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Writing a Scientific Report
A scientific report should conform to the following general arrangement:
Materials and Methods
The TITLE should clearly and briefly indicate what the report is about. The title is never a complete
sentence, and articles (a, an, the) are usually omitted. Use title case capitalisation.
The ABSTRACT should be no longer than 200 words and should include the main objectives,
findings (i.e., results), and conclusions. A reader should be able to grasp the full scope and
significance of the work reported without having to read the entire report.
The INTRODUCTION discusses the theoretical background to the investigation and places the
present work in context. Relevant references should be cited and the reader’s attention moved
from the general to the specific. The aims of the present study should be clearly stated at the end
of the introduction.
The MATERIALS AND METHODS section should include all information required for an exact
repetition of the work performed. Since you are reporting on work already done, it is customary to
use the PAST PASSIVE tense. Compare the following:
PAST ACTIVE: We performed the experiment over three weeks.
PAST PASSIVE: The experiment was performed over three weeks.
The methods should not be written as instructions to the reader, nor presented as an itemised list.
Subheadings may be appropriate. For work conducted in class, a reference to the appropriate
practical manual may be enough in this section.
The RESULTS consist of data and some comment that draws attention to the most significant
aspects of the results. The data are usually presented in tables or graphs, but do not duplicate the
data in different formats. Any comment on the results should be quantitative rather than just
qualitative; that is, any comments should be backed up with data.
NO The treatment was more effective.
YES The treatment was 50% more effective.
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The DISCUSSION is usually the most important section of the report. It should include comments
on the results, especially any unexpected results. The results should be compared to the standard
value and be explained or justified in light of the original aims.
A scientific report moves from the general to the particular to the general. It begins in the
Introduction section with the theory related to the experiment, moves on to the work carried out
in the Methods and Results sections, and returns to general ideas in the Discussion section by
discussing whether the results obtained are consistent or not with the theory. In many cases, it
may be appropriate in the discussion to comment on the suitability of the method used in the
The conclusions are usually included in the discussion, but they can be separate. If they are
separate, the discussion should be summarised and a comment made on the success, or
otherwise, of the experiment.
The REFERENCES should be an accurate listing of all the sources referred to. Entries must conform
to the conventions of the referencing system used. Begin the list of references on a new page with
the heading ‘References’ centred.
Fonts and spacing
Font should be a minimum of 12 point and double line spacing is recommended unless otherwise
specified. Titles and headings may be in bold font. A blank line is usually used between
paragraphs, but no indentation is used.
Tables and figures
Tables, graphics, and photos are placed immediately after they are first referred to in the text.
Tables and figures (graphic and photos) should be sequentially numbered in a separate sequence
(i.e., Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1, Figure 2). In large reports with many chapters, they are
sequentially numbered in each chapter (i.e., for Chapter 2 you begin from Table 2.1 and Figure
2.1). In APA 7
style, titles for tables and figures are left aligned above the table. The source of the
table or figure should also be included below the figure/table, usually in a smaller font (e.g., 10
point) and aligned at the left-hand margin.