Arash Shahkar
A thesis
The Department
Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of Master of Applied Science
in Information Systems Security at
Concordia University
Montréal, Québec, Canada
March 2016
Arash Shahkar, 2016
Concordia University
School of Graduate Studies
This is to certify that the thesis prepared
By: Arash Shahkar
Entitled: On Matching Binary to Source Code
and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Applied Science (Information Systems Security)
complies with the regulations of this University and meets the accepted standards
with respect to originality and quality.
Signed by the final examining committee:
Dr. Jia Yuan Yu Chair
Dr. Lingyu Wang Examiner
Dr. Zhenhua Zhu External Examiner
Dr. Mohammad Mannan Supervisor
Chair of Department or Graduate Program Director
Dr. Amir Asif, Dean
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
On Matching Binary to Source Code
Arash Shahkar
Reverse engineering of executable binary programs has diverse applications in
computer security and forensics, and often involves identifying parts of code that are
reused from third party software projects. Identification of code clones by comparing
and fingerprinting low-level binaries has been explored in various pieces of work as
an effective approach for accelerating the reverse engineering process.
Binary clone detection across different environments and computing platforms
bears significant challenges, and reasoning about sequences of low-level machine in-
structions is a tedious and time consuming process. Because of these reasons, the
ability of matching reused functions to their source code is highly advantageous, de-
spite being rarely explored to date.
In this thesis, we systematically assess the feasibility of automatic binary to source
matching to aid the reverse engineering process. We highlight the challenges, elab-
orate on the shortcomings of existing proposals, and design a new approach that is
targeted at addressing the challenges while delivering more extensive and detailed
results in a fully automated fashion. By evaluating our approach, we show that it is
generally capable of uniquely matching over 50% of reused functions in a binary to
their source code in a source database with over 500,000 functions, while narrowing
down over 75% of reused functions to at most five candidates in most cases. Finally,
we investigate and discuss the limitations and provide directions for future work.
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Code Listings x
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Thesis Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Background 6
2.1 Software Compilation and Build Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.1 High-level Source Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.2 Abstract Syntax Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1.3 Intermediate Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.4 Control Flow Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.5 Compiler Optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.6 Machine Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.7 Linking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Binary to Source Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.1 Automatic Compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.2 Automatic Parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3 Related Work 20
3.1 Binary to Source Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 Binary Decompilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.1 Decompilation as an Alternative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2.2 Decompilation as a Complementary Approach . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3 High-Level Information Extraction from Binaries . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.4 Source Code Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.5 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4 CodeBin Overview 29
4.1 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2 Comparison of Source Code and Binaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3 Function Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.3.1 Function Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.3.2 Standard Library and API calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.3.3 Number of Function Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.3.4 Complexity of Control Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3.5 Strings and Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4 Annotated Call Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.5 Using ACG Patterns as Search Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5 Implementation 42
5.1 Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.1.1 Macros and Header Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.1.2 Statically Linked Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.1.3 Function Inlining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.1.4 Thunk Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.1.5 Variadic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.2 Source Code Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.2.1 Preprocessing and Parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.2.2 Source Processor Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.3 Binary File Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.3.1 Extracting Number of Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.3.2 ACG Pattern Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.4 Graph Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.4.1 Subgraph Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.4.2 Query Results Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.5 User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6 Evaluation 61
6.1 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6.1.1 Test Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6.1.2 Pattern Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.1.3 Result Collection and Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.2 Evaluation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.3 No Reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.4 Different Compilation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.5 Source Base and Indexing Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
7 Discussion 73
7.1 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.1.1 Custom Preprocessor Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.1.2 Orphan Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
7.1.3 Inaccurate Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
7.1.4 Similar Source Candidates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
7.1.5 C++ Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.2 CodeBin as a Security Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.3 Directions for Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
8 Conclusion 81
Bibliography 89
List of Figures
1 Sample abstract syntax tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 Control flow graph created from source code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 The effect of LLVM optimizations on CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4 The effect of MSVC optimizations on CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5 Cyclomatic complexity of four different hypothetical CFGs . . . . . . 34
6 Cyclomatic complexity of source and binary functions without compiler
optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
7 Cyclomatic complexity of source and binary functions with compiler
optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
8 Sample partial annotated call graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
9 Overall design of CodeBin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
10 The effect of static linking on binary ACGs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
11 Thunk functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
12 The architecture of CodeBin source code processor. . . . . . . . . . . 50
13 User interface: Indexing source code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
14 User interface: Inspecing ACGs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
15 User interface: Viewing matching results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
16 User interface: Viewing source code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
List of Tables
1 Complementary information on Figure 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2 Results of evaluating CodeBin in real-world scenarios. . . . . . . . . . 65
3 CodeBin results in no-reuse cases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4 Effect of different compilation settings on CodeBin’s performance. . . 69
5 CodeBin test dataset, parsing and indexing performance. . . . . . . . 72
Code Listings
1 Sample C source code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Part of x86 assembly code for findPrimeSpeed function . . . . . . . . 16
3 Cypher query for the ACG pattern in Figure 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4 Different implementations for ROTATE in OpenSSL. . . . . . . . . . 74
5 Similar functions in Sqlite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Chapter 1
Analysis and reverse engineering of executable binaries has extensive applications in
various fields such as computer security and forensics [76]. Common security applica-
tions of reverse engineering include analysis of potential malware samples or inspecting
commercial off-the-shelf software; and are almost always performed on binaries alone.
Reverse engineering of programs in binary form is often considered a mostly manual
and time consuming process that cannot be efficiently applied to large corpuses.
However, companies such as security firms and anti-virus vendors often need to
analyze thousands of unknown binaries a day, emphasizing on the need for fast and
automated binary analysis and reverse engineering methods. To this end, there has
been several efforts in designing and developing reliable methods for partial or full
automation of different steps of reverse engineering and binary analysis.
Code reuse is referred to the process of copying part of an existing computer
program code in another piece of software with no or minimal modifications. Code
reuse allows developers to implement parts of a program functionality by relying on
previously written and tested code, effectively reducing the time needed for software
development and debugging.
Previous research has shown that code reuse is a very common practice in all sorts
of computer programs [17, 44, 60, 63, 75], including free software, commercial off-the-
shelf solutions and malware, all of which are typical targets of reverse engineering.
In the process of reverse engineering a binary program, it is often desirable to
quickly identify reused code fragments, sometimes referred to as clones. Reliable
detection of clones allows reverse engineers to save time by skipping over the fragments
for which the functionality is known, and focusing on parts of the program that drive
its main functionality.
This thesis is the result of exploring identification and matching of reused portions
of binary programs to their source code, a relatively new and less explored method
in the area of clone-based reverse engineering.
1.1 Motivation
The source code of a computer program is usually written in a high-level program-
ming language and is occasionally accompanied by descriptive comments. Therefore,
understanding the functionality of a piece of software by reading its source code is
much easier and less error-prone compared to analyzing its machine-level instructions.
On the other hand, as will be discussed later in Chapter 2, while huge repositories of
open source code is accessible for the public, creating large repositories of compiled
binaries for such programs bears significant challenges. As a result, matching reused
portions of binary programs to their source code would be an effective method in
speeding up the reverse engineering process.
Previous efforts have been made on identifying reused code fragments by searching
through repositories of open source programs [13, 39, 67]. However, research on binary
to source code matching is still very scarce. All previous proposals in this area follow
relatively simple and similar methods for matching executable binaries to source code,
and have not been publicly evaluated beyond a few limited case studies. Also, to the
best of our knowledge, there exists no systematic study on the feasibility and potential
challenges of matching reused code fragments from binary programs to source code.
1.2 Thesis Statement
In summary, the objective of this thesis is to assess the feasibility of automatically
comparing executable binary programs on the Intel x86 platform to a corpus of open/-
known source code to detect code reuse and match binary code fragments to their
respective source code. To reach this goal, we try to answer the following questions:
Question 1. What are the common features or aspects of a computer program that
can be effectively extracted from both its source code and executable binaries in an
automated fashion?
Question 2. How do compilation and build processes affect these aspects, and what
are the challenges of automated binary to source comparison?
Question 3. Can we improve the existing solutions for binary to source matching by
enriching the analyses with more reliable features and working around the challenges?
Question 4. To what extent can we use better binary to source matching techniques
to detect code reuse and facilitate reverse engineering of real world binary programs?
1.3 Contributions
1. Identification of Challenges. We have explored the effects of the compilation
and build process on various aspects of a program, and have shown why certain
popular features that are commonly used in previous work for comparing source
code [19, 45, 47, 69] or binary code fragments [30, 31, 32, 41, 46, 71] together
cannot be used for comparing source code to binary code. We have also studied
and hereby describe the challenges of automatically extracting features from
large corpuses of open source code, as well as the technical complications of
binary to source comparison.
2. New Approach. We explore the possibilities of improving current binary to
source matching proposals by studying additional features that can be used for
comparing source code to binary code, and propose a new approach, CodeBin,
which unlike previous proposals, tries to move from syntactic matching to ex-
tracting semantic features from source code and is capable of revealing code
reuse with much more detail.
3. Implementation. We have implemented CodeBin and created a system that
is capable of automating the matching of reused binary functions to their source
code on arbitrary binary programs and code bases. Our implementation can au-
tomatically parse and extract features from arbitrary code bases, create search-
able indexes of source code features, extract relevant features from disassembled
binaries, match binary functions to previously indexed source code, and gener-
ally reveal the source code of a majority of reused functions in an executable
4. Evaluation. We have evaluated CodeBin by simulating real world reverse en-
gineering scenarios using existing open source code. We present the results of
code reuse detection through binary to source matching, and assess the scala-
bility of our approach. To this end, we have indexed millions of lines of code
from 31 popular real world software projects, reused portions of the previously
indexed code in 12 binary programs, and used our prototype implementation to
detect and match reused binary functions to source functions. In summary, our
implementation is generally capable of uniquely matching over 60% of reused
functions to their source code, requiring approximately one second for indexing
each 1,000 lines of code and less than 30 minutes for analyzing relatively large
disassembled binary files on commodity hardware. We have also tested our sys-
tem in 3 cases where no previously indexed code is reused, and have investigated
the results in all cases. We present sample cases and describe the reasons why
the capabilities of our approach is undermined in certain circumstances, and
also discuss the possibilities for future work.
1.4 Outline
The rest of this thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 covers some necessary
background on how source code is translated into machine level executable binary
programs, as well as the challenges of automatically matching binary programs to
source code. In Chapter 3, we review related work in the field of reverse engineering
and software analysis, and discuss previous proposals for binary to source matching
and their shortcomings. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the formulation of our approach,
including the results of studying additional common features that can be extracted
from source code and binaries and our proposed method of creating searchable indices
from extracted features as well as performing searches over indexed source code. We
present the details of our prototype implementation in Chapter 5, and discuss certain
aspects of it that are incorporated to address several technical challenges that are
caused by the complexity of the compilation process. In chapter 6, we present the
results of evaluating our approach in real world clone detection-based reverse engi-
neering scenarios and our dataset. Chapter 7 includes the results of investigating the
evaluation results, covers challenging cases with samples and potential opportunities
for future work and improvements. Finally, we conclude in Chapter 8.
Chapter 2
2.1 Software Compilation and Build Process
The build process, in general, is referred to the process of converting software source
code written in one or several programming languages into one or several software
artifacts that can be run on a computer. An important part of the build process is
compilation, which transforms the source code usually written in a high-level program-
ming language into another target computer language that is native to the platform
on which the program is meant to run. The target code is then processed further to
create target software artifacts.
The details of the build process highly varies between programming languages and
target platforms. For instance, building a program written in C into a standalone
executable binary for Intel x86 CPUs is completely different from building a Java
program that is executed in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) [54].
Our goal is to facilitate reverse engineering of binary programs. C is arguably
the most popular programming language that is used to produce machine-executable
binaries [78], and x86 is still the predominant computing platform. Due to the nature
of our work, in the rest of this section we discuss the build process by focusing on C
as the source code programming language and Intel x86 as the target platform.
2.1.1 High-level Source Code
A computer program is usually written in a high-level programming language such
as C. These languages provide strong abstraction from the implementation details
of a computer, and allow the programmer to express the logic of the program using
high-level semantics.
We hereby discuss some related concepts in C programs using a simple example.
This sample code, along with many others, were used in the early stages of this work
to explore different ideas for binary to source matching.
Listing 1 shows a simple C program that receives an integer using a command
line argument and computes the largest prime number that is smaller than the input
integer using a pre-allocated array. The main logic of the program for finding the
target prime number is encapsulated in the function findP rimeSpeed, and the target
integer is passed to this function using its only argument, limit.
This program relies on three functions not defined in its source code, but imported
from the C standard library: malloc for allocating space in memory, printf for
writing in the standard output, and atoi for extracting an integer value from a
character string. Functions, as well as structs and other components can be imported
from other source files using the #include preprocessor directive.
As the first step towards creating an executable program from C source code,
the code is preprocessed. Each C source file usually refer to several other source
(header) files using #include directives, which instruct the preprocessor to simply
replace the directive line with the contents of the included header file. Preprocessor
macros are unique tokens defined by the programmer to replace arbitrary code, or to
simply include or exclude certain parts of source code in combination with #ifdef
and #ifndef directives. These macros shape an integral part of the C programming
language and are commonly used for a variety of reasons, including controlling the
build process and enclosing platform-dependent parts of code. In some projects such
as OpenSSL, macros are heavily used to include different implementations of the same
components, only one of which is eventually compiled. During the preprocessing step,
C compilers rewrite the source code based on a set of defined macros and form a
concrete version of the code. As a result, a piece of C source code is likely to be
incomplete without having a specific set of defined macros.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int findPrimeSpeed(int limit) {
numbers = (int
) malloc(sizeof(int)
int lastPrime;
int n, x;
for (n = 2; n < limit; n++) {
numbers[n] = 0;
for (n = 2; n < limit; n++) {
if (numbers[n] == 0) {
lastPrime = n;
for (x = 1; n
x < limit; x++) {
x] = 1;
return lastPrime;
int main(int argc, char
argv[]) {
printf("%d\n", findPrimeSpeed(atoi(argv[1])));
Listing 1: Sample C source code.
2.1.2 Abstract Syntax Tree
Once the code is preprocessed, a lexer parses the program’s source code to convert
its text into a parse tree or concrete syntax tree, which consists of all its tokens
separated according to C syntax. The parse tree is then simply converted into an
abstract syntax tree or AST, which is an immediate representation of source code
based on its syntactic structure. AST differs subtlety from a parse tree as it does not
represent all the details appearing in the real syntax, such as comments and spaces.
However, each node in AST denotes a construct in the source code, and can represent
anything from an operator to the name of a function argument. Obtaining an AST
is therefore vital to any analysis of source code based on its semantics.
eed ’int (int)’
limit ’int’
DeclStmt DeclStmt DeclStmt ForStmt ForStmt ReturnStmt
umbers ’int *’ cinit
lastPrime ’int’
’int’ ’=’
t’ lvalue
t’ 0
... ...
numbers[n] = 0
Figure 1: Abstract syntax tree for findPrimeSpeed function in Listing 1, created using
Clang [48].
2.1.3 Intermediate Representation
A computer program can be represented in many different forms. Translating code
from one language to another, as performed in compilation, requires analysis and
synthesis, which are in turn tightly bound to the representation form of the program.
Compilers usually translate code into an intermediate representation (IR), also
referred to as intermediate language (IL) [77]. Intermediate representations used in
compilers are usually independent of both the source and target languages, allowing
for creation of compilers that can be targeted for different platforms. Most syntheses
and analyses are performed over this form of code.
For instance, the GCC compiler uses several different intermediate representations.
These intermediate forms are internally used throughout the compilation process
to simplify portability and cross-compilation. One of these IRs, GIMPLE [58], is
a simple, SSA-based [20], three-address code represented as a tree that is mainly
used for performing code-improving transformations, also known as optimizations.
Another example is the LLVM IR [49], a strongly-typed RISC instruction set used as
the only IR in the LLVM compiler infrastructure.
2.1.4 Control Flow Graph
A control flow graph (CFG) is a directed graph that represents all the possible flows
of control during a program execution. CFGs are usually constructed individually for
each function. In a CFG, nodes represent basic blocks and edges represent possible
flows of control from one basic block to another, also referred to as jumps. A basic
block is a list of instructions that always execute sequentially, starting at the first
instruction and ending at the last.
A CFG can be created from any form of code, including source code (AST), its
intermediate representations, or machine-level assembly code. As will be discussed
later in this chapter, CFGs are an important form for representing a function or a
program in general, and are commonly used in reverse engineering.
Figure 2 shows the control flow graph of the findPrimeSpeed function created by
parsing the code into an AST and converting it to a CFG using Joern [83].
Figure 2: Control flow graph of findPrimeSpeed function as created from the original source
2.1.5 Compiler Optimizations
Compilers in general, and C compilers in particular, are capable of automatically
performing a variety of code optimizations, i.e., transformations that minimize the
time and/or memory required to execute the code without altering its semantics.
These optimizations are typically implemented as a sequence of transformation passes,
which are algorithms that take a program as input and produce an output program
that is semantically equivalent, but syntactically different.
Although the target platform is a very important factor that affects code opti-
mizations, a majority of such optimizations are intrinsically language and platform-
independent [77]. On the other hand, to guarantee semantics preservation, the com-
piler should be able to perform several analyses such as data flow analysis and depen-
dency analysis on the code, most of which are facilitated by intermediate languages.
Based on these two reasons, most compiler optimizations are performed over the
intermediate representation.
Since compiler optimizations are generally CPU and memory-intensive, compilers
typically allow programmers to choose the level of optimization, an option that affects
the time required for the compilation to finish, and how optimized the output is.
Compiler optimizations can potentially make significant changes to a piece of
code, including considerable modifications of its control flow. The amount of changes
introduced to a function as a result of compiler optimizations depends on several
factors, including how optimal the original code is and what opportunities exist for
the compiler to optimize it.
Figure 3 shows two control flow graphs for the findPrimeSpeed function. The CFG
on the left side is derived from the LLVM IR that is obtained by directly translating
the C source code, without performing any further analysis or optimization. The
CFG on the right side is derived from the LLVM IR that is fully optimized, i.e., the
output of the LLVM optimizer instructed to optimize the IR as much as possible.
Similarly, Figure 4 shows the CFG of findPrimeSpeed as derived from x86 assembly
produced using Microsoft Visual C compiler, without any optimization and with full
Two interesting observations can be made by comparing the LLVM IR CFGs
(Figure 3) and the x86 assembly CFGs (Figure 4) to the source CFG (Figure 2):
1. Language-independent nature of CFG. Combining the sequential basic
blocks of the source CFG yields a control flow graph that is structurally identi-
cal to the unoptimized CFGs obtained from LLVM IR or x86 assembly. In other
words, the control flow graph seems to be language-independent: an abstract
Figure 3: Control flow graph of findPrimeSpeed function as created from LLVM bytecode.
Left: Without any optimization. Right: With full LLVM optimization.
feature that is capable of representing the flow of code regardless of what lan-
guage it is written in. This is one of the key reasons why CFGs are an important
form of representing a piece of code, as well as understanding it during reverse
engineering, simply because its overall structure is generally not affected by the
complexities of native, low-level machine languages such as the x86 instruction
Figure 4: Control flow graph of findPrimeSpeed function as created from the assembly
output of the Microsoft Visual C compiler. Left: Without any optimization. Right: With
full (level 3) optimization.
2. The effect of compiler optimizations on the CFG. Note how compiler
optimizations have significantly changed the control flow of a rather simple
function. Generally, as a function becomes bigger with a more complex control
flow, compilers are provided with more opportunities to transform it into a more
optimal, but semantically equivalent code. Consequently, the chance of the
CFG being changed as a result of these optimizations also increases. Therefore,
while the structure of CFG seems to be language-independent, it cannot be
effectively used to compare functions in source and target forms in the presence
of an optimizing compiler.
2.1.6 Machine Code
Once architecture-independent analyses and optimizations are performed on the in-
termediate representation, the code is passed to a machine code generator: A compiler
that translates IR code into native instructions for the target platform contained in
an object file. In C and some other languages such as Fortran, compilation is done on
a file-by-file basis: Each source file is translated into the intermediate and/or target
language separately. Therefore, for our simple example in Listing 1, only one object
file will be created.
The nature of the generated machine code relies heavily on the architecture of the
target platform. Listing 2 contains part of the assembly code of findPrimeSpeed in the
Intel syntax, as generated by Clang/LLVM [48] with full optimizations for the Intel
x86 platform. The first part of the machine code related to the calling convention [55]
is removed for brevity.
2.1.7 Linking
Object files are created per source file, contain relocatable machine code and are
not directly executable. A linker is then responsible for linking various object files
and libraries and creating the final executable binary. There are certain link-time
mov r14d, edi
movsxd r15, r14d
lea rdi, [4
call _malloc
mov rbx, rax
cmp r15d, 3
jl LBB0_6
mov rdi, rbx
add rdi, 8
lea eax, [r14 - 3]
lea rsi, [4
rax + 4]
call ___bzero
dec r14d
mov ecx, 2
.align 4, 0x90
cmp dword ptr [rbx + 4
rcx], 0
mov edx, 1
mov rsi, rcx
jne LBB0_5
.align 4, 0x90
movsxd rax, esi
mov dword ptr [rbx + 4
rax], 1
inc rdx
mov rsi, rdx
imul rsi, rcx
cmp rsi, r15
jl LBB0_3
mov eax, ecx
mov rdx, rcx
inc rdx
cmp ecx, r14d
mov rcx, rdx
jne LBB0_2
add rsp, 8
pop rbx
pop r14
pop r15
pop rbp
Listing 2: Part of x86 assembly code for findPrimeSpeed function
optimizations, mostly known as inter-procedural optimizations (IPO), that may be
performed only during linking as the optimizer has the full picture of the program.
Link-time optimizations may be performed on the intermediate representation or on
the object files. In either case, the linker takes all the input files and creates a single
executable file for each target.
Even the simplest pieces of code typically rely on a library, i.e., external code
defined in sets of functions or procedures. For instance, our example relies on three
library functions: malloc, atoi and printf. Libraries can be linked either statically
or dynamically. Statically linked libraries are simply copied into the binary image,
forming a relatively more portable executable. A dynamically linked library only has
its symbol names included in the binary image and should be present in the system
in which the binary is executed.
2.2 Binary to Source Matching
Having the essentials of the software build process explained briefly, we now discuss
two opposing ideas for matching binaries to reused source code, and the reason we
opted for the latter: Automatic compilation and automatic parsing.
2.2.1 Automatic Compilation
An idea for identifying reused source code in binary programs is to compile the source
code to obtain a binary version, and to utilize binary clone detection techniques
afterwards. We have explored this idea during the early stages of this project and
have faced several significant obstacles. According to our observations, automatic
compilation of an arbitrary piece of source code bears significant practical challenges.
Here, we enumerate and explain some of the key obstacles for automatic compilation,
which highlight the importance of the capability of directly comparing source code
and binaries.
17 Various Build Configurations
As discussed before in Section 2.1.1, C code is preprocessed before parsing, a process
that is heavily affected by preprocessor macros. An automatic compilation system
faces a big challenge for obtaining a set of correct values for custom preprocessor
macros. Usually, certain sets of values for these macros are included in a configuration
script that comes with the codebase and is run before running the actual build script.
However, different projects utilize different build systems, resulting in various methods
for configuration and build. Therefore, it is difficult in practice to obtain a set of
macros needed to compile a piece of code without any prior knowledge about the
build system used. While modern build systems such as CMake [2] provide a cross-
platform way of targeting multiple build environments and make the build process
highly standardized, they are yet to be adopted by the majority of C/C++ code
bases. External Dependencies
Relying on external libraries for carrying out certain operations is a very common
practice. These external dependencies are not necessarily included in the depen-
dent projects and need to be downloaded, compiled in a compatible fashion and
provided separately by the user. Automatic compilation requires a standardized sys-
tem for retrieving and building these dependencies. These dependencies are usually
either downloaded by build automation and dependency management scripts or doc-
umented to be read and installed by users. While standard dependency management
systems are widely adopted by other languages [9, 35, 57], C/C++ projects have
yet to embrace such dependency management systems, further hindering automatic
compilation. Cross-Compilation
At the time of writing this thesis, binary clone detection techniques are generally
not reliable when applied on binaries compiled with very different configurations [31],
such as different compilers and different optimization levels (e.g., little optimization
vs. heavy optimization), or on different platforms (e.g., x86 vs. ARM). On the other
hand, there might be a large number of candidate projects over which the search will
run. In this case, there needs to be a solution to automatically compile all the source
code into binaries, ideally with different compilers and different levels of optimization.
If the underlying platform of the future target binaries is not known, the automatic
compilation step should also build the projects on different platforms to obtain a good
quality set of binaries to match against.
2.2.2 Automatic Parsing
As a result of the challenges discussed above, we do not aim for compiling target
source code into machine binaries as a first step towards source to binary comparison.
Instead, we process the source code by parsing it and traversing the AST for extraction
of key features that are later used for matching. Obviously, custom configuration
macros are still an issue. However when only AST creation is considered, lacking
knowledge about these macros results in a partially inaccurate process instead of
blocking it completely, a problem that occurs when executable machine code is to
be created. Similarly, the location of header files will also be a missing piece of
information. In Chapter 5, we will explain our approach for obtaining ASTs in a fully
automated fashion, without access to predefined custom macros or the location of
header files.
Chapter 3
Related Work
In this chapter, we discuss previous work on reverse engineering of executable binaries,
with a focus on high-level information recovery from program binaries and source code
as well as assembly to source code comparison.
3.1 Binary to Source Comparison
To the best of our knowledge, the idea of reverse engineering through binary to source
comparison is not explored much. There exist three tools and a few publications that
focus on comparing binary programs to source code for various purposes including
reverse engineering, all of which employ very similar preliminary techniques for com-
The oldest proposal, RE-Google [13, 50, 51], is a plugin for IDA Pro introduced in
2009. RE-Google is based on Google code search, a discontinued web API provided by
Google that allowed third party applications to submit search queries against Google’s
open source code repository. RE-Google extracts constants, strings and imported
APIs from disassembled binaries using IDA functionalities, and then searches for the
extracted tokens to find matching strings in hosted source files. This plugin was left
unusable once Google discontinued the code API.
The RE-Source framework and its BinSourcerer tool [66, 67] is an attempt to
recreate the functionalities originally provided by RE-Google using other online open
source code repositories such as OpenHub [11]. BinSourcerer is also implemented as
an IDA Pro plugin and follows a method very similar to RE-Google by converting
strings and constants as well as imported APIs in binaries to searchable text tokens.
Methods proposed in RE-Google and RE-Source are indeed very similar, and both
are based on syntactic string tokens and text-based searches. There are two major
drawbacks of these proposals:
1. Both rely on online repositories for searching, limiting their capabilities in terms
of source code analysis to what these online repositories expose in their APIs.
This essentially prevents these proposals from being capable of fine-grained
analysis, as online repositories APIs treat source code as text and only expose
text-based search to third party applications [10]. A successful search using
these tools returns a list of source files that contain the searched string token,
each of which may be quite large and contain thousands of lines of code. The
string tokens has an equal chance of being included in a comment and an actual
piece of code, and may also be part of code written in any language, including
the ones that are unlikely to be compiled into executable binaries [51].
2. One cannot use RE-Google or BinSourcerer to compare binaries to any arbi-
trary codebase, e.g., proprietary code that is not necessarily open source and
is of interest for applications such as copyright infringement detection. This
shortcoming may be addressed by creating a database of the non-open code
accompanied by a searchable index as a secondary target for querying.
The binary analysis tool (BAT) [38, 39], introduced in 2013, is a generic lightweight
tool for automated binary analysis with a focus on software license compliance. The
approach adopted by BAT is also similar to that of RE-Google and BinSourcerer, as it
also searches for text tokens extracted from binaries in publicly available source code.
BAT is capable of extracting additional identifiers such as function and variable names
from binary files, provided that they are attached to the binary. However, real-world
executable binaries are often stripped of such high-level information, and reasonable
identifiers used by BAT are practically limited to strings.
It should be noted that despite their limitations, these tools may provide the
reverse engineer with very useful information fairly quickly. For example, returning
similar files all including implementations of cryptographic hash functions informs
the reverse engineer that the binary file or function under analysis includes such a
functionality. However, not all functions include distinctive strings and constants,
a general factor that limits the potential of approaches that are purely based on
syntactic tokens.
As will be shown later in this thesis, a piece of source code contains significantly
more high-level information rather than just strings and constants, some of which can
be effectively compared to binary files and functions for detecting reused portions of
Cabezas and Mooji [23] briefly discuss the possibility of utilizing context-based and
partial hashes of control flow graphs for comparing source code to compiled binaries
in a partially manual process. They do not however test, validate or provide evidence
for the feasibility of this approach. Also, as we showed through an example in Section
2.1.5, CFGs change significantly once source code is transformed into binaries using
an optimizing compiler.
3.2 Binary Decompilation
There has been several previous efforts on binary decompilation, which tries to gen-
erate equivalent code with high-level semantics from low-level machine binaries.
Historically, research on decompilation dates back to the 1960’s [15]. However,
modern decompilers have their roots in Cifuentes’ PhD thesis in 1994 [27], where
she introduced a structuring algorithm based on interval analysis [16]. Her proposed
techniques is implemented in dcc [26], a decompiler for Intel 80286 / DOS binaries
into C, which resorts back to outputting assembly in case of failure. The correctness
of dcc’s output is not tested.
Another well-known decompiler, Boomerang [1], was created based on Van Em-
merik’s proposal [80] for using the Single Static Assignment (SSA) form for data flow
components of a decompiler, including expression propagation, function signature
identification and dead code elimination. Van Emmerik performed a case study of re-
verse engineering a single Windows program by using Boomerang with some manual
analysis. However, other research efforts in this area have reported very few cases of
successful decompilation using Boomerang [72].
HexRays Decompiler [6, 36] is the de facto industry standard compiler, available
as a plugin for IDA Pro [7]. As of 2015, the latest version of HexRays is capable of
decompiling both x86 and ARM binaries, providing full support for 32-bit and 64-
bit binaries alike on both platforms. To the best of our knowledge, no other binary
decompiler is capable of handling such a wide variety of executable binaries.
Phoenix [72] is another modern academic decompiler proposed by Schwartz et al.
in 2013. Pheonix relies on BAP [22], a binary analysis platform that lifts x86 instruc-
tions into an intermediate language for easier analysis, and contains extensions such as
TIE [52] for type recovery and other analyses. Phoenix employs semantics-preserving
structural analysis to guarantee correctness and iterative control flow structuring to
benefit from several opportunities for correct recovery of control flow that other de-
compilers reportedly miss [72]. Phoenix output is reportedly up to twice as more
accurate as HexRays in terms of control flow correctness, but is unavailable for public
use as of this writing.
Yakdan et al. proposed REcompile [81] in 2013, a decompiler that similar to
dcc employs interval analysis for control flow structuring, but also uses a technique
called node splitting to reduce the number of produced GOTO statements in the
output. This technique reportedly has a downside of increasing the overall size of
the decompilation output. DREAM [82] is another decompiler proposed by the same
group in 2015, which also is focused on reducing the number of produced GOTO
statements by using structuring algorithms that are not based on pattern matching,
a common method used in other decompilers. Neither of these two decompilers are
available for public use as of the date if this writing.
In summary, previous research in the area of decompilation has highlighted sig-
nificant challenges in correct recovery of types as well as control flow. For instance,
experiments made by Schwartz et al. on Phoenix decompiler have shown several
limitations and failures in terms of correct decompilation caused by floating-point
operations, incorrect type recovery, inability to handle recursive structures and some
calling conventions [72]. Also, the HexRays decompiler, which is the only usable and
publicly available tool in this domain, does not perform type recovery [6] and is shown
to be limited in terms of correct recovery of control flow [72, 82].
Despite its limitations, decompilation can be considered both as an alternative
and a complementary approach when compared to binary to source matching.
3.2.1 Decompilation as an Alternative
In cases where there is no code reuse, decompilation output is very likely to be more
usable compared to the results of any binary to source matching approach. Also,
as will be shown later in Section 6.2, we have found that there are still cases where
binary to source matching is likely to fail to provide useful results (see Section 7.1.2).
On the other hand, we argue that binary to source matching has a lot more
potential in clone-based reverse engineering scenarios. Source code usually comes
with many identifiers such as identifier names (functions, variables, structures, etc.)
and comments that significantly facilitate understanding it, all of which are removed
in a compiled binary in realistic settings. In these cases, correct matching from binary
to source may provide a reverse engineer with more helpful results compared to correct
3.2.2 Decompilation as a Complementary Approach
Decompilation can also be used as a complementary approach to binary to source
matching. Due to limitations mentioned above, we have not tried to use a decompiler
output in our work, except for recovering the number of arguments for a function in an
optional fashion. However, one might try to apply several source-level clone detection
techniques proposed in the literature [69] to benefit from some of the in-depth analyses
decompilers perform for comparing binary functions to source functions.
3.3 High-Level Information Extraction from Binaries
There has been several research efforts on inference and extraction of high-level infor-
mation such as variable types [29, 52], data structures [53, 68, 74] and object oriented
entities [43, 70] from executable binaries using both static and dynamic analysis tech-
niques. Some of these proposals achieve promising results in particular scenarios.
However, we have not been able to use them in our work as they all have considerable
limitations either in terms of relying on dynamic analysis and execution, focusing on
very specific compilation settings, not supporting many realistic use cases, or simply
not being available for evaluation.
Zhiqiang et al. developed REWARDS [53], an approach for automatic recovery
of high-level data structures from binary code based on dynamic analysis and bi-
nary execution. REWARDS is evaluated on a subset of GNU coreutils suite, and
achieves over 85% accuracy for data structures embedded in the segments that it
looks into. TIE [52] is a similar approach by JongHyup et al. that combines both
static and dynamic analysis to recover high-level type information. TIE is an at-
tempt towards handling control flow and mitigating less than optimal coverage, both
of which are significant limitations of approaches that are merely based on dynamic
analysis. Based on an experiment on a subset of coreutils programs, TIE is reported
to be 45% more accurate than RWARDS and HexRays decompiler. However, other
work such as Phoenix [72] has shown considerable limitations of TIE in handling data
structures, and code with non-trivial binary instructions.
OBJDIGGER [43] is proposed by Jin et al. to recover C++ object instances,
data members and methods using static analysis and symbolic execution. While it is
shown to be able to recover classes and objects from a set of 5 small C++ programs, it
does not support many C++ features such as virtual inheritance and is only targeted
towards x86 binaries compiled by Microsoft Visual C++.
Prakash et al. proposed vfGuard [64], a system that is aimed at increasing the
control flow integrity (CFI) protection for virtual function calls in C++ binaries.
vfGuard statically analyzes x86 binaries compiled with MSVC to recover C++ se-
mantics such as VTables.
There also exist a few old IDA Pro plugins for recovering C data structures [33]
and C++ class hierarchies [73] using RTTI [87], but they all seem limited in terms
of capabilities and are not actively developed in the public.
3.4 Source Code Analysis
Necula et al. have developed CIL [62], a robust high-level intermediate language
that aids in analysis and transformations of C source code. CIL is both lower level
than ASTs and higher level than regular compiler or reverse engineering intermediate
representations, and allows for representation of C programs with fewer constructs
and clean semantics. While it is extensively tested on various large C programs such
as the Linux kernel, it needs to be run instead of the compiler driver to achieve correct
results [61]. This basically means that one needs to modify the configure and make
scripts that ship with the source code. As discussed earlier in Section, while
this is not a limitation by any means, it makes automatic processing of arbitrary
codebases infeasible due to customized build scripts.
SafeDispatch [40] is proposed by Jang et al. to protect C++ virtual calls from
memory corruption attacks, a goal very similar to that of vfGuard [64]. However,
SafeDispatch inserts runtime checks for protection by analyzing source code. This
system is implemented as a Clang++/LLVM extension, and needs to be run along
with the compiler. Due to this requirement and similar to CIL [62], SafeDispatch
cannot be automatically invoked on arbitrary C++ source bases.
Joern [83] is a tool developed by Yamaguchi et al. for parsing C programs and
storing ASTs, CFGs and program dependence graphs in Neo4J [59] graph databases.
Joern is used along with specific-purpose graph queries for detecting vulnerabilities
in source code [84, 85, 86]. During our experiments, we have found that graphs
created by Joern are not always reliable, specially in the presence of rather complex
C functions or moderate to heavy use of custom preprocessor macros. As will be
discussed later in Section 5.2, we adopt Clang [48], a mature open source modular
compiler for parsing C source code.
3.5 Miscellaneous
Although not directly related, there are other pieces of work that make use of some
of the key concepts we focus on in this thesis for a variety of purposes.
Lu et al. [56] propose a source-level simulation (SLS) system that annotates source
code with binary-level information. In such a system, both source and binary versions
of the code are available. The goal is to simulate the execution of the code, usually on
an embedded system, while allowing the programmer to see how and by what extent
specific parts of the code contribute to simulation metrics. The authors propose
a hierarchical CFG matching technique between source and binary CFGs based on
nested regions to limit the negative effect of compiler optimizations on SLS techniques.
In a recent paper [24], Caliskan-Islam et al. implement a system for performing
authorship attribution on executable binaries. They use lexical and syntactic fea-
tures extracted from source code and binary decompiler output to train a random
forest classifier, and use the resulting machine learning model to de-anonymize the
programmer of a binary program. Features include library function names, integers,
AST node term frequency inverse document frequency (TFIDF) and average depth
of AST nodes among few others. The authors claim an accuracy of 51.6% for 600
programmers with fixed optimization levels on binaries. Although it is claimed that
syntactic features such as AST node depth survive compilation, we have not been able
to verify such a fact specially when multiple optimization levels, limitations of decom-
pilers and hundreds of thousands of functions with potentially multiple programmers
are to be considered.
Chapter 4
CodeBin Overview
We now outline our general approach for matching executable binaries to source code.
4.1 Assumptions
The underlying assumption is that the binary program under analysis may have used
portions of one or more open source projects or other program for which the source
code is available to the analyst, and identifying the reused code is a critical goal in
the early stages of the reverse engineering process. Functions are usually considered
as a unit of code reuse in similar work on binary clone detection. However, in some
cases only part of a function might be reused. We do not aim at detecting partial
function reuse in this work. Our main goal, therefore, is to improve the state of the
art for binary to source matching by targeting individual binary functions instead of
the entire executable. We do not aim at identifying all the functions in a piece of
executable binary, but rather those that are reused and of which the source code is
We also do not consider obfuscated binaries, as de-obfuscation is considered as an
earlier step in the reverse engineering process [37, 79].
4.2 Comparison of Source Code and Binaries
We introduce a new approach for identifying binary functions by searching through a
repository of pre-processed source code. This approach aims at automatically finding
matches between functions declared in different code bases and machine-level binary
functions in arbitrary executable programs. At the core of CodeBin, we identify and
carefully utilize certain features of source code that are preserved during the compila-
tion and build processes, and are generally independent of the platform, compiler or
the level of optimization. As a result, these features can also be extracted from binary
files using particular methods, and be leveraged for finding similarities between source
code and executable binaries at the function level without compiling the source code.
Due to the sophisticated transformations applied on source code by an optimizing
compiler, we have found that the number of features that can be extracted from both
plain source code and executable binaries and then directly used for comparison is
rather small. Detailed properties of a binary function such as its CFG or machine
instructions are often impossible to predict solely with access to its source code and
without going into the compilation process, as they are heavily subject to change and
usually get affected by the build environment. Hence, features that can be used for
direct comparison of binary and source functions usually represent rather abstract
properties of these functions.
A small number of abstract features may not seem very usable when a large corpus
of candidate source code is considered. However, we have found that the combination
of these features produces a sufficiently unique pattern that can be effectively used for
either identifying reused functions or narrowing the candidates down to a very small
set, which is easy to analyze manually. This key observation has helped us establish
a method for direct matching of binary and source functions.
4.3 Function Properties
We leverage a few key properties of functions to form a fingerprint that can be later
used to match their source code and binary forms. These properties have one obvious
advantage in common: They are almost always preserved during the compilation
process regardless of the platform, the compiler, or the optimization level. In other
words, despite the feature extraction methods being different for source code and
binaries, careful adjustments of these methods can yield the same features being
extracted from a function in both forms. These features are as follows:
4.3.1 Function Calls
Functions in a piece of software are not isolated entities and usually rely on one
another to for own functionality. A high-level view of the call relations between
different functions in a certain program can be represented as a function call graph
(FCG), a directed graph in which nodes represent functions and edges represent
function calls. In majority of the cases, calls between different binary functions follow
the same pattern as in source code. We utilize this fact to combine other seemingly
abstract features into sufficiently unique patterns that can be later searched for in
source code. There are special cases, most notably inline function expansion (or
simply inlining), which sometimes cause this relation not to be easily detectable in
binaries. However, as discussed in Section 5.1.3, we employ a technique to minimize
the effect, and have actually found inlining not to be a significant limiting factor for
our approach in real-world scenarios.
4.3.2 Standard Library and API calls
System calls and standard library function invocations are rather easy to spot in
source code. Once function calls are identified, cross-referencing them in each function
against the list of declared functions in the same code base separates internal and
external calls. Using a list of known system calls and standard library functions,
external calls can be further processed to identify system calls and library function
invocations. On the binary side, the situation might be more complex due to different
linking techniques. If all libraries are linked dynamically (i.e., runtime linking), the
import address table (IAT) of the executable binary yields the targeted system and
library calls. While system APIs such as accept for socket connections in Linux or
those defined in kernel32.dll on Windows can be found in the IAT, static linking of the
standard library functions such as memset results in library function calls appearing
like normal internal calls in the binary and not being present in the IAT. However,
certain library function identification techniques such as those utilized by IDA Pro’s
FLIRT subsystem [4] can be used to detect library functions in executable binaries
and distinguish them from regular calls between user functions.
4.3.3 Number of Function Arguments
The number of arguments in the function prototype is another feature that can be
extracted from source code as well as binaries in a majority of cases. It should be noted
however that this is not the case for the actual function prototype as well, since exact
type recovery from executable binaries is still an ongoing research problem without
fully reliable results [52]. On the source side, parsing the source code easily yields the
number of arguments for each defined function. On the binary side, this number can
be derived from detailed analysis of the function’s stack frame and its input variables
combined with identification of the calling conventions used to invoke the function.
HexRays Decompiler [6], for instance, uses similar techniques to derive the type and
number of arguments for a binary function. While we have found the types not be
accurate enough for our purpose, the number of arguments as extracted from binaries
is correct in the majority of the cases according to our experiments. An exception
to this are functions known as “variadic” functions, such as the well-known “printf
function in C standard library, which can accept a variable number of arguments
depending on how they are invoked and the number of passed arguments. However,
variadic functions account for a very small fraction of all the functions defined in
real-world scenarios (approximately 1% according to our observations), and they can
be treated in a special way to prevent mismatches, as outlined in Section 5.1.5.
4.3.4 Complexity of Control Flow
Control flow can be considered as a high-level representation of a function logic. As
discussed in Section 2.1.4, the control flow of each function is represented through a
CFG. Predicting the control flow structure of the compiled binary version of a source
function without going through the compilation process is extremely unreliable and
inaccurate, if not impossible. While the structure of the CFG is usually suscepti-
ble to compiler optimizations, we have found that its complexity remains far more
consistent between source and binary versions. In other words, simple and complex
source functions generally result in respectively simple and complex binary functions,
whether or not compiler optimizations are applied.
We use the number of linearly independent paths in a control flow graph to mea-
sure its complexity. This metric is referred to as the cyclomatic complexity, and
is similarly used in previous work [42] as a comparison metric for binary functions.
Cyclomatic complexity is denoted by C and defined as:
C = E N + 2P
, where E is the number of edges, N is the number of nodes, and P is the number of
connected components of the CFG. In our use case, P = 1, as we are measuring the
complexity of the control flow structure of individual functions. As can be seen in
Figure 5, control structures such as branches and loops contribute to code complexity.
We have carried out an experimental study on the cyclomatic complexity of source
and binary versions of approximately 2000 random functions extracted from various
projects and compiled with different configurations. The results show that generally,
compiler optimizations in fact do not heavily alter the complexity of control flow.
Figures 6 and 7 show the correlation between the cyclomatic complexity of source
C =
C =
C =
C =
Figure 5: Cyclomatic complexity of four different hypothetical CFGs. c includes a branch
at second basic block, and d includes a loop and a break statement at second basic block.
and binary versions, in which each function is denoted by a dot in the scatter graph.
Note how optimizations affect the CFGs of functions by relatively diversifying
the graph, but still resulting in a fairly strong correlation between the complexity
of source and binary functions. The empty space in the upper left and lower right
portions of both graphs, caused by the relative concentration of most dots around
the identity (x = y) line, shows that cyclomatic complexity can indeed be effectively
used as an additional feature for comparing source and binary functions.
For clearer representation of the results, we have only included the functions of
which the complexity falls below 150. For 7 functions, accounting for less than 0.4%
of all the cases, the complexity of both source and binary control flow graphs is
above 150. While they are not depicted in the figures, they follow the same pattern.
Among all samples in this study, the maximum difference between source and binary
complexities is 32% and belongs to a function with a source CFG complexity of 350.
Our study confirms the fact that predicting the exact cyclomatic complexity for
a binary CFG based on the source CFG cyclomatic complexity, or vice versa, is not
feasible. However, it also suggests that complexity can still be used as a comparison
metric when multiple candidates for a binary function are found. Therefore, in cases
0 25 50 75 100 125
Source cyclomatic complexity
Binary cyclomatic complexity
Figure 6: Correlation between the cyclomatic complexity of various functions’ control flow
in source and binary form, with compiler optimizations disabled.
where multiple candidate source functions are found for one binary function, we will
use this metric as a means to reduce the number of false positives and rank the results
based on their similarity to the binary functions in terms of control flow complexity.
4.3.5 Strings and Constants
String literals and constants are used in similar work such as RE-Google [50] to
match executable binaries with source code repositories. While these two features are
certainly usable for such a purpose and can sometimes be used to uniquely identify
portions of software projects, we have found them not be reliable enough for function-
level matching. For instance, despite the fact that it is relatively easy to extract
string literals referenced and used by functions in the source code, we have found
0 25 50 75 100 125
Source cyclomatic complexity
Binary cyclomatic complexity
Figure 7: Correlation between the cyclomatic complexity of various functions’ control flow
in source and binary form, with compiler optimizations set to default level (-O2).
that assigning strings to individual binary functions accurately is rather difficult and
does not result in reliable feature extraction. The same issue exists for constants.
As a result, we believe string literals and constants can be used in a better way to
narrow down the list of candidate projects (and not individual functions), which may
actually help in reducing the number of false positives if patterns used by CodeBin
exist in more than one software project.
It is notable that the combination of features mentioned above is far more useful
than any of them in isolation. For instance, a set of a few API calls may be helpful in
narrowing down the list of candidate source functions for a given binary function, but
using this technique alone does not lead to many functions being identified, as only
a portion of functions in general include calls to system APIs or standard libraries.
On the other hand, while number of arguments is a feature applicable to nearly any
function, the set of candidate source functions with a specific number of arguments is
still too large to be analyzed manually. However, we show that a carefully designed
combination of all these features is sufficient for detecting a large number of binary
functions just by parsing and analyzing the source code.
4.4 Annotated Call Graphs
We introduce and utilize the notion of annotated call graphs (ACG), function call
graphs in which functions are represented by nodes annotated with function proper-
ties. These properties are the features discussed previously, except for the function
calls that are represented by the graph structure itself. Hence, an ACG is our model
for integrating the features together, forming a view of a piece of source code that is
later used to compare it to an executable binary.
In an ACG, functions defined by the programmer, simply referred to as user
functions, are represented by nodes. A call from one user function to another user
function results in a directed edge from the caller to the callee. Library functions and
system APIs may be represented either as nodes or as node properties. If represented
by nodes, each called library function or system API will be a node with incoming
edges from the user functions that have called it. In this case, calls between library
functions may or may not be representable depending on whether the source code for
the library is available. If represented by properties, each node (user function) will
have a property that lists identifiers for each library function or system API called by
that function. As will be discussed later in Section 5.1.2, the decision whether to use
nodes or properties for representing library functions and system APIs is critical to
the effectiveness of our approach. Temporarily, let’s assume than we represent calls
to system APIs and library functions as node properties, and a node itself always
represents a user function.
N: 9
E: 4
C: 47
N: 6
E: 7
C: 42
N: 4
E: 1
C: 2
N: 3
E: 0
C: 3
N: 4
E: 1
C: 2
N: 7
E: 4
C: 12
N: 3
E: 2
C: 6
Figure 8: Sample partial annotated call graph from Miniz. N , E and C respectively denote
number of arguments, system API and library calls and cyclomatic complexity.
Figure 8 depicts a partial ACG consisting of 17 user functions extracted from
Miniz, a relatively simple library that combines optimized compression/decompres-
sion and PNG encoding/decoding functionalities, with its complete ACG consisting
of 127 nodes and 159 edges. We will use this sample partial ACG to explain our ap-
proach advantages and effectiveness. Table 1 includes the actual names of highlighted
nodes in Figure 8 for readers’ reference.
Each node in the graph is annotated with the features extracted from its respec-
tive source function, including the number of function arguments, calls to known
standard library functions and system APIs, and the cyclomatic complexity of its
control flow graph. Hence, an ACG can be considered a good high-level representa-
tion of a software project, combining all its “interesting” characteristics discussed in
Section 4.3.
The fundamental idea of our approach for binary to source matching is the fol-
lowing observation: The overall call graph of a piece of software, when augmented by
the features discussed before, is fairly unique and generally survives compilation. In
Table 1: Complementary information on Figure 8
Alias Real Function Name Library and API calls
A mz_zip_writer_add_mem_ex strlen, memset, time, _wassert
B mz_zip_writer_add_file
memset, strlen, fclose, fread,
_wassert,_ftelli64, _fseeki64
C tdefl_init memset
D mz_crc32
E tdefl_compress_buffer _wassert
malloc, memset, memcpy, free
G tdefl_output_buffer_putter realloc, memcpy
many cases, even a small portion of the call graph exhibits unique features.
The outlined portion of the ACG in Figure 8 consists of one function, F , calling
four other functions, C, D, E and G. When the number of arguments and the names
of recognizable library and system API calls of each of those functions is also taken
into account, we have found the pattern to be unique among call graphs of 30 different
open source projects, consisting of over 500,000 functions. This basically means that
once and if the same pattern is extracted from a binary call graph, it can be searched
in many different projects and uniquely and correctly identified.
Although the case highlighted in the paragraph above is a best-case scenario, it
is imperative to note that it can be leveraged to identify many more functions as
well. For instance, once C, D and E are uniquely identified, such a fact can be
effectively used to identify A and B as well. The same idea can be applied once again
to identify the functions denoted by f 1 to f 10, if they exhibit enough difference in
terms of their own properties. Therefore, not all functions need to have very unique
and distinctive features or call graph patterns in order to be identifiable. This is
in contrast to approaches adopted by previous work on binary to source matching,
which can detect reuse only to the extent that unique and identifiable tokens exist in
both binaries and source code.
Source Pro cessor Binary Pro cessor
Graph Query
Figure 9: Overall design of CodeBin
4.5 Using ACG Patterns as Search Queries
Based on the observations discussed in this chapter, our approach for matching reused
functions in binaries to source code is designed around the following procedure (see
Figure 9):
1. Source Feature Extraction. First, we parse and analyze the source code and
transform it into an ACG by extracting specific features and relationships, such
as internal functions calls, number of function arguments, complexity of control
flow and calls to standard library functions and system APIs.
2. Source ACG Storage. Once an ACG is created from source code, it is stored
in a database accompanied by specific indices that allow for fast searching and
retrieval. All codebases will be stored in a single graph database with unique
labels, allowing for lookup operations over many different codebases.
3. Binary Feature Extraction. For each target binary file, we disassemble and
analyze the binary to extract the same features as source, creating binary ACG
4. Binary ACG Search. ACG patterns extracted from binary functions are
then converted into queries that can be run against the source graph database,
effectively searching for similar patterns in all preprocessed source code.
Overall, our adopted method can be compared from various aspects to some
previous proposals in the area of binary analysis and software fingerprinting. Bin-
Diff [30, 34, 88] uses similar graph-based techniques to propagate unique features
used for matching between two binaries. Joern [85, 84, 86] transforms source code
into property graphs and uses graph queries for various analyses on source code.
Rendezvous [46] creates a searchable index of binary functions to implement a binary
search engine.
Implementing the above procedure bears considerable challenges and complica-
tions; and most are unique to the problem of binary to source matching and are
caused by the complexities of the compilation process as well as how large projects
are usually developed. We discuss these complications and our mitigation techniques
in Chapter 5.
Chapter 5
In this chapter, we discuss the details of CodeBin, the proof-of-concept implemen-
tation of our approach. We also highlight the technical challenges of implementing
our approach, and discuss the solutions and workarounds we have integrated into
CodeBin to overcome them.
5.1 Challenges
At the core of our approach, we rely on the fact that function call graphs usually
follow the same pattern in source code and compiled binaries. There are technical
aspects of a compilation process that often change the call graph, effectively making
it slightly different than what is perceived from the source code. For the purpose of
source to binary matching, it is crucial to either reverse or account for these changes
before trying to match call graphs. Below, we discuss these technical aspects and
explain how they are mitigated.
5.1.1 Macros and Header Files
As mentioned in Chapter 2.2, we aim at designing a highly automated approach
that is ideally capable of handling any code base written in C. This requirement
translates into a generic approach for source code processing that is independent of the
build system or other characteristics of the code base. We explained in Section 2.1.1
that defined preprocessor macros and location of header files are essential pieces of
information for deriving a correct AST. However, generally, such information cannot
be automatically derived from source files. Different projects adopt different layouts
for placement of the header files, and many have completely different sets of custom
preprocessor macros, all glued together using build scripts that are written for a
specific build system.
To better understand the extent of this problem, consider a function defined in
a source file that calls another function for which the prototype and implementation
are not present in the current source file. If the called function is actually defined in
one of the included header files, it is crucial to recognize such a fact, as call graphs
form the foundation of our approach. If the header file is not placed in a default
directory (e.g., compiler’s default directory for header files or the current directory in
which the source file resides), a generic approach to source code processing will fail to
create the relationship between the caller and the callee. A similar problem exists for
“dynamic call expressions”, i.e., calls to function pointers that are resolved at runtime
and do not represent a concrete call relationship either on the source level or inside
the executable binary.
To overcome this problem, we first record all the call expressions encountered
inside each function by the name of the called function. The parser also keeps a
record of every function declaration (i.e., function prototype) it encounters in all
source and header files. When all files are parsed, the list of call expressions for each
function is cross-referenced against all declared prototypes, essentially creating valid
call graphs and removing dynamic call expressions. A more detailed explanation of
these steps can be found in Section 5.2.
An automatic source code processing solution is also likely to miss custom pre-
processor macros, which are usually passed along to the compiler using generated
build scripts and sometimes are utterly important to derive a correct AST from code.
This problem undermines the capabilities of CodeBin in certain circumstances and is
discussed more in Section 7.1.1.
5.1.2 Statically Linked Libraries
As discussed in Section 4.3, we enumerate calls to certain standard library functions
to form one of the features of each function. Standard libraries, just like any other li-
brary, have a chance of being statically linked to the target program during the linking
process. During static linking, the linker treats libraries as part of the code, effec-
tively inserting library functions into the binary. This differs from dynamic (runtime)
linking, in which only the symbol names are inserted into the final executable.
Static linking results in significant changes in the call graph, which is demonstrated
in Figure 10. Calls to statically linked library functions change the call graph by
creating additional nodes and corresponding edges for each library function. As a
result, not only the binary call graph is different from the source code call graph,
but also the library calls cannot be easily extracted from binary functions just by
enumerating the symbols used as call targets.
There are three possible solutions to the problem of statically linked libraries, all
of which are based on the idea of normalizing the call graph patterns extracted from
source code, binary, or both.
1. The first solution is to change the source call graph, effectively inserting library
functions as separate nodes instead of properties of their callers. In other words,
the first solution is to process the source code with the assumption that standard
libraries will always be linked statically. Even when the libraries are actually
linked in a dynamic fashion, the binary call graph can be easily adjusted to
represent static linking, simply because the names of library functions can be
retrieved by enumerating imported symbols. The obvious advantage of this ap-
proach is that it requires no additional information other than a list of standard
library functions, and it bears low technical overhead. On the other hand, this
approach shifts the matching criteria more towards the call graph pattern and
Function A
Function B
Function C
Function A
Function B
Function C
Figure 10: The effect of static linking on binary ACGs. A, B and C are user functions.
Top: Dynamically linked libraries. Bottom: Statically linked libraries.
away from the features of individual nodes, leaving the nodes (functions) with
even less identifiable features.
2. Another solution is utilizing tools such as FLIRT to identify library functions in
binaries, and adjusting the binary call graph accordingly. In this approach, the
source processor always inserts library functions calls as node properties into
the call graph. The advantage of this solution compared to the first one is that
individual functions keep one of their important properties, making them more
identifiable when an entire pattern is found. The downside is that this solution
relies heavily on the library function identification technology to be robust and
reliable, which is not always true. For instance, while FLIRT identifies some
specific library functions rather reliably, it may fail in identifying others. Such
a failure at the presence of a statically linked library results in the wrong graph
pattern being extracted, which in turn causes a mismatch.
3. The third solution combines the first two and aims at bringing the best of both
into one solution. With this technique, the source processor is made aware of
the capabilities of the library function identification technology used. This can
be done through a simple configurable list of library functions, which includes all
the functions that can be reliably detected using the mentioned technology. If a
library function call is seen on the source side, the source processor either inserts
it as a node property or a separate node, depending on whether the function is
included in the list or not, respectively. With this approach the capabilities of
existing technologies for binary clone detection are used for handling statically
linked libraries, while their occasional failures do not negatively affect the results
of binary to source matching. CodeBin adopts this approach to overcome the
problem of statically linked libraries.
5.1.3 Function Inlining
Inline function expansion or simply inlining is a form of compiler optimizations that
replaces a call to a function with the function body, eliminating the call and making
the callee part of the caller function. While there are ways to instruct compilers
to enforce or avoid function inlining [3], it is often up to the compiler, which in
turn depends on the chosen optimization level among other factors. Since inlining
has complicated effects on performance [25], prediction of it happening for a specific
function is rather difficult. Generally, a small function that is not called by many
other functions has a better chance of being inlined.
Function inlining changes the ACG extracted from binaries by eliminating the con-
nection representing the call to the inlined function, and adding the inlined function’s
library and system API calls into the callers’ features.
To understand the effect of inlining on our approach, it is important to note
that ACG search queries are generated from binaries and performed over source call
graphs. These queries can be broken down into two integral components: Graph
structure (nodes and edges) and node properties. Search queries will match the
structure of the source ACG if the structure of the source ACG remains a superset of
the binary ACG structure, which is still true when inlining happens. However, library
and system API calls will create a mismatch. Such a situation can be partially avoided
by making the lookup operation for this feature work in reverse: Names of library
functions and system APIs called by a source function that is matched in terms of
the ACG structure will be looked upon in the names of APIs called by the binary
function, but not vice versa. As a result, if the binary function includes calls to other
libraries and system APIs as a result of inlining one of its callees, a mismatch is
However, two issues still remain: (i) Mismatch of the feature representing stan-
dard library function calls when a library function gets inlined, and (ii) change to
the cyclomatic complexity of the binary function. The latter will only be an issue if
another candidate with the same features and similar cyclomatic complexity is found
for the binary function. While we have not been able to remedy these issues com-
pletely, we have found both of them to be of minor effect in the overall accuracy of
5.1.4 Thunk Functions
Thunk functions, also known as jump functions, are helper functions generated and
inserted into assemblies by compilers. Thunk functions typically contain very few or
simply a single jump instruction, and are used for a variety of reasons. For instance,
Microsoft Visual Studio C/C++ compiler with the “incremental linking” option en-
abled (which is so by default), inserts jump thunks into binaries to minimize the
time needed to relocate a function during runtime after load. Other usages of thunk
functions include conversion of calling conventions, or implementing virtual calls in
object oriented languages such as C++.
Actual Call in
Source Code
Intermediate Node in
Binary Call Graph
Figure 11: Thunk functions
Nevertheless, thunk functions interfere with call graph matching as they intro-
duce intermediate nodes into the binary call graph (see Figure 11). During feature
extraction from binaries, the probable presence of such functions should be taken into
account, and intermediate nodes should be recognized and removed before searching
for the extracted binary ACG. CodeBin adjusts the binary call graph in the pres-
ence of thunk functions by identifying and removing them. Identification of thunk
functions is done by relying on IDA Pro function flags as well as a simple analysis of
function instructions.
5.1.5 Variadic Functions
Variadic functions are defined to accept an undetermined number of arguments. A
very well-known example of such a function is printf, which writes a series of bytes
into the standard output by receiving a template and a variable number of arguments
based on the output template. The actual number of arguments for a variadic function
as observed in a binary file is indeterministic and depends heavily on how the function
is called. As CodeBin uses the number of arguments as an exact feature of call graph
nodes, variadic functions should be handled in a special way so that such a fact does
not result in mismatches.
CodeBin implementation includes such special handling by detecting variadic func-
tions during parsing and incorporating a special boolean property for each node in the
derived ACG. This property is dedicated to variadic functions and is set to true only
when the node represents such a function. A small tweak in graph query generation
ensures that the number of arguments is only matched if the variadic property of the
node is set to false, i.e., the function is not variadic.
5.2 Source Code Processing
5.2.1 Preprocessing and Parsing
Automatic generation of the annotated call graphs from source code requires a robust
preprocessor and parser. We utilize Clang, a full fledged open source C/C++ front-
end for the LLVM compiler infrastructure, to parse and process source codes. Clang
exposes some of its functionalities through a high-level API, which can be used for
general high-level processing of C/C++ and Objective C code. However, more de-
tailed functionalities such as creation of control flow graphs from syntax trees are not
available via the high-level API. The LLVM framework is written in a fully modular
fashion, and one can use any part of its internal functionalities for miscellaneous pur-
poses, commonly referred to as “tooling”. CodeBin uses both techniques to leverage
Clang functionalities in parsing and reasoning about source code.
Library / API
Clang API Clang Tooling
File Handling Code Analysis
Calls Sanitization
and ACG
Indexing Engine
Figure 12: The architecture of CodeBin source code processor.
5.2.2 Source Processor Architecture
The architecture of CodeBin source processor is depicted in Figure 12. It is mostly
developed in Python 2.7, except for the “code analysis” module that is a Clang tool
written in C++. CodeBin source processor can be used in a completely standalone
mode, with no need for Clang or the LLVM framework being present on the system.
CodeBin processes code bases one at a time. User inputs to the source processor are
the path to the code base, a name for the project being indexed, and any additional
compilation switches (such as predefined macros).
A file handling module iterates over all the files in the specified path, targeting C
source code and header files. A list of found source files is then separately fed to pars-
ing and analysis modules. The parsing module invokes the Clang parser on each file,
extracting function definitions, prototypes and call expressions using pre-registered
callback functions. The parsing module distinguishes between library functions and
user functions by the path of the file in which the function definition is found, and
only parses user functions. Up to this point, a set of individual functions is created,
each having several properties such as a name, an exact location, as well as the num-
ber of arguments. Once all function definitions are visited, call expressions of each
function are enumerated in order to separate internal and external calls. Any function
call with a “known” target (i.e., one that is already defined amongst user functions)
is treated as an internal call, creating directed edges between the nodes represent-
ing the caller and the callee. All other call expressions are temporarily treated as
being external. This set includes calls to library functions as well as dynamic call ex-
pressions. Dynamic call expressions are calls of which the target will be determined
during runtime. An example of such an expression is a call performed via a function
pointer. The output of the parsing module is an initial annotated call graph as well
as a list of all the function prototypes visited, whether they are defined by the user
or exist in a library.
On the other side, the code analysis module uses a similar technique for parsing
source files and identifying user functions, this time using Clang internal libraries
instead of its high-level API. This module leverages the Clang library to generate
source control flow graphs from the abstract syntax tree of each function, and cal-
culates their cyclomatic complexities. This modules also can determine whether a
function accepts a variable number of arguments (i.e., a variadic function), thanks to
Clang library capabilities that are only available through tooling. The output of this
module is a set of two features, namely cyclomatic complexity and whether the func-
tion is variadic, for each user function. These additional features are then integrated
with other features during the next steps.
The outputs of the parsing module, as well as a set of configuration files for library
functions and system APIs are used by the call sanitization and call graph adjustment
module to generate a refined annotated call graph. This module performs two main
1. It identifies and removes external calls that are a result of dynamic call expres-
sions based on the list of all visited function prototypes it has received as the
second input.
2. It adjusts the call graph and normalizes the library calls based on the configura-
tion files provided for library functions and system APIs. This step, as discussed
in Section 5.1.2, is crucial to have usable call graphs.
The call graph adjustment module outputs a modified, secondary ACG. The func-
tion properties extracted by the code analysis module now have to be integrated with
this ACG, a task that is performed by the aggregation module. This module cre-
ates a finalized version of the ACG, which includes all the function properties and is
adjusted to deal with special scenarios such as statically linked libraries.
Finally, an indexing module is responsible for storing the final ACG into a graph
database. This module transforms CodeBin’s internal representation of the ACG into
a format that is understood by the backing database, and stores it so that it can be
queried later by the binary analysis module.
5.3 Binary File Processing
Decoding and disassembly of binary files is a complicated process. We use IDA Pro
as a platform for binary analysis, utilizing and building upon many of its capabilities
using its scripting engine, IDAPython [8]. We rely on IDA pro for disassembling
binary files, recovering functions and control flow graphs, recognizing calling conven-
tions and stack frame analysis, identifying cross-references in the binaries, parsing
import address tables, and identification of common standard library functions using
its FLIRT subsystem.
Our binary file processing engine is written as a Python plugin for IDA Pro, and
introduces additional analysis passes on a binary file assembly instructions. These
analysis passes enable the CodeBin plugin for IDA Pro to form a high-level view of
the disassembled binary, including binary function ACGs.
5.3.1 Extracting Number of Arguments
CodeBin incorporates two different components for extracting the number of argu-
ments for binary functions. One of these components performs a stack frame analysis
partially by using IDA Pro capabalities. The other component invokes the HexRays
Decompiler plugin for IDA Pro and counts the number of arguments on the function
prototype reported by the decompiler. During our experiments, we have found both
methods to be fairly accurate for 32-bit x86 binaries. However, the latter component
considerably outperforms the former on 64-bit binaries in terms of accuracy, while
being also significantly slower, especially for larger functions. CodeBin includes a con-
figuration option that allows the user to choose the second component for extracting
the number of function arguments, provided that the decompiler plugin is installed.
5.3.2 ACG Pattern Extraction
CodeBin matches binary functions to source functions by searching for partial ACG
patterns. ACG patterns may be extracted in several ways. However, CodeBin uses
a very specific method: For each binary function, a partial ACG pattern is created
by extracting features from the function and all the other functions called by it. In
other words, each ACG pattern represents a function and its immediate callees, all
annotated by their respective features. The rationale for adopting this method is
based on the following observations:
1. CodeBin is designed to detect code reuse, where only portions of a specific
program might be reused. Since a function relies on all the other functions it
calls to perform its operation, callees of a function are very unlikely be changed
when it is reused in another program for performing the same operation. On
the other hand, callers of a function may be changed based on the context the
function is used for. As a result, the ACG pattern extracted from a function and
its callers may not be found in a the previously indexed source code containing
the target function, even when it is actually copied. Based on this observation,
CodeBin forms an ACG for each function only based on its callees.
2. During our experiments, we have found that our implementation does not always
yield the correct features of binary functions. This limitation is discussed more
in Section 7.1.3. Inaccurate feature extraction from a single function in an ACG
pattern results in the whole pattern not being matched to source code ACG,
effectively lowering the chance of correct matching for all the other functions in
the pattern. While enumerating callees of the callees of a function, i.e., going
more than one level deep in the call graph, theoretically yields a more unique
pattern; we have found it to have non-negligible negative effect on querying
performance as well as matching accuracy due to occasional inaccurate feature
extraction. As a result, CodeBin only enumerates the immediate callees of each
function, and adopts a different method discussed in Section 5.4.1 for leveraging
the uniqueness of bigger call graph patterns.
Similar to fine-grained adjustments performed on source ACGs (see Section 5.2),
CodeBin may additionally modify the extracted ACGs to bring them closer to source
ACGs. For instance, if a call to a statically linked library function identified by IDA
FLIRT is detected, CodeBin removes the node representing the library function and
adds its name to the list of library functions called by the caller function, which forms
one of its features and is treated as a node property. Other minor adjustments on
node properties such as normalizing the names of library functions is also performed.
Once an ACG is extracted from a binary function and its immediate callees, it is
converted into a query that can be run against the source graph database.
5.4 Graph Database
Currently, we use Neo4J that is a general purpose graph database to index the anno-
tated call graphs we extract from source code. We have chosen Neo4J mainly due to
its querying capabilities with the Cypher query language. As discussed in Section 5.1,
we introduce slight complications in the queries we run against the graph data store
to compensate for possible differences between the binary and source call graphs, e.g.
those caused by function inlining.
At the core of our approach, we are relying on lookup operations on call graphs.
In these search operations, we are representing the subjects (ACG patterns) by nodes
relationships and properties. Therefore, it is necessary for our back-end data store to
be able to perform fast lookups based on graph features, and to expose an interface
for representing such partial graph patterns. Neo4J is therefore an ideal solution, as
it indexes the graphs by the features we use in our queries and also supports a query
language tailored to graph pattern lookups.
5.4.1 Subgraph Search
Cypher is a declarative query language for Neo4J and allows for complex lookups to be
performed over Neo4J graphs using relatively simple queries. Partial ACGs extracted
from binaries are first transformed into Cypher queries by the CodeBin IDA Pro
plugin and then executed against the source ACG indexed by Neo4J. Cypher queries
are generated in a way to represent CodeBin’s searching approach, including tweaks
introduced for handling variadic functions and possible changes in node properties
due to inlining. These queries also contain carefully designed aggregations to allow
concise representation of the results, in case a binary ACG pattern matches many
different source ACG patterns and returns a large number of results.
MATCH a-->b,a-->c,a-->d,a-->e
WHERE a.nargs = 7 OR a.variadic=TRUE
AND ALL (ea IN ["free","malloc","memset","memcpy"]
WHERE ea IN a.excalls)
AND b.nargs = 3 OR b.variadic=TRUE
AND ALL (eb IN ["realloc","memcpy"]
WHERE eb IN b.excalls)
AND c.nargs = 4 OR c.variadic=TRUE
AND ALL (ec IN ["_wassert"]
WHERE ec IN c.excalls)
AND d.nargs = 4 OR d.variadic=TRUE
AND ALL (ed IN ["memset"]
WHERE ed IN d.excalls)
AND e.nargs = 3 OR e.variadic=TRUE
RETURN collect(distinct id(a)
+ "|" + labels(a)[1]
+ "|" + a.name
+ "|" + a.file
+ "|" + a.line
+ "|" + a.column
+ "|" + a.complexity) as a,
collect ...
Listing 3: Cypher query for the ACG pattern in Figure 8
Listing 3 includes part of the Cypher query generated from the outlined pattern
in Figure 8. Part of the RETURN expression is left out for brevity.
As can be seen in Listing 3, binary functions are represented by aliases in gener-
ated Cypher queries. CodeBin keeps track of a mapping between binary functions,
represented by their addresses in the binary, to aliases in each query and uses it as
a reference to assign candidate source functions to binary functions once it receives
and parses the results of running queries.
5.4.2 Query Results Analysis
It is likely for binary functions to appear on more than one ACG pattern. For instance,
in Figure 8, C, D and E will be part of three patterns, generated from F , A and B.
As a result, more than one set of candidate source functions may be assigned to one
binary function. In these cases, CodeBin analyzes and compares the candidate sets
two by two. If two candidate sets have a non-empty intersection, only the candidates
in their intersection are kept and the rest are ruled out. If the intersection is empty, it
simply means that both candidate sets can be equally correct, and CodeBin will keep
all candidates in both sets until the binary function appears in yet another pattern.
Finally, when all the patterns are generated and their respective queries are run,
CodeBin will rank the candidates for each binary function according to their simi-
larity to the binary function in terms of control flow complexity. CodeBin uses an
adaptive threshold to remove the candidates with cyclomatic complexities that are
highly unlikely to be correct, but only if more probable source candidates are already
found for the binary function.
5.5 User Interface
Except for the source code processing and indexing engine, the rest of CodeBin is
implemented as an IDA Pro plugin. This plugin exposes the following functionalities
of CodeBin through a user interface integrated into IDA Pro:
1. Source code parsing and indexing. CodeBin plugin for IDA Pro allows users
to invoke the source processing engine on a code base by pointing to its root
directory. When a name is chosen for the code base and optional preprocessing
Figure 13: User interface: Indexing source code.
macros are given, the code base will be automatically parsed and indexed into
the graph database. This part of the interface is depicted in Figure 13.
2. Viewing partial ACGs. As shown in Figure 14, it is possible for users to
conveniently inspect partial ACGs extracted from arbitrary binary functions
using extra commands inserted into the context menu of IDA Pro Functions
View widget. Users can also copy the respective Cypher query for each partial
ACG, as well as a simplified version of it. The simplified version is not optimized,
but is easier to understand and run in Neo4J interactive web console.
3. Selective matching of binary functions to source code. Similar to view-
ing partial ACGs, the plugin also allows users to selectively match individual
binary functions to source functions. By invoking this command, ACG patterns
will be extracted from selected binary functions and then converted into Cypher
queries, which are then run against the source graph database. The results will
be processed to match returning source candidates to binary functions, and can
Figure 14: User interface: Inspecting ACGs.
later be viewed using the next feature.
4. Inspection of results. The plugin lays out the results of binary to source
matching in a table, allowing users to see all the returning source candidates for
each binary function, as well as their similarity to the binary function in terms
of cyclomatic complexity. An example is depicted in Figure 15.
5. Viewing source code. CodeBin plugin for IDA Pro also allows the users to
see the source code for each matching candidate without leaving IDA Pro. As
shown in Figure 16, the source code is syntax-highlighted and represents the
code exactly as written in the code base, with all the original comments and
before any preprocessing is performed.
Similar to modern IDA Pro plugins such as DIE [18], CodeBin utilizes PySide [65]
shipped with IDA Pro 6.8 and later to provide user interface widgets integrated with
IDA Pro. Call graph patterns are displayed using IDA Pro built-in Graph View, and
source code syntax highlighting is performed using Pygments [21].
Figure 15: User interface: Viewing matching results.
Figure 16: User interface: Viewing source code.
Chapter 6
We have evaluated CodeBin in a scenario that is similar to real-world reverse engi-
neering settings. In this scenario, the whole or parts of specific projects for which the
source code is available may be reused in a program for which only the executable
binary is available. The goal is to leverage CodeBin for detecting code reuse and au-
tomating the binary to source matching process as much as possible. By evaluating
CodeBin in such a scenario, we explore the following questions:
1. Can CodeBin be used to match binary functions to source functions in real-
world programs compiled with realistic settings?
2. Are the features used in CodeBin enough to uniquely identify or significantly
narrow down reused functions amongst tens of different projects and several
millions lines of code?
3. How does CodeBin perform when there is no reuse?
4. Is CodeBin able to perform similarly on binaries compiled with different com-
pilers and/or for different operating systems?
5. How viable is automatic binary to source matching for reverse engineering, and
what are the challenges?
Overall, our experiments show that CodeBin has the potential to identify a signif-
icant number of reused binary functions in source code. Localizing searches through
the call graph by using previously identified functions is shown to be fairly effective.
In the rest of this chapter, we present the methodology, test cases and data, and the
results of our evaluation.
6.1 Methodology
6.1.1 Test Scenario
To evaluate CodeBin, we have downloaded and indexed a total of 31 open source
projects, accounting for 524,168 source functions and 24,344,652 lines of code. These
projects were obtained from several sources such as Github [5] and SourceForge [14].
No specific decision factor is taken into account for deciding on which projects to
choose among open source software. That being said, we have tried to incorporate all
kinds of projects including standalone applications, special-purpose solutions, libraries
and system tools to test CodeBin in a general setting.
We have used 11 executable binaries, 7 of which reuse all or portions of previously
indexed projects. The other 4 binaries do not reuse any of the indexed source code.
To be able to establish this ground truth, we have chosen binary versions of programs
for which the code is open and available, and have manually confirmed that they
do not include any part of indexed source code. From the first 7 binaries, we have
compiled 2 programs on two different operating systems (Linux and Windows) using
two different compilers (GCC 4.9.2 and Microsoft Visual C++ 12.0), to see how
CodeBin is affected by changes in these settings. All tests are run on a Windows
7 x64 desktop machine powered by an Intel Core i7-4790 CPU with a frequency of
3.6GHz utilizing 8GB of memory and regular SSD storage.
Currently, we only target C source code and x86 binaries; however, CodeBin does
not rely on any functionality of IDA Pro that is specific to x86 binaries, and therefore
adopting it to other binary file formats and platforms should be straightforward. We
do not however limit the build process by choosing specific optimization levels or
other compilation options, and the default settings are used for all binaries. Our
results show that except for slight differences in compiler’s decision to inline certain
functions that in turn slightly affects the extent of identified functions, CodeBin’s
overall performance is not susceptible to changes in such compilation options.
6.1.2 Pattern Filtering
Since we evaluate our approach in a scenario when hundreds of thousands of source
functions have an equal chance of being reused in a target binary, searching for very
simple call graph patterns results in tens or hundreds of results being returned. Man-
ually inspecting such a high number of results one by one is arguably a very tedious
and error-prone process. In some cases, manual analysis of a binary function to
understand its operations may even be quicker. On the other hand, searching for
these patterns by running queries and analyzing the large result sets returned also
considerably slows down CodeBin.
As a result, we have implemented a feature in CodeBin to filter out simple call
graph patterns. This is a custom feature and it is possible to query all ACG patterns
by default. CodeBin assigns a score to each extracted ACG based on the presence of
distinctive features, such as library and API calls, high number of function arguments
and the total number of binary functions included in the pattern. A threshold is then
defined and used to filter out simpler patterns, so that only distinctive ones are
converted into queries and searched for. This feature also filters out the patterns
generated from standard library or compiler functions, in part by relying on IDA
FLIRT [4] flags.
Hence, the total number of patterns extracted and searched for from each binary
is smaller than the total number of binary functions in an executable. This feature
significantly speeds up the search process and helps to achieve more useful results.
6.1.3 Result Collection and Verification
The evaluation is performed as follows: First, we have processed and indexed the
source code of all 31 projects in the graph database (see Section 6.5). Then, for
each binary file in our collection of 10 candidate binaries, CodeBin has extracted
ACG patterns from all binary functions and run the filtering process. Once relatively
distinctive patterns are identified, CodeBin has searched for them by converting them
into and executing Cypher graph queries. Eventually, result sets are analyzed as
discussed in Section 5.4.2 and reported.
We have used debugging information as the ground truth to evaluate and measure
the accuracy of CodeBin in identifying reused parts of code (i.e., functions). CodeBin,
however, does not use any debugging info for extracting features from binary func-
tions, and equally works on stripped binaries. It is important not to use debugging
information, since most real-world executable binaries are stripped from any such
information. By running CodeBin on stripped binaries and establishing ground truth
by manually comparing 50 binary functions in 3 projects compiled with and without
debugging information, we have confirmed the similarity of the results on stripped
and non-stripped binaries.
Finally, using the ground truth established based on debugging information, we
have reviewed and verified the matching results as reported in the next section.
6.2 Evaluation Results
Results of evaluating CodeBin on binaries that reuse parts of previously indexed
source code is listed in Table 2. For each binary file, we have included the total
number of functions that are also present in our source base. Due to inlining of simpler
functions, partial reuse of a project’s code in some binaries, and other compilation
complexities such as dead code elimination, this number is different from the total
number of source functions in the main reused project. Total number of candidate
ACG patterns for searching is also included for each binary, which may include some
Table 2: Results of evaluating CodeBin in real-world scenarios.
Reused Project
Total Reused Functions
Queried ACG Patterns
Unique and Correct
Correct Candidate in Top 3
Correct Candidate in Top 5
Correct Candidate in Top 10
Too Many Candidates (20+)
Mismatched / False Positive
Not Matched
Total Running Time (min:sec)
Miniz 114 131 65.8% 70.2% 76.3% 78.9% 1.8% 2.6% 16.7% 1:14
Sqlite 1391 682 74.5% 78.6% 81.3% 84.4% 0.6% 1.2% 13.8% 6:41
Silver Searcher 66 95 68.2% 75.8% 77.3% 81.8% 1.5% 4.5% 12.1% 1:07
Redis 2329 1532 65.2% 75.1% 80.2% 86.8% 0.5% 2.1% 10.6% 11:51
Coreutils 1856 1194 53.4% 64.9% 73.4% 76.4% 1.9% 2.2% 19.5% 9:08
PCRE 342 74 31.2% 41.8% 49.4% 55.8% 1.8% 3.5% 38.9% 3:55
OpenSSL 3982 2163 9.4% 11.3% 12.6% 14.7% 0.6% 1.4% 83.3% 23:42
OpenSSL (manual) 3982 2163 62.0% 64.9% 68.1% 72.7% 6.8% 1.2% 25.5% 27:16
statically linked standard library functions missed by our filtering process.
Once all queries are executed and results are analyzed, we have verified the re-
sults, which is a list of mappings between binary functions and one or more source
candidates, using debugging information (function names and parent project). In the
results list, a binary function may be correctly matched to a unique source candidate
(Unique and Correct results). It may be mapped to several source candidates, in
which the correct source function is in the top 3, 5, or 10 candidates. As expected,
for some binary functions the ACG patterns have not been distinctive enough, re-
sulting in the list of candidates having more than 20 source functions. Some reused
functions have not been matched to any source candidate, either because the pattern
has not been distinctive enough and was filtered out, or because the search query
has not returned any results. In some cases, binary functions are matched to one or
more source candidates, all of which have been wrong, which account for Mismatched
/ False Positives.
For OpenSSL, we have conducted the experiment twice. In the first run, we have
processed the source code in a fully automated setting, without specifying any pre-
processor macros. In the second run, we have removed all the OpenSSL nodes in the
graph database, and reprocessed the source code with carefully chosen preprocessor
macros so that they exactly match the ones specified during the compilation process.
While the second setting results in significantly better results, choosing the correct
set of preprocessor macros cannot be performed automatically and requires manual
work. For further discussion on this issue, see Section 7.1.1.
Our evaluation results show CodeBin’s potential for speeding up the reverse en-
gineering process. For instance, note that for a program that uses Sqlite, over two
thirds of reused functions (1036 out of 1391) are uniquely and correctly matched to
their source code. This process has taken less than 7 minutes to complete on a moder-
ately powerful workstation and the original source code, potentially with descriptive
comments, are shown to the reverse engineer afterwards. Less than 2% of all the
returned results are false positives in this case. Similar results have been observed
Table 3: CodeBin results in no-reuse cases.
Project Binary Functions
Matched ACG
Pidgin 2618 63 8.7%
Custom Program 1153 16 4.9%
FFMpeg Utility 974 28 8.6%
HT Editor 527 19 8.2%
for Miniz, Redis, Silver Searcher and Coreutils. In some cases, CodeBin has also
identified several statically linked library functions missed by FLIRT, thanks to the
technique discussed in Section 5.1.2.
In the rest of this section, we report and investigate CodeBin’s results on binaries
that do not include any reused functions, as well as binaries compiled in different
6.3 No Reuse
4 out of 11 executables used in our evaluation do not reuse any part of code from the
31 indexed projects, a fact that is known due to manual inspection of their source
code. Our custom program is created by mixing 92 random functions and statically
linking the C standard library to the compiled binary. Clearly, CodeBin may still
return matches in these cases, as there is always a chance of multiple ACG patterns
in different projects, previously processed or not, to possess the same structure and
features. This situation can be considered similar to when portions of previously
indexed source code is actually reused in a binary, but the source code is then taken
out of the source database before running CodeBin on the binary. In this case, one
or more source candidates will be returned for some binary functions, except for the
fact that the correct candidate will not be in the results list, as it is now absent in
the source database.
Table 3 includes the results of running CodeBin on each of the 4 binaries that do
not reuse any part of previously processed source code. Matched Patterns denotes the
total number of queried patterns that have returned results, and Matched Functions
shows the total number of binary functions for which at least one candidate is returned
in the results list.
These results show a noticeable difference compared to cases where part of the
code is actually reused, as the total number of matched functions compared to the
number of binary functions is significantly lower. However, for a fairly large binary
like Pidgin, the number of matched functions (all of which are false positives in this
case) is still high considering that no reuse is taken place. Mitigating this issue
in general requires identifying and leveraging more features from binary and source
functions, which may also help in reducing the number of candidates returned for a
binary function when it is actually reused.
This may cause a problem compared to cases where a small number of binary
functions are reused, making it difficult to distinguish between small reuse and false
positives in no-reuse. A relatively noticeable difference however is seen in the size of
matched ACGs. False positives in no-reuse cases usually form small, isolated ACGs
scattered through the binary. When some functions are actually reused, they usually
form bigger coherent ACGs representing the piece of functionality that is reused.
6.4 Different Compilation Settings
To test the effect of different compilation settings on CodeBin’s performance, we
have compiled Miniz and Sqlite for both Windows and Linux using Microsoft Visual
C++ Compiler (MSVC) 10.0 (2008) and 12.0 (2013) and GCC 4.7 (released in 2012)
and 4.9.2 (released in 2015) under three different optimization levels, and then run
CodeBin on all binaries and compared the results (see Table 4). Overall, we have
made the following observations:
Different optimization levels. Disabling compiler optimizations consistently
Table 4: Effect of different compilation settings on CodeBin’s performance.
Compiler Used
Optimization Level
Total Reused Functions
Total Candidate Patterns
Unique and Correct
Mismatched / False Positive
Not Matched
Total Running Time
MSVC 12.0
O2 108 130 69.4% 2.8% 18.5% 1:04
Ox 101 128 65.3% 4.9% 16.8% 1:03
GCC 4.9.2
O2 114 131 65.8% 2.6% 16.7% 1:08
O3 99 125 63.4% 4.0% 14.1% 1:04
MSVC 12.0
O2 1391 682 74.5% 1.2% 13.8% 6:31
Ox 1342 664 69.2% 2.5% 12.6% 6:18
GCC 4.9.2
O2 1427 693 73.7% 1.4% 12.5% 6:49
O3 1359 671 64.9% 2.1% 11.8% 6:24
improves CodeBin’s performance and results in accuracy figures higher than
what is reported in Tables 2 and 4. However, we do not consider these cases
realistic, as the reason for disabling or selecting a low optimization level is
usually ease of debugging during the development phase [12]. Optimizing for
size (Os flag on both GCC and MSVC) slightly improves the results compared
to level 2 optimization (O2 flag on both compilers), as it prevents the compiler
from inlining some of the functions in favor of the total size of the binary. On
the other hand, performing full optimization in favor of speed (O3 and Ox flags
on GCC and MSVC) results in very aggressive inlining decisions and impacts
CodeBin accuracy. We have included the results for level 2 optimization (usually
the chosen level in projects build settings) and full optimization for speed (the
most challenging case for CodeBin) in Table 4.
Different compiler versions. We have found changing the compiler version
to have the least effect on CodeBin’s performance. Binaries compiled with the
same level of optimization but using different versions of the same compiler
are distinctively different in terms of the overall layout, binary instructions
and introduced compiler functions. However, call graphs and ACGs extracted
by CodeBin from these binaries are usually the same and the differences in
matching results are negligible.
Different compilers/platforms. the total number of reused binary functions
slightly varies as the compiler changes, due to different inlining decisions. We
have observed more aggressive inlining performed by MSVC compared to GCC,
which has in turn slightly reduced the number of recognizable functions by Code-
Bin because of less distinctive patterns. Nevertheless, CodeBin performs very
similar on both versions, resulting in close numbers in terms of both matched
and mismatched reused functions. These results are expected, as almost all
of the differences caused by different binary formats and other variations are
abstracted away by IDA Pro. CodeBin uses the same interface provided by
IDAPython to analyze and extract features from binaries, and is therefore au-
tomatically able to operate in the same way over different executable files as
long as IDA Pro retains its disassembly and analysis capabilities.
6.5 Source Base and Indexing Performance
We have collected a total of 31 open source C projects to form a source base for our
evaluation experiments, which are then processed and indexed into a Neo4J graph
database by CodeBin source processor. This source base consists of 24,344,652 lines
of C code as counted by cloc [28], excluding blank lines and comments. The graph
database consists of 548,023 nodes, with 524,168 nodes representing functions iden-
tified within the source code of the indexed projects by CodeBin. Other nodes, as
explained in section 5.1.2, represent standard library functions.
Our source base is deliberately made very large by including several big projects
(3 OS kernels including Linux kernel and large projects such as Wireshark, OpenSSL,
Tor, Git, etc) to test CodeBin’s ability in searching on big datasets. We have measured
the time required by CodeBin to preprocess, parse, analyze and index each project
source code. On average, CodeBin source processor has spent barely over a second
for completely processing each 1000 lines of code (again, excluding blank lines and
comments). It should be noted that due to online updating and creation of indexes by
Neo4J, the time required for indexing source code expectedly increases as the dataset
grows larger.
Table 5 includes the number of functions, number of lines of code, and indexing
time for each of the indexed projects.
Table 5: CodeBin test dataset, parsing and indexing performance.
Project Functions Lines of Code Indexing Time
Linux Kernel 236,083 13,416,043 2:29:14
Wireshark 67,216 2,917,350 0:51:38
GCC Compiler 52,531 2,480,461 1:04:53
Minix 3 89,057 2,305,133 1:08:21
Inferno OS 28,694 672,553 0:19:42
Hashkill 2,782 420,719 0:02:38
Vim 9,481 311,865 0:11:09
OpenSSL 4,697 280,826 0:03:37
Apache HTTPD 3,496 188,807 0:02:11
Tor 4,241 179,282 0:05:27
Git 5,880 157,858 0:07:11
Tengine 706 165,620 0:00:32
Nginx 547 119,517 0:00:26
MPV Player 4,105 107,411 0:03:25
Sqlite 1,859 99,674 0:01:31
Unqlite 2,682 84,347 0:02:05
Putty 2,275 80,882 0:01:53
PCRE 394 71,241 0:00:21
Coreutils 2,124 59,673 0:00:56
STB 452 56,899 0:00:21
Redis 2,952 46,407 0:01:49
MozJPEG 1,058 44,028 0:00:48
JQ 571 17,624 0:00:27
Zmap 360 11,638 0:00:19
Memcached 296 10,931 0:00:12
LMDB 199 9,837 0:00:12
Curl 64 9,434 0:01:03
Miniz 120 5,260 0:00:07
Wrk 138 4,481 0:00:07
RobotJS 98 4,438 0:00:23
Silver Searcher 75 4,413 0:00:13
Total 524,168 24,344,652 6:42:12
Average 16,908 785,311 0:12:58
Chapter 7
In this section, we investigate the results of evaluating CodeBin and highlight its
limitations through actual examples. We also discuss CodeBin from a security per-
spective, and provide possible directions for future work towards mitigating its limi-
7.1 Limitations
7.1.1 Custom Preprocessor Macros
OpenSSL heavily relies on custom preprocessor macros to customize implementations
on different environments and optimize performance. This technique includes snip-
pets of code written to operate on a set of parameters just like regular functions,
but instead defined using macros. Many functionalities in OpenSSL have multiple
implementations, some defined using parameterized macros and others as regular
functions. Values for these macros are then defined during the build process to incor-
porate one of the implementations for each functionality into the binary, depending
on the compiler, platform, and operating system.
Listing 4 shows four different implementations for a bit rotation function in
OpenSSL, defined using a parameterized macro specified as ROTATE. These dif-
ferent definitions along with similar others result in more than 10 different versions
of the des_encrypt1 function in OpenSSL with 4 different call graph patterns. Each
of these versions is optimized for a specific environment and will be put into the
executable according to macros passed to the compiler.
# if (defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER))
# define ROTATE(a,n) (_lrotr(a,n))
# elif defined(__ICC)
# define ROTATE(a,n) (_rotr(a,n))
# elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2 && \
!defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && ...
# if defined(__i386) || defined(__i386__) || \
# defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__)
# define ROTATE(a,n) ({ register unsigned int ret; \
asm ("rorl \%1,\%0" \
: "=r"(ret) \
: "I"(n),"0"(a) \
: "cc"); \
ret; \
# endif
# endif
# ifndef ROTATE
# define ROTATE(a,n) (((a)>>(n))+((a)<<(32-(n))))
# endif
Listing 4: Different implementations for ROTATE in OpenSSL.
Extended use of this technique, as observed in OpenSSL, significantly undermines
CodeBin’s capabilities in a fully automated setting. If the same set of preprocessor
macros are not used for compiling the binary program and parsing the code using
CodeBin’s source processor, different implementations mentioned above almost always
result in significant differences in the call graph structure as well as the function
properties, hence causing mismatches during partial ACG searches. When the same
set of preprocessor macros are used, the results significantly improve, as can be seen
in Table 2.
7.1.2 Orphan Functions
Another challenging case for identification of reused functions using CodeBin’s ap-
proach is caused by dynamically invoked functions. In C, function pointers are utilized
to perform such dynamic invocation. The target of a call operation that is performed
via a function pointer is only determined during runtime. Hence, no assumption can
be made about the target of such call during parsing or even compilation. While
sophisticated inter-procedural data flow analysis techniques might help in identifying
the targets of dynamic calls during compilation, dynamic analysis is usually consid-
ered the only robust solution in similar cases [31].
Functions that are only invoked via function pointers therefore result in “orphan”
nodes in the source call graph, i.e., nodes that are isolated and not connected to
the rest of the graph. While they exhibit the same behavior in a binary call graph
extracted via static analysis, an isolated function effectively disallows using call graph
relations to augment its feature set. These orphan functions are extremely unlikely to
match to anything less than hundreds of candidates due to their very small single-node
ACG, regardless of their own feature set.
PCRE is a library for incorporating Perl-compatible regular expressions into C
programs, and heavily relies on dynamic function invocation. Based on the call graph
generated by CodeBin, 184 out of 394 functions in its source code are orphan. As a
result, CodeBin has failed to detect over 33% of reused PCRE functions. We consider
such a case to be an inherent limitation of static analysis rather than binary to source
matching, and argue that a reliable solution for handling such cases is highly unlikely
to be achievable without symbolic execution or dynamic analysis.
7.1.3 Inaccurate Feature Extraction
In a relatively small number of cases, mismatches or false positives are simply caused
by inaccurate feature extraction, i.e., the binary ACGs having incorrect properties.
A majority of these cases can be further broken down into two main categories:
1. Incorrect identification of number of arguments. CodeBin uses the out-
put of the HexRays decompiler to determine the number of arguments for each
binary function, with a fallback mechanism that incorporates a heuristic based
on stack frame analysis and is invoked if the decompiler plugin is absent. Tests
are done on 32-bit binaries using the fallback mechanism, which has the advan-
tage of speed. However, it results in an incorrect number of arguments being
extracted for some binary functions. While the accuracy of these two mecha-
nisms are comparable on 32-bit binaries, HexRays decompiler relatively retains
its accuracy while the fallback mechanism fails in many cases on 64-bit binaries.
2. Incorrect demangling of symbol names. CodeBin incorporates a mecha-
nism to demangle and normalize the names of invoked system APIs and stan-
dard library functions. This mechanism fails to extract the correct name in
some cases, resulting in incorrect properties in binary ACGs.
Due to the fact that these problems have limited negative effects compared to
custom preprocessor macros and orphan functions, we have not investigated them
further in our current implementation.
7.1.4 Similar Source Candidates
The results show that in many situations, CodeBin returns multiple source candidate
functions for a binary function. While CodeBin ranks the candidates for each binary
function based on their similarity to the binary function in terms of control flow
complexity, the correct candidate does not end up in the top 3 or top 5 in some
cases. By manual inspection of some of such results, we have found that CodeBin
int SQLITE_STDCALL sqlite3_column_count(sqlite3_stmt
pStmt) {
pVm = (Vdbe
return pVm ? pVm->nResColumn : 0;
static int strlen30(const char
z) {
const char
z2 = z;
z2 ) {
return 0x3fffffff & (int)(z2 - z);
Listing 5: Similar functions in Sqlite
usually runs out of features to further distinguish between possible candidates in these
cases. A simple example for such a case in Sqlite is shown in Listing 5, where two
functions, sqlite3_column_count and strlen30, both called from do_meta_command,
share exactly the same features: Both have the same number of arguments of 1, the
same control flow complexity of 2, and neither call any other function.
To human eyes, these source functions still look distinguishably different: They
employ different control constructs (a loop versus a condition), they have different
types for the arguments, and the latter includes a distinctive constant (0x3fffffff)
while the former includes a very common one (zero). However, annotating functions
in a large database with features that differentiate them in terms of such properties
bear significant challenges. See Sections 2.1.5, 4.3.3 and 4.3.5 respectively for further
discussion on these issues.
7.1.5 C++ Support
CodeBin is currently only capable of extracting ACGs from C code, and does not
yield correct results for C++ code. We highlight three major challenges of adopting
our approach to C++ code.
1. Late/Dynamic Bindings. Dynamic bindings of function call targets in C++
results in an issue similar to dynamic function invocations in C, while being
much more common due to techniques like polymorphism and virtual functions.
Handling these cases on source code requires dependency analysis, which is
unlikely to be possible without compilation. On binaries, virtual table call
resolution code precedes the actual call instruction and should be analyzed and
reasoned about, an analysis that is outside the scope of this work.
2. Library Function Identification. We have found FLIRT performance on
C standard library functions to be relatively good with approximately 80%
of statically linked functions being identified on average. CodeBin uses these
results to annotate binary ACGs and create more distinctive patterns. However,
according to our experiments, FLIRT shows very low accuracy on C++ standard
library functions, with over 90% of linked functions (606 out of 668) missed in
a sample executable binary. C++ templates further intensify this problem,
as they result in compile-time code generation that is very likely to impose
significant challenges on a signature-based detection system such as FLIRT.
3. Overloaded Functions. On the source side, CodeBin relies on function names
to resolve internal calls and distinguish external calls across whole codebases
without necessarily having access to the location of header files. Since function
names are unique descriptors in C, this approach results in fairly accurate call
graphs while having the advantage of being fully automatic. In C++, function
names are not enough to resolve a call target and much more entities such as
prototypes, namespaces, classes and object references should be taken into ac-
count. Such an analysis, as performed by compilers, requires data flow analysis
and is not possible to perform on potentially non-compilable code.
7.2 CodeBin as a Security Tool
Binary analysis and reverse engineering tools are in part used for security purposes,
such vulnerability detection and tracking, exploit generation, malware analysis and
clustering, etc.
However, many such tools, including CodeBin, are not primarily designed as a
security tool. The reason is twofold: First, popular obfuscation techniques like binary
packing are usually dealt with before any actual binary analysis is done [37, 79]; for
example by processing the obfuscated binary through a toolchain that unpacks the
binary and reverses known obfuscation techniques. Second, many automated analyses
do not succeed at completely addressing unintentional complicating variables such
as different computing platforms and build environments [31]. In these cases, an
unknown obfuscation technique may simply render the problem inexplicable in an
automated way, at least until robust techniques are developed for handling non-
malicious cases.
This basically means that these tools are not developed with a strong threat model
in mind, and do not try to be robust against intentional evasion. In this particular
case, for example, CodeBin is not designed or evaluated against an adversary who
actively tries to conceal code reuse. For instance, adding dummy arguments in random
function prototypes and performing dummy operations on these variables would be a
relatively easy way to change ACGs and make then unrecognizable by CodeBin, even
though the main functionality of the reused code stays the same.
7.3 Directions for Future Work
CodeBin establishes a base for binary to source matching, augmenting syntactic to-
kens and text-based searches. According to what is perceived from its evaluation,
CodeBin can be extended in several directions, all of which may well introduce new
Detecting build systems and leveraging configuration and make scripts will proba-
bly bring a key improvement to CodeBin. We argue that for binary to source match-
ing to retain its advantages, processing of source code should remain fully automatic.
Our approach currently incorporates several techniques to work around the limita-
tions caused by this requirement, but does so by compromising accuracy in certain
cases as discussed in Section 7.1.1. In the presence of an automatic system for detect-
ing popular build systems such as GNU make, CMake or MSBuild, a large number of
open source projects can be parsed more accurately by leveraging the exact compiler
invocation commands along with a tool like CIL.
CodeBin can also be improved by leveraging symbolic execution and dynamic
analysis techniques in certain cases, as highlighted in Section 7.1.4. While these
techniques are not without their disadvantages in terms of execution speed, they may
still be beneficial if they are proven to help in extracting additional features from
binary functions such as referenced strings and constants.
Chapter 8
Reverse engineering is a demanding and complex process, and requires manual effort
in many cases. It is shown in previous work that certain aspects of binary analysis
and fingerprinting such as clone and reuse detection can be automated to aid the
process and make it more efficient.
We explored a relatively new and less explored idea in the area of clone-based
reverse engineering based on automatic binary to source matching. We characterized
the challenges by elaborating on the important aspects of the software build process
that affect the similarity of an executable binary program to its source code. Through
several experiments, we also identified certain features that can be reliably extracted
from both source code and binary code and used for comparison in an automated
Based on our findings, we designed a graph-based approach to binary to source
matching that is based on relative uniqueness of program call graphs augmented by
high-level function properties. We discussed the challenges and technical complica-
tions of implementing this approach, and introduced several workarounds and miti-
gation techniques so that the process can remain fully automatic. Through designing
realistic evaluation scenarios, we showed that our approach is capable of detecting a
significant number of reused functions in executable binaries by only processing the
source code while requiring relatively low computing resources and time. Eventually,
we elaborated on the limitations and provided directions for future work towards
further improvements.
Based on the results of our experiments, we argue that binary to source matching
can be considered as a complementary approach to clone-based reverse engineering,
and has the potential of revealing code reuse while not being affected by many issues
that undermine binary clone detection techniques. We hope that our work establishes
a robust base for future research in this direction.
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