Crafting a Letter to the Cooperating Teacher - SPRING
After you receive notification about your student teaching placements from the Office
of Field Experiences (no later than by mid-December), the first step is to introduce
yourself to your cooperating teacher.
[Concerning your placement, the OFE will email you the school where you will be
assigned. Please forward the HEP Team - at [email protected] - a copy of
this email]
To begin with, introduce yourself (name, where you’re from, maybe a specific area of
history or social studies you enjoy). Then, thank him or her for working with you; your
cooperating teacher and school are providing a great service by inviting you into their
classroom. You may also choose to briefly elaborate on your areas of strength and areas
where you would like to develop as a social studies teacher. Finally, ask to set up a time
and date to meet – if possible, in December, but definitely in January before your first
official day of student teaching.
So, your email should read as follows…
1. Salutation (“Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Surname, …” – see if you can find their preferred
2. Introduce yourself
o Background/area of interest
3. A note of appreciation for working with you
4. Strengths, areas to develop
o Also: what you hope to learn/give to the school
5. Setting up an initial meeting
As far as the subject line in your email, something simple like: “Greetings from your
Spring 2021 App State student teacher – John Doe”
Here are some important topics to discuss with your cooperating teacher before you
begin your first day of student teaching:
What date and time should you report to work?
o If you start your student teaching assignment before ASU resumes classes
on January 11, email the Office of Field Experience as a courtesy You will
need to receive instructions and complete a required form.
Where should you park?
What are the expectations for faculty dress?
o Always dress professionally to set a tone of professionalism in the
How will you notify each other in case of an absence?
What are the inclement weather procedures at the school? And what is the best
way to receive notification and check updates for delays or cancellations?
If the class schedule is not posted on the webpage…
o What is the duration of each class?
o What classes you will be teaching?
o What is the planning period?
§ BUT…make sure to check online first! These questions may
already be answered
How will you gain access to the course textbooks and resources?
How can you prepare in advance of the classes? (ie. write parent letter to
introduce yourself, plan lessons or unit plans)
Notify your cooperating teacher that you will have all-day campus meetings at
ASU on right before your first official day, and several other trips to Boone for
mandatory student teaching meetings.
Good luck!
The History Education Team
Department of History
Appalachian State University