Currency Transaction Reporting
FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual 1 February 2021
Objective: Assess the bank’s compliance with the BSA regulatory requirements for currency
transaction reporting.
Regulatory Requirements for Currency Transaction Reporting
This section outlines the regulatory requirements for banks found in 31 CFR Chapter X
regarding reports of transactions in currency. Specifically, this section covers:
31 CFR 1010.310
31 CFR 1010.311
31 CFR 1010.312
31 CFR 1010.313
31 CFR 1010.314
Filing Obligations
A bank must electronically file a Currency Transaction Report (CTR) for each transaction in
(deposit, withdrawal, exchange of currency, or other payment or transfer) of more than
$10,000 by, through, or to the bank.
These currency transactions need not be reported if they
involve “exempt persons,” a group which can include commercial customers meeting specific
criteria for exemption.
Refer to the Transactions of Exempt Persons section for more
Identification Required
A bank must verify and record the name and address of the individual presenting a transaction,
as well as record the identity, account number, and Social Security or taxpayer identification
number, if any, of any person or entity on whose behalf such a transaction is conducted.
Verification of the identity of an individual who indicates that he or she is an alien or is not a
resident of the United States must be made by passport, alien identification card, or other official
document evidencing nationality or residence (e.g., a provincial driver’s license with indication
of home address). Verification of identity in any other case must be made through a document,
other than a bank signature card, that is normally acceptable as a means of identification when
cashing checks for nondepositors (e.g., a driver’s license or credit card). A bank signature card
may be relied upon only if it was issued after documents establishing the identity of the
individual were examined and notation of the specific information was made on the signature
31 CFR 1010.100(m) defines currency as coin and paper money of the United States or any other country that is
designated as legal tender and that circulates and is customarily used and accepted as a medium of exchange in the
country of issuance. Effective July 1, 2012, FinCEN mandated electronic filing of certain BSA reports, including
the CTR.
77 Fed. Reg. 12367. Forms to be used in making reports of currency transactions may be obtained from
BSA E-Filing System (31 CFR 1010.306(e)).
31 CFR 1010.311.
31 CFR 1020.315.
Currency Transaction Reporting
FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual 2 February 2021
card. In each instance, the specific identifying information (e.g., the driver’s license number)
used in verifying the identity of the customer must be recorded on the report. The mere notation
of “known customer” or “bank signature card on file” on the report is prohibited.
Aggregation of Currency Transactions
For the purposes of currency reporting requirements, a bank includes all of its domestic branch
and, therefore, branch office transactions must be aggregated. Multiple currency
transactions resulting in either cash in or cash out totaling more than $10,000 during any one
business day must be treated as a single transaction, if the bank has knowledge that they are
conducted by or on behalf of any person. Deposits made at night or over a weekend or holiday
must be treated as if received on the next business day following the deposit.
To comply with
regulatory requirements, management must ensure that systems or practices appropriately
aggregate currency transactions throughout the bank and report currency transactions subject to
the BSA requirement to file CTRs.
Types of currency transactions subject to reporting requirements individually or by aggregation
include, but are not limited to: deposits and withdrawals, automated teller machine (ATM)
transactions, denomination exchanges, loan payments, currency transactions used to fund
individual retirement accounts (IRAs), purchases of certificates of deposit, funds transfers paid
for in currency, monetary instrument purchases, certain transactions involving armored car
and currency to or from prepaid access.
In cases where multiple businesses share a common owner, FinCEN guidance
states that the
presumption is that separately incorporated entities are independent persons. This FinCEN
guidance indicates that the currency transactions of separately incorporated businesses should
not automatically be aggregated as being on behalf of any one person simply because those
businesses are owned by the same person. It is up to the bank to determine, based on
information obtained in the ordinary course of business, whether multiple businesses that share a
common owner are, in fact, being operated independently depending on all the facts and
circumstances. Consistent with this FinCEN guidance, if the bank determines that the businesses
are independent, then the common ownership does not require aggregation of the separate
transactions of these businesses.
However, if the bank determines that these businesses (or one or more of the businesses and the
private accounts of the owner) are not operating separately or independently of one another or
their common owner (e.g., the businesses are staffed by the same employees and are located at
the same address, the bank accounts of one business are repeatedly used to pay the expenses of
another business, or the business bank accounts are repeatedly used to pay the personal expenses
31 CFR 1010.312.
31 CFR 1010.313(a).
31 CFR 1010.313(b).
For additional information on CTR filing requirements for transactions conducted through armored car services,
refer to FinCEN (July 12, 2013), FIN-2013-R001
Treatment of Armored Car Service Transactions Conducted on
Behalf of Financial Institution Customers or Third Parties for Currency Transaction Report Purposes.”
FinCEN (March 16, 2012), FIN-2012-G001 Currency Transaction Report Aggregation for Businesses with
Common Ownership.”
Currency Transaction Reporting
FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual 3 February 2021
of the owner), the bank may determine that aggregating the businesses’ transactions is
appropriate because the transactions were made on behalf of a single person. Consistent with
this FinCEN guidance, once the bank determines that the businesses are not independent of each
other or of their common owner, then the transactions of these businesses should be aggregated
going forward.
There are other BSA requirements that may aid banks in determining when transactions are “by
or on behalf of” the same person, such as the requirement to identify the beneficial owners of
legal entity customers.
To the extent this beneficial ownership information helps the bank
determine that certain transactions had no apparent purpose other than to avoid triggering a CTR
filing, the bank would need to consider whether filing a suspicious activity report (SAR) would
be appropriate.
Refer to the Beneficial Ownership Requirements for Legal Entity Customers
section for more information.
Structured TransactionsCTR Requirements
Structuring transactions occurs when a person, acting alone or in conjunction with, or on behalf
of, other persons, conducts or attempts to conduct one or more transactions in currency, in any
amount, at one or more financial institutions, on one or more days, in any manner, for the
purpose of evading the CTR requirements.
Under the BSA, no person shall, for the purpose of evading a CTR reporting requirement:
Cause or attempt to cause a bank to fail to file a CTR.
Cause or attempt to cause a bank to file a CTR that contains a material omission or
misstatement of fact.
Structure, assist in structuring, or attempt to structure any transaction with one or more
domestic financial institutions.
Refer to Appendix G: Structuring for additional information. When a bank suspects that a person
is structuring transactions to evade CTR filing, it must file a SAR.
Additionally, evading BSA
reporting and recordkeeping requirements can result in civil and criminal penalties under the
FinCEN (May 11, 2016), “Customer Due Diligence Requirements for Financial Institutions: Final Rules,” 81 Fed.
Reg. 29398, 29409 (May 11, 2016).
Id. See also 12 CFR 208.62, 211.5(k), 211.24(f) and 225.4(f) (Federal Reserve); 12 CFR 353.3 (FDIC); 12 CFR
748.1(c) (NCUA); 12 CFR 21.21 and 12 CFR 163.180 (OCC).
31 CFR 1010.100(xx).
31 CFR 1010.314. In addition to CTRs, this regulation also applies to other currency reporting requirements, such
as Form 8300 or CMIR requirements, reporting or recordkeeping requirements imposed through a geographic
targeting order, or recordkeeping requirements for funds transfers, transmittals of funds, and purchases of monetary
31 CFR 1020.320(a)(2)(ii).
31 CFR 1010 Subpart H.
Currency Transaction Reporting
FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual 4 February 2021
Filing and Record Retention
All CTRs must be filed through FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System.
Certain fields in the CTR
are marked as “critical” for technical filing purposes; this means the BSA E-Filing System does
not accept filings in which these fields are left blank. For these items, FinCEN filing instructions
state that the bank must either provide the requested information or check “unknown.”
FinCEN expects that banks will provide the most complete filing information available,
consistent with existing regulatory expectations, regardless of whether the individual fields are
deemed critical for technical filing purposes.
If the bank receives correspondence from
FinCEN identifying data quality errors, it should follow any required actions that FinCEN
outlines in the correspondence. FinCEN has also issued several administrative rulings and other
guidance on filing and completing CTRs.
A completed CTR must be electronically filed with FinCEN within 15 calendar days after the
date of the transaction.
The bank must retain copies of CTRs for five years from the date of the
The bank may retain copies in either electronic format or paper copies.
FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System allows for tracking of filings. Users will receive
acknowledgement notifications and other correspondence from FinCEN through the system
regarding their filings. Examiners should consider reviewing correspondence from FinCEN’s
BSA E-Filing System to aid in their assessment of the bank’s reporting of currency transactions.
CTR Backfiling and Amendment
If the bank becomes aware, either through self-identification or through an examination, that it
has failed to file CTRs on reportable transactions, or filed CTRs with errors, the bank must begin
complying with CTR requirements. The bank may contact FinCEN’s Resource Center to request
a determination on whether to backfile unreported transactions or amend CTRs filed with
In most cases, the bank can submit late CTRs and/or amended CTRs without the need
to contact FinCEN for a backfiling or amendment determination. FinCEN has indicated,
however, that in certain situations, the bank should consider contacting FinCEN (for example, if
31 CFR 1010.306(a)(3).
FinCEN (April 2020), “FinCEN Currency Transaction Report (CTR) Electronic Filing Requirements.”
FinCEN (March 29, 2012), FIN-2012-G002 “Filing FinCEN’s new Currency Transaction Report and Suspicious
Activity Report.”
FinCEN (Oct. 3, 2019), “Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the FinCEN Currency Transaction Report.”
FinCEN (February 10, 2020), FIN-2020-R001 “FinCEN CTR (Form 112) Reporting of Certain Currency
Transactions for Sole Proprietorships and Legal Entities Operating Under a “Doing Business As” (“DBA”) Name.”
FinCEN (March 29, 2012), FIN-2012-G002 “Filing FinCEN’s new Currency Transaction Report and Suspicious
Activity Report.” FinCEN (August 23, 2001), FinCEN Ruling 2001-2 “Currency Transaction Reporting:
Aggregation.” FinCEN (April 2020), “FinCEN Currency Transaction Report (CTR) Electronic Filing
31 CFR 1010.306(a)(1). Effective July 1, 2012, FinCEN mandated electronic filing of certain BSA reports,
including the CTR. 77 Fed. Reg. 12367. Forms to be used in making reports of currency transactions may be
obtained from BSA E-Filing System (31 CFR 1010.306(e)).
31 CFR 1010.306(a)(2).
Direct all inquiries to the FinCEN Resource Center by calling (800) 767-2825 or (703) 905-3591 or by e-mailing
Currency Transaction Reporting
FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual 5 February 2021
the bank is instructed to by its regulator,
if it is unclear whether the circumstances require
backfiling or amending CTRs, or if the bank wants to request regulatory relief from submitting
some or all of the CTRs). Once FinCEN provides a backfiling or amendment determination, the
bank should follow the instructions for backfiling or amending CTRs on FinCEN’s website.
Examiner Assessment of the CTR Process
Examiners should assess the adequacy of the bank’s policies, procedures, and processes (internal
controls) related to the bank’s reporting of currency transactions. Specifically, examiners should
determine whether these internal controls are designed to mitigate and manage ML/TF and other
illicit financial activity risks and comply with CTR requirements. In addition to reviewing
correspondence from FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System, examiners may review other information,
such as recent independent testing or audit reports, to aid in their assessment of the bank’s
reporting of currency transactions.
Examiners should also consider general internal controls concepts, such as dual controls,
segregation of duties, and management approval for certain actions, as they relate to the bank’s
reporting of currency transactions. For example, employees who complete CTRs generally
should not also be responsible for the decision to file the reports. Other internal controls may
include BSA compliance officer or other senior management approval for staff actions that
override currency aggregation systems and review of exception reports for those overrides.
Examiners should determine whether the bank’s internal controls for reporting of currency
transactions are designed to assure ongoing compliance with CTR requirements and are
commensurate with the bank’s size or complexity and organizational structure. More
information can be found in the Assessing the BSA/AML Compliance Program - BSA/AML
Internal Controls section of this Manual.
FinCEN encourages a bank to notify its regulator if the bank identifies an issue with CTR reporting involving a
systemic issue or a large number of filings.
SeeInstructions for Backfiling or Amending Currency Transaction Reports” on FinCEN’s website.
Currency Transaction Reporting Examination and Testing Procedures
FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual 6 February 2021
Objective: Assess the bank’s compliance with BSA regulatory requirements for the reporting of
currency transactions.
1. Review the bank’s policies, procedures, and processes that address the preparation, filing,
and retention of CTRs. Determine whether the bank adequately addresses the requirements
for preparing, filing, and retaining CTRs.
2. Review correspondence that the bank has electronically received from FinCEN’s BSA E-
Filing System. Determine the significance of any errors reported by FinCEN and whether
management has taken corrective action, when necessary.
3. Review the information technology sources, systems, and processes the bank uses to identify
transactions that may be required to be reported in a CTR. Determine whether the bank
appropriately aggregates currency transactions, including throughout bank branch offices.
4. Determine whether the bank’s internal controls are designed to assure ongoing compliance
with CTR requirements and are commensurate with the bank’s size or complexity and
organizational structure. This may include reviewing processes for overriding currency
aggregation systems.
5. Select a sample of filed CTRs (electronic format or paper copies) to determine whether:
CTRs are filed in accordance with FinCEN instructions for currency transactions
identified by the information technology sources, systems, and processes the bank uses.
CTRs are filed within 15 calendar days after the date of the transaction(s).
CTRs filed contain accurate and complete information. Determine whether management
has taken corrective action when errors are identified internally or by FinCEN’s BSA E-
Filing System.
Any discrepancies exist between the bank’s records of CTRs and the CTRs reflected in
the BSA reporting database.
The bank retains copies (electronic format or paper copies) of CTRs for five years from
the date of the report.
6. On the basis of examination and testing procedures completed, form a conclusion about the
adequacy of policies, procedures, and processes the bank has developed to meet BSA
regulatory requirements associated with reporting of currency transactions.