Name: ________________________
Inventions Unit Packet
Part One: Writing a Narrative Essay
Directions: Use this prewriting page to plan your story about your invention.
Topic: You have made a very important discoveryone that will make you famous
throughout the world. Write a story in which you tell about your discovery and how you
made it. Be sure to include details about the setting and any characters in the story, and
be sure that your story has a beginning, middle, and end.
Prewriting Area:
Who: ________________________________________________________________
What: _______________________________________________________________
Where: ______________________________________________________________
When: _______________________________________________________________
Why/How: ____________________________________________________________
Story Outline
1. Problem:
2. Rising Action:
3. Climax:
4. Resolution:
5. Conclusion:
Part Two: Writing an Expository Essay
Directions: Use this prewriting page to plan your story about your invention.
Topic: Through the years, new inventions have changed the way we live. Think about
one invention that has had an impact on the way you live. Now write to explain to your
teacher how this invention has changed your life.
Essay Outline
I. Introduction
E. Thesis:
II. First Supporting Paragraph
A. ____________________________________________________________
E. Closing: ______________________________________________________
III. Second Supporting Paragraph
A. _____________________________________________________________
E. Closing: ______________________________________________________
IV. Third Supporting Paragraph
A. ____________________________________________________________
E. Closing: ______________________________________________________
V. Conclusion
A. Topic Sentence (Restate Thesis):
B. Summary of First Supporting Paragraph:
C. Summary of Second Supporting Paragraph:
D. Summary of Third Supporting Paragraph:
E. Closing Statement:
Part Three: Creating an Advertisement
Directions: Use this page to plan your advertisement about one of the inventions that
we have studied.
1. Product (Invention):
2. Who would buy it (what is the
target audience)?
Why they would be interested in
buying it:
3. What will get someone
interested in it?
How will you convince someone to
buy it?
4. What medium will you use?
(Video? Print/digital Internet?)
Name: _______________________
Narrative Essay Rubric
Category One: Storytelling
3 Points: You do an excellent job showing, not telling, the story.
2 Points: You do a good job showing, not telling, the story.
1 Point: You do a fair job showing, not telling, the story, although there are lapses into telling
what happens.
0 Point: You do a poor job telling the story.
Your score: __________
Category Two: Creativity
3 Points: Extremely creative.
2 Points: Pretty creative.
1 Point: Somewhat creative.
0 Point: Not very creative.
Your score: __________
Category Three: Holistic Score
Holistic Scoring of the essay, from 1-6:
Your score: __________
Late? Take off one grade for each day: __________
Your point total: __________
Grade Scale:
Point Total Grade Point Total Grade Point Total Grade
12 A+ 7 B- 2 D
11 A 6 C+ 1 D-
10 A- 5 C 0 F
9 B+ 4 C-
8 B 3 D+
Your Grade: __________
Name: _______________________
Expository Essay Rubric
Category One: Claim
3 Points: You do an excellent job making your claim and presenting explanation to back it up.
2 Points: You do a good job making your claim and presenting explanation to back it up.
1 Point: You do a fair job making your claim and presenting explanation to back it up.
0 Point: You do a poor job making your claim and presenting explanation to back it up.
Your score: __________
Category Two: Supporting Paragraphs
3 Points: Each supporting paragraph presents one reason and has great elaboration to back it
2 Points: Each supporting paragraph presents one reason and has good elaboration to back it
1 Point: Each supporting paragraph presents one reason and has fair elaboration to back it up.
0 Point: Each supporting paragraph might not present one reason, or it does poor elaboration
to back it up.
Your score: __________
Category Three: Holistic Score
Holistic Scoring of the essay, from 1-6:
Your score: __________
Late? Take off one grade for each day: __________
Your point total: __________
Grade Scale:
Point Total Grade Point Total Grade Point Total Grade
12 A+ 7 B- 2 D
11 A 6 C+ 1 D-
10 A- 5 C 0 F
9 B+ 4 C-
8 B 3 D+
Your Grade: __________
Advertisement Rubric
Category One: Creativity
3 Points: Your ad is extremely creative. It is an excellent advertisement.
2 Points: Your ad is mostly creative. It is a good advertisement.
1 Points: Your ad is somewhat creative. It is a fair advertisement.
0 Points: Your ad is not very creative. It is a poor advertisement.
Your score: __________
Category Two: Easy to Understand
3 Points: Your ad is easy to understand. It is very clear.
2 Points: Your ad is mostly easy to understand. It is clear.
1 Points: Your ad is somewhat easy to understand. It is somewhat clear.
0 Points: Your ad is not very easy to understand. It is not clear.
Your score: __________
Category Two: Target Audience
3 Points: Your ad clearly aims for its target audience.
2 Points: Your ad mostly aims for its target audience.
1 Points: Your ad somewhat aims for its target audience.
0 Points: Your ad does not seem to aim at a target audience.
Your score: __________
Late? Take off one grade for each day: __________
Your point total: __________
Grade Scale:
Point Total Grade Point Total Grade Point Total Grade
12 A+ 7 B- 2 D
11 A 6 C+ 1 D-
10 A- 5 C 0 F
9 B+ 4 C-
8 B 3 D+
Your Grade: __________