martial; or
(b) these rules.
Rule 803. Exceptions to the rule against
hearsay regardless of whether the
declarant is available as a witness
The following are not excluded by the rule against
hearsay, regardless of whether the declarant is avail-
able as a witness:
(1) Present Sense Impression. A statement describ-
ing or explaining an event or condition, made while
or immediately after the declarant perceived it.
(2) Excited Utterance. A statement relating to a
startling event or condition, made while the
declarant was under the stress of excitement that it
(3) Then-Existing Mental, Emotional, or Physical
Condition. A statement of the declarants then-exist-
ing state of mind (such as motive, intent, or plan) or
emotional, sensory, or physical condition (such as
mental feeling, pain, or bodily health), but not in-
cluding a statement of memory or belief to prove the
fact remembered or believed unless it relates to the
validity or terms of the declarant’s will.
(4) Statement Made for Medical Diagnosis or Treat-
ment. A statement that -
(A) is made for and is reasonably pertinent to
medical diagnosis or treatment; and
(B) describes medical history; past or present
symptoms or sensations; their inception; or their
general cause.
(5) Recorded Recollection. A record that:
(A) is on a matter the witness once knew about
but now cannot recall well enough to testify fully
and accurately;
(B) was made or adopted by the witness when the
matter was fresh in the witnesss memory; and
(C) accurately reflects the witnesss knowledge.
If admitted, the record may be read into evidence
JUNE 2015
but may be received as an exhibit only if offered by
an adverse party.
(6) Records of a Regularly Conducted Activity. A
record of an act, event, condition, opinion, or diag-
nosis if:
(A) the record was made at or near the time by
or from information transmitted by someone with
(B) the record was kept in the course of a
regularly conducted activity of a uniformed service,
business, institution, association, profession, organi-
zation, occupation, or calling of any kind, whether
or not conducted for profit;
(C) making the record was a regular practice of
that activity;
(D) all these conditions are shown by the testi-
mony of the custodian or another qualified witness,
or by a certification that complies with Mil. R. Evid.
902(11) or with a statute permitting certification in a
criminal proceeding in a court of the United States;
(E) neither the source of information nor the
method or circumstances of preparation indicate a
lack of trustworthiness. Records of regularly con-
ducted activities include, but are not limited to, en-
listment papers, physical examination papers,
fingerprint cards, forensic laboratory reports, chain
of custody documents, morning reports and other
personnel accountability documents, service records,
officer and enlisted qualification records, logs, unit
personnel diaries, individual equipment records,
daily strength records of prisoners, and rosters of
(7) Absence of a Record of a Regularly Conducted
Activity. Evidence that a matter is not included in a
record described in paragraph (6) if:
(A) the evidence is admitted to prove that the
matter did not occur or exist;
(B) a record was regularly kept for a matter of
that kind; and
(C) neither the possible source of the information
nor other
icate a lack of
(8) Public Records. A record or statement of a pub-
lic office if:
(A) it sets out:
(i) the offices activities;
(ii) a matter observed while under a legal duty
to report, but not including a matter observed by law-
enforcement personnel and other personnel act- ing
in a law enforcement capacity; or
(iii) against the government, factual findings
from a legally authorized investigation; and
(B) neither the source of information nor other
circumstances indicate a lack of trustworthiness.
Notwithstanding subdivision (8)(A)(ii), the follow-
ing are admissible as a record of a fact or event if
made by a person within the scope of the persons
official duties and those duties included a duty to
know or to ascertain through appropriate and trust-
worthy channels of information the truth of the fact
or event and to record such fact or event: enlistment
papers, physical examination papers, fingerprint
cards, forensic laboratory reports, chain of custody
documents, morning reports and other personnel ac-
countability documents, service records, officer and
enlisted qualification records, court-martial convic-
tion records, logs, unit personnel diaries, individual
equipment records, daily strength records of prison-
ers, and rosters of prisoners.
(9) Public Records of Vital Statistics. A record of a
birth, death, or marriage, if reported to a public
office in accordance with a legal duty.
(10) Absence of a Public Record. Testimony or a
certification under Rule 902 that a diligent search failed
to disclose a public record or statement if:
(A) the testimony or certification is admitted to prove
(i) the record or statement does not exist; or
(ii) a matter did not occur or exist, if a public office
regularly kept a record or statement for a matter of that
kind; and
(B) in a criminal case, a prosecutor who intends to offer
a certification provides a written notice of that intent at
least 14 days before trial, and the defendant does not object
in writing within 7 days of receiving the notice unless the
court set a different time for the notice or the objection.
(11) Records of Religious Organizations Concern-
ing Personal or Family History. A statement of
birth, legitimacy, ancestry, marriage, divorce, death,
relationship by blood or marriage, or similar facts of
personal or family history, contained in a regularly
kept record of a religious organization.
(12) Certificates of Marriage, Baptism, and Similar
Ceremonies. A statement of fact contained in a
(A) made by a person who is authorized by a
religious organization or by law to perform the act
(B) attesting that the person performed a marriage
or similar ceremony or administered a sacrament;
JUNE 2015
(C) purporting to have been issued at the time of
the act or within a reasonable time after it.
(13) Family Records. A statement of fact about per-
sonal or family history contained in a family record,
such as a Bible, genealogy, chart, engraving on a
ring, inscription on a portrait, or engraving on an urn
or burial marker.
(14) Records of Documents that Affect an Interest in
Property. The record of a document that purports to
establish or affect an interest in property if:
(A) the record is admitted to prove the content of
the original recorded document, along with its sign-
ing and its delivery by each person who purports to
have signed it;
(B) the record is kept in a public office;
(C) a statute authorizes recording documents of
that kind in that office.
(15) Statements in Documents that Affect an Interest
in Property. A statement contained in a document
that purports to establish or affect an interest in
property if the matter stated was relevant to the
document’s purpose unless later dealings with the
property are inconsistent with the truth of the state-
ment or the purport of the document.
(16) Statements in Ancient Documents. A statement
in a document that is at least 20 years old and whose
authenticity is established.
(17) Market Reports and Similar Commercial Publi-
cations. Market quotations, lists (including govern-
ment price lists), directories, or other compilations
that are generally relied on by the public or by
persons in particular occupations.
(18) Statements in Learned Treatises, Periodicals,
or Pamphlets. A statement contained in a treatise,
periodical, or pamphlet if:
(A) the statement is called to the attention of an
expert witness on cross-examination or relied on by
the expert on direct examination; and
(B) the publication is established as a reliable au-
thority by the experts admission or testimony, by
another experts testimony, or by judicial notice.
If admitted, the statement may be read into evidence
but not received as an exhibit.
(19) Reputation Concerning Personal or Family
History. A reputation among a persons family by
blood, adoption, or marriage or among a persons
associates or in the community concerning the
persons birth, adoption, legitimacy, ancestry, mar-
riage, divorce, death, relationship by blood, adop-
tion, or marriage, or similar facts of personal or
family history, age, ancestry, or other similar fact of
the persons personal or family history.
(20) Reputation Concerning Boundaries or General
History. A reputation in a community arising
before the controversy concerning boundaries of
land in the community or customs that affect the
land, or concerning general historical events impor-
tant to that community, State, or nation.
(21) Reputation Concerning Character. A reputa-
tion among a persons associates or in the commu-
nity concerning the persons character.
(22) Judgment of a Previous Conviction. Evidence
of a final judgment of conviction if:
(A) the judgment was entered after a trial or
guilty plea, but not a nolo contendere plea;
(B) the conviction was for a crime punishable by
death, dishonorable discharge, or by imprisonment
for more than a year;
(C) the evidence is admitted to prove any fact
essential to the judgment; and
(D) when offered by the prosecution for a pur-
pose other than impeachment, the judgment was
against the accused.
The pendency of an appeal may be shown but does
not affect admissibility. In determining whether a
crime tried by court-martial was punishable by
death, dishonorable discharge, or imprisonment for
more than one year, the maximum punishment pre-
scribed by the President under Article 56 of the
Uniform of Military Justice at the time of the con-
viction applies without regard to whether the case
was tried by general, special, or summary court-
(23) Judgments Involving Personal, Family, or Gen-
eral History, or a Boundary. A judgment that is
admitted to prove a matter of personal, family, or
general history, or boundaries, if the matter:
(A) was essential to the judgment; and
(B) could be proved by evidence of reputation.
Rule 804. Exceptions to the rule against
hearsay when the declarant Is unavailable
as a witness
(a) Criteria for Being Unavailable. A declarant is
considered to be unavailable as a witness if the
JUNE 2015
(1) is exempted from testifying about the subject
matter of the declarants statement because the mili-
tary judge rules that a privilege applies;
(2) refuses to testify about the subject matter de-
spite the military judges order to do so;
(3) testifies to not remembering the subject
(4) cannot be present or testify at the trial or
hearing because of death or a then-existing infirmity,
physical illness, or mental illness; or
(5) is absent from the trial or hearing and the
statements proponent has not been able, by process
or other reasonable means, to procure:
(A) the declarants attendance, in the case of a
hearsay exception under subdivision (b)(1) or (b)(5);
(B) the declarants attendance or testimony, in
the case of a hearsay exception under subdivision
(b)(2), (b)(3), or (b)(4); or
(6) is unavailable within the meaning of Article
Subdivision (a) does not apply if the statements
proponent procured or wrongfully caused the
declarant’s unavailability as a witness in order to
prevent the declarant from attending or testifying.
(b) The Exceptions. The following are exceptions to
the rule against hearsay, and are not excluded by
that rule if the declarant is unavailable as a witness:
(1) Former Testimony. Testimony that:
(A) was given by a witness at a trial, hearing,
or lawful deposition, whether given during the cur-
rent proceeding or a different one; and
(B) is now offered against a party who had an
opportunity and similar motive to develop it by di-
rect, cross-, or redirect examination.
Subject to the limitations in Articles 49 and 50, a
record of testimony given before a court-martial,
court of inquiry, military commission, other military
tribunal, or pretrial investigation under Article 32 is
admissible under subdivision (b)(1) if the record of
the testimony is a verbatim record.
(2) Statement under the Belief of Imminent Death.
In a prosecution for any offense resulting in the
death of the alleged victim, a statement that the
declarant, while believing the declarants death to be
imminent, made about its cause or circumstances.
(3) Statement against Interest. A statement that:
(A) a reasonable person in the declarant’s posi-
tion would have made only if the person believed it
to be true because, when made, it was so contrary to
the declarants proprietary or pecuniary interest or
had so great a tendency to invalidate the declarants
claim against someone else or to expose the
declarant to civil or criminal liability; and
(B) is supported by corroborating circum-
stances that clearly indicate its trustworthiness, if it
tends to expose the declarant to criminal liability
and is offered to exculpate the accused.
(4) Statement of Personal or Family History. A
statement about:
(A) the declarant’s own birth, adoption, legiti-
macy, ancestry, marriage, divorce, relationship by
blood or marriage, or similar facts of personal or
family history, even though the declarant had no
way of acquiring personal knowledge about that
fact; or
(B) another person concerning any of these
facts, as well as death, if the declarant was related to
the person by blood, adoption, or marriage or was so
intimately associated with the persons family that
the declarants information is likely to be accurate.
(5) Other Exceptions. [Transferred to Mil.R.Evid.
(6) Statement Offered against a Party that
Wrongfully Caused the Declarant’s Unavailability.
A statement offered against a party that wrongfully
caused or acquiesced in wrongfully causing the
declarant’s unavailability as a witness, and did so
intending that result.
Rule 805. Hearsay within hearsay
Hearsay within hearsay is not excluded by the
rule against hearsay if each part of the combined
statements conforms with an exception or exclusion
to the rule.
Rule 806. Attacking and supporting the
declarant’s credibility
When a hearsay statement or a statement de-
scribed in Mil. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)(C), (D), or (E)
has been admitted in evidence, the declarants credi-
bility may be attacked, and then supported, by any
evidence that would be admissible for those pur-
poses if the declarant had testified as a witness. The
military judge may admit evidence of the declarants
inconsistent statement or conduct, regardless of
when it occurred or whether the declarant had an
opportunity to explain or deny it. If the party against
JUNE 2015
whom the statement was admitted calls the declarant
as a witness, the party may examine the declarant on
the statement as if on cross-examination.
Rule 807. Residual exception.
(a) In General. Under the following circumstances,
a hearsay statement is not excluded by the rule
against hearsay even if the statement is not specifi-
cally covered by a hearsay exception in Mil. R.
Evid. 803 or 804:
(1) the statement has equivalent circumstantial
guarantees of trustworthiness;
(2) it is offered as evidence of a material fact;
(3) it is more probative on the point for which it
is offered than any other evidence that the proponent
can obtain through reasonable efforts; and
(4) admitting it will best serve the purposes of
these rules and the interests of justice.
(b) Notice. The statement is admissible only if,
before the trial or hearing, the proponent gives an
adverse party reasonable notice of the intent to offer
the statement and its particulars, including the
declarant’s name and address, so that the party has a
fair opportunity to meet it.
Rule 901. Authenticating or identifying
(a) In General. To satisfy the requirement of au-
thenticating or identifying an item of evidence, the
proponent must produce evidence sufficient to sup-
port a finding that the item is what the proponent
claims it is.
(b) Examples. The following are examples only
not a complete list of evidence that satisfies the
(1) Testimony of a Witness with Knowledge. Tes-
timony that an item is what it is claimed to be.
(2) Nonexpert Opinion about Handwriting. A
nonexperts opinion that handwriting is genuine,
based on a familiarity with it that was not acquired
for the current litigation.
(3) Comparison by an Expert Witness or the Trier
of Fact. A comparison with an authenticated speci-
men by an expert witness or the trier of fact.
(4) Distinctive Characteristics and the Like. The
appearance, contents, substance, internal patterns, or
other distinctive characteristics of the item, taken
together with all the circumstances.
(5) Opinion about a Voice. An opinion identify-
ing a persons voice whether heard firsthand or
through mechanical or electronic transmission or
recording based on hearing the voice at any time
under circumstances that connect it with the alleged
(6) Evidence about a Telephone Conversation.
For a telephone conversation, evidence that a call
was made to the number assigned at the time to:
(A) a particular person, if circumstances, in-
cluding self-identification, show that the person
answering was the one called; or
(B) a particular business, if the call was made
to a business and the call related to business reason-
ably transacted over the telephone.
(7) Evidence about Public Records. Evidence
(A) a document was recorded or filed in a pub-
lic office as authorized by law; or
(B) a purported public record or statement is
from the office where items of this kind are kept.
(8) Evidence about Ancient Documents or Data
Compilations. For a document or data compilation,
evidence that it:
(A) is in a condition that creates no suspicion
about its authenticity;
(B) was in a place where, if authentic, it would
likely be; and
(C) is at least 20 years old when offered.
(9) Evidence about a Process or System. Evi-
dence describing a process or system and showing
that it produces an accurate result.
(10) Methods Provided by a Statute or Rule. Any
method of authentication or identification allowed
by a federal statute, a rule prescribed by the
Supreme Court, or an applicable regulation pre-
scribed pursuant to statutory authority.
Rule 902. Evidence that Is self-
The following items of evidence are self-authenti-
cating; they require no extrinsic evidence of authen-
ticity in order to be admitted:
JUNE 2015
(1) Domestic Public Documents that are Sealed and
Signed. A document that bears:
(A) a seal purporting to be that of the United
States; any State, district, Commonwealth, territory,
or insular possession of the United States; the for-
mer Panama Canal Zone; the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands; a political subdivision of any of
these entities; or a department, agency, or officer of
any entity named above; and
(B) a signature purporting to be an execution or
(2) Domestic Public Documents that are Not Sealed
but are Signed and Certified. A document that bears
no seal if:
(A) it bears the signature of an officer or em-
ployee of an entity named in subdivision (1)(A)
above; and
(B) another public officer who has a seal and
official duties within that same entity certifies under
seal or its equivalent that the signer has the
official capacity and that the signature is genuine.
(3) Foreign Public Documents. A document that
purports to be signed or attested by a person who is
authorized by a foreign countrys law to do so. The
document must be accompanied by a final certifica-
tion that certifies the genuineness of the signature
and official position of the signer or attester or of
any foreign official whose certificate of genuineness
relates to the signature or attestation or is in a chain
of certificates of genuineness relating to the signa-
ture or attestation. The certification may be made by
a secretary of a United States embassy or legation;
by a consul general, vice consul, or consular agent
of the United States; or by a diplomatic or consular
official of the foreign country assigned or accredited
to the United States. If all parties have been given a
reasonable opportunity to investigate the documents
authenticity and accuracy, the military judge may,
for good cause, either:
(A) order that it be treated as presumptively au-
thentic without final certification; or
(B) allow it to be evidenced by an attested sum-
mary with or without final certification.
(4) Certified Copies of Public Records. A copy of
an official record or a copy of a document that
was recorded or filed in a public office as authorized
by law if the copy is certified as correct by:
(A) the custodian or another person authorized to
make the certification; or
(B) a certificate that complies with subdivision
(1), (2), or (3) above, a federal statute, a rule pre-
scribed by the Supreme Court, or an applicable regu-
lation prescribed pursuant to statutory authority.
(4a) Documents or Records of the United States Ac-
companied by Attesting Certificates. Documents or
records kept under the authority of the United States
by any department, bureau, agency, office, or court
thereof when attached to or accompanied by an at-
testing certificate of the custodian of the document
or record without further authentication.
(5) Official Publications. A book, pamphlet, or
other publication purporting to be issued by a public
(6) Newspapers and Periodicals. Printed material
purporting to be a newspaper or periodical.
(7) Trade Inscriptions and the Like. An inscription,
sign, tag, or label purporting to have been affixed in
the course of business and indicating origin, owner-
ship, or control.
(8) Acknowledged Documents. A document accom-
panied by a certificate of acknowledgment that is
lawfully executed by a notary public or another offi-
cer who is authorized to take acknowledgments.
(9) Commercial Paper and Related Documents.
Commercial paper, a signature on it, and related
documents, to the extent allowed by general com-
mercial law.
(10) Presumptions under a Federal Statute or Regu-
lation. A signature, document, or anything else that
a federal statute, or an applicable regulation pre-
scribed pursuant to statutory authority, declares to be
presumptively or prima facie genuine or authentic.
(11) Certified Domestic Records of a Regularly
Conducted Activity. The original or a copy of a
domestic record that meets the requirements of Mil.
R. Evid. 803(6)(A)-(C), as shown by a certification
of the custodian or another qualified person that
complies with a federal statute or a rule prescribed
by the Supreme Court. Before the trial or hearing, or
at a later time that the military judge allows for
good cause, the proponent must give an adverse
party reasonable written notice of the intent to offer
the record and must make the record and certifica-
tion available for inspection so that the party has a
fair opportunity to challenge them.
JUNE 2015
Rule 903. Subscribing witness’s testimony
A subscribing witnesss testimony is necessary to
authenticate a writing only if required by the law of
the jurisdiction that governs its validity.
Rule 1001. Definitions that apply to this
In this section:
(a) A writing consists of letters, words, numbers,
or their equivalent set down in any form.
(b) A recording consists of letters, words, num-
bers, or their equivalent recorded in any manner.
(c) A photograph means a photolineart image or
its equivalent stored in any form.
(d) An original of a writing or recording means
the writing or recording itself or any counterpart
intended to have the same effect by the person who
executed or issued it. For electronically stored infor-
mation, original means any printout or other out-
put readable by sight if it accurately reflects the
information. An original of a photograph includes
the negative or a print from it.
(e) A duplicate” means a counterpart produced by
a mechanical, photolineart, chemical, electronic, or
other equivalent process or technique that accurately
reproduces the original.
Rule 1002. Requirement of the original
An original writing, recording, or photograph is
required in order to prove its content unless these
rules, this Manual, or a federal statute provides
Rule 1003. Admissibility of duplicates
A duplicate is admissible to the same extent as the
original unless a genuine question is raised about the
originals authenticity or the circumstances make it
unfair to admit the duplicate.
Rule 1004. Admissibility of other evidence of
An original is not required and other evidence of
the content of a writing, recording, or photograph is
admissible if:
(a) Originals lost or destroyed. all the originals are
lost or destroyed, and not by the proponent acting in
bad faith;
(b) Original not obtainable. an original cannot be
obtained by any available judicial process;
(c) Original in possession of opponent. the party
against whom the original would be offered had
control of the original; was at that time put on no-
tice, by pleadings or otherwise, that the original
would be a subject of proof at the trial or hearing;
and fails to produce it at the trial or hearing; or
(d) Collateral matters. the writing, recording, or
photograph is not closely related to a controlling
Rule 1005. Copies of public records to prove
The proponent may use a copy to prove the con-
tent of an official record or of a document that
was recorded or filed in a public office as authorized
by law if these conditions are met: the record or
document is otherwise admissible; and the copy is
certified as correct in accordance with Mil. R. Evid.
902(4) or is testified to be correct by a witness who
has compared it with the original. If no such copy
can be obtained by reasonable diligence, then the
proponent may use other evidence to prove the
Rule 1006. Summaries to prove content
The proponent may use a summary, chart, or cal-
culation to prove the content of voluminous writ-
ings, recordings, or photographs that cannot be
conveniently examined in court. The proponent must
make the originals or duplicates available for exami-
nation or copying, or both, by other parties at a
reasonable time or place. The military judge may
order the proponent to produce them in court.
Rule 1007. Testimony or statement of a
party to prove content
The proponent may prove the content of a writing,
recording, or photograph by the testimony, deposi-
tion, or written statement of the party against whom
JUNE 2015
the evidence is offered. The proponent need not ac-
count for the original.
Rule 1008. Functions of the military judge
and the members
Ordinarily, the military judge determines whether
the proponent has fulfilled the factual conditions for
admitting other evidence of the content of a writing,
recording, or photograph under Mil. R. Evid. 1004
or 1005. When a court-martial is composed of a
military judge and members, the members determine
in accordance with Mil. R. Evid. 104(b) any
issue about whether:
(a) an asserted writing, recording, or photograph
ever existed;
(b) another one produced at the trial or hearing is
the original; or
(c) other evidence of content accurately reflects the
Rule 1101. Applicability of these rules
(a) In General. Except as otherwise provided in this
Manual, these rules apply generally to all courts-
martial, including summary courts-martial, Article
39(a) sessions, limited factfinding proceedings or-
dered on review, proceedings in revision, and con-
tempt proceedings other than contempt proceedings
in which the judge may act summarily.
(b) Rules Relaxed. The application of these rules
may be relaxed in presentencing proceedings as pro-
vided under R.C.M. 1001 and otherwise as provided
in this Manual.
(c) Rules on Privilege. The rules on privilege apply
at all stages of a case or proceeding.
(d) Exceptions. These rules except for Mil. R.
Evid. 412 and those on privilege do not apply to
the following:
(1) the military judges determination, under Rule
104(a), on a preliminary question of fact governing
(2) pretrial investigations under Article 32;
(3) proceedings for vacation of suspension of sen-
tence under Article 72; and
(4) miscellaneous actions and proceedings related
to search authorizations, pretrial restraint, pretrial
confinement, or other proceedings authorized under
the Uniform Code of Military Justice or this Manual
that are not listed in subdivision (a).
Rule 1102. Amendments
(a) General Rule. Amendments to the Federal Rules
of Evidence other than Articles III and V will
amend parallel provisions of the Military Rules of
Evidence by operation of law 18 months after the
effective date of such amendments, unless action to
the contrary is taken by the President.
(b) Rules Determined Not to Apply. The President
has determined that the following Federal Rules of
Evidence do not apply to the Military Rules of Evi-
dence: Rules 301, 302, 415, and 902(12).
Rule 1103. Title
These rules may be cited as the Military Rules of