Data Management Protocol for the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s
Ambient Groundwater Monitoring
July 2017
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
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Document number: wq-am1-08
Andrea Samuelson
Sharon Kroening
Bill Scruton
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PIO staff
Graphic design staff
Mary Blackstock
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Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Abbreviations and acronyms .............................................................................................................. ii
Executive summary ............................................................................................................................1
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................1
Purpose and scope ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Roles and responsibilities ...................................................................................................................3
MPCA groundwater monitoring staff ............................................................................................................... 3
MPCA data management staff ......................................................................................................................... 3
MPCA quality assurance staff ........................................................................................................................... 3
MNIT staff ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Data management .............................................................................................................................3
Electronic data management systems ............................................................................................................. 4
EQuIS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
OnBase .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Data management for the ambient groundwater monitoring network .......................................................... 6
Location, construction, and lithology data ....................................................................................................... 6
Sampling plans ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Field data recording and storage ..................................................................................................................... 9
Laboratory data storage ................................................................................................................................... 9
Sample tracking .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Data verification ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Laboratory audits ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Data dissemination .......................................................................................................................... 12
MPCA Policies and memorandums ................................................................................................... 13
Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Abbreviations and acronyms
American Society for Testing and Materials
Contaminants of Emerging Concern CEC
Chain of Custody
County Well Index
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Data Access
Electronic Data Deliverable
EQuIS Data Gathering Engine
EQuIS Data Processor
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Geological Survey
Minnesota Information Technology Services
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Portable Document Format
Public Land Survey System
Quality Assurance
Sample Planning Module
United States Geological Survey
Water Quality Exchange
Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Executive summary
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) monitors its Ambient Groundwater Monitoring
Network each year to evaluate the current condition of the state’s groundwater and track any trends in
contamination. This report describes how the agency manages this information in accordance with the
requirements of Minnesota State law. Good data management allows MPCA staff to promptly analyze
and interpret the data they collect and quickly make it available to the public. The MPCA manages the
information from its Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network throughout its lifecycle from the initial
installation of each well until the collection of the last sample from it. This report documents how MPCA
staff manage and verify the field and laboratory groundwater data in its water-quality database as well
as describes how written documents, such as access agreements for well sites and written laboratory
reports are managed in the agency’s electronic filing system.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) maintains an Ambient Groundwater Monitoring
Network to evaluate the occurrence of non-agricultural chemicals in groundwater and quantify how the
concentrations of these chemicals change over time. The agency began building this network in 2004
and added over 100 new monitoring wells to it from 2009-2016. The network currently (2017) consists
of 266 wells that MPCA staff sample annually; 210 dedicated to monitoring, 53 to domestic purposes,
and three public water supply wells. The wells generally are shallow and located in urban areas,
completed in aquifer systems that are naturally susceptible to contamination (Figure 1).
MPCA staff collect water samples annually from each of the network wells, and these samples are
routinely analyzed for over 100 different chemicals. This includes nutrients, major ions, volatile organic
compounds, and trace metals, as well as field measurements of water pH, specific conductance,
dissolved oxygen concentrations, and water temperature. Each year the MPCA also samples
a subset of
the wells to determine the presence of over 100 contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) and
pesticides. MPCA staff collect CEC samples from about 40 of the network wells each year and also
collect 20 pesticide samples annually in collaboration with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Purpose and scope
This report describes the data management associated with the MPCA’s Ambient Groundwater
Monitoring Network. It explains how MPCA staff manage the: 1) field and laboratory data collected for
this network as well as the legal agreements that allow the agency to install wells on properties and 2)
documents that describe the well construction and development.
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Figure 1. Locations of wells in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Ambient Groundwater Monitoring
Network, 2017
Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Roles and responsibilities
The MPCA and MNIT staff share the data management responsibilities for the Ambient Groundwater
Monitoring Network. MPCA staff actively collect water samples and other field data for the network and
ensure that this information are accurately entered into its water-quality data management system.
MNIT staff provide information technology services to the MPCA, which includes building, maintaining,
and securing the agency’s water-quality data management system. The following sections describe the
roles and responsibilities of the key staff associated with data management for the MPCA’s Ambient
Groundwater Monitoring Network.
MPCA groundwater monitoring staff
The MPCA groundwater monitoring staff are responsible for: 1) ensuring site locations and required
metadata are entered into its water-quality data management system, 2) accurately recording field
information, 3) accurately completing the Chain of Custody (COC) forms that are submitted to the
laboratory along with the samples, and 4) ensuring all collected field and sample information are
contained in electronic data deliverables (EDDs) and are entered into the agency’s water-quality data
management system.
MPCA data management staff
The MPCA data management staff are responsible for: 1) loading laboratory EDDs into the agency’s data
management system, 2) ensuring all water-quality data are stored in the database according to the
MPCA’s business practices, and 3) maintaining the MPCA’s contract with the data management system’s
software vendor.
MPCA quality assurance staff
The MPCA quality assurance (QA) staff are responsible for: 1) maintaining contracts with state and
commercial laboratories including requirements for them to provide data in electronic formats that
integrate with the agency’s data management system, 2) performing laboratory audits, and 3) providing
basic quality assurance training to agency staff.
MNIT staff
MNIT staff are responsible for: 1) maintaining the MPCA’s water-quality data management system and
the computer systems that house this database and the associated software and 2) routinely migrating
data to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Water Quality Exchange or WQX.
Data management
The MPCA manages the information generated as part of its Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network
according to agency policy and Minnesota State law. All government data in the state of Minnesota
must be maintained and stored according to a state law called the Minnesota Government Data
Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, section 13). This law requires that the MPCA and all other
governmental entities preserve all information related to the agency’s activities. The information that
must be preserved by the MPCA’s Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network includes: 1) field notes
Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
and sheets prepared by the agency’s groundwater monitoring staff that contain measurements of water
temperature, pH, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen concentration taken from the network
wells, 2) analytical results submitted to the agency in an electronic format by the contracted
laboratories, 3) written laboratory reports that further describe the analytical laboratory results and
include other sample-related information, such as the COC and Sample Condition Upon Receipt Forms,
and 4) access agreements for groundwater monitoring sites with federal, state, and local units of
government as well as private parties.
Electronic data management systems
Two electronic data management systems are used to store and manage the electronic data and reports
associated with the Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network. MPCA staff use the EQuIS data
management system to store and manage the water-quality data collected from each sampling event.
Reports and other program documents are electronically stored and managed using an electronic filing
system called OnBase.
EQuIS is a commercial data management system that the MPCA uses to store environmental field
measurements and laboratory analyses. This system is comprised of a database and a set of software
that allow users to load, edit, download, and visualize the stored data.
An Oracle Database Server currently (2017) houses the MPCA’s EQuIS database. The schema or set of
related tables that make up the database is comprised of over 150 tables, including both data and
reference tables. The data tables contain the information collected during each field trip or sampling
event. The reference tables contain lists of valid values such as chemical names or unit values used to
maintain consistency in the database. The MPCA’s EQuIS schema also includes a set of tables designed
to facilitate sending the agency’s ambient ground and surface water information to the EPA’s WQX
The information in the MPCA’s EQuIS database is split among several hundred facilities. “Facilityis an
EQuIS database term that corresponds to an area of interest or a group of locations. Users also are
assigned read and write access to EQuIS databases by facility. In the MPCA’s EQuIS database, each
facility corresponds to either a statewide program or an individual solid waste or remediation site. This
structure permits only selected agency staff to have write access to the database.
The water-quality data collected by the MPCA’s Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network is contained
in the “Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Ambient Groundwater” facility. Other ambient
groundwater data also are contained within this facility. One large notable set of historical ambient
groundwater data in this facility is from the agency’s Groundwater Monitoring and Assessment Program.
The MPCA maintained this groundwater monitoring program primarily in the 1990s and sampled over
1,000 wells for it. The “Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Ambient Groundwater” facility also
contains information from several special studies that typically assessed the effectiveness of various
best management practices on groundwater quality.
The MPCA differentiates the data associated with all of the various projects in the “Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency Ambient Groundwaterfacility through the use of a field called the project task code
(also referred to in the database tables as Task_Code_2). The database users can use this code to
retrieve data by specific monitoring projects (Table 1). The data from the agency’s Ambient
Groundwater Monitoring Network is stored under a project task code of “PRJ07229.”
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Table 1. Project task codes in the MPCA’s EQuIS “Minnesota Pollution Control AgencyAmbient Groundwater”
Ambient Ground Water Monitoring Network
Ground Water Monitoring and Assessment Program
Iron/Manganese in GW Pumpout Water
Bailey Lake Stormwater Infiltration Monitoring
Sentinel Lakes Monitoring Project
Deer Creek and Pokegama Lakes: A Diagnostic Study
PCA Special Studies: wells or springs in MN ag areas
PCA Special Studies: wells in MN urban areas
Shoreview Pervious Pavement Stormwater
Perham Feedlot Site
Southeast Minnesota Domestic Well Network
Evaluating CECs in GW at Wastewater Land Application Sites
A team consisting of both MNIT and MPCA staff administer and manage the MPCA’s EQuIS data
management system. One MNIT staff person serves as the EQuIS database administrator. Besides
maintaining all of the software and tables associated with this data management system, the EQuIS
database administrator also routinely performs a series of routine maintenance checks on the system to
ensure data integrity and sends ambient surface and groundwater data that were reviewed and flagged
with an approval code of “Final” by MPCA staff to the EPA’s WQX system. One MPCA staff person serves
as the EQuIS project manager. The EQuIS project manager interacts with MPCA management, staff, and
external partners on a variety of EQuIS database related issues. This includes providing support to the
data management system users, prioritizing system enhancements, and working with MPCA contracted
laboratories and the software vendor to provide data to the agency in an EQuIS EDD or “EQuIS-ready”
format. A team comprised strictly of MPCA staff works with the project manager to manage the
information in EQuIS. This includes loading new data into the system, performing database retrievals,
assigning new users to the system and providing user assistance.
MPCA staff typically do not import and retrieve the information stored in the EQuIS database directly,
but access and load data to it through several programs, including EQuIS Professional, Enterprise, Data
Processor, Sample Planning Module (SPM), EQuIS Data Gathering Engine (EDGE), and EQuIS for ArcGIS.
The EQuIS Professional software allows advanced users to edit the reference and data tables, load new
data, create customized data retrievals, and visualize the stored information. EQuIS Enterprise is web-
based software that also allows users to retrieve and load data. Plus, users can develop dashboards that
allow other less experienced staff to visualize and export information from the EQuIS database. There
are distinct differences between the EQuIS Professional and Enterprise programs. The EQuIS
Professional software is more powerful compared to EQuIS Enterprise, but the MPCA has limited
licenses available for the EQuIS Enterprise software. An unlimited number of staff can access the EQuIS
Enterprise software. The SPM and EDGE programs are used together to plan and collect data during
sampling events. The SPM software allows users to develop sampling plans used to track progress and
prepopulate COC forms for the laboratory. The MPCA field staff use the EDGE software to record
information collected during individual sampling events.
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Controlling user privilege settings is one way that the MPCA maintains the data quality in its EQuIS
database. The user privileges control which staff can enter, change, or delete data from EQuIS. The
EQuIS database administrator, project manager, and database team assign the user privileges to all
MPCA staff. Data editing privileges in each EQuIS facility typically are restricted to the program staff,
database administrator, project manager, and database team. Editing of the reference tables is even
more restricted and is limited to just the database administrator, project manager, and database team.
Each of the agency’s data coordinators (the lead data management staff from each agency program that
stores data in EQuIS) approve all reference table changes prior to implementation.
The MPCA structured its EQuIS data management system so the data meets the agency’s business
requirements. The database requires that: 1) all locations have coordinates, 2) the user must populate
selected site and sample-related information before data can be imported, 3) the database does not
permit entry of the duplicate data, and 4) analytes are classified using specific agency defined identifiers
that are listed in reference tables. EQuIS enforces these requirements when data is imported using the
data management system’s default error checking module. This software forces the user to correct all
discovered errors before importing the data into the database. In addition, the EQuIS database
administrator also routinely runs a series of reports that capture anything that escaped these error
checks or resulted from manual editing of the tables in the database (which is not encouraged).
OnBase is a commercial data management system used by the MPCA to manage and store documents.
In this database, documents are stored in their native format such as Microsoft Word or PDF. The MPCA
scans physical paper documents and converts them into an image file before importing them into the
system. The MPCA classifies all files in OnBase according to an agency-defined classification system, and
these are indexed by document type, date, and a set of keywords supplied by the user.
The MPCA’s Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Program uses OnBase to store key documents that are
essential for operating and maintaining the network. These documents include: 1) access agreements
and leases to place MPCA-owned monitoring wells on property owned by other entities such as federal,
state, or local units of government or private parties, 2) field notes taken during sampling events, 3)
laboratory reports and electronic data files such as spreadsheets, and 4) reports published by the
program. All of these documents are stored according to the program’s recordkeeping plan (Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency, 2016).
Data management for the ambient groundwater monitoring network
The MPCA manages all of the information associated with the Ambient Groundwater Monitoring
Network to ensure that it is complete and accurate. This includes ensuring that sufficient metadata
about the sites is stored, along with the water level and water-quality measurements. In addition, the
agency has procedures in place to minimize data entry errors, and verify and approve the information
stored in it.
Location, construction, and lithology data
The MPCA maintains information about each network well’s location, construction, and lithology. This
information is essential for the agency staff to properly interpret the data. For example, to meet the
network’s goal of assessing temporal trends in groundwater quality, the field staff must sample the
identical wells each year. To meet this goal, the MPCA has procedures in place to ensure that staff
Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
sample the correct wells for the Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network each year and properly
identify them in the EQuIS database.
The MPCA staff use field folders that contain site information to ensure they sample the same wells
each year. Each field folder contains a photographic log of the site as well as driving directions and a
detailed site sketch showing its location relative to roads and land features. This is especially important
for old wells because these are more difficult to identify in the field. A tag placed on each registered well
that lists the Minnesota Unique Number is the best well identifier. The Minnesota Department of Health
(MDH) has assigned this identifier to all wells drilled in the state since 1972 and a substantial number of
pre-1972 wells. However, MPCA staff cannot always use the Minnesota Unique Well number to
differentiate wells during sampling events because the state did not require wells to have well tags
placed on them until 1992. Alternatively, some monitoring programs have used property owner
information to identify wells. This information, however, is not always reliable to identify wells because
it can change over time and some owners have multiple properties.
To minimize the occurrence of misidentified wells (described further in the subsequent sections of this
report), MPCA policy requires that the staff enter the site location information into its EQuIS database
before any other data can be stored, such as water levels, field measurements, or laboratory analyses.
This requirement helps point out wells whose identifiers were incorrectly recorded on the COC forms
submitted to the laboratory. The database itself also enforces this requirement, and the users cannot
enter any field or laboratory measurements into it if there is no site information present. At a minimum,
the MPCA staff must store the well’s identifier (usually the Minnesota Unique Well Number),
coordinates (in latitude/longitude), and well type (i.e. monitoring or non-public water supply) in the
water-quality database.
The MPCA’s database also includes tables that store many other well attributes other than location. This
includes the: 1) well construction, 2) lithology, 3) land surface elevation information, 4) county and basin
in which the well is located, 5) drilled depth of the well, 6) aquifer, 7) installation date, 8) disinfection
status, 9) drilling method, and 10) driller’s log. The MPCA’s database administrator imports most of this
information into the EQuIS database from another one called the County Well Index (CWI), which is the
master database of well records in the state. The MPCA staff use geographic information from the DNR
to determine the major and minor surface water drainage basin in which each network well is located.
The MPCA staff also enter some additional information about any newly installed wells for the network
into the MPCA’s EQuIS database, including the well construction, the geologist’s soil boring log
(classified using the ASTM convention), and top of casing elevation. The MPCA staff enters this
information into EQuIS by preparing an EDD from the information in the report written by the
consultant hired by the agency to oversee the well installation.
The MPCA obtains the location for its wells from several sources. For the wells that were newly installed
for the network (2010 to the present), the horizontal coordinates were taken using a field GPS unit by
the consultant hired by the MPCA to oversee the well installation. For the existing wells in the network,
the MPCA obtained the coordinates from the CWI, USGS, or historical agency records.
The CWI is the source of much of the well information stored in EQuIS. The Minnesota Geological Survey
(MGS) and MDH jointly maintain this database, which contains the most comprehensive information
about wells installed in Minnesota including their location, construction, use, and status. The MDH and
MGS provide the well’s coordinates in CWI in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection if
MGS, MDH, or DNR staff verified the well’s location. The MPCA staff first convert these UTM coordinates
into latitude and longitude before entering them into their database. The CWI also contains the well and
boring construction record if the driller submitted the documentation to the MDH. This is the driller’s
log of the geologic materials and well construction data. MGS geologists reinterpret these logs on a
Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
county-by-county basis, as part of an on-going effort to develop geologic atlases for each county in the
state. Data on old wells generally is more limited in the CWI because the drillers were not required to
report water well records to the state until 1974. Furthermore, enforcement of this standard was lax
until about 1990 (J. Blum, personal communication).
The MDH and MGS maintain the CWI’s data quality by limiting the ability to store and edit information
in the database and conducting detailed well inventories before adding new information into the
system. Currently, only MDH and MGS staff can store and edit data in CWI. All other users of the
database have read-only access to the information. MDH and MGS staff enter the information
associated with newly installed wells into the database using the Minnesota Unique Well Number as the
primary identifier. MDH staff also assign Minnesota Unique Numbers to pre-1972 wells located during
routine investigations if it has associated downhole information such as a driller’s log. However, before
the MDH and MGS staff add any new well information to the CWI, they first thoroughly review the
information associated with it, especially for the pre-1972 wells, to ensure that they do not duplicate
the same well in the database. This review includes comparing the well diameter to the one listed on the
well record (if it is available), verifying with the property owner that the well exists on that property, and
verifying the well location by property address, property owner, name on the mailbox, or site plan.
Sampling plans
Sampling plans also are an integral part of the data management process for the MPCA’s Ambient
Groundwater Monitoring Network. These plans are prepared to delegate the sampling work among the
field staff and track data entry into its water-quality database. The staff develop these plans before the
annual sampling of the network using the EQuIS SPM software. Each annual sampling plan includes the:
1) wells scheduled for sampling, 2) field staff designated to sample each well, 3) proposed sampling
date, 4) laboratory contracts associated with the network, and 5) field and laboratory methods
associated with the sampling. The software also includes several reports that help the staff prepare for
sampling by listing the laboratory analyses scheduled for each site and the number and types of bottles
required for it. In addition, the software also has reports that the MPCA staff use to track whether all of
the data planned for each well was entered into the agency’s EQuIS database.
Another key feature of the sampling plan is that the information contained in it is outputted into EDD
templates which simplifies data entry and minimizes errors on the laboratory COC forms and field data
EDDs. An EDD template is a file that can be imported into the EQuIS EDGE software that the MPCA uses
for field data entry (described further in the next section) and contains all of the information that was
provided in the sampling plan. This simplifies field data entry because the staff only need to enter the
sampling event specific information, such as the sampling date and time, weather conditions during
sampling, and the field measurements. The use of the EDD template greatly simplifies the completion of
the field EDD and COC forms which are prepared using EDGE software and reduces errors in several
ways. For example, when the MPCA field staff use the EDD template they need only to select the
identifier for the sampled well from a specified list rather than manually enter this information which
reduces transcription errors. It is also much easier for MPCA staff to accurately complete the laboratory
COC form when they use the EDGE software in conjunction with an EDD template because the software
by default only shows the truncated list of laboratory analytes and analytical methods that are planned
for the project rather than the numerous selections available in the MPCA’s database.
Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Field data recording and storage
The MPCA Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network staff use both field notebooks and the EQuIS
EDGE software to record field data, enter it into the agency’s water-quality database, and prepare
laboratory COC forms. The EDGE software contains a GUI-based interface in which MPCA staff enters
the information collected during field-sampling events. Behind the scenes, the software formats the
entered information into an EDD that the MPCA staff import into its EQuIS database. As mentioned in
the previous section, the MPCA staff also use the SPM software to produce an EDD template that
simplifies field data entry in EDGE and the completion of the COC forms. The MPCA’s use of the EDGE
software also minimizes data entry errors because a substantial number of the required fields can be
completed using drop-down menus instead of entering the information manually. In addition, the MPCA
set up the EDGE software to automatically populate many other key fields with the correct information
including the sampling method, project code, and sampled medium.
The EDGE software also contains error checking to ensure the recorded data are of the highest quality
and meets the MPCA’s technical and business requirements. The software requires the MPCA staff to
record this information for each sampling event: 1) the well identifier which is the Minnesota Unique
Well Number, 2) sampled medium (e.g. water or air), 3) sampled matrix (e.g. groundwater or surface
water), 4) sample type (e.g. routine environmental sample, replicate sample, or trip blank), 5) sample
date and time, 6) sampler, 7) sampling method, and 8) project task code or identifier (e.g. PRJ07229).
The EDGE software returns an alert or error if any of these fields are not completed or if an incorrect
value is used. In addition, the software performs several routine calculations associated with
groundwater sampling, including calculating the water level elevation, purge volume, and stabilization
checks for the field parameters. The program also highlights when: 1) field measurements made during
well purging that have stabilized and 2) out of range field measurements such as water temperatures
over 40 degrees Celsius.
MPCA monitoring staff typically import the field data into the EQuIS database as soon as possible after
the sampling event. There are several steps involved with importing these field EDDs into EQuIS. First,
the staff process the completed field EDD using the “EDP Export” function in the EDGE program. This
step formats the field EDD into a .ZIP file comprised of several text files; this is the required EDD format
to import the data into the agency’s EQuIS database using the web-based EQuIS Enterprise program. In
addition, the “EDP Export” function only marks the last field measurement is marked as “reportable” in
the MPCA’s EQuIS database. This is notable because the primary reports used by the users of the
MPCA’s EQuIS database by default only retrieve data marked as “reportable.” Data that is marked as
“not reportable” in the MPCA’s EQuIS database include the purge measurements associated with
groundwater sampling, surrogate compounds analyzed by the contract laboratories, and data that was
reviewed and rejected. After the “EDP Export” step is completed, the staff import the resulting file into
the EQuIS database using a program called EQuIS EDP (EQuIS Data Processor). The EDD undergoes a
second round of error checking during this step to assure the data meets the MPCA’s business
requirements before it is uploaded into the database. These error checks include: 1) verifying that the
well identifiers already are present in the database and 2) informing the user if the data already are
present in the database. The MPCA staff are required by the EQuIS data management software to
correct any errors identified by the EDP program before the information is accepted into the database.
Laboratory data storage
There also are procedures in place to ensure that MPCA staff enter high-quality analytical laboratory
data into its EQuIS database. Much of this focuses on training MPCA staff to properly complete the
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laboratory COC form and requiring the laboratories to provide data to the agency in an “EQuIS-ready”
Filling out the laboratory COC form is a key step to ensure that groundwater data imports smoothly into
the agency’s EQuIS database. The COC form conveys all of the information the laboratory needs to
analyze the sample and report the data back to the agency as an EQuIS EDD that readily imports into its
water-quality database. The information on the COC form includes the analyses that the laboratory will
perform plus the EQuIS facility and project task codes.
The MPCA groundwater monitoring staff also use the EDGE software in conjunction with SPM to prepare
COC forms with minimal errors. MPCA staff must completely fill out the COC form in order for the
laboratory to prepare an EQuIS-ready EDD. Incomplete COC forms are the main reason why the
laboratories do not produce error-free EDDs. It also takes longer for the data management staff to
import EDDs with errors into EQuIS because the data management staff first must edit them to correct
the problems. The Ambient Groundwater Monitoring staff’s use of the EDGE program circumvents most
of these problems. With the EDGE EDD template, the user only selects from the anticipated wells and
lists of the chemical analyses assigned to the project, rather than entering these manually or sorting
through the hundreds of available chemical analyses present in the EQuIS database. The use of the
EDGE software also prepopulates several pieces of the project-specific information on the COC form,
such as the project manager and contact information, project name, billing code, and turnaround time.
Preparing the field EDD and laboratory COC form using the EDGE software also ensures that the
laboratory data properly merge with other sample-related data that are stored in EQuIS before the
laboratory data are received, such as sampling weather conditions or sampling method.
The MDH Environmental laboratory is the primary lab used by the Ambient Groundwater Monitoring
Network to provide analytical data. This laboratory provides information to the MPCA as both an
electronic report and as an EQuIS EDD from its laboratory information management system (LIMS), as is
required by the interagency agreement between the MPCA and the MDH laboratory. The electronic
laboratory report is stored in OnBase as previously described, and the EQuIS database team imports the
laboratory EDD into the EQuIS database. Similar to the field data storage, the EQuIS database team first
uses the EQuIS EDP software to check the laboratory EDD for any errors. If any are found, the MPCA
Ambient Groundwater Monitoring staff, EQuIS database team, and MDH laboratory work together to
resolve the errors. Typically, these are very few.
SGS AXYS Analytical Labs is another lab that provides analytical data to the MPCA. This laboratory is
located in British Columbia, Canada, and analyzes CEC samples including antibiotics, medications, DEET
and bisphenol A. This laboratory does not currently provide these data to the MPCA in the form of an
“EQuIS-ready” EDD. Currently, these data are imported into a MicroSoft Access database, and an in-
house program is used to transform this information into an EQuIS EDD that can be entered into the
agency’s database.
Sample tracking
The MPCA groundwater staff use the electronic sampling plans developed using the EQuIS SPM software
to track the entry of all of the scheduled data into the agency’s water-quality database. The staff tracks
the data by running a SPM Completeness Report from EQuIS Professional or Enterprise. The
completeness report lists all of the scheduled sampling tasks for the network, summarizes the
percentage of completed tasks, and specifically lists which, if any, wells are missing water level, field
measurement data such as water temperature and specific conductance, or laboratory analytical data.
MPCA staff periodically review the SPM completeness report for any missing data. If the staff finds any
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missing data, they either import the missing field EDDs into the database or work with the MPCA
database team to process any missing laboratory EDDs.
Data verification
The MPCA groundwater monitoring staff must verify whether the field and laboratory information
initially entered into the water-quality database is accurate before they disseminate this information to
the public. The staff do this by following a written data verification procedure. After this is complete, the
groundwater monitoring staff change the approval codes in the agency’s
water-quality database (if approved this is set to “Final”). This is a key step because the approval code
controls how this information is disseminated to others (discussed further in the Data Dissemination
section of this report).
As part of the data verification process, the MPCA groundwater monitoring staff reviews the COC forms
before submitting them to the laboratory. This ensures that the forms do not contain any incorrect
information such as well identifiers or sampling dates. These types of errors usually result from a
typographical error. The MPCA staff correct any errors before the COC form it sent to the laboratory.
The groundwater monitoring staff also review the written analytical reports from the contracted
laboratory(ies) to ensure that no typographical errors are present in them, the quality control data
associated with the chemical analysis is within the established limits, and evaluate any data that does
not conform to these criteria. Typographical errors occasionally occur in the laboratory reports because
their current process (2017) is to have the staff transcribe the information about the samples contained
on the COC form into their LIMS by hand. The written reports received from the analytical
laboratory(ies) contain a summary of the samples received, a copy of the original COC form, a Sample
Condition Upon Receipt Form, and the QA results which usually include a method blank, laboratory
control sample, matrix spike samples, and duplicates. Organic chemistry results, such as volatile organic
compounds or CECs, also contain surrogate recovery information. The MPCA monitoring staff compares
the summary of samples received in the laboratory report to the submitted COC form to ensure that all
of the sample information, including well identifiers and sampling dates, match. If the MPCA staff notice
any discrepancies during this review, the MPCA and the laboratory both make the corrections in the
laboratory’s LIMS and MPCA’s water-quality database. It is important to update both databases with any
changes. In some rare instances, the laboratory makes a correction to their data and reissues the
information to the MPCA. Sometimes these data reissuances can occur years after the original sample
collection date, and the reissued data readily import much smoother into the EQuIS database when
there are no discrepancies between the agency’s database and the laboratory’s LIMS. The MPCA
monitoring staff also reviews the quality control data contained in the report to ensure they meet the
acceptance criteria. This review includes ensuring that any data that does not conform to the these
criteria are qualified appropriately.
In the last step of the data verification process, the MPCA monitoring staff compare the field and
laboratory data to any prior measurements collected from the well. The staff use a script developed
using the statistical package R to make these comparisons. This script runs beneath a graphical user
interface and outputs summary statistics and plots to identify any chemicals that have concentrations
outside of the normal range expected for the site (outliers). If the MPCA staff notice any outliers in this
review, they then examine the analytical data associated with the entire batch of the chemicals analyzed
with the outlier. The staff do this to determine the source of the suspect value. The outlying value could
result from a bottle switch in the field or laboratory. In rare instances, the laboratory inadvertently does
not apply a dilution factor when performing calculations. The MPCA monitoring staff work with the
laboratory to correct any of these errors if they are identified. In these cases, the laboratory issues an
Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
amended data report and laboratory EDD to the MPCA. To date, data verification reviews by the MPCA
have not found any errors resulting from bottle switches. In the event that a bottle switch was found,
the data would be set with an approval code of “Rejected” unless other supporting information from the
field or laboratory justify changing information.
Laboratory audits
Staff from the MPCA’s Environmental Data Quality Unit audits the data packages completed for the
agency’s Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network. These audits currently focus on the CEC data
packages, but these QA/QC efforts also can include reviews of project or program data quality
objectives, contract compliance, and laboratory quality assurance project plans. The MPCA uses these
audits to detect deficiencies requiring specific program or laboratory corrective actions, and are crucial
to verifying that MPCA staff and contractors follow all required protocols. The probability of errors,
undetected problems, and compromised data quality objectives increase enhancing the need to re-
sample or redesign the program when the MPCA does not conduct audits. Unresolved errors may
corrupt datasets and render data useless.
If the MPCA finds any irregularities during the data package audits, the agency may require an
explanatory narrative that fully discusses sample results and the problems encountered followed by a
corrective action. These data audits will require the laboratory to submit a variety of information such as
instrument printouts, chromatograms, raw data, sample calculations, complete project/COC records,
detection limits for current instrument studies, documentation for the preparation, analyses, and
reporting of the sample data, all of the laboratory’s internal QC information, and documentation on
source and tracking of standards. The MPCA staff use these data to verify that the data reported is
meeting the quality criteria stated in the laboratory’s Quality Assurance Manual and Standard Operating
Data dissemination
The approved information from the MPCA’s Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network is available to
all staff in the agency, as well as the public. The data is available to all agency staff through either the
EQuIS Enterprise or EQuIS Professional programs. By default, the most-commonly used EQuIS reports
retrieve water-quality data that the MPCA staff set with an approval code of “Final” in the database. The
MPCA also disseminates approved data to the public online through the MPCA’s Environmental Data
Access (EDA) Portal and the EPA’s WQX. In the EDA portal, the user can download the information, view
it in a tabular format, or display it on a map. While viewing in tabular form in EDA, the user can filter the
results by the station identifier, name, purpose, and/or type as well as specify a start date, analyte
group, geographic type or a specific area within the chosen geographic type. In the map view there is
the option to display groundwater stations, and drinking water supply management areas, as well as
boundaries for cities, townships, public land survey system (PLSS), zip code, MN districts (i.e. house, and
senate), counties, and watersheds. There is also the option while viewing the map display of the data to
use tools such as zoom, pan, search, draw, measure, print, retrieve the coordinates of a location, and
change the base map.
These two data portals are available online from either the MPCA or EPA at:
Data Management Protocol July 2017 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
MPCA policies and memorandums
Agency policy and state law governs the management of the data from the MPCA’s Ambient
Groundwater Monitoring Network. Some of the key data management policy documents and statutes
are listed below.
Minnesota Data Practices Act. 13 Minnesota Statutes (2017).
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Record Retention Schedule (2010).
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Administrative Policy: Not Public Data Protection. (2016).
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Administrative Policy: Records and Data Management. (2016).
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network Recordkeeping
Procedures (2016).