Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Credential Candidate Name: __________________________________________ Year of Student Teaching:______________________________
The Urban Dual Credential Program (UDCP) is a combined multiple subjects and education specialist credential program. The candidate named above has
met requirements for the multiple subjects and the education specialist preliminary credential in the following area:
Mild/Moderate Moderate/Severe
Program Pathway (check one): ITEP Traditional (Post-Bac)
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing awards credentials on the basis of completion of programs that meet Standards for Educator Preparation
and Educator Competence. Standards 6 requires the development of an “Individual Development Plan” before exiting the preliminary credential program. This
plan should be completed during the final two weeks of student teaching and only signed if the candidate is expected to receive credit for the course.
Otherwise, this plan should be completed after the successful completion of the credential program.
In collaboration with the University Supervisor and the Master Teacher, the credential candidate identifies goals related to the California Standards for the
Teaching Profession as top priorities for support during the initial phase of induction. The Urban Dual Credential Program prepares candidates for both the
multiple subjects and education specialist preliminary credential. Therefore, this plan covers both credential areas and reflects the Teacher Performance
Expectations for both multiple subjects and education specialist, both of which are aligned to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. The plan is
based on the results of the CSU Long Beach Urban Dual Credential Student Teacher Evaluation Rubric and other observation data collected through the final
phase of fieldwork.
It is the responsibility of the teacher candidate to retrieve signatures for this document and retain the original for the employing school district induction
program director/coordinator.
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 1: Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning
Standard 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Standard 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning
Standard 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Standard 5: Assessing Student Learning
Standard 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Please identify which of the following teaching modalities you participated in
during student teaching:
In person
Fully Virtual
At the time of completion of the Individual Development Plan, what
additional credential requirements have you completed (check all that apply)?
Passed TPA 2.0 Cycle 1
Submitted and Awaiting Scores for TPA 2.0 Cycle 1
Passed TPA 2.0 Cycle 2
Submitted and Awaiting Scores for TPA 2.0 Cycle 2
Passed Reading Instruction Competency Exam (RICA)
Taken and Awaiting Scores for RICA
Identify your top two strengths according to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession/Teaching Performance Expectations and describe evidence
to support your claim. Choose one from the area of multiple subjects and one from the area of education specialist.
Identify your top two areas for growth, according to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession/Teaching Performance Expectations
and write a corresponding, very specific, measurable professional growth goal for each of the selected standards. Choose one from the area of
multiple subjects and one from the area of education specialist.
Identify three professional areas of interest. Think about potential topics for further exploration or study related to the field of education.
I acknowledge the following:
I have received a copy of this IDP and I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain this document and provide it to my Induction Program after being hired by
a district.
The student teacher support team (University Supervisor, Master Teacher, Credential Candidate) has collaborated on the development of the Individual
Development Plan.
I understand that the IDP is a portable document that is archived by the Urban Dual Credential Program at CSU, Long Beach and a copy has been maintained by me
to be shared with the induction program.
Teacher Candidate Signature_________________________________________________________________ Date________________________________
University Supervisor Signature_______________________________________________________________ Date________________________________
Master Teacher Signature____________________________________________________________________ Date________________________________
Further questions related to the Individual Development Plan can be directed to:
Lidiana Portales Blair, Ed.D.
Urban Dual Credential Program Coordinator
Credentials Applied For (To be completed by candidate upon credential recommendation):
Multiple Subjects:
Preliminary Credential (P5) Preliminary Credential with a Renewal Code (P5 with TPA and/or RICA) Variable Term Waiver (PS-VTW)
Effective Date of Credential: _______________________
Education Specialist:
Preliminary Credential (P5) Preliminary Credential with a Renewal Code (P5 with RICA) Variable Term Waiver (PS-VTW)
Effective Date of Credential: _______________________