-Your client will participate in an activity in which they will write a goodbye/
breakup letter to their addiction/drug of choice (DOC).
-Their relationship with addiction is almost like a relationship with a
personand when it becomes toxic, it is time to say goodbye
a. And just like in a relationship with a person, you need
closure! Writing a breakup letter can help you in this
*Your client can still participate in this activity even if they are
not ready to say “goodbye”- it’s still important to practice and to
introduce writing as a coping tool
-Writing can be cathartic because it allows you to
release the intense thoughts & emotions that swirl inside
-The following are some tips of what your client can address/explore in their
goodbye letter:
-Acknowledge how the DOC has served you in the past
-Share how the relationship has harmed you and why the
relationship must come to an end
-Acknowledge your feelings… anger, shame, guilt, fear, regret, etc.
-Explore how the DOC has lied to you and the power it has over
you (i.e. “You made me think I can’t live without you”)
-Explore what life in recovery might look like (what life will look like
when your relationship with your DOC ends)
-Explore how the addiction started and evolved/changed over time
-Acknowledge the void that the DOC filled and what you will turn
to in the future to cope
-Client(s) can use a template below. Worksheet with questions is included.
Activity: Goodbye Letter
©Copyright 2019 Jessie Drew, LLC www.mygroupguide.com
-How did you feel throughout this exercise?
-Did you notice a theme in your letter?
-How does your relationship with your DOC compare to your other relationships (past
or present)?
Activity: Goodbye Letter
©Copyright 2019 Jessie Drew, LLC www.mygroupguide.com
-What will you do with your letter?
-Do you think writing can be an effective coping tool for you in the future? Why
or why not?
-What are some other steps you can take to find closure?
©Copyright 2019 Jessie Drew, LLC www.mygroupguide.com
©Copyright 2019 Jessie Drew, LLC www.mygroupguide.com
Creative Clips by Krista Wallden
-Thank you for the yellow frame!
Kelly Benefield
-Thank you for the borders!
Magic Mistakes & Mayhem
-Thank you for the blue frame!