Chapter 19 - Media pitch templates
Example 1: Share Related article email template
This template will help you share your relevant content related to the journalist’s recently
published work.
Subject line: Re: Real estate at crossroads article
Email body:
Hi Sally,
Love your writing. I visit your {blog name} blog on {media publication name} very often and
especially liked {mention recent article}. Wanted to share an article that is very relevant to your
I saw this hack to find real estate properties easily using Amazon Alexa. {Link the article you are
Interested to know your thoughts. What do you think?
Example 2: Share Research specific to the journalist’s article
Journalists love data. If you have some research data that throws a lot of insights to the
journalist’s article, you can use this template.
Subject line: Research data to support your real estate at crossroads article
Email body:
Hi Sally,
I have been following your real estate articles for quite some time. Lots of insights indeed.
I couldn't agree more with your assertions in your recent article on ‘Real estate at crossroads?’
in {magazine / blog name}. And here are the reasons why:
Existing home inventory is increasing month to month by 5%
# of days in the market has also increased by 25 days to 35 days
Our research team has been collecting this kind of data and more using our Alexa-enabled real
estate finder app for some time.
Do you think this kind of data is relevant for your audience? Please find the detailed research
Example 3: Share related article with some provocation template
This example adds some provocation by sharing your relevant article.
Subject line: Voice-enabled real estate search to revolutionize sales?
Email body:
Hi Sally,
I am a huge fan of your real estate articles on {media / blog name} and especially liked the most
recent article ‘Is real estate at crossroads?’.
I think the article misses an entirely new way of finding real estate deals and that is voice-
enabled search. As you know, Alexa is one of the top selling gadgets and more number of
people are using Alexa’s search capabilities to easily find the real estate deals.
Please check out this article {your article} that gets into the nuisances of this new trend. Your
readers may be excited to know about this fast-growing trend.
Thank you.