P-ISSN: 2808-0467
E-ISSN: 2808-5051
Homepage: https://iss.internationaljournallabs.com/index.php/iss
1166 This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Keithy Dorothy
, Abdul Kadir
, Kemala Rita
Master of Hospital Administration, Esa Unggul University, West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
keithy.doroth[email protected]
kemalarita41[email protected]
Received: June
Revised: June
Approved: June
Background: The figure for completing medical records of 100% has not yet
been achieved which is the standard for completing hospital medical records
after completion of service according to the Minister of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 129/MENKES/SK/II/2008, and the importance of
diagnosis based on ICD-10 as one of the variables for calculating health
service costs, this case study of breast cancer patients with operation was
conducted to analyze the causes of that problem.
Aim: The research object was to analyze the completeness and accuracy of
the coding of medical resumes for breast cancer patients with surgery on the
amount of INA-CBGs claims at Dharmais Cancer Hospital in 2019.
Method: This study research is a mix method, with qualitative and
quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach was carried out by in-depth
interviews, while the quantitative approach was carried out by reviewing the
documents to be tested for suitability using the chi square method. The
documents were inquired from Dharmais Cancer Hospital.
Findings: The results showed the incompleteness fulfillment of medical
resumes was highest. The secondary diagnosis of 30.23%, supporting
examinations 27.91%, physical examinations and procedures/actions
23.26%, and identity of 4.65% of 43 cases were reviewed. Inaccuracy rate of
primary diagnosis coding 90,7%, procedure 76,7%, secondary diagnosis
30,2%. Incomplete and inaccurate coding affects the final INA-CBG’s rate
grouping results and is the cause of the difference in claims of Rp.
194,089,500.00 than it should be.
completeness of medical resume, coding accuracy, INA-CBG's claims, breast cancer,
Social Security Administering Body (BPJS)
The government's attention to the health and its quality for the citizens can be seen in the
Constitution 1945 Article 28 H paragraph (1) which reads "Everyone has the right to live in
physical and mental well-being, to live and have a good and healthy life and the right to obtain
health services". Apart from being stated in the 1945 Constitution, the government's attention
can be seen in the vision and mission of the Long-Term Development Plan for the Health Sector
2005-2025, namely that the community is expected to have the ability to reach quality health
services and also receive health insurance, that is, the community gets protection in meeting
their basic health needs. In the implementation of the Health Insurance Program, the Minister
of Health makes a standard tariff for health services at health facilities. This health service rate
standard is made in the form of a system called INA-CBGs (Indonesia Case Base Groups).
INA-CBG is a payment system with a "package" system, based on the patient's illness.
Hospitals will receive payment based on the INA CBGs rate which is the average cost spent
by a group of diagnoses. The Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) for Health as a legal
Analyzing Patient Medical Resume Coding’s Completeness and Accuracy on the Amount of INA-CBG’s
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entity established by the government as the organizer of the National Health Insurance Program
(JKN) and other related parties regarding the INA-CBG payment method in administering
Health Insurance.
From the data above, it can be seen that the reasons for returning the most claim files were
confirmation of medical resumes and coding of 57.27%. It could be interpreted that the
completeness of the medical resume and the accuracy of the coding were the biggest reasons
for the reduction in Dharmais Cancer Hospital income. The figure for completing medical
records of 100% has not yet been achieved which is the standard for completing hospital
medical records after completion of service according to the Minister of Health of the Republic
of Indonesia No. 129/MENKES/SK/II/2008, and the importance of diagnosis based on ICD-
10 as one of the variables for calculating health service costs. This case study was conducted
to analyze the causes of the problem. This case study was carried out by looking at how
complete the patient's medical resume at Dharmais Cancer Hospital, whether the contents of
the medical resume are in accordance with the existing medical record files and how to fill
them according to standards and see what factors cause problems with completeness and the
accuracy of coding the medical resume.
This study research is using a mix method, qualitative and quantitative approaches. The
qualitative approach was carried out by in-depth interviews, while the quantitative approach
was carried out by reviewing the documents to be tested for suitability using the chi square
method. The documents used were from the coding of medical resumes for breast cancer
patients with surgery on the amount of INA-CBGs claims at Dharmais Cancer Hospital in 2019.
The analysis used was univariate analysis.
: There is a relationship between the quantity of medical resume completeness figures and
the quality of the suitability of the main diagnosis coding to the amount of claims based on
: there is a relationship between the quantity of medical resume completeness figures and
the quality of the suitability of secondary diagnosis coding to the amount of claims based on
: there is a relationship between the quantity of medical resume completeness figures and
the quality of the suitability of the action coding on the amount of claims based on INA CBG's.
Table 1. Informant Characteristic
Claim Coordinator
S2 M. Kes
Head Section of Data Coding and
D3 Medical Record
Analyzing Patient Medical Resume Coding’s Completeness and Accuracy on the Amount of INA-CBG’s
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D4 Medical Record
S2 M. Si
Case Manager
S1 Medical
General Practicioner
S1 Medical
General Practicioner
S1 Medical
General Practicioner
Specialist Doctor
Specialist Doctor
Specialist Doctor
Specialist Doctor
Source: Primary Data, 2020
Human Resource
1) Human Resource Knowledge: Based on the results of the study, the knowledge of all
informants including the DPJP, understood the importance of the role of medical
resumes in the JKN era. The informants were of the opinion that a complete medical
resume starting from the primary diagnosis, secondary diagnosis, following therapy or
treatment, as well as actions/procedures given to patients is the basis for generating
INA-CBG rates which will be a source of hospital income. For DPJP and doctors
guarding the room, filling out a complete medical resume is an obligation after
completing providing services to patients. However, from the DPJP and the doctor
guarding the room, the researcher analyzed that filling out medical resumes was more
to the aspect of quantity, namely filling in important points in the medical resume form.
Meanwhile, the complete knowledge of medical resumes according to the management,
in this case the claims coordinator, then the case manager and coder and verifier that
the complete resume is not only from the aspect of quantity, it is enough to only be
filled, but must also pay attention to quality aspects of the medical resume itself such
as the suitability of the diagnosis, therapy given, and procedures/actions performed.
Research conducted by Paulina et al (2016) reported that doctors' knowledge in
filling out medical resumes must be in line with knowledge of the usefulness of medical
resumes themselves. If only the doctor knows that filling out a complete medical
resume, both in terms of quantity and quality, will affect the amount of the INA-CBG's
claim value or tariff, the doctor will fill out a complete medical resume. Poor
documentation in medical records can reduce the quality of the code (Huber et al.,
2018). Maryati (2014) in her research reports that doctors with good medical record
knowledge can fill out a resume well too, and vice versa, doctors with insufficient
knowledge of medical records, so filling in complete medical records is also lacking.
According to Munthe (2018) that medical resumes must be of high quality, worthy of
claims, and less likely to postpone the payment of claims. Because it is complete, it is
not enough to reduce the return of claim files from BPJS, but the contents must also be
accurate and in accordance with the ICD code. A medical resume that is complete with
an ICD code suitable for diagnosis and procedure is a major factor in determining the
amount of the claim value and if this is achieved, the return or rejection of the claim
file can be minimized (Hodges, 2002). The results of research conducted by Noor et al.
(2014) stated that the lack of knowledge and attitudes of doctors about the benefits of
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the accuracy of filling in the ICD resulted in a low accuracy of filling in the ICD which
had an impact on the amount of the claim value. While at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital,
the doctor is not required to complete the diagnosis code or procedure on the medical
2) Human Resource Training: Regarding the training, Dharmais Cancer Hospital has
conducted training on fulfillment a complete medical resume at the time of reviewing
the clinical pathway and coding but apparently not all doctors can participate in the
training. As for the doctor on duty, there has never been any training on filling medical
resumes according to the ICD. The doctor in charge of the room tries to complete the
medical resume by relying on the information obtained from the socialization of the
medical resume filling system, which makes the doctor in charge of the room complete
the medical resume based only on the quantity side. Noor et al. (2014) in his research
also stated that the limited time for doctors because they provide more services to
patients, it is necessary to carry out effective training and not take a long time. The
training is expected so that the DPJP and the doctor in charge of the room can fill out
medical resumes correctly and according to the ICD based on INA CBG's.
The coder has also received coding training. Farzandipour's research (2011)
reports that coders who are experienced and have received training have less error rates
in coding when compared to coders whose experience and training are still lacking.
This needs to be considered by the hospital, considering that since the JKN era, the
coder has been the “entrance” for hospital revenues. For verifiers, both medical verifiers
and medical record verifiers have also received training. Hospitals must be equipped
with certified doctors and coders so that they are able to provide diagnostic codes and
procedures of good quality (Pongpirul et al., 2011). Munthe's research (2018) reports
that it needs training or socialization or workshops on a regular basis and updates
related to filling out the completeness of medical resumes and compliance with the ICD
which involves all related parties, starting from the doctor on duty, DPJP, coder, and
verifier so that it no longer occurs. Error in interpreting.
3) Human Resource Behavior and Workload: Research conducted by Pepo & Yulia
(2015), another factor related to the completeness of filling out a medical resume,
namely workload. DPJP always fills out patient resumes after the patient is declared
allowed to go home, and some have even started filling in a few points while the patient
is still in treatment. However, sometimes the DPJP filled out the resume incomplete,
more often than not filling out the main diagnoses and actions. This is due to the high
number of JKN patients in the hospital. Dharmais Cancer. For this reason, the job of
filling out a medical resume is assisted by a doctor to guard the room. In the Case
Manager Handbook issued by the Hospital Accreditation Committee (KARS), it is
stated that the role of the case manager or patient service manager is to facilitate patient
care needs, optimize patient-focused services and optimize the reimbursement process,
in this case the process of submitting claims to BPJS of Health, but Case Manager at
Dharmais Hospital for Cancer is actually not at all involved in checking the
completeness of the medical resume.
Inpatient coders always double-check the coding of primary diagnoses, secondary
diagnoses, and actions on the medical resume with the ICD according to INA CBG's.
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The workload for the care coders is felt to be excessive due to a lack of human
resources, so that the coders are often overtime. In terms of verifying claim files, the
number of verifiers is felt to be insufficient considering the verifiers who still have to
overtime, because the number of verifiers is not proportional to the number of inpatient
claim files that must be verified every day.
From the funding aspect, the research results show that the Collateral Patient Control
Installation as the unit implementing service claim billing to BPJS of Health does not hold a
special allocation to support the completeness of filling out medical resumes. However, in
terms of IT systems, there is full support in terms of funding. This can also be seen from how
SIMRS continues to innovate and get better. From HR, the funding can be seen from the
overtime payment for employees. Setyabudi's research (2011) reports that the completeness of
medical resumes is also influenced by factors of salary and staff overtime payment.
In accordance with government regulations, Dharmais Cancer Hospital uses a
remuneration system and until now has not implemented a reward and punishment system
related to the completeness of the contents of the medical resume. The application of a reward
and punishment system is one way to maintain commitment in completing medical resume
contents (Nurfadhilah, 2017). Sarwanti (2014) in her research states the compensation factor is
the most dominant one related to the completeness of a medical resume. To motivate doctors,
it is better if the completeness of this medical resume is included in the doctor's performance
which can be counted as points from the doctor's remuneration.
Standard Procedure Operational (SPO)
To support the completeness of filling out medical records and medical resumes, Dharmais
Cancer Hospital already has an SPO. There is an SPO which provides an explanation of the
detailed and detailed activity procedures that will make it easier to carry out duties and
responsibilities (Setyabudi, 2011). DPJP and doctors guarding the room have received
socialization regarding SPO filling out medical resumes. Koder has also received socialization
regarding SPO coding for medical diagnosis and treatment. Likewise for the verifier, the SPO
regarding the flow of verification of invoice files has been well socialized. Munthe (2018)
states that ideally, to better understand a job, socialization of the SPO related to the job should
be carried out.
However, there are differences between the existing SPO and the procedures that have
been carried out so far in the process of making a medical resume. The procedure in which the
DPJP should complete all the fields on the medical resume form, which in fact often the DPJP
only fills in the diagnosis and action columns which are then completed by the doctor on duty.
Another procedure that differs is the point where the nurse and the head of the inpatient ward
are tasked with reminding the DPJP if the DPJP does not immediately write a medical resume.
In fact, so far the doctor has been on duty to the room that has done this and is felt to be quite
effective in reducing the number of incomplete medical resumes.
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Facilities and Infrastructure
The availability of facilities and infrastructure both from the contents of the electronic
medical resume is sufficient. The DPJP and the doctor on duty assume that what is on the
medical resume represents the need for information regarding the patient's medical history. For
the purposes of billing claims to BPJS of Health, claims, coders, and verifiers assess the
medical resume form as complete, the most important thing is that all point columns are filled
in completely. Reinke (2014) reports that the implementation of electronic medical resumes
can improve the timeliness of completing medical resumes. Sakaguchi (2014) in his research
also reports that the successful use of electronic medical resumes is that they can improve their
quality, timeliness and completeness. To support the smooth running of work, the availability
of computers for the DPJP, doctors on duty, coders, verifiers, and officers at the Guarantee
Patient Control Installation are felt to be sufficient.
The existence of SIMRS in Dharmais Cancer Hospital is integrated where coders simply
do the coding in the SIMPEL application and it is automatically integrated with the INA-CBG
E-Claim application version 5.2 from the Ministry of Health. In addition, SIMRS has
accommodated the need for data from supporting examination results such as radiology,
laboratory, and anatomical pathology as well as being accessible to view details of actions that
have been received by patients but it is not automatically integrated. Information technology
in hospitals is useful for integrating all service information and hospital management
(Apriyantini, 2018). SIMRS is currently a necessity in hospitals to serve administrative and
clinical functions that will directly improve service quality. Pongpirul, et al (2011) in their
research also stated that the use of software, coders with sufficient quality and quantity plays
an important role in the coding process.
Recording and Inspection
Recording of medical resumes has been carried out by specialist doctors as the doctor in
charge of the patient directly assisted by the doctor on duty in the process of completing the
medical resume. The DPJP has fully understood the obligation to fill out a medical resume,
where the medical resume is a summary of outgoing patients which is a resume of the patient's
medical history from initial entry to discharge. The DPJP filling out medical resumes is only
limited to the quantity aspect, where most of them only fill in the main diagnosis and action
fields. The rest who checks and completes it is the doctor on duty.
The obstacle faced by the doctor guarding the room in filling out the medical resume is in
terms of coding the diagnosis and action because the doctor in charge of the room has never
received this training and also if the patient receives joint care or a cancer work team patient
where the doctor in charge of the room has to do more. Check medical records before helping
to complete a medical resume. Soong et al. (2016) reported in his research that patients treated
by more than one clinician made clinicians limited in accessing medical resumes, thereby
reducing the quality of information provided. The function of doctor who keeps in charge the
room also takes over the task of the case manager at the same time is considered not optimal
because the main function of the doctor in charge of the room is patient service, while the
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function of the case manager is more to the process of assessment, planning, facilitation,
advocacy through collaboration with patients, families, and ariff ic l providing care so that it is
expected to produce the expected results of care (Komite Akreditasi Rumah Sakit, 2016).
Inspection and Coding
After the doctor in charge of the room completes the examination and completes the
contents of the medical resume according to the contents of the medical record, then the
inpatient coder re-checks the diagnosis code and procedures/actions according to the ICD. The
ICD currently used is ICD 10 and ICD 9 CM. The disease coding process was carried out using
the SIMRS facility in Dharmais Cancer Hospital which has been integrated with the E-Claim
application version 5.2 from the Ministry of Health. Likewise, the electronic book for ICD
codes has SIMRS installed. The coder as the correct coder is the one responsible for the
accuracy of the code for the diagnosis and action that has been determined by the doctor and if
there is something that is unclear or incomplete, before the code is set, it needs to be
communicated first to the doctor who enforces the diagnosis (Wuryaningsih et al., 2011).
So far, in Dharmais Cancer Hospital requires fulfillment a disease code or action/procedure
on a medical resume. Although several DPJPs had received training on coding, it was only
limited to coding simulations, not understanding the ICD. This is in line with research
conducted by Noor et al. (2014) that although almost all doctors have attended training on JKN
and ICD, only a few understand and understand the meaning and importance of ICD accuracy
or accuracy by doctors. So it is not uncommon for the verifier to have to reopen the medical
record to see the suitability of the contents of the medical resume with the medical record. In
accordance with the opinion of McCall (2014) states that verifiers must review medical records
before coding and not only rely on medical resumes. Ideally, according to Pongpirul (2011), a
medical resume should really be filled out by a doctor who treats patients to be used as a gold
standard to see that the code writing done by the coder is correct. Still finding diagnoses that
did not receive therapy resulted in the coder committing omit code, namely deleting the code.
In line with Leppert (2014) in his study, he reported that the coded diagnosis must meet criteria;
(1) require diagnostic examination, evaluation and or treatment; (2) increasing hospitalization
days. The coding provisions which are also issued through a Circular of the Ministry of Health
also make verifiers more careful and precise in coding diseases and actions/procedures.
The results of the research on 43 samples of medical resumes with class 1 care as much as
48.84%, class 3 as much as 34.88% and class 2 as much as 16.28%. Since the JKN era, the
occupancy rate of class 1 beds is more desirable than class 2 and class 3 according to the
research results obtained.
From the results of the study, known that fulfillment of medical resumes based on
incomplete identity is 4.65%, for inpatient indication that it has been completely filled in 100%,
incomplete physical examination is 23.26%, and incomplete supporting examinations are
27.91%. When compared with previous research by Munthe (2018) in Dharmais Cancer
Hospital shows an improvement in some parts because the research at that time found
incomplete indications for admission to hospitalization of 91.1% and physical examination of
44.4% and supporting examinations of 8.9%.
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Meanwhile, the primary diagnosis was 100% completely filled, the secondary diagnosis
was 30.23% not completely filled, and the incomplete procedure/action was 23.26%.
Incomplete secondary diagnosis and procedures/procedures are found in patients with
comorbidities that can raise the INA CBG coding to levels II and III. This is in line with the
research of Nurfadhilah (2017) and Apriyantini (2018) at Fatmawati General Hospital, which
found that 2% of incomplete main diagnoses were still found, secondary diagnosis was 39%
and main procedures were 5%. Likewise with Pepo and Yulia’s (2015) research at Atmajaya
Hospital, it was found that 59.1% of writing incomplete diagnoses on medical resumes and
49.9% of writing complete diagnoses on medical resumes. However, it is not in line with
Munthe's (2018) research at Dharmais Hospital which found that filling in the primary
diagnosis, secondary diagnosis, and action was 100% complete.
Writing the primary diagnosis that was not correct between medical records and medical
resumes was 90.7%, while for secondary diagnosis writing was 30.2% and procedures/actions
were 76.7%. This can occur due to the DPJP's inaccuracy in filling out medical resumes and
also the lack of training that is evenly distributed to all DPJPs. As seen in the writing of the
main diagnostic codes, many DPJPs input the C50 code in electronic medical records.
However, in reality, the code cannot be inputted in the Vklaim system because it is not specific,
so the input code should be selected between C50.1 to C50.9. Although filling out a medical
resume is assisted by a doctor on duty, the discrepancy still occurs because the doctor on duty
has never received training in filling out a medical resume according to the ICD which is based
on INA CBG's. This was also mentioned by Indriwanto (2014) in his research which found that
the writing of secondary diagnoses on medical resumes was not optimal so that when an audit
was carried out there was an additional secondary diagnosis of 21.4%.
The casemix system has been running well, it can be seen from the improvement of the
correct diagnosis code and procedures to represent the patient's clinical condition and the actual
service costs incurred by the hospital. Therefore the hospital coder must be reliable and able to
produce accurate, precise and consistent coding. Research conducted by Pongpirul et.al (2011)
reports that several hospitals that rely on their income from payments from the DRG (Group-
Related Diagnostics) system must survive by recruiting coders from other professions on a
part-time basis because reliable and certified coders are not well distributed. Ideally, doctor
clinically makes a relevant review of information on medical resumes for use by coders to
generate appropriate diagnostic codes and procedures for filing claims. This is different from
the results of research by Windari & Kristijono (2016) which reported that the inaccuracy of
coding made by coders at Ungaran Hospital reached 25.33%. This is in accordance with the
results of Farzandipour and Sheikhtaheri's research that the accuracy of coding inaccuracies in
special hospitals was significantly higher than coding in general hospitals, namely 93.5% and
75.5% (Farzandipour et al., 2010).
The inaccuracy of coding carried out by the DPJP and the doctor on duty has led to
differences in INA-CBG grouping results which have an impact on the difference in INA-
CBGs rates. The secondary diagnosis mismatch of 30.23% which resulted in a procedure
discrepancy of 76.7% in this study also contributed to the amount of INA-CBGs’ tariff that the
claim would be submitted to BPJS Kesehatan. The difference in tariff that occurs is Rp.
194,089,500.00 but managed to minimize by the coder and verifier team so that the difference
that occurs is Rp. 13,287,900.00. Dharmais Cancer Hospital as a special cancer hospital has
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coding rules governing the management of neoplasms in Permenkes No. 76 of 2016 concerning
INA-CBG Guidelines in the implementation of JKN. In addition, the Ministry of Health
Circular No. HK.03.03/MENKES/518/2016 concerning Guidelines for the Settlement of INA-
CBG Claim Problems in the Implementation of JKN which have been socialized to all coders.
The addition of a secondary diagnosis to a medical resume is generally carried out by an in-
house doctor who has never received training. Therefore, it still needs a medical verifier
function performed by doctors to double-check medical resumes. The medical verifier has a
very important role in examining the completeness of the contents of the medical resume, the
suitability of diagnosis, support and therapy because it checks by looking at the SIMRS service
billing and the status of the patient's medical record. Ideally, the medical resume is completely
filled in from the inpatient room before being relegated to the medical record room.
Although the DPJP is already in accordance with writing the main diagnosis, the coder has
been doing the determining of the main diagnostic code, considering that there are special
coding rules that govern neoplasms in Permenkes No. 76 in 2016 and has not been completely
socialized to the DPJP. The existence of a circular from the Ministry of Health regarding
Guidelines for Solving Problems of INA-CBG Claims in the Implementation of JKN has been
well socialized to all coders. This adds to the workload of the final coder, which removes the
code (Omit code) if there is a code that does not comply with the circular. Although for hospital
statistical data, all diseases and treatments received by patients should ideally be coded by the
coder, this has not become the main focus of management because they still prioritize coding
rules for the purposes of submitting claims to BPJS of Health. Quentin et al. (2013) stated in
his research that good data regarding the quality of care in European hospitals is not only from
good quality coding but also initiatives related to documenting good diagnoses and procedures
as well. According to Lyold in Yuniati, coding inaccuracies were mostly caused by incorrect
decisions in choosing which ones to code compared to errors in choosing the code (Yuniati,
2017). Whereas Jaworski stated that there was a complete medical resume, diagnosis code and
proper procedure and in accordance with the type of service provided, so for the payment of
claims this is the most crucial because this information will be sent to the paying party for
review and payment (Jaworski et al., 2015).
Based on the results of the study "Analysis of the Completeness and Accuracy of Patient
Medical Resume Coding to the Amount of INA-CBG's Claims with a case study on Breast
Cancer Patients with Surgery at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital", it can be concluded as follows:
1) Input: In general, the DPJP, management, on duty doctors, case managers, coders, and
verifiers already have good knowledge of the importance of a medical resume for BPJS
claims. According to the DPJP, management, doctor on duty, case manager, coder and
verifier, a complete medical resume must be seen in terms of quantity and quality,
where the medical resume is filled in completely according to the medical record and
also the coding of diagnosis and action according to the ICD based on INA CBG's. The
completeness of the medical resume, both in terms of quantity and quality, will
determine the amount of INA-CBG rates that will be claimed to BPJS Kesehatan. Thus
the view between DPJP and management of Dharmais Cancer Hospital regarding
complete medical resume is the same.
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2) Process: Recording of medical resumes is carried out directly by a specialist doctor as
the person in charge of the patient, but there are still incompleteness and inconsistencies
in the contents of the medical resume with the medical record. The process of
completing a medical resume carried out by the doctor in charge of the room is felt to
be not optimal because the doctor in charge of the room does not understand how to
determine the code of diagnosis and action according to the ICD based on INA CBG's.
The coding carried out by the coder was quite good, namely based on the information
in the medical resume and billing using the SIMRS facility. The coding refers to ICD
10 for diagnosis, ICD 9 CM for coding procedures, coding rules according to
Permenkes 76 of 2016 and Circular of the Minister of Health. The examination carried
out by the verifier is also quite maximal because the medical resume examination is
done by reviewing the patient's medical record, but sometimes there are still some that
are missed due to the long period of patient care.
3) Output: The highest number of incompleteness in filling out medical resume forms was
secondary diagnosis of 30.23%, supporting examinations 27.91%, physical
examinations and procedures/actions 23.26%, and identity of 4.65% of the total 43
cases reviewed. Inaccuracy rate of primary diagnosis coding 90,7%, procedure 76,7%,
secondary diagnosis 30,2%. Incomplete and inaccurate coding affects the final INA-
CBGs rate grouping results and is the cause of the difference in claims of Rp.
194,089,500.00 than it should be. However, with the re-inspection and repair process
by coders and verifiers, the difference has been reduced to Rp. 13,287,900.00 from
claims submitted to BPJS of Health.
4) Managerial Implications
a) Increasing the role of hospital leaders to facilitate the implementation of training
for refresher efforts on filling and examining medical resumes along with coding of
primary diagnoses, secondary diagnoses, and actions according to ICD 10 and ICD
9 CM based on INA CBG's;
b) The same perception/standardization regarding filling out medical resumes that are
not based on medical science alone but also based on INA CBG's which is the
system used in Indonesia;
c) Increasing the role of the medical committee and the quality committee in
monitoring and evaluating not only the quantity of medical resume completeness
but also the quantity of compliance with the main diagnoses, secondary diagnoses,
and actions in making medical resumes;
d) Make the fulfillment of a complete and accurate medical resume as a performance
appraisal that will affect the value of employee remuneration; and
e) The hospital continues to provide support in the SIMRS development process so
that electronic medical resumes can be integrated with BPJS claim application.
Apriyantini, D. (2018). Analisis Hubungan Kelengkapan Pengisian Resume Medis Terhadap
Kesesuaian Standar Tarif INA-CBG’s Instalasi Rawat Inap Teratai RSUP Fatmawati
Jakarta. Jurnal Administrasi Rumah Sakit Indonesia, 2(3).
Analyzing Patient Medical Resume Coding’s Completeness and Accuracy on the Amount of INA-CBG’s
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