Prawn comes with table support out of the box. Tables can be styled in whatever way you see fit.
The whole table, rows, columns and cells can be styled independently from each other.
The examples show:
How to create tables
What content can be placed on tables
Subtables (or tables within tables)
How to style the whole table
How to use initializer blocks to style only specific portions of the table
Creating tables with Prawn is fairly easy. There are two methods that will create tables for us
table and make_table.
Both are wrappers that create a new Prawn::Table object. The difference is that table calls the
draw method after creating the table and make_table only returns the created table, so you have
to call the draw method yourself.
The most simple table can be created by providing only an array of arrays containing your data
where each inner array represents one row.
t = make_table([ ["this is the first row"],
["this is the second row"] ])
move_down 20
table([ ["short", "short", "loooooooooooooooooooong"],
["short", "loooooooooooooooooooong", "short"],
["loooooooooooooooooooong", "short", "short"] ])
this is the first row
this is the second row
short short loooooooooooooooooooong
short loooooooooooooooooooong short
loooooooooooooooooooong short short
There are five kinds of objects which can be put in table cells:
1. String: produces a text cell (the most common usage)
2. Prawn::Table::Cell
3. Prawn::Table
4. Array
5. Images
Whenever a table or an array is provided as a cell, a subtable will be created (a table within a cell).
If you'd like to provide a cell or table directly, the best way is to use the make_cell and
make_table methods as they don't call draw on the created object.
To insert an image just provide a hash with an with an :image key pointing to the image path.
cell_1 = make_cell(:content => "this row content comes directly ")
cell_2 = make_cell(:content => "from cell objects")
two_dimensional_array = [ ["..."], ["subtable from an array"], ["..."] ]
my_table = make_table([ ["..."], ["subtable from another table"], ["..."] ])
image_path = "#{Prawn::DATADIR}/images/stef.jpg"
table([ ["just a regular row", "", "", "blah blah blah"],
[cell_1, cell_2, "", ""],
["", "", two_dimensional_array, ""],
["just another regular row", "", "", ""],
[{:image => image_path}, "", my_table, ""]])
just a regular row blah blah blah
this row content comes directly from cell objects
subtable from an array
just another regular row
subtable from another table
If the table cannot fit on the current page it will flow to the next page just like free flowing text. If
you would like to have the first row treated as a header which will be repeated on subsequent
pages set the :header option to true.
data = [["This row should be repeated on every new page"]]
data += [["..."]] * 30
table(data, :header => true)
This row should be repeated on every new page
This row should be repeated on every new page
The table() method accepts a :position argument to determine horizontal position of the
table within its bounding box. It can be :left (the default), :center, :right, or a number
specifying a distance in PDF points from the left side.
data = [["The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."]] * 2
text "Left:"
table data, :position => :left
move_down 10
text "Center:"
table data, :position => :center
move_down 10
text "Right:"
table data, :position => :right
move_down 10
text "100pt:"
table data, :position => 100
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
Prawn will make its best attempt to identify the best width for the columns. If the end result isn't
good, we can override it with some styling.
Individual column widths can be set with the :column_widths option. Just provide an array with
the sequential width values for the columns or a hash were each key-value pair represents the
column 0-based index and its width.
data = [ ["this is not quite as long as the others",
"here we have a line that is long but with smaller words",
"this is so very looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong"] ]
text "Prawn trying to guess the column widths"
move_down 20
text "Manually setting all the column widths"
table(data, :column_widths => [100, 200, 240])
move_down 20
text "Setting only the last column width"
table(data, :column_widths => {2 => 240})
Prawn trying to guess the column widths
this is not quite as long
as the others
here we have a line that is long but
with smaller words
this is so very
Manually setting all the column widths
this is not quite
as long as the
here we have a line that is long but
with smaller words
this is so very
Setting only the last column width
this is not quite as
long as the others
here we have a line that is long
but with smaller words
this is so very
The default table width depends on the content provided. It will expand up to the current bounding
box width to fit the content. If you want the table to have a fixed width no matter the content you
may use the :width option to manually set the width.
text "Normal width:"
table [%w[A B C]]
move_down 20
text "Fixed width:"
table([%w[A B C]], :width => 300)
move_down 20
text "Normal width:"
table([["A", "Blah " * 20, "C"]])
move_down 20
text "Fixed width:"
table([["A", "Blah " * 20, "C"]], :width => 300)
Normal width:
Fixed width:
Normal width:
A Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah
Fixed width:
A Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah
One of the most common table styling techniques is to stripe the rows with alternating colors.
There is one helper just for that. Just provide the :row_colors option an array with color values.
data = [["This row should have one color"],
["And this row should have another"]]
data += [["..."]] * 10
table(data, :row_colors => ["F0F0F0", "FFFFCC"])
This row should have one color
And this row should have another
To style all the table cells you can use the :cell_style option with the table methods. It accepts
a hash with the cell style options.
Some straightforward options are width, height, and padding. All three accept numeric values
to set the property.
padding also accepts a four number array that defines the padding in a CSS like syntax setting
the top, right, bottom, left sequentially. The default is 5pt for all sides.
data = [ ["Look at how the cells will look when styled", "", ""],
["They probably won't look the same", "", ""]
{:width => 160, :height => 50, :padding => 12}.each do |property, value|
text "Cell's #{property}: #{value}"
table(data, :cell_style => {property => value})
move_down 20
text "Padding can also be set with an array: [0, 0, 0, 30]"
table(data, :cell_style => {:padding => [0, 0, 0, 30]})
Cell's width: 160
Look at how the cells will
look when styled
They probably won't look
the same
Cell's height: 50
Look at how the cells will look when styled
They probably won't look the same
Cell's padding: 12
Look at how the cells will look when styled
They probably won't look the same
Padding can also be set with an array: [0, 0, 0, 30]
Look at how the cells will look when styled
They probably won't look the same
The borders option accepts an array with the border sides that will be drawn. The default is
[:top, :bottom, :left, :right].
border_width may be set with a numeric value.
Both border_color and background_color accept an HTML like RGB color string ("FF0000")
data = [ ["Look at how the cells will look when styled", "", ""],
["They probably won't look the same", "", ""]
{ :borders => [:top, :left],
:border_width => 3,
:border_color => "FF0000"}.each do |property, value|
text "Cell #{property}: #{value.inspect}"
table(data, :cell_style => {property => value})
move_down 20
text "Cell background_color: FFFFCC"
table(data, :cell_style => {:background_color => "FFFFCC"})
Cell borders: [:top, :left]
Look at how the cells will look when styled
They probably won't look the same
Cell border_width: 3
Look at how the cells will look when styled
They probably won't look the same
Cell border_color: "FF0000"
Look at how the cells will look when styled
They probably won't look the same
Cell background_color: FFFFCC
Look at how the cells will look when styled
They probably won't look the same
The border_lines option accepts an array with the styles of the border sides. The default is
[:solid, :solid, :solid, :solid].
border_lines must be set to an array.
data = [ ["Look at how the cell border lines can be mixed", "", ""],
["dotted top border", "", ""],
["solid right border", "", ""],
["dotted bottom border", "", ""],
["dashed left border", "", ""]
text "Cell :border_lines => [:dotted, :solid, :dotted, :dashed]"
table(data, :cell_style =>
{ :border_lines => [:dotted, :solid, :dotted, :dashed] })
Cell :border_lines => [:dotted, :solid, :dotted, :dashed]
Look at how the cell border lines can be mixed
dotted top border
solid right border
dotted bottom border
dashed left border
Text cells accept the following options: align, font, font_style, inline_format, kerning,
leading, min_font_size, overflow, rotate, rotate_around, single_line, size,
text_color, and valign.
Most of these style options are direct translations from the text methods styling options.
data = [ ["Look at how the cells will look when styled", "", ""],
["They probably won't look the same", "", ""]
table data, :cell_style => { :font => "Times-Roman", :font_style => :italic }
move_down 20
table data, :cell_style => { :size => 18, :text_color => "346842" }
move_down 20
table [["Just <font size='18'>some</font> <b><i>inline</i></b>", "", ""],
["<color rgb='FF00FF'>styles</color> being applied here", "", ""]],
:cell_style => { :inline_format => true }
move_down 20
table [["1", "2", "3", "rotate"]], :cell_style => { :rotate => 30 }
move_down 20
table data, :cell_style => { :overflow => :shrink_to_fit, :min_font_size => 8,
:width => 60, :height => 30 }
Look at how the cells will look when styled
They probably won't look the same
Look at how the cells will look when styled
They probably won't look the same
Just some inline
styles being applied here
Look at how
the cells will
They probably
won't look the
Prawn can insert images into a table. Just pass a hash into table() with an :image key pointing
to the image.
You can pass the :scale, :fit, :position, and :vposition arguments in alongside
:image; these will function just as in image().
The :image_width and :image_height arguments set the width/height of the image within the
cell, as opposed to the :width and :height arguments, which set the table cell's dimensions.
image = "#{Prawn::DATADIR}/images/prawn.png"
table [
["Standard image cell", {:image => image}],
[":scale => 0.5", {:image => image, :scale => 0.5}],
[":fit => [100, 200]", {:image => image, :fit => [100, 200]}],
[":image_height => 50,
:image_width => 100", {:image => image, :image_height => 50,
:image_width => 100}],
[":position => :center", {:image => image, :position => :center}],
[":vposition => :center", {:image => image, :vposition => :center,
:height => 200}]
], :width => bounds.width
Standard image cell
:scale => 0.5
:fit => [100, 200]
:image_height => 50,
:image_width => 100
:position => :center
:vposition => :center
Table cells can span multiple columns, rows, or both. When building a cell, use the hash argument
constructor with a :colspan and/or :rowspan argument. Row or column spanning must be
specified when building the data array; you can't set the span in the table's initialization block. This
is because cells are laid out in the grid before that block is called, so that references to row and
column numbers make sense.
Cells are laid out in the order given, skipping any positions spanned by previously instantiated
cells. Therefore, a cell with rowspan: 2 will be missing at least one cell in the row below it. See
the code and table below for an example.
It is illegal to overlap cells via spanning. A Prawn::Errors::InvalidTableSpan error will be
raised if spans would cause cells to overlap.
["A", {:content => "2x1", :colspan => 2}, "B"],
[{:content => "1x2", :rowspan => 2}, "C", "D", "E"],
[{:content => "2x2", :colspan => 2, :rowspan => 2}, "F"],
["G", "H"]
A 2x1 B
1x2 C D E
2x2 F
Prawn::Table#initialize takes a :before_rendering_page argument, to adjust the way
an entire page of table cells is styled. This allows you to do things like draw a border around the
entire table as displayed on a page.
The callback is passed a Cells object that is numbered based on the order of the cells on the page
(e.g., the first row on the page is cells.row(0)).
table([["foo", "bar", "baz"]] * 40) do |t|
t.cells.border_width = 1
t.before_rendering_page do |page|
page.row(0).border_top_width = 3
page.row(-1).border_bottom_width = 3
page.column(0).border_left_width = 3
page.column(-1).border_right_width = 3
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
foo bar baz
All of the previous styling options we've seen deal with all the table cells at once.
With initializer blocks we may deal with specific cells. A block passed to one of the table methods
(, Prawn::Document#table, Prawn::Document#make_table) will be
called after cell setup but before layout. This is a very flexible way to specify styling and layout
Just like the Prawn::Document.generate method, the table initializer blocks may be used with
and without a block argument.
The table class has three methods that are handy within an initializer block: cells, rows and
columns. All three return an instance of Prawn::Table::Cells which represents a selection of
cells return all the table cells, while rows and columns accept a number or a range as
argument which returns a single row/column or a range of rows/columns respectively. (rows and
columns are also aliased as row and column)
The Prawn::Table::Cells class also defines rows and columns so they may be chained to
narrow the selection of cells.
All of the cell styling options we've seen on previous examples may be set as properties of the
selection of cells.
data = [ ["Header", "A " * 5, "B"],
["Data row", "C", "D " * 5],
["Another data row", "E", "F"]]
table(data) do
cells.padding = 12
cells.borders = []
row(0).borders = [:bottom]
row(0).border_width = 2
row(0).font_style = :bold
columns(0..1).borders = [:right]
row(0).columns(0..1).borders = [:bottom, :right]
Header A A A A A B
Data row C D D D D D
Another data row E F
Another way to reduce the number of cells is to filter the table.
filter is just like Enumerable#select. Pass it a block and it will iterate through the cells
returning a new Prawn::Table::Cells instance containing only those cells for which the block
was not false.
data = [ ["Item", "Jan Sales", "Feb Sales"],
["Oven", 17, 89],
["Fridge", 62, 30],
["Microwave", 71, 47]
table(data) do
values = cells.columns(1..-1).rows(1..-1)
bad_sales = values.filter do |cell|
cell.content.to_i < 40
bad_sales.background_color = "FFAAAA"
good_sales = values.filter do |cell|
cell.content.to_i > 70
good_sales.background_color = "AAFFAA"
Item Jan Sales Feb Sales
Oven 17 89
Fridge 62 30
Microwave 71 47
We've seen how to apply styles to a selection of cells by setting the individual properties. Another
option is to use the style method
style lets us define multiple properties at once with a hash. It also accepts a block that will be
called for each cell and can be used for some complex styling.
table([[""] * 8] * 8) do => 24, :height => 24) do |c|
c.background_color = ((c.row + c.column) % 2).zero? ? '000000' : 'ffffff'