If you dont succeed, we dont succeed Amanda Aguirre, President & CEO
Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts Program (MyCAA)
The MyCAA Scholarship is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 of tuion
assistance to eligible military spouses. The scholarship helps military spouses pursue licenses,
cercates, cercaons or Associate's Degree necessary to gain employment in high demand, high
growth portable career elds and occupaons. Spouses may use their MyCCA funds at any academic
instuon approved for parcipaon in the MyCAA scholarship.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers is approved by MyCAA.
Proud to Serve Those Who Serve
The Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers
is now approved to provide
Veteran Services through the GI Bill ®
Individuals who are veterans, the VA can help you cover the cost of furthering your educaon
and skills through benets to pay for tuion, housing, training and other expenses related to
your educaon. VA educaon and training benets are provided through the U.S.
Department of Veterans Aairs.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers welcomes all veterans to
apply and use their Veterans educaon benets towards their educaon program.
GI Bill ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veteran Aairs (VA).
For more informaon please contact (928) 315-7600
Or visit our website at: hp//:collegeoealthcareers.rcbh.edu
Message from the President & CEO…………………………………………………..……………………………………………………… 2
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers…………………………….…………………………….. 3
Descripon of Facility…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Approvals & Memberships…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Mission Statement, Objecves & History……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Equal Opportunity Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Board of Directors and Administraon……………………………………………………………………………………………………...5
Administraon Instuons Sta ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
Instuons Sta and Faculty…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...6
Academic Calendar…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Hours of Operaons………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Holidays Observed…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Medical Coder and Biller…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10
Medical Oce Specialist………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………. 13
Nursing Assistant……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….. 17
Phlebotomy Technician…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20
Caregiver…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Nutrion and Food Service Management………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
Youth Mental Health First Aid………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27
Project HERO…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28
Admission Informaon…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29
Academic Informaon……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
Financial Informaon & Fees…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
Financial Policies & Procedures…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 37
Student Financing Opons……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37
Locaons………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43
Student Services………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44
Rights & Responsibilies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…... 45
Student Policies & Procedures………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 45
Family Educaonal Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)…………………………………………………………………………… 46
Drug-Free Campus………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 49
Equal Opportunity Employer………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 50
Fast Track Programs-Success Stories ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…….51
Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 51
Regulaons……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 52
Student Grievance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 52
Advisory Council Members…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 53
Student Resources…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……...54
Table of Contents
I t is an honor and a privilege to serve as the President and CEO of the Regional Cen-
ter for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers.
This young and fast-growing Career Instute provides a great opportunity for those
individuals seeking a career in the healthcare eld in medically underserved
communies. The RCBH College of Health Careers is the only fast-track
educaonal program in allied health in Southwestern Arizona.
The RCBH College of Health Careers concentrates on delivering high quality
instrucon to prepare the healthcare workforce of tomorrow and beer enable in
helping them to achieve a higher quality of life for themselves and their families.
The administraon, sta and faculty are commied to achieving success and thrive
for excellence. We at the RCBH College of Health Careers strongly believe that,
If our students do not succeed, we do not succeed.
Every students success is important to us!
Message from the President & CEO
Amanda Aguirre, MA, RD
President and CEO
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
College of Health Careers
Descripon of Facility
The school facility consists of 8,543 square feet of oor space, which is divided into (8) classrooms,
(4) administrave oces, (3) laboratory, (1) computer room, (1) faculty lounge, (1) recepon area, (1) study
area, (4) restrooms (men/women), and (1) Janitor closet. Addional parking is available in the back of the
building. All classrooms and labs are designed for a maximum capacity of 10-15 students. The equipment used
for training consists of medical equipment, and nursing assistant equipment, computers, pharmacy equipment,
and phlebotomy equipment.
College of Health Careers is an ocial trade name owned by Regional Center for Border Health, Inc., and
is registered with the State of Arizona Oce of the Secretary of State.
Approvals & Memberships
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers is licensed by the Arizona State Board for
Private Postsecondary Educaon, and approved by the following instuons:
Arizona State Board of Nursing,
Arizona Board of Examiners of Nursing Care Instuon Administrators and Assisted Living
Accreding Bureau of Health Educaon Schools
Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
Academy Associaon of Professional Coders (AAPC)
Naonal Network of Libraries of Medicine
Naonal Restaurant Associaon, American Naonal Standard Instute
Cered ServSafe Instructor and Registered ServSafe Examinaon Proctor
Naonal Healthcareer Associaon
3850 W. 16th Street, Ste B
Yuma, AZ 85364
College of Health Careers
950 E. Main Street Bldg. A Somerton, Arizona
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers does not discriminate in admission or access to
training programs or acvies on the basis of race, color naonal origin, sex, religion, or disability in compliance
with the United States and State of Arizona laws. Regional Center for Border Inc./College of Health Careers will
provide reasonable accommodaons to handicapped students in order to facilitate access to the training
programs. Students requiring such accommodaon should make the request to the Program Coordinator at the
me of admission.
Any quesons regarding the applicability of state and federal an-discriminaon laws to Regional Center for
Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers, and its services, trainings, acvies, and grievances should be
directed to the Campus Administrator.
Commied to improving the quality of life of the residents along
the U.S.-Mexico Border by increasing accessibility to quality
training and aordable healthcare.
To establish a pipeline for Growing Our Ownhealthcare workforce in Western Arizona.
To engage local healthcare industries and address their healthcare workforce needs.
To work closely with medically underserved and health professional shortage areas.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers is a nonprot organizaon incorporated in 1987
in partnership with University of Arizona Health Science Center/Arizona Health Educaon Center. The mission is to
provide quality health care and health care professional training in medically underserved populaons throughout
Western Arizona and the Arizona/Mexico border region.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc., began a vocaonal training program to meet local provider reports of
needing qualied Medical Assistantsin 2007. Regional Center for Border Health, Inc., established a Grow our
OwnLicensed Vocaonal Post Secondary Training program by entering into a partnership with Western Arizona
Area Health Educaon Center. This partnership encourages Regional Center for Border Health, Inc., the
opportunity to connue development and deployment of vocaonal health educaon programs.
RCBH College of Health Careers complies with Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Educaon standards,
Accreding Bureau of Health Educaon Schools, Arizona State Board of Nursing, American Academy of
Professional Coders, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) and Arizona Job Connecons.
Mission Statement
Equal Opportunity Policy
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers
Board of Directors
Arturo Magana
Christopher Nuñez
Lucky Arvizu
Vice Chair
Tuly Medina
Jason R. Bradley RN
Victor Lozano
Howie Jorajuria
Juan Manuel Guerrero
Candice L. Orduno, ESQ
Lorena Zendejas, M.Ed. (2018) FT
Campus Administrator
M.Ed., 2010, Grand Canyon University
BA, 2007, Northern Arizona University
(928) 315-7600, lzendejas@rcbh.edu
Iris Chavez, BA (2012) FT
Accountant I
BA, 2003, University of Sonora, Mexico.
(928) 315-7910, ichavez@rch.org
Amanda Aguirre, MA, RD (1991) FT
President & CEO
BS, 1974, University of Sonora, Mexico;
MA, 1981, California State University.
(928) 315-7910, amanda@rch.org
Ilian Marquez (1997) FT
Finance Director
BS, BA, 1986, CETYS University, Mexicali, B.C.
(928) 315-7910 imarquez@rch.org
Instuons Sta
Ayanna Figueroa (2018) FT
Administrave Assistant
(928) 315-7600, a[email protected]u
Gloria Marnez (2018) FT
Administrave Assistant
(928) 315-7600, gmar[email protected]du
Pay Salazar (2019) FT
Administrave Assistant
(928) 315-7600, pplaza@rcbh.edu
Pablo E. Vargas, CNA (2008) FT
Program Coordinator Assistant
CNA, 2002, Arizona State Board of Nursing
AA, 2003, Arizona Western College
DCW, 2010, Az Health Care Cost Containment System
(928) 315-7600, pv[email protected]u
Jill A. Kaya, CNA, CPT (2017) FT
Program Assistant
CNA, 2017, College of Health Careers
Phlebotomy, 2017, College of Health Careers
(928) 315-7600, jk[email protected]
Doesn’t just
Come and
Find you,
You have to
go out and
Get it.
-author unknown
Brissa Velasco, CCMA,CMAA,CEHRS,CPT (2016) FT
Medical Oce Specialist and Phlebotomy
Technician Instructor
Surgical Technologist, 2002, The Bryman School,
CCMA, CMAA, 2012, College of Health Careers,
CEHRS, 2015, College of Health Careers
(928) 315-7600, bvelasco@rch.org
Alejandro Sotelo, CCMA (2017) PT
Medical Oce Specialist and Phlebotomy
Technician Instructor
Medical Office Specialist, 2015, College of Health
(928) 315-7600, asotelo@rch.org
Associate Faculty
Jesus Valtierra, CCMA, CMAA, CPT (2018) PT
Medical Oce Specialist and Phlebotomy
Technician Instructor
Medical Office Specialist, 2013, College of Health
Phlebotomy, 2013, College of Health Careers
(928) 315-7600, jvalerra@rcbh.edu
Associate Faculty
Andy Veloz, CCMA, CMAA (2020) PT
Medical Oce Specialist and Phlebotomy
Technician Instructor
Medical Office Specialist, 2016, College of Health
(928) 315-7600, aveloz@rch.org
Associate Faculty
Candie Zavala-Porchas (2006) PT
Food Service Director/Nutrion and Food Service
AA, 1999, Central Arizona College;
CD, 2000Arizona Western College;
CHN., 2008, Central Arizona College;
ServSafe Instructor, Registered Examiner
Proctor through Naonal Restaurant Associaon.
(928) 315-7910, cporchas@rch.org
Coreen L. Richardson, RN (2018) FT
Nursing Assistant Instructor & Program Coordinator
RN, 2002, Ivy Tech State College South Bend.
LPN Cercate, 2000, Ivy Tech State College.
(928) 315-7600, crichardson@rcbh.edu
Barbara Schafer, RN (2017) PT
Nursing Assistant Instructor
RN, 1991, Golden West College
(928) 669-4436
Associate Faculty
Connie Gill, CPC, CPMA, CPT-I (2018) PT
Medical Coder and Biller Instructor
(928) 315-7600
Associate Faculty
Jenna Butler, BSN, RN (2019) PT
Nursing Assistant Instructor
BSN, 2017, Grand Canyon University
RN, 2011, Arizona Western College
(928) 315-7600
Associate Faculty
Alberto Cabrera, RN (2020) FT
Nursing Assistant Instructor
BSN, 2015, Grand Canyon University
(928) 315-7600, acabrera@rcbh.edu
Catherine Gardner, RN (2019) PT
Caregiver Instructor
ASN, 1998, Georgia Southwestern State University-
(928) 315-7600
Associate Faculty
Joanie Duay-Guillean, MA, CPT (2020) PT
Medical Oce Specialist and Phlebotomy
Technician Instructor
MA, 1992, Ross Medical Instute
PHL License 2020 NHA
(928) 453-9596
Associate Faculty
Instuons Sta and Faculty
Summer 2020
Nutrion & Food Service Mgmt. June 29, 2020 – September 04, 2020
Nursing Assistant June 15, 2020 – July 27, 2020
Phlebotomy June 22, 2020 – July 2, 2020
Phlebotomy (Parker) June 15, 2020 – June 26, 2020
Medical Oce Specialist July 06, 2020 – September 18, 2020
Fall 2020
Medical Oce Specialist August 10, 2020 – October 23, 2020
Nursing Assistant August 03, 2020 – September 03, 2020
Nursing Assistant (Weekend) August 29, 2020 – September 18, 2020
Medical Coder & Biller September 8, 2020 – December 15, 2020
Nursing Assistant September 8, 2020 – October 16, 2020
Medical Oce Specialist (Evening) September 21, 2020 – December 04, 2020
Medical Oce Specialist September 21, 2020 – December 04, 2020
Medical Oce Specialist (Parker) September 21, 2020 – December 04, 2020
Nursing Assistant September 28, 2020 – November 06, 2020
Phlebotomy October 05, 2020 – October 16, 2020
Nursing Assistant October 19, 2020 – December 02, 2020
Phlebotomy (Evening) October 26, 2020 – November 06, 2020
Phlebotomy November 02, 2020 – November 13, 2020
Caregiver November 09, 2020 – December 02, 2020
Phlebotomy November 30, 2020 – December 11, 2020
Phlebotomy (Evening) December 07, 2020 – December 18, 2020
Spring 2021
Medical Oce Specialist January 04, 2021 – March 19, 2021
Medical Oce Specialist (Evening) January 18, 2021 – April 9, 2021
Nursing Assistant January 11, 2021 – February 22, 2021
Nursing Assistant January 11, 2021 – February 22, 2021
Phlebotomy January 19, 2021 – January 29, 2021
Medical Oce Specialist February 01, 2021 – April 16, 2021
Medical Oce Specialist(Evening) February 15, 2021 – May 07, 2021
Medical Coder and Biller February 15, 2021 – May 21, 2021
Nursing Assistant March 08, 2021 – April 16, 2021
Nursing Assistant March 08, 2021 – April 16, 2021
Phlebotomy March 22, 2021 – April 02, 2021
Medical Oce Specialist April 05, 2021 – June 25, 2021
Medical Oce Specialist April 26, 2021 – July 09, 2021
Nursing Assistant May 03, 2021 – June 14, 2021
Nursing Assistant May 03, 2021 – June 14, 2021
Academic Calendar
*Course dates are subject to change
Hours of Operaon
Day Classes: Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Evening Classes: Monday Friday from 4:00pm to 9:00pm
Weekends: Saturday from 10:00am to 6:00pm
The following are the holidays the College of Health Careers observes:
New Years Day January 1
Marn Luther King Third Monday in January
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day First Monday in September
Veterans Day November 11
Thanksgiving Day and day aer Fourth Thursday and Friday in November
Christmas Day December 25
(closed Dec. 21, 2020-Jan. 4, 2021)
Academic Calendar
Test for Adult Basic Educaon (TABE) is a standardized, mulple-choice test designed to
assess basic reading, mathemacs, and language skills, necessary to comprehend course
materials and perform dues safely.
The TABE test is a diagnosc test used to determine a students skill levels and aptudes.
Students must obtain 8.0 score in order to enroll in classes at the College of Health Careers
and/or under the discreon of the President & CEO student may be admied to the
The rst placement test is provided at no cost. Students who are not sased with their
test results may re-take again. Student is eligible to retake placement test as many mes
as needed. Contact us to schedule your test (928) 315-7600.
The Medical Coder and Biller Training Program is a 14-week program of part me instrucon with a total of 300 clock
hours designed to prepare students for cercaon as a medical coder and biller. The focus of this program is
learning the coding rules for the CPT, ICD-10-CM, and Level II (HCPCS) coding systems and then applying the rules to
code paent services. In addion, a variety of payment systems is presented. The medical topics of Medicare
fraud/abuse, HMOs, and QIOs are also reviewed. This program is licensed by the Arizona State Board for Private
Postsecondary Educaon.
Students will be provided an overall orientaon of Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers,
and complete required student le forms. During this orientaon, student will be provided a short Medical
Terminology course with an evaluaon at the end of the course to measure understanding. Student will be taught
how to break downmedical terms using prexes, root words and suxs to promote a basic understanding of the
terminology used in the medical eld.
Clock hours awarded: 0 lecture hours, 0 Lab
Prerequisites: None
Healthcare Delivery
Students are introduced to the business of medicine in dierent organizaons such coding as a profession, physician
oce and hospital services and dierent type of payers, government regulaons in healthcare and HIPAA. Students
learn Medical Terminology, Anatomy and Disease Processes as well as analysis of the informaon generated.
Clock hours awarded: 16 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Orientaon
Introducon to ICD--10-CM
Students learn to translate medical terminology for diseases and diagnosis into numeric codes. Students pracce the
coding guidelines and common diagnosis in each ICD-10-CM
Clock hours awarded: 32 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Healthcare Delivery
Introducon to CPT
Student learn the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) guidelines, codes and descripon to report healthcare
service and procedures performed by health care providers.
Clock hours awarded: 8 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Introducon to ICD-10-CM
Medical Procedures
Students study the medical terminology and anatomy applicable to the Organ System, applying the appropriate
guidelines and modies to ensure accurate reporng and reimbursement.
Clock hours awarded: 35 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Introducon to CPT
Medical Coder and Biller
Mid-Term Examinaon
Mid Term examinaon consists of knowledge of all previously covered chapters in the text, medical terminology,
how to obtain appropriate ICD-10 & CPT codes.
Clock hours awarded: 5 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Healthcare Delivery, Intro to ICD-10-CM, Intro to CPT, Medical Procedures,
Respiratory & Cardiovascular Procedures
Respiratory & Cardiovascular Procedures
Student study CPT, ICD-10-CM & HCPCS Level II coding for the Respiratory, Hemic & Lymphac Systems,
Mediasnum & Diaphragm, Cardiovascular & Surgical procedures. Students pracce hand on examples.
Clock hours awarded: 32 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Medical Procedures & passing the Midterm Examinaon
Human Body System
Students study key terms associated with the digesve tract and procedures performed on the paents. Students
learn to assign appropriate CPT surgery codes from the digesve subsecons as well as the components of the
ICD-10-CM specic to the genitourinary, male & female reproducve systems.
Clock hours awarded: 24 lecture hours
Prerequisites: AAPC, Medical Coding Training, chapters 1-10 & successfully passing the
Mid-Term examinaon
Endocrine System
Students learn procedural coding for the Endocrine and Nervous System which includes Endocrines, Nutrional and
Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders as well as the Sense Organs.
Clock hour awarded: 12 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Human Body System
Nervous System
Students idenfy the CPT and ICD-10 codes in the Ocular, Adnexa and Auditory Systems.
Clock hours awarded: 10 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Endocrine System
Students will learn the basic concepts for assigning an anesthesia
code anatomically and by descripon. Student will understand the
unique anesthesia coding guidelines.
Clock hours awarded: 8 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Nervous System
Medical Coder and Biller
Classroom Instrucon for Medical
Coder & Biller (Somerton, AZ)
Radiology, Pathology & Laboratory
Students learn the Anatomical Planes, Anatomical direcons and posioning in Radiology. They learn the
importance of the assigned parenthec instrucons, concepts specic to pathology and laboratory coding. Students
learn the assigning codes for diagnosc service and idenfy specic codes helpful to describe the medical necessity
and outcomes of the specic lab tests, including when to apply the appropriate HCPCS Level II modiers.
Clock hours awarded: 24 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Anesthesia
Evaluaon & Management
Students understand the requirements for the dierent levels of service and how to select the appropriate code
concept based on locaon, physician work and medical decision making.
Clock hours awarded: 24 lectures hours
Prerequisites: Radiology, Pathology & Laboratory
Students learn steps to correct coding concepts, proper applicaon of modiers, diagnosis coding ps and some
applicable HCPCS Level II reference for non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures.
Clock hours awarded: 8 lecture hours
Prerequisites: Evaluaon & management
Expansion of the Healthcare Industry
Students learn how to ulize the new ICD-10-CM and the associated 5010 transacon standard. Students are
introduced to electronic medical records and documentaon.
Clock hours awarded: 8 lecture hours
Prerequisite: Medicine
Computer Soware Laboratory
Students are introduced to the Oce Ally Pracce Management Soware, which is an Electronic Health Record &
Billing Soware. Once students are comfortable with using this soware, any other soware package will be much
easier to learn. Students get to pracce the creaon of claims by abstracng diagnosc/procedure statements &
assigning appropriate codes. Students will create these claims for submission using the soware training area that
does not impact actual paent records.
Clock hours awarded: 48 lecture hours
Prerequisites: AAPC, Medical Coding Training, Chapters 1-15 & successfully passing the
Mid-Term examinaon
Final Examinaon
Final course examinaon.
Clock hours awarded: 6 lecture hours
Prerequisites: AAPC, Medical Coding Training , chapter 1-15, successfully passing the
Mid-Term Examinaon & compleon of Computer Soware Laboratory
Medical Coder and Biller
The Medical Oce Specialist Training Program is an 11-week program of full me instrucon with a total of 309 clock
hours designed to provide students with the necessary skills to obtain entry level employment in a Medical Facility.
Students are cross trained in both the clinical and administrave dues that are required to work eecvely and
producvely in a medical seng.
Students will receive didacc, theorecal and factual informaon via classroom lecture, demonstraon of clinical
skills, perform research, classroom presentaons, develop a variety of paent teaching plans and a thorough
understanding of pharmacology and medicaon administraon.
Units of study include, but are not limited to; computer skill training, vital signs, ECGs, laboratory tesng, blood
draws, injecons, Pharmacology, Anatomy and Physiology, coding, appointment scheduling, CPR and First Aid,
Psychology and Medical Record Management – both paper and electronic.
This program adheres to the Naonal Health career Associaon Cered Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) and
Cered Medical Administrave Assistant standards. Successful students will be eligible to sit for both the CCMA
and the CMAA cercaon examinaons. This program is approved by the Arizona State Board for Private
Postsecondary Educaon. Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers holds an instuonal
accreditaon by the Accreding Bureau of Health Educaon Schools
Students will be provided an overall orientaon of Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers,
and complete required student le forms. During this orientaon, students will be provided a short Medical
Terminology course with an evaluaon at the end of the course to measure understanding. Students will be taught
how to break down medical terms using prexes, root words and suxes to promote a basic understanding of the
terminology used in the medical eld.
Clock hours awarded: 0 lecture hours, 0 Lab
Prerequisites: TABE Test with 8th grade Reading & Math Comprehension
Introducon to Medical Assisng
The Introducon to Medical Assisng explains the importance of developing professional behavior as
related to the Allied Health Care profession. Learning styles will be discussed to explore the student
personal learning style. Medical Pioneers in History, eecve Therapeuc Communicaon, Law and
Ethics concepts are reviewed as it applies to the pracce of Medicine.
Clock hours awarded: 8 Lecture hours, 0 Lab hours
Prerequisites: CHC Orientaon Pre-Test and Compleon of all student le documents
Fundamentals of Ambulatory Care Administraon
Students will recognize how technology has improved the eciency of the Ambulatory Care seng. With pracce
students will develop eecve wrien communicaon skills, be able to recognize the unique qualies of the
EMR -vs- EHR and compare these medical records to the paper based medical record. Students will pracce eec-
professional telephone techniques and eecve telephone message processing. Scheduling paents for various
appointments and development of a schedule matrix will be pracced.
Clock hours awarded: 12 Lecture hours, 0 Laboratory hours
Prerequisites: Introducon to Medical Assisng
Medical Oce Specialist
Coding and Medical Billing
Students will be able to idenfy and ulize the ICD-10 Coding Manual to determine the appropriate code for a
specic disease. Students will understand the process of looking up the appropriate code using the tabular,
alphabec indexes and how the modiers to codes are applied. Ulizing V and E codes appropriately, students
will be able to demonstrate understanding of procedures and environmental factors described in the coding
The student will be able to understand the coding convenons, guidelines and layout of the CPT Coding Manual.
Students will be able to demonstrate appropriate procedure coding, based upon informaon provided by the
medical records. Students will be able to ulize the CMS-1500 form, code both ICD-10 and CPT codes in the
appropriate locaons on the form. Students will understand the dierence between clean, dirty and rejected
claims. Ulizing knowledge gained in secon, students will understand accounts receivable as this is applied to
paent accounts and how to track unpaid claims.
Clock hours awarded: 8 Lecture hours, 3 Laboratory hours
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Ambulatory Care Administraon
Advanced Ambulatory Care and Administraon
In this course students are exposed to banking services and how the paent accounts are managed. Billing of 3rd
party payors is discussed, and banking procedures are pracced. Human Resources Management is discussed
including interviewing skills, employee personnel le management and demonstrang sensivity towards diverse
employee cultures. Addionally, students will learn how the medical pracce marketed to the consumer, how to
develop a markeng plan and how to eecvely monitor this plan.
Clock hours awarded: 10 Lecture Hours 4 Lab
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Ambulatory Care Administraon
Fundamentals of Clinical Medical Assisng
The student will gain an understanding of how the chain of infecon works, how breaking the chain of infecon can
limit diseases from being transmied to others and demonstrate eecve infecon control pracces.
Students will learn and demonstrate appropriate asepc techniques. Students will learn what assessments will be
expected of the medical assistant in the clinical area, how to communicate clinically with paents and what
physicians may expect regarding the medical assistants assessment. Students will learn appropriate medical record
documentaon, learn how to assess and educate the paent regarding the paents disease processes and
Students will demonstrate knowledge of appropriate nutrion for paents in the complete life cycle, obtain and
assess vital signs and assist the physician with the primary physical examinaon. Students will be expected to
demonstrate proper hand washing, manage special diet plans and develop paent educaonal handouts.
Clock hours awarded: 32 Lecture hours, 12 Laboratory hours
Prerequisites: Coding and Medical Billing
Medical Oce Specialist
Assisng with Medicaons
The student will learn about governmental agencies that regulate drugs in the United States, will learn about the
regulaons regulang prescribing medicaons in the medical pracce. Students will learn about drug calculaons,
measurement systems, paent rights regarding medicaons, recognize the parts of drug labels and understand the
dierent classicaons of medicaons and their indicaons.
Students will learn and demonstrate dierent parenteral forms of medicaon administraon including intradermal,
subcutaneous and intramuscular injecons. Students will create and present to the class medicaon informaon
facts including the class of medicaon, the indicaons, contra-indicaons and potenal side eects of the medicaon
Clock hours awarded: 14 Lecture hours, 12 Laboratory hours
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Clinical Medical Assisng
Assisng with Medical Speciales
The student will learn how all 11 body systems work, how the body systems interact with other systems and how
diseases aect these systems. The student will understand how to interact with the dierent paent populaon
from infant to the geriatric paents. Students will understand & demonstrate appropriate physical and mental
health assessment skills. Students will learn and demonstrate eecve emergency preparedness, successfully
demonstrate Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitaon techniques and become cered in CPR. The student will develop
and present paent educaonal programs for dierent age groups.
Clock hours awarded: 31 Lecture hours, 8 Laboratory hours
Prerequisites: Assisng with Medicaons
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitaon and First Aid
Students will learn Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitaon techniques. Students will be able to recognize the emergency
when this CPR may be necessary to be iniated. Students will demonstrate CPR techniques on the adult mannequin
and child mannequin. Students that successfully test & demonstrate these techniques will be cered at the end of
this course.
Clock hours awarded: 3 Lecture hours, 3 Laboratory hours
Prerequisites: American Heart Associaon Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitaon & Automated
External Debrillator videos and tesng material, Young, KINNs The Medical
Assistant Study Guide, 13th Edion, Chapter 29
Assisng with Clinical Lab Procedures
Students will learn about dierent types of diagnosc procedures including demonstrang appropriate applicaon
of the ECG leads, recognizing abnormal ECG rhythm strips and calculang the heart rate per minute. Students will
learn about radiologic imaging and how to posion the body to obtain the study ordered by the physician. Students
will learn about the dierent areas of a medical laboratory, how to handle/transport laboratory specimens and how
to perform phlebotomy. Students will demonstrate appropriate phlebotomy techniques, know the names of the
venipuncture sites and ulize a variety of equipment to obtain blood samples. Students will learn about laboratory
microbiology and idenfy a variety of microscopic structures using the microscope.
Clock hour awarded: 9 Lecture hours, 16 Laboratory hours
Prerequisites: Assisng with Medical Speciales
Medical Oce Specialist
Job Seeking
Students will learn about eecve job search, dierent job search techniques, and create an eecve resume.
Students will present a self-markengplan to the class and review classmates resumes. Students will aend
Goodwill Industries Job Services for resume assistance.
Clock hours awarded: 4 Lecture hours,
Prerequisites: all prior courses
Students will aend aliated clinical sites and perform the dues of a Medical Assistant under the supervision of a
Medical Assistant Preceptor. Students will be expected to be at the clinical site all days of the week the clinical site
is open for business. Students will be evaluated by the preceptor for clinical and administrave skill knowledge and
performance. Students will be expected to keep the clinical site preceptor and training site informed of any
irregularies that arise.
Clock hours awarded: 120 hours Externship hoursminimum
Prerequisites: Successfully compleng all previous courses and minimum of 75% score on all
exams including the nal examinaon.
Successfully compleng all the laboratory competency demonstraon.
Successfully compleng externship hourly requirements.
Medical Oce Specialist
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
Family Behavioral Integrated Services
For more informaon:
214 W. Main Street
Somerton, AZ 85350
An Integrated, Comprehensive and Connuum Primary Behavioral
Healthcare Model
Children and Adult Services
Substance Abuse Evaluaon and Treatment
Family & Individual Therapy
Psychiatric Health and Medicaon Management
Family Support Services (case management, family, peer and direct
DUI Screening, Treatment and Educaon Services
Misdemeanor Domesc Violence Services
Group Support Counseling Sessions
SLWIC Family Behavioral Integrated Services is commied to provide the
best quality of service by ensuring all clients receive the proper treatment.
The Nursing Assistant Program is a 6-week program of full me educaon which includes a total of 153 hours of
instrucon (as required by the Arizona State Board of Nursing). The program is designed to prepare students for
cercaon as a nursing assistant. A nursing assistant is a licensed caretaker who assists in performing acvies of
daily living to persons in skilled nursing facilies, hospitals, and/or doctors oces. They are supervised by Licensed
Praccal Nurses and Registered Nurses in the healthcare seng. The nursing assistant performs delegated
procedures that are commensurate with the Arizona Board of Nursing Nurse Aide Pracce Acts.
This training is Licensed by the Arizona State Board of Nursing.
Students will be provided an overall orientaon of Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers
and complete required student le forms. During this orientaon, students will be provided a short Medical
Terminology course with an evaluaon at the end of the course to measure understanding. Students will be taught
how to break downmedical terms using prexes, root words and suxes to promote a basic understanding of the
terminology used in the medical eld.
Clock hours awarded: 0 Lecture, 0 Lab
Prerequisites: None
Introducon to Nursing
Students will be introduced to the Health Care Agencies they will perform the majority of their skills in. Students
will learn about the essenal dues, the dierent regulaons that apply to their career path. Students will compare
& contrast their own ethical beliefs with those found in the medical eld. Privacy will be discussed and
condenality regulaons reviewed.
Clock hours awarded: 4 Lecture hours , 0 Lab hours awarded
Prerequisites: orientaon
Infecon Control & Safety Measures
During this course, the students will learn about how infecons occur, how they may be transmied and how to
prevent the spread of pathogens. Students will learn and understand Standard Precauons and learn about Blood
Borne Pathogen standards as it applies to the workplace. Students will begin the learning process of basic nursing
skills by viewing demonstraons and then performing the skill under the supervision of the instructor/assistant. By
learning these skills early in the program, the skill will be reinforced for appropriate pracces throughout the
Clock hours awarded: 7 Lecture hours , 3 Lab hours awarded
Prerequisites: Introducon to Nursing.
Body Structure, Funcon, Vital Signs, Mechanics, Posioning & Transfers
During this course, the students will learn about the Anatomy & Physiology of the Human Body. Students will learn
and understand the basic interacons that occur in the normal person. Students will be able to recognize common
body disorders by comparing the normalto what is actually observed. Students will learn about the dierent vital
signs, learn how to measure, document and recognize abnormalies within the vital signs measured.
Clock hours awarded: 13 Lecture hours, 5 Lab hours awarded
Prerequisites: Infecon Control & Safety Measures
Nursing Assistant
Growth & Development Throughout the Lifespan
During this course, the students will be taught the growth and developmental process from birth through end of life.
Students will be able to recognize the dierent psychological needs at dierent stages of the life cycle. Students will
learn about human sexuality and how this applies in health care sengs. Students will learn about common mental
health changes that occur with aging and how spiritual needs can be supported.
Clock hours awarded: 6 Lecture hours, 0 Lab hours awarded
Prerequisites: Body Structure & Funcon and Vital Signs
Personal Hygiene & Grooming
Paents have specic personal hygiene needs. Students will learn how appropriate grooming techniques are applied
to assist the resident with their ADLs. Students will learn about personal hygiene needs and learn techniques on how
to assist the paent with meeng these needs. Students will learn the importance of healthy urinary and bowel
eliminaon paerns, and how to obtain specimens of each. Students will learn how to test for specic problems from
these specimens. Students will learn about common disorders within the gastrointesnal tract, bowel disorders and
common urinary disorders.
Clock hours awarded: 5 Lecture hours, 2 Lab hours awarded
Prerequisites: Body Mechanics, Posioning, & Transfers
Nutrion & Fluid Intake/Output
Students will learn about proper nutrion and how nutrients help maintain homeostasis in the human body.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of assisng residents with drinking of liquids, eang meals, seng up food
trays and observing any refusals by the resident. Students will be able to recognize common dietary needs such as
consistency alteraons. Students will be able to demonstrate pre/post-operaon cares regarding uid intake and
output measurements. Students will demonstrate the ability to obtain accurate blood pressures as they are assigned.
Clock hours awarded: 6 Lecture hours, 2 Lab hours awarded
Prerequisites: Personal Hygiene & Grooming
Wound, Surgery & Respiratory Care
Students will learn about wounds, how they occur, how they are treated and how to prevent pressure ulcers.
Students will review the respiratory system, understand the gas exchange in the lungs and at the cellular level.
Students will be able to recognize oxygen demands in paents with common respiratory system disorders. Students
will learn to report, document and assist the nurse in meeng these oxygen needs. Students will assist with the
admission/discharge process and learn what their role is during this process. Students will be able to assist the nurse
with hot/cold applicaons, wound cares and physical examinaons.
Clock hours awarded: 6 Lecture hours, 2 Lab hours awarded
Prerequisites: Personal Hygiene & Grooming
Nursing Assistant
CPR & First Aid
Students will learn Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitaon techniques. Students will be able to recognize the emergency
when CPR may be necessary. Students will demonstrate CPR techniques on the adult mannequin and child
mannequin. Students that successfully test & demonstrate these techniques will be cered at the end of this
Clock hours awarded: 5 Lecture hours, 4 Lab hours awarded
Prerequisites: Personal Hygiene & Grooming
Rehabilitaon, Nursing, Body Disorders
During this course, students learn the dierence between rehabilitaon and restorave nursing. Students are able
to apply rehabilitaon techniques to the paent to return them to a prior level of ADL performance. Students using
restorave nursing techniques will assist the resident to reach the highest ADL ability within the limits of their
disabilies. Students will be able to idenfy common structural, health and aging disorders and how these disorders
may limit the paents ability to self-perform their ADLs.
Clock hours awarded: 8 Lecture hours, 4 Lab hours awarded
Prerequisites: Personal Hygiene & Grooming
Developmental Disabilies, End of Life Care and Mental Health Disorders
Students will understand and apply developmental theories and how interrupons in this development may lead to
developmental disabilies. Students will understand the genec problems that may occur prior to birth, injuries that
may aect the development of the fetus or newborn, how injuries later in life may cause the person to stop the
development process. Students will be able to recognize the dierence between growthand development”.
Students will be exposed to end of life concepts as dened by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross and how these concepts may
be applied to the paent/family during end of life processes. Students will also explore their own work ethics and
how this applies to the dues of a nursing assistant. Mental health disorders that are commonly seen in the residen-
al facility are explored.
Clock hours awarded: 5 Lecture hours, 1 Lab hours award
Prerequisite: Digesve, Reproducve and Mental Health Disorder
Clinical Externship
Students will observe, demonstrate and assist nursing home residents in aliated facilies. Students will be
supervised by their instructor and program assistant. Students are expected to safely demonstrate skills learned in
the laboratory seng, apply knowledge gained from lectures and report/document any unusual paent events.
Clock hours awarded: 65 Clinical hours awarded
Prerequisites: Digesve, Reproducve and Mental Health Disorder
Nursing Assistant
The Phlebotomy Technician Program is a 2-week program with a total of 40 clock hours that works under the
supervision of a license medical laboratory technician, physician, or other individual with an advanced degree in
biomedical or related sciences. The Phlebotomy Technician primary funcon is to collect blood specimens from
paents for the purpose of laboratory analysis. Techniques used for this blood collecon are taught which includes
paents preparaon, processing, safety and regulatory compliance. The training program prepares the student for
employment as a phlebotomy technician.
Must be an acve AZ Cered Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician, Medical Assistant or have college
level Health educaon such as Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, Nursing Chemistry (not all inclusive).
Students will be provided an overall orientaon of Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers and complete required student le forms. During this orientaon, students will be provided a short
Medical Terminology course with an evaluaon at the end of the course to measure understanding. Student will
be taught how to break downmedical terms using prexes, root words and suxs to promote a basic
understanding of the terminology used in the medical eld
Clock hours awarded: 0 Lecture hours, 0 Lab
Prerequisites: None
Paent Preparaon
Students are able to witness appropriate introducon & greengs to paents. An emphasis is placed upon
excellent customer service. Many paents are anxious prior to having a blood collecon procedure performed,
the student is shown dierent ways to help the paent relax. Diering consents are discussed and where each
Clock Hours awarded: 5 Lecture hours, 1 Lab hours
Prerequisites: Orientaon
Collecon Techniques
A thorough descripon of the procedures of blood collecon is given. Blood collecon site selecon is explained
and common complicaons discussed. The order of draw is explained and why this is important to follow. Students
gain an understanding of the labeling and handling of blood specimens.
Clock hours: awarded: 5 Lecture hours, 1 Lab hours
Prerequisites: Paent Preparaon
Phlebotomy Technician
Phlebotomy Praccum
Somerton, AZ
HIPAA, CLIA, and Osha regulaons highlights are reviewed and the signicance of each discussed. Student learn
how to properly label specimens for processing in the laboratory. Students discuss the importance of following
manufacturer guidelines for equipment use, how to verify expired or outdated supplies, pre-collecon problems,
signs and symptoms of paents anxiety and how to handle the sample following collecon.
Clock hours awarded: 5 Lecture hours, 1 Lab hours
Prerequisites: Collecon Techniques
Safety and Compliance Consideraon
OSHA, NIOSH, JCAHO, CLSI guidelines are reviewed. Specic areas relang to the NHA Cercaon Exam is
discussed and demonstrated. Student will be prepared for the clinical experience upon compleon.
Clock hours awarded: 5 Lecture hours, 1 Lab hours
Review /Final Exam
All areas previously discussed and pracced will be reviewed. Specic areas relang to the NHA Cercaon Exam
is discussed and demonstrated. Students will be prepared for the clinical experience upon compleon.
Clock hours awarded: 1 Lecture hours, 5 Lab hours
Prerequisites: Safety and Compliance Consideraon
Students are assigned to a clinical laboratory in which they will be required to perform 40 blood specimen collaon
procedures. Students may ulize volunteersfor obtaining blood specimens at the instructor's discreons.
Clock hours awarded: 10 Externship hours awarded
Prerequisites: Successfully compleng all previous exams with a 75% or higher score prior to
aending the externship
Learning Tips:
Study with teams or alone.
Create your perfect study area
Get all your materials, study guide, and
wring utensils in front of you.
Turn your notes into ash cards
Snack healthy while you study
Narrow it down-focus on the most
important topics.
Phlebotomy Technician
Classroom-One on One Phlebotomy Praccum
Somerton, AZ
The Caregiver program is a 3-week program with a total of 75 clock hours. Caregiving is an entry level posion where
a person learns the skills of assisng clients with their acvies of daily living, light housekeeping & meal
preparaon. During the program students will gain an understanding of the client needs & how to assist the client
with their specic needs. Care givers are frequently employed in assisted Living facilies & Home Health/Hospice
agencies. As the populaon ages, the demand for Caregivers is increasing substanally.
This program is approved by the Arizona State Board of Nursing Care Instuon Administrators & Assisted Living
Facility Managers. Regional Center for Border Health, Inc./Collage of Health Careers holds an instuonal
accreditaon by the Accreding Bureau of Health Educaon schools.
Students will be provided an overall orientaon of Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers
and complete required student le forms. During this orientaon, students will be provided a short Medical
Terminology course with an evaluaon at the endo of the course to measure understanding. Students will be taught
how to break downmedical terms using prexes, root words and suxes to promote a basic understanding of the
terminology used in the medical eld
Clock hours awarded: 0 Lecture hours, 0 Lab
Prerequisites: None
Home Care and Healthcare Systems
This course introduces student to the world of healthcare. In this course the students learn about various types of
healthcare facilies/organizaons. Students Learn what the scope of pracce” & how it will relate to their pracce.
An introducon to state & Federal regulaons is reviewed, along with specic state & federal departments.
Clock hours awarded: 1 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Orientaon
Legal and Ethical Issues
Legal & Ethical Issues encourages students to explore
their own morality & apply that to the workplace.
Emphasis is placed on the legality of an acon along
with the ethical dilemmas that may occur. This course
will be full of open discussion with the instructor.
Clock hours awarded: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Home Care & Healthcare system
Communicaon and Interpersonal Skills
Communicaon & Interpersonal skills are required to be pracced in the job seng. During the 4 hours of this class
students will explore appropriate communicaon with their peers & how this will relate to the client. Understanding
verbal & non-verbal communicaon is an important skill the caregiver needs to gain the trust of the client.
Clock hours awarded: 1 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Legal & Ethical Issues
Learning Caregiver Skills—Nursing Home Lab
Infecon Control
Infecon control explains the way infecons get passed from one person to another. During the lecture poron,
students will be shown the basics of sanitaon, disinfecon & sterilizaon. During the laboratory pracce, students
will demonstrate hand washing, sanitaon & disinfecon of surfaces.
Clock hours awarded: 2 Lecture hours, 3 Lab hours
Prerequisite: Communicaon & Interpersonal Skills
Safety Concepts
Safety concepts are important to prevent injuries in the workplace. Body mechanics, posture, body alignment &
other concepts are discussed during lecture. Students will then pracce skills learned. Students will be taught &
cered in cardiopulmonary resuscitaon.
Clock hours awarded: 2 Lecture hours 2 Lab hours
Prerequisites: Infecon Control
Holisc Approach to Understanding Clients
During this course, students will give an overview of the anatomy & physiology of the human body. The Holisc
concept is introduced which will encourage the caregiver to look at the the Whole personwhen assessing for
Clock hours awarded: 2 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Safety Concepts
Nutrional Needs
Students will received instrucon on proper nutrion & physical nutrional needs. Caregivers will be working with
clients that may have specic nutrional needs & will gain an understanding of the reasons why the clients needs
are dierent from general nutrion.
Clock hours awarded: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Holisc Approach to Understanding Clients
Personal Care, Basic Healthcare & Restorave Skills
During the course, students will gain an understanding of how clients will be taken care of. Specic skills will be
taught & return demonstrated by the student. A few of these skills include transferring a client, feeding a dysphasic
client, assisng with housekeeping chores and many others.
Clock hours awarded: 17 Lecture hours, 5 Lab hours
Prerequisites: Nutrional Needs
Medicaon Administraon
Medicaon Administraon within a healthcare facility is a skill that requires specialized training. During the lecture
& lab pracce students will learn about medicaons & how they are distributed. Students learn about various
classes of medicaons, what common side eects are, what an adverse reaconis & how to manage this.
Students also are taught how to pracce residents rightsregarding medicaons. Other medicaon topics are
covered as well.
Clock hours awarded: 15 Lecture hours, 7 Lab hours
Prerequisites: Personal Care, Basic Healthcare & Restorave Skills
Learning Tips:
Take breaks.
Put yourself to the test.
Get enough sleep.
Review all your notes and re-read
important passages in your textbook.
Look up answers rather than struggle
to remember.
Understand how you learn best.
Mental Health & Care of the Cognively Impaired Person
Mental illness is full of myths & fallacies. During the lecture, students are taught the dierences between fact
& fantasy. Students learn about physical wellness & how mental health problems could aect this. Students are
taught how to deal with the cognively impaired client appropriately.
Clock hours awarded: 5 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Medicaon Administraon
Home Management & Maintenance
Students are provided lecture regarding basic housekeeping skills, basic maintenance techniques & how to develop
cleaning schedules.
Clock hours awarded: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Mental Health & Care of the Cognively Impaired Person
Service Plans
Students are provided with informaon about the importance of the Service Plan. How a Service Plan is developed
is discussed, how the intervenons listed are implemented & how the caregiver is able to nofy their supervisor for
needed adjustments to the Service Plan.
Clock hours awarded: 2 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Home Management & Maintenance
Career Development
Students encourage to discuss further plans with their new career. Resume wring, job searches, dierent ways to
manage stress & money are discussed. Students are encouraged to create a resume & develop a job search plan.
Clock hours awarded: 2 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Service Plan
Pracce at its best
Somerton, AZ
Program Objecve
The Nutrion and Food Service Management is a 10-week, 360 hour program which will provide parcipants with the
praccal knowledge and skills to obtain sasfactory employment in the food service industry . Many food service
locaons are required to have a sta member with the training & cercaon needed to operate a safe
establishment. This program has been approved by the Arizona State Board for Private Post-Secondary Educaon.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc./College of Health Careers holds an instuonal accreditaon through the
Accreding Bureau of Health Educaon School.
Students will be provided an overall orientaon of Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers,
and complete required student le forms. During this orientaon, students will be provided ways to study, how the
courses will be presented and what tesng procedures will be performed.
Clock hours award: 0 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: None
Lifestyle Management, Nutrion and Self Esteem
This program will provide parcipants with praccal knowledge of life skills management and the impact on personal
life and the workplace. Topics covered include: Self Esteem, Self Image, Atude, Self Management, Time
Management, Goal Seng and Geng Organized.
Clock hours award: 40 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Orientaon
Job Responsibilies
This program will provide parcipants with complete instrucon and knowledge of on-the-job responsibilies and
tasks to perform on a regular workday guided by program policies and procedures. The program will work with the
Somerton Main Street Cafe Employee Policies & Procedures and will discuss topics such as: Punctuality, Opening &
Closing Shop, Taking Orders, Cash Register Opening/Closing, Money Handling, Food Preparaon and Service,
Ordering, Receiving, Inventory & Storing, Cleaning up and Food Handlers Card.
Clock hours award: 8 Lecture hours,
Prerequisites: Lifestyle Management,
Nutrion, Self-Esteem
Kitchen Management
Parcipants learn and apply praccal knowledge relang to nutrious, safe food to be served to customers.
Parcipants will learn and apply praccal knowledge about every step in the process by which goods and services are
brought into the food service operaon. Sanitaon and safety policies will be covered relang to food handling and
cleanliness of the food service operaons.
Clock hours awarded: 16 Lecture hours, 10 Lab Hours
Prerequisites: Job Responsibilies
Menu & Recipe Planning, Analyzing Meals, Customer Service
Parcipants will discover new techniques on recipe planning, creang eecve & tasteful menus. Menu analysis will
determine cost eecveness of meals planned to be served & how recepve customers are toward menu choices.
Parcipants learn and apply basic knowledge relang to customer service and demonstrate how eecve customer
service will ensure the success of the organizaon.
Clock hours awarded: 24 Lecture hours, 8 Lab Hours
Prerequisites: Kitchen Management
Nutrion and Food Services Management
Customer Service
Parcipants learn and apply praccal knowledge relang to eecve Customer Service. Parcipants will learn how
eecve customer service will ensure connued success of the organizaons, how to deal with unhappy customers
and how to resolve conicts within the organizaon or with customers.
Clock hours awarded: 40 Lecture hours
Prerequisite: Menu & Recipe Planning, Analyzing Meals, Customer Service
Teamwork, Vising Facilies
Parcipants learn and apply praccal knowledge revolving around the ability to apply interpersonal skills in the
workplace. This applicaon of teamwork theories are crucial for the employee to be able to work as a team member.
Clock hours awarded: 16 Lecture hours, 6 Lab hours
Prerequisite: Customer Service
Health Educaon & CPR
Parcipants learn and apply praccal knowledge of nutrion and how to apply this knowledge to tear or avoid
chronic disease development. Parcipants become aware of lifestyle choice and how culture aects the food choice
that are made on a daily basis. Parcipants are taught cardiopulmonary resuscitaon and how to clear airways of
Clock hours awarded: 16 Lecture hours, 6 Lab hours
Prerequisites: Teamwork
ServSafe Cercaon
Parcipants learn and apply ServSafe training within the food service agency. The ServSafe training and cercaon is
naonally recognized by more jurisdicons than any other food safety training & cercaon programs. As a result of
this training the parcipants will be qualied to sit for the ServSafe naonal cercaon examinaon and be able to
apply principles discovered to the food service workplace.
Clock hours awarded: 16 Lecture hours
Prerequisites: Health Educaon & CPR
Career Development, Review
Parcipants learn and apply praccal knowledge and skills
necessary to obtain employment in the food service industry.
Clock hours awarded: 16 Lecture hours, 18 Lab hours
Prerequisites: Health Educaon & CPR
Students will aend performed clinical dues in the La Cocina interspersed with the lecture poron of the course.
Praccal applicaon of material learned rst will be ulized in the externship site as assigned by the instructor. All
students will be supervised by the instructor that will not exceed a 1:10 rao.
Clock hours awarded: 120 Externship hours minimum
Prerequisites: Successfully compleng all previous courses with a 75% of higher score.
Successfully compleng all required externship assignments/demonstraons
Nutrion and Food Services Management
Nutrion & Food Service Externship
Somerton, AZ
By 2020, Mental Health First Aid in the USA will be as common as CPR and First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid is the help oered to a young person experiencing a mental health
challenge, mental disorder, or a mental health crisis. The rst aid given unl appropriate help is
received or unl the crisis resolves.
Why Mental Health First Aid?
Mental health problems are common
Sgma is associated with mental health
Professional help is not always on hand
Individuals with mental health problems oen
do not seek help
Many people……….
are not well informed about mental health
do not know how to respond
Spectrum of Mental Health Intervenon
Examine the Impact of Change
Is the Youth Struggling
In School
In Social Sengs
In Daily Acvies
Warning Signs:
Withdrawing from friends, family and social
Becoming secreve; need for privacy seems to
be hiding something.
Losing interest in favorite acvies and not
replacing with other pursuits.
Fear or suspiciousness of others or a strong
nervous feeling.
Experiencing extreme highs and lows having
mood swings.
For more informaon on trainings please contact:
Claudia Gonzalez
YMHFA Program Coordinator
AmeriCorps Member
950 E. Main Street, Building A
Somerton, Arizona
(928) 453-9596
Symptoms of a mental health illness can oen appear similar to typical
development during this period”.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
The Regional Center for Border Health, Inc./Western Arizona Area Health Educaon Center (WAHEC)
are providing professional connuing educaon for civilian primary care, mental and behavioral
health, and other health care providers, giving them the knowledge and skills needed to recognize
and address the needs of this special populaon.
Veterans face substanal need for enhanced and specialized behavioral health care due to both above
average prevalence to Post-Traumac Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumac Brain Injury (TBI), and also
due to issues related to reintegraon into civilian and family life. The AHEC Veterans Mental Health
Project (VMH) is a specic iniave funded by HRSA to meet the needs of civilian health care professionals
in providing high quality, culturally competent care to the veteran populaon. HRSA sta and NAO
leadership have long promoted using exisng AHEC experse and resources to address this need, rmly
believing that the AHEC network is an expedious and eecve vehicle for geng informaon into the
hands of providers.
Veterans Mental Health – Project HERO Helping Everyone Reach Out
Develop an understanding of veterans returning from Afghanistan, Iraq, and other overseas
Bring awareness of military culture to improve services provided to veterans, acve military and
their families.
Increase awareness of Traumac Brain Injury (TBI) and Post-Traumac Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Increase knowledge of treatment opons.
Caring for our heroes:
Acve Military, Veterans and Their Families
For more informaon please contact us at:
950 E. Main Street, Building A
Somerton, Arizona
(928) 315-7600
Project HERO
How to apply:
All Interested parcipants must submit a completed
admission applicaon either by mail or in person. The
Admission Representave will contact and interview the
parcipant to ensure all requirements for acceptance are
met. The following items are required to process the
-Admission Applicaon
-Request for High School Diploma or GED
-Pass the Test for Adult Basic Educaon (TABE): The TABE
test is a diagnosc test used to determine a students skill
levels and aptudes. Students must obtain 8.0 score in
order to enroll in classes at the College of Health Careers
and/on under the discreon of the President & CEO
student may be admied to the program.
-Tuion Payment Plan Contract; if applicable
Phlebotomy Technician prerequisite: Must be an acve
AZ Cered Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical
Technician, Medical Assistant or have college level Health
educaon such as Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology,
Nursing Chemistry (not all inclusive).
-Nursing Assistant requirements include: criminal
background check, health and drug screening required
prior to place a student in a clinical agency.
**All classes are taught in English except for the Nutrion
and Food Service Management program. This course is
taught in both English and Spanish, therefore, students
enrolled are exempt from Admission policy requirements
due to language barrier (i.e. High School Diploma, and
pass entrance exam TABE Test).
The Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of
Health Careers may be required to cancel programs or
programs when necessary. In addion, programs may not
begin on their scheduled start dates in the event of
certain circumstances, such as faculty unavailability or
insucient enrollment. In such situaons, the instuon
will work with students in an eort to provide them with
the opportunity to reschedule the program if available.
Any payments made for any program, will be
refunded or applied to another program.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers require all students to move toward the
compleon of a cercate. Student progress will be
reviewed during the period of instrucon to ensure
appropriate academic progress. Students must meet the
following minimum standards to successfully complete
any program:
Successfully pass the program with a 75% or above
Parcipate in classroom, laboratory, or clinical seng
program acvies
Successfully complete any externship assignments
Complete the program of study within a maximum
me frame with clock hours and weeks required for
the specied program study
Clear any outstanding nancial obligaons to the
RCBH, Inc. College of Health Career provides weekly
performance updates to all students.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers denes Sasfactory Academic Progress as follow:
Prior to any cercaon examinaons, course skills and
content reviews are oered to students. To maintain
sasfactory academic progress, students must maintain
the minimum standard of a 75% grade average by the
stated me-frame for each program
Caregiver at the end of week 1
Nursing Assistant at the end of week 2
Medical Oce Specialist at the end of week 3
Medical Coder & Biller at the end of week 5
Nutrion & Food Services at the end of week 3
Phlebotomy at the end of week 1
If students do not meet the minimum standard of 75%
grade average by the me-frame indicated above, they
will be placed on Academic Probaon.
Admission Informaon
Academic Informaon
Financial Aid Sasfactory Academic Progress
RCBH, Inc. College of Health Career applies a standard
Sasfactory Academic Progress to all qualied
programs. During the review of Sasfactory
Academic Progress, the following programs are
Medical Oce Specialist at the end of week 5.
Student must aain a 75% average for their
exams & have aended 152 hours of classroom/
laboratory instrucon. A nal review occurs aer
student has completed all classroom, laboratory
externship requirements.
Medical Coder & Biller at the end of week 7.
Student must aain a 75% average for their
exams & have aended 152 hours of classroom
instrucon. A nal review occurs aer students have
completed all classroom requirements.
Students must aain a 75% average for their
exams & have aended 247 hours of classroom/
laboratory instrucon and successfully complete
assigned self-study assignments & observaonal
externship. A nal review occurs aer students have
completed all classroom, laboratory, self-study &
externship requirement.
All students must complete their program of study by a
maximum of 150% of me as measured in clock hours.
Program lisng is as follows:
Nutrion & Food Service scheduled hours is 360 clock
hours, 150% equals 540 clock hours
Medical Coder & Biller scheduled hours is 300 clock
hours, 150% equals 450 clock hours
Medical Oce Specialist scheduled hours is 309 clock
hours, 150% equals 463.5 clock hours
Nursing Assistant scheduled hours is 153 clock hours,
150% equals 229.5 clock hours
Phlebotomy Technician scheduled hours is 40 clock
hours, 150% equals 60 clock hours
Caregiver scheduled hours is 75 clock hours, 150%
equals 97.5 clock hours
Academic Probaon period has a maximum meframe of
two weeks. Aer the Academic Probaon period has
concluded, the student must meet the minimum standard
of 75% grade average or student will be terminated from
the program. (VA students Educaon Benets will be ter-
Students will be removed from Academic Probaon, if
their grade average has reached 75% or above by the
conclusion of the Academic Probaon period.
The Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of
Health Careers grading procedure is as follows:
A = Excellent (95 100%) D = Failing (Below 75%)
B = Good (85 - 94%)
C = Average (75 84%)
The instuon has established the following grading
guidelines to be complied by all faculty members.
P = Passing: Students in specic courses may be awarded
the grade of P(Passing). The grade of Pdenotes that
students have sasfactorily completed that secon of the
F = Failing: Quality and quanty of work in and out of
class is unacceptable.
Grade reports indicate course taken, clock hours
received, and grade assigned. A student who has failed to
make payment for tuion of a course will have the grade
withheld unl payment is made.
All students must complete their program of study by a
maximum of 150% of me as measured in clock hours.
(VA beneciaries cannot have their VA benets extended
due to absences.)
Academic Informaon
Follow us on:
Students meeng a minimum of 60% AND not
obtaining a 75% minimum score during the rst poron of
a course will be oered tutoring services;
RCBH, Inc. CHC Campus Administrator, or their
designee, will immediately inform student case
manager (s) of the students academic performance
If the student connues to demonstrate below
minimum performance (less than 75% scoring) during
the second poron of the course, the student will be
placed on academic probaon.
Students may have voluntary or involuntary issues in their
personal life that interfere with aendance, study me,
or other areas of the program. The issueswill be
assessed on a case by case basis to determine if
interrupon from a program is necessary. The following
applies for the LOA from a program:
Student planning any leave should promptly consult
the program instructor and submit a request for leave
of absence to the Campus Administrator or designee
for review.
A leave of absence from a program may be due to
unforeseen events in the students personal life, i.e.
death in the family, unforeseen health problems, or
family issues that require immediate aenon (not all
-inclusive examples).
Student on nancial aid should review their award
with the Financial Aid Representave before deciding
on a leave of absence.
Students are eligible to have a break in aendance
(LOA) of up to 5 instruconal days without being
unocially withdrawn from a program eecve on
the rst day of LOA approval. (Does not apply for the
Phlebotomy Program).
Students are to return on or before the LOA end date.
If a student does not ocially return on stated date,
withdrawal procedures will begin.
Denied LOA requests may be presented to the
President & CEO of RCBH, Inc., whose decision is nal.
Students are reviewed at the midpoint of their
(Federal Financial Aid eligible) program. If it is found
that the student has not met both the grade and
pace, the student would be deemed ineligible for
Federal Financial aid for the next payment period.
Students have the right to appeal this decision.
A Student that has been placed on Financial Aid
probaon has the right to appeal that decision.
Migang circumstances will be considered prior to
the decision to withdraw a student on an
individual basis.
To appeal the decision, the student must
perform the following.
Student must submit a wrien peon, why they
think the decision made should be migated. This
appeal is to be submied to the Campus
Administrator no later than 10 days aer the student
was placed on Financial Aid Probaon:
The peon must contain all documentaon
required to migate the nancial aid probaon.
If the appeal peon is accepted, federal
nancial aid may be reinstate for the next
payment period.
Migang circumstance will be considered prior to
the decision to place a student nancial aid
All students are expected to conduct themselves in an
ethical and professional manner. Students who commit
academic dishonesty or acts in an unprofessional manner
will immediately be suspended from the program. Below
are suspension examples (not all inclusive):
The or damage to property
Furnishing false informaon to RCBH, Inc. CHC
Forgery, alteraon or misuse of RCBH, Inc. CHC
Sexual Harassment
Possession, selling, or being under the inuence of
any substance during school hours is prohibited
Failure to meet academic standards.
Academic Informaon
MOS—Praccum is key to SUCCESS
Classroom—Somerton, AZ
Student progress will be reviewed on a weekly basis to
determine if student connues in the program. The
following standards will apply:
If the probaonary student connues to fail at meeng
the minimum standards set forth above;
the student will be expelled from the program and may
be allowed to re-enroll at a later date.
Students will be withdrawn if a sasfactory
academic progress is not maintained.
Students who do not complete a program within the
specic me frame will be withdrawn from the course
and may be eligible to re-enroll in the next available
course without an addional cost.
The maximum me frame allowed is 150% of the
assigned clock hoursawarded. Example: Medical
Oce Specialist – 13.5 weeks or 463 clock hours.
The minimum standards for compleon of assignments
for all programs are listed in each program syllabus.
These standards are divided into secons that a student
must successfully complete before progressing to the
next secon of instrucon.
Students must maintain a 75% or above which is a
requirement to test for state or naonal cercaon.
Students will aend all lectures, assigned laboratory
and clinical/externship me and earn clock hoursfor
this aendance.
A student that has been expelled from a program, may
be allowed to re-apply and be accepted into a
subsequent program DEPENDING UPON THE REASON
A student who has been dismissed, suspended or
expelled from a program has the right to appeal the
decision. Migang circumstances will be considered
prior to the decision to withdraw a student on an
individual basis. To appeal the decision, the student must
perform the following:
Students must submit a wrien peon why they think
the decision made should be migated. This appeal is to
be submied to the Campus Administrator or designee no
later than 10 days aer the student was expelled from
the program;
The peon must contain all documentaon required to
migate the academic probaon, suspension, dismissal or
If the peon is accepted, the student may re-enroll in
the current session;
Migang circumstances will be considered prior to the
decision to withdraw a student on an individual basis.
Follow-up appeals may be submied no later than 120
days following student withdrawal;
Denied peons may be presented to the President &
CEO of RCBH, Inc., whose decision is nal.
Students intending to resume studies aer an
interrupon or LOA should note that the program
requirements may change, and some courses may not be
oered each term. The Campus Administrator will
determine an alternave plan of study, if necessary.
Alternave plans of study may result in addional
coursework requirements and tuion obligaons. The
student may be required to re-apply using the standard
applicaon process if the program has changed since their
last enrollment.
Any student that fails to complete a program within the
prescribed me frame, due to a Leave of Absence,
academic probaon, suspension, dismissal or expulsion
from the program. The following applies to:
A student that does not wish to complete the program
currently enrolled in, may transfer into another oered
program when that program is oered; if on probaon
the student can withdraw from the rst program and
re-enroll in the following new program as a new
student no longer in probaon;
Students that fail to successfully complete their course
of study for 2 dierent programs or classes will not be
allowed to re-apply for a third aempt;
A student that fails a poron of a program will
be provided tutoring to ensure competency in that
poron of the program. Make-up tests, skills
re-view or addional clinical/externship hours may be
oered to ensure the student is competent to
meet the objecves of the program.
Student not achieving the minimum standard of
Sasfactory Academic Progress (SAP), or who fail to
meet the minimum standards at the end of the
probaonary period, may be dismissed from
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of
Health Careers, unless the student wishes to
connue without being eligible for Federal
Financial Aid.
Academic Informaon
A student who has been dismissed, suspended or
expelled from a program has the right to appeal the
decision. Migang circumstances will be considered
prior to the decision to withdraw a student on an
individual basis. To appeal the decision, the student must
perform the following:
Students must submit a wrien peon why they think
the decision made should be migated. This appeal is
to be submied to the Campus Administrator no later
than 10 days aer the student was expelled from the
The peon must contain all documentaon
required to migate the academic probaon,
suspension, dismissal or expulsion;
If the peon is accepted, the student may re-enroll in
the current session;
Migang circumstances will be considered prior to the
decision to withdraw a student on an individual basis.
Follow-up appeals may be submied no later than 120
days following student withdrawal;
Denied peons may be presented to the President &
CEO of RCBH, whose decision is nal.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Career does not accept prior educaonal credit or
training will not be accepted for tradional students. All
VA beneciaries ulizing GI Bill® benets will have all
prior educaon and training evaluated, including military
training and credit will be given when appropriate.
Transfer credits recognized by USDE or CHEA will be
considered for acceptance. RCBH, Inc. CHC does not
guarantee transfer of any course/program work to
another instuon. This instuon will inquire about
each Veterans previous educaon and training, and
request transcripts from all prior instuons, including
military training, tradional college coursework and
vocaonal training. Previous transcripts will be
evaluated, and credit will be granted, as appropriate.
At the end of each course, the faculty member
submits grades for students. Grades are available to
students who have paid all tuion and fees owed.
Transcripts will be released only to students who have
paid all tuions and fees. Transcripts can be requested
through the Campus Administrator. Transcript or grading
informaon can only be provided to students. The
instuon cannot release student informaon to third
party without authorizaon. All student academic
records are retained and secured. Students can request
transcripts by compleng a transcript request form. It
takes 2 – 3 business days to process the request. All
ocial transcripts will be mailed out directly to the
requesng instuon. RCBH CHC provides a cercate of
compleon upon successfully meeng of all
RCBH, Inc. CHC provides a Cercate of Compleon upon
successfully meeng all requirements listed in the course
catalog. If further licensure/cercaon is required by
State or Federal regulaons, this Cercate of Compleon
is evidence the student qualies to take the exam.
All records regarding the students educaonal
performance, nancial, admission, and lab skills are kept
in accordance with Federal and State of Arizona
Unocial transcript – FREE
Ocial transcript - $5.00 per copy
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers provides a Cercate of Compleon upon
successfully meeng all requirements listed in the course
catalog. If further licensure/cercaon is required by
State or Federal regulaons, this Cercate of Compleon
is evidence the student qualies to take the exam. All
records regarding the student educaonal performance,
nancial, admission, and laboratory skills are kept
indenitely accordance with Federal, State of Arizona,
and Arizona Private Post Secondary Educaon Board
regulaons and guidelines. Student records are stored
for three years on campus site in a secure locked locaon.
Aer three years the le are stored osite campus in a
secure storage for addional 3 years before destrucon.
Nursing Assistant les are kept for a minimum of three (3)
years before secure destrucon of the physical record
may occur. Student transcripts are kept indenitely
Academic Informaon
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers method of delivery is residenal only. Regional
Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers
does not oer distance educaon.
Students are only allowed to miss one (1) day of training.
The absence must be reported immediately to the
instructor and must be made-up. Students who are 15
minutes tardy on three occasions during the course
period, will count as an absence. Students who have
three (3) consecuve unexcused (excluding school
holidays) may be automacally terminated from the
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers does allow students to make up excused
absences that occurred during lecture classes.
Students are required to make-up the required me
during laboratory mes. All absences must be made up
to ensure compleon of the required me. All lecture
content will be measured by wrien examinaon.
Students are responsible for maintaining sasfactory
aendance & examinaon scores. Extenuang
circumstances regarding absences will be evaluated on a
case by case basis.
To graduate from Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
College of Health Careers, a student must:
Pass all required program of study programs
laboratory/clinical, and internships;
File a completed applicaon for Graduaon form;
Clear any indebtedness to the training center before
cercate is awarded.
The learning materials required for this program of study
will be given at the me of enrollment. The
materials will include all of the necessary
informaon required to complete the cercate
program. Learning materials for Nutrion and Food
Service Management include: Food Handlers Card Book,
ServSafe Cercaon Book, Kitchen
Management Book, and HACCP Book.
For the Nursing Assistant program, the learning resources
and materials include:
1. Mosbys Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 10
2. Mosbys Student Study Guide for Nursing Assistants,
3. Watch with a sweep second hand
4. Stethoscope
5. Blood Pressure Cu
6. Gait Belt
7. Uniforms (scrubs)
For the Phlebotomy Technician, the learning resources
and materials include:
1. Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) Study Guide
2. Requision
3. Vacuum Tubes
4. Needles
5. Tourniquet
6. Tubes
7. Specimen Labels
8. Skin Cleaner
9. Gloves
10. Chux
11. Sharps Container
12. Black Ink Pen
For Medical Coder and Biller program, the learning
resources and materials include:
1. AAPC Medical Coding Training Bundle
2. AAPC PMCC Coding Book Bundle
3. PMCC/ISP CPC Student Exam
4. PMCC New Membership
5. Tabers Medical Diconary
For the Medical Oce Specialist Program, the learning
resources and materials include:
1. Kinns The Medical Assistant 14
Edion An Applied
Learning Approach
2. Kinns The Medical Assistant 14
Student Study Guide & Procedure Checklist Manual
3. Watch with a sweep second hand
4. Stethoscope
5. Blood Pressure Cu
6. Uniforms (scrubs)
Academic Informaon
For Caregiver program, the learning resources and
materials include:
1. Providing Home Care 5th Edion—A Textbook for
Home Health Aides
2. Workbook: Providing Home Care—A Textbook
for Home Health Aides
3. Stethoscope
4. Blood Pressure Cu
5. Uniform (scrub)
6. Watch
7. Gait Belt
Students will be taught during praccum/internship and
laboratory hours the use of the equipment and supplies
for their program.
Students can access the following online library
Naonal Library of Medicine
Yuma Regional Medical Center Library
2400 S. Avenue A, Yuma, AZ 85364
Yuma County Library
2951 S. 21st Drive, Yuma, AZ 85364
San Luis Library Branch
1075 N. 6th Avenue, San Luis, AZ 85349
Somerton Library Branch
240 Canal Street, Somerton, AZ 85350
Students receive instrucon in how to navigate the online
library on the rst day of orientaon.
This policy applies to the program that have an
externship such as Medical Oce Specialist, Nursing
Assistant, Phlebotomy, and
Nutrion & Food Service Management.
Nutrion and Food Service Management Cercate
programs has 10 weeks, 360 hours of praccum
The praccum will be from weeks 3 through 10 and will
apply subjects learned during week 1 and 2. The
praccum will be completed at the La Cocina
from Regional Center for Border Health, Inc./College of
Health Careers.
-Students enrolled in the Medical Oce Specialist
Program will complete a Minimum of 120 hours in
contracted clinics by Regional Center for Border Health,
Inc. College of Health Careers.
-Students enrolled in the Nursing Assistant Program will
complete 65 hours of clinical taught by a
Registered Nurse in approved Long Term Care
Facilies contracted with Regional Center for Border
Health, Inc. College of Health Careers.
-Students enrolled in the Phlebotomy program will
complete 40 hours of didacc and praccum at a
contracted clinic by Regional Center for Border Health,
Inc. College of Health Careers. The Program Instructor
will be vising the externship sites on a weekly basis to
ensure students receive the proper experience.
Instructor will provide to student a student clinical
rotaon evaluaonand me sheet for the externship
site to complete and evaluate the student skills. The
student is responsible to ensure that me sheets are
faxed to the College of Health Careers on a weekly basis.
Instructor will grade the student clinical rotaon with
pass/fail grade.
-Students will complete the necessary hours of
externship as required for each program for all students.
All externship hours are under supervision by the school
and have an assigned instructor. Students compleng
externship meet with class on a weekly basis.
All Clinical Rotaons does not consist primarily of
clerical, administrave, secretarial or receponist dues.
The Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College
of Health Careers Instute does not guarantee job
placement to graduates upon program compleon or
upon graduaon.
Academic Informaon
On compleon of this training program, students will
demonstrate an understanding of employment and
career opportunies as a Medical Oce Specialist
working under the supervision of a Physician,
Physician Assistant, or Nurse Praconer and
performs delegated procedures commensurate with the
educaon and training of a Medical Oce Specialist. A
MOS does not diagnose, interpret, design, or modify
established treatment programs or perform any funcon
that would violate any statue applicable to the pracce of
According to the Arizona Medical Board, Medical
assistants are not licensed in Arizona and
cercaon is not required.
The requirements for Introducon to Food Service
Management graduates to pracce are to obtain the
required Food Handlers Card from the Department of
Health and complete the required immunizaons, such as
the Hepas A and Hepas B. Introducon to Food
Service Management Cercate will provide students
with the informaon required to pass the Food Handlers
Card, in addion to the ServSafe Cercaon. These two
will be obtained prior to graduaon. Students will also be
advised of the required immunizaons and will refer
students to clinics. These two are required prior to
To pracce as a Nursing Assistant, students must have
graduated from an approved AZ Board of
Nursing CNA program. Proof of graduaon from
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc./College of Health
Careers, allows the student to apply for wrien & skills
cercaon examinaon.
Once a graduate has passed both examinaons, the AZ
Board of Nursing will place that graduates name on the
Cered Nursing Assistant registry. In addion, the
student may apply with the AZ State Board of Nursing for
licensure as a Licensed Nursing Assistant. This will include
addional fees, background check and a ngerprint
clearance card. If there is a problem with student
qualicaons, the student is required to contact the
Arizona State Board of Nursing. Regional Center for
Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers is not
responsible if the Arizona Board of Nursing refuses
permission to test for licensure.
In addion, the student must apply with the State Board
of Nursing to test for licensure in addion to a clear
background check and ngerprint clearance. If there is a
problem with either, the student is required to contact
the Arizona State Board of Nursing.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers is not responsible if the Arizona Board of Nursing
refuses permission to test for licensure.
To pracce as a Medical Coder & Biller, its recommended
students must successfully pass the American Academy
of Professionals Coders (AAPC) exam.
To pracce as a Phlebotomy Technician, students must
successfully pass the Naonal Healthcareer Associaon
Cered Phlebotomy Technician Cercaon exam (CPT).
The Phlebotomy Technician works under the supervision
of a Physician, a licensed medical laboratory or other
individual with an advanced degree in biomedical related
To pracce as a Caregiver, students must pass the State of
Arizona Board of Examiners of Nursing Care Instuon
Administrators and Assisted Living Facility Managers. In
addion, students must have a clear background check
and ngerprint clearance card.
If there is a problem with either, the student is
required to contact the Arizona Board of Examiners of
Nursing Care Instuon Administrators and
Assisted living Facility Managers. Regional Center for
Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers is not
responsible if the State of Arizona Board of
Examiners of Nursing Care Instuon Administrators and
Assisted living Facility Managers refuses permission to
test for licensure.
Academic Informaon
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers is strongly commied to inform the students of
the following policies:
Campus Security
Crime Stascs
Drug Free Campus
Drug & Alcohol
Identy The
Financial Aid
Sexual Assault
Student Right to Know
Voter Registraon
Students can obtain a copy of the policies from the
Campus Administrator or viewed on the Colleges Inter-
net Website: hp://collegeoealthcareers.rcbh.edu
Tuion and fees for each program must be paid
according to the terms and condions outlined
below. Students who are not in compliance with their
nancial opon term will not be allowed to aend
programs. A student may be administravely withdrawn
for failure to make payment in a mely manner,
prevenng the student from aending future classes and
praccum sessions, unl the amount owed is paid in full
or sasfactory payment arrangements are made.
All applicable fees and tuion are due and payable as
specied incurred. Students are required to clear any
debt to the instuon before a cercate is awarded.
Students who do not comply with payment plan will be
subject to collecon pracces.
Cash Plan: 100% cash payment submied prior to each
program start date.
Corporate Reimbursement Plan: Available for
students whose employers have a wrien
reimbursement policy approved by Regional Center for
Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers. Tuion will
be deferred a maximum of 15 days from your program
start date.
Alternave Loan Plan: Students may be eligible to
receive an alternave loan to nance their cercate
program. Students are responsible for any tuion and
fees not covered by the alternave loan.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of
Health Careers Credit Program: Installment loan program
available for paying tuion, books/supplies, uniforms,
and tests/exams fees. An aordable weekly installment
payment plan is worked out to accommodate family
circumstances (In some cases, Regional Center for Border
Health, Inc. College of Health Careers Credit Program may
also provide extended installment loan privileges). The
rst installment is due at the me of registraon.
Delinquent payments may result in loss of borrowing
privileges. If delinquencies are not resolved, student may
be nancially suspended from the training center. Failure
to comply with policies, may result in terminaon of the
agreement, with balance due immediately.
Financial Aid: Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
College of Health Careers oers the Federal
Direct Loans for the Medical Oce Specialist program for
those that qualify under FAFSA.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers Financial Aid Department will conrm the
academic progress of all students before any
disbursement is made to ensure that only those
students who are making Sasfactory Academic
Progress (SAP), are considered to be in good
standing and eligible to receive Federal Financial Aid.
Financial Informaon & Fees
Tuion Refund Policy is as follows:
Denied: An applicant denied by Regional Center for Bor-
der Health, Inc./College of Health Careers is entling to a
refund of all monies paid.
Three-Day Cancellaon: An applicant who provides
wrien noce within three (3) days (excluding
Saturday, Sunday, and federal or state holidays) aer
signing an enrollment agreement is entled to a
refund of all monies paid. No later than 30 days of
receiving the noce of cancellaon, Regional Center for
Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers shall
provide the 100% refund.
Other Cancellaons: An applicant requesng cancellaon
more than three days aer signing an enrollment
agreement and making an inial payment, but prior to
entering the school, is entled to a refund of all monies
paid, minus the registraon fee.
Tuion charges for the me period will be determined
based upon the student's last day of aendance and the
resulng percentage of the clock hours completed. The
percentage of the enrollment period completed is
determined by dividing the total number of clock hours
elapsed from the students start date to the last day of
aendance, by the total number of clock hours in the
enrollment period, less an administraon/registraon
Tuion charges and refund amounts for the
enrollment period will be refunded within 30 days
and are determined as follows:
Students who withdraw or get terminated from the
program will receive their refunds within 30 days
following the date upon which the student withdrew
minus the registraon, books, supplies and uniform
Procedure for withdrawal/withdraw date: A student
choosing to withdraw from the instuon aer
commencement of classes must provide wrien
noce to the Campus Administrator. The noce will
explain the last date of aendance and signed and dated
by the student. For a student who is authorized a leave of
absence, the withdraw date is the date the student was
scheduled to return from the leave of absence and failed
to do so.
A student will be determined to be withdrawn from the
instuon if the student has not aended any classes for
3 consecuve class days.
Books and supplies: there are no refunds for books,
uniforms, supplies, or equipment purchased by
% Percent of Clock Hours Charge for
Academic Year
% Tuion
Refunded by
Before beginning class 100% refund
10% or less than or equal to the clock
hours elapsed
90% refund
Greater than 10% and less than or
equal to 20%
80% refund
Greater than 20% and less than or
equal to 30%
70% refund
Greater than 30% and less than or
equal to 40%
60% refund
Greater than 40% and less than or
equal to 50%
50% refund
Greater than 50% No refund
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
Primary Healthcare
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Internal Medicine
Family Planning
Diabetes Management and Care
Weight Loss Control and Management
Asthma Control and Management
Financial Informaon & Fees
Medical Coder and Biller Program:
Tuion $ 4,076.00
Registraon Fee $ 40.00
Books $ 414.00
Uniforms $ 0
Supplies/Materials $ 150.00
AAPC Membership $ 160.00
Cercaon Exam $ 300.00
Total Program Cost: $ 5,140.00
Medical Oce Specialist Program:
Tuion $4,728.00
Registraon $ 32.00
Books $ 120.00
Uniforms $ 60.00
Supplies/Materials $ 60.00
Cercaon Exam $ 372.00
Total Program Cost: $5,372.00
Nursing Assistant Program:
Tuion $ 2,713.00
Registraon $ 32.00
Books $ 75.00
Uniforms $ 60.00
Supplies/Materials $ 80.00
Cercaon Exam $ 115.00
Total Program Cost: $ 3,075.00
Phlebotomy Technician Program:
Tuion $ 1,055.00
Registraon Fee $ 50.00
Book $ 40.00
Uniforms $ 0.00
Supplies/Materials $ 150.00
Cercaon Exam $ 115.00
Total Program Cost $ 1,410.00
Tuion $ 252.00
Cercaon Exam $ 73.00
Total Program Cost: $ 325.00
Nutrion and Food Service Management:
Tuion $2,136.35
Registraon Fee $ 32.00
Training Material $ 650.25
Uniforms $ 120.00
Supplies/Materials $ 15.00
Cercaon Exam $ 70.00
Total Program Cost $ 3,023.60
Medical Coder and Biller Training (1 year exp.):
Tuion $ 2,076.00
Registraon Fee $ 40.00
Books $ 374.00
Supplies/Materials $ 60.00
AAPC Membership $ 150.00
Cercaon Exam $ 300.00
Total Program Cost: $ 3,000.00
Tuion $ 510.00
Registraon Fee $ 50.00
Books $ 60.00
Uniforms $ 60.00
Supplies/Materials $ 155.00
Cercaon Exam $ 65.00
Total Program Cost $ 900.00
Financial Informaon & Fees
All items described below are mandatory fees for all students. Registraon fee not to exceed $200.00.
Growing Our Own
*Price subject to change
Financial Aid Policy
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers is commied to assisng its students in
developing nancial plans for their educaon through a
combinaon of loans, RCBH, Inc. grants, GI Bill, MYCAA,
family contribuons, and other source of aid.
The U.S Department of Educaon oers nancial aid to
assist students nance their Medical Oce Specialist.
For those who qualify RCBH, Inc./CHC parcipates in the
Subsidized Direct Staord Loans are awarded to
students who demonstrate nancial need. These are
low interest loans that are insured by the federal
government. Because the U.S Department of
Educaon subsidizes the interest, borrowers are not
charged interest while they are enrolled in College at
least half-me and during grace and deferment
periods. Loan repayment begins six months aer
the student ceases to aend the college on at least
a half-me basis. Eligibility is based on nancial
need as determined by the U.S Department of
Unsubsidized Direct Loans are awarded to students
regardless of nancial need. Borrowers are
responsible for paying the interest that accrues
during any period. Like the Subsidized Staord
Loans, repayment begins 6 months aer the
students ceases to aend the College.
Direct PLUS Loans allows parents to borrow on
behalf of their dependent undergraduate children.
As with Unsubsidized Loans, borrowers are
responsible for the interest that accrues on PLUS
Loans during any period. Repayment begins 60 days
aer the FINAL loan disbursement.
Federal Loan Repayment Opons
You may select or be assigned a repayment plan when
you rst begin repaying your student loan; you can
change repayments plans at any me. Contact your loan
servicer if you would like to discuss repayment plan
opons or change your repayment plan. You can get
informaon about all of the federal student loans you
have received and nd the loan servicer for your loans
using the Naonal Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).
You have a choice of several repayment plans that are
designed to meet your needs. The amount you pay and
the length of me to repay your loans will vary
depending on the repayment plan you choose. Below
are the dierent repayment plans available to you:
Standard Repayment Plan
Graduated Repayment Plan
Extended Repayment Plan
Alternave Repayment Plan (Direct Loan Only)
Income-Based Repayment (IBR)
Income Conngent Repayment (ICR) (Direct Loan
Aid from any of these programs is based rst on
self-help, which could include cash payments that a
student is able to make from savings, part-me job
earnings and assistance from parents. The amount of
self-help is determined by the Federal Need Analysis
Formula as prescribed by the U.S Department of
Educaon, which evaluates family income and assets.
Financial Aid websites
FAFSA on the WEB – Applicaon for
nancial Aid www.fafsa.ed.gov
U.S Department of Educaon
Financial Aid for StudentHome page
Student Guide
Financial Informaon & Fees
Who can apply for nancial aid?
In general, students are eligible to parcipate in the
Federal Financial Aid programs they:
Must be admied to RCBH, Inc. CHC in an eligible
Must have a high school diploma or high school
equivalency (GED).
Must be a U.S cizen or an eligible non-cizen.
Must have a valid Social Security number
Must not be in default of a federal student loan nor
have a federal grant overpayment.
Register with the Selecve Service, if required
Once the student begins training and receives a nancial
aid award, connued eligibility for the programs requires
the student to maintain sasfactory progress in
accordance with published standards of RCBH, Inc. CHC.
(See the Sasfactory Academic Progress Secon of the
Catalog for details.)
Alternave Funding, Private Loan Program
Private loans (not sponsored by a government agency)
are oered by banks or other nancial instuons to
parents and students.
Private loans can help bridge the nancial gap for school
expenses, generally at lower interest rate than credit
cards. Eligibility for a private loan is determined by the
lending instuon.
The interest rate on a private loan is usually 1 to 12
percent above the prime interest rate. Interest rate
begins accruing when the loan is disbursed.
RCBH, Inc. CHC will also provide the student with loan
informaon and counseling regarding their loan
repayment obligaons. Students are encouraged to stay
current on their monthly payments to avoid possible
consequences associated with non-payment.
Students may be withdrawn from RCBH, Inc. CHC for
non-payment. Cercates and Transcripts will not be
issued unless the student has met all nancial
obligaons. Late payments may be subject to fees.
If a scheduled payment is not made within 10 calendar
days of the due date, a late charge of $5.00 or 5%,
whichever is greater, of the scheduled payment amount
may be required with each late payment as an
administrave charge.
Medical Coder and Biller Program
Applicants must pay a $40.00 registraon fee and must
accompany the applicaon at me of enrollment.
Self-paying students must pay half of the tuion cost
($2,550.00) before the start of class. The remaining
total program costs will be broken into 13 weekly
payments of $196.00. Upon the discreon of the
President and CEO, these fees can be changed on an
individual case by case basis to allow students to make
dierent types of payment arrangements. Students
sponsored by an independent workforce employment
partners/Governmental agency, must adhere to the
contract agreement as stated. Tuion and fees for
subsequent courses must be paid in advance of each
course. *
Medical Oce Specialist Program
Applicants must pay a $32.00 registraon fee and must
accompany the applicaon at the me of enrollment.
Self-paying students must pay half of the tuion cost
($2,670.00) before the start of class. The remaining total
program costs will be broken into 10 weekly payments of
$267.00. Upon the discreon of the President and CEO,
these fees can be changed on an individual case by case
basis to allow students to make dierent types of
payment arrangements. Students sponsored by an
independent workforce employment partners/
Governmental agency, must adhere to the contract
agreement as stated. Tuion and fees for subsequent
courses must be paid in advance of each course. *
Nursing Assistant Program
Applicants must pay a $32.00 registraon fee and must
accompany the applicaon at me of enrollment.
Self-paying students must pay half of the tuion cost
($1522.00) before the start of class. The remaining total
program costs will be broken into 5 weekly payments of
$304.20. Upon the discreon of the President and CEO,
these fees can be changed on an individual case by case
basis to allow students to make dierent types of
payment arrangements. Students sponsored by an
independent workforce employment partners/
Governmental agency, must adhere to the contract
agreement as stated. Tuion and fees for subsequent
courses must be paid in advance of each course. * This
training is licensed by the Arizona State Board of Nursing.
*(Please refer to the catalog for an explanaon of fees).
Financial Informaon & Fees
Phlebotomy Technician Program
Applicants must pay a $50.00 registraon fee and must
accompany the applicaon at me of enrollment.
Self-paying students must pay half of the tuion cost
($1,360.00) before the start of class. The remaining total
program costs must be paid at the start of the second
week of class. Upon the discreon of the President and
CEO, these fees can be changed on an individual case by
case basis to allow students to make dierent types of
payment arrangements. Students sponsored by an
independent workforce employment partners/
Governmental agency, must adhere to the contract
agreement as stated. Tuion and fees for subsequent
courses must be paid in advance of each course. *
Nutrion and Food Service Management
Applicants must pay a $32.00 registraon fee and must
accompany the applicaon at me of enrollment.
Self-paying students must pay half of the tuion cost
($1,497.30) before the start of class. The remaining total
program costs will be broken into 9 weekly payments of
$166.00 Upon the discreon of the President and CEO,
these fees can be changed on an individual case by case
basis to allow students to make dierent types of
payment arrangements. Students sponsored by an
independent workforce employment partners/
Governmental agency, must adhere to the contract
agreement as stated. Tuion and fees for subsequent
courses must be paid in advance of each course. *
Caregiver Program
Applicants must pay a $50.00 registraon fee and must
accompany the applicaon at me of enrollment.
Self-paying students must pay half of the tuion cost
($425.00) before the start of class. The remaining total
program costs will be broken into 2 weekly payments of
$212.50. Upon the discreon of the President and CEO,
these fees can be changed on an individual case by case
basis to allow students to make dierent types of
payment arrangements. Students sponsored by an
independent workforce employment partners/
Governmental agency must adhere to the contract
agreement as stated. Tuion and fees for subsequent
courses must be paid in advance of each course.* This
training is Licensed by the Arizona State Board of Nursing
Care Instuon Administrators & Assisted Living Facility
*(Please refer to the catalog for an explanaon of fees).
A late fee of $30.00 will be assessed for every program
for which the students tuion payment has not been
received according to the students nancing opons.
A processing fee will be charged for checks returned
for any reason.
Administraon Fee: Included in tuion, varies by
Supplies/Materials: Supplies and materials will be
charged and given to students at me of registraon.
Uniforms: Uniforms are required as part of the
didacc and praccum of the curriculum. The fee will be
charged at registraon.
Books: Students will be charged for the required books.
Tests/Exams: Students will be charged a fee (if any) for
the required tests and exams.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers reserve the right to change fees at any me
without noce.
**The Nutrion and food Service Management/ServSafe
training are oered in English/Spanish including the
cercaon exam.
**Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of
Health Careers does not transfer credits from other
Financial Informaon & Fees
Yuma County*
950 E. Main Street, Somerton, AZ
(928) 315-7600
*Site approved with ABHES
Campus Locaon
Yuma County
214 W. Main Street-Somerton, AZ
(928) 627-9222
Family Behavioral Integrated Services
1130 E. Main Street-Somerton, AZ
(928) 627-2017
Somerton Medical Center
950 E. Main Street, Bldg. B, Somerton, AZ
(928) 627-1120
Administraon & College of Health Careers *
950 E. Main Street, Bldg. A, Somerton, AZ
RCBH Billing & Data Center
330 W. 24th Street-Yuma, AZ
(928) 276-3414
South County Diagnosc Services, LLC.
1233 N. Main Street, San Luis, AZ
(928) 550-5103
San Luis Urgent
1233 N. Main Street, San Luis, AZ
(928) 550-5514
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
1896 E. Babbi Lane-San Luis, AZ
(928) 722-6112
Mohave County
1940 Mesquite Ave, Ste A, Lake Havasu City, AZ
(928) 680-1468
La Paz County
601 Riverside Drive, Ste 7, Parker, AZ
(928) 669-4436
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. Oces
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers will provide academic advising, tutoring, and
make reasonable accommodaons to handicapped students in order to facilitate access to the training programs.
Students requiring such accommodaon should make the request to the Program Coordinator at the me of
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers will work acvely with employers of the
community to inform them about the cercate programs oered. Although Regional Center for Border Health,
Inc. College of Health Careers cannot guarantee a graduate employment, the college will provide career educaon
that meets the needs of business and industry. The college will work with local employers by inving them to visit
the facilies and meet the students. As graduaon approaches, the college will contact local employers and allow
representaves to interview on site. Students will be encouraged to start their career search well in advance of
Student Services
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
College of Health Careers offers Clinical
Rotations at the following locations:
Yuma County
City of Yuma
Yuma Regional Medical Center
Dr. Nathan Manjunath
Advanced Medical Clinic
Evangelista Medical Clinic
Arizona Medical Center
Foothills Walk In Urgent Care
Yuma Nursing Center
Pinnacle Healthcare
Up 2 Par Medical Clinic
Haven of Sandpointe
City of San Luis
Santa Teresa Pharmacy
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
San Luis Urgent Care
City of Somerton
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
St. Francis Pharmacy
La Paz County
Town of Parker
La Paz Regional Hospital
Mohave County
Lake Havasu City
Havasu Nursing Home
*locaons subject to change
1. All parcipants have the right to be treated equally,
respecully and with dignity.
2. All parcipants have the right to learn in a fair,
controlled, and professional environment.
3. All parcipants have the right to inform your Career
Guidance Specialist of any problem that may have an
adverse eect upon your ability to complete training.
1. You are responsible for showing interest in your work
and iniang the self-discipline necessary to succeed.
2. You are responsible for regular and prompt
aendance on all scheduled training dates.
3. You are responsible for assigned books and
compleng all assignments in a mely manner.
4. You are responsible for parcipang in all class
acvies, including graduaon.
5. You are responsible for obeying all classroom rules,
including being quiet and respecng the rights of
6. You are responsible for observing all safety
regulaons and reporng any unsafe condions or
possible safety hazards.
7. You are responsible for maintaining the
condenality of all paent records and/or private
informaon shared at the work site.
8. You are responsible for immediately informing your
Instructor of any problem that may aect your ability
to complete the training.
9. You are responsible to follow the grievance
procedure provided by Regional Center for Border
Health, Inc./College of Health Careers.
10. You are responsible for returning all training
equipment to Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
College of Health Careers, in the instance that you do
not successfully complete training.
The student Policies and Procedures have been
established for the benet of all parcipants enrolled in
training programs.
Aendance/Punctuality: This training has emphasis on
job preparaon. We are commied to helping you
develop good work habits. While you are training, this is
your job.
**Note** If you are going to be late or absent, you must
call the Instructor at least ½ hour prior to the class
starng me.
Aendance Sheet: Your aendance will be will recorded
on a daily basis. In order for you to get credit for the
training day, you must sign the Aendance Sheet.
Cell Phones: Cell phone use is prohibited in the
classroom. All cell phones must be turned o when
students enter the classroom. Students will be given a
break during class me. Violaon of this policy may
result in disciplinary acon.
Safety: You are expected to behave in a manner that
does not endanger you or others. You are also expected
to report all concerns regarding safety immediately to the
Instructor or an appropriate supervisor. Any accident or
injury must be immediately reported in wring to both
the instructor and the Campus Administrator.
Uniforms: All students are required to wear scrubs. White
nursing shoes or tennis shoes will be worn with all
uniforms. Shoes must be cleaned on a regular basis.
Clothing must be neat, clean and pressed to promote the
desired professional image of Regional Center for Border
Health, Inc./College of Health Careers. Shoes need to be
comfortable and conservave in appearance.
Personal Appearance: Cleanliness is very important.
Without special eort, the student might actually
contribute to the spread or germs or disease. Good
health habits and personal hygiene will reduce the
possibility of germs or disease being transmied from
one paent to another, plus reduce the possibility of
students contracng illnesses from the paents with
whom they have contact.
Rights and Responsibilies
Look online for more informaon.
Every employee who works in this training program is
required to make special eort to be personally clean.
Shower daily, use of mild deodorant, mouth wash and
wash hands frequently throughout the day, especially
aer using the bathroom. Clothing must be cleaned and
Good grooming along with professional appearance is
very important for all health care students.
Hair: Should always be neat and professional. Students
may wear their hair short or long, according to their
preference. However, all long hair should be maintained
in a professional manner at all mes. Hair which is
greater than shoulder length must be worn o the face in
a braid, twist, bun, ponytail, or up do type of style. HAIR
Make-up: Must be conservave and not require touch up
or-reapplicaon during the work day. Perfume must also
be conservave.
Accessories: All students are limited to earrings which do
not dangle, rings, wristwatch, and are required to visibly
show their student name tag at all mes.
Fingernails: Must always be totally clean, neatly trimmed
and not be excessive in length. ARTIFICIAL NAILS ARE
Children on Campus: Children are not permied to
aend any class with their parents, nor are allowed on
campus while a parent is aending class. Children are
not allowed on campus during make-up tests or tutoring
Personal Problems: We understand that problems may
arise unexpectedly; however, you are expected to work
out all personal problems that may aect your
aendance before class begins. This includes, but is not
limited to: reliable transportaon, dependable childcare,
family problems, and legal issues.
Paent Condenality: Informaon regarding a
paents illness or personal life must be kept completely
condenal. Whenever talking to a paent on any issue,
please make every eort to do this privately to avoid
being overheard by others in the facility. Case history,
medical records, and paent nancial informaon are all
condenal and must be protected from all
non-organizaonal individuals.
No student is permied to advice paents on personal
maers, even if requested to do so. It is important to
never reveal informaon on a paent, even to another
member of the paents family without the paents
permission. All paent quesons regarding care should
be referred immediately to the appropriate provider.
All medical informaon obtained by a provider is
condenal and may not be released for any reason
without an appropriately executed medical release signed
by the paent, dated and witnessed.
Violaon of this policy is grounds for immediate
terminaon from the training program.
Privacy and Condenality
Federal statutes protect the privacy and condenality
rights of students enrolled at educaonal instuons.
These statutes regulate the gathering, disclosure and
circulaon of educaonal records of students associated
with the educaonal instuon. As such, these
individuals are guaranteed freedom from unlawful
intrusion and protecon from unauthorized disclosure of
personal data from their educaon records.
Rights and Responsibilies
Life Long Learners
The Family Educaonal Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),
also known as the Buckley Agreement, specically
protects the condenality and privacy of student
educaon records. The FERPA guidelines are available for
student review at the Registrars oce. Regional Center
for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers
Financial Aid and Admission Oce maintain student
educaon records. During the nancial aid packaging
process, each student must ll out a FERPA Authorizaon
and Release Form, which includes a number of Challenge
Quesons for the student to answer. These Challenge
Quesons and the answers that the student provides will
be used to help verify a students identy in the event
that, in the future, the student requests personal
informaon or records from his/her le and cannot
present his/her valid RCBH, Inc./CHC student picture
idencaon card or drivers license (or other valid
state-issued picture idencaon card) in person.
Under such circumstances, the student will not be given
the requested personal informaon, and will not be
permied access to his/her le, unless he/she correctly
answers the Challenge Quesons and correctly idenes
the last four digits of his/her social security number. A
student will only be required to answer the Challenge
Quesons and to idenfy the last four digits of his/her
social security number if the student does not make his/
her request in person and, if done in person, if the
student is unable to present his/her valid RCBH, Inc. CHC
student picture idencaon card or drivers license (or
other valid state-issued picture idencaon card).
Students wishing to review records in their les may
request to do so by subming to the Admission
Representave or Financial Aid Representave a wrien
request that idenes the records he/she wishes to
inspect. If the student correctly answers the Challenge
Quesons and correctly idenes the last four digits of
his/her social security number (or if the student veries
his/her identy in person by
presenng his/her valid RCBH, Inc. CHC student picture
idencaon card or drivers license [or other valid
state-issued picture idencaon card]), then the College
will make arrangements for access and nofy the student
of the me and place where the records may be
inspected. The students identy will need to be
veried again if the date of inspecon occurs later than
the date of the students veried request. However,
students may not be permied to inspect the following
informaon: nancial informaon submied by their
parents, certain condenal statements of
recommendaon to which the students have waived
their rights of inspecon and review, porons of certain
educaon records containing informaon on more than
one student, and other records that may be restricted by
Any student who contacts the College via telephone to
request personal Academic or Financial Aid informaon
will be required to correctly answer his/her Challenge
Quesons and correctly idenfy the last four digits of his/
her social security number before the College will release
any personal informaon. A student may ask the College
to amend an educaon record that he/she believes is
inaccurate or misleading. The student should write the
College ocial responsible for the record, clearly
idenfying the part of the record that he/she wants
changed and specifying how it is inaccurate or
misleading. If the College decides not to amend the
educaon record as requested by the student, the
College will nofy the student of the decision and advise
the student of his/her right to a hearing as well as the
hearing procedures.
Rights and Responsibilies
Resume Building
Applicaon Compleon
Job Search and Interview Techniques
Employment Search Assistance
Student using study techniques
for exam—Somerton, AZ
Each student has the right to consent to disclosures of
personally idenable informaon contained in the
students educaon records, except to the extent that
FERPA authorizes disclosure without the students
consent. A students consent to disclose informaon or
records to others must be given in wring using the
FERPA Addional Authorizaon and Release Form, which
is available at the Campus Financial Aid Oce. In order to
help verify the persons identy, any person (s) that a
student consents to have informaon or records
disclosed to must, prior to disclosure, correctly idenfy
the last four digits of their social security number, and
correctly answer the Challenge Quesons that appear on
the FERPA Addional Authorizaon and Release Form
completed by the student. A student may modify or
revoke prior authorizaon by compleng the FERPA
Revocaon or Modicaon of Addional Authorizaon
and Release Form, which is also available at the Financial
Aid Oce.
According to FERPA, the College may disclose certain
informaon and records without obtaining a students
consent. One such excepon to a students right to
consent is disclosure to other College ocials who have
been determined to have a legimate educaonal
interest in the informaon. A College ocial is a person
employed by the College in an administrave,
supervisory, academic, research or support sta posion;
a person or company with whom the College has
contracted (such as an aorney, auditor or collecon
agent); or a person serving on an ocial commiee, such
as a disciplinary or grievance commiee, or assisng
another College ocial in performing his/her dues. A
College ocial has a legimate educaonal interest if the
ocial needs to review an educaon record in order to
perform his/her ocial dues. Upon request, the College
may also disclose educaon records without the
students consent to ocials of another school in which a
student seeks or intends to enroll. In addion, directory
informaon may be disclosed without a students
consent unless the student has advised the Admission
Oce in wring that he/she wishes to restrict access to
this informaon within ve days aer the rst day of
class each quarter. Directory Informaonincludes the
students name, address, telephone number (s), email
address (es), date and place of birth, major eld of study,
parcipaon in ocially recognized acvies, dates of
aendance, enrollment status, degrees and awards
received and the most recent previous educaonal
agency or instuon aended by the student. The
College also reserves the right to disclose nancial
aid-related and payment-related informaon to a parent
of a dependent student without the students consent,
provided that the parent is named on and included his/
her informaon on the students Free Applicaon for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Under these circumstances,
the parental informaon from the FAFSA will be used to
verify the identy of the parent.
At Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of
Health Careers, the Campus Administrator is the
individual in charge of ensuring and overseeing that all
administrave oces and academic programs are in
compliance with Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
College of Health Careers Educaons privacy and
condenality policies. Students with complaints
regarding any academic or administrave violaon of
these policies should contact the Admissions Oce to
make a wrien complaint.
The Admissions Oce will forward the complaint to the
Campus Administrator who, within two weeks, will nofy
the student in wring about the acon taken.
Students have the right to le complaints with the U.S.
Department of Educaon concerning the Colleges
alleged failure to comply with FERPA. The name and
address of the oce that administers FERPA is Family
Policy Compliance Oce, U.S. Department of Educaon,
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers complies with its legal and ethical obligaon of
preserving the right to privacy and condenality
concerning all past and present students of the College.
The College protects the maintenance and release of
student informaon according to federal and state laws
and regulaons, which (1) outline the ways in which data
can be collected from students, (2) restrict informaon
disclosure, and (3) safeguard the quality of informaon
that is circulated. The College strives to ensure the
eecve protecon of student records from
inappropriate and illegal disclosure.
Rights and Responsibilies
Student Informaon
Students informaon includes the students name, dates
of aendance, enrollment status, photographs, and
cercate received and is given to any inquirer. However,
the student may request that such student informaon
not be disclosed by requesng and subming the
Request to Prevent Disclosure of Student Informaon
form in the Registrar Oce at any me.
Disclosure of Personally Idenable Informaon
Students wishing other informaon to be released must
request such releases by requesng and subming the
Authorizaon for Release of Personally Idenable
Informaonform. This form is presented to the student
during the enrollment process; the student may request
the form in the Registrar Oce. The form must specify to
whom the release is being made and exactly what
informaon is to be released.
Access Without Student Consent
RCBH, Inc. CHC may release student informaon without
the students wrien consent if the disclosure is to:
(1) Federal and state authories where required
(2) Accreding agencies
(3) Comply with a judicial order or subpoena, provided
that RCBH, Inc./CHC makes reasonable eort to nofy
the student prior to such compliance
(4) Persons responsible for determining eligibility for
Financial Aid for which the student has applied or
(5) Ocials of another school to which the student has
(6) Organizaons conducng studies involving tesng,
student aid programs or instrucons where
personally idenable informaon will not be
(7) To protect the health or safety of a student or other
(8) Any organizaon that sponsors the student at the
College by paying any poron of the cost of training
directly to the College
(9) Comply with condions otherwise required by the
Family Educaonal Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
Certain items are not considered part of the students
records under the Family Educaonal Rights and Privacy
Act of 1974 (FERPA). These include, but are not limited to:
certain condenal leers of recommendaon received
by the College; records about students or incidents made
by and accessible only to the Instructors or
Administrators; and School security records or records
maintained by certain professionals acng in their
capacity for treatment purposes which are available only
to the persons providing the treatment.
In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and
Communies Act, Public Law 101-226, Regional Center for
Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers is declared
a drug and alcohol-free school. Student use of alcohol or
the unlawful manufacture, distribuon, dispensing or use
of a controlled substance or alcohol anywhere on School
property, or while parcipang in School related
acvies, are prohibited. Students who violate this policy
are subject to disciplinary acon up to and including
expulsion. A detailed copy of this policy is provided to all
current students and may also be requested from the
Campus Administrators Oce. The policy can also be
viewed on the RCBH, Inc. CHC Internet Website at:
Counseling services works to enhance the psychological
growth, emoonal well-being, and learning potenal of
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc./College of Health
Careers students. We help students overcome many
dierent concerns, including:
-Adjustment to college
-Eang concerns
-Anxiety and stress
-Substance abuse
-Academic issues
-Career and vocaonal issues
Counseling services are being oered by Family
Behavioral Integrated Services, a division of the Regional
Center for Border Health, Inc. (RCBH), a 501 (c)3 non
prot organizaon.
Rights and Responsibilies
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers is strongly commied to crime prevenon and
the safety of our school community. A copy of RCBH, Inc.
CHC Annual Security Report, including the Security
Policies & Procedures and the Annual Crime Stascs
Report, may be obtained from the Campus
Administrators Oce.
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers is commied to providing workplaces and
learning environments that are free from harassment on
the basis of any protected classicaon including, but not
limited to race, sex, gender, color, religion, sexual
orientaon, age, naonal origin, disability, medical
condion, marital status, veteran status or on any other
basis protected by law. Such conduct is unprofessional,
unproducve, illegal, and generally considered bad for
business. Consequently, all conduct of this nature is
expressly prohibited, regardless of whether it violates
any law.
Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature where:
1. Submission to such conduct is an explicit or
implicit term or condion of a persons status in a
course, program or acvity or in admission, or in
an academic decision;
2. Submission to or rejecon of such conduct is used
as a basis for an academic decision
3. Such conduct has the purpose or eect of
unreasonably interfering with an individuals
work or academic performance or creang an
inmidang, hosle, or oensive work, or
educaonal environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not
limited to: unwanted sexual advances; demands for
sexual favors in exchange for favorable treatment; verbal
abuse of a sexual nature; graphic commentary about an
individuals body, sexual prowess, or sexual deciencies;
leering; whistling; touching; pinching; assault; coerced
sexual acts; suggesve, insulng or obscene comments or
gestures; stalking; and displaying sexually suggesble
objects or pictures. RCBH, Inc. CHC prohibits all conduct
of this nature whether or not such conduct violates any
applicable laws.
Other Forms of Harassment
Verbal abuse, insulng comments and gestures, and
other harassing conduct are also forbidden under this
policy when directed at an individual because of his or her
race, color, sex, sexual orientaon, familial status, age,
religion, ethnic origin, or disability. It is the responsibility
of each employee and each student to conduct him or
herself in a professional manner at all mes and to refrain
from such harassment.
Complaint Procedure
Students who feel they have been harassed should follow
the Student Grievance Procedure. Promptly aer learning
of such alleged conduct, RCBH, Inc. CHC will conduct an
invesgaon for the purpose of determining whether
prohibited harassment has occurred. Eorts will be made
to ensure condenality to the extent consistent with the
goal of conducng an appropriate invesgaon. Students
who iniate or parcipate in such invesgaons in good
faith will be protected against school-related retaliaon.
If an invesgaon conrms the allegaons, RCBHCHC will
take prompt correcve acon, which may include
discipline, up to and including immediate dismissal.
Rights and Responsibilies
Equal Opportunity Employer
In compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and with other applicable Federal and State laws,
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health
Careers prohibits discriminaon against its employees,
students and applicants based on race, color, religion,
sex, sexual orientaon, gender identy or expression,
age, disability, marital status, cizenship, naonal origin,
genec informaon, military status or any other
characterisc protected by law. Regional Center for
Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers does not
discriminate in its educaonal programs any students
based on race, color, naonal and ethnic origin, or any
other characteriscs protected by law. This commitment
will predominate in all its policies and pracces
concerning sta, students, educaonal programs and
services at Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
Arizona State Board for
Private Postsecondary
Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers agrees to submit to the Arizona State
Board for Private Postsecondary Educaon within 10 days from the date Regional Center for Border Health,
Inc. College of Health Careers revises the catalog, or publishes a new catalog. The catalog will be available
to students and prospecve students in a wrien or electronic format.
My name is Alexa Nycole Casllo and I am 24 years old. I am currently a nursing student at
Arizona Western College and have worked as a Medical Assistant at YRMC Family Medicine
Center for the past 4 years. I became a medical assistant through the Medical Oce Specialist
program at Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. College of Health Careers. The program
consisted of both administrave and clinical training over a period of about 3 months. Since
graduang high school, I knew I wanted a career in the medical eld. Throughout my years in
college I constantly changed my major, always going back to nursing. I was skepcal about my
abilies to handle blood, needles, and everything one is exposed to in nursing. I had a fear of
starng my nursing degree, starng my career, and then nding out that it wasnt for me. I
decided to pursue a vocaonal course that would expose me to the medical eld, which was
medical assisng. As a medical assistant I give injecons, draw blood, administer medicaons,
and assist physicians in procedures. I love what I do and realized I want to do so much
more, which has pushed to get my degree in nursing! I am currently nishing up my
second semester in the nursing program. I can denitely say that the Regional Center for
Border Health, Inc. and my job has prepared me to be successful in the nursing program.
Alexa Nycole Castillo
My name is Andy Veloz and the College of Health Careers has been an instrumental part of
my Healthcare career. At the me of my aendance, I learned so much from my
Instructors. They dedicated their me and eort to me and my classmates as we struggled
to grasp the concepts of the Medical Oce Specialist course. Being a fast track course, it
took many hours of studying and dedicaon on my part, but I was determined to complete
it. Aer successfully compleng the course and passing my Clinical Medical Assistant and
Administrave Medical Assistant state exams, I was given an opportunity of employment
with the San Luis Walk In Clinic, Inc. in the Family Medicine Unit, and Pediatrics, which
enabled me to gain experience as an MA. I am now currently employed in the Behavioral
Health Department with Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
Andy Veloz
Fast Track Programs—Success Stories
Medical Office Specialist
Medical Office Specialist
Procedures for a student to le a grievance:
1. First, the student must approach the Instructor with
the problem and try to resolve it.
2. If no resoluon, then the student must le a wrien
complaint to the Campus Administrator or designee
of the college within 10 days of the problem.
3. The Campus Administrator or designee has 15 days to
review the complaint and verify documentaon, if
4. Aer the 15 days, the Campus Administrator or
designee will inform the student of the resoluon.
5. If the student is not content with the resoluon, then
the student can appeal to the President & CEO of
RCBH, Inc.
6. The President & CEO has 10 days to review the
complaint and have a resoluon for the student.
Arizona State Board of Examiners of
Nursing Care Instuon Administrators
1740 W. Adams, Suite 290
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 364-2374
Website: www.aznciaboard.us
Accreding Bureau of Health
Educaon Schools (ABHES)
7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 314 N.
Falls Church, VA 22043
Phone: (703) 917-9503
Website: www.abhes.org
Arizona State Board for Private
Post-Secondary Educaon
1740 W. Adams, Ste. 3008
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 542-5709
Website: www.azppse.gov
Arizona State Board of Nursing
1740 W. Adams, Suite 200
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 771-7800
Website: www.azbn.org
If the complaint cannot be resolved aer exhausng the Colleges grievance procedure, the student may le a
complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Post-Secondary Educaon, AZ State Board of Nursing, AZ
State Board of Examiners, Arizona State Board of Pharmacy or ABHES. The student must contact the State
Board for further details. The State Board address is:
Lab—Phlebotomy Students
Somerton, AZ
The capacity to learn is a
; the ability to learn is a
; the willingness to learn is a
-Brian Herbert
Zelenne Estevez, CPC, Billing Director
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
Franssy Pina, CPC
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
Maria Peterson, CPC
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
Connie Gil, CPC, CPMA, CPC-I, Billing
Womens Health Specialists of Yuma
Elena Rodriguez
Chief Operaons Ocer
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
Brissa Velasco, CCMA, CMAA, CPT
MOS/Phlebotomy Instructor
College of Health Careers
Marlena Lopez, FNP, BC
Director of Operaons
Pinnacle Health
Rolando Cabrera
Clinic Manager
Pinnacle Health
Lorena Herrera, Caregiver
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
Kevin Anderson, RN
Yuma Regional Medical Center
Coreen Richardson, RN
CNA Instructor
College of Health Careers
Frances E. Davison, FNP, BC
Southwestern Palliave Care
Wendy Garcia, Caregiver
San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc.
Advisory Council Members
Jorge Cano, Food Service Director
Somerton School District #11
Ana Robles,
Former Somerton Senior Nutrion
Mary Campbell
Grin Ranches
Francisca Alvarez, Site Manager
Somerton Senior Nutrion
Student Resources
Arizona@ Work
3842 W. 16th Street
Yuma, AZ 85364
(928) 329-0990
Portable Praccal Educaonal Preparaon, Inc. (PPEP)
3826 W. 16th Street
Yuma, AZ 85364
(928) 627-7665
RESCARE Workforce Services
1185 Redondo Center Drive
Yuma, AZ 85365
(928) 247-8622
Marn Luther King Youth Career Center
300 S. 13th Avenue
Yuma, AZ 85364
(928) 783-9347
Cocopah Vocaonal Training Center
14515 S. Veterans Drive
Somerton, AZ 85350
(928) 627-8026
Arizona@ Work
1113 Kofa Avenue
Parker, AZ 85344
(928) 669-9812
Arizona@ Work
2001 College Drive
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
(928) 854-0350
Constitu tio n Day
We the People
Constuon Day is an American federal observance that
recognizes the adopon of the United States Constuon
and those who have become U.S. cizens. The College of
Health Careers observes Constuon Day on September 17.
On this day, we will have a fact sheet with historical
informaon available for students.
September 17
College of Health Careers
College of Health Careers
950 E. Main Street, Building A
Somerton, AZ 85350
(928) 315-7600
Maximize Your Earning Potenal!
Revised: September 2020
Address Label
Vol. 8
Bachelors Degree 8.2 $1,156
Associates Degree 8.7 $819
Post-secondary non-
Degree awarded
11.5 $670
Some College, No Degree 0.5 $756
High School Diploma or
3.9 $692
No formal educaon
Credenal (no HS
Diploma/ GED)
6.9 $504
Typical entry-Level
Employment Change,
2014-24 (percent)
Weekly annual
Wage, 2017
Source: Bureau of Labor Stascs Dated 5/2018
Arizona salary data obtained from U.S. Bureau of Labor Stascs eecve May 2018
Nursing Assistant average annual salary: 31,450.00
Medical Oce Specialist average annual Salary: $33,410.00
Phlebotomy Technician average annual salary: $32,810.00
Billing and Coding average annual salary: $39,480.00
Caregiver average annual salary: $25,470.00
Nutrion Food Service Management average annual salary: $27,470.00