Sample Letter for “Age-Out Patients”
Dear Parent,
We are writing to you regarding your child whom we have together cared for and watched
grow into a young adult. Your child will attain adult health care status at the twentieth birthday
and will thereafter require a physician experienced and trained in providing care to adults.
To help plan for this transition please call us at office phone number to schedule a final well
examination. At this appointment we will address health maintenance, healthy lifestyle
choices, immunizations, and perform a final physical examination. If your child has a chronic
disease that requires medication, this will also be reviewed so that you will have medication
until you establish care with a family doctor or internist at age 20.
If you have already established care with an adult care doctor, please complete the enclosed
“Medical Release” and we will forward a copy of your child’s records to the new physician.
Enter Pediatrician’s office name