Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement Template (India) | OS v. 1 | November
Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement
This confidentiality and intellectual property assignment agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on [___]
(“Effective Date), at [___] by and between:
1. [___] hereinafter referred to as the “Company” (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the First Part
2. [___] hereinafter referred to as Employee”, (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the meaning or
context hereof mean and include its successors and permitted assigns) of the Second Part.
The Company and the Employee are each hereinafter collectively referred to as "Parties" and individually as Party”.
A. The Employee is an employee of the Company and by virtue of being an employee, is provided access to
confidential and proprietary information of the Company;
B. The Employee may conceive and contribute to the development of intellectual property of the Company
during the course of his/her employment with the Company and for the discharge of the Employee’s
obligations set forth in the employment agreement executed by the Employee with the Company;
C. The Parties wish to enter into this Agreement to set forth the terms relating to confidentiality obligations
and ownership of intellectual property rights in information shared with the Employee.
In consideration of the employment provided by the Company and other mutual promises and agreements contained
herein below, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
1.1. In this Agreement (including in the recitals herein above or schedules hereto), the following words and
expressions shall have, where the context so permits, the following meaning ascribed to them:
1.1.1. "Affiliate", with respect to either Party means any Person who directly or indirectly, Controls, is controlled
by, or is under the common Control of such Parties. The term “Control is used in the sense of the
possession by a Person or a group of Persons acting in concert, directly or indirectly, of the right to direct
or cause the direction of the management and policies of another Person, whether through the board of
directors or ownership of voting rights by such other Person, by the Articles of Association, contract or
otherwise. A Person or a group of Persons acting in concert shall be deemed to be in control of a body
corporate if such Person or group of Persons is in a position to appoint or appoints the majority of the
directors of such body corporate.
1.1.2. Confidential Information shall mean and includes information which is confidential including
Proprietary Information and other information related to the business of the Company, its affiliates or any
third parties with which the Company associates, whether or not such information is expressly marked or
designated as confidential information and includes but is not limited to:
a) information of value or significance to the Company or its competitors (including potential competitors)
such as:
i. data of or about the Company or its vendors, customers, employees, advisors, mentors, service
providers or consultants, in particular, contact information and sales information;
ii. data about Company’s compliance with applicable law including data about licenses, permissions,
approvals, permissions or consents applied for, requested by, granted to or denied to the Company
or its promoters;
Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement Template (India) | OS v. 1 | November
iii. data about all filings and official submissions made by the Company to governmental authorities
and the content of the discussion and communication by the Company with such authorities;
iv. data related to the Company’s business, its existing and upcoming products, services, business
strategy, terms of engagement with its vendors or customers, pricing data, business plans;
v. any data, documents, sketches, designs, plans, drawings, photographs, reports, communication,
technical information, information about Intellectual Property Rights, user information,
compilation, subscription details, asset information, know-how, research and development, internal
vi. any information related to the Company’s technology, software, hardware, code, design, business
strategy, business plan, internal systems, business architecture;
vii. financial data, in particular, concerning budgets, fees and revenue calculations, sales figures,
financial statements, profit expectations and inventories of the Company;
viii. training data, particularly documents, videos, processes, multimedia files, presentations and any
such training resources that the Employee gains access to during his association with the Company;
ix. security information (including passwords, login credentials) used to access any resource owned or
operated by the Company, its affiliates, clients or third party agents;
x. client or user data, user credits, user analytics, user preferences, feedback information;
b) any information which may be reasonably understood by its nature, or by the context of its disclosure,
to be confidential; and
c) any information derived from any of the above-mentioned information; and
d) original information supplied by the Company or information provided to the Company by third parties
which the Company is obligated to keep confidential.
1.1.3. Intellectual Property Rightsmeans and includes, without limitation, any patents, copyrights, trademarks,
trade secrets, service marks, database right, design right, moral right or any other property rights (in each
case, whether registered or not and including applications for registration, if any) that grant similar rights as
the foregoing, anywhere in the world.
1.1.4. Company Intellectual Property means any Proprietary Information created, conceived, developed,
improved upon or contributed to by the Employee during the course of Employment.
1.1.5. Proprietary Information means and includes, but is not limited to, Company Intellectual Property
information about software programs, designs, source code, object code, algorithms, trade secrets, formulae,
designs, know-how, domain names, processes, applications, data, ideas, techniques, documents, notes,
presentations, works of authorship, business plans, customer lists, user information, vendor data, customer
data, operational data, terms of compensation and performance levels of employees, and other information
concerning the actual or anticipated business, research or development, prices and pricing structures,
marketing and sales information, competitive analysis, and any information and materials relating thereto, or
which is received in confidence by or for the Company or its Affiliates from any other person, whether or
not it is in written or permanent form.
2.1. The Employee agrees and acknowledges that during the term of his employment with the Company
(“Employment”), the Employee shall have access to Confidential Information through oral, visual,
electronic or written means, solely by virtue of the Employment and for the purpose of enabling the
Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement Template (India) | OS v. 1 | November
Employee to discharge his obligations towards the Company as an employee. The provision of access
to Confidential Information to the Employee shall be at the discretion of the Company.
2.2. The Employee understands and acknowledges that the Confidential Information is of immense value
to the Company and its Affiliates and/or its present, past or prospective clients. The Employee
understands that any use or disclosure of such Confidential Information including any inadvertent
disclosure can cause immense and irreparable harm, loss, damage and injury to the Company and its
Affiliates and its reputation and hence undertakes to keep such Confidential Information confidential
and use it solely in the manner expressly authorized by the Company and only during the term of his
2.3. The Employee agrees and undertakes that at all times during the term of his Employment and thereafter
on termination of his Employment for whatever reason to hold in the strictest confidence, and not to
use, except for the benefit of the Company and its Affiliates, and absolutely refrain from in any manner
divulging, discussing, disclosing the Confidential Information to any third party or in any manner
directly or indirectly using the Confidential Information without the written authorisation of the
2.4. The Employee recognises that the Company and its Affiliates have received and in the future will receive
from third parties, information that would be confidential and proprietary in nature to such third parties,
during the course of his Employment. The Employee agrees to hold all such third party information in
the strictest confidence and not to disclose it to any person, firm or corporation or to use it except as
necessary in carrying out his work for the Company consistent with the Company’s agreement with such
third party.
2.5. The Employee further undertakes not to make copies of such Confidential Information except as
authorised by the Company. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as granting or
conferring any rights either as a license or otherwise in the Confidential Information. The Employee
shall not claim or represent to hold any interest by way of ownership, assignment or otherwise in the
Confidential Information.
2.6. The Employee shall, upon termination of the Employment, promptly return to the Company all
Confidential Information including all materials and documents obtained from or through the Company
(in hard or soft copy).
2.7. Nothing in this Clause 2 shall apply to information: (i) that was previously known by the Employee, as
established by written records of the Employee prior to receipt of such information from the Company;
(ii) that was lawfully obtained by the Employee from a third party without any obligations of
confidentiality to Company; (iii) that was developed by the Employee independent of the Confidential
Information; and (iv) information disclosed to the Employee by the Company without confidentiality
2.8. This Clause shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
3.1. The Company shall retain all rights, title and interest and Intellectual Property Rights in any Company
Intellectual Property created, conceived, developed, contributed to or improved upon by the Employee
during the course of his Employment, shall vest with the Company upon such creation, conception,
development, contribution or improvement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, no license with
respect to Intellectual Property Rights shall be deemed or implied to be granted by the Company to the
Employee in respect of the Company Intellectual Property.
3.2. The Employee shall not reverse- engineer, decompile, or disassemble, modify or copy (except for
making a single back-up copy) any methodologies, software or whitepaper article, themes, headlines, or
Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement and shall not remove, overprint, deface or
change any notice of confidentiality, copyright, trademark, logo, legend or other notices of ownership
from any originals or copies of Confidential Information it receives from the Company.
Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement Template (India) | OS v. 1 | November
3.3. To the extent that any rights referred to under Clause 3.1 do not vest with the Company automatically
as per the terms above or through operation of law, the Employee hereby irrevocably and in perpetuity
assigns to the Company all of right, title and interest (including without limitation any and all Intellectual
Property Rights), that is now or may be available, in: (a) any and all Company Intellectual Property; and
(b) any and all Proprietary Information that the Employee may have conceived, created, improved
upon, developed or contributed to prior to the Effective Date, as part of his association with,
contribution to the Company or its incorporation (including as part of work undertaken for the business
of the Company prior to its incorporation).
3.4. The Employee agrees and understands that any and all copyrightable works that are prepared by the
Employee, within his scope of service, is “work for hire” under applicable law and the Company will be
considered the first owner of such copyrightable works. To the extent that the Company is not
considered the first owner of the Intellectual Property Rights created by the Employee, the copyright
and all related rights, title and interest in all such Company Intellectual Property is irrevocably assigned
by the Employee to the Company in consideration of the Employment which constitutes valid and
adequate consideration. The Employee hereby waives any right to and agrees that he shall not raise any
objection or claims under applicable law in respect of ownership of such Company Intellectual Property.
3.5. During the Employment, whatever gets created, developed, modified in the form of any hardware or
software design, engineering, hardware code, software code, hardware and software library , schematic,
architectural, layout, protocol, model or any Intellectual Property or document in any format by the
Employee with or without the assistance or involvement of any other Person during the Term using
own tools or the Company’s or its partners/Affiliates’ tools and systems will always be property of the
3.6. The Employee shall do all acts, deeds and things including execution of necessary documents without
charge or compensation but at the cost of the Company for fully and effectively vesting in the Company
the rights in any Intellectual Property Rights as referred to in this Clause 3.
3.7. The Employee hereby irrevocably appoints the Company as his attorney for the purpose of executing
in the name and on behalf of the Employee all such deeds and documents as may be required pursuant
to this Clause 3.
3.8. The Employee represents and warrants that the Employee has not violated and will not violate the
Intellectual Property Rights of any third party and agrees not to violate the Intellectual Property Rights
of any third party in the course of Employment.
3.9. The Employee acknowledges that the Employment and the remuneration paid by the Company to the
Employee is a good, valuable and adequate consideration, to be bound by the terms and conditions of
this Agreement.
4.1. The Employee hereby agrees that pursuant to the termination of their employment in the Company as
per this Agreement or for any reason whatsoever, they shall not directly or indirectly compete with the
Business of the Company or its Affiliates for a period of 1 (one) year from the Termination Date. The
non-compete period referred to in this Clause 4 shall be extended by the length of time during which
the Employee shall have been in breach of the provisions of this Clause 4.
4.2. The Employee hereby agrees and undertakes that during the term of the Employment with the
Company and for a period of 1 (one) year following the Termination Date, the Employee shall not,
directly or indirectly, either as an individual on his own account or as a partner, employee, consultant,
advisor, agent, contractor, director, trustee, committee member, office bearer, or shareholder (or in a
similar capacity or function):
4.2.1. Solicit employment of or advise any of the Company’s or Affiliate’s existing employees or any person
who was employed by the Company or an Affiliate within 6 (six) months prior to such solicitation or
Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement Template (India) | OS v. 1 | November
any person or organization providing services to or through Company to terminate his or her contract
or relationship with Company or its Affiliate or to accept any contract (directly or indirectly) or other
arrangement for providing services to any other person or organization; or
4.2.2. Contact any of the clients of the Company or its Affiliate to entice such clients away from the Company
of Affiliate or to damage in any way their business relationship with the Company or its Affiliate or for
the provision of substantially the same services provided to such clients by the Company or its Affiliate;
4.2.3. Solicit or undertake employment with any client of the Company or its Affiliate or any organization
where the employee has been taken or sent for training, deputation or secondment or professional work
by the Company; or
4.2.4. Enter the employment of, or render any other services to, any person engaged in a business which
competes with the Business of the Company.
4.3. The Employee hereby acknowledges and agrees that the covenants set forth in this Clause 4 are a
condition of the employment by the Company and that the breach of any such covenants would cause
irreparable harm to the Company.
5.1 Without prejudice to any other right available to the Company in law or under equity, the Employee shall
jointly and severally be liable to compensate and indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company, its
Affiliates, their directors, officers and employees, from and against losses, liabilities, damages, deficiencies,
demands, claims, actions, judgments or causes of action, assessments, interest, penalties and other costs or
expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) based upon, arising out of,
or in relation to or otherwise in respect of breach of its obligations under this Agreement.
5.2 The Employee acknowledges and agrees that breach of this Agreement may cause the Company irreparable
damage and harm and therefore, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that the Company may
have, the Employee agrees that the Company shall be entitled to seek extraordinary relief in court, including
without limitation, specific performance, preliminary or permanent injunctions or other appropriate remedy
without the necessity of posting a bond or other security. If any court of competent jurisdiction holds that
the restrictions contained in this Agreement are unreasonable on any criteria, the said restrictions shall be
deemed to be reduced to the extent necessary in the opinion of such Court to make them reasonable.
Any notice pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing by (or by some person duly authorised) the person
giving it and may be served at the address or email address provided below:
If to the Company:
If to the Employee:
Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement Template (India) | OS v. 1 | November
7.1. This Agreement shall become valid, effective and binding from the Effective Date and shall continue
to be valid until terminated by the Company. The confidentiality obligations shall survive the
termination of this Agreement.
7.2. Neither this Agreement nor any right granted hereunder shall be assignable or otherwise transferable by
the Employee.
7.3. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India. The competent courts in [__] shall have exclusive
jurisdiction over all disputes arising from or relating to this Agreement.
7.4. This Agreement along with the employment agreement, if any, executed by the Employee with the
Company constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties pertaining to the subject matter of this
Agreement and may be modified only by an instrument in writing signed by each Party to this
Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any and all prior oral discussions and/or written
correspondence or agreements between the Parties in respect of the subject matter.
7.5. The failure or delay on the part of one Party to exercise or enforce any rights resulting from this
Agreement shall not be a waiver of any such rights, nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof operate
so as to bar the later exercise or enforcement thereof.
[Signature Pages to follow]