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Apple Purchase Order Terms
These Purchase Order Terms (“Terms”) govern the provision of services (“Services”) and products (including
materials, Software, deliverables, and all other tangible results of services) (“Products) provided by the entity
identified as ‘Supplier’ (“Supplier”) on the purchase order (the “PO”) to the Apple entity identified on the PO (“Apple”).
1. General
1.1. Acceptance of Terms. Commencement of Services or delivery of Products by Supplier shall constitute
agreement to the Terms.
1.2. Rejection of Inconsistent Supplier Terms. Apple rejects any terms contained in any proposal, quotation,
acknowledgment, invoice, or other communication of Supplier inconsistent with these Terms.
2. Performance
2.1. On-Time Performance. Supplier shall provide the Services and deliver the Products on-time, in accordance
with the volumes and delivery locations specified by Apple. Time is of the essence as to the provision of Services and
delivery of Products. If Supplier is unable to provide the Services or deliver the Products on-time, Supplier will
promptly notify Apple and assign additional resources as needed to meet the required date.
2.2. Delivery of Products.
(a) Expedited Delivery. With respect to Products that Supplier is unable to deliver on-time, upon Apple’s
request, Supplier will deliver the affected Products using priority freight delivery (at Supplier’s expense).
(b) Delivery Terms. Products will be delivered DDP (designated location as specified by Apple), with title
and risk of loss transferring from Supplier to Apple at the designated delivery location; provided, however, for Products
delivered to an Apple-specified hub facility, title and risk of loss shall transfer from Supplier to Apple when Apple
withdraws the Products from the hub. DDP” means delivered duty paid as defined by the International Chamber of
Commerce in its publication Incoterms 2020; ICC Official Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms.
(c) Importer of Record. Supplier shall, at no charge and upon request, promptly forward to Apple any
documents Apple may reasonably require to allow Apple to clear Products through customs and obtain possession of
Products at the port of entry.
2.3. Acceptance. If Apple determines, in its sole discretion, that the Services or Products do not comply with the
Terms (including the Specifications), Apple may reject the non-conforming Services and Products. Upon rejection,
Supplier will, at Apple’s option, promptly: (i) correct any failure as soon as practicable (or such other time period
agreed in writing); (ii) refund the full amount paid for the rejected items, plus any inspection, test, and transportation
charges paid by Apple; or (iii) replace such rejected items. Payment of invoices will not be deemed acceptance of
Services or Products.
2.4. Adjustments and Cancellation. Apple may reschedule, redirect, or cancel all or part of the PO at any time
without charge and without incurring any liability to Supplier. Upon cancellation, Supplier will, to the extent and at the
times specified by Apple, stop all work on the Services or Products (or designated portions thereof) that have been
cancelled, incur no further costs, and protect all property in which Apple has or may acquire an interest (and will
provide all such property to Apple upon request). Apple will not be responsible for any costs in connection with
cancelled Services or Products except for payment for the portion of Services provided and Products delivered, and
accepted, in accordance with these Terms prior to notice of cancellation.
2.5. Labeling. Apple may specify any labeling of Products (e.g., 'Apple Work Product - Apple Confidential', etc.).
Supplier may not print any labels, trade names, trademarks, or logos on Products without Apple's prior written
3. Personnel & Resources
3.1. Required Resources. Supplier will provide all personnel, equipment, software, materials, and other resources
necessary to provide the Services and Products.
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3.2. Management of Supplier Personnel. Supplier is solely responsible for managing any Supplier Personnel (e.g.,
hiring, firing, designating where and when Supplier Personnel perform Services, work assignments, practices, policies
and procedures, and ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations). “Personnel” means officers,
directors, agents, consultants, contractors, and employees of Supplier or Apple, as the case may be.
3.3. Support. Supplier shall provide, at no cost to Apple, all technical, operational, and informational support
relating to the Services and Products that Apple deems necessary to use the Services or Products.
3.4. Subcontractors. Supplier may subcontract the performance of its obligations under the PO to an entity (a
Subcontractor”) provided that, with respect to each Subcontractor, Supplier: (i) first obtains Apple’s written consent;
and (ii) has entered into agreements sufficient to ensure such Subcontractor’s compliance with the Terms (including
the confidentiality requirements in Section 5 (Confidentiality) and Section 7 (Intellectual Property)). Supplier shall be
directly liable for and shall indemnify and hold Apple harmless from and against any liabilities, losses, damages, costs,
and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by Apple related to any breach of these Terms by a
4. Payment
4.1. Pricing.
(a) General. The price charged for Services or Products shall be the lowest of: (i) the price specified on
the PO; (ii) the price agreed by Apple and Supplier in writing; or (iii) the lowest price otherwise proposed by Supplier to
Apple (for example, Supplier’s quoted price on the date Apple submits the PO).
(b) Blanket Purchase Orders. If Apple issues Supplier a Blanket PO, Supplier shall provide the Services
or Products subject to the pricing agreed in writing between Apple and Supplier at the time the Blanket PO is issued
(e.g., in a corresponding rate card or price sheet, or the ‘Notes to Supplier’ section of the PO). Supplier is not
authorized under any Blanket PO to modify the scope of Services, provide any additional Products, or to charge any
more for Services or Products than as agreed in writing at the time the Blanket PO was issued, and Apple will not be
required to pay any unauthorized amounts.Blanket PO” means a PO that authorizes Supplier to provide recurring
Services or Products resulting in multiple Apple payments over a period of time as may be specified on the PO.
4.2. Invoices. Supplier shall invoice Apple for Services that have been provided and Products that have been
delivered in accordance with the Terms. Supplier shall ensure that invoices submitted include accurate and complete
information (including all supporting documentation Apple requests to substantiate payments). If Apple elects to
receive invoices electronically, Supplier will comply with Apple's instructions for electronic submission (and shall bear
any reasonable related expenses).
4.3. Payment. Upon receipt of each valid, correct, and undisputed invoice, payment is due and payable for the
invoiced amount within the timeframe identified on the PO. The Apple entity identified on the PO is the sole Apple
entity responsible for payment.
4.4. Early Payment. Supplier may elect to be paid early on an invoice-by-invoice basis, or permanently, through
Apple’s ‘Invoice Portal (, in exchange for providing a discount to Apple
(which will be applied against the invoice gross value). If Supplier elected to be paid early permanently and has a debit
balance (i.e., Supplier owes Apple), Apple may (i) take the early payment discount on all amounts payable by Apple
until such balance is resolved and (ii) offset any amounts payable by Apple against such debit balance.
4.5. Late Invoices. Failure to submit a correct invoice for amounts owed by Apple within sixty (60) days after the
event giving rise to the payment is a waiver by Supplier of Apple’s liability for the amounts due.
4.6. Currency. All amounts payable will be in the currency designated by Apple (as may be identified on the PO).
4.7. Costs. Supplier is solely responsible for all costs incurred in connection with providing the Services and
5. Confidentiality
5.1. General. Supplier shall maintain the confidentiality of Apple Confidential Information and may disclose Apple
Confidential Information only to Supplier Personnel who have a need to know such Apple Confidential Information in
order for Supplier to provide the Services and Products and who are bound by a written agreement with Supplier that
is at least as protective of Apple’s Confidential Information as provided herein. Supplier shall use a reasonable degree
of care to protect Apple Confidential Information and shall not disclose Apple Confidential Information to any third
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party without Apple’s prior written consent in each instance. Supplier may disclose Confidential Information to the
extent it is required by law if it makes reasonable efforts to provide prior notice to Apple and seeks protective
treatment of Confidential Information. Supplier shall not use Apple Confidential Information for any purpose except to
provide the Services and Products and otherwise perform Supplier’s obligations hereunder. Supplier shall promptly
notify Apple upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure (or reasonably suspected unauthorized use or
disclosure) of Apple Confidential Information by Supplier or any Subcontractor. Supplier shall return or destroy all
Apple Confidential Information within three (3) days of Apple’s request.Apple Confidential Informationmeans the
existence and subject matter of the PO, all Personal Data collected, accessed, maintained, used, processed or
transferred by or to Supplier under the PO, and any other nonpublic information or material disclosed by Apple to
Supplier in connection with the PO, including information Supplier learns from Apple Personnel, through the inspection
of Apple property, or that would reasonably under the circumstances be understood to be confidential information.
5.2. No Press Release or Publicity. Supplier shall not issue, procure, or permit any third party to issue a press
release or other publicity regarding Apple or its Related Entities, or the PO or its subject matter, without Apple’s prior
written consent. Related Entities” means any business entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common
control with an entity, where “control” means that the entity possesses, directly or indirectly, the power to direct the
management policies of the other entity (whether through ownership of voting securities, an interest in registered
capital, by contract, or otherwise).
5.3. Exclusions. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in these Terms shall restrict the right of Supplier Personnel (or
Supplier if providing Services or Products to Apple in his, her, or their individual capacity) to (i) speak freely about their
wages or hours, or about employment terms and working conditions, including harassment, discrimination, or any
other conduct Supplier or Supplier Personnel has reason to believe is unlawful or (ii) disclose information to a federal,
state, or local government or agency, where such disclosure is necessary in order to report matters Supplier or
Supplier Personnel has reason to believe are a violation of federal, state, or local law. For the avoidance of doubt,
Supplier or Supplier Personnel, as applicable is not required to notify Apple when making permitted disclosures as
provided under clauses (i) and (ii) above.
6. Software and Cloud Services
6.1. License Grant. Supplier, on behalf of itself and its Related Entities, hereby grants to Apple and its Related
Entities a nonexclusive, irrevocable, transferable (to Apple Related Entities), perpetual (except where a specific term is
identified on the PO), paid-up (subject to payment of fees in accordance with any payment schedule agreed in writing),
royalty-free, worldwide license to use, import, reproduce, display, perform, distribute, modify, prepare derivative works
of, disclose (as necessary), and otherwise exploit the Software and Documentation, and to have others exercise such
rights on Apple’s behalf. “Software” means all software provided by Supplier in connection with the PO, including all
firmware, scripts and Updates. “Documentation” means all user guides, manuals, installation instructions, and other
written materials provided by Supplier in connection with the Software or the Cloud Services (defined below).
Updates” means updates, bug fixes, patches, enhancements, upgrades, and new versions of or to the Software or
the Cloud Services. Apple and Supplier may modify Apple’s license under this Section in accordance with Section
12.11 (Modification).
6.2. Limitations. Apple shall not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive Source
Code for the Software, except as permitted by law. Apple shall not remove, obscure, or alter Supplier’s copyright
notice, trademarks, or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within the Software or Documentation
and shall reproduce all titles, trademarks, and copyright and restricted rights notices in any copies of the Software and
Documentation.Source Code” means human-readable computer code, including related programmer comments
and procedural language.
6.3. Cloud Services.
(a) General. All cloud services (including software-as-a-service, platform-as-a-service, and infrastructure-
as-a-service), Updates, and Documentation that Supplier provides to Apple or any entity or individual authorized by
Apple to use such services, Updates, and Documentation (the “Cloud Services”) will be provided in accordance with
this Section 6.3. Each Cloud Service is a Service as defined in the Terms.
(b) Apple Data. All data entered, stored, transmitted, or processed by Apple using the Cloud Services
and all data generated or derived from such data (collectively, the “Apple Data”) shall be deemed Apple Confidential
Information. The Cloud Services shall not contain, and Supplier shall not insert into the Cloud Services, any software
designed to damage, prevent Apple’s access to, or erase any Apple Data stored or contained in the Cloud Services or
require action or intervention by Supplier to allow Apple’s use of the Cloud Services as permitted under the Terms. In
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addition, upon request by Apple at any time, including upon expiration or termination of the Cloud Services, Supplier
will, at no charge to Apple, provide to Apple, or enable Apple itself to extract, all Apple Data contained in the Cloud
Services in the form and format and with the technological means requested by Apple.
(c) Service Levels. Supplier shall provide the Cloud Services in accordance with the Specifications,
including any uptime requirements, incident response times, maximum or average times to repair, reporting, or any
other service levels set forth therein, or if not identified in the Specifications, in accordance with industry best
(d) Maintenance and Support. In addition to Supplier’s general support obligations set forth in the Terms,
Supplier will provide business continuity and disaster recovery for the Cloud Services in accordance with the
Specifications, or if not identified in the Specifications, in accordance with industry best practices.
(e) Transition Services. At Apple’s request, Supplier will continue to provide, at a prorated fee not to
exceed the relevant fees in effect at the time of termination of the Cloud Services by Apple (e.g., following a material
breach of the Terms by Supplier), all licenses and support required for the Cloud Services, at no less than the levels
provided immediately prior to termination, for a period of up to one (1) year following the date of termination.
6.4. Click-Wrap. Any “click-wrap” agreement, terms of use, electronic acceptance, order confirmation, or other
terms that a user may be required to acknowledge or accept or that is otherwise displayed or accessible to a user
when downloading, receiving, using, or otherwise accessing the Services or Products or any portion thereof, are of no
force and effect as between Apple (and any entity or individual authorized by Apple to use the Services or Products)
and Supplier.
7. Intellectual Property
7.1. Definitions.
(a) Intellectual Property Rights” or “IPR” means any and all current and future rights in copyrights,
trade secrets, trademarks, mask works, patents, design rights, trade dress, right of privacy or publicity, moral rights,
and any other intellectual property rights that may exist anywhere in the world, including, in each case, whether
unregistered, registered, or comprising an application for registration, and all rights and forms of protection of a similar
nature or having equivalent or similar effect to any of the foregoing.
(b) Project IPRmeans all Intellectual Property Rights created, discovered, or developed in the
performance of the Services or development of Products for Apple under the PO, or otherwise created, discovered, or
developed using Apple Confidential Information.
(c) Supplier Background IPR” means all rights, title, and interest in and to IPR that Supplier acquired,
created, discovered, or developed at any time separately and independently of work performed for Apple (including
under the PO).
7.2. Ownership of Project IPR. Apple shall own all right, title, and interest in and to any Project IPR, subject to any
Supplier Background IPR embodied therein. Supplier hereby grants and assigns to Apple, without reservation, all
ownership rights, title, and interest it may have in and to any Project IPR.
7.3. License. Supplier, on behalf of itself and its Related Entities, hereby grants to Apple a non-exclusive,
irrevocable, perpetual, paid-up, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, sell, offer to sell, import, reproduce, display,
perform, distribute, modify, prepare derivative works of, disclose (as necessary) and otherwise exploit the Products
(including Software in the Products) and Services for any purpose, to practice any method or process in connection
with the foregoing, and to have others exercise such rights on Apple’s behalf.
7.4. Restrictions. Supplier may only use Intellectual Property Rights owned by Apple and Apple Confidential
Information to the extent required for the performance of Supplier’s obligations under the PO and in compliance with
the Specifications.
7.5. Assistance. Supplier shall cooperate with Apple to ensure the timely and effective patent prosecution of
Project IPR, and agrees to execute any documents, obtain all necessary rights from its Related Entities and Supplier
Personnel, and at Apple’s expense, provide other assistance, reasonably requested by Apple to enable Apple to
secure, perfect, register, or enforce any Intellectual Property Rights in such Project IPR. Apple and Supplier
acknowledge and agree that they have a common legal interest in protection of the Project IPR and that neither party
waives any privilege (or other applicable protection from disclosure) by sharing information pursuant to this provision.
7.6. Creative Works.
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(a) Limitations. With respect to video content, audio content, graphic designs, artwork, and other similar
creative content Products (excluding software and other underlying technology) (“Creative Works”) for which Supplier
has retained ownership of the underlying copyright rights, Apple and Supplier may agree to limit Apple’s license under
Section 7.3 (License), with respect to such copyright rights, regarding the duration of use, territory of use, type of use,
or permitted media, solely by specifying limitations to the license in accordance with Section 12.11 (Modification).
(b) Releases and Clearances. Supplier shall obtain all third-party releases and licenses necessary for
Apple to exploit the Creative Works consistent with the rights granted by Supplier under the Terms and shall pay all
expenses, royalties, and fees in connection therewith (including as relates to any union or collective bargaining
(c) Moral Rights. Supplier acknowledges the existence of statutory moral rights under certain U.S.
and foreign laws (e.g., 17 U.S.C. § 106(a) of the U.S. Copyright Act 1990 and droits moraux under laws of certain other
nations). To the extent permitted by law, Supplier hereby waives, and to the extent required shall obtain third party
waiver of, all such rights with regards to any and all use of Creative Works in connection with services or products of
Apple and its Related Entities.
8. Warranties
8.1. General Warranties. Supplier represents and warrants that: (i) Supplier has the right to grant the rights and
licenses contained herein and Supplier’s performance hereunder will not cause Supplier to breach any other
agreements; (ii) all specifications and other documentation provided by Supplier are complete and accurate; (iii) the
Services and Supplier’s performance under the PO will conform to all Specifications, comply with all applicable laws
and regulations, and will be conducted in a professional and workmanlike manner with a degree of skill, care and
timeliness consistent with best industry practices; and (iv) with respect to Project IPR, Supplier has entered into a
binding contract with all employees, individuals, and Subcontractors involved in the development to enable the
Project IPR to be vested in and assigned to Apple.Specifications” means the most current version of all
specifications and requirements (including schedules) applicable to any Service or Product that Apple may provide
from time to time, and any other descriptions provided by Supplier and approved in writing by Apple.
8.2. Product Warranties. Supplier represents and warrants that: (i) prior to delivery, Supplier has full and
warrantable title to the Products, which will be delivered free and clear of liens and encumbrances; (ii) the Products will
not be misbranded or falsely labeled, advertised, or invoiced; (iii) the Products do not infringe any Intellectual Property
Rights of a third party, and no fees or royalties shall be due from Apple with respect to use of such Products; (iv) the
Products are new and comprised of new materials when delivered; (v) the Products are safe for any use that is
consistent with the Specifications or that is reasonably foreseeable; (vi) during the Warranty Period, the Products will
conform to the Specifications and be merchantable and free from defects; (vii) Supplier has, with respect to all third-
party technology used in the Products, obtained all necessary rights from the third party to permit Apple to use such
technology in accordance with the Terms, without payment of any royalties or other payments to such third party or
any other restrictions; (viii) the Software does not contain any viruses, malware, or other harmful code; and (ix) the
Software does not contain any Open Source Software unless Apple has given its prior written authorization otherwise.
Warranty Periodmeans the period that is three years from the date of delivery of the Products.Open Source
Software” means any software or derivative thereof that is subject to: (i) a requirement that it is to be distributed or
made available in source code; (ii) a requirement that any patents related to the software are either licensed to or may
not be asserted against recipients of the software; (iii) a requirement to include licensor attribution(s); or (iv) any license
meeting the Open Source Definition (as promulgated by the Open Source Initiative), the Free Software Definition (as
promulgated by the Free Software Foundation), or any substantially similar license, including the GNU General Public
License (GPL), Lesser/Library GPL (LGPL), the Mozilla Public License (MPL), the Apache License, the BSD license, or
the MIT license.
8.3. Remedies. For Services and Products that fail to comply with the warranties set forth in Section 8.1 (General
Warranties) or Section 8.2 (Product Warranties) above, Supplier shall promptly, at Apple’s option, and in addition to
any other remedy available at law or equity: (i) correct or replace the Services or Products as soon as practicable (or
such other time period agreed in writing); (ii) re-perform the Services; or (iii) accept the return of and refund any
amounts paid for the defective or non-conforming Services and Products (plus any inspection, test, and transportation
9. Indemnity
9.1. Indemnity. Supplier shall indemnify and hold Apple, Apple Related Entities, and Apple Personnel harmless,
and at Apple’s request, defend Apple, Apple Related Entities, and Apple Personnel, from and against all costs,
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damages, and fees (including attorney and other professional fees) attributable to claims or allegations that: (i) the
Services, Products, or other performance of obligations under the PO, or any portion thereof, on their own or in
combination with other services and products, or the use of the foregoing by Apple, infringe any third-party’s
Intellectual Property Rights; (ii) the Services, Products, or other performance of obligations under the PO caused
personal injury or property damage; (iii) arise or are alleged to have arisen as a result of negligent or intentional acts or
omissions of Supplier or Supplier Personnel, or a breach by Supplier of any of these Terms; (iv) relate to the transfer of
Supplier Personnel to Apple or any other future service provider pursuant to any provision implementing the Acquired
Rights Amendment Directive (2001/23/EC) or similar legislation; or (v) relate to Supplier Personnel and results from an
act or omission by Supplier, including that Supplier Personnel has not received the payment of any wages, statutory
benefits, worker’s compensation insurance (or the local equivalent), or other compensation, including statutory
penalties or interest, or that Supplier Personnel are in any way employees of Apple (“Covered Claims”).
9.2. Assistance and Settlements. Supplier shall provide all reasonable assistance, at Supplier’s expense, to Apple
or its counsel in relation to the defense, remedy, or mitigation of any Covered Claim. Supplier shall not, without
Apple’s prior written consent, make any admissions of liability, enter into any settlement that imposes any obligation
on Apple, or publicize any settlement details relating to Apple.
9.3. Duty to Correct. If a third party claims that the Services or Products infringe any Intellectual Property Rights,
Supplier shall, in addition to its other obligations under this Section 9, promptly notify Apple in writing of such claims
and, at its own expense, exercise one or more of the following remedies in coordination with Apple and at a time and
in a manner that will avoid any risk of interruption of Apple’s business: (i) obtain from such third-party rights to enable
Supplier to perform its obligations under the PO; (ii) modify the Services or Products so they are non-infringing and in
compliance with the PO; (iii) replace the Products with non-infringing versions that comply with the requirements of the
PO; or (iv) at Apple’s request, accept the cancellation of infringing Services and Products and refund any amounts
10. Termination
10.1. Termination for Cause. Either party may terminate the PO following written notice if the other party: (i)
materially breaches any of its obligations hereunder and such breach is not cured (if capable of cure) within thirty (30)
days after the date notice was provided; or (ii) becomes insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or
files for or is the subject of a petition in bankruptcy. If Supplier believes that it is about to become or becomes
insolvent, is or is about to become subject to a petition in bankruptcy, or misses any debt payments, it shall provide
immediate notice (a) by email and overnight courier to its Apple contact, and (b) by overnight courtier to Apple Inc.,
Attn. General Counsel, One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA 95014, United States.
10.2. Survival. The provisions herein, which by their nature should remain in effect beyond termination of the PO,
will survive until fulfilled, including Section 4 (to the extent payments are outstanding) and Sections 5-12.
11. Additional Requirements
11.1. Compliance with Laws. Supplier shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in performing its
obligations under the PO, including all applicable employment, labor, and human rights, data privacy, health and
safety, tax, customs, import, export control, and environmental laws and regulations.
11.2. Supplier Code of Conduct. At all times while providing Services and Products, Supplier shall comply with the
Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”) available at, as
updated from time-to-time. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other agreement between Apple and
Supplier, Supplier shall: (i) allow and enable Apple and a third party representing Apple to assess Supplier’s
compliance with the Code of Conduct (an Assessment”) by inspecting and reviewing Supplier’s facilities, practices,
policies, and relevant records without notice and interviewing Supplier Personnel without disruption or monitoring; (ii)
not request or encourage, directly or indirectly, any Supplier Personnel to furnish false or incomplete information; (iii)
not take retaliatory action against any Supplier Personnel interviewed during an Assessment; (iv) promptly implement
reasonable corrective action to remedy any material non-conformance with the Code of Conduct identified by an
Assessment; and (v) hold the results and findings of any Assessment, which Supplier agrees shall be Apple
Confidential Information, in the strictest confidence.
11.3. Ethics and Business Conduct. Supplier shall comply with Apple’s Anti-Corruption Policy available on Apple’s
public website (as updated from time to time), and with all applicable laws and regulations enacted to combat bribery
and corruption, including the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.K. Bribery Act, and the principles of
the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials, and any corresponding laws in the country
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where business or Services are taking place pursuant to the PO. Supplier shall not, directly or indirectly through a third
party, offer, pay, or promise to pay anything of value to any person, including any employee or official of a
government, government-controlled enterprise or company, or political party, for the purpose of improperly influencing
a decision, obtaining any improper benefit, or obtaining, retaining, or directing business.
11.4. Data Security. Supplier shall comply with the latest version of the Apple Information Security and Data Privacy
Requirements (the ISDP). If Supplier obtains information relating to identified or identifiable individuals (“Personal
Data”), Supplier and any Supplier Personnel providing Services or Products, will collect, access, maintain, use,
process, and transfer Personal Data solely for the purpose of meeting Supplier’s obligations under the PO and in
compliance with the ISDP. For all Supplier Personnel who will have unescorted access to Apple’s premises or remote
access to Apple systems, Supplier shall comply with the latest version of the Personnel Background Check Guidelines.
The ISDP and Personnel Background Check Guidelines are available in Apple’s SupplierConnect system.
11.5. Export Control. In addition to complying with all applicable export laws and regulations, Supplier shall
immediately notify Apple in writing of changes, if any, to classifications, export licenses, and any other determinations
related to Products (including technical documentation) supplied to Apple and shall provide supporting information for
such change(s).
11.6. No Defense Articles or Covered Telecommunications Equipment. Supplier shall not provide any defense
articles’ (as defined in 22 C.F.R. § 120.6) orcovered telecommunications equipment or services’ to Apple (as defined
in the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation and further designated by the U.S. System for Award Management). To the
extent any Products are specifically designed or modified for a military end-item or application, civilian spacecraft, or
satellite-related application, Supplier shall notify Apple in writing and not provide such Products (including any related
technical documentation) to Apple without Apple’s prior written consent. Additionally, Supplier shall not release,
export, re-export, or transfer any items (e.g., tangible products, software, source code, technology, or technical data),
provided by Apple, to any military end-user or for any military end-use (as defined in 15 C.F.R. §744.21).
11.7. Import. Supplier shall implement and maintain in effect during the term of the PO, in all of Supplier’s supply
chains: (i) Minimum Security Criteria (as defined in the U.S. Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT)
program) to the extent Products will be shipped into the U.S.; (ii) all Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program
requirements to the extent Products will be shipped into the E.U.; and (iii) all other supply chain security program
requirements applicable to the shipment of Products into a region outside of the U.S. or E.U.
11.8. Apple Equipment. If Apple provides Supplier with any Apple equipment, Supplier shall hold the equipment as
a bailee only and will not permit any lien or other encumbrance to be placed against it while in Supplier’s care,
custody, or control. Apple retains ownership of such equipment. Under no circumstances will Supplier move the
equipment from the location designated by Apple without Apple’s prior written consent, or deny Apple Personnel
access to the equipment. Immediately upon Apple’s request, Supplier will deliver the equipment to Apple ‘Ex Works’
(Supplier’s facility). Supplier agrees to return the Apple equipment to Apple in the same condition as it was provided to
Supplier, except for normal wear and tear. Supplier will be responsible for physical loss of, or damage to, the
equipment while in the care, custody, or control of Supplier. Supplier agrees to use the equipment solely for Apple’s
benefit in connection with the performance of Supplier’s obligations to Apple. Supplier will not use or permit others to
use the equipment for any other purpose. The equipment is provided to Supplier “as is” and Apple disclaims all
warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
11.9. Insurance and Loss Prevention. Supplier shall maintain health, auto, workers' compensation,
unemployment compensation, disability, general liability, errors and omissions, and other insurance, as required by
law or common practice in Supplier’s industry, whichever affords greater coverage, together with adequate coverage
(on a replacement cost basis) for any Apple property under the care, custody, or control of Supplier. Upon
request, Supplier shall provide Apple certificates of insurance or evidence of coverage.
11.10. Taxes.
(a) General. Apple is not liable for taxes that Supplier is legally obligated to pay (e.g., any
applicable income taxes, withholding taxes, tax deductions, or the equivalent). Apple may withhold any taxes it is
required by law to withhold and pay such taxes to the appropriate taxing authority. In the event a reduced withholding
tax rate may apply, Supplier shall provide to Apple all documentation necessary to demonstrate that Supplier is
qualified for the reduced rate. If the necessary documentation is not provided in a timely fashion before payment,
Apple shall withhold at the full rate. Upon reasonable request by Supplier, Apple shall provide Supplier with
documentation evidencing the payment of withholding tax. Apple will pay any sales tax, use tax, value added tax,
services and products tax, consumption tax, or equivalent which Supplier is required by law to collect from Apple. If
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Apple provides Supplier a valid exemption certificate, Supplier will not collect the taxes covered by such certificate.
Supplier will provide valid tax invoices to Apple to support any charges, consistent with the requirements of the
relevant jurisdiction.
(b) Development Items. Services and Products that are provided during development and
qualification have no intrinsic value in their tangible form. As such, no sales tax, use tax, value added tax, services and
products tax, consumption tax, or equivalent have been assessed or are anticipated to be required as a result of the
development or qualification of such Services and Products.
11.11. Information. Supplier shall provide to Apple reports and data (in the form and format, and containing the
content and details, as requested by Apple) to enable Apple to (i) monitor the Services and Products and (ii) confirm
compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
11.12. Audits and Inspections. Supplier shall maintain all records, contracts, and accounts related to the Services
and Products during the term of the PO and for three years thereafter. During the term of the PO and for three years
thereafter, Apple or an independent certified public accountant reasonably acceptable to Supplier may, at any time,
audit Supplier’s records (including electronic records) and inspect Supplier’s facilities to verify that Supplier has
complied with its obligations under the PO. Supplier shall promptly provide to Apple or the auditor any information and
documentation Apple or the auditor may reasonably request in connection with such audit or inspection in the format
requested. Supplier shall make Supplier Personnel who are knowledgeable of the relevant records and business
practices available for such audit.
11.13. Assignment. Supplier shall not assign or transfer the PO, or any rights or obligations or other interest under
the PO, in-whole or in-part, whether directly, indirectly, voluntarily, or involuntarily (“Assignment”) without Apple’s
prior written consent in each instance. Supplier shall promptly notify its Apple contact by email and overnight courier
of any Assignment. Any Assignment in violation of this Section shall be voided upon Apple’s request.
12. Miscellaneous
12.1. Force Majeure. No party shall be liable for delay or failure to fulfill its obligations under the PO to the extent
directly caused by an act of God that was unforeseeable, beyond its reasonable control, and not caused by its fault or
negligence (a “Force Majeure Event”), so long as the non-performing party (i) provides notice to the other party
promptly (but no later than five (5) days after becoming aware of the Force Majeure Event); (ii) uses all reasonable
efforts to avoid, remove, or mitigate the cause(s) of nonperformance including taking all steps necessary to
minimize the impact of the Force Majeure Event; (iii) with respect to Supplier, complies with any additional obligations
agreed from time to time relating to business continuity commitments and Supplier’s obligations to Apple in
connection with a supply constraint; (iv) suspends performance only for the period of time necessary as a result of
such Force Majeure Event; (v) resumes performance as quickly as possible and (vi) continues performance of all
obligations that are not excused by the Force Majeure Event. The notice referred to above must describe, in detail, the
impact on performance and the plan to avoid, remove, or mitigate such causes of non-performance. The doctrines of
impossibility and impracticability shall not apply to the PO. For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure Events will not
include financial distress nor the inability of a party to make a profit or avoid a financial loss, changes in market prices
or conditions, or a party's financial inability to perform its obligations.
12.2. Bankruptcy. In the event of any proceeding by or against either party under any law relating to bankruptcy,
insolvency, or reorganization or relief of the debtors, all rights, licenses, and covenants granted hereunder will continue
without termination, rejection, or avoidance by virtue of such proceeding. If a proceeding is instituted by or against
either party under any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, or reorganization or relief of the debtors, the other party
may retain and exercise all of its rights and elections under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (including, to the extent
applicable, the provisions of Section 365(n) of 11 U.S.C. § 101 (et seq.).
12.3. Sovereign Immunity. To the extent Supplier may be entitled in any jurisdiction to claim for itself or its assets
immunity (whether state or sovereign or otherwise) from service of process, jurisdiction, suit, judgment, execution,
attachment (whether before judgment, in aid of execution, or otherwise) or legal process with respect to its obligations
under the Agreement, or to the extent that, in any such jurisdiction, such immunity (whether or not claimed) may be
attributed to it or its assets, Supplier hereby irrevocably agrees not to claim, and hereby irrevocably waives, such
immunity to the fullest extent permitted by the laws of such jurisdiction with the intent, inter alia, that such waiver of
immunity shall have irrevocable effect.
12.4. Governing Law. The PO and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be governed by and construed and
enforced under the laws of the State of Delaware, without regard to its choice of law principles, except that the
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arbitration clause below, and any arbitration hereunder, shall be governed by the United States Federal Arbitration Act,
Chapters 1 and 2. The Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to the PO.
12.5. Dispute Resolution.
(a) Arbitration. If Supplier is domiciled outside of the People’s Republic of China, any dispute arising out
of or related to the PO shall be finally settled under the Expedited Procedure Provisions of the Rules of Arbitration
of the International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC Rules”). The place of arbitration shall be San Francisco, California,
and the arbitration shall be conducted in English, without regard to conflict of laws principles. If Supplier is domiciled
in the People’s Republic of China, any dispute arising out of or related to the PO shall be submitted to the
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) in Beijing for arbitration which shall be
conducted in English and in accordance with the ‘Summary Procedure’ of CIETAC’s arbitration rules in effect at the
time of applying for arbitration (“CIETAC Rules”). Any arbitral award shall be final and binding upon both parties. The
parties shall keep the arbitration and documents related to it confidential, and judgment on the award may be entered
in any court having jurisdiction. In addition to the ICC Rules or CIETAC Rules, the parties agree that the arbitration
shall be conducted according to the International Bar Association Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International
(b) Provisional Relief. Nothing in this Section 12.5 (Dispute Resolution) shall prevent either party from
seeking provisional measures from any court of competent jurisdiction, and any such request shall not be deemed
incompatible with the agreement to arbitrate or a waiver of the right to arbitrate; however, to the extent Supplier
provides Creative Works, or marketing, promotion, or distribution Services in connection with Creative Works, Supplier
on behalf of itself and its Related Entities, covenants not to seek or enforce injunctive relief against (i) any service or
product of Apple or its Related Entities that incorporates or uses such Services or Products or (ii) any third party
anywhere in the world to the extent that doing so would disrupt the development, production, marketing, promotion, or
distribution of any service or product of Apple or its Related Entities. The parties hereby waive any requirements for
security for obtaining any provisional relief.
12.6. Construction. The section headings in the Terms are for convenience only and are not to be considered in
construing or interpreting the Terms. The words “will” and “shall” are used in a mandatory, not a permissive, sense,
and the word “including” is intended to be exemplary, not exhaustive, and will be deemed followed by “without
limitation.” Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the phrase “in writing” may include email communication between
authorized representatives of Apple and Supplier.
12.7. No Waiver. No delay or failure to act in the event of a breach of the Terms shall be a waiver of that or any
subsequent breach of any provision of the Terms. In addition, no waiver will be implied from conduct or failure to
enforce or exercise rights under the Terms, nor will any waiver be effective unless in a writing signed by a duly
authorized representative of a party claimed to have waived.
12.8. Remedies. No remedy hereunder is intended to be exclusive of any other remedies available at law or equity.
12.9. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of the Terms unlawful or unenforceable,
that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the
remainder of the Terms will continue in full force and effect.
12.10. Complete Understanding. These Terms constitute the full and complete understanding and agreement of the
parties relating to the subject matter hereof.
12.11. Modification. A modification of the Terms shall only be effective if (i) agreed in a writing signed by authorized
representatives of Apple and Supplier, (ii) specified by Apple on the PO (including in the Notes to Suppliersection of
the PO), or (iii) solely with respect to Software, Documentation and Creative Works, agreed by an Apple employee at
Director-level or above in an email exchanged with Supplier.
12.12. Conflict. In the event of any conflict in the documents referred to herein, the order of precedence will be: (i) the
payment, quantity and delivery terms identified on the PO; (ii) any other terms specified by Apple on the PO (including
in the ‘Notes to Supplier’ section of the PO); (iii) any written agreement signed by authorized representatives of Apple
and Supplier (or their Related Entities) that covers the same subject matter as the PO; and (iv) the provisions of these
Terms (including as modified in accordance with Section 12.11 (Modification)).