UFV Academic Success Centre MLA QUICK BITS Feb. 2022
Available online at: https://ufv.ca/asc/student-resources/
MLA formang is a way to cite sources of informaon both within your text and on a separate references page at
the end of the document. The following is based on the MLA Handbook, 9th Edion, and shows rules for various
source types and situaons.
Basic MLA Format for Works Cited:
Author(s) . Title of Source.Title of Container, Publisher, Year.
Author(s). = Lastname, Firstname. Aer the rst author, all other authors are listed as Firstname LastnameFor
instance, it will read as Lastname1, Firstname1, and Firstname2 Lastname2.
Title of Source.= The tle of the smaller source (i.e. a chapter of a book, a single arcle in a journal, a web pages
tle). If cing a whole book, journal, website, or anything of the like, skip this element and move to the next one.
Title of Container, = The tle of the whole source (i.e. a whole book, an enre journal, the name of a website).
Publisher, = The organizaon responsible for the release of the source to the public. This can include book
publishers, lm studios, theatre companies, and others.
Year. = The latest year the source was published. If you have a link to an online source, instead end this element
with a comma and a space and put the link in immediately aer. Then, put a period aer the link with a space and
say Accessedwith the most recent date you accessed the source on (i.e. Accessed 10 Oct. 2010”).
In all cases, pay close aenon to punctuaon, capitalizaon, spacing, and italicizaon.
CONTACT: [email protected] www.ufv.ca/asc
604-854-4573 (Abbotsford and Chilliwack CEP oces)
Quick Bits
Source Type In-Text Citaon Reference/Notes
Arcle in an Online
Newspaper with an
(Rollason) Rollason, Kevin. Respirator Masks Flying o City Shelves.Winnipeg Free
Press, 1 May 2009, www.winnipegfreepress.com/arts-and-life/life/
respirator-masks-ying-o-city-shelves44126 132.html. Accessed 19
Dec. 2016.
Scholarly Journal
Arcle from an
online database
(Dane 406) Dane, Gabrielle. Reading Ophelias Madness.Exemplaria: A Journal of The-
ory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, vol.10, no. 2, 1998, pp.405-
23. Taylor & Francis Online. doi: 10.1179/exm.1998.10.2.405. Accessed
19 Dec. 2016.
Two sources with the
same author(s).
(Steinbeck, East of
Eden 23)
(Steinbeck, The
Grapes of Wrath 42)
Steinbeck, John. East of Eden. John Steinbeck centennial ed. (1902-2002),
Penguin Books, 2002.
---. The Grapes of Wrath. John Steinbeck centennial ed. (1902-2002), Penguin
Books, 2002.
NOTE: Use three dashes instead of the authors name and sort alphabecally
by tle of work.
UFV Academic Success Centre MLA QUICK BITS Feb. 2022
This resource is excerpted from the Academic Success Centres MLA Citaon Style Guide, rev Jan. 2022. Please see that document for many
more examples.
CONTACT: [email protected] www.ufv.ca/asc
604-854-4573 (Abbotsford and Chilliwack CEP oces)
Source Type In-Text Citaon Reference/Notes
E-book (One Author) As Cameron notes,
while she does not
endorse prescripon
or descripon, the
essenal precondi-
on for these pracc-
es –normavity–IS
fundamental” (2).
Cameron, Deborah. Verbal Hygiene. Ebrary ed., Routlege, 1995. Accessed 7
Oct. 2021. NOTE: an e-book is considered to be an edion of a source
when it also appears in print, which is why the term Ebrary ed.has
been used in this citaon.
NOTE: an e-book is considered to be an edion of a source when it also ap-
pears in print, which is why the term Ebrary ed.has been used in this cita-
Book with three or
more authors
(Granatstein et al.
Granatstein, J.L., et al. Tweneth Century Canada. McGraw, 1983.
A Page on a Web Site The arcle provides
much more than a
handy recipe (Olah).
Olah, Nancy. How to Make Vegetarian Chili in a Slow Cooker.eHow, 21
Oct. 2012, www.ehow.com/video_12242464_ make-vegetarian-chili-
slow-cooker.html. Accessed 19 Dec. 2021.
PDF document (University of the
Fraser Valley)
University of the Fraser Valley. MLA Citaon Style Guide 9th Edion. hps://
Guide-9th-Ed.---December-2021.pdf. Accessed 02 Feb. 2022.
NOTE: As the author (University of the Fraser Valley) is also its publisher, this
informaon does not need to be repeated.
YouTube video (“Meet Jack Aca-
demic Integrity)
Meet Jack — Academic Integrity.YouTube, uploaded by goUFV, 21 July
2016, www.youtube.com/ watch?v=59d1bJjKul0&feature=youtube.
Accessed 21 Dec. 2016.
Twier post (Tweet) (@Hootsuite) @Hootsuite. “#Why social media management is much more than just
posng: hp://snip.ly/hctk7 via @socialmedia2day #ChoiceContent.
Twiter, 9 Nov. 2016, 9:45 a.m., hps://twier.com/hootsuite/
status/796408377668681730. Accessed 21 Dec. 2016.
Personal communica-
on (email, class
notes, etc.)
(Corman) Corman, Tara. Class notes. 2 November 2021.
Figure (chart,
diagram, map, photo,
Capon below gure:
Fig. 1. Berthe Mori-
sot. Reading. 1873.
Cleveland Museum
of Art.
Fig. 1. Edward
Topsell, Mancore,
woodcut, 1658.
NOTE 1: If the capon details the full informaon of the source (as it does in
the rst example to the le), you do not need a full citaon in your works
cited page.
Topsell, Edward. Mancore. Curious Woodcuts of Fanciful and Real Bests. By
Konrad Gener, Dover, 1971, p. 8. Originally published in The History of
Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents…, by Topsell, Londom, 1658.
NOTE 2: Samples obtained from MLA Handbook Ninth Edion
Author and editor (Richler 56) Richler, Mordecai. The Apprenceship of Duddy Kravitz, edited by Malcolm
Ross, McClelland, 1969.