Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 1
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021 • Instructions Revised 10/2022
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application
The Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) contains the following sections:
Section 1. Borrower Information. Collects your personal information, income, and employment.
Section 2. Financial Information Assets and Liabilities. Collects information about your financial assets, personal
financial obligations, and debts you owe.
Section 3. Financial Information Real Estate. Collects information about property you own and the debts and
expenses related to the property.
Section 4. Loan and Property Information. Collects information about the loan purpose and the property you are buying
or refinancing.
Section 5. Declarations. Asks specific questions about the property, how the property will be financed, and your past
financial history.
Section 6. Acknowledgments and Agreements. Informs you of your legal obligations related to the mortgage application
and asks that you acknowledge certain information will be obtained, used, and shared.
Section 7. Military Service. Collects information about your (or your deceased spouse’s) military service.
Section 8. Demographic Information. Requests information the Lender is required by law to ask you.
Section 9. Loan Originator Information. Provides you with information about the loan originator.
Uniform Residential Loan Application-Additional Borrower
The URLA Additional Borrower contains the following sections:
Section 1. Borrower Information. Identical to section on the URLA.
Section 2. Financial Information Assets and Liabilities. Contains only the following statement for the additional
Borrower to complete: “My information for Section 2 is listed on the Uniform Residential Loan Application
with (name of Borrower). The name of the other borrower is entered here.
Section 3. Financial Information Real Estate. Contains only the following statement for the additional Borrower to
complete: “My information for Section 3 is listed on the Uniform Residential Loan Application with (name of
Section 4. Loan and Property Information. Contains only the following statement for the additional Borrower to
complete: “My information for Section 4 is listed on the Uniform Residential Loan Application with (name of
Section 5. Declarations. Identical to section on the URLA.
Section 6. Acknowledgments and Agreements. Contains only the following statement for the additional Borrower to
complete: “My signature for Section 6 is on the Uniform Residential Loan Application with (name of
Section 7. Military Service. Identical to section on the URLA.
Section 8. Demographic Information. Identical to section on the URLA.
Section 9. Loan Originator Information. Identical to section on the URLA.
Using the URLA and URLA-Additional Borrower Together
The URLA and the URLA Additional Borrower are used together to collect information for two Borrowers who have joint
assets, liabilities, and/or real estate information. The URLA and URLA-Additional Borrower can also be used for Borrowers
who do not have joint information but wish to combine their information on the URLA for ease of use. The following are
examples of how to use the URLA and URLA-Additional Borrower:
One Borrower: Complete the URLA.
Two Borrowers with joint financial information:
Complete the URLA plus the URLA-Additional Borrower. Report the assets, liabilities, and real estate for the
additional Borrower on the URLA; OR
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 2
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
Complete a separate URLA for each Borrower.
Report joint assets, liabilities, and real estate on only one URLA; you do not need to duplicate them on more
than one URLA; OR
In cases where borrowers are not collaborating when completing the loan application or if the borrower or
lender chooses to complete a separate URLA, joint assets, liabilities, and real estate may be duplicated on each
URLA; however, joint assets, liabilities, and real estate must only be included in the Automated Underwriting
System (AUS) loan application submission file once.
Two Borrowers with separate financial information
Complete the URLA plus the URLA-Additional Borrower. Report the assets, liabilities, and real estate for the
additional Borrower on the URLA; OR
Complete a separate URLA for each Borrower.
Three or more Borrowers Use any combination of the URLA and the URLA-Additional Borrower forms in accordance
with the above examples.
Non-occupant Borrowers For a primary residence transaction with a non-occupant borrower, the non-occupant
borrower must complete the URLA and not the URLA-Additional Borrower form that is combined with the URLA of an
occupying borrower.
Completing the URLA and URLA-Additional Borrower
The following tables will help you complete certain fields on the loan application. Instructions are grouped by URLA section,
and not every field is described. Instructions for self-explanatory fields (for example, Name, Date of Birth, and Contact
Information) are not included.
Section 1: Borrower Information
1a. Personal Information
I am applying for Individual
Select if you are the only Borrower applying for the mortgage loan.
I am applying for Joint Credit
Select if there are two or more Borrowers applying for the mortgage loan.
Your Initials
This field only applies if there is more than one borrower applying for the mortgage
loan. Each borrower initials their own Section 1a.
Total Number of Borrowers
Enter the number of Borrowers completing application(s) for this transaction (and
signing the note if the loan is approved).
Enter based on the definition of “Dependents” applicable for your loan (the definition
may be different for FHA, VA, USDA-RD, and Conventional loans). If you are unsure, ask
your Lender to clarify.
Current, Former, and Mailing
If the street address includes a unit number, enter it in the “Unit #” field.
You have the option to enter the country or province for non-United States
Select Does not apply if the question is not applicable to you.
No Primary Housing Expense
Select if you are not obligated to pay rent OR you do not own the home where you
live (for example, if you live with relatives and are under no obligation to pay
monthly rent).
Do not select if you own the home where you live and there are no mortgage liens or
home equity loans on the property. Instead, select Own.
1b. Current Employment/Self-Employment and Income
Complete this section for each job, self-employment, or business you own from which you receive income and that you
would like considered in qualifying for this loan.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 3
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
1b. Current Employment/Self-Employment and Income
Select Does not apply and skip to Section 1d. Previous Employment/Self-Employment and Income if you: do not have
a job AND are not self-employed AND do not own a business.
Employer or Business Name
Enter the name of your employer, OR
Enter the name of the business that you own, OR
Enter your name if you are self-employed and do not operate under a business name.
Enter the main phone number of your employer.
Do not enter your personal work phone number here because you reported it under
Contact Information in Section 1a.
Gross Monthly Income Section
Enter all income you receive from this employer each month, filling in the applicable
line items and TOTAL.
Gross Monthly Income - Military
Enter the sum of Military Entitlements you receive for Active, Reserve, or National
Guard duty, excluding Military Base pay [for example, Basic Allowance for
Subsistence (BAS), Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), and other military
entitlements shown on the Leave and Earnings Statement (LES)].
Enter Military Base pay in Base.
Gross Monthly Income Other
Enter other monthly income you receive from this job that is not otherwise specified
in the line items above. (The entry of Other income is not common.)
Enter non-employment income in Section 1e. Income from Other Sources.
Business Owner or Self-
Employed Ownership Share
Select the percentage of the business you own.
Business Owner or Self-
Employed Monthly Income (or
Enter the amount of income (or loss) earned from self-employment or the business
you own.
Enter a loss as a negative number using the following format: “-2,000”.
Your Lender may assist you in calculating this income.
1c. IF APPLICABLE, Complete Information for Additional Employment/Self Employment and Income
Complete this section only if you have income from more than one job, self-owned business, or self-employment.
Repeat this section for each job, self-owned business, or self-employment that you would like considered by the
Select Does not apply and skip to Section 1d. Previous Employment/Self-Employment and Income if you do not have
more than one job, self-owned business, or self-employment.
1d. Previous Employment/Self Employment and Income Provide at least 2 years of current and previous employment
and income.
Complete this section if you have received income from your current job(s) or self-employment(s) for less than two
Describe any periods of unemployment (for example, you were a student or homemaker).
Select Does not apply and skip to Section 1e. Income from Other Sources if you have earned income from a current
job, self-employment, or self-owned business for the past 2 or more years, or if you did not have any previous jobs or
1e. Income from Other Sources
Enter income you receive from sources other than your current employment or self-employment that you would like
considered in qualifying for the loan. Combine income of the same type but from different sources (for example, if you
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 4
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
1e. Income from Other Sources
have retirement income from two different sources, sum the amounts and list the total once on the form as
If the source of your income is not listed, ask your Lender for guidance.
Select Does not apply and skip to Section 2a. Assets Bank Accounts, Retirement, and Other Accounts You Have if
you do not receive income from any other sources.
Section 2: Financial Information Assets and Liabilities
2a. Assets-Bank Accounts, Retirement, and Other Accounts You Have
Enter information about each of your asset accounts, including the current value of each account.
If you have received a gift or grant, and you have deposited it in an account, include it in the Cash or Market Value
amount for that account.
Itemize each gift or grant (even if not yet deposited) in Section 4d. Gifts or Grants You May Have Been Given or Will
Receive for this Loan.
2b. Other Assets and Credits You Have
Other assets not included in the accounts listed in Section 2a that you would like considered in qualifying for the loan.
(Note that gifts are not entered in this section but in Section 4d.)
Credits you will receive toward the property purchase.
Earnest Money
Enter this Credit Type and the Cash Value of the deposit submitted with a purchase offer to show that
your offer is being made in good faith. Do not enter this credit if the amount of the earnest money is
included in an asset account in 2a (for example, in the checking account from which the earnest
money check will be drafted). (Earnest money is also known as a sales contract deposit).
Enter this Credit Type and the Cash Value of funds provided by an employer for the transaction. Do
not enter this credit if the funds are already included in a depository account in 2a or entered as a
relocation credit, a grant, or a subordinate lien on this transaction.
Lot Equity
Enter this Credit Type and the Market Value of the net equity in the lot (market value less any
outstanding liens) for certain unique transactions. Generally, applies when you hold title to the land
on which a manufactured home will be permanently attached.
Relocation Funds
Enter this Credit Type and the Cash Value of funds provided by an employer as part of a relocation
package. Do not enter this credit if the funds are already included in a depository account in 2a or are
entered as an employer assistance credit, grant, or subordinate lien on this transaction.
Rent Credit
Enter this Credit Type and the Market Value based on the portion of rental payments credited towards
this transaction under a documented rental/purchase agreement.
Sweat Equity
Enter this Credit Type and the Cash or Market Value of materials provided for or labor performed on
the property, by you or on your behalf, before closing.
Trade Equity
Enter this Credit Type and the Market Value of equity assigned to you if you will trade property with
the seller as part of this transaction.
Does not apply
Select Does not apply and skip to Section 2c. Liabilities-Credit Cards, Other Debts, and Leases that
You Owe if you do not have any other assets or credits.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 5
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
2c. Liabilities-Credit Cards, Other Debts, and Leases that You Owe
Enter the details of all personal debt that you now owe or will owe before this mortgage loan closes, including:
debts not listed on your credit report,
debts with payments that are currently deferred, and
personal debts that will be paid off at or before closing, even if they will be paid off by this mortgage loan.
Do not include household expenses for phones, utilities, or insurance unless instructed to do so by your Lender.
Select Does not apply and skip to Section 2d. Other Liabilities and Expenses if you do not have any personal debt.
2d. Other Liabilities and Expenses
Ask your Lender which job-related expenses you should identify.
Select Does not apply and skip to Section 3a. Property You Own If you do not have any other liabilities or expenses.
Section 3: Financial Information Real Estate
3a. Property You Own
Enter the details about each property (including undeveloped land) you own and/or for which you are obligated on a
If this is refinance transaction, list the property you are refinancing first.
Enter timeshares only if you are a titled owner of the property.
Enter the associated mortgage(s) details for each property if you are obligated on a mortgage, no matter what your
relationship is to the propertywhether you own the property by yourself, jointly with someone else, or are not on
the title to the property.
Select I do not own any real estate and skip to Section 4a. Loan and Property Information if you do not own real
property and are not obligated on a mortgage.
Provide an estimate of the current property value. You may also obtain the value from your
lender, an appraisal, or a valid property valuation source.
Enter Sold if you recently sold the property.
Enter Pending Sale if the property is currently under contract for sale and you plan to sell
it before you close on this mortgage loan.
Enter Retained if:
the subject loan is a refinance,
you will continue to own the property after this mortgage loan closes (for example,
if the property is a vacation home or investment property that is not the subject of
the mortgage loan), OR
the property is currently listed for sale but is not under contract yet.
If you will continue to own the property after closing, provide its intended use:
Enter Investment if neither you nor any other Borrower on the subject transaction intends
to occupy the property.
Enter Primary Residence if
you intend to occupy the property as your primary residence, OR
the mortgage loan meets the requirements for Primary Residence eligibility.
Enter Second Home if you or any Borrower intend to occupy the property but not as your
primary residence (for example, as a vacation home).
Enter Other if none of the other intended uses applies (for example, if the property is
undeveloped land) or if you do not know if or how you will occupy the property.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 6
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
3a. Property You Own
Enter the sum of any of these expenses that are not included in the amount entered for
Monthly Mortgage Payment under Mortgage Loans on this Property.
Association dues (condo, PUD, co-op fees, or special assessments) are not generally
included in a monthly mortgage payment and therefore should be entered here.
If owned Retained property is a 2-4 unit primary residence or an investment property,
enter the gross monthly rental income you receive from the property.
Your Lender will calculate Net Monthly Rental Income for qualification purposes for a 2-4
unit primary residence or an investment Retained property.
Mortgage Loans on this Property
Select Does not apply and skip to Section 4a. Loan and Property Information if you are not obligated on a mortgage
for this property.
Enter the account number unless your Lender directs you to enter an abbreviated account
number for privacy purposes.
Enter the mortgage payment amount. Include the cost of insurance and taxes in this
amount if you did not enter them separately under Monthly Insurance, Taxes, Association
Dues, etc.
Enter the balance due on the mortgage loan. You can obtain this amount from your
credit report or other document, such as your mortgage statement
Select To be paid off at or before closing for any mortgage loans that will be paid off at
or before closing.
Leave this field blank if you are unsure about the type of mortgage loan. Ask your Lender for
assistance if necessary.
Enter the maximum amount that you are permitted to borrow if you have a home equity
line of credit on the property.
3b and 3c. IF APPLICABLE, Complete Information for Additional Property
Complete these sections only if you own more than one property. Repeat this section for each property as needed.
Select Does not apply and skip to Section 4a. Loan and Property Information if you do not own more than one
Section 4: Loan and Property Information
4a. Loan and Property Information
Loan Amount
Enter the total loan amount you are applying for.
Loan Purpose
Select Purchase if you are applying for a mortgage loan to buy the property; OR
Select Refinance if you already own the property, even when there are no mortgages currently
on the property (for example, if you own the property free and clear and intend to take out
equity/cash); OR
Select Other if the transaction is neither a purchase nor a refinance. Other loan purposes could
a temporary construction loan that is not intended to serve as permanent financing, OR
a new subordinate loan, the proceeds of which will not be used for a purchase or refinance
Note: Ask your Lender if you are unsure which Loan Purpose to select.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 7
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
4a. Loan and Property Information
Unit #
Enter the property unit’s identifier, if there is one. Include any unit number that is part of the legal
property address (for example, “A”, “1”, “1A”, or “123”).
Property Value
Enter the current estimated value of the property. At loan closing, this is the property value used
for loan qualification purposes, generally obtained from the appraisal report.
Select Primary Residence if:
at least one Borrower applying for the loan intends to occupy the property as his or her
primary residence, OR
the mortgage loan meets the requirements for Primary Residence eligibility (for example, if
you are a parent/legal guardian providing housing for your disabled adult child or children, or
you are providing housing for your occupant parents that are unable to work or do not have
sufficient income to qualify).
Select Second Home if you or any Borrower intends to occupy the property but not as your
primary residence (for example, as a vacation home).
Select Investment Property if all Borrowers intend to own, but not occupy, the property.
FHA Secondary
In addition to completing the Occupancy field, select FHA Secondary Residence if you are applying
for an FHA loan that you or any Borrower will occupy in addition to the primary residence, but for
less than six months of the year. This option does not refer to a vacation home.
A Mixed-Use Property is a property that has a business use in addition to a residential use. Neither
retail space within a multi-unit property nor use of a room within the property as a home office are
considered Mixed-Use Properties.
If one or more Borrowers will occupy the property:
Select YES if you will operate a business within the property (for example, a daycare facility).
Select NO if you will not operate a business within the property.
Otherwise, leave this blank.
Select YES if the dwelling was delivered to the property site on wheels and a
permanent chassis.
Otherwise, select NO.
Note: A modular home is not considered a Manufactured Home. Ask your Lender if you are unsure
whether the property is a Manufactured Home.
4b. Other New Mortgage Loans on the Property You are Buying or Refinancing
Enter the details if you are applying for more than one new mortgage loan to purchase or refinance this property
(for example, you are applying for a second mortgage at the same time as the first mortgage).
Select Does not apply if you are applying for only one new mortgage loan.
Note: Liens against properties you already own are entered in Section 3: Financial Information Real Estate.
Amount/Amount to
be Drawn
Enter the loan amount if it is a closed-end loan (no additional funds can be drawn after
closing) OR,
Enter the amount you will draw (borrow) from a line of credit at closing.
Credit Limit
Enter the maximum amount that you are permitted to borrow if the loan is a line of credit.
4c. Rental Income on the Property You Want to Purchase
Expected Monthly
Rental Income
Enter the estimated gross rental income (before expenses) you expect to receive on the
property you are purchasing.
Your Lender will calculate Expected Net Rental Income.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 8
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
4c. Rental Income on the Property You Want to Purchase
Select Does not apply if you are not purchasing property that will generate rental income.
Note: Rental income earned from properties you already own is entered in Section 3: Financial
Information Real Estate.
4d. Gifts or Grants You Have Been Given or Will Receive for this Loan
Enter the information, if applicable. Select Does not apply if you have not been given and will not receive gifts or
grants for this loan.
Not Deposited
Enter only for Cash Gift and Grant.
Select Deposited if
you have received a cash gift or grant, AND
you have deposited it in your account(s), AND
it is included in the Cash or Market Value shown for the account in Section 2a. Assets
Bank Accounts, Retirement, and Other Accounts You Have.
Do not select Deposited or Not Deposited for Gift of Equity.
Section 5: Declarations
5a. About this Property and Your Money for this Loan
A. Will you occupy the property as your primary
If YES, have you had an ownership interest in another
property in the last three years?
If YES, complete (1) and (2) below:
(1) What type of property did you own: primary
residence (PR), FHA secondary residence (SR),
second home (SH), or investment property
(2) How did you hold title to the property: by
yourself (S), jointly with your spouse (SP), or
jointly with another person (O)?
These questions are asked to determine whether the
Borrower is a first-time homebuyer. The first-time
homebuyer designation is applicable only for primary
residence purchases, but 5a.A must be completed for both
purchases and refinances.
If you answer YES to the first question, Will you
occupy the property as your primary residence? you
must answer the second question.
If you answer “YES to the second question, “have you
had an ownership interest in another property in the last
three years?) you must answer questions A (1) and A (2).
If you answer NO to the first question, “Will you
occupy the property as your primary residence?”
continue on to question 5a.B.
C. Are you borrowing any money for this real estate
transaction (e.g., money for your closing costs or down
payment) or obtaining any money from another party,
such as the seller or realtor that you have not disclosed on
this loan application?
NOTE: The term “realtor” appears in Section 5:
Declarations (5a.C.) of the Uniform Residential Loan
Application (1/2021). REALTOR® is a registered service
mark of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).
Only members of NAR may call themselves REALTORS®.
This term will be removed when the form is next updated
and replaced with “real estate agent” or other similar
This may include a rebate of realtor commission on or
after closing or guaranteed cash payments from the seller.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 9
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
5a. About this Property and Your Money for this Loan
D. 1. Have you or will you be applying for a mortgage
loan on another property (not the property securing this
loan) on or before closing this transaction that is not
disclosed on this loan application?
You must disclose all applications for mortgage credit for
another property made with another Lender or creditor
during the mortgage process.
E. Will this property be subject to a lien that could take
priority over the first mortgage lien, such as a clean
energy lien paid through your property taxes (e.g., the
Property Assessed Clean Energy program)?
You must disclose if there are or will be any energy liens
on the property you are purchasing or refinancing that you
pay or will repay through your property taxes. (This
question is not asking about standard real estate property
taxes or homeowners’ association liens.)
5b. About Your Finances
F. Are you a co-signer or guarantor on any debt or loan
that is not disclosed on this application?
A co-signer is jointly liable on any debt or loan; a
guarantor is only liable if the primary Borrower cannot
H. Are you currently delinquent or in default on a Federal
You must disclose if you are delinquent or in default on
any debt owed to the Federal government (for example, a
Federally-backed student loan, FHA loan, USDA Rural
Development loan, Veterans’ Administration loan).
J. Have you conveyed title to any property in lieu of
foreclosure in the past 7 years?
You must disclose if a property for which you were on title
was conveyed through a deed in lieu of foreclosure in the
past 7 years, even if you were not responsible for
repayment of the mortgage loan.
M. Have you declared bankruptcy within the past 7 years?
If you answer “YES,” check the box next to each
applicable bankruptcy type.
IF you answer “NO,” continue on to Section 6.
Section 6: Acknowledgments and Agreements
Acknowledgments and Agreements
Ask your Lender if you have questions about the language in this section.
Borrower Signature
Read this entire section and acknowledge you have read it and agree with its terms by
signing your name.
Additional Borrower
If the URLA is being used with the URLA-Additional Borrower, read this entire section and
acknowledge you have read it and agree with its terms by signing your name.
Section 7: Military Service
Military Service of Borrower
Military Service ○ NO ○ YES
Complete this section for all VA loans. This section is optional for all other loan
If you answer “YES,” check all boxes that apply to your service.
If you are active duty, also provide the expiration date of your term of service.
IF you answer “NO,” continue on to Section 8.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 10
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
Section 8: Demographic Information
Demographic Information of Borrower
Complete this section by either providing the demographic information or checking I do not wish to provide this
information for Ethnicity, Sex, and Race.
Section 9: Loan Originator Information
Loan Originator Information
This section is completed by your Lender and provides you with contact information for the organization and
individual that originated the loan.
Uniform Residential Loan Application-Continuation Sheet
Continuation Sheet
The URLA-Continuation Sheet is an optional form designed for use particularly when the URLA is being manually
completed. Use the URLAContinuation Sheet if more space is needed to complete either the URLA or URLA-
Additional Borrower forms.
Lender Loan No./Universal Loan Identifier
and Agency Case No.
Enter the applicable loan number information in the Continuation Sheet
header to link this form with the corresponding URLA and/or URLA-
Additional Borrower forms.
Additional Information
Use this free form text block for additional rows of information that do not
fit in the URLA or URLA-Additional Borrower tables, or for any other
information related to the loan application.
Borrower Signature and Date
Sign the URLA-Continuation Sheet to acknowledge and agree that this
supplemental information is accurate.
Additional Borrower Signature and Date
If the URLA is being used with the URLA-Additional Borrower, sign the
URLA-Continuation Sheet to acknowledge and agree that this
supplemental information is accurate.
Uniform Residential Loan Application-Unmarried Addendum
For Borrower Selecting the Unmarried Status
This form is optional and is to be completed by the Lender for each Borrower with an unmarried status only when:
A Borrower selected Unmarried for Marital Status on the URLA or URLA-Additional Borrower forms under
Section 1a. Personal Information, AND
The information collected is necessary to determine how State property laws directly or indirectly affecting
creditworthiness apply, including ensuring clear title.
Lender Loan No./Universal Loan Identifier
and Agency Case No.
Enter the applicable loan number information in the header to link this
form with the corresponding URLA components.
Borrower Name
Enter the name of the Borrower with the unmarried marital status.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 11
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
Uniform Residential Loan Application Lender Loan Information
The Uniform Residential Loan Application Lender Loan Information is to be completed by the Lender and contains the
following sections:
Section L1.
Property and Loan Information. Collects community property state information, details about the
transaction, refinance information, and energy improvement information.
Section L2.
Title Information. Collects information about property ownership and how title is and will be held.
Section L3.
Mortgage Loan Information. Collects loan terms, characteristics, and details about the proposed monthly
Section L4.
Qualifying the Borrower Minimum Required Funds or Cash Back. Provides a high-level calculation of the
funds due from or to the borrower(s), based upon total transaction costs, mortgage loan amount, and
Completing the URLA Lender Loan Information
The following tables provide guidance for certain fields on the URLA-Lender Loan Information form. Instructions are grouped
by URLA section, and not every field is described. Instructions for self-explanatory fields (for example, Project Type and Lien
Type) are not included.
L1. Property and Loan Information
Transaction Detail
Check Conversion of Contract for Deed or Land Contract when the mortgage loan
proceeds will be used to pay off the balance due on a contract for deed or land contract,
whether the loan is a purchase or refinance transaction.
Check Renovation when the mortgage loan proceeds will be used to finance the cost of
renovations to the property, and the value assigned to the renovations is included in the
appraised value.
Check Construction-Conversion/Construction-to-Permanent when the loan proceeds will
be for the permanent financing on a newly constructed property.
Select Single-Closing or Two-Closing to identify the type of transaction that will
pay off the construction financing.
Complete the Construction/Improvement Costs, Lot Acquired Date, and Original Cost of
Lot as required by the Investor. (These fields only apply to Construction-
Conversion/Construction-to-Permanent; they do not apply to the other check boxes in
this section.)
Refinance Type
Identify the applicable Refinance Type based on the Investor, Guarantor, or Lender guidelines.
This field may not apply if a Refinance Program is provided (for example, when Interest Rate
Reduction is entered for a VA loan).
Select No Cash Out for FHA, Freddie Mac, or USDA-RD No Cash Out refinances.
Select Limited Cash Out for Fannie Mae Limited Cash Out refinances
Select Cash Out for Fannie Mae, FHA, Freddie Mac, or VA Cash Out refinances.
Refinance Program
Identify the applicable Refinance Program based on the Investor, Guarantor, or Lender
guidelines. This field may not apply to all Investors (for example, Refinance Program
selections should not be used for Fannie Mae loans).
Select Full Documentation only for FHA and USDA-RD loans
Select Interest Rate Reduction only for VA loans
Select Streamlined without Appraisal only for FHA and USDA-RD loans
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 12
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
L1. Property and Loan Information
Select Other and fill in the blank as required to describe refinance programs not listed
Energy Improvement
Check Mortgage loan will finance energy-related improvements if the mortgage loan
proceeds will be used to finance energy-related improvements, whether the Loan Purpose
is Purchase or Refinance.
Check Property is currently subject to a lien that could take priority over the first
mortgage lien, such as a clean energy lien paid for through property taxes (e.g., the Property
Assessed Clean Energy program) if there is an energy lien on the property that the
Borrower(s) are repaying through property taxes. (This option does not refer to standard
real estate property taxes or homeowners’ association liens on the property.)
Project Type
If the property is located in a project, check all boxes that apply. For example,
Condominium or Cooperative may be selected along with Planned Unit Development
If the property is neither a Condominium, Cooperative, nor PUD, check Property is not
located in a project.
L2. Title Information
Manner in Which Title
Will be Held
Before closing, the Lender should discuss with the Borrower(s) how they will hold title to the
Indian Country Land
A reservation is an area of land “reserved” by or for an Indian land, village, or tribe(s) to live on
and use. There are three basic categories of land tenure in Indian Country Fee Lands,
Allotted Trust Lands, and Tribal Trust Lands.
Select Fee Simple On a Reservation if the land is held by an owner, whether Indian or
non-Indian, with no restrictions.
Select Individual Trust Land (Allotted/Restricted) (also referred to as Allotted Trust Land)
if the land is held in trust for the use of a tribe. The Federal government holds the title, and
the individual (or heirs) holds the beneficial interest. Restricted fee land is land in which an
individual Indian holds legal title, but with legal restrictions against alienation or
Select Tribal Trust Land On a Reservation if the land is held in trust by the United States
government for the use of a tribe. The United States holds the legal title and the tribe holds
the beneficial interest. Tribal trust land is held communally by the tribe and is managed by
the tribal government.
Select Tribal Trust Land Off Reservation if the land was purchased by a tribe outside of its
reservation boundaries and then converted to trust land through a regulated process with
the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Select Alaska Native Corporation Land if the land is owned by an Indian tribe and was
conveyed by the United States to a Native Corporation pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims
Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) or conveyed by the United States to a Native
Corporation in exchange for such land.
L3. Mortgage Loan Information
Terms of Loan
Note Rate Enter the interest rate stated on the note signed by the Borrower(s). For an
Adjustable-Rate Mortgage, enter the initial interest rate.
Loan Term Enter the amortization term of the loan. For a balloon loan, enter the
amortization term on which the payment is based.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 13
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
L3. Mortgage Loan Information
Amortization Type
Select Adjustable Rate if the mortgage loan has an interest rate that periodically adjusts
based upon a specified term and external index.
Proposed Monthly
Payment for Property
Subordinate Lien(s) (P&I) - Enter the total of all required monthly payments associated with
any subordinate lien on the property at closing as entered for Monthly Mortgage Payment
under Sections 3a. Property You Own and/or 4b. Other New Mortgage Loans on the
Property You are Buying or Refinancing.
Supplemental Property Insurance - Enter the total of the monthly payments for property
insurance the Borrower(s) are required to obtain in addition to homeowner’s insurance (for
example, flood, earthquake, or other hazardous condition coverage).
Mortgage Insurance - Enter the monthly payment for mortgage insurance (or mortgage
insurance equivalent such as FHA MIP or RD guaranty).
Association/Project Dues (Condo, Co-Op, PUD, or special assessments) - Enter the monthly
cost of the: a) owners’ association dues for properties in a condo or PUD project; b) co-op
corporation fees that are the responsibility of the Borrower(s); or (c) any special assessment
that is the responsibility of the Borrower(s).
Other - Enter the total amount of other required expenses, such as the monthly cost of
ground rent on a leasehold or a Community Land Trust property.
L4. Qualifying the Borrower Minimum Required Funds or Cash Back
A. Sales Contract Price
Enter the sales price stated in the sales contract. (Certain investors may have different
Note: This field may also be used for the cost of construction for certain
Construction Conversion, Constructionto-Permanent, or Manufactured Housing transactions.
B. Improvements,
Renovations and
Enter the cost of these items when included as part of the transaction per Investor
C. Land (if acquired
Applicable only to certain Construction Conversion, Constructionto-Permanent, or
Manufactured Housing transactions. Enter the cost or value of land (depending on investor
requirements) that is not part of the sales contract price or included in the current
indebtedness against the property. For example, when the Borrower(s) own or buy the land
outside of the purchase price of the property in a:
Construction Conversion or Constructionto-Permanent transaction where the Borrower
purchases the land separately outside of the sales contract and the sales contract price
reflects only the price of building the improvement, OR
Manufactured Housing transaction where the Borrower owns the land and the sales
contract price is to purchase only the manufactured home that is then permanently placed
on the Borrower’s land.
D. For Refinance:
Balance of
Mortgage Loans on
the Property to be
paid off in the
Enter the balance of the mortgage loan(s) on the subject property (See Table 3a. Property You
Own) that will be paid off as part of the refinance transaction.
E. Credit Cards and
Other Debts Paid
Enter the total debt (other than mortgage debt secured by the property) that is to be paid off
at or before closing of the mortgage loan. Include the sum of the amounts entered in Unpaid
Balance under Section 2c. LiabilitiesCredit Cards, Other Debts, and Leases that You Owe, that
have been checked as To be paid off at or before closing.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 14
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
L4. Qualifying the Borrower Minimum Required Funds or Cash Back
F. Borrower Closing
Enter the amount of closing costs that are used in qualifying the Borrower(s) for both the
subject loan and any concurrent subordinate financing, including: closing costs, prepaid items
and initial escrow deposits, and the costs for private mortgage insurance (PMI) or equivalent
(FHA Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP), VA Funding Fee, and USDA-RD Guarantee
G. Discount Points
Enter the total of all discount points charged by the Lender.
I. Loan Amount
Loan Amount Excluding Financed Mortgage Insurance (or Mortgage Insurance Equivalent)
Enter the base loan amount before the inclusion of financed private mortgage insurance or
equivalent (FHA Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium, VA Funding Fee, and USDA-RD
Guarantee Fee).
Financed Mortgage Insurance (or Mortgage Insurance Equivalent) Amount Enter the
amount of private mortgage insurance or equivalent (FHA Upfront Mortgage Insurance
Premium, VA Funding Fee, and USDA-RD Guarantee Fee) that will be included in the loan
Loan Amount - Enter the sum of the base loan amount plus the financed mortgage
insurance in the right-hand column.
J. Other New
Mortgage Loans on
the Property
Enter the amount of any other new loans that will be obtained by the Borrower and secured
by the property at the same time as the subject loan. (For example, if the Borrower is
obtaining a new second mortgage in addition to the first mortgage (with the same or a
different Lender), enter the amount of the new second mortgage here).
Note: The amount entered here should be the same as the sum of the amounts entered for
Loan Amount/Amount to be Drawn in Section 4b. Other New Mortgage Loans on the Property
You are Buying or Refinancing.
L. Seller Credits
Enter the amount of Borrower(s) costs paid by the property seller.
M. Other Credits
Enter the sum of all purchase credits in addition to those itemized under 2b. Other Assets and
Credits You Have.
Note: Add together all of the following that apply to the transaction: Borrower-paid fees
(before closing), Builder/Developer credits, Earnest money, Employer affiliate credits,
Employer-assisted housing, Lender credits, Lender affiliate credits, Lot equity, Real estate
agent, Relocation funds, Rent credit, Sweat equity, Trade equity, and other credits that do not
“fit” the listed options.
Revision History
Added a note to Section 5. Declarations question 5.C.
Various updates to make the forms easier to complete based on customer feedback after the
implementation of the URLA on March 1, 2021.
Updated the URLA Instructions with the new URLA Effective date of 1/2021.
Added “special assessments” to 3a. Monthly Insurance, Taxes, Association Dues, etc. and L3.
Proposed Monthly Payment for Property and added “FHA” to L1. Refinance Program for Full
Documentation and Streamlined without Appraisal
Removed, relocated, re-named and re-numbered sections to align with updates to the URLA.
Explained Intended Occupancy new field in Sections 3.a, 3.b and 3.c.
Explained new credit type Employer Assistance in Section 2b and updated Note in Section L4.
Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan Application
Uniform Residential Loan Application Instructions 15
Freddie Mac Form 65 • Fannie Mae Form 1003
URLA Effective 1/2021• Instructions Revised 10/2022
Revision History
Added note to Section 1.a if the street address includes a unit number, enter it in the “Unit #”
Added note to Section 2.b that gifts are not entered in this section but in Section 4d
Added guidance to L4.M Other Credits to include the sum of all purchase credits in addition to
those itemized under 2b. Other Assets You Have. Provided examples of additional types of
credits that should be included in this sum.
Updated the Header to read “Instructions for Completing the Uniform Residential Loan
Corrected the parenthesis in the Gross Monthly Income - Military Entitlements instruction
Added guidance to L4.M Other Credits to include all purchase credit amounts itemized under 2b.
Corrected typographical, font, and highlight errors and variances from the URLA form so that the
Instructions match the form (1d, 2b, 2c, 3a Mortgage Loans on this Property, 3a and 3c, 5a, 5aD1,
5aE, Section 6, Section 7, Unmarried Addendum, Energy Improvement.
Lender was capitalized throughout the document where it was previously not capitalized