Your teacher will assign the due dates.
Project Question Form Due: Choose 3
possible topics and write a project question
write one or more sentences explaining what
you have chosen to do your research on--turn
into your teacher for approval.
Project Hypothesis Form Due: Based on
your research, make a “good guess” as to what
you think the answer to your question will be.
Use an If I..then…because statement.
Design Experiment:
Variables/Materials/Procedure Forms Due:
Design your experimentlist all variables, list
all materials, and write the procedure.
Begin Experiment: Conduct your experiment
at least 3 timesrecord observations and data
Observations/Data/Project Results Forms
Due: Include a table/chart/graph of the data
and write paragraph
Project Conclusions Form Due: Draw
conclusions. Explain how you would improve
your experiment.
Project Display: Students will present their
project reports and display boards to their
Pre-elimination: Students will learn who is
participating in Science Fair
January 15, 2021
Science Fair
Science Fair Requirements:
Question/Purpose: Students will need to create a question that they
can submit that is a testable question.
Good Example
Bad Example
What Brand of Sponges Absorbs
the most water?
“All About Sponges”
Which brand of paper towel
holds the most weight?
“Brawny Vs. HEB Brand Paper
Hypothesis: The students will need predict the answer to the problem
before they test out their question. Another term for hypothesis would
an “educated guess.” This would be written in a declarative
sentence. Most statements usually state “If I (do something) then (this
will occur) or “I believe name of item will what is it going to do.
Example: I believe Purina Cat Food will be eaten the most first
by litter of 8 kittens.
Material List: The students will need to write down their Material list of
all the items need to complete their science fair experiment.
Procedures: The students will need to write down the step by step
process of how they completed their experiment.
Data: Students will need to create a set of data that shows the
student’s hypothesis was tested and scientifically measured. This is
generically done using a chart.
Height that a Basketball
Player jumped wearing
running shoes
Height that a Basketball
Player jumped wearing
basketball shoes
Jump 1
32 in
35 in
Jump 2
33 in
39 in
Jump 3
31 in
43 in
Results: Create a statement that accurately describes the results
found in this science experiment.
Conclusion: Students will need to review their data and see if the
data truly reflects the hypothesis presented.
Written Report Including Bibliography: Students will need to create a
report that details the background of why they choose this project.
They will need to include how they created this project and the
results that they concluded from doing the experiment. The report
will need to also reflect any prior research did to begin this
experiment in order to be ready and proficient to start the project.
Completed Project: The students will need to turn in a display board
with the following components:
1. Purpose (Question)
2. Hypothesis
3. Background Research
4. Materials and
5. Data
6. Results
7. Charts
8. Conclusion
Oral Presentation: The students will be required to do a short 3-5
minute presentation during class. The students will be asked to
explain their project and how they carried it out to complete the
Project Question
Parent signature ____________________________________________________ date _________
Write 3 possible questions you would like to test. Make sure that your question is
something that can be measured and answered by following the scientific process.
You may use the project question for your project title or come up with an eye
catching title.
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Teacher/Parent approved question:
Project Hypothesis
will be and make a good guess as to what you think the answer to your question will
be. Also explain Why you think that will be the outcome. Use an If I _____, then____,
because ____ statement. Remember it is ok if you don’t have the right answer; that is
how scientists make discoveries. Start by listing some possible outcomes or answers to
Project Experiment Part 1
Directions: Clearly write out the procedure you are going to follow. Remember that
your experiment needs to follow the scientific process and you need to have one
variable you are going to change, this is the part you are testing (independent
There are three parts in a scientific experiment, the independent, dependent, and the
controlled variables.
The independent variable is the one you will change; it’s the thing you are testing.
The dependent variables are those being observed and measured throughout the
The controlled variables are those that remain constant and allow you to understand
Project Experiment Part 2
type, size, and brand, etc.
Project Experiment Part 3
and clearly explain what to do. Other scientists should be able to follow the same
Project Experiment Part 4
Scientists conduct an experiment many times in order to get the most accurate data,
so make sure you also conduct your experiment at least three times. Three trials can
be done at the same time in some cases. During your experiment you need to collect
data and make observations. You will record these in your log book.
In your log book you will need to:
Collect data: You will need to collect numerical data; that means you need to take
measurements during the experiment. Measurements can be temperature, distance,
height, speed, etc. Creating a chart is a helpful way to organize your data. You will
analyze the data later to determine the results of your experiment.
Make observations: As you conduct your experiment you will use your senses (sight,
smell, touch, etc.) and write down any observations you make during the process.
Project Results Part 1
what happened during the experiment. Think about the best way to show your data:
bar graph, line graph, chart, etc. and then create a table or graph below. This visual
will help you analyze your data for trends.
Project Results Part 2
paragraph form using complete sentences. Make sure that you include the numerical
data (measurements) as well as any other important observations.
Project Conclusions
the project question. Write your answer in a complete sentence using the question to
begin your answer. You will also need to tell whether your hypothesis was supported or
End this paragraph by saying how you would change or improve your experiment in
the future.
Did the results support or contradict the hypothesis? Explain.
How would you improve or change the experiment?
Oral Presentation
To prepare for an oral presentation, students should first write brief outlines about their
science projects. The outlines should include the following sections:
1. Heading- Name, grade, school, and project title
2. Question
3. Hypothesis
4. Materials
5. Procedure
6. Results
7. Conclusion
Complete the oral presentation
outline and remember to
practice at home either with an
adult or in front of the mirror.
Speaking Tips
Speak clearly and slowly
Look to around the room and
address people
It may help to look above the
audience members eyes, at their
Hold up visual aids.
Use a pointer to call attention to
Oral Presentation Outline
Science Fair Reflection
1. What went well with your science fair project?
2. What didn’t go so well with your science fair project?
3. How well did you stay on task to meet deadlines?
4. What would you do differently if you were to do your science
fair project over again?
Helpful Websites
Science Buddies http://www.sciencebuddies.org/
This site has it all! Find a project idea by doing a short survey. They also have a
project guide that breaks down the steps for a successful science fair project.
Internet Public Library http://www.ipl.org/div/projectguide/
Are you looking for some help with a science fair project? If so, then you have
come to the right place. The IPL will guide you to a variety of web site resources,
leading you through the necessary steps to successfully complete a science
Try Science http://tryscience.com/
Science resource for home that gives you labs to try and 400 helpful links all
related to science. The
Gateway to Educational Materials:
The Gateway to Educational Materials provides an extensive and detailed step-
by-step guide to doing a science fair project.
Science Fair Primer http://users.rcn.com/tedrowan/primer.html
A site to help students get started and run a science fair project.
Neuroscience for Kids: Successful Science Fair Projects
Site made by Lynne Bleeker a former science teacher, science fair organizer, and
judge. She gives a thorough and detailed description of the steps to a successful
science fair project.