Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)
SAMPLE Goals and Activities
Teaching Style Related to Student Learning
In the space below, indicate any personal goals that coincide with this action plan. Include how you
plan to meet these goals.
Goal: To expand teaching methods to address the individual learning styles of all
students. Activities: 1) Consult with and observe other staff particularly intervention
specialists; 2) Attend classes, conferences and workshops.
Anticipated CEUs 3
Content Area and Teaching Methods
In the space below, indicate any personal goals that coincide with this action plan. Include how you
plan to meet these goals.
Goal: To develop and enhance teaching methods and curriculum to address the
academic needs of all students. Activities: 1) Attend classes, workshops, conferences
and trainings related to teaching strategies and curriculum; 2) Implement new skills
and knowledge in the classroom; 3) Participate in district curriculum project.
Anticipated CEUs 3
Classroom Management and Assessment
In the space below, indicate any personal goals that coincide with this action plan. Include how you
plan to meet these goals.
Goal: To create a classroom management plan which contributes to student academic
productivity. Activities: 1) Consult with and observe other staff; 2) Consult with
administration regarding classroom management; 3) Attend classes, workshops,
conferences and trainings related to classroom management.
Anticipated CEUs 4
Reflective Practice
In the space below, indicate any personal goals that coincide with this action plan. Include how you
plan to meet these goals.
Goal: To access my personal teaching style based on the four Pathwise Domains and
the district educator evaluation format in order to prepare to become a mentor teacher.
Activities: 1) Attend Pathwise training to become a district mentor teacher.
Anticipated CEUs 4
Teacher Professionalism
In the space below, indicate any personal goals that coincide with this action plan. Include how you
plan to meet these goals.
Academic Staff
Goal: To renew math licensure and begin graduate work leading to a master’s degree.
Activities: 1) Attend classes leading to master’s degree.
NEW Career-Tech Staff
Goal: To obtain career-technical licensure from the Ohio Department of Education.
Activities: 1) Attend classes, conferences and workshops; 2) Participate in coaching and
mentoring programs.
All Staff
Goal: To become involved in professional educational organizations. Activities: 1) Join
and become active in ACTE (Association for Career and Technical Education) and other
professional organizations.
Anticipated CEUs 4
1. It is best to complete at least 3 goal areas.
2. List the goal first, then the activities for each goal area selected.
3. For renewal of a teaching license grades K-12, you need 18 CEUs or 6 semester hours or a
combination of both since the issue date of your last license. You might have 3 semester hours and
9 CEUs. It takes 10 contact hours to equal 1 CEU and you can take partial CEUs. For example, if
you attend a workshop and it lasts 3 hours, which would be 0.3 CEUs. These partial hours add up
so make sure you keep track.
3 CEUs = 1 semester hour
10 contact hours = 1 CEU
4. Anticipated CEUs do not have to be exact, just realistic. Divide the number evenly among your
chosen goal areas. For example, if you have 3 goal areas, you might list 6 CEUs for each. Do not
worry about listing semester hours specifically.