Q1 Electrical signals recording of muscle at rest
and during contraction to assess muscular
disease or nerve damage?
Select one:
a. Electroencephalography
b. Echocardiography
c. Electrocardiography
d. lntrathecal
Q2 Which of the following hormones can be
identified by the ending tropin?
Select one:
a. Pituitary hormones.
b. Thyroid hormones.
C. Parathyroid hormones.
d. Pancreas hormones.
e. Thymus gland hormone.
Q3 Painful urination is termed?
Select one:
a. Enuresis
b. Oliguria
C. Polyuria
d. Dysuria
e. Anuria
Q4 The combining form pertaining to the teeth?
Select one:
a. Labio
b. Cheilo
c. Dento
d. Sialo
e. Odento
Q5 Injury to the hypothalamus may result in all of
the following except?
Select one:
a. Pathologic sleep
b. Loss of body temperature control
c. Excretion of excessive amounts of
d. Loss of proprioception
e. Loss control of digestive system
Q6 The method that measures the volume of
urine expelled from the urethra?
Select one:
a. Cystometry
b. Cystourethroscopy
c. Uroflowmetry
d. Electromyography
e. Creatinine clearance
Q7 Which of the following statements is correct
about what happens during flexion?
Select one:
a. The angle between bones is
b. The angle between bones is
c. The angle between bones is not
d. The bone moves toward the midline
of the body.
e. The bone moves away from the
midline of the body.
Q8 Forms the anterior portion of the skull and the
roof of the cavities that contain eyeball?
Select one:
a. Parietal bone
b. Maxilla /c. Zygomatic bone /d. Frontal bone
e. Sphenoid bone
Q9 Hypersecretion of testosterone by adrenal
cortex in females?
Select one:
a. Gynecomastia
b. Adrenal virilism
c. Adrenal feminization
d. Hirsutism
e. Cushing's syndrome
Q10 Not attached to the sternum anteriorly while
connected posteriorly to the thoracic
Select one:
a. Coccyx vertebrae
b. Cervical vertebrae
c. Vomer
d. True ribs
e. Floating ribs
Q11 Fibrosis of connective tissue in the skin,
fascia, muscle, or joint capsule that prevents
normal mobility of the related tissue or joint?
Select one:
a. Contracture
b. Ankylosis
c. Spondylolisthesis
d. Bunion
e. Adhesion
Q12 Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal
cord caused by a virus. commonly resulting in
a spinal deformity and paralysis?
Select one:
D a. Encephalitis
b. Meningitis
c. Poliomyelitis
d. Dementia
e. Paresthesia
Q13 Inflammation of the mouth is termed?
Select one:
a. Gastritis
b. Glossitis
c. Stomatitis
d. Tonsillitis
e. Pharyngitis
Q14 The systemic circulation of the cardiovascular
system extends from....... To..........?
Select one:
a. The heart to the lungs
b. Heart to the coronary arteries
c. The heart to the body's organs and
d. The gastrointestinal tract to the liver
e. The right atrium to right ventricle
Q15 Bone immobilization by the application of an
orthopedic device to the injured bony part?
Select one:
a. Osteotome
b. Total joint arthroplasty
c. Osteodesis
d. Osteoclasia
e. Splinting
Q16 The suffix dia- means?
Select one:
a. Without
b. Upon
C. Under
d. Through
e. Same
Q17 Muscle dystrophy could be progressive
causing loss of muscle function. considered
the most common type of muscular
Select one:
a. Atrophy
b. Duchenne dystrophy
c. Osteoarthritis
d. Bursectomy
e. Chondrosarcoma
Q18 Tissue transplantation between individuals of
the same species is termed?
Select one:
a. Heterograft
b. Homograft
c. Xenograft
d. Xeroderma
e. Scleroderma
Q19 Motor impulses transmitted to glands and
muscles not under conscious control?
Select one:
a. Sympathetic but not parasympathetic
nervous system
b. Parasympathetic but not sympathetic
nervous system
c. Autonomic nervous system
d. Somatic nervous system
e. All central nervous system
Q20 A condition caused by insufficient oxygen
intake, mainly due to drowning, electric shock,
poisoning and lodging of a foreign body in the
respiratory tract?
Select one:
a. Dysphonia b. Anthracosis
c. Pneumonia d. Asphyxia
e. Pleurisy
Q21 An autoimmune destruction of thyroid; results
in hyposecretion disorder?
Select one:
a. Cretinism
b. Myxedema
c. Hashimoto disease
d. Thyrotoxicosis
e. Grave’s disease
Q22 Bending the foot or toes upward?
Select one:
a. Inversion
b. Eversion
C. Extension
d. Dorsiflexion
e. Plantar flexion
Q23 The orange or yellowish pigment present in
bile is called?
Select one:
a. Bolus
b. Jaundice
c. Cholelithiasis
d. Sphincter
e. Bilirubin
Q24 The term that means pertaining to the tail is?
Select one:
a. Caudal
b. Cranial
c. Ventral
d. Dorsal
e. Superior
Q25 A medical specialty cornered with disorders of
the respiratory system?
Select one:
a. Pulmonologist
b. Internist
c. Gastroenterology
d. Pulmonology
e. Respiration
Q26 A drug that stimulates bronchial muscles to
relax, so expands air passages, resulting in
increased air flow?
Select one:
a. Antibiotic
b. Decongestant
c. Antihistaminic
d. Antitussive
e. Bronchodilator
Q27 The line which divides the body into ventral
and dorsal halves is known as?
Select one:
a. Frontal
b. Coronal
0. Anatomical
d. Midline
e. Sagittal
Q28 The cell organelle that is responsible for
cellular reproduction or division?
Select one:
a. Mitochondria
b. Nucleus
c. Lysosome
d. Golgi apparatus
e. Endoplasmic reticulum
Q29 Situated on each side of the skull just behind
the frontal bone?
Select one:
a. Temporal bone
b. Parietal bone
c. Sphenoid bone
d. Ethmoid bone
e. Occipital bone
Q30 Paralysis of the vocal cords and larynx?
Select one:
a. Anosmia
b. Laryngoplegia
C. Orthopnea
d. Hypoxemia
e. Crthostatic hypotension
Q31 A microbial test to identify disease-causing
organisms of lower respiratory tract,
especially ones causing pneumonia?
Select one:
a. Sweat test
b. Spirometry
c. Sputum culture
d. Metastasize
e. Anthracosis
Q32 Is a condition in which the lungs are not
functioning effectively, threatening the life of
the patient?
Select one:
a. Hemoptysis
b. Epistaxis
c. Bronchiolitis
d. Acute respiratory distress syndrome
e. Phlegm
Q33 Congenital deformity of the neural tube which
falls to close during fetal development?
Select one:
a. Hydrocephalus
b. Ataxia
c. Poliomyelitis
d. Spina bifida
e. Transient ischemic attack
Q34 The dysfunction of the nerves that control the
bladder due to stress is called?
Select one:
a. Urinary incontinence
b. Nephrolithiasis
C. Polycystic kidney disease
d. Vesicoureteral reflux
e. Neurogenic bladder
Q35 The surgical connection between the urinary
bladder and the skin is termed?
Select one:
a. Circumcision
b. Hypospadias
c. Cystectomy
d. Vesicostomy
e. Vesicoureteral reflux
Q36 Hernia containing fat is?
Select one:
a. Seborrhea
b. Steatorrhea
c. Steatitis
d. Lipocele
e. Adiposis
Q37 As a major point to differentiate mitosis and
meiosis, there are daughter cells
resulted from meiosis compared to
..............daughter cells from mitosis?
Select one:
a. Four, two
b. Two, four
c. Six, three
d. Three, six
e. Two, six
Q38 The combining form pertain to sweat is?
Select one:
a. Adip/o
b. Derm/o
c. lchthy/o
d. Hidr/o
e. Kerat/o
Q39 All the following diseases caused by
hyposecretion of hormones, except?
Select one:
a. Cushing disease.
b. Dwarfism.
c. Addison disease.
d. Cretinism.
e. Diabetes insipidus.
Q40 The combining form used to denote blood clot
Select one:
a. Hemangi/o
b. Thromb/o
c. Phleb/o
d. Steth/o
e. VaIv/o
Q41 A space between the cranial bones of the
skull in an infant, then, fuses in early childhood?
Select one:
a. Foramens
b. Fissures
c. Sutures
d. Sinuses
e. Fossae
Q42 If the patient complains from painful straining
to empty his bladder. It is said that he has?
Select one:
a. Nocturia
b. Enuresis
c. Urine retention
d. Urinary tenesmus
e. Urinary incontinence
Q43 Abnormal breathing pattern with long periods
of apnea followed by deep and rapid
Select one:
a. Clubbing
b. Aspiration
c. Bronchiectasis
d. Asthma
e. Cheyne-Stokes respiration
Q44 The group of drugs used to decrease
cholesterol production is called?
Select one:
a. ACE inhibitors
b. Nitrates
c. Statins
d. Thrombolytics
e. Stent
Q45 When the infection invades the urinary
bladder, it is called?
Select one:
a. Cystitis
b. Urethritis
c. Pyelonephritis
d. Hemodialysis
e. Vasculitis
Q46 Surgical removal of fatty substance is called?
Select one:
a. Atherectomy
b. Atheroma
c. Cardiorrhexis
d. Atrial
e. Electrocardiogram
Q47 If a person stands with his arms, palms, head
and feet directed forward. This person is said
to be in which position?
Select one:
a. Lateral
b. Prone
c. Anatomical
d. Supine
e. Sagittal
Q48 The medical technique for removing waste
products from the body using the peritoneal
membrane is termed?
Select one:
a. Cystourethroscopy
b. Peritoneal dialysis
c. Hemodialysis
d. Lithotripsy
e. Foleys catheter
Q49 The combining form vascul/o denotes?
Select one:
a. Duct
b. Blood vessel
C. Heart
d. Atrium
e. Artery
Q50 The stainless steel tube placed within blood
vessel to widen its lumen is termed?
Select one:
a. Catheter
b. Stethoscope
c. Plaque
d. Murmur
e. Stent
Q51 How would you treat an animal with bilateral
adrenalectomy so that it functions like the
normal animal?
Select one:
a. Provide the animal with ACTH
b. Provide the animal cholesterol and
tyrosine supplements
C. Provide the animal with CRH
d. Inject the animal with ergosterol
e. Provide the animal cortisol and
aldosterone supplements
Q52 The term angiogram means?
Select one:
a. Inflammation of a vessel
b. Narrowing of a vessel
c. Record of a vessel
d. Surgical repair of vessel
e. Involuntary muscle contraction in a
Q53 Which of the following membrane is
responsible for the protection of the heart?
Select one:
a. Epicardium
b. Endocardium
c. Myocardium
d. Pericardium
e. lnterventricular septum
Q54 Urinary hesitancy is?
Select one:
a. A delay between trying to urinate and
the start of flow
b. Painful straining to empty bladder
c. Retaining urine in the bladder
d. Presence of protein in the urine
e. A loss of control over bladder and
urethral sphincters
Q55 Increase the angle at the joint?
Select one:
a. Flexion
b. Rotation
c. Extension
d. Eversion
e. circumduction
Q56 The only layer of the epidermis that is
composed of living cells?
Select one:
a. The stratum lucidum
b. The stratum corneum
c. The stratum spinosum
d. The stratum basale
e. The stratum granulosum
Q57 The combining form denotes hardening of the
skin is?
Select one:
a. Trich/o
b. Onych/o
C. Ungu/o
d. Scler/o\
e. Pil/o
Q58 Prolonged use of steroids can result in
, a condition characterized by weakness, thin skin,
hypertension, and weight gain?
Select one:
a. Addison's Disease
b. Cushing's Disease
c. Grave's Disease
d. Recklinghausen's Disease
e. Thyrotoxicosis
Q59 Recording brain electrical activity, inspite of
the whose distinct patterns of rhythmic
electrical impulses emitted by its cells?
Select one:
a. Electroencephalogram
b. Echoencephalogram
c. Electroencephalography
d. Echoencephalography
e. Myelography
Q60 Disease caused by inhaling foreign particles,
such as stone dust and iron dust?
Select one:
a. Pneumothorax
b. Pyothorax
c. Pneumoconiosis
d. Hemothorax
e. Bronchitis
Q61 The suffix that gives the mean of below is?
Select one:
a. Dia-
b. Sub-
c. Epi-
d. Homo-
e. Hyper-
Q62 Emerge from the intervertebral spaces in
between vertebrae, then, extend to different
parts of the body?
Select one:
a. Mixed nerves
b. Cranial nerves
c. Thalamus
d. Astrocytes
e. Spinal nerves
Q63 Inflammation of the sweat gland is termed?
Select one:
a. Mycosis
b. Dermatitis
c. lchthyosis
d. Sudoresis
e. Hidradenitis
Q64 The combining form that denotes chest is?
Select one:
a. Angi/o
b. Aort/o
C. Hemangi/o
d. Sphygm/o
e. Steth/o
Q65Lung treatment using various techniques to
deliver medication in mist form directly to
lungs or air passage ways?
Select one:
a. Aerosol therapy
b. Anti-histaminic
c. Mucoexpectorant
d. Bronchodilator
e. Antibiotic
Q66 Swallowing air means?
Select one:
a. Polyphagia
b. Anorexia
c. Dyspepsia
d. Aerophagia
e. Steatorrhea
Q67 If the blood pressure drops suddenly on
standing, this condition is called?
Select one:
a. Infarct
b. Sphygmomanometer
c. lschemia
d. Crthostatic hypotension
e. Palpitation
Q68 Bacterial inflammation of the kidney and its
pelvis is called?
Select one:
a. Nephrotic syndrome
b. Pyelonephritis
c. Cystitis
d. Acute renal failure
e. Glomerulonephritis
Q69 The absence of pigment in the skin, eyes, and
hair due to an inherited inability to produce
melanin is known as?
Select one:
a. lchthyosis
b. Leucoplakia
c. Albinism
d. Moles
e. Freckles
Q70Prevent uncontrolled neuron activity
associated with seizures by altering electrical
transmission along neurons?
Select one:
a. Analgesic
b. Antidepressant
c. Antipsychotic
d. Anesthetic
e. Anticonvulsant
Q71 The term that denotes a band of muscle fibers
that constricts a passage or closes an
opening is?
Select one:
a. Bolus
b. Skeletal muscle
C. Exocrine gland
d. Sphincter
e. Pylorus
Q72 The following set of cranial nerves are
responsible for taste sensation on tongue?
Select one:
a. Facial and vestibulocochlear
b. Hypoglossal and Facial
c. Glossopharyngeal and Vagus
d. Facial and glossopharyngeal
e. Hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal
Q73 Dry, grating sound or sensation caused by
rubbing together the bone ends, indicating a
fracture of a joint?
Select one:
a. Ankylosis
b. Multiple myeloma
c. Crepitation
d. Synovitis
e. Arthrodesis
Q74 Collapsed or airless state of the lung, which
may be acute or chronic and affects all or part
of a lung?
Select one:
a. Hemothorax
b. Pneumonia
C. Hemoptysis
d. Emphysema
e. Atelectasis
Q75 The posterior pituitary gland is not truly
considered an endocrine gland because it?
Select one:
a. Has a rich blood supply
b. Does not synthesize hormones
c. Has no real blood supply
d. Contains ducts
e. Is not located near the brain
Q76 Presence of horny thickened tissue in the skin
is called?
Select one:
a. Sudoresis
b. lchthyosis
c. Dermatomycosis
d. Melanoma
e. Keratosis