Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
Adhere to ethical standards and codes of
professional conduct
Letter from supervisor/mentor; letter to or from client; letter to or
from consultant; brief written report addressing this topic
Comply with laws and regulations
governing the practice of architecture
Letter from architect supervisor; building or planning permit; brief
written report addressing this topic
Prepare final procurement and contract
Client contract; consultant contract; RFP; RFQ
Understand implications of project
delivery technologies
Sketches; digital presentations; letter to client recommending a type
of project delivery
Participate in professional development
activities that offer exchanges with
other design professionals
Continuing education transcripts; evidence of professional
presentations given at conferences; professional development
conference registrations
Understand implications of policies and
procedures to ensure supervision of
design work by architect in responsible
Letter from architect supervisor; quality control procedure
documents; brief written report addressing this topic
Maintain positive work environment
within firm that facilitates cooperation,
teamwork, and staff morale
Participation in office committees; leadership in project team;
professional development review
Develop and maintain effective and
productive relationships with clients
Reference letter from client; project close-out letter; project follow-
AXP Portfolio
Practice Management
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
AXP Portfolio
Practice Management
Develop professional and leadership
skills within firm
Participation in office committees; professional development review;
certificate of completion from a leadership development program
Prepare proposals for services in
response to client requirements
RFP sections; pre-proposal meeting minutes; research
documents/findings depicting insight on client requirements
Participate in community activities that
may provide opportunities for design of
facilities that reflect community needs
Photos of events attended; information surveys written by applicant;
letter from leader of community activity describing candidate's role
Develop procedures for responding to
contractor requests (Requests for
Checklist for RFI response, plus RFI response; documentation of
conversations with client and/or firm leadership on process
Prepare marketing documents that
accurately communicate firm's
experience and capabilities
Marketing proposal or brochure prepared by applicant; PowerPoint
(or similar) presentations; evidence of online or virtual media
demonstrating marketing capabilities
Establish procedures for documenting
project decisions
Code checklist or similar document for a project; meeting minutes;
examples of template forms (RFI, change orders, meeting minutes,
site visit documentation, etc.)
Develop procedures for responding to
changes in project scope
Checklist for scope change, CO request to client; examples of
template forms (RFI, change orders, meeting minutes, site visit
documentation, etc.)
Establish procedures to process
documentation during contract
Request for information; notice of clarification; shop drawing logs;
punchlist; similar contract administration documents
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
Participate in pre-construction, pre-
installation and regular progress
meetings with design team
sheet demonstrating candidate was in attendance; agenda;
meeting minutes
Coordinate design work of consultants
Coordination meeting minutes; correspondence with consultants;
letters from consultants describing the candidate's coordination
efforts on a project
Determine project schedule
Provide a project schedule depicting internal milestones (quality
control, printing, etc.) and external milestones (client receives
deliverable, design review meeting date, etc.)
Understand implications of project
delivery methods
A letter from candidate to client/firm/design team members
indicating the scope of work, fee, and project delivery methods;
samples of different delivery contracts for projects
Prepare written communications related
to design ideas, project documentation
and contracts
Design submittals; emails; letters; written contracts
Monitor project schedule to maintain
compliance with established milestones
Project schedules with updates/modifications during project, emails
or other relevant documents that describe a recovery plan in the
event that more staffing is required
Assist Owner in obtaining necessary
permits and approvals
Authority having jurisdiction submittals, comments, comment
responses, plan approvals, PowerPoint presentations given to
Owner/City Council/any approving authority
Conduct periodic progress meetings with
design and project team
Meeting minutes; Outlook meeting invitations distributed to design
team; agenda
Identify changes in project scope that
require additional services
Correspondence; additional service proposals; contract modifications
Manage information exchange during
Data logs (i.e. submittals, RFIs, etc.); meeting minutes; capturing
information exchange; site visit reports with photograph excerpts
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
Perform quality control reviews
throughout the documentation process
Quality control review checklists, meeting minutes; red-lined
drawings performed by candidate
Determine scope of services
Fee letter and proposal; meeting minutes or documentation of
scoping efforts between candidate and owner
Monitor performance of design team
Email or documentation from candidate to consultant's point of
contact providing update on performance
Present design concept to stakeholders
PowerPoint presentations; meeting minutes; design models;
Resolve conflicts that may arise during
design and construction process
Email or documentation from candidate demonstrating conflict
Manage implementation of sustainability
LEED (or other facilitating program) checklist; documents
demonstrating sustainability goals; letter from client describing
candidate's sustainability initiatives in project
Determine design fee budget
Fee letter and fee proposals; man-hour estimates
Collaborate with stakeholders during
design process to maintain design intent
and comply with Owner specifications
A document that captures candidate's comments after performing an
interdisciplinary coordination review; red-lined drawings; meeting
minutes of coordination meetings
Coordinate design work of in-house
team members
A document that captures candidate's comments after performing
an interdisciplinary coordination review; red-lined drawings; meeting
minutes of coordination meetings
Prepare Architect-Consultant Agreement
A contract; documentation of dialogue between the professional
liability insurance provider/attorney discussing contract clauses;
documentation of conversations between candidate and consultant
Assist client in determining delivery
method for construction of project
Letter from client that describes candidate's efforts; letter of
recommendation from candidate to client providing the
Prepare Owner-Architect Agreement
A contract; documentation of dialogue between the professional
liability insurance provider/attorney discussing contract clauses;
documentation of conversations between candidate and owner
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
Perform constructability review to
determine buildability, bidability, and
construction sequencing of proposed
Provide a quality control review document that captures candidate's
comments after performing an interdisciplinary coordination review;
red-lined drawings; relevant checklists
Establish methods for Architect-Client
communication based on project scope
of work
Job plan that depicts method of communication; phone logs with
client; email documentation with client documenting key decisions
Manage modifications to the
construction contract
RFI response on formal template; meeting minutes capturing
information exchange; change order documentation endorsed by
Perform constructability reviews
throughout the design process
Provide a quality control review document that captures candidate's
comments after performing an interdisciplinary coordination review;
red-lined drawings
Define roles and responsibilities of team
Project team directory with work plan; design consultant fee letter
and scope of services proposal
Manage project-specific bidding process
Pre-bid meeting agenda and meeting minutes, addenda; bid form
and log
Evaluate appropriateness of building
information modeling (BIM) for
proposed project
Project software comparison matrix
Submit schedule of Architect's services
to Owner for each phase
A contract that demonstrates the scope of work and deliverables for
each phase of design; a schedule of values that assigns a dollar
amount relative to the total fee assigned to each design deliverable
Prepare staffing plan to meet project
Project work plan with staff assigned; a document from a scheduling
program (ex: PlanTrax) that depicts the actual project percent
complete versus goal to date percent complete
Assist client in selecting contractors
Letter from client that describes candidate's efforts; contractor
request for qualifications; bid log
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
Determine impact of applicable zoning
and development ordinances to
determine project constraints
Zoning & building code analysis documentation
Analyze existing site conditions to
determine impact on facility layout
Graphic site analysis, including environmental conditions
Determine impact of environmental,
zoning and other regulations on site
Graphic site analysis, including environmental conditions
Prepare diagrams illustrating spatial
relationships and functional adjacencies
Bubble diagrams; 3D + section programming models representing
vertical adjacencies; program stacking; other programming logics
that might inform a concept massing organizational strategy
Prepare site analysis diagrams to
document existing conditions, features,
infrastructure and regulatory
Graphic site analysis, including environmental conditions and
land/topo/utility surveys; 3D models illustrating zoning-compliant
massing / programming strategies
Assist Owner in preparing building
program including list of spaces and
their characteristics
Project programming document, including summary of space square
footages; other programming logics that might inform a concept
massing organizational strategy
Gather information about client's vision,
goals, budget, and schedule to validate
project scope and program
Project programming document; agenda or minutes from a client
meeting; copy of a 3rd party document to form the basis of design
and/or part of owner/architect agreement
Assess environmental impact to
formulate design decisions
Graphic site analysis, including environmental conditions, diagrams,
preliminary site planning, geotech report, environmental reports
Consider results of environmental
studies when developing site
Graphic site analysis, including environmental conditions, diagrams,
preliminary site planning, geotech report, environmental reports
AXP Portfolio
Programming & Analysis
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
AXP Portfolio
Programming & Analysis
Establish sustainability goals affecting
building performance
Meeting minutes from environmental kick-off meeting with clients;
LEED checklist; any supplemental budgetary analysis evaluating pros
and cons of achieving certain levels of certification
Establish project design goals
Meeting minutes from kick-off meeting with clients establishing
aesthetic goals, budget goals, sustainability goals, performance
criteria, and time frame
Consider recommendations from
geotechnical studies when establishing
design parameters
Structural schematics; preliminary site planning; geotech report;
environmental reports
Develop conceptual budget
Project budget; cost estimate; written review of contractor's
preliminary estimate
Evaluate opportunities and constraints
of alternative sites
Site studies with report on pros/cons; preliminary site planning;
geotech report; environmental reports
Determine impact of existing
transportation infrastructure on site
Graphic site analysis, including transit infrastructure, entry/exit onto
streets, setbacks, servitudes/easements, height limitations, FAR,
Review legal documents related to site
to determine project constraints
Site analysis with planning & zoning report, including covenants,
easements, etc.
Gather information about community
concerns and issues that may impact
proposed project
Project programming document, agenda or minutes from a client
meeting on related subject matter
Evaluate results of feasibility studies to
determine project's financial viability
Report/minutes regarding project cost/benefit; preliminary cost
opinion/rough order of magnitude; preliminary project timeline
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
Perform building code analysis
Written building code analysis or worksheet
Prepare code analysis documentation
Graphic building code plan; completed code search or code analysis
document; correspondence regarding code analysis
Select materials, finishes, and systems
based on technical properties and
aesthetic requirements
Material schedule; cut sheets of products or finishes; listing of
clients technical requirements for finishes; materials and systems;
examples of completed finish boards.
Prepare design alternatives for client
Examples of design options which were presented to a client;
sketches or other in-progress documents from creating design
Oversee design integration of building
components and systems
Progress/development drawings; final drawings; coordination
meeting minutes
Review local, state and federal codes for
changes that may impact design and
Completed code analysis document; correspondence with code
officials; written documentation of other codes that may impact
design and construction.
Determine impact of existing utilities
infrastructure on site
Preliminary site narrative; existing site survey; conceptual site plan
Understand implications of evolving
sustainable design strategies and
Sustainability diagrams; correspondence with team members or
consultants; meeting minutes
AXP Portfolio
Project Planning & Design
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
AXP Portfolio
Project Planning & Design
Develop sustainability goals based on
existing environmental conditions
Sustainability checklist and diagrams; meeting minutes;
correspondence regarding sustainability.
Define requirements for site survey
based on established project scope
Request for proposal for site survey; site survey contract
Determine design parameters for
building engineering systems
Meeting minutes & agendas; questionnaire; correspondence with
owner and engineers; design parameters checklist.
Present design ideas to client orally
Design presentation meeting minutes and agenda
Evaluate results of feasibility studies to
determine project's technical viability
Documentation of studies; feasibility study follow-up
Prepare Cost of Work estimates
Floor plans, sections, elevations used for estimates; supporting
documentation on sources of pricing
Apply principles of historic preservation
for projects involving building
restoration or renovation
Meeting notes; historic preservation checklist; correspondence with
team members
Develop mitigation options to address
adverse site conditions
examples of alternate site plans; correspondence regarding alternate
Design landscape elements for site
Landscape plans; sections, etc. plant options; renderings/3D views
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
Communicate design ideas to the client
Drawings, sketches, renderings, images, etc. used in
correspondence with client.
Prepare submittals for regulatory
Exhibits prepared for regulatory reviews; checklists of documents
required for regulatory approval.
Communicate design ideas to client with
two-dimensional (2-D) computer aided
design software
Floor plans, elevations, sections, or other views created specifically
for communicating with the client.
Select furniture, fixtures and equipment
that meet client's design requirements
and needs
Cut sheets of products; clients requirements for furniture, fixtures
and equipment; meeting minutes
Communicate design ideas to the client
using hand drawings
Sketches and design presentation submittal using hand drawings
Communicate design ideas to client with
three-dimensional (3-D) computer aided
design software
Renderings, or other views created specifically for communicating
with the client.
Update Cost of Work estimates
Floor plans used for estimates; supporting documentation on
sources of pricing; revised construction cost estimates
AXP Portfolio
Project Development
Tasks Work Sample Demonstrating Competent Performance
Review shop drawings and submittals
during construction for conformance
with design intent
Returned shop drawings or submittals with comments;
correspondence regarding submittals with contractor
Respond to Contractor Requests for
RFI responses; correspondence regarding RFI's.
Complete field reports to document field
observations from construction site visit
Issued field reports, construction photos, notes from a site visit.
Review results from field reports, third-
party inspections, and other test results
for conformance with contract
Correspondence regarding these documents; examples of returned
Review Application and Certificate for
Examples of approved documents
Manage project close-out procedures
and documentation
Punch list; certificate of substantial completion; final application for
payment; operation and maintenance manual submittal reviews
AXP Portfolio
Construction & Evaluation