9.6 Million Links in Source Code Comments:
Purpose, Evolution, and Decay
Hideaki Hata
, Christoph Treude
, Raula Gaikovina Kula
and Takashi Ishio
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
{hata, raula-k, ishio}@is.naist.jp
University of Adelaide
Abstract—Links are an essential feature of the World Wide
Web, and source code repositories are no exception. However,
despite their many undisputed benefits, links can suffer from
decay, insufficient versioning, and lack of bidirectional traceabil-
ity. In this paper, we investigate the role of links contained in
source code comments from these perspectives. We conducted a
large-scale study of around 9.6 million links to establish their
prevalence, and we used a mixed-methods approach to identify
the links’ targets, purposes, decay, and evolutionary aspects.
We found that links are prevalent in source code repositories,
that licenses, software homepages, and specifications are common
types of link targets, and that links are often included to provide
metadata or attribution. Links are rarely updated, but many link
targets evolve. Almost 10% of the links included in source code
comments are dead. We then submitted a batch of link-fixing
pull requests to open source software repositories, resulting in
most of our fixes being merged successfully. Our findings indicate
that links in source code comments can indeed be fragile, and
our work opens up avenues for future work to address these
When Ted Nelson started Project Xanadu
in 1960, he
envisioned “an entire form of literature where links do not
break as versions change; where documents may be closely
compared side by side and closely annotated; where it is
possible to see the origins of every quotation; and in which
there is a valid copyright system—a literary, legal and business
arrangement—for friction-less, non-negotiated quotation at
any time and in any amount” [25]. Links were supposed to
be visible and could be followed from all endpoints, with
permission to link to a document explicitly granted by the
act of publication [2]. Decades later, Nelson witnessed the
birth of the World Wide Web, which in his words “trivialized
this original Xanadu model, vastly but incorrectly simplifying
these problems to a world of fragile ever-breaking one-way
links, with no recognition of change or copyright, and no
support for multiple versions or principled re-use” [25]. As
predicted by Nelson, the Internet and its implementation
of links have afforded us countless opportunities since, but
also experienced issues such as link decay [17], [22], digital
plagiarism [9], and the need to rely on external services to
keep historical copies of web content [24].
In this work, we investigate the role of links contained in
source code comments from the perspective of these oppor-
tunities and challenges: what purposes do they serve, how do
they and their targets evolve, and how often do they break?
The significance of this work is closely related to software
documentation [33] and self-admitted technical debt [28]. To
improve documentation and mitigate potential issues, it is
important to understand developers’ typical knowledge sharing
activities by referencing external sources, and to investigate
link decay as a potential problem.
Our work is related to and inspired by recent research on
source code comments in terms of documentation, traceability,
licensing, and attribution. For example, source code comments
have been found to document technical debt [28] and to
support articulation work [36]. They are fragile with respect
to identifier renaming, i.e., traceability between comments and
code is easily lost [32]. Source code comments located at the
beginning of a file often include a text or a link indicating
the copyright and license information of the file [12]. These
comments are updated during the evolution of a product by
the copyright holders [42]. Links in source code comments
are sometimes used for attribution when source code has
been taken from elsewhere—however, the vast majority of
code snippets is copied without attribution [7], [8]. Despite
these research efforts, to the best of our knowledge, the
role of links in source code comments has not been studied
comprehensively so far.
To fill this gap, in this paper, we first lay the foundation
for understanding the role of links in source code comments
by collecting 9,654,702 links from source code comments in
25,925 Git repositories. Our parser is able to extract comments
from source code written in 7 programming languages. We
find that links in source code comments are common: more
than 80% of the repositories in our study contained at least one
link. Through a qualitative study of a stratified sample of 1,146
links, we establish the kinds of link targets that are referenced
in source code comments. To understand how links are used to
indicate issues related to attribution, technical debt, copyright,
and licensing, our qualitative study also uncovers the various
purposes for including links in source code comments. We
find that licenses, software homepages, and specifications are
among the most prevalent types of link targets, and that links
are often used to provide metadata or attribution.
arXiv:1901.07440v2 [cs.SE] 15 Feb 2019
Link decay has the potential of making documentation in
source code comments fragile and buggy. We investigate this
issue from two perspectives: we analyze the evolution of the
links in the repositories’ commit histories and we examine how
often link targets referenced in source code comments change.
We find that links are rarely updated, but their targets evolve,
in almost 10% of all cases leading to dead links. We then
submit fixes to a subset of these broken links as pull requests,
most of which were successfully merged by the maintainers
of the corresponding open source projects.
In summary, this paper’s contributions are three-fold:
a large-scale and comprehensive study of around 9.6
million links to establish the prevalence of links in source
code comments,
a mixed-methods study to identify targets, purposes, and
evolutionary aspects of links in source code comments,
an analysis of the extent to which links in source code
comments are affected by link decay, with all nine link-
fixing pull requests submitted to active open source
projects already merged by the projects’ maintainers.
In this section, we present our research questions and data
collection methodology, and we introduce the data contained
in our online appendix.
A. Research Questions
The main goal of the study is to gain insights into the pur-
poses, evolution and decay of links in source code comments.
Based on this goal, we constructed seven research questions
to guide our study. We now present each of these questions,
along with the motivation for each.
(RQ1): How prevalent are links in source code comments?
The motivation of RQ1 is to understand whether the use
of links in source code is a common practice in the wild.
Furthermore, we would like to quantitatively explore the
distribution, diversity, and spread of these links across different
types of software projects.
(RQ2): What kind of link targets are referenced in source
code comments?
(RQ3): What purpose do links in source code serve?
RQ2 and RQ3 require a deeper analysis of the repositories,
where we would like to understand the nature and purpose
that the links serve. The key motivation for RQ2 is to identify
the types of link targets that developers are likely to refer
to in source code comments. Furthermore, we would like
to characterize the most common types of linked domains.
The key motivation for RQ3 is to determine the reasons why
developers use links.
(RQ4): How do links in source code comments evolve?
(RQ5): How frequently do link targets referenced in source
code comments change?
(RQ6): How many links in source code comments are dead?
TABLE I: Collected repositories and links
# candidate repo # obtained repo (%) # links
C 2,771 2,482 (90%) 1,602,156
C++ 3,563 3,211 (90%) 1,686,575
Java 4,995 4,472 (90%) 2,925,909
JavaScript 7,130 6,224 (87%) 1,533,219
Python 5,263 4,715 (90%) 413,020
PHP 3,279 2,827 (86%) 1,405525
Ruby 2,233 1,994 (89%) 88,298
sum 29,234 25,925 (89%) 9,654,702
RQ4, RQ5, and RQ6 investigate the phenomenon of links in
source code comments from an evolutionary and maintenance
standpoint. We would like to understand whether developers
are updating or maintaining these links after introducing them
to the source code, whether the targets evolve, and how many
of the links are affected by link decay.
(RQ7): Can we fix dead links in source code comments?
Our aim for RQ7 is two-fold. First, we would like to show
that dead links can be restored and fixed. Second, the results
can serve as a validation that developers care about the
maintenance of links in their code.
B. Data Collection
We now describe our methods for repository preparation,
comment extraction, and link identification.
Repository preparation. In this work, we analyzed active
software development repositories on GitHub written in com-
mon programming languages. As common programming lan-
guages, we selected seven languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript,
Python, PHP, and Ruby. These languages have been ranked
consistently in the top 10 languages on GitHub from 2008
to 2017 (based on the number of repositories from 2008 to
2015 [20], the number of pull requests from 2014 to 2017 [10],
and the number of pull requests in 2017 [13]).
Using the GHTorrent dataset
[16], we collected active
repositories for the seven languages using the following
criteria: (i) having more than 500 commits in their entire
history (the same threshold used in previous work [4]), and
(ii) having at least 100 commits in the most active two
years. We designed the second criterion to remove long-term
less active repositories and short-term projects that have
not been maintained for long (and may not be software
development projects). For example, we were able to exclude
which is a repository of a collaboration space for students
in a particular university course, and was reported as a false
positive of software project identification [23]. We determine
repositories’ languages based on the GHTorrent information.
Forked repositories are excluded if repositories are recorded
in GHTorrent as forks of other repositories.
With the above criteria, we prepared the candidate list of
target repositories for the seven languages as shown in Table I.
MySQL database dump 2018-04-01 from http://ghtorrent.org/downloads.
When we collected these candidate repositories (from May to
June 2018), some repositories were not available because they
had been deleted or made private. In total, we obtained more
than 25,000 repositories, which is almost 90% of the candidate
Comment extraction. From each Git repository, we extract
source files of the labeled language in the HEAD commit (the
latest snapshot of a cloned repository). For example, only
.java files are extracted from a Java repository. To process
source files, we employ ANTLR4 lexical analyzers for six
languages other than Ruby because their grammar definitions
are available in the official example repository.
For Ruby, we
use a standard library, Ripper parser.
We extract all single line comments (e.g., // in C) and mul-
tiline comments (/
/) according to the grammars. In
the case of Python, string literals (’’’ ... ’’’) are also re-
garded as comments because they include documents (known
as docstring). In the case of PHP, both HTML comments and
PHP code comments are extracted.
Link identification. From the extracted comments, links
are identified using the regular expression /http\S+/ (lo-
calhost and IP addresses, which are mainly used for pri-
vate addresses, are excluded) and validated with the Perl
module Data::Validate::URI. We identified a total of
9,654,702 links from the collected repositories as seen in
Table I. All links are recorded with the information of the
corresponding file, repository identifiers (pairs of account and
repository names), commit hashes, and the line number where
the surrounding comment starts. Considering the number of
repositories, we found that repositories written in C, C++, and
Java tend to contain more links compared to repositories in
Python and Ruby.
C. Online Appendix
Our online appendix contains our 9,654,702 links associated
with the information of languages and comment location
(GitHub links including account names, repository names,
commit hashes, file paths, and line numbers). The appendix is
available at https://github.com/NAIST-SE/9.6MillionLinks.
In this section, we present our findings for each research
A. Prevalence of Links (RQ1)
To understand the prevalence of links referenced in source
code comments (RQ1), we conducted a quantitative analysis
of our collected dataset in terms of link existence, domain
diversity, and domain popularity.
Link existence. Figure 1a show the percentages of reposito-
ries that have at least one link in their source code comments.
We see that, in every language, more than 80% of the
repositories contain links in source code comments. Especially
for repositories written in C, C++, and PHP, more than 90%
of the repositories refer to external sources via links.
Domain diversity. In the obtained 9,654,702 links, there
are 57,039 distinct domains (Internet hostnames). Figure 1b
shows the distribution of the number of distinct domains
per repository, for repositories that have at least one link in
their source code comments. Median values are presented in
the figure. We found that there is a diversity of links in a
single repository even when summarized by their domains.
Especially in repositories written in C, C++, JavaScript, and
PHP, source code comments link to 10 or more different
domains (median).
Popular domains. Figure 1c illustrates the proportion of
languages shared by the top 10 most referenced domains. Note
that domain ranking is based on the number of repositories
instead of the number of links. If links belonging to a domain
appear in a small number of repositories, the domain will be
low-ranked even if those repositories contain many links.
The github.com domain is the top referenced domain
in our dataset. More than 14,000 repositories across seven
languages referenced content on github.com. As we will
describe in detail in Section III-B, such content includes
software homepage, code, and profile of a GitHub contrib-
utor. However, we find in Section III-F that many links
to github.com are no longer available. We also found
many links to code.google.com (7th rank). Such content
includes bug report, software homepage, and code. In a
statistically representative sample of common domains (sam-
pling described in Section III-B), two out of three links to
code.google.com are redirected to github.com, and
one links to code.google.com/archive/.
The stackoverflow.com domain is the second most
referenced domain and has been linked to from 8,189 repos-
itories. As identified in previous work, Stack Overflow is
widely used as a knowledge exchange platform between
programmers [38], where programmers can obtain knowledge
of good practices from code examples [29], [35], for example.
The large number of links to stackoverflow.com in
source code comments can be another piece of evidence of
developers’ needs for knowledge acquisition from external
resources. We study how code could be obsolete by not being
updated when external sources change in Section III-E.
The top domains differ by programming language: The
www.apache.org domain is frequently linked from Java
repositories, and the www.gnu.org domain is referenced
from C and C++ repositories. Repositories written in
JavaScript have many links to the Web-related domains of
www.w3.org and developer.mozilla.org.
Summary: We revealed that links in source code com-
ments are prevalent. In more than 80% of the 25,925
active repositories written in seven common languages,
there exists at least one link in each repository. The top
three most frequently referenced domains per reposi-
tory are github.com, stackoverflow.com, and
92% 8%
91% 9%
89% 11%
87% 13%
92% 8%
87% 13%
84% 16%
(a) Ratio of repositories with links
c c++ java javascript php python ruby
(b) Distribution of number of different domains per repository
10.4% 13.1% 16.8% 23.9% 17.5% 11.7% 6.7%
1.4%2.8%2.7% 81.3% 1.6% 8.7% 1.5%
18.5% 13.8% 13.7% 22.1% 9.6% 19.9% 2.4%
18.1% 20.8% 4.5% 39.1% 6% 10.2% 1.2%
8.9% 15% 15.1% 39.9% 8.9% 11.7% 0.7%
21.8% 22.4% 14.2% 8.1% 14.8% 17.6% 1%
6.3% 9.8% 15.1% 42.7% 9.3% 15.1% 1.7%
6.8% 9.2% 37.5% 26.8% 11.1% 6.2%2.3%
14.1% 18.8% 13.8% 24.9% 13.4% 11.8% 3.2%
8% 14.1% 15.3% 30.3% 18.4% 9.8% 4%
8.3% 10.5% 13.2% 31.7% 16.9% 11.2% 8.2%
(10) developer.mozilla.org
(9) tools.ietf.org
(8) msdn.microsoft.com
(7) code.google.com
(6) www.gnu.org
(5) www.w3.org
(4) www.apache.org
(3) en.wikipedia.org
(2) stackoverflow.com
(1) github.com
(c) Proportion of repository languages shared by the top 10 most referenced domains.
Fig. 1: Analysis of links by (a) languages, (b) domain diversity, and (c) top domains for RQ1
Fig. 2: Distribution of links per domain
B. Link Targets (RQ2)
To understand what kind of link targets are referenced in
source code comments (RQ2), we conducted a qualitative
study of a statistically representative and stratified sample of
all links in our dataset.
After an initial analysis of the link data, it quickly became
obvious that some domains account for many links while other
domains are rare. Based on this observation and to ensure
diversity of our sample, we divided the data into three strata:
1) links to commonly linked domains,
2) links to domains sometimes linked, and
3) links to rarely linked domains.
To decide on thresholds for distinguishing domains into
those that are commonly, sometimes, and rarely linked, we
conducted a visual analysis of the distribution of links per
domain in our dataset. Figure 2 shows this distribution using
a log scale. While content from the most commonly linked
TABLE II: Construction of the stratified sample
strata # domains # links # links in sample
common 2,013 9,128,444 384
sometimes 30,851 502,083 384
rare 24,175 24,175 378
sum 57,039 9,654,702 1,146
domain was linked more than a million times, many domains
appeared in our dataset with a much lower frequency. We used
the “step” in the distribution on the left-hand side of Figure 2
to distinguish between domains that are commonly linked and
domains that are sometimes linked, with a cutoff frequency of
230. We consider domains which account for exactly one link
in our dataset to be rarely linked. Table II shows the number of
domains and the number of links in each strata. We then drew
a statistically representative sample from each bucket. The
required sample size was calculated so that our conclusions
about the ratio of links with a specific characteristic would
generalize to all links in the same bucket with a confidence
level of 95% and a confidence interval of 5.
The calculation of
statistically significant sample sizes based on population size,
confidence interval, and confidence level is well established
(first published by Krejcie and Morgan in 1970 [19]).
The qualitative analysis was conducted in multiple itera-
tions: in the first iteration, the first two authors independently
coded 20 links from the sample, discussed a common coding
guide, and tested this coding guide on another 20 links from
the sample, refining the guide, merging codes, and adding
codes which had been missed. The initial codes were informed
by those used by Aniche et al. [5] to categorize content posted
on news aggregators, however, we found that their codes did
not cover all types of link targets present in our dataset.
In the second iteration, the four authors of this paper then
independently coded another 30 links from the sample, using
the coding guide designed by the first two authors. We then
calculated the kappa agreement of this iteration between all
four raters, for 30 cases and all 19 codes that emerged from
the qualitative analysis.
The kappa agreement was 0.81 or
“almost perfect” [39]. Based on this encouraging result, the
remaining data was then coded by a single author.
The following list shows the 19 codes that emerged from
our analysis along with a short description which was available
in the coding guide:
404: link target does not exist (anymore) or cannot be
licence: licence of a software project
software homepage: main web presence of a library or
software project
specification: anything that resembles a requirements doc-
ument or a technical standard
organization homepage: main web presence of an orga-
nization or company
other: anything that does not fit the other codes, including
if sign-in is required
tutorial or article: technical article or tutorial, without
commenting section (blog post otherwise)
API documentation: documentation of an API element
blog post: technical content with a commenting section
application: interactive application (e.g., web application,
online utility)
bug report: bug report or issue in an online bug/issue
research paper: academic paper
personal homepage: personal homepage of one individual
code: a source code file
forum thread: thread in a forum or entire forum
GitHub profile: profile of a GitHub contributor
book content: chapter/section of a book or entire book
Q&A thread: question-and-answer thread, but not Stack
Stack Overflow: question-and-answer thread on Stack
Taxonomy of link targets. Table III shows the result of our
qualitative analysis. For commonly-linked domains, license is
the most common type of link target, accounting for more
than half of the links in our sample, followed by software
homepages, i.e., the main web presence of a library or software
project. For domains that are linked sometimes from source
code comments, the most common type of link target was 404,
a non-existing link target. This is a first indicator of the decay
Kappa agreement was calculated using http://justusrandolph.net/kappa/.
TABLE III: Frequency of link target types in our sample
common sometimes rare
404 27 (7%) 122 (32%) 138 (37%)
license 208 (54%) 4 (1%) 1 (0%)
software homepage 55 (14%) 65 (17%) 28 (7%)
specification 21 (5%) 33 (9%) 32 (8%)
organization homepage 16 (4%) 41 (11%) 24 (6%)
other 5 (1%) 23 (6%) 45 (12%)
tutorial or article 16 (4%) 21 (5%) 31 (8%)
API documentation 14 (4%) 20 (5%) 10 (3%)
blog post 1 (0%) 10 (3%) 22 (6%)
application 0 (0%) 11 (3%) 13 (3%)
bug report 9 (2%) 10 (3%) 3 (1%)
research paper 0 (0%) 9 (2%) 13 (3%)
personal homepage 4 (1%) 8 (2%) 4 (1%)
code 6 (2%) 2 (1%) 5 (1%)
forum thread 0 (0%) 5 (1%) 6 (2%)
book content 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (1%)
GitHub profile 1 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Stack Overflow thread 1 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Q&A thread 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
sum 384(100%) 384(100%) 378(100%)
of links in source code comments, which we will analyze
in detail in the next sections. Software homepages are also
prevalent, as are organization homepages, both accounting for
more than 10% of all links in our sample. Finally, for links
from domains which are rarely linked, the problem of decay is
even more serious, affecting 37% of the links in this sample.
In other words, we can conclude with a 95% confidence that
between 32 and 42% of all links to domains which are rarely
linked from source code comments are dead or inaccessible.
The prevalence of the code “other” in the results for links to
rarely linked domains is an indicator of the diversity of links
present in source code comments.
Summary: We identified more than a dozen different
kinds of link targets, with dead links, licenses, and
software homepages being the most prevalent. Dead
links are particularly common for rarely linked do-
C. Link Purpose (RQ3)
To understand the purpose of links referenced in source code
comments (RQ3) and similar to (RQ2), we again employed
a qualitative analysis of our statistically representative and
stratified sample of 1,146 links, only this time focusing on
the origin of a link (in a source comment) rather than the
target of the link. We used the same iterative approach to
design a coding guide, and validated the coding guide by
having the four authors code 30 links independently, this
time leading to a kappa agreement of 0.70 which indicates
“substantial” agreement [39]. The somewhat lower agreement
can be explained by the need to extrapolate the purpose of a
link from its context in the source code alone, without being
able to interview the contributor who added the link.
The following list shows all 8 codes that emerged from
our analysis for link purpose, along with a short description
TABLE IV: Frequency of link purposes in our sample
common sometimes rare
metadata 288 (75%) 131 (34%) 43 (11%)
source/attribution 27 (7%) 62 (16%) 75 (20%)
source code context 18 (5%) 60 (16%) 80 (21%)
see-also 28 (7%) 59 (15%) 51 (13%)
commented-out source code 1 (0%) 17 (4%) 70 (19%)
link-only 6 (2%) 24 (6%) 40 (11%)
self-admitted technical debt 11 (3%) 16 (4%) 13 (3%)
@see 5 (1%) 15 (4%) 6 (2%)
sum 384(100%) 384(100%) 378(100%)
which was available in the coding guide. The coding guide was
informed by work on source code comments (e.g., [36]), self-
admitted technical debt (e.g., [28]), and attribution (e.g., [7]).
metadata: the link relates to the author of the source code,
a related organization, or the license
source/attribution: the comment explicitly indicates that
the link is a source of some aspect of the source code
(e.g., algorithm)
source code context: the link adds additional information
to the source code (use this code for things that do not
obviously fit into any of the previous)
see-also: the comment explicitly indicates that the link
points to additional reading material (usually accompa-
nied by a phrase such as “see also”).
commented-out source code: the link is part of the source
code, e.g., as a parameter value, but has been commented
link-only: the comment only contains the link
self-admitted technical debt: bug-related, like
workaround, under development, and so on
@see: the link is accompanied by @see”, but no further
Note that our coding guide required the indicators of see-
also and source/attribution to be explicit, thus reducing the
guesswork required as part of the qualitative analysis.
Taxonomy of link purpose. Table IV shows the results
of the qualitative analysis. For links to commonly linked
domains, providing metadata, e.g., in the forum of licenses
or author information, is by far the most common purpose of
a link, covering three quarters of the links in our sample. For
links to domains which are only sometimes linked, metadata
only accounts for one third of the data, followed by links
included for the purpose of attribution, providing context, or
see-also information. The results for links to rarely linked
domains are even more diverse: we can see from the table
that these links are used for context, attribution, and as part of
the source code functionality (albeit commented out), to name
the top three. Six of the eight codes account for at least 10%
of the links in this part of our sample.
Matching link target with purpose. Based on the quali-
tative analysis conducted for answering RQ2 and RQ3 about
the targets and purposes of links in source code comments,
we are now able to investigate the relationships between the
different types of link targets and the different purposes which
TABLE V: Associations between link target type and link
strata association rule conf. supp.
common license metadata 1.00 208
common metadata license 0.72 208
common software homepage metadata 0.75 41
common organization homepage metadata 0.88 14
common bug report satd 0.78 7
common satd bug report 0.64 7
common personal homepage metadata 1.00 4
sometimes software homepage metadata 0.65 42
sometimes organization homepage metadata 0.80 33
sometimes personal homepage metadata 1.00 8
sometimes license metadata 1.00 4
rare personal homepage metadata 1.00 4
emerged from our qualitative analysis. To do so, we applied
association rule learning using the apriori algorithm [1] as
implemented in the R package arules
to our data, treating
each link as a transaction containing two items: its target type
and its purpose. We used 4 as threshold for support and 0.7
as threshold for confidence, i.e., all rules that we extracted are
supported by at least four data points and we have at least a
70% confidence that the left hand side of the rule implies the
right hand side.
Table V shows the association rules extracted from our data
with these settings, separately for each stratum in our sample.
Unsurprisingly, the link target type license and the purpose
of providing metadata are tightly connected, in particular for
links referring to commonly linked domains. In fact, all links
to licenses were found to have been included for the reason
of providing metadata, and 72% of the metadata is license
information. Links to software, organization, and personal
homepages are also associated with metadata, across all strata.
Although with a relatively low support of seven instances, it
is also interesting to note the tight coupling of the link target
type bug report and the purpose of admitting technical debt.
Summary: We identified different purposes for the
inclusion of links in source code comments, with
providing metadata and attribution being the most
common. Links are also included for background in-
formation, to provide context, or to admit technical
debt. In some cases, the link is part of source code
which has been commented out.
D. Link Evolution (RQ4)
To understand how links evolve (RQ4), we investigated the
revision histories of repositories in the samples from (RQ2).
For each sample link, we searched an old version of the link
that has been revised by a commit that introduced the link.
We extracted such a commit introducing a link by using the
git log command (-S option with tracking file renaming). We
searched http(s) links removed from the code location where
TABLE VI: Link Evolution Types
common sometimes rare
license 12 (50%) 1 (3%) 1 (3%)
organization 7 (29%) 10 (32%) 3 (9%)
https 2 (8%) 1 (3%) 5 (15%)
content move 0 (0%) 2 (6%) 6 (18%)
content update 1 (4%) 3 (10%) 4 (12%)
content change 0 (0%) 6 (19%) 2 (6%)
other 2 (8%) 8 (26%) 12 (36%)
sum 24 (100%) 31 (100%) 33 (100%)
the sample link has been added. We identified 88 revised links
out of 1,146 samples, including 24 (6.3%) in common, 31
(8.1%) in sometimes, and 33 (8.7%) in rare. Less than 10%
of the links had been revised in each strata, that is, most of
the links have never been updated.
We manually analyzed the old and new paths of the links
and identified the following evolution types:
license replacement: a new link refers to a new software
license. For example, a link to GNU GPL has been
replaced with a link to the Apache License.
organization update: a project or an organization changed
its name or website. For example, a project that acquired
their own domain updated links to their project website.
change to https: a new link uses HTTPS instead of HTTP
for the same location as the previous link.
content move: a new link refers to a slightly different
location (e.g. the same path on a different server, the same
document name on a different wiki), which is likely the
same content.
content update: a new link refers to different content from
the previous link, but the new content is likely updated.
For example, the Apache Jackrabbit project replaced a
link pointing to a draft version of a document
with a
link to an RFC version.
content change: a new link refers to relevant but different
content from the previous link. For example, the Pi4J
project replaced a link related to the usage of a serial
port of Raspberry Pie
with another similar document.
other: we could not identify types for some links whose
contents are no longer available. It should be noted that
the contents for 20 updated links are 404 Not Found.
Reasons for link evolution. Table VI shows the numbers
of link evolution in the three strata. For commonly-linked
domains, license replacement and updating organizational
information account for about 80% of link revisions. For
domains sometimes linked, organization update is the most
common, followed by other and content change. For rarely-
TABLE VII: Link target evolution within a 10-day timeframe
evolution # of links
no content returned on both dates 112
no changes between the two dates 879
content not available anymore 6
auto-generated changes (e.g., # of visitors) 125
content changed 7
“latest” updated 7
design change (e.g., new banner added) 6
different error (e.g., 502 301) 3
page title changed 1
sum 1,146
linked domains, links are revised for content move, content
update, and change to https.
Summary: Links are rarely updated (less than 9%).
Common modifications are updating licenses and or-
ganization homepages.
E. Link Target Evolution (RQ5)
After understanding the evolution of links, our next research
question (RQ5) asks about the evolution of their targets. To
investigate whether link targets referenced in source code
comments evolve, we attempted to download all link targets
in our sample of 1,146 links using the curl command with a
timeout of 60 seconds. As already discussed as part of (RQ2),
not all link targets are available. We were able to download a
total of 1,034 link targets (90%). We then repeated the same
download process exactly ten days later, to see how many of
the link targets had changed within this short time frame and
what kind of changes had happened.
Changes to the link target. Table VII summarizes the
results of this analysis: out of the 1,034 link targets for which
curl returned a result, 879 (85%) had not changed at all in the
ten-day time frame (the downloaded content was exactly the
same, as per the Windows file compare tool fc). We manually
analyzed the 155 cases in which the content had changed
by opening both versions in a web browser and conducting
a visual comparison. The majority of the changes in the
remaining 15% can be attributed to automatically generated
changes, such as the display of a visitor count or the current
date in a footer.
However, a non-negligible number of link targets underwent
more significant changes in the ten-day time window: For
six links for which we were able to retrieve data on the
first download date, there was no content available anymore
ten days later. For three links which had displayed an error
message when we first attempted to download their content,
the specific error message changed. Some link targets changed
their website design, and for a few links, the content changed.
For example, the download page of TaskWarrior
included the
following notice when we first downloaded its content: “(For
those of you wishing to build task from source on Cygwin,
you will need some components installed (make, g++/clang,
GnuTLS, libuuid, libreadline), but don’t forget - task is a
standard part of the Cygwin distribution, so you do not need
to build from source, unless you want the latest development
snapshot). Ten days later, this notice was replaced with:
“(Please note, that Cygwin is not supported anymore. Please
use the Windows Subsystem for Linux to use Taskwarrior on
Windows). We argue that this kind of change is relevant to
software developers.
Stack Overflow case study. To investigate this phenomenon
in more detail, we conducted a case study with the subset of
links pointing to Stack Overflow. As seen in Section III-A,
stackoverflow.com is the second most referenced do-
In all 9,654,702 obtained links, there are 32,197 links
belonging to stackoverflow.com. Among those Stack
Overflow links, there are varieties of expressions: an abbrevi-
ated path to an answer (/a/(answer id)), an abbreviated
path to a question (/q/(question id)), and a full path to
a question (/questions/(question id)/(title)).
Older links start with http:// and newer links start with
https://’. For each Stack Overflow link, we identified the
timestamp of when the link was added to a repository by
using the same git log command (-S option with tracking
file renaming) used in Section III-D. For duplicate links, we
consider only the oldest timestamp. Consequently, we obtained
a list of 11,464 distinct links with their timestamps.
We then made use of the SOTorrent dataset [8] to investigate
the extent to which Stack Overflow content had changed since
the link to the question or answer had been added to a source
code comment in a Git repository. We created a statistically
representative sample of 372 links from the population of all
unique links to Stack Overflow content in our dataset, and we
queried SOTorrent to determine the following metrics for each
the number of text edits on any post (i.e., question or
answer) in the same thread,
the number of new comments on any post (i.e., question
or answer) in the same thread,
the number of new answers in the same thread, and
the number of edits to the thread title.
Thread updates. Figure 3 shows the results of this analysis.
More than half of all Stack Overflow threads had at least one
change made to the text of a question or answer in the same
thread (median: 1, third quartile: 3) after they were committed
to a Git repository as part of a source code comment, and more
than half of these links attracted at least one new comment in
the meantime (median: 2, third quartile: 7). While the number
of new answers to a thread was zero in the median case, a
quarter of the Stack Overflow threads attracted at least 2 new
answers after the link was added in a source code comment
(median: 0, third quartile: 2). In total, only 91 (24%) of the
372 Stack Overflow threads in our sample did not undergo any
changes after they were added to a Git repository.
Text Edits Comments Answers Title Edits
0 20 40 60 80 100
Text Edits Comments Answers Title Edits
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 3: Number of changes to the linked Stack Overflow
threads after they were first referenced
The most extreme example in our sample—a Stack Over-
flow thread titled “How do you split a list into evenly sized
—had 45 new answers added (out of a total of 58)
and attracted 103 new comments, 50 edits, and one change to
the thread title after being first referenced in a source code
comment in early September 2010.
Summary: We found that even within a short ten-day
time window, a non-negligible portion of link targets
referenced in source code comments evolve, in some
cases adding or modifying pertinent information. In
our case study on links pointing to Stack Overflow,
we found that more than three quarters of all Stack
Overflow threads linked in source code comments
attracted at least one change (edit, new answer, or new
comment) after being first referenced in a source code
F. Link Decay (RQ6)
Among the obtained 9,654,702 links, there are 382,650
distinct links. To investigate the amount of dead links in source
code comments (RQ6), we accessed all Web contents from the
382,650 unique links by using the Perl module LWP.
Link retrieval responses. Table VIII shows obtained HTTP
Status Codes for all unique links. More than 80% of the
links were successfully reachable including redirecting to new
locations. Although some HTTP status codes do not clearly
mean links are dead, we found that about 9% of the links
are not available now (404 Not Found). Among these 404
links, we saw some patterns: Internet host lost, Web content
move/deletion, fake URL (for showing examples of parameters
or data structures), and link typo. The domain with the largest
number of 404s is github.com, with 3,346 links no longer
available or pointing to private repositories.
We used LWP::UserAgent and LWP::RobotUA.
TABLE VIII: HTTP Status Codes for All Unique Links
status # links (%)
2xx success 310,592 (81.2%)
404 not found 34,689 (9.1%)
500 internal server error 18,955 (5.0%)
405 method not allowed 10,104 (2,6%)
403 forbidden 4,068 (1.0%)
others 4,242 (1.1%)
sum 382,650 (100%)
Summary: We found that 9.1% of the link targets are
not available (404 Not Found), considering all unique
G. Fixing Dead Links (RQ7)
To fix dead links (RQ7), we collected fixable dead links and
submitted pull requests to fix. We select dead links that are not
metadata (need multiple files to be fixed) nor commented-out
source code. Personal blog articles were avoided because they
tend to be no longer available. Consequently we obtained 14
dead links to API documentation, research papers, and so on.
After checking the original content in Wayback Machine
we manually investigated new links by searching specific
keywords in the original content. Our fixing process included
first forking a personal copy of the project, fixing the link, and
then later submission of a pull request to the project.
Pull request results. Developers showed they cared about
dead links by accepting to all nine pull requests.
15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23
Since the link itself is a comment, we speculate that it has
almost no conflicts with existing code, so our pull requests
are likely to pass all tests and to be merged immediately.
Developers responded with comments such as “LGTM (looks
good to me)” and “Thanks for spotting the broken link”.
Overall, the responses from developers provide sufficient
motivation for tool support to assist with fixing broken links.
We argue that such comments indicate that developers are
concerned with keeping their links alive.
Summary: Developers generally responded positively
to the request to fix dead links. All nine responsive
projects accepted our pull requests to fix dead links.
Our findings can be summarized into recommendations for
developers and researchers.
Recommendations for software developers including links
in source code comments are:
Try referencing permanent links, as it is reported that
more than 30% of links will not work after a 4 year
period [18]. Referencing research papers with DOI is
preferable instead of researchers’ personal Web pages.
Explicitly mentioning tags or commit hashes to ref-
erenced code in GitHub would be recommended, as
software structure can be changed (we found many dead
links to GitHub in Section III-F).
Check link targets for new information on a regular basis,
as referenced external resources can be considered to be
software documentation to support comprehension and
maintenance activities. In addition, link target updates can
be triggers of improving and updating code (as seen in
Section III-E).
We can also consider future work with the following pos-
sible challenges.
Further understanding of external sources. We found
many sources as shown in Figure 1c and Table III.
Although some sources have been already studied, for
example, licenses [12], self-admitted technical debt [28],
and Stack Overflow [38], other sources have not been
well-studied with regard to their impact and influence
on software development, such as research papers and
Wikipedia articles.
Further studies of source code comments to understand
how knowledge (related to knowledge-based theory [44]
and human capital [26], [40]) is summarized and shared
via source code comments. Further analyses of source
code comment contents [27] would be required.
Tool support for external source referencing, tracking,
and updating. Although we recommend developers to
maintain links and associated code, it is not always pos-
sible. Tools or systems to help developers fix link issues
and maintain code automatically could be practically
Threats to the construct validity exist in our approach to
link identification. Since we identified links per line in source
code comments, links located across multiple lines cannot be
extracted. Note that we did not encounter any such multiple-
line links in our representative sample of 1,146 links. Hence
we consider that the impact of incorrect link identification
because of multiple-line links is small.
Threats to the external validity exist in our repository prepa-
ration. Although we analyzed a large amount of repositories on
GitHub, we cannot generalize our findings to industry nor open
source projects in general; some open source repositories are
hosted outside of GitHub, e.g., on GitLab or private servers.
To mitigate threats to reliability, we prepared an online
appendix of our 9,654,702 links with associated information
(see Section II-C).
We have discussed complementary work throughout the
paper in the relevant sections; here, we discuss literature
related to web resources and source code comments.
One of the most related studies is the one by Xia et al.
[43]. They investigated what developers search for on the Web,
and found that developers search for explanations of unknown
terminology, explanations for exceptions/error messages (e.g.,
HTTP 404), reusable code snippets, solutions to common
programming bugs, and suitable third-party libraries/services.
Furthermore, they found that searching for solutions to perfor-
mance bugs, solutions to multi-threading bugs, public datasets
to test newly developed algorithms or systems, reusable code
snippets, best industrial practices, database optimization so-
lutions, solutions to security bugs, and solutions to software
configuration bugs are the most difficult search tasks that
developers consider.
Many researchers have made use of code comments in their
work. Tan et al. [37] automatically identify bugs by analyzing
inconsistencies between code and comments. Ratol and Robil-
lard [32] used code comments to assist refactoring activities.
Wong et al. [41] used code comments to map source code
and Stack Overflow content. German et al. [12] developed
the ninka tool that automatically identifies a software license
in code comments. Goldman and Miller [14] developed the
tool CodeTrail, that demonstrates how the developer’s use of
web resources can be improved by connecting the Eclipse
integrated development environment (IDE) and the Firefox
web browser.
Self-admitted technical debt is a commenting activity that
has been well-studied in recent years [28]. Maldonado et
al. [21] and Zampetti et al. [45] studied the removal of
self-admitted technical debt based on the modification of
comments. Our finding of referencing bug reports for self-
admitted technical debt could be another opportunity to study
development activities around technical debt.
There are also studies which analyze link sharing occurring
in other software artifacts. Gomez et al. [15] investigated
link sharing on Stack Overflow to gain insights into how
software developers discover and disseminate innovations.
Rath et al. [31] investigated links to issue tracking systems
in commit comments. They reported that developers often do
not provide external links to issues. They evaluated several
methods to automatically recover links by searching issues
related to a given commit. Alqahtani et al. [3] proposed a tool
to automatically link dependent components in a system to
online resources for analyzing their vulnerabilities. Chen et
al. [11] proposed a tool to link problematic source code to
relevant Stack Overflow questions using similarity of source
code fragments.
Traceability links between source code and documents is
another related research topic. Scanniello et al. [34] reported
that developers can understand source code effectively if they
can refer to design models including source code element
names. Their observation has been obtained through a con-
trolled experiment of program comprehension tasks with UML
models produced in a requirements engineering phase and a
design phase. Antoniol et al. [6] proposed a method to identify
links between source files and design documents because
developers may update source file names without updating
related documents. Their method uses similarity of attribute
names of a class to identify its original class definition in
design documents. Rahimi et al. [30] proposed a rule-based
method to update links between source files and requirements
documents. Their method recognizes a change scenario from
semantic differences of source code and then updates links
according to a rule corresponding to the change scenario.
Those methods would be effective to automatically update
traceability links. Similar tool support for external source
referencing is a future direction of our research.
However, none of the related work provides a comprehen-
sive study of the role of links in source code comments, which
is the goal of this paper.
To understand purposes, evolution, and decay of links in
source code comments, we conducted (i) a quantitative study
of 9,654,702 links from source code comments in 25,925 Git
repositories to establish the prevalence of links in source code
comments; (ii) a qualitative study of a stratified sample of
1,146 links to determine the kinds of link targets and purposes
for including links present in our dataset; (iii) a quantitative
and qualitative study to investigate the evolution of links in
source code comments and their targets; and (iv) a quantitative
study to determine the extent to which links in source code
comments are affected by link decay.
Our work has shown that links in source code comments
indeed suffer from decay, from insufficient versioning (when
link targets evolve), and from lack of bidirectional traceability
(which could help avoid decay). Based on this work which has
established the prevalence of links in source code comments,
their multiple purposes and targets, issues of decay, and
practical needs of fixing dead links, there are many open
avenues for future work: understanding the role of external
sources for software development, further studies of source
code comments, and tool support for external source referenc-
ing, to name a few.
We thank the respondents to our pull requests for their
availability and Sebastian Baltes for his support in querying
the SOTorrent dataset. This work has been supported by JSPS
KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP16H05857, JP17H00731, and
JP18KT0013 as well as the Australian Research Council’s
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) funding
scheme (DE180100153).
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