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Business Objects Toolbar Design Mode
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Icon Description
Open in a new window
Pin/Unpin this tab
Close this tab
File Toolbar
New create a new document
OpenOpen a document
Select a Folder
Select a Document
Select Open
SaveClick the button to save the document
Save AsClick the arrow to display more save options
Print Click the button to print the document
Select the arrow to display more print options
FindFind text in tables and cells on this page
History List of dates corresponding to the instances of the
scheduled document
Export Export to my computer in PDF, Excel or CSV format.
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Export Document As a document can
include multiple reports shown as tabs in the
Export Current Report As a report is an
individual tab on the document
Export Data to CSV select your options
Send to options are not enabled
UndoUndo previous actions
Redo Redo previous actions
Cut Cut the selection from the document and put it on the Clipboard
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Copy Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard
Paste Paste the contents of the Clipboard
Remove Delete the Selected Report Elements
Edit Data Provider if available, allows you to edit the data provider in
the Web Intelligence Applet interface
RefreshRefresh all the queries and document
Properties Toolbar
View View options include:
Filter Bar
Formula Bar
Side Panel
Report Tabs
Status Bar
Not all options may be available.
Document Displays the Document Summary
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ApplicationAllows you to change the
Measurement unit to inches or centimeters
Report Elements Toolbar
Define a vertical table to display data in columns.
Define a horizontal table to display data in rows.
Define a cross table to display data in rows and columns.
Define form to display data in groups.
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Insert a Blank cell
Insert a Pre-Defined cell
Insert Section click to insert other container elements
Column charts
Line charts
Pie charts
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Bar charts
Point charts
Box, Radar, Tree, Heat, Tag charts, etc.
Transform a report element into another report element.
Create a section embedding the current element
Bring the selected element to the front.
Align elements in the report.
Bring a selected element to the front
Add document link
Element tooltip
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Formatting Toolbar
Font nameUse to change the font of the data in the tables,
cells, title, etc.
Font sizeUse to change the font size of the data in the
tables, cells, title, etc.
Grow font
Shrink font
Change the Borders on the Selected Element
Change the Border Colors on the Selected Element
Merge or unmerge selected cells
Clear the content and conditional formatting from cells
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Bold - Allows you to bold any data in the report
Italics - Allows you to italize any data in the report
Underline - Allows you to underline any data in the report
Strikethrough Draw a line through the middle of the select text.
Text colorUse to change the color of any text in the report
Background colorUse to change the background color of a table or
table cell
Background imageUse to add a background image to the header,
footer, table, table cell, etc.
Apply a currency format
Apply a percentage format
Number Format choose from a set of predefined formats or
use the dialog box to choose
Align left Use to align text on the left
Align center Use to align text in the center
Align right Use to align text on the right
Align top Use to align text on the top
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Align middle Use to align text in the middle
Align bottom Use to align text on the bottom
Wrap text Use to wrap text in a cell
Specify a minimum width for the selected cells
Specify a minimum height for the selected cells
Padding horizontal field
Padding vertical field
Format painter Use to copy text formatting from one area of the
report to another area
FormattingDisplay formatting options for the selected report element
Clear FormatReset to default format, including all child items
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Data Access Toolbar
Data Providers
Edit the data provider
Purge data options include purging data from a query or
purging all data
Refresh one or all data providers
Data Objects
Create a new variable based on available objects
Merge dimensions based on available objects
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Analysis Toolbar
Add, remove or modify a filter on the selected element
Rank the current element relatively to a measure
Click to insert other controls
Data Tracking
Activate or deactivate data tracking mode
Show changes since the data was refreshed on
Add grouping set for the selected values
Insert break to group results on a table
Apply sorts.
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Apply conditional formatting
Navigate the report by hierarchy
Show or hide report filter toolbar
Shows or hides the outline
Insert/remove a sum calculation
Insert/remove a count calculation
Insert a new row at the end of the table or column with a
calculation based on the selected value (Average, Min, Max,
Display or hide the formula bar under the toolboxes
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Page Setup Toolbar
Add a report (tab) to the existing report
Duplicate a report (new tab) in the existing report
Delete a report (tab) from the existing report
Rename Report
Rename the report
Move Report
Move the report to the previous
position in the list of reports
Move the report to the next
position in the list of reports
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Switch the orientation between portrait and landscape layout
Page format
Toggle the header on and off
Set the height of the page header
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Toggle the footer on and off
Set the height of the page footer
Scale to Page
Select as needed
Select as needed
Stretch or shrink the report to a percentage of its current size for
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Top margin
Bottom margin
Left margin
Right margin
Gives you a preview of how it will look when printed.
Fits a large number of columns on the width of the page.
Number of records per page in row
Number of records per page in columns