ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
ELSA Law Schools are one of the oldest projects of not only the area of S&C but also of ELSA,
with nearly 30 years of history. They reflect the core values of ELSA - contributing to legal
education while underlining the importance of mutual understanding in the spirit of internationality.
They are a perfect opportunity to enjoy beautiful cities, explore unique cultures, meet individuals
sharing the same interests, and to form friendships for life. Cultural exchange and social interactivity
are of utmost importance for ELSA Law Schools, given the fact that people from many different
countries with different cultural backgrounds gather in one city.
This Handbook thus aims to facilitate and simplify the organisation of ELSA Law Schools in the
Network. It consists of a detailed explanation of its requirements, how to organise it step by step
and many useful tips and tricks.
Best of luck with organising your ELSA Law School!
Created by (2016):
Matej Sadloň
Vice President in charge of
Seminars and Conferences
International Board 2015/2016
Nigel Micallef
Director for ELSA Law Schools
ELSA International 2015/2016
Tibor Korman
Director for Seminars and Conferences
ELSA International 2015/2016
Carolina Sá Duarte, Deniz Hatemi, Denise Roche, Ondřej Chýlek, Hugh McIntyre,
Stephaan Cloet, Lukrecija Oreški,
ELSA Law Schools Team 2015/2016
Updated by (2021):
İlke Yılmaz
Vice President in charge of
Seminars and Conferences
International Board 2020/2021
Pavlos Klagkos
Director for ELSA Law Schools
ELSA International 2020/2021
Ani Koiava, Camilla Perotti, Dora Stambuk, Selin Alpaslan, Jose Miguel Fialho
ELSA Law Schools Team 2020/2021
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
Updated by (2022):
Valentin Badert
Vice President in charge of Seminars & Conferences
International Board of ELSA 2021/2022
Dora Štambuk
Director for ELSA Law Schools
ELSA International 2021/2022
Xanthi Agoraki, Dario Schönbächler, Paula Bačić, Diogo Gambini Neves and Ani Koiava
Assistants for ELSA Law Schools
ELSA International 2021/2022
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
Table of Contents
1. What is an ELSA Law School? 5
2. Requirements of an ELSA Law School 5
1.1. Aiming to be annual 5
1.2. Being open for everyone and conducted in English 6
1.3. Lasting for at least 7 days 6
1.4. Comprising of an academic, cultural and social programme 6
1.5. Including at least 20 hours of academic programme 6
1.6. Close co-operation with an Academic or Institutional Partner 7
3. Key elements of Organising an ELSA Law School 7
3.1. Timeline 7
3.2. Organising Committee 8
3.3. Venues and Logistics 9
4. Academic Programme 9
4.1. Complexity of Academic Programme 10
4.2. Speakers 10
4.3. Tips on how to nd speakers 11
4.3.1. Local/national speakers 11
4.3.2. International speakers 11
4.4. Communicating with the speakers step by step 12
4.5. Invitation letter template for speakers 13
5. Cultural and Social Programmes 14
5.1. Gala Ball 15
6. Finances 16
6.1. Participation Fees 16
6.2. Additional Fees 18
6.3. Grants 18
6.4. Sponsors 19
6.5. Budget of the Local or National ELSA Group 19
6.6. Expected Expenses 19
6.7. Administrative Fee 20
7. Project Timeline 20
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
7.1. Coaching System 20
7.2. ELSA Law Schools Training Weekends 21
7.3. Unied Promotion 21
7.4. ELSA Law School Cycles 21
7.4.1. Specication Period 22
7.4.2. Preparation Period 22
Arranging venues for accommodation and academic programme 23
Starting the fundraising 23
ELSA Law Schools Portal and Additional Questions Form 24
7.4.3. Application Period 24
Shaping promotion and marketing strategy 24
Structuring academic programme 25
7.4.4. Selection Period 25
7.4.5. Additional Application Period and Additional Selection Period 27
7.4.6. Event 27
Communication & FB Groups 27
Arrival and departure of participants 27
Welcoming participants 28
Transportation during the week 28
Tips & Tricks 29
7.4.7. Evaluation Period 30
8. Quality Standards 30
8.1. General Standards 31
8.2. Accommodation and Meals Standards 31
8.3. Transportation Standards 32
8.4. Academic Programme Standards 32
8.5. Social and Cultural Programme Standards 33
8.6. Promotion 33
Contact 33
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
1. What is an ELSA Law School?
ELSA Law School is a Flagship Project of ELSA which is organised by the Organising Committee
(OC) of one or more National or Local Groups and coordinated by ELSA International which
fulfills the requirements regulated in the International Council Meeting Decision Book (Decision
2. Requirements of an ELSA Law School
Every OC shall fulfill all the requirements regulated in the Decision Book, and make sure that their
ELSA Law Schoolis in compliance with the terms and conditions of the ELSA Law School Hosting
Agreement, and Quality Standards, as mentioned in the Annex of the ELSA Law Schools Hosting
Τhe International Board of ELSA (International Board) has several executive powers in order to
control the quality of ELSA Law Schools, especially in the case of a breach of the regulations as
explicitly mentioned in the Decision Book. In this case, the International Board shall try to solve the
issue by means of dialogue.
Every ELSA Law School needs to comply with the requirements set out in the Decision Book, as
listed below:
1.1. Aiming to be annual
An ELSA Law School shall aim to be annual. If you are organising an ELSA Law School for the
first time, think about a sustainable project and discuss your ideas with your National or Local
Group. In order to keep your ELSA Law School annually organised, make sure that the OC
members pass the knowledge and experience among each other as well as with the other members
of your Local/National Group. You should always create a backup folder with all the important
information, data, documents, etc. Make your ideas, knowledge and experience become your Local
or National ELSA Group's heritage and give a good transition to the OC of the next edition.
1.2. Being open for everyone and conducted in English
An ELSA Law School is an international, academic, social and cultural event open to everyone
regardless of nationality, age, ethnicity, field of studies and sexual orientation. Therefore, not only
ELSA Members, law students and lawyers can participate, but also non ELSA Members and
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
representatives of other professions are very welcomed to attend ELSA Law Schools.
An ELSA Law School shall be conducted only in English. Therefore, make sure that your speakers
are fluent in English, as well as that the participants are able to understand the lectures and actively
participate in the academic programme. Hence, when selecting participants, consider their English
level, as stated in their application form.
1.3. Lasting for at least 7 days
An ELSA Law School shall last for at least 7 days. The 7 days are calculated excluding the day of
arrival, but including the day of departure. As an example, an ELSA Law School could start on
Sunday, and finish on the following Sunday.
1.4. Comprising of an academic, cultural and social programme
The academic programme is one of the most crucial parts of ELSA Law Schools. OC shall provide
participants with an engaging and of high quality academic programme including lectures
emphasising in the particular field of law.
In addition to the academic programme, the OC shall offer participants cultural and social
programmes. The main aim of ELSA Law Schools is to celebrate cultural diversity, encourage
participants to present elements of their cultures and make them acquainted with different
social and cultural environments. In this mindset, you should include sightseeing, excursions
within or outside the city, visits to museums, galleries, archaeological places or cultural centers into
your week. ELSA Law Schools are the perfect platform to meet new people and perform
networking. Hence, you shall shape a social programme for participants to get to know each other
and render the whole event amusing and entertaining for everyone.
1.5. Including at least 20 hours of academic programme
According to the Decision Book, an ELSA Law School shall include at least 20 hours of academic
programme. If the duration of the ELSA Law School exceeds 7 days, the academic programme shall
be prolonged by 4 hours per extra day. For example, if the ELSA Law School starts on Sunday
and finishes on Wednesday over a week after, thus lasting 10 days in total, it should comprise at least
32 hours of academic programme in total. Notwithstanding, it is recommended for you to plan
having two-three more hours than the minimum requirement, in case of some speaker’s
An academic programme can consist of:
panel discussions;
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
Institutional Visits;
case studies;
moot courts;
Model United Nations.
This kind of programme division will help the participants to gain theoretical knowledge during the
lectures, and then to practise what they have learned by actively participating in the interactive
1.6. Close co-operation with an Academic or Institutional Partner
Every ELSA Law School needs to be organised under the supervision of an Academic or
Institutional Partner. Academic/Institutional Partner is an entity/a person with whom the OC can
discuss their ideas regarding the topic of the ELSA Law School in the initial stage of organisation.
An Academic/Institutional Partner might advise on which topics are most pertinent and valuable,
and help in searching for speakers and providing contact with them. For this reason, it is very
important that you work closely with partners as they are the ones who will help you to structure the
academic programme in order to optimise its quality and appeal. The partner can be a law firm, law
faculty, public institution or any other legal entity as long as they are specialised in the subject of the
ELSA Law School.
For example: For a Summer ELSA Law School on Banking and Finance, prospective
Academic/Institutional Partners could be: a bank, a major accounting firm or a university’s economics
3. Key elements of Organising an ELSA Law School
3.1. Timeline
It is a requirement for the OC to comply with the deadlines set out in the respective ELSA Law
School Calendar. You are required to provide information and details of their ELSA Law School
before the specified dates.
3.2. Organising Committee
A strong OC, of at least 5 people, is essential for the success of the project. It is also essential that
there is a full-time available person who needs to take the role of Head of the OC, hence, being the
main responsible person. This document was drafted mainly for the Head of OC to get to know
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
how to plan the process, to gather and lead their team.
It is suggested that the OC is divided into different areas of responsibilities, which are of high
importance for the success of an ELSA Law School. These areas can be listed as: Academic
Programme, Social and Cultural Programme, Participants, Finances, Logistics, Accommodation,
Transportation, Meals and Marketing. The exact number of necessary OC members depends on the
estimated number of participants of your ELSA Law School as well as on the organisational needs
of your event. The basic tasks of the OC members responsible for each area are:
Head of the OC: coordination of the OC, delegation of tasks, boosting the motivation,
bringing new ideas, providing information;
Head of Academic Programme: arranging the whole academic programme, contacting
speakers, finalising the topics of lectures/workshops;
Head of Social and Cultural Programme: arranging sightseeings, visits to museums,
parties, social events for every night and Gala Ball;
Head of Participants: evaluating the applications received, communicating with the
participants before, during and after the ELSA Law School;
Head of Finances and Fundraising: setting up a budget, approving payments, preparing
applications for grants, contacting all partners and sponsors before, during and after the
ELSA Law School;
Head of Logistics: responsible for providing welcome packages to participants, goodies
bags, arranging the equipment of the venue of the academic programme (microphones,
pointers), providing technical support to the speakers;
Head of Accommodation: arranging the accommodation venue, arranging the room
allocations, providing information to participants regarding accommodation, communicating
with the hotel/hostel before, during and after the ELSA Law School;
Head of Transportation: arranging transportation for participants before, during and after
the official duration of the ELS;
Head of Meals: arranging breakfast, lunch and dinner for each day, contacting
restaurants/cantines, providing drinks/refreshments/coffee breaks;
Head of Marketing: promotion of the ELSA Law School, producing promotional materials
for partners, managing social media accounts.
3.3. Venues and Logistics
It is very important that the accommodation venue should be close to the venue of the academic
programme, the restaurants and the social programme venues. As transportation during the official
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
duration of the event shall be taken care of by the OC, it is highly recommended to arrange the
venues of academic and social programmes in a walking distance proximity to the accommodation
venue. If this is not possible in your case, make sure you provide participants with tickets for public
transportation (search the possibility of group discounts), or arrange the shuttles by yourself.
Additionally, you can pursue a partnership with a local municipality or a related entity in order to
arrange transportation via busses free of charge.
In this mindset, the academic programme may take place in the university premises, where
technologically equipped halls can be used free of charge. Also, student dorms can be used as the
accommodation venue for your participants, hence ensuring the proximity of the venues of your
ELSA Law School. Therefore, establishing a partnership with your University will be beneficial for
both the academic quality and logistical aspects related to your event. If the accommodation is
arranged in a hotel, you may consider the possibility of having the academic programme delivered in
a conference hall within the hotel.
4. Academic Programme
An ELSA Law School, as mentioned above, must consist of a minimum 20 hours of academic
programme. Where an ELSA Law School exceeds 7 days (the minimum duration of an ELSA Law
School), the academic programme must be extended by 4 hours for every extra day. The academic
programme is of utmost importance for an ELSA Law School as it will increase the prestige of the
ELSA Law School, draw the interest of more people and improve the ELSA Law School’s
reputation for the following year.
When deciding on the main topic of the ELSA Law School, you can take into consideration the
opportunities offered in your city. For instance, if many maritime law offices and shipping
companies are situated in your city, then organising an ELSA Law School on Maritime Law might be
beneficial. Therefore, it would be easier to assure a rich academic programme and provide your
participants the chance to visit these companies or attend lectures from specialists in the field.
The usual time of the day allocated to the academic programme is 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The binding
regulations point at a mixture of lectures and workshops where the latter would deepen and
emphasise the knowledge from the previous lecture. Try to make the afternoon sessions more
interactive or use the time for an institutional visit. Try to be creative and include case studies, moot
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
courts or negotiations. The aim of ELSA Law Schools is not only to provide theoretical knowledge
but a practical extracurricular education.
4.1. Complexity of Academic Programme
When completing your ELSA Law School Portfolio, you need to indicate the complexity of your
academic programme. This gives an idea to applicants of how advanced the academic programme
provided by each ELSA Law School will be, and they will gain different levels of understanding of a
topic according to its advancement.
There are 3 different levels of complexity:
a) Introductory: participants will acquire the basic knowledge on the topic;
b) Intermediate: participants will acquire more specific knowledge on the topic;
c) Advanced: participants will acquire advanced knowledge on the topic.
4.2. Speakers
The academic programme must be delivered by at least 6 speakers, and at least 2 speakers shall
have international background. An international background shall be understood as speakers
either being based or having an academic or professional experience in a different country than the
country the ELSA Law School takes place.
These requirements constitute some of the quality standards that any ELSA Law School has to meet
in order to be organised as an event of ELSA. As mentioned before, since the academic programme
is one of the primary features of an ELSA Law School, the speakers and the programme must meet
the set standards.
Speakers should come from different educational or professional backgrounds, meaning that not all
of them need to be lawyers or have a legal background. They can also come from other academic
fields such as economics, political sciences, international relations, depending on the subject of the
ELSA Law School. An ELSA Law School focusing on Maritime Law and Shipping Finance, besides
professionals specialised in maritime law, might also include speakers with a background in finance.
It is recommended that speakers from various jurisdictions are included as it will increase the
diversity of the programme and offer a broader perspective on the relevant subject. It will also make
the conference appealing to a wider range of prospective participants.
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
4.3. Tips on how to find speakers
4.3.1. Local/national speakers
Ask your Academic/Institutional Partner for some recommendations. Keep in mind
that by its nature, an Academic/Institutional Partner should have many connections
and contacts in the respective field;
Contact professors or PhD candidates from your university or other universities in
your country;
Approach speakers with whom your Local or National Group has worked with in
the past and you believe could be interested in participating in your ELSA Law
School as a speaker;
Approach ELSA Alumni, particularly those who were previously affiliated with your
Local or National Group.
If you have sponsors or partners that are active in an area of law that is pertinent to
the topic of your conference, ask them if they would like to send a speaker i.e. an
ELSA Law School focusing on Banking and Finance law partnered with a bank
might send an employee to speak at the event;
Contact leading law firms or individuals renowned for their activity in the relevant
area of law.
4.3.2. International speakers
Ask your Academic/Institutional Partner. They may recommend someone from their
professional/personal network who meets the internationality criteria and would be
interested in participating;
Contact foreign Local and/or National Groups of ELSA, which have organised
events on the same topic in the past and could put you in contact with speakers or
make recommendations;
If your partners or sponsors are international firms that are active in a relevant area
of law, kindly ask your contact if they know of someone from another branch of
their company that might be interested;
Check the staff of the faculties which your OC is affiliated with. It may well be that
they have some previous experience which satisfies the internationality criteria;
Check with the alumni of your Local and/or National Group, see if any of them
meet the criteria and would be interested in participating;
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
Approach establishments of foreign universities in your country. for example a
satellite campus;
Use the International Speakers Database.
4.4. Communicating with the speakers step by step
Create an excel sheet where you can insert and update the following information: which entity
you have contacted, what was their reply, contact information etc;
If you have sent your first invitation to the speaker, and you do not receive a response within
4-6 working days, send a follow-up email kindly reminding them of your invitation;
Confirm their attendance as soon as possible and send them a reminder one week before the
If a prospective speaker declines, ask if they have any recommendations for speakers who
might speak in their stead. They will often know more about the area of law and who is
available to speak. Once you have that recommendation, mention the name of the individual
who made the recommendation in order to establish a more personal connection;
Have a designated OC member that keeps in touch with the speakers and guides them during
the academic programme;
Help them with their travel and accommodation arrangements;
Usually you should reimburse foreign speakers and speakers not residing in the city where the
ELSA Law School takes place for their travel expenses. It might be wiser that you arrange and
book their travel. Where possible, negotiate on how costs will be allocated between the OC
and the speaker;
Discuss the content they will cover and how they will fit into the programme;
Provide them with all the technical support and resources they need during the conference
and water;
After the ELSA Law School has ended, provide them with a thank you gift or memorabilia.
4.5. Invitation letter template for speakers
An invitation letter should concisely and clearly outline what your event is, why you’re running the
event, and why you want that speaker to attend your event. For efficiency it is good to have a
template prepared to maximise efficiency. However, some parts of the template should allow for
personalised notes, which increases the chance of receiving a positive response for a prospective
speaker. The more personal the email feels the better.
Dear [name of speaker],
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
On behalf of the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) [National or Local Group]
I would like to invite you to speak at our upcoming ELSA Law School on [topic] lasting
from the [start date] to the [end date].
ELSA is the world’s largest independent law association with over 69,000 members across 44
countries, all keen to learn about and engage in this fascinating and dynamic area of law.
It is our desire to provide our members with an opportunity to engage in an insightful and
dynamic study of the ways in which the law operates [insert relevant topic here]. As a
result, we are organising an academic programme with high profile speakers from across the
We are approaching you due to your [position/expertise in the relevant area of law] and
your prolific contributions in this field.
Personalised sentences you might wish to include:
Anecdote: When I was writing my undergraduate thesis last year on [relevant topic]
I found your book [book/article title] to be especially compelling.
Experience: Your well established and long career in this field have set you above
others in the field. Your thoughts would be a valuable contribution to the discussion
we are looking to cultivate at our conference.
Perspective: The [unique/intersectional/dynamic] position you hold in the field
as [role] offers you a nuanced perspective in this area of law, which would not be
fully represented without your involvement.
To have your involvement would be invaluable in engaging attendees and provoking high
quality discourse. Based on your expertise, we hoped you would be willing to give a talk
lasting up to 45 minutes on the role of [specific topic].
We are keen to strike up a conversation which engages every facet of [ELS topic], and
therefore aim to include academics, practitioners, and NGOs. We want to offer a panoramic
view of the field, at all levels and from around the globe. This will be a truly all encapsulating
international conference, and we believe your contributions would make an invaluable
contribution to the discussion.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with me at this email address.
We look forward to your response.
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
Warm regards,
[your name]
[your title]
5. Cultural and Social Programmes
The cultural and social programmes are vital for the good experience of the participants. They offer
a great opportunity for them to enjoy the new city, culture and allow them to make new friends.
They are the most efficient ways to create a friendly atmosphere, and closer contact between the
participants. You should organise different opportunities for everyone to get to know the city, and
experience your culture.
Since the social and cultural programmes differ in each ELSA Law School, nobody can create a
strict catalogue of what you should include in it. However, there are some elements you may
incorporate in your programmes to make the best out of it. On the first day, you should start with
an introduction session including a warm welcome speech where you give participants the basic
information and rules that will be useful along the week. You may also organise a welcome party
including icebreakers and team building games, therefore participants can get to know each other
and the OC members fastly.
Throughout the week, always leave some free time after lectures for the participants, so they can
rest, catch up and socialise. Make sure that your social programme is balanced and diversified. You
dont have to party everyday, try to schedule a variety of activities for each and every night. You may
include theme parties, national drinks nights, movie nights, sports, club nights, boat trips, scavenger
hunts, karaoke, laser tag, escape rooms, paintball, bowling, ice-skating, pub crawls, quiz nights into
your social programme, only limit is your imagination!
But let’s not forget about the “cultural” part. You should include in your cultural programme a
guided tour of the city and opportunities for participants to experience the local/national traditions (
gastronomy, coffee near a great vista, cultural dancing, traditional music, etc.). Your event ends with
a closing ceremony, where the participants are awarded with their certificates of participation. This
last ceremony should have a more formal character (but it doesnt have to be organised as a gala ball
or have a dress code).
We all know that sometimes the social programme can get tricky even while everyone is having fun,
hence you should take some basic precautions into consideration. Firstly, dont lose anyone (not a
joke), know your way to the venue, keep the participants together and ensure they get to the venue
and back to the accommodation safely. You should make sure that there’s at least one OC member
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
who stays sober during the socials and one OC member should stay until the last participant leaves
the social activities. Don’t try to improvise, you should have a set plan for each evening and several
backup options (e.g., the weather might not collaborate, always be prepared). While preparing your
plans, let the venue know you are a group and try to arrange discounts for entry and beverages
beforehand. Keep in mind that local pubs with cheap drinks are a better idea than fancy clubs with
high prices - pick a student-friendly venue. Last, but not least, the whole OC should be ready to
always help and deal with any emergency. We recommend that your local/national group arrange a
Training on Crisis Management and Problem Solving.
5.1. Gala Ball
The gala ball is an important element of an ELSA Law School classic that concludes the amazing
week. The Gala Ball should be organised both as a party (with all due social activities included) and
as a dinner, hence you should take care of the previous arrangements regarding food quality and
dietary restrictions.
When choosing the venue, remember that you dont have to charge the maximum fee, so you may
take the location, price, food quality and what’s included in the menu into consideration. It’s better
if the venue provides music, DJ, photographer but it might be cheaper to handle those matters
separately. Inform all the participants beforehand of the details of a Gala Ball and the respective
dress code - it’s not necessarily a black-tie event, you can organise it with the environment of a social
cocktail, so they can be prepared.
There are some venues specially dedicated to organising Gala Balls, used to doing arrangements for
big groups. Try to get a group discount and, if it does not include an open bar, try to get some entry
drinks beforehand. If you dont want to use these venues, you can always organise your own Gala
Ball with a caterer and an adequate to the environment you want your Gala Ball to have - the music
usually performs an important role establishing that environment!
Finally, make sure all the participants get to the venue and to the accommodation venue later)safely.
Even though it’s a formal event, it’s still a social activity, so the OC should be always ready to help.
Above everything else, have fun!
6. Finances
The key consideration in financing an ELSA Law School is to cover the costs of accommodation,
meals, transportation, and other logistics with the income coming from the participation fees. It is
advised that the available funds are not used entirely to cover the costs of accommodation and
meals, as in this case it is highly probable that the income from the event will not cover the overall
costs of the event.
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
6.1. Participation Fees
The maximum participation fee for favoured and non-favoured countries shall be calculated and
charged for the whole ELSA Law School. There shall not be a lower fee for participants not staying
for the full official programme. For example a participant arriving on the third day is still liable to
pay for all the days of the official programme.
The participation fee covers:
1. Academic programme (e.g. lectures, moot court, case study, institutional visit, lawyers at
work event);
2. Social programme (e.g. entrance fee for bar/club, party, karaoke, bowling);
3. Cultural programme (e.g. sightseeing, museum visit, traditional night);
4. Accommodation (covering the days of the official programme);
5. Breakfast for every day excluding the day of arrival;
6. Lunch for every day excluding either the day of arrival or the day of departure;
7. Dinner for every day excluding the day of departure;
8. Transportation during the official programme of the ELSA Law School (e.g. public
transport, shuttles between venues, transportation between cities);
9. Administrative costs (e.g. welcome packs, working materials, session presentations, badges,
coffee breaks between the lectures).
OCs are not allowed to charge any extra fees for the services mentioned above unless otherwise
indicated in the Extra Fees section of the Decision Book.
There are various categories of participants that can apply to your ELSA Law School depending on
their membership status and the ELSA National Group they come from. If you are not sure
whether a country is favoured or non-favoured, you can always check it in the latest edition of the
Decision Book. As of 2022, these are the favoured and non-favoured ELSA National Groups:
a) Favoured Countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina,
Georgia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Rep. of Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine.
b) Non-Favoured Countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia,
Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom.
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
The maximum participation fees are:
a) ELSA Member from a favoured country - €335 for the first seven days of the ELSA Law
School; €50 for each additional day of the official programme of the respective ELSA Law
b) ELSA Member from a non - favoured country - €375 for the first seven days of the ELSA
Law School; €55 for each additional day of the official programme of the respective ELSA
Law School.
In case the ELSA Law School lasts longer than 7 days, in order to calculate the total fee including
the additional days of the official programme, you need to use the following formula, in which X
represents the number of the additional days.
a) Favoured countries: 335+(X*50)
b) Non-favoured countries: 375+(X*55)
For example, if the duration is 10 days (e.g. from Sunday to Wednesday) the fee for the participants
coming from favoured countries is 335+3*50=485 and for the non-favoured ones is
ELSA Alumni and non-ELSA members may also participate. There is no maximum fee in place for
them hence, the amount charged is left to the discretion of the OC.
Almost every ELSA Law School sets the participation fee to the maximum. Therefore, an ELSA
Law School with lower participation fees might be more attractive and successful in competing with
the rest ELSA Law Schools in terms of receiving more applications.
6.2. Additional Fees
According to the Decision Book, only the following additional fees may be charged up to the
indicated maximum:
a) Gala Ball or Gala Reception: €50,
b) Transfer from/to expectable point of arrival:€30,
It is recommended that the additional fees shall be set up wisely by the OC due to the fact that
participants tend to apply for ELSA Law Schools with lower participation fees. Hence, you need to
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
be careful when setting up additional fees. Keep in mind that the above mentioned fees are the
maximum allowed according to the Decision Book.
Additionally, the exact amount of all fees shall not be changed after 28 days prior to the opening of
the application period as stated in the respective ELSA Law Schools Calendar.
Internal transport arrangements during the official programme shall not be deemed as an
additional fee.
What is more, the OC can provide “Extra Nights” for the participants. That service applies for
participants who wish to arrive earlier or/and depart later than the official duration of the ELSA
Law School. Usually, the service covered under this fee is only accommodation. Additionally, the OC
can provide participants a pre-ELSA Law School programme (trip to a nearby city, excursion to a
beach), T-shirts, Hoodies, Hats with the logo of the ELSA Law School and/or the name of the
participant on them etc. For these services, it is at the discretion of the OC to charge any reasonable
fee for these services. The exact additional fees for these services can be indicated by the OC in the
specific section of the Additional Questions Form.
6.3. Grants
We would recommend you to focus on 3 types of grants:
University grants - they usually have special budgets for extracurricular student activities. In
addition to the official grants published by the University, you may also discuss other potential
funding with your Academic/Institutional Partner.
ELSA Development Foundation (“EDF”) - each ELSA Law School is eligible to apply for
funding from EDF administered by ELSA International. You may find all the information
related to the foundation in the EDF Guidelines.
Area specific grants - e.g. Municipality, National or Local Youth grants, etc. You may find more
information about International/National Grants in the ELSA Grants DataBase.
6.4. Sponsors
When contacting sponsors, we would recommend that you have a short leaflet or document
prepared to explain what ELSA is, the ELSA Law School you are planning to run and the
advantages they can gain in sponsoring the event i.e. newsletter promotion, banner at the venue of
the ELSA Law School, exposure etc. Make sure to keep a document noting everyone you have
contacted, their contact information and the content of your communication.
Possible sponsors could be law firms, universities, banks, professional associations, public
authorities, big companies, research centres, etc.
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
Keep in mind that you should not only be searching for finances, but sometimes in-kind
sponsorship based on some free products or services is even more valuable. Many companies will be
willing to provide you with free products to offer your participants their goods in exchange for
promoting them in your social media and/or among the participants of your event. In this way, you
will be able to receive refreshments, energy drinks, cookies, coffee or even notebooks and pens for
the welcoming packages of your participants for free.
6.5. Budget of the Local or National ELSA Group
In the aim of ensuring the financial sustainability of your ELSA Law School, you may contact your
Local or National Board and have your event partially sponsored by the budget of the Local or
National Group. Although it is recommended to render your ELSA Law School as a self-sufficient
and economically stable unit, you can discuss with the Local or National Board the possibility of
agreeing on a contingency financial plan for your event.
6.6. Expected Expenses
Below you will find examples of the most common expenses incurred when organising an ELSA
Law School. Bear in mind that some of those costs may not be applicable to your event.
Additionally, some of the listed expenses may be covered by partners.
The example expenses are:
Accommodation which usually constitutes the largest expense;
Breakfast for every day, expect the day of arrival,
Lunch for everyday, expect either the day of arrival or the day of departure,
Dinner for every day, expect the day of departure;
Social programme, e.g. booking of a venue, welcome drink;
Cultural programme, e.g. sightseeing;
Lunch for speakers and if possible, members of the OC;
Coffee breaks, including water and refreshments;
Gala Ball/ Reception for participants, OC and speakers;
Badges for the OC, participants and the speakers;
Welcome packages for the participants i.e. notebooks, pens.
Facebook advertising, marketing materials, camera, printing;
T-shirts/Hoodies for the participants and the OC;
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
Accommodation, transportation and communication costs (i.e. phone calls with the
participants, speakers) for the OC.
Transportation of the participants during the official duration of the ELSA Law School. We
recommend the OCs to hold the whole event in a few premises close to each other, if
possible, in order to facilitate the transportation of the participants;
If affordable according to the budget, accommodation and travel expenses of the speakers.
Here it is important to mention that you should agree in advance with the speakers, whether
those expenses will be covered or not;
Printing of materials such as: certificate of participation for participants, letters of
acknowledgement, plaques, thank you gifts for speakers, working materials or agenda for
6.7. Administrative Fee
The National or Local Group organising an ELSA Law School and being part of an ELSA Law
School Cycle shall pay an administrative fee of 300€ including a 50€ deposit to ELSA by the
deadline specified in the respective ELSA Law School Cycle Calendar. The deposit shall be
reimbursed upon the completion of the evaluation form provided by ELSA International.
If the ELSA Law Schools Cycle has to be cancelled as a whole upon a decision of the International
Board, the administrative fee may be waived.
7. Project Timeline
7.1. Coaching System
First and foremost, ELSA International is in charge of coordinating all ELSA Law Schools, and they
assist you in every step of the organising your ELSA Law School. The ELSA Law School Team
serves as a mentor by reminding you of upcoming deadlines and discussing all pertinent details, and
will be available to you at all times.
Each OC will work in close cooperation with a Coach throughout the term.
7.2. ELSA Law Schools Training Weekends
The International Board organises annually the Winter ELSA Law Schools Training Weekend and
the Summer ELSA Law Schools Training Weekend. The ELSA Law Schools Training Weekends
dedicated for the OCs to acquire knowledge regarding the organisation of ELSA Law School. The
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences together with the ELSA Law Schools Team
held workshops and individual sessions to train the OCs. The OCs are able to ask questions and
hear opinions of other officers, learn about crisis management, legal issues, finances, marketing,
formal communication and many more aspects of the ELSA Law Schools.
7.3. Unified Promotion
ELSA International is responsible for coordinating the unified application process for all ELSA Law
Schools through the ELSA Law Schools Portal, ELSAs social media channels and mailing lists, and
collecting all the applications received.
ELSA International also creates a unified marketing kit before the opening of the application period
that is necessary for every OC to use it when creating their marketing materials. Each OC has to
conduct their own promotion by using ELSA Law Schools unified marketing kit. There are no
restrictions regarding opening social media pages and/or websites. However, such pages are required
to have certain characteristics:
First of all, the name for social media profiles for ELSA Law Schools shall follow the
following format: SELS/WELS (Name of Country or City) on (Topic)”. I.e: SELS
Ankara on Arbitration.
The profile picture of the page should be the logo of the ELSA Law School. It is not
mandatory to have a designated logo for the ELSA Law School, however having one surely
offers a more professional image to your ELSA Law School. In case you opt for not having
one, you can use the logo of your local board as a profile picture.
The cover picture of the Facebook page can be a picture of your city or a group picture from
previous editions of your ELSA Law School. However, once ELSA International published
the unified marketing kit for the ELSA Law Schools Cycle, the cover picture of the
Facebook page should follow the predisposed template.
7.4. ELSA Law School Cycles
The ELSA Law Schools Calendars specify deadlines and periods which are binding for the OC of
ELSA Law Schools. During one academic year, there shall be two ELSA Law Schools Cycles: the
Winter ELSA Law Schools (WELS) Cycle and the Summer ELSA Law Schools (SELS) Cycle.
To qualify into the WELS Cycle, the ELSA Law School shall take place between the second
Saturday of January and the last Sunday of March, and to qualify into the SELS Cycle, the
ELSA Law School shall take place between the last Sunday of June and the third Sunday of
September. The WELS Cycle comprises of six periods: specification, preparation, application,
selection, event, and evaluation. Whereas; the SELS Cycle comprises eight periods: specification,
preparation, application, selection, additional application, additional selection, event, and evaluation.
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7.4.1. Specification Period
During the specification period, the start of the respective ELSA Law Schools Cycle is announced
by the ELSA International. The announcement is made by sending the ELSA Law Schools
Specification Form together with the respective ELSA Law Schools Calendar by the end of July for
the WELS Cycle and by the end of October for the SELS Cycle. These Calendars include a set of
binding deadlines with which each OC must comply when organising an ELSA Law School.
It is recommended that the planning process for ELSA Law School starts 8-10 months before
the event. In these very early initial stages, you should begin laying the foundations for what your
ELSA Law School is going to look like. What is the topic going to be? When will it be held? Where
will it be hosted? You should be looking to answer the fundamental questions which relate to a large
scale event such as this.
The specification period ends by the 15th August for the WELS Cycle and by 30th November for
the Summer ELSA Law Schools Cycle. After filling in the Specification Form, ELSA International
will allocate to you a Coach from the ELSA Law Schools Team, and you will be asked to sign an
ELSA Law School Hosting Agreement as an Head of OC together with the legal representative of
your group.
7.4.2. Preparation Period
The deadline for filling in the Specification Form marks the beginning of the Preparation Period. In
order to facilitate communication, ELSA International establishes a Facebook group for Head of
OCs, which will be used as a primary communication channel together with the emails.
You should begin putting your plans into action. As the Head of OC, start by recruiting your OC
Members, particularly those most valuable in the early stages of preparation, such as the Head of
Academic Programme, Head of Finances and Fundraising, and the Head of the Accommodation.
Firstly because it is a good idea to make early estimates of costs which will be incurred, in order to
gauge what budget you will have to spend on speakers travel, welcome bags and other additional
expenses. Secondly, finding an Academic/Institutional Partner, which will ensure the quality of the
academic programme and assist you in approaching speakers and determining the subtopics of the
lectures/workshops is crucial. The structure of the academic and social programme should begin to
take shape at this point. You may alter this plan later in the process, you do not need to worry about
committing to one structure. Research on speakers will also be well underway, and a spreadsheet
containing speakers’ details should be developed.
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Arranging venues for accommodation and academic programme
You should research the costs of accommodation and it’s availability for the proposed dates. The
latest by one month before the application period, decide the maximum number of participants.
When the dates are set, you should negotiate a deal with the accommodation provider to book the
dates. The earlier you do,the more likely you are to find suitable accommodation for a suitable price.
During the negotiation, highlight the potential of a long term cooperation that your ELSA Group
can provide.
You should also book the venue for the academic programme, which is preferably a university
lecture hall. It is crucial to get the venue for free to minimise costs in the budget. In case the
university is not willing to provide it for free, try to contact other public institutions, law firms and
other bodies. Attending several venues during the programme might be attractive for participants
and convenient to combine with visits to law firms and institutions.
Once the accommodation and the academic programme venues are settled, search for food
providers near those venues. In order to get the best deals, try to have as many meals as possible at
the same establishment. Keep in mind that in case your accommodation provider does not provide
breakfast you might prepare the breakfast yourself. Take into consideration that traditional meals
could enrich your cultural programme!
Starting the fundraising
Contact a large number of potential partners and negotiate partnerships. During the whole
organisational process, the budget must be kept in mind, and the ELSA Law School should be
financially stable. Relying on future income from fundraising may be risky therefore, it is
recommended to take care of most of the fundraising at least 5 months before the event. Any
further income is good news, but the ELSA Law School should not be dependent on the possible
incomes on it at that point. In case you decide to rely on future uncertain income, there must be
enough resources in your Local or National Group budget to cover the shortfall.
ELSA Law Schools Portal and Additional Questions Form
ELSA Law Schools Portal is a website that offers all types of information accessible about ELSA
Law Schools to the public, hence being the main channel of the promotion related to ELSA Law
Schools. ELSA International is responsible for managing the portal and the allocation of login
details for each Head of OC. After the allocation, the Head of OC shall upload their ELSA Law
School portfolio to the Portal before the announced deadline. Each ELSA Law School portfolio
includes the information about the place, the venue of accomodation, the intended number of
participants, the date of arrival/departure, name of the Academic/Institutional Partner,
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
academic/social programmes of the ELSA Law School. The steps of submission to the ELSA Law
School Portal is explained in detail in the Upload Manual prepared by ELSA International.
Additional Questions Form is a tool that facilitates collecting the necessary information about the
ELSA Law School. The form contains basic information about the ELSA Law School such as the
topic, city/country, organising ELSA group(s), participation and extra fees, and any additional
questions included in the application form. The form has to be filled in by the OC before the
announced deadline.
7.4.3. Application Period
ELSA International will review the ELSA Law School Portal to ensure compliance with the
regulations and any breaches will be brought to the attention of the OCs. In case of any doubt
regarding the regulations, contact your Coach before uploading any information to the Portal. The
applications can only be accepted through the unified ELSA Law Schools Portal.
Shaping promotion and marketing strategy
Keep in mind that everything is marketing, marketing is everything! You shall promote your ELSA
Law School using the unified marketing kit. It is important to remember that all the posts need to
meet the requirements and the characteristics of the templates found in the unified marketing kit.
Recommended focus concerning the individual promotion:
Promotion during the internal meetings of ELSA
Cross-promoting your ELSA Law Schools with other ELSA Groups by sharing each other
posts on Facebook and Instagram Pages;
Creating interesting posts to attract more participants. Such posts can mention the different
aspects of your ELSA Law School:
Historical and cultural fun facts about your city/country;
Fun facts about your culture and cuisine;
Interesting aspects of the academic programme;
Presentation of the academic partner;
CV of already confirmed speakers;
Sneak peeks regarding the social programme;
Presentation of the sponsors;
Pictures of the accommodation venue;
Anything else which makes your ELSA Law School stand out!
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Structuring academic programme
Firstly, consult your Academic/Institutional Partner about the speakers and contact them well in
advance to confirm their availability. The template email should be fully drafted and your Head of
Academic Programme should be personalising emails for each individual. Aim to have this process
finished as soon as possible, and to have your first wave of invitations sent out. Continue to send out
more invitations where necessary. It is recommended for all the OCs to have all the lecturers
confirmed at least 4 months before the event so that you can discuss with them the flow of the
whole programme and its interactive parts (such as moot court, case study, institutional visit, etc).
Since there should be at least 2 international speakers, it is advised that all the bookings and other
arrangements for them are done well in advance. The final academic programme shall be published
by the OC at least 2 months before the event.
7.4.4. Selection Period
After the application period has been concluded, you should assess whether you have a sufficient
number of applicants. This is crucial to be checked at the latest within 2 days after the deadline in
order for you to decide whether to join the Additional Application Period, which will allow you to
receive further applications. There are two possible outcomes after the deadline:
a) If you have about thrice as many applications as spots available, you don’t need to be
concerned with the additional application period.
b) If you do not have enough applications, and considering that some applicants most likely
cancel their application after the selection, you should apply for the Additional Application
Period. In such cases, inform ELSA International in due time according to the respective ELSA
Law Schools Calendar, and request to be added to the Additional Application Period.
The first week after the application deadline, the selected applicants shall be contacted via email.
The email should congratulate the applicant and request to confirm their participation.
Furthermore, the email shall contain attached the invoice based on their application and a clear
statement that the invoice needs to be paid by a specified date otherwise the application is cancelled.
It is advisable to give the selected applicants no longer than a week, or five working days, to pay their
fee. You should require the successful applicant to reply to the e-mail with a copy of the
confirmation of their bank transfer for the full fee or at least confirmation document that the fee
has been transferred by the bank - considering that bank transfers from abroad could take a couple
of days to reach your bank account! Therefore, after you select the participants, you should inform
the respective applicants by kindly asking them to confirm their participation and to pay their fees as
soon as possible. In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of ELSA Law Schools, the applicant
becomes a participant once you inform them that their application has been accepted, at which
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point an agreement will come into force between you and them. As a result of this agreement, they
have an obligation to pay the full amount of fee.
Also keep in mind that if you take too much time on selection, it is very likely for on hold applicants
to make alternative plans.
The OC has full discretion in selecting the applicants, however, the following criteria are
• Academic background and relevant professional experience
• Motivation letter
• ELSA Experience
• Level of English
The aim is to make the ELSA Law School as academically and culturally diverse as possible, hence
selecting participants from different countries and backgrounds is advisable.
ELSA Law Schools are open to anyone, of any age and nationality, to both ELSA members and
non-ELSA members. Furthermore, other criterias, such as the age of the candidate, should be taken
into consideration to guarantee the best unity of the participants’ group. It could otherwise then
result in it being practically difficult to adequately accommodate a more mature individual, when the
rest of the participants are all in their twenties. The goal of the OC should also be to create a group
as cohesive as possible, for making the best of the academic and the social programme.
It is also important to keep in mind that even locals and members of the organising ELSA Group
can apply and participate in the ELSA Law School. However, no discount should be applied to the
fee of these participants, even in the case of participants turning down the offered accommodation
or wanting to attend only part of the academic programme. Furthermore, the requirement of
creating a culturally diverse group should always be kept in mind.
In conclusion, all the applicants should know by the deadline specified in the respective Calendar
whether their application has been accepted, on the waiting list, or unsuccessful. The unsuccessful
applicants should be informed via an email about the outcome of their application and the
possibility to apply during the additional application period for another ELSA Law School. It is
advised that this is done as soon as feasible after it appears very likely that all spots will be filled. By
doing this early the OC helps the other ELSA Law Schools to receive further applications.
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7.4.5. Additional Application Period and Additional Selection Period
Additional application period is for ELSA Law Schools that received an insufficient number of
applications during the application period. The additional application period has the same form as
the standard application period, however, in a much shorter time frame. The abovementioned
application and selection procedure remains the same. Therefore, there will be a unified application
form and promotion by ELSA International. The selection to fill in the remaining spots should
comply with both the criteria established for the standard selection period. You should contact
applicants about the results of their selection within one week from the end of the additional
application period, and the successful applicants should be given no more than one week (or five
working days) to confirm their participants and send a copy of the bank transfer. For the additional
application and selection periods, these deadlines are even more compulsory mainly due to visa
considerations and travel arrangements.
After the closing of the additional application period, no more applications can be received!
7.4.6. Event
Communication & FB Groups
You should open a participants group in Facebook at least one month before your ELSA Law
School to make communication streamlined, and to allow them to familiarise with the OC. You can
also share pictures taken during the week from here.
Additionally, send an email to all participants before the event providing the working materials
including the timetable of the event, enue address for accommodation, academic and cultural
programme, speakers’ information, and background reading for the academic programme.
Arrival and departure of participants
In order to coordinate the participants, it is necessary to gather all the information about their
arrivals and departures (exact date, time, vehicle and place). This is suggested to be done the latest 2
weeks before the event. There are 2 kinds of participants with regard to the transfer:
a) Those who paid an extra fee and have to be transported by OC from the point of arrival to
the place of the accommodation.
b) Those who did not pay the extra fee and shall be given guidance on how to reach the place of
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In any case, we would recommend that you share with the participants a map explaining the easiest
ways of transport from the main points of arrival, OC’s contact details and the address of the venue.
Do not forget that the members of the OC picking up the participants who paid for the transfer
should be visible as ELSA members (a printed sign saying ELSA works best). They should have a
list of all the participants they are supposed to pick up with their phone numbers and details of the
transport. Additionally, if departure transfer has been offered as an extra fee, ensure that the
participants are informed well in advance about the time of their departure from the
accommodation premises.
Welcoming participants
The reception of the participants is key in creating a friendly atmosphere. An OC desk should be set
up for the whole day of arrival, preferably in the accommodation venue, to which all the participants
will be guided. There should be at least 2 OC members all-time ready to welcome and help the
participants with their check-ins and THE distribution of the welcome packages.
Welcome package may include:
Name badge including the telephone number of Head of OC, emergency services, taxi and
the accommodation, and the address;
Marketing materials distributed by your partners or sponsors (pens, notebooks, markers,
bags, calendars, educative brochures, t-shirts etc.);
Brochure about the city and the country;
Water and Snacks.
Transportation during the week
As it is stated above, we recommend booking premises within walking distance. If this is not
feasible, you have to bear additional costs for arranging shuttles or using public transportation. In
such cases, consider contacting the university as well as municipalities for shuttles free of charge,
look into arranging cheap shuttles or buying weekly tickets for public transportation.
If the distance is within reach, you may let the participants walk to the venues as long as they are
guided by the members of the OC. The OC should ensure to fix official departure times and
announce these to the participants in advance, so that they are ready on time and that the whole
group can leave in due time.
During the social programme, please keep in mind that several options of return should be provided
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to the participants at different times during the night. At all times, there should be a member of the
OC present to ensure that the remaining participants know how to get back.
Tips & Tricks
You planned your whole week and everything is covered, but the work is not over yet! During the
event’s week, you should pay more attention to the participants, to your OC and to the event itself,
since it’s the most crucial moment of all the process, and the one where you take responsibility the
most. Of course, each ELSA Law School is different, and there’s special details you should always
have in mind regarding your specific venue, logistics, participants, and location. With that in mind we
have established a set of advice that we recommend you pay close attention to, no matter where you
are from.
The first keyword to a successful ELSA Law School is time. If you have your whole academic, social
and cultural programmes set, you should send it to your participants beforehand, hence they can
plan their whole week according to your timetable. Previous ELSA Law Schools Cycles reveal that
delays and long waiting times are some of the most significant causes of participants’ frustration. If
you went to an unknown country with nothing but the little information the OC gave you, it is most
likely you wont feel comfortable too! We advise you to avoid delays as much as possible. If they do
happen just remember that the participants are grown-ups, you can always talk to them and explain
any unexpected circumstances. Keep an eye on your speakers as well, they will be waiting for all the
participants at the academic programme venue! You must not keep them waiting, not only for their
sake, but also so the remaining scheduled activities can be respected and take place at the right time.
We strongly advise you to make sure all the participants are in the lecture venue on time, and that
you always accompany them from/to the venues. Keep the participation list with you at all times,
you can therefore ensure that they are all present when and where they should.
The second word you should have in mind is comfort. When we talk about “comfort” we are not
just talking about your participants’ well-being, but for your speakers to enjoy the experience and
your OC to have fun as well. Don’t be afraid to talk to the participants about what they want or how
they would feel better. In addition to the social and cultural programme, prepare some icebreakers
and team building games to encourage their networking. We all agree that the ELSA Law Schools are
a perfect opportunity to make lifetime friends and meet future business partners! Nonetheless, you
may be some sort of babysitter for them during the whole event as well. It is recommended to have
some of your OC stay accommodated with participants in case any of them needs assistance during
the night. Additionally, comfort is not all about games, making friends and having a good night's
sleep: you’re not yourself when you are hungry! Food is a delicate matter, and your ELSA Law
School is not an exception. We advise you to prepare coffee breaks, refreshments, and snacks
throughout the day, participants should access food and beverages at least each 3 hours. Always keep
in mind their dietary restrictions: the waiters or restaurants should all be notified and reminded of
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these restrictions well in advance, and usually the OC members can only “rest” when everyone gets
their adequate meal!
Our last keyword is communication. It is impossible to organise a fun and successful event without
good communication with the OC, the participants and third parties involved in your plan. It is
perfectly normal that the participants get a bit “lost” during the week, have doubts or that your
programme has some last-minute changes. You should all be in constant contact with participants
through private WhatsApp/Facebook Group Chats. Therefore, everyone will know what to expect
and that they will have the full experience they signed up for!
7.4.7. Evaluation Period
There are two Evaluation Forms provided by ELSA International that need to be completed. Firstly,
the OC shall send ELSA International a list of their selected participants including their contact
information. Subsequently, ELSA International sends out the ELSA Law Schools Participants
Evaluation Form to the respective participants in order to carry out evaluation of the whole process
of the event by the end of each month preceding the respective ELSA Law School. Secondly, after
acquiring feedback from the participants, OC, partners and any other entity involved in the
organisational process of the ELSA Law School, the Head of the OC or a designated member of the
OC shall fill in the ELSA Law Schools Evaluation Form by the announced deadline.
8. Quality Standards
ELSA Law School Hosting Agreement regulates the relationship between the International
Board and Organising Committee. It sets out, inter alia, the responsibilities of the Organising
Committee and the International Board, Quality Standards of ELSA Law Schools, Discharge of the
ELSA Law School and the Privacy Policy. During the Preparation Period, ELSA International shall
sign an ELSA Law Schools Hosting agreement with each Organising Committee.
As set out in the ELSA Law School Hosting Agreement, ELSA Law Schools are subject to Quality
Standards binding for all OC. Please find all relevant Quality standards below.
8.1. General Standards
a. Participants of an ELSA Law School shall be provided with immediate action and necessary
assistance in issues involving medical attention. There shall be at least one member of the OC
of the ELSA Law School present at the hospital or other medical institution unless otherwise
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
requested by the participant;
b. Participants of an ELSA Law School shall be provided with all the necessary information with
regards to the whole programme of the ELSA Law School at least three weeks prior to the
opening of the ELSA Law School; including at least a detailed description of the
accommodation, available equipment and facilities therein, and other information about
c. Participants of an ELSA Law School shall be provided with a participants’ badge including at
least the name of the participant, the address of the accommodation, the phone number of the
Head of the OC of the ELSA Law School and the phone number of the emergency services in
the country where the ELSA Law School takes place;
d. Participants of an ELSA Law School shall be provided with a reception package upon their
arrival at the ELSA Law School, including at least the programme of the ELSA Law School
and information about the city.
8.2. Accommodation and Meals Standards
a. Information about the accommodation shall be shared with the prospective participants of an
ELSA Law School the latest by the opening of the application period;
b. No more than six participants shall be accommodated in one room;
c. Rooms shall be divided between the participants of an ELSA Law School based on their
gender unless they agreed otherwise;
d. Only participants of an ELSA Law School shall be accommodated together in one room
unless they agreed otherwise;
e. At least one showering facility and one toilet shall be at the disposal of every six participants
of an ELSA Law School;
f. Rooms and bathrooms shall be cleaned at least once every two days;
g. Free wireless internet connection shall be at the disposal of the participants of an ELSA Law
School in the venue of the accommodation;
h. Served meals shall be diverse and shall respect dietary restrictions, allergies and preferences of
the participants of an ELSA Law School stated by them in the application form;
i. Water shall be included in every meal served to the participants of an ELSA Law School.
8.3. Transportation Standards
a. Public transportation tickets for the participants of an ELSA Law School shall be purchased in
advance unless it is impossible due to external factors;
b. Participants of an ELSA Law School shall be taken from the place of arrival or receive detailed
guidance on how to get to the place of destination including information about estimated
transportation prices and possible discounts;
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c. A minimum of one member of the OC the ELSA Law School shall be present when using
public or private transport providing all the necessary assistance to the participants. This shall
not apply to participants who are late to the provided transportation or those who have
waived their right to the presence of a member of the OC of the ELSA Law School.
8.4. Academic Programme Standards
a. Preliminary academic programme of an ELSA Law School shall be published at the latest by
the opening of the application period and a complete academic programme at the latest two
months before the starting date of an ELSA Law School;
b. Materials relevant for the academic programme shall be distributed to the participant of an
ELSA Law School at least three weeks prior to the event;
c. At least six speakers with various academic backgrounds shall be delivering the academic
programme of an ELSA Law School;
d. At least two speakers delivering the academic programme of an ELSA Law School shall be
international, wherein international means either being based or having an academic or
professional experience in a different country than the country the ELSA Law School takes
e. The academic programme shall not be separated from the ELSA Law School and shall be
delivered exclusively for the participants of the respective ELSA Law School;
f. Free wireless internet access shall be at the disposal of the participants and speakers of the
ELSA Law School in the venue of the academic programme;
g. At least one member of the OC of the ELSA Law School shall be present during the academic
programme in order to be at the disposal of the speakers and participants of the ELSA Law
h. A certificate of participation shall be granted to participants of an ELSA Law School; however
only to those participants, who attended at least 85% of the academic programme of an ELSA
Law School. If this requirement is not fulfilled, the OC of the ELSA Law School may decide
whether or not the absence of the participant of the ELSA Law School is justified.
8.5. Social and Cultural Programme Standards
a. The social programme shall be diverse, be provided each day of the official programme of an
ELSA Law School, and aim at giving the participants the opportunity to get to know each
other as well as the culture of the country;
b. The cultural programme shall include at least sightseeing;
ELSA Law Schools - Handbook
c. At least one member of the OC per 10 participants shall be present at the official social and
cultural programmes of an ELSA Law School, providing all necessary assistance to the
8.6. Promotion
a. All marketing materials used to promote an ELSA Law School shall be compliant with the
ELSA Law Schools marketing kit;
b. An ELSA Law Schools portfolio published on the ELSA Law Schools website shall include at
least: a description of the event, information about the venue of the event, preliminary academic
and social programmes, and contact information of the OC.
If you need any additional assistance, do not hesitate to contact the Director of ELSA Law Schools
at lawsc[email protected]. Furthermore, you can always seek support from the Vice President in
charge of Seminars & Conferences of the International Board of ELSA at