Edgewood Local
Professional Development Committee
Sample Plans
Writing Goals
Ideas to get you started!
IPDP’s should contain learning goals. Developing learning goals begins with reflection on such
questions as:
What do I want my students to achieve?
What do building and district goals mean in my
classroom? How do I want students to perform at the end of the year? What learning problems
keep occurring? What skills are usually the least developed at the end of each year?
What changes in my practice could contribute to the changes I want to see in student
What would students need to do to demonstrate the knowledge and skills expected
of them? What improvements in curriculum, teaching methods, or assessment would make a
How can I increase my capacity to implement these improvements in practice?
What new
knowledge, skills, roles, and relationships are needed to make these improvements?
LPDC Basics
Educators developing their first IPDPs and new LPDC members may need to review some basic
information about LPDC processes and requirements. These “LPDC Basics” provide an
introduction for goal setting. Additional details are provided in the packet located in the blue
binders provided at each building.
Goal Statements
At the heart of an IPDP are a few (typically two or three) statements of the broad learning goals
the educator plans to meet during the renewal cycle. A goal statement should:
State an intention to engage in learning. In this part of the goal statement, the educator
should use an action verb that signifies learning.
Describe an area related to practice that will be the focus of the educator’s learning.
Describe how learning will be demonstrated.
Possible Goal Components
Select one from each column (mix and match).
I will: In what area of improvement: For
the purpose of…
Learn about Teaching methods Writing
Read widely in A method (cooperative learning) Presenting
Study theory/practice of A discipline (science) Developing
Become skillful at A population (gifted/ADHD) Designing
Gain an understanding of An organizational pattern (multiage) Documenting
Explore An area (school reform) Creating
Investigate A program (history day) Demonstrating
Research A curriculum area (music)
So that student achievement will be increased.
Use the EDGE POINTS CHARTS to choose all the possible activities that you might do to
complete your professional development goals. List all activities in your plan. This does not
mean that you will do all of them, but you must have them listed if you plan to use them. See the
sample plans for ideas.
Type your
Goals Sheet
using the sample plans to model the format. The Assessment
Statement is the same for everyone; just copy it as it is written. The Application Statement is
created by you, explaining how you will apply your new learning in your teaching to improve
student learning. The form ELPDC-2 is the scoring rubric that the committee uses to evaluate
your individual plan. Review this with your goals before you submit them to the committee.
Each building has a building representative on the committee. You are to organize your IPDP
paperwork into a binder or folder and submit it to your building rep at least two days prior to the
meeting. They bring your IPDP to the meeting and the entire committee evaluates the IPDP.
The committee meets the 2
Monday of every month and twice in September and May. The
building rep will return your binder after the meeting.
It is the educator’s responsibility
to keep all of their paperwork.
The building reps will try to answer any questions each
educator may have about the procedures, but they may have to ask the committee at the next
meeting to verify. Submit forms ELPDC-1, ELPDC-2, and your Goals Sheet along with a copy
of your teaching license to verify the issue date. You cannot begin an IPDP until after your
on your license. From here follow the directions listed on ELPDC-3 in the forms section
for approval of your activities and reflections.
We have included 5 sample plans to give you ideas. Please follow the
same format.
Sample Plan # 1
Individual Professional Development Plan
Randall Edwards
Edgewood High School
September 1, 2006
Goal One
I will become skillful at a variety of teaching methods for the purpose of presenting lessons that
will result in improved student achievement.
I may utilize taking college/university courses, attending professional conferences
or workshops, and/or making presentations to faculty.
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
This new learning will be applied by sharing and implementing relevant practices
and programs in working with my students. Examples are: constructing and/or
utilizing lessons that support building, district, and state academic testing goals.
Goal Two
I will become knowledgeable about individual differences in students for the purpose of
developing lessons and making modifications/accommodations that respond to those differences
so that students’ achievement will be increased.
I may utilize taking college/university courses, attending professional conferences
or workshops, completing educational projects, and/or completing professional
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I hope to see my new learning effect change in my teaching instruction as I plan
units/themes, lesson plans, and teaching strategies and in implementing IEP’s.
Sample Plan # 2
Individual Professional Development Plan
Paige Angela Davidson
Babeck Elementary
September 1, 2006
Goal One
I will increase my skills in developing performance-based assessments. I will create a workable
process for developing valid, reliable assessment tasks and rubrics so that student achievement
will be increased.
I may utilize:
§ taking college/university courses
§ attending professional conferences or workshops
§ professional reading
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I hope to see my new learning effect change my assessment techniques, which
more accurately reflect student abilities and achievement.
Goal Two
I will develop skills and knowledge in the area of math education for the purpose of developing
student knowledge so that student achievement will be increased.
I may utilize:
§ taking college/university courses
§ attend professional conferences or workshops
§ completing professional readings
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I will use my new learning to effect change in my teaching instruction resulting
in improve student achievement.
Sample Plan # 3
Individual Professional Development Plan
Abraham Alexander
Edgewood High School
September 1, 2006
Goal One
I will examine superior educational practices in order to gain new knowledge, lead others
in learning, and form a community of intelligent practice so that student achievement will be
I may utilize educational projects, professional reading, study groups, educational
committees, workshops, Edgewood Sponsored Training, and/or taking
college/university courses.
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I intend to implement programs and methods recognized as best practice by the
educational community at large in order to foster teacher effectiveness and
maximize student achievement. Possible examples include writing across the
curriculum, authentic assessment, responsive classroom, experiential learning,
holistic learning, reflective learning and intervention based assessment.
Goal Two
I will deepen my understanding of the principal’s role in staff development; and as an
educational leader in the local school building I will design strategies to improve staff
development in my building so that student achievement will be increased.
I may utilize educational projects, professional reading, study groups, conference
presentations, publishing, mentoring, workshops, and college/university courses.
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I will research leadership and staff development literature and form a study group
with staff and possibly other principals to develop a plan for improvement.
Sample Plan # 4
Individual Professional Development Plan
Callie Ann Teaster
Edgewood School
September 1, 2006
Goal One
I will develop new instructional techniques and learn how to implement a variety of teaching
methods that will result in higher student achievement.
I may utilize professional reading, study groups, educational committees,
workshops, and/or college/university courses.
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I will use newly acquired information and skills to continually revise and improve
my curriculum and lesson plans to increase student achievement,
Goal Two
I will enhance and develop skills to promote positive student behavior in the classroom.
I may utilize educational projects, professional reading, study groups, attending
workshops, and college/university courses.
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I will use newly acquired information to minimize student behavior problems in
the classroom and to encourage positive student behavior.
Sample Plan # 5
Individual Professional Development Plan
Trenton M Baloney
Edgewood School
September 1, 2006
Goal One
I intend to gain knowledge and expand ways of working with children with various disabilities to
increase student achievement.
I may utilize taking college courses, attending professional conferences and
workshops, completing educational projects, and professional readings.
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I will use newly acquired information and skills to continually revise and improve
my lesson plans to increase student achievement,
Goal Two
I intend to increase my effectiveness as an early childhood educator by assuming greater
leadership roles in the local school building, district and educational community resulting in
improved student learning,
I may utilize educational projects, professional reading, study groups, mentoring,
workshops, making presentations, training student teachers and taking
college/university courses.
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I intend to assume greater responsibilities and varying roles within the local
school district and educational community. Possible examples could include but
are not limited to: serving on committees, hosting student teachers, and
facilitating a support group for parents with special needs students.
Sample Plan # 6
Individual Professional Development Plan
Ryan Jones
Edgewood School
September 1, 2008
Goal One
I will increase my professional knowledge as I work collaboratively with other professionals in
developing educational programs and strategies to increase student achievement.
I may utilize taking college courses, attending professional conferences and
workshops, professional readings, mentoring other teachers and being a
cooperating teacher for student teachers.
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I will use what I learn to effect change in my teaching methods or in those that I
mentor which will improve the education of my students.
Goal Two
I will increase my skills in developing performance-based assessments. I will create a workable
process for developing valid, reliable assessment tasks and rubrics so that student achievement
will be increased.
I may utilize educational projects, professional reading, study groups, professional
workshops, and taking college/university courses.
I intend to complete all the verification requirements as established by the Edgewood
City School District’s LPDC and complete a reflection for each activity. I will also
complete a final reflection on my entire professional development plan.
I hop to use my new learning in my revision of my assessment techniques to more
accurately reflect student abilities and achievement.
Edgewood Local Professional Development Committee
Individual Professional Development Plan
Other Possible Professional Development Plan Goals
I will…
A. investigate a variety of classroom management techniques which will
help me create a learning environment which is more conducive for
student learning so that student achievement will be increased.
B. become knowledgeable about the use of computer technology in
(your subject area) to develop a range of lessons that incorporate computers
so that student achievement will be increased.
C. gain an understanding of multiple intelligences and use those for a guide
in developing lessons which increase student achievement.
D. investigate strategies that will empower parents to be partners in student learning
so that student achievement will be increased.
E. study strategies for diagnosing reading problems and analyze the effectiveness
of those strategies based on student achievement.
Reflections should help the educator think about the new learning and how it relates to your experience.
These are provided just to give you an idea of how others have reflected. We expect your reflections to
be your own. You must write a personal reflection for each activity you do. Reflections are submitted
along with the verification of the activity as listed on the EDGE points chart after the activity is
Reflection Example # 1
This school year, I mentored an entry year teacher. I spent time with her discussing Praxis III,
classroom procedures, and anything else she questioned. This has allowed me to share my ideas and
experiences with her while helping her develop into a better teacher. Student achievement will be
increased from the ideas I have taken from observing her class. I also gained experience and knowledge
as an educational leader which will not only benefit my students, but the students of my future mentees.
Reflection Example # 2
This culture course relates directly to both my goals. I was required to investigate the cultural
implications of numerous Australian holidays and literature, both through library research and
interacting with Australians and their celebrations firsthand. I had to report my observations and
research and then create several unit plans that would allow me to pass this newfound information on to
my students.
My students are very interested in the daily lives of teenagers in Australia. They enjoy learning
about how holidays and the ways they are celebrated differ between US and Australia. I acquired much
information related to this topic. I also developed lesson plans to demonstrate these new details, using
communicative activities and resources that I had never used before.
These new techniques and resources will liven up my curriculum and make the information more
relevant and interesting to the students, thereby raising their level of achievement.
After completing your IPDP and earning your 18 EDGE Points, completely,
but briefly write a final reflection answering the following questions.
(The reflection should be no more than 2 pages).
1. How will student learning be affected by your activities?
2. How has your professional growth been affected by your activities?
3. What professional development activities were the most beneficial for
you? Why?