Title stata.com
collect style cell Collection styles for cells
Description Quick start Menu Syntax
Options Remarks and examples Stored results References
Also see
collect style cell specifies the cell appearance styles in the collection. This includes numeric
formats, borders, bolding, italics, font, text color, cell color, margins, justification, and more. These
styles can be applied to all cells in the collection, to cells of a particular dimension, or to specific cells
of a particular dimension. Certain appearance edits can be rendered only on certain export formats.
Quick start
Use a comma as the delimiter for the upper and lower bounds of confidence intervals
collect style cell result[_r_ci], cidelimiter(,)
Set the cell margin for all cells in the collection to 10 points on the left and right
collect style cell, margin(left right, width(10))
Format standard errors and coefficients with two decimal places
collect style cell result[_r_se _r_b], nformat(%8.2f)
Statistics > Summaries, tables, and tests > Tables and collections > Build and style table
2 collect style cell Collection styles for cells
collect style cell
, options
taglist is a list of tags that identify table cells to which styles are to be applied. Within the taglist, if
tags are joined by #, cells identified by all of these specified tags are selected; if tags are separated by
a space, cells identified by any of these tags are selected. If no taglist is specified, styles are applied
to all cells.
taglist contains
tagspec taglist
tagspec contains
. . .
tag contains
dimension[ levels]
dimension is a dimension in the collection.
levels are levels of the corresponding dimension.
Distinguish between [ ], which are to be typed, and
, which indicate optional arguments.
collect style cell Collection styles for cells 3
options Description
name(cname) apply cell appearance styles to collection cname
basestyle update base style
warn display or suppress notes about tags that are not recognized;
default is to display
border(bspec) set pattern, color, and width for cell border; option may
be repeated
dborder(dbspec) set direction, pattern, and color for cell diagonal border
, font opts
) set font style for cell text
smcl(smcl) specify formatting for SMCL files
latex(latex) specify L
X macro
shading(sspec) set background color, foreground color, and fill pattern for cells
margin(mspec) set margins for cells; option may be repeated
halign(hvalue) set horizontal alignment for cells
valign(vvalue) set vertical alignment for cells
nformat(% fmt) specify numeric format for cell text
sformat(sfmt) specify string format for cell text
, label(string)
) specify minimum value to report
, label(string)
) specify maximum value to report
empty(string) specify text to place in empty cells
cidelimiter(char) use character as delimiter for confidence interval limits
cridelimiter(char) use character as delimiter for credible interval limits
font opts Description
) specify font size
color(color) specify font color
variant(variant) specify font variant and capitalization
bold specify whether to format text as bold
italic specify whether to format text as italic
strikeout specify whether to strike out text
underline(upattern) specify whether to underline text
4 collect style cell Collection styles for cells
bspec is
, width(bwidth) pattern(bpattern) color(bcolor)
borders specifies one or more border locations and identifies where to apply the border style
bwidth is defined as #
and specifies the border line width. If # is specified without the
optional unit, points is assumed.
bpattern is a keyword specifying the look of the border. The default is single. For a complete
list of border patterns, see Border patterns of [TABLES] Appendix. To remove an existing border,
specify nil as the bpattern.
bcolor specifies the border color.
dbspec is
, pattern(dbpattern) color(dbcolor)
direction specifies the diagonal border direction and may be one of down, up, or both.
dbpattern is a keyword specifying the look of the diagonal border. The default is thin. For a
complete list of diagonal border patterns, see Diagonal border patterns of [TABLES] Appendix.
dbcolor specifies the diagonal border line color.
sspec is
background(bgcolor) foreground(fgcolor) pattern(fpattern)
bgcolor specifies the background color.
fgcolor specifies the foreground color.
fpattern specifies the fill pattern. A complete list of fill patterns is shown in Shading patterns
of [TABLES] Appendix.
fontfamily specifies a valid font family.
unit may be in (inch), pt (point), or cm (centimeter). An inch is equivalent to 72 points and 2.54
centimeters. The default is pt.
variant may be allcaps, smallcaps, or normal.
variant(allcaps) changes the text to all uppercase letters; applicable when publishing items
from a collection to Microsoft Word, PDF, L
X, and HTML files.
variant(smallcaps) changes the text to use large capitals for uppercase letters and smaller
capitals for lowercase letters; applicable when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft
Word, L
X, and HTML files.
variant(normal) changes the font variant back to normal and leaves the capitalization unchanged
from the original text; applicable when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft Word,
X, and HTML files.
bcolor, dbcolor, bgcolor, fgcolor, and color may be one of the colors listed in Colors of [TABLES] Ap-
pendix; a valid RGB value in the form ### ### ###, for example, 171 248 103; or a valid RRGGBB
hex value in the form ######, for example, ABF867.
collect style cell Collection styles for cells 5
name(cname) specifies a collection cname to which appearance styles are applied.
basestyle indicates that the appearance styles be applied to the base style, instead of overriding the
current style for the specified cells.
Each cell begins with baseline style properties. (You can view your table with these baseline style
properties by first clearing out the collection styles with collect style clear.) The appearance
of the cells is then updated with any changes specified in the default style used by collect and
table. Any collect style cell command you issue will override the current style for the
specified cells. If you specify the basestyle option, the style changes will instead apply to the
baseline style and they will not override any current style edits targeted to specific tags.
For example, suppose you have created a table with coefficients, standard errors, p-values, confidence
intervals, and R
values. You then format your coefficients to display only two digits after the
decimal. If you then decide to format all other statistics to display only three digits, you can
type collect style cell result, basestyle nformat(%9.3f) to apply this change while
retaining the formatting you applied to the coefficients.
warn and nowarn control the display of notes when collect encounters a tag it does not recognize.
The notes are displayed by default unless you used set collect warn off to suppress them.
warn specifies that collect show the notes. nowarn specifies that collect not show the notes.
These options override the collect warn setting; see [TABLES] set collect warn.
, width(bwidth) pattern(bpattern) color(bcolor)
) specifies line styles
for cell borders. borders specifies one or more border locations and identifies where to apply the
border style edits. The border locations are left, right, top, bottom, or all. If borders is
not specified, all is assumed. You may change the width, pattern, and color for the border by
specifying bwidth, bpattern, and bcolor.
This option may be specified multiple times in a single command to accommodate different border
settings. If multiple border() options are specified, they are applied in the order specified from
left to right. Additionally, these border style properties are applicable when publishing items from
a collection to all file types, except Markdown.
, pattern(dbpattern) color(dbcolor)
) specifies line styles for diagonal cell
borders. The direction of the diagonal border is specified by direction, which may be down, up,
or both. Optionally, you may change the pattern and color for the border by specifying dbpattern
and dbcolor.
These diagonal border style properties are applicable when publishing items from a collection to
a Microsoft Excel file.
6 collect style cell Collection styles for cells
, size(#
) color(color) variant(variant)
underline underline(upattern)
) specifies the font style for the cell
These font style properties are applicable when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft
Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, L
X, and HTML files, unless otherwise specified.
fontfamily specifies a valid font family. This font style property is applicable when publishing
items from a collection to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
) specifies the font size as a number optionally followed by units. If # is specified
without the optional unit, points is assumed. This font style property is applicable when
publishing items from a collection to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
variant(variant) specifies the font variant and capitalization.
bold and nobold specify the font weight. bold changes the font weight to bold; nobold changes
the font weight back to normal.
italic and noitalic specify the font style. italic changes the font style to italic; noitalic
changes the font style back to normal.
strikeout and nostrikeout specify whether to add a strikeout mark to the text. strikeout
adds a strikeout mark to the text; nostrikeout changes the text back to normal.
Only one of strikeout or underline is allowed when publishing to HTML files.
underline(upattern), underline, and nounderline specify how to underline the text.
underline(upattern) adds an underline to the text using a specified pattern. upattern may
be any of the patterns listed in Underline patterns of [TABLES] Appendix. For example,
underline(none) removes the underline from the text, and underline(single) underlines
the test. All other upatterns are available only when publishing items from a collection to
Microsoft Word.
Only one of strikeout or underline is allowed when publishing to HTML files; underline
patterns are not allowed when publishing to HTML files.
smcl(smcl) specifies how to render cell text for SMCL output. The supported SMCL directives are
input, error, result, and text. This style property is applicable only when publishing items
from a collection to a SMCL file.
latex(latex) specifies the name of a L
X macro to render cell text for L
X output. This style
property is applicable only when publishing items from a collection to a L
X file.
Example L
X macro names are textbf, textsf, textrm, and texttt. Custom L
X macros
are also allowed. If value is the value for a given cell, then latex is translated to the following
when exporting to L
\latex {value}
background(bgcolor) foreground(fgcolor) pattern(fpattern)
) sets the background
color, foreground color, and fill pattern for cells. The background color is applicable when exporting
the table to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, HTML, and L
X files. The foreground color
and fill pattern are applicable when exporting the table to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
collect style cell Collection styles for cells 7
, width(#
) specifies margins inside the cell.
These margin style properties are applicable when publishing items from a collection to PDF and
HTML files.
margins specifies one or more margin locations and identifies where to apply the margin style edits.
The margin locations are left, right, top, bottom, and all. If margins is not specified,
all is assumed.
) specifies the margin width as a number optionally followed by units.
halign(hvalue) specifies the horizontal alignment for the cell text. hvalue may be left, center,
and right.
These alignment style properties are applicable when publishing items from a collection to all file
types, except Markdown.
valign(vvalue) specifies the vertical alignment for the cell text. vvalue may be top, bottom, or
These alignment style properties are applicable when publishing items from a collection to all file
types, except Markdown.
nformat(% fmt) applies the Stata numeric format % fmt to cell text constructed from numeric items.
sformat(sfmt) applies a string format to cell text. You can, for instance, add symbols or text to the
values reported in the collection by modifying the string format.
sfmt may contain a mix of text and %s. Here %s refers to the numeric value that is formatted as
specified using nformat(). The text will be placed around the numeric values in the collection
as it is placed around %s in this option. For instance, to place parentheses around results, you can
specify sformat("(%s)").
Two text characters must be specified using a special character sequence if you want them to be
displayed in your collection. To include %, type %%. To include \, type \\. For instance, to place
a percent sign after results, you can specify sformat("%s%%").
, label(string)
) specifies that numeric items less than # be displayed as <#”,
where # is formatted according to nformat().
If suboption label(string) is specified, then string is used instead of <#”. If string contains
%s, then %s is replaced by # formatted according to nformat().
If suboption label() is not specified, it effectively defaults to label("<%s").
, label(string)
) specifies that numeric items greater than # be displayed as >#”,
where # is formatted according to nformat().
If suboption label(string) is specified, then string is used instead of >#”. If string contains
%s, then %s is replaced by # formatted according to nformat().
If suboption label() is not specified, it effectively defaults to label(">%s").
empty(string) specifies text to place in empty cells.
8 collect style cell Collection styles for cells
cidelimiter(char) changes the delimiter between confidence interval limits. The default is cide-
limiter(" ").
cridelimiter(char) changes the delimiter between credible interval limits. The default is cride-
limiter(" ").
Remarks and examples stata.com
collect style cell allows you to specify the cell appearance styles for tables built from the
collection. These styles include the numeric format for results, borders around cells, font, and much
more. If you do not specify a tag, your appearance style will be applied to all cells in the table,
including those in the body of the table and the headers.
Stored results
collect style cell stores the following in s():
s(collection) name of collection
Huber, C. 2021a. Customizable tables in Stata 17, part 2: The new collect command. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere
Classified. https://blog.stata.com/2021/06/07/customizable-tables-in-stata-17-part-2-the-new-collect-command/.
. 2021b. Customizable tables in Stata 17, part 3: The classic table 1. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere Classified.
Also see
[TABLES] collect query Query collection style properties
[TABLES] collect style column Collection styles for column headers
[TABLES] collect style row Collection styles for row headers
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