The iKeepSafe FERPA Program© is available to operators and service providers of websites and
online services, data management systems and other technologies that are, in whole or in part,
intended for use or often used in and by schools, and which may collect, store, process or
otherwise handle student data.
Quizlet targets both individual teachers and students as end users of the Quizlet product. Quizlet
requires individual end users to accept an online Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to create an
account and access the service for the rst time.
This iKeepProle is intended to assist you in determining whether or not Quizlet Inc. can be used
in accordance with your FERPA obligations, as well as with your state laws and district policies. It
indicates that Quizlet Inc. has been assessed for alignment with the iKeepSafe FERPA Program
Guidelines. 
The iKeepProle is not legal guidance, nor does it guarantee or otherwise assure compliance
with FERPA. If you have questions on how to use the iKeepProle to support your school’s
compliance eorts, please contact your school attorney.1
Quizlet Inc.
Quizlet -
Quizlet is a free website providing learning tools for users to help with memorization. It can be
used by the general public, students, and teachers - anyone with a desire to learn and/or teach.
As such, Quizlet allows users to create "sets" of terms customized for their own needs that can
be studied via several study modes including ash cards, spelling, practices tests, and
competitive learning games. Additionally, teachers can create classes to organize their students
around study sets.
Accounts may be upgraded to bring additional functionality to the learning experience including
adding your own images and voice to study sets as well as the ability to view student activity and
Quizlet is also available via iPhone, iPad, and Android apps.
To help supportschools in meeting their FERPA obligations, Quizlet Inc. agrees:
1. Education records as provided by teachers and students using the Quizlet product continue
to be the property of and under the control of those students and teachers ; and Quizlet is
willing to stipulate as such in their terms of use agreement and/or privacy policy.
2. Students may retain possession and control of their own student generated content .
3. It will only use education records as provided by individual teachers and students for the
purposes authorized by agreement to the Quizlet Terms of Use and Privacy Policy .
4. It will not use personally identiable information in student records to engage in targeted
advertising . Advertising on Quizlet is minimal. Upgraded users, mobile app users, and children
under 13 are never served ads. Users 13 and over are served ads based on basic browsing
activity, which is not linked to individual user accounts. Quizlet does not provide any additional
information to advertisers.
5. It will provide a means by which students or, in the case of students under the age of 13, a
parent or legal guardian, may review personally identiable information in the student’s
records and correct erroneous information.
6. It will take actions to help ensure the security and condentiality of education records as
provided by teachers and students using the Quizlet product .
7. It will conduct annual training related to data privacy and security , including FERPA
requirements, for all employees responsible for any aspect of student data management.
8. It has a data breach procedure in place and will notify the aected end users, including
teachers, students, and parents or legal guardians of those students under 13 years of age, in
the event of an unauthorized disclosure of the educational records.
9. It is willing to include in the terms of use and/or privacy policy details of how end users,
including teachers and students, have direct access to the education records that they provide
to Quizlet.
10. It will not make material changes to its privacy and security policies , including adding
practices around new or additional data collection, or changes that may lessen the previously
noted protections without prior notice to the end user , including teachers, students, and
parents or guardians of those students under the age of 13 separate from any notice in a “click
wrap” agreement.
Data Review Process
Quizlet provides users direct access to the personally identiable information that they provide to
Quizlet via product functionality. The following is the process for handling such requests:
Control of Information Provided to Quizlet
All users, including students and teachers, remain in control of the data they provide to Quizlet;
more specically:
Teachers remain in control of the information they provide to Quizlet. They may review, edit or
delete any information submitted to Quizlet at any time by signing into their Quizlet account.
Teachers may also delete their account at any time which will delete all study sets, folders, and
classes that they’ve created.
Users 13 years of age and older remain in control of the information they provide to Quizlet. They
may review, edit or delete any information they submit to Quizlet at any time by signing into their
Quizlet account. They may also delete their account at any time which will delete all study sets,
folders, and classes that they’ve created.
Children under the age of 13: The parent or guardian remains in control of the information the
child provides to Quizlet. P arents or guardians may review, edit or delete the child’s information
at any time by signing into the child’s account via password reset, or by contacting Quizlet at . Quizlet will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe . A
parent or guardian can also delete the child’s account which will delete all study sets, folders,
and classes that the child has created.
Quizlet has posted within their Privacy Policy appropriate contact information for comments and
Attention Privacy
Quizlet Inc.
501 2nd Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94107 USA
Security Protocols
The following is a general overview of Quizlet Inc.s data security protocols:
Product Data List
Quizlet gathers potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information based on
the nature of the product interaction.
Data Collected for Operation: General Purpose of Data Collection
Required: General Account
Self-created User name
Required to create an account
Date of Birth
Required to create an account.
User Email Address
Required to create an account
Parent (s) Email Address 
Required if user is identied as under the age of
Required for internal operations
Device Identier (UDID)
Required for internal operations
Optional: Product Upgrade
First and/or Last Name
Required for optional use of “Send an invoice”
feature that allows someone else to pay for
your upgrade. Not available to users under 13.
Credit Card Number
Required for optional product upgrade
Note: If a user chooses to use a single sign on feature, they collect Facebook login info (photo,
birthday, name, school name(s), email, Facebook identier), Google login (photo, name, email,
Google identier).
Third Parties
Quizlet does not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying
information to anyone.
Quizlet discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only to
those of its employees, contractors and aliated organizations that (i) need to know that
information in order to process it on Quizlet's behalf or to provide services available on Quizlet's
website and mobile applications, and (ii) that have agreed not to disclose it to others.
Quizlet uses encryption technology for the information they share with third parties, and the list of
third parties they share with is accurately documented in their Privacy Policy as demonstrated
iKeepSafe technical assessment indicated appropriate use of third parties for product
functionality and analytics.
Name of Third
Party Partner
What info is shared with or collected by this
Partner's purpose
Link to
privacy policy
Compressed archives of certain database
Serving images and
data backup
AWS Privacy
Trac data
Provider of network
infrastructure for basic
service delivery
Privacy Policy
Anonymous usage data (e.g., what pages
on our site people visit)
Privacy Policy
Email address and username
Customer service
Desk Privacy
Google Inc.
Anonymous usage data (e.g., what pages
on our site people visit)
Google Analytics
Privacy Policy
Google Inc.
Trac data
Provider of servers and
network infrastructure
for basic service
Google Privacy
Google Inc.
Anonymous demographic and site-usage
Serving ads on Quizlet
Google DFP
Privacy Policy
Anonymous usage data (e.g., what pages
on our site people visit)
Looker Privacy
Email address and username
Email service for
sending emails to our
Mailgun Privacy
New Relic
Anonymous page-speed metrics (e.g.,
how fast Quizlet loads on a user's screen)
and anonymous usage data (e.g., what
pages on our site people visit)
Help websites load
faster for better use
New Relic
Privacy Policy
Anonymous usage data (e.g., what pages
on our site people visit)
Data provider,
Privacy Policy
Username and site usage data
Website code error
Rollbar Privacy
IP address
Privacy verication
TRUSTe Privacy
Accuracy Statement
Quizlet Inc. hereby conrms the accuracy and truthfulness of all information contained in the
prole, and has authorized iKeepSafe to make the prole available to any interested schools
Signed and agreed:
Thompson Paine
VP, Operation and Business Development
Quizlet Inc. 
Quizlet Inc. has been reviewed and found in alignment with iKeepSafe's FERPA Evaluation Program
Guidelines as indicated by this product prole. Quizlet Inc. has been awarded the iKeepSafe FERPA
Program badge.
Marsali Hancock
President & CEO
© 2016 Internet Keep Safe Coalition (iKeepSafe). All rights reserved.
iKeepSafe’s FERPA Evaluation Program materials have been developed, copyrighted, and
distributed for incidental, classroom use only. iKeepSafe’s copyright notice and distribution
restrictions must be included on all reproductions whether in electronic or hard copy form. These
materials are intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or any
other type of professional opinion.
FERPA Evaluation Program or accepting any materials related to the FERPA Evaluation
Program, you expressly acknowledge and agree that neither Internet Keep Safe Coalition, their aliates,
subsidiaries, or designees nor each of their respective ocers,
directors, employees or agents (collectively, Associates), can guarantee, certify or ensure that
you are in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). You
understand that the FERPA Evaluation Program does not constitute legal or any other type of
professional advice and the FERPA Seal is not a legal determination.
You further acknowledge that the FERPA Evaluation Program is not ocially recognized by the U.S.
Department of Education or any other legislative or regulatory body, and the program does not provide any
legal safe harbor. You are encouraged to consult with your attorney. Under no circumstances
shall Internet Keep Safe Coalition, or their Associates be liable for any direct,
indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from you not being in
compliance with FERPA or for any claim that you are not in compliance with FERPA. You
acknowledge and represent that it is your sole responsibility to evaluate whether or not you are in
compliance with FERPA.