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12 Nov 2020
Replacement of Goto Statements During Code Migration Replacement of Goto Statements During Code Migration
Paneendra BA
Paul McReynolds
Abhay Garg
Arijit De
Alex Ginet
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BA, Paneendra; McReynolds, Paul; Garg, Abhay; De, Arijit; and Ginet, Alex, "Replacement of Goto
Statements During Code Migration", Technical Disclosure Commons, (November 12, 2020)
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Replacement of Goto Statements During Code Migration
This disclosure describes code conversion techniques for replacement of Goto statements
in program code in a source language with equivalent constructs in a target language. Different
types of equivalent code constructs are utilized to replace Goto statements in the source
language, depending on the use of the Goto statement in the original code that is to be converted.
Another option is to introduce a method-like syntax in the language. Backward jumps and
forward jumps are handled by the addition of new do-while loops that start from or end at a label
associated with the Goto statement. In some cases, code blocks are divided into closure methods
such that every loop that includes a nested label is converted into a recursive method. On Error
Goto statements are converted by utilizing try-catch blocks.
Visual Basic
Goto statement
Code migration
Legacy code
During migration of legacy computer applications, code written in a particular
programming language may have to be converted (translated) into code in a different
programming language. Automatic tools are available for such code migration and can
efficiently convert code from one language to another.
BA et al.: Replacement of Goto Statements During Code Migration
Published by Technical Disclosure Commons, 2020
Some source programming languages support the use of Goto statements/keywords. Goto
statements are jump statements used to jump from one point in the code to another. Some target
programming languages do not support Goto statements, thereby posing a challenge for the
direct translation of Goto statements when converting from a source language that supports such
statements. Translation of Goto statements using standard constructs such as loops and closures
that are provided in most programming languages can enable automatic migration of code that
includes Goto statements.
This disclosure describes techniques for automatic replacement of Goto statements in
program code with equivalent constructs. The techniques can be utilized, for example, during
migration of code from one programming language that supports Goto statements to another
programming language that does not support Goto statements. An automated tool can implement
the described techniques to convert code written in a particular language that supports a Goto
statement, e.g., Basic, Visual Basic, etc. to a different programming language that may not
support Goto statement use, e.g., JavaScript.
When a file that includes program code that is to be converted is received, certain
conditions are verified to determine whether the file can actually be successfully converted. For
example, it is verified that all ON statements in the code only include Error and Goto Keywords,
that all label declarations occur after the Goto keywords, that all Goto calls have valid label
names (e.g., all utilized labels are declared within a function where they are utilized), that label
declarations are included at a top-level in a corresponding function, etc. If the conditions are not
met and it is determined that the file is not convertible, a suitable message (e.g., “File not
supported”) is provided to the user that attempts code conversion.
Defensive Publications Series, Art. 3762 [2020]
Different types of equivalent constructs are utilized to replace Goto statements,
depending on the use of the Goto statement in the original code that is to be converted.
Syntactical support
Support for Goto statements can be added to a parser associated with a language to
explicitly recognize Goto as a keyword. Another option is to introduce a method-like syntax in a
language, e.g., Goto(label) which obviates the need for any parsing change, while providing
support for Goto keywords in the language.
Fig. 1: Method-like syntax used to convert code (a) original code; (b) equivalent code
Fig. 1 depicts an example of conversion of code that includes a Goto keyword in a
language that supports a Goto keyword to another language by utilizing a method-like syntax.
Fig. 1(a) depicts code in an original programming language, while Fig. 1(b) depicts the
equivalent translated code.
Backward Jump
A backward jump refers to a Goto statement in code where the label appears before the
Goto statement. Conversion of instances of a backward jump is handled by the addition of a new
BA et al.: Replacement of Goto Statements During Code Migration
Published by Technical Disclosure Commons, 2020
do-while loop starting from a label associated with the Goto statement that extends till the end of
a current block.
Fig. 2: Backward jump Goto statement; (a) original code; (b) equivalent code
Fig. 2 depicts an example of code conversion that includes a Goto statement that
implements a backward jump. Fig. 2(a) depicts code in an original programming language, while
Fig. 2(b) depicts equivalent translated code.
Forward Jump
Forward jump is when the Goto statement appears before the label in the method. A
simple forward jump can be supported using a while loop that ends at the label and starts at the
start of the current block.
Defensive Publications Series, Art. 3762 [2020]
Fig. 3: Forward jump Goto statement; (a) original code; (b) equivalent code
Fig. 3 depicts an example of code conversion that includes a Goto statement that
implements a forward jump. Fig. 3(a) depicts code in an original programming language, while
Fig. 3(b) depicts equivalent translated code.
Use of Closures
Some sections of complex code may include placement of Goto statements that cannot be
converted using do-while loops. In such situations, closure may be utilized to replace Goto
keywords. Code blocks are divided into closure methods and chained up such that at the end of a
block, a function representing the next block is called. This enables entry into any code block by
calling a function, irrespective of the nesting level of the block. Every loop that includes a nested
label is converted into a recursive method.
BA et al.: Replacement of Goto Statements During Code Migration
Published by Technical Disclosure Commons, 2020
Fig. 4: Utilization of closure methods; (a) original code; (b) equivalent code
Fig. 4 depicts an example of utilization of closure methods for replacement of Goto
statements during code conversion. Fig. 4(a) depicts code in an original programming language,
while Fig. 4(b) depicts equivalent translated code.
On Error Goto statements
Some programming languages such as Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), provide for
exception handling during program execution by utilizing On Error statements that are
Defensive Publications Series, Art. 3762 [2020]
commonly followed by a "Goto label", "Goto 0”, etc. This statement specifies action(s) to be
performed when further program statements cause an exception/error. In some implementations,
On Error statements can be converted by utilizing try-catch blocks that are supported by some
target programming languages. A try statement is utilized to define a block of code to be tested
for errors while it is being executed, while a catch statement enables definition of a block of code
to be executed, upon encountering an error in the try block.
For conversion of code that includes On Error Goto statements, a block of statements of
the function are included into a try clause. A new variable (“err_handler”) is declared outside the
try clause and assigned to an empty string. Upon encountering a label, the try clause is closed
and a catch clause is invoked. The On Error goto statement is converted to a err_handler
assignment statement. A label declaration is translated into a corresponding if statement and a
corresponding block of statements is included as consequent statements within the if block.
BA et al.: Replacement of Goto Statements During Code Migration
Published by Technical Disclosure Commons, 2020
Fig. 5: Handling of On Error Goto statements; (a) original code; (b) equivalent code
Fig. 5 depicts an example of handling of On Error Goto statements during code
conversion. Fig. 5(a) depicts code in an original programming language that utilizes On Error
statements, while Fig. 5(b) depicts equivalent translated code that utilizes try-catch blocks.
This disclosure describes code conversion techniques for replacement of Goto statements
in program code in a source language with equivalent constructs in a target language. Different
Defensive Publications Series, Art. 3762 [2020]
types of equivalent code constructs are utilized to replace Goto statements in the source
language, depending on the use of the Goto statement in the original code that is to be converted.
Another option is to introduce a method-like syntax in the language. Backward jumps and
forward jumps are handled by the addition of new do-while loops that start from or end at a label
associated with the Goto statement. In some cases, code blocks are divided into closure methods
such that every loop that includes a nested label is converted into a recursive method. On Error
Goto statements are converted by utilizing try-catch blocks.
1. Ceccato, Mariano & Tonella, Paolo & Matteotti, Christina. (2008). Goto Elimination
Strategies in the Migration of Legacy Code to Java. Proceedings of the European
Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, CSMR. 53-
62.10.1109/CSMR.2008.4493300,, last accessed 24 October 2020.
2. The Ideal Language has “goto,”
goto, last accessed 24 October 2020.
3. GOTO Elimination Algorithm, last
accessed 24 October 2020.
4. Exploring version 1.10 - Structured Exception Handling
Exception-Handling.aspx last accessed 24 October 2020.
BA et al.: Replacement of Goto Statements During Code Migration
Published by Technical Disclosure Commons, 2020