Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
Registered interior designer. An interior design professional, as defined by the NCIDQ, who is approved and
registered by the board and the Secretary of State.
Ala. Code § 34-15C-
3(3) (2012).
Currently unable to
Interior design not
regulated because
does not meet
profession and
occupation criteria
of Ariz. Rev. Stat.
Ann. § 32-4401 to be
As used in this subchapter, § 17-15-201 et seq., and §§ 17-35-301 -- 17-35-304, “registered interior designer”
means a person registered under this subchapter, § 17-15-201 et seq., and §§ 17-35-301 -- 17-35-304.
(b)(1) A registered interior designer is a design professional who is qualified by education, experience, and
examination as authorized by an authority.
(2) In general, a registered interior designer performs services including preparation of working drawings
and documents relative to non-load-bearing interior construction, materials, finishes, space planning,
furnishings, fixtures, and equipment.
(c) Except as provided herein, interior design services do not include services that constitute the practice of
architecture as defined in the Arkansas Architectural Act, § 17-15-101 et seq., or the practice of engineering
as defined in the Arkansas Engineering Act, § 17-30-101 et seq.
Ark. Code Ann. §
17-35-103 (West
“Certified interior designer” means a person who prepares and submits nonstructural or nonseismic plans
consistent with Sections 5805 and 5538 to local building departments that are of sufficient complexity so as
to require the skills of a licensed contractor to implement them, and who engages in programming,
planning, designing, and documenting the construction and installation of nonstructural or nonseismic
elements, finishes and furnishings within the interior spaces of a building, and has demonstrated by means
of education, experience and examination, the competency to protect and enhance the health, safety, and
welfare of the public.
Cal. Bus. & Prof. §
5800(a) (West
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
Colo. Rev. Stat. §
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
“[I]nterior designer” means a person qualified by education, experience and examination who (A) identifies,
researches and creatively solves problems pertaining to the function and quality of the interior environment;
and (B) performs services relative to interior spaces, including programming, design analysis, space planning
and aesthetics, using specialized knowledge of non-load-bearing interior construction, building systems and
components, building codes, equipment, materials and furnishings; and (C) prepares plans and specifications
for non-load-bearing interior construction, materials, finishes, space planning, reflected ceiling plans,
furnishings, fixtures and equipment relative to the design of interior spaces in order to enhance and protect
the health, safety and welfare of the public.
Conn. Gen. Stat. §
20-377(k)(2) (West
Currently unable to
Dist. of
For the purposes of this part, the term “practice of interior design” means providing or offering to provide
consultations, preliminary studies, drawings, specifications, or any related service for the design analysis,
programming, space planning, or aesthetic planning of the interior of buildings, using specialized knowledge
of interior construction, building systems and components, building codes, fire and safety codes, equipment,
materials, and furnishings, in a manner that will protect and enhance the health, safety, and welfare of the
public whether one or all of these services are performed either in person or as the directing head of an
D.C. Code § 47-
2853.101 (2012).
“Interior design” means designs, consultations, studies, drawings, specifications, and administration of
design construction contracts relating to nonstructural interior elements of a building or structure. “Interior
design” includes, but is not limited to, reflected ceiling plans, space planning, furnishings, and the fabrication
of nonstructural elements within and surrounding interior spaces of buildings. “Interior design” specifically
excludes the design of or the responsibility for architectural and engineering work , except for specification
of fixtures and their location within interior spaces. As used in this subsection, “architectural and
engineering interior construction relating to the building systems” includes, but is not limited to,
construction of structural, mechanical, plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, ventilating, electrical, or vertical
transportation systems, or construction which materially affects lifesafety systems pertaining to firesafety
protection such as fire-rated separations between interior spaces, fire-rated vertical shafts in multistory
structures, fire-rated protection of structural elements, smoke evacuation and compartmentalization,
emergency ingress or egress systems, and emergency alarm systems.
Fla. Stat. Ann. §
481.203(8) (West
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
[T]he term “registered interior designer” means a person registered under this article as being qualified by
education, experience, and examination to use the title “registered interior designer.” In general, an interior
designer performs services including preparation of documents relative to nonstructural interior
construction, furnishings, finishes, fixtures, and equipment.
Ga. Code Ann. §
43-4-30 (West
Currently unable to
Currently unable to
locate. Hawaii
House Bill 3324
introduced regarding
licensure of interior
designers pursuant
to resolution from
previous year, but
was not ultimately
enacted into law.
Currently unable to
“The profession of interior design”, within the meaning and intent of this Act, refers to persons qualified by
education, experience, and examination, who administer contracts for fabrication, procurement, or
installation in the implementation of designs, drawings, and specifications for any interior design project and
offer or furnish professional services, such as consultations, studies, drawings, and specifications in
connection with the location of lighting fixtures, lamps and specifications of ceiling finishes as shown in
reflected ceiling plans, space planning, furnishings, or the fabrication of non-loadbearing structural elements
within and surrounding interior spaces of buildings but specifically excluding mechanical and electrical
systems, except for specifications of fixtures and their location within interior spaces.
A person represents himself or herself to be a “registered interior designer” within the meaning of this Act if
he or she holds himself or herself out to the public by any title incorporating the words “registered interior
designer” or any title that includes the words “registered interior design”.
225 Ill. Comp. Stat.
Ann. 310/3 para. 6-
7 (West 2012).
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
(a) “Interior design” means client consultation and preparation and administration of design documents that
(1) design studies;
(2) drawings;
(3) schedules;
(4) specifications; and
(5) contracts;
relating to nonstructural and nonseismic interior elements of a building or structure.
(b) The term includes design documents for space plans, reflected ceiling plans, egress, ergonomics, and the
design or specification of fixtures, furnishings, equipment, cabinetry, lighting, materials, finishes, and interior
design that does not materially affect the building system.
(c) The term does not include construction documents for construction (as defined in 675 IAC 12-6-2(c)) that
are prepared only by architects and engineers and filed for state design release.
Ind. Code Ann. §
25-20.7-1-5 (West
“Interior design” means the design of interior spaces including the preparation of documents relating to
space planning, finish materials, furnishings, fixtures, and equipment, and the preparation of documents
relating to interior construction that does not affect the mechanical or structural systems of a building.
“Interior design” does not include services that constitute the practice of architecture or the practice of
professional engineering.
Iowa Code §
544C.1(3) (West
As used in K.S.A. 75-1250 through 75-1267, and amendments thereto, unless the context otherwise requires,
the following terms shall be defined as follows:
. . . .
(c) “Architectural services” means any of the following:
. . . .
(3) interior design services.
Kan. Stat. Ann. §
(West 2012).
Unable to locate
additional, more
pertinent language.
“Certified interior designer” means a person who is certified to use the title “certified interior designer” in
accordance with KRS 323.400 to 323.416 and 323.992 by meeting the criteria of education, experience, and
examination as determined by the board . . . .
Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann.
§ 323.400(2)
(West 2012).
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
“Practice of interior design” means the rendering of services to enhance the quality and function of an
interior area of a structure designed for human habitation or occupancy. The term includes:
(a) An analysis of a client's needs and goals for an interior area of a structure designed for human habitation
or occupancy and the requirements for safety relating to that area.
(b) The formulation of preliminary designs for an interior area designed for human habitation or occupancy
that are appropriate, functional, and esthetic.
(c) The development and presentation of final designs that are appropriate for the alteration or
construction of an interior area of a structure designed for human habitation or occupancy.
(d) The collaboration with licensed professionals in preparation of contract documents for the alteration or
construction of an interior area of a structure designed for human habitation or occupancy, including
specifications for partitions, materials, finishes, furniture, fixtures, and equipment.
(e) The collaboration with licensed professionals in the completion of a project for the alteration or
construction of an interior area of a structure designed for human habitation or occupancy.
(f) The preparation and administration of bids or contracts as the agent of a client.
(g) The review and evaluation of problems relating to the design of a project for the alteration or
construction of an area designed for human habitation or occupancy during the alteration or construction
and upon completion of the alteration or construction.
La. Rev. Stat. Ann.
§ 37:3172 (2012).
Use of title. A person may not use the title “certified interior designer” unless licensed under this chapter.
This chapter does not prohibit a person from providing interior design services or from using the title
“interior designer.”
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following
A. “Certified interior designer” means an interior designer who has been licensed by the board in accordance
with this chapter.
B. “Interior designer” means an individual who provides or offers to provide interior design services.
C. “Interior design services” means services that do not require the services of a licensed architect or
engineer and that involve the preparation of working drawings, plans and specifications relative to building
elements that are not necessary for the structural stability and mechanical and electrical integrity of the
Me. Rev. Stat.
Ann. tit. 32 § 220-
B(1) (2012).
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
“Interior design services” means rendering or offering to render services for a fee or other valuable
consideration, in the preparation and administration of interior design documents (including drawings,
schedules and specifications) which pertain to the planning and design of interior spaces including
furnishings, layouts, fixtures, cabinetry, lighting fixtures, finishes, materials, and interior construction not
materially related to or materially affecting the building systems, all of which shall comply with applicable
laws, codes, regulations, and standards. The scope of work described herein shall not be construed as
authorizing the planning and design of engineering and architectural interior construction as related to the
building systems, including structural, electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating, air conditioning or
mechanical systems and shall not be construed as authorizing the practice of architecture or engineering as
defined in Title 3 or Title 14 of this article. The interior design plans as described above are not to be
construed as those architectural plans which may be required to be filed with any county or municipality.
Md. Code Ann.
Bus. Occ. & Prof. §
(LexisNexis 2012).
Mass. House Bill 262
regarding interior
design introduced
2009, but not
ultimately enacted
into law.
Practice of occupation without license; violations, penalties; injunctive relief; exemptions; investigations;
forfeiture; nature of remedies under section; notice of convictions
. . . .
(10) This act does not apply to a person engaging in or practicing the following:
(a) Interior design.
. . . .
(15) An interior designer may perform services in connection with the design of interior spaces including
preparation of documents relative to finishes, systems furniture, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, and
interior partitions that do not affect the building mechanical, structural, electrical, or fire safety systems.
Mich. Comp. Laws
§ 339.601(10)(a),
(15) (2009).
Persons engaged in
interior design must
have a license only if
they also practice
any of the
professions or
occupations for
which a license is
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
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Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
Certified interior designer. (a) For the purposes of sections 326.02 to 326.15, “certified interior designer”
means a person who is certified under section 326.10, to use the title certified interior designer and who
provides services in connection with the design of public interior spaces, including preparation of documents
relative to non-load-bearing interior construction, space planning, finish materials, and furnishings.
(b) No person may use the title certified interior designer unless that person has been certified as an interior
designer or has been exempted by the board. Registered architects may be certified without additional
testing. Persons represent themselves to the public as certified interior designers if they use a title that
incorporates the words certified interior designer.
(c) Nothing in this section prohibits the use of the title interior designer or the term interior design by
persons not certified by the board.
(d) Nothing in this section restricts persons not certified by the board from providing interior design services
and from saying that they provide such services, as long as they do not use the title certified interior
(e) Nothing in this section authorizes certified interior designers to engage in the practice of architecture as
defined in subdivision 2 or the practice of engineering as defined in subdivision 3.
Minn. Stat. Ann. §
326.02 subd. 4b
(West 2011).
“Mississippi Certified Interior Designer” means an interior design professional who holds a certification
issued by the board. A certified interior designer shall not be considered to be a registered design
professional as defined within the International Building Code or by building permit requirements.
Miss. Code Ann. §
73-73-5(c) (2011).
324.400. Definitions
As used in sections 324.400 to 324.439, the following terms mean:
. . . .
(3) “Registered interior designer”, a design professional who provides services including preparation of
documents and specifications relative to nonload-bearing interior construction, furniture, finishes, fixtures
and equipment and who meets the criteria of education, experience and examination as provided in
sections 324.400 to 324.439.
324.403. Registered interior designer, use of name or title
No person may use the name or title, registered interior designer, in this state unless that person is
registered as required by sections 324.400 to 324.439. Nothing in sections 324.400 to 324.439 shall be
construed as limiting or preventing the practice of a person's profession or restricting a person from
providing interior design services, provided such person does not indicate to the public that such person is
registered as an interior designer pursuant to the provisions of sections 324.400 to 324.439.
Mo. Rev. Stat. §
324.400(3) (West
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
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Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
Currently unable to
Currently unable to
“Practice as a registered interior designer” means the rendering, by a person registered pursuant to
subsection 2 of NRS 623.180, of services to enhance the quality and function of an interior area of a
structure designed for human habitation or occupancy. The term includes:
1. An analysis of:
(a) A client's needs and goals for an interior area of a structure designed for human habitation or
occupancy; and
(b) The requirements for safety relating to that area;
2. The formulation of preliminary designs for an interior area designed for human habitation or occupancy
that are appropriate, functional and esthetic;
3. The development and presentation of final designs that are appropriate for the alteration or construction
of an interior area of a structure designed for human habitation or occupancy;
4. The preparation of contract documents for the alteration or construction of an interior area of a structure
designed for human habitation or occupancy, including specifications for partitions, materials, finishes,
furniture, fixtures and equipment;
5. The collaboration in the completion of a project for the alteration or construction of an interior area of a
structure designed for human habitation or occupancy with professional engineers or architects who are
registered pursuant to the provisions of title 54 of NRS;
6. The preparation and administration of bids or contracts as the agent of a client; and
7. The review and evaluation of problems relating to the design of a project for the alteration or
construction of an area designed for human habitation or occupancy during the alteration or construction
and upon completion of the alteration or construction.
Nev. Rev. Stat.
Ann. § 623.0225
(West 2012).
New Hamp.
Currently unable to
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
New Jersey
“Interior design services” means rendering or offering to render services, for a fee or other valuable
consideration, in the preparation and administration of interior design documents, including, but not limited
to, drawings, schedules and specifications which pertain to the design intent and planning of interior spaces,
including furnishings, layouts, non-load bearing partitions, fixtures, cabinetry, lighting location and type,
outlet location and type, switch location and type, finishes, materials and interior construction not
materially related to or materially affecting the building systems, in accordance with applicable laws, codes,
regulations and standards.
N.J. Rev. Stat. §
45:3-3-33 para. 3
(West 2012).
New Mexico
“[I]nterior design” means services that do not necessarily require performance by an architect, such as
administering contracts for fabrication, procurement or installation in the implementation of designs,
drawings and specifications for any interior design project and consultations, studies, drawings and
specifications in connection with reflected ceiling plans, space utilization, furnishings or the fabrication of
nonstructural elements within and surrounding interior spaces of buildings, but specifically excluding
mechanical and electrical systems, except for specifications of fixtures and their location within interior
spaces . . . .
N.M. Stat. Ann. §
61-24C-3(B) (West
New York
For the purposes of this article, the practice of interior design is defined as rendering or offering to render
services for a fee or other valuable consideration, in the preparation and administration of interior design
documents (including drawings, schedules and specifications) which pertain to the planning and design of
interior spaces including furnishings, layouts, fixtures, cabinetry, lighting, finishes, materials, and interior
construction not materially related to or materially affecting the building systems, all of which shall comply
with applicable laws, codes, regulations, and standards.
N.Y. Educ. Law §
8303 (McKinney
North Carolina
Currently unable to
North Dakota
Currently unable to
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
Ohio Senate Bill
introduced during
1999-2000 session
regarding the
certification of
interior designers
upon satisfaction of
requirements, but
did not make it out
of House Committee
and thus was not
“Registered interior designer” means a person recognized by this state who is registered, qualified by
education, experience and examination and meeting all the requirements set forth in the State Architectural
and Registered Interior Designers Act and the Board's rules.
Okla. Stat. Ann. tit.
59, § 46.3(14)
(West 2012).
Currently unable to
PA. House Panel
reviewed idea of
licensing in 2010, but
did not move
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
Puerto Rico
§ 2231. Definitions.
. . . .
Interior designer/decorator. Means the trained professional qualified through to his/her education,
experience, skills and recognized ability, which enable him/her to identify, analyze, and resolve in a creative
manner, those problems concerning the quality, function and aesthetics of interior environments. He/She
also develops services in relation to said interior spaces, which include: the analysis of design, planning of
space, and the supervision of the work to be conducted, by using his/her knowledge on building codes,
equipment specifications, and acquisition and installation of materials and furniture. He/She develops and
presents the drawings, specifications and documents needed for the proper design and planning of interior
spaces. In addition, he/she creates an atmosphere by using visual elements such as: line, form, color,
texture, light and accessories.
§ 2232. License.
. . . .
No person shall practice or offer to practice as interior designer/decorator in Puerto Rico after . . . unless
he/she holds a license pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
P.R. Laws Ann. tit.
20, §§ 2231(a),
2232 para. 2
Rhode Island
Currently unable to
South Carolina
Currently unable to
South Dakota
Currently unable to
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
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Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
§ 62-2-101. Registration; purpose
In order to safeguard life, health and property and to promote public welfare, by requiring that only
properly qualified persons shall practice architecture, engineering and landscape architecture, or use the
title “registered interior designer” in this state, any person practicing architecture, engineering or landscape
architecture or using the title “registered interior designer” shall be registered as provided in this chapter,
and it is unlawful for any person to practice or offer to practice architecture, engineering or landscape
architecture, or use the title “registered interior designer” unless the person has been duly registered under
this chapter, except as otherwise provided.
§ 62-2-902. Definitions
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
. . . .
“Registered interior designer” means a person registered to use the title “registered interior designer” under
this part. The registered interior designer is a person who meets the criteria of education, experience and
examination as determined by the board.
Tenn. Code Ann.
§§ 62-2-101, -
902(2) (2012).
“Interior design” means the:
(A) identification, research, or development of a creative solution to a problem relating to the function or
quality of an interior environment;
(B) performance of a service relating to an interior space, including programming, design analysis, space
planning of non-load-bearing interior construction, and application of aesthetic principles, by using
specialized knowledge of interior construction, building codes, equipment, materials, or furnishings; or
(C) preparation of an interior design plan, specification, or related document about the design of a non-load-
bearing interior space.
Tex. Occ. Code
Ann. § 1051.001(3)
(West 2012).
Currently unable to
Currently unable to
Virgin Islands
Currently unable to
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statutory Matrix
Practice of Interior Design Definition Statute Link Notes
“Interior design” by a certified interior designer means any service rendered wherein the principles and
methodology of interior design are applied in connection with the identification, research, and creative
solution of problems pertaining to the function and quality of the interior environment. Such services
relative to interior spaces shall include the preparation of documents for nonload-bearing interior
construction, furnishings, fixtures, and equipment in order to enhance and protect the health, safety, and
welfare of the public.
Va. Code Ann. §
54.1-400 para. 6
(West 2009).
Washington Senate
Bill 6707 seeking to
regulate the interior
design did not make
it out of Committee
and was thus not
West Virginia
Currently unable to
“Interior design” means the design of interior spaces in conformity with public health, safety and welfare
requirements, including the preparation of documents relating to space planning, finish materials,
furnishings, fixtures and equipment and the preparation of documents relating to interior construction that
does not substantially affect the mechanical or structural systems of a building. “Interior design” does not
include services that constitute the practice of architecture or the practice of professional engineering.
Wis. Stat. Ann. §
440.96(2) (West
Currently unable to
Last Rev. Sept. 2012
The information in this publication is not intended to be a source of legal advice or opinion.