BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
User Guide | December 2019
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | Version 1.0
Copyright Agreement
The purchase and use of all Software and Services is subject to the Agreement as defined in Kaseya’s “Click-Accept EULATOS as
updated from time to time by Kaseya at If Customer does not agree with the Agreement, please
do not install, use or purchase any Software and Services from Kaseya as continued use of the Software or Services indicates
Customer’s acceptance of the Agreement.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
QuickBooks Connection 4
Setup and Default Settings 7
Import Section 9
Export Section 13
Export Invoices 16
Export Bills 18
Import Payments 19
Logging 20
Data Mapping 21
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
QuickBooks Connection
Assuming you have an active QuickBooks ( account.
In order to setup BMS with QuickBooks you need first to connect to QuickBooks Online.
Connecting to QuickBooks online:
1 Navigate to Finance Module, then select QuickBooks > Setup.
2 Press the Connect button, you will be redirected to QuickBooks Online automatically.
3 Enter your QuickBooks credentials.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
QuickBooks Connection
QuickBooks Connection
4 After validating the entered credentials, you will be automatically redirected to BMS again with some of your
QuickBooks Online information displayed:
Company name
QuickBooks online plan
Use account numbers (settings for charts of accounts)
Track inventory (settings for inventory products)
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
QuickBooks Connection
Setup and Default Settings
Setup and Default Settings
In this latest version of the QuickBooks Online integration, a new Setup > Options page was introduced to address some
business differences between and QuickBooks Online.
1 Navigate to Finance Module, then select QuickBooks > Setup.
2 Select the Options tab and start filling your default settings.
The next drop downs are populated from QuickBooks Online data:
The Service Items Accounts section - to handle missing Income/Expense chart of accounts for services and non
inventory products .
The Inventory Items Accounts section- to handle missing in Income/Expense/Asset chart of accounts for inventory
products .
The Tax Codes Defaults section- to handle missing taxable and non taxable taxes; this is specifically for US users.
Invoice Defaults section
This section is specific for invoicing settings.
QB Invoice Numbers - this option specifies whether to use Invoice Numbers, Ids, or QuickBooks invoice numbers.
Invoice Due Date - this option specifies the default due date for invoices.
PO Number Custom Field Name and Order- this option matches with the custom field added in QuickBooks
company settings.
PO Number QuickBooks Custom Field Name and Order- this option to decide adding the PO number or not.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Allow Online ACH Payment - this option for allowing payments by bank transfers.
Allow Online CreditCard Payment - this option allows credit card payment or not.
CRM Account Name maps to - this option to decide whether to depend on Vendor/Customer Name or their
Corresponding Company name in mapping.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Setup and Default Settings
Import Section
Import Section
Once connection and options are established, you can now start importing data from QuickBooks to BMS.
Import QuickBooks Customers
Once you click on Customers section, customers will be loaded from QuickBooks pages into a grid so that you are able to
select your page size and retrieve as much data as you have:
Note: Paging is applied on all the below grids for all items.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
1 - you can search for specific customer by his name
2- you can navigate to any page you aim.
3- you can select your page size, once changed data will be loaded again based on your selection.
4,5- once you select your data you can either press next or the tab Import results and your process will begin.
Import QuickBooks Vendors
Vendors follow the same procedure as customers, you are able to load, page, search , and import your QuickBooks
vendors to BMS.
IMPORTANT! For both Customers and Vendors, once a child account is selected and triggered for import procedure
the child is synced with his parent automatically in order to maintain the hierarchy.
Import QuickBooks Sales Tax Items
Once selected all tax items and groups will be loaded from QuickBooks into a paged, searchable grid allowing you to
select and import your taxes.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Import Section
Import Section
Note: Once a group tax is selected it will be imported with all of it’s items.
Import QuickBooks Items
In this section, services and products are loaded into the same paged searchable grid, but before starting the import
procedure you need to decide the target where you want to export your items.
Once Next or Choose Target tab is pressed, you will need to decide the target of your import (as on the image below).
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Note: Same item may be imported into all available targets
Import QuickBooks Accounts
Chart Of Accounts are loaded from QuickBooks into a paged, searchable grid allowing you to select and import your
Note: Once a child chart of account is selected for import it will be imported with its corresponding parent.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Import Section
Export Section
Export Section
This section is for exporting data from BMS to QuickBooks.
Export Accounts
In accounts section you must specify the account type before loading data from BMS.
After specifying the type of the accounts, data will be loaded correspondingly from BMS and then you can select and
Export data to QuickBooks.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Note: Once a child account is selected for export it will be exported with its corresponding parent.
Export Items
In this section you should specify the item type first, which is the data source where grid will be populated from. Then you
can select items and proceed with your export.
Export Chart Of Accounts
Chart Of Accounts are loaded from BMS, select target then proceed with your export.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Export Section
Export Section
Export Sales Tax Items
Once selected all tax items and groups will be loaded from BMS into a paged, searchable grid allowing you to select and
Export your taxes.
Note: Once a group tax is selected it will be exported with all of it’s items .
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Export Invoices
This procedure configures the synchronization of invoice data between Quickbooks and BMS.
Note: Only after an invoice has been successfully generated and its status set to Ready to Send, Sent, Partially Paid,
or Fully Paid you can open the invoice in QuickBooks.
1 Click the Invoices Export page.
2 Search for your invoice by date range, invoice number , invoice account , or you can load all.
3 Select the invoices to send to Quickbooks.
4 Click Export selected Invoices to QuickBooks.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Export Invoices
Export Invoices
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Export Bills
This procedure configures the synchronization of Bills data between Quickbooks and BMS.
1 Click the Bills Export page.
2 Search for your Bill by date range or you can load all.
3 Select the Bills to send to Quickbooks.
4 Click Export selected Bills to QuickBooks.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Export Bills
Import Payments
Import Payments
This procedure configures the synchronization of payment data between QuickBoks and BMS.
1 Click the Payments Page in the Menu tab.
2 Search for Payment By date range, payment number , or load them all.
3 Select the individual payments to import.
4 Review the list of imported payments on the Synchronization Results tab.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
After any Import or Export procedure, you will get a final message describing the state of the status with all affected
items during this procedure. you can press show transaction Logs and check all affected items.
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Data Mapping
Data Mapping
The following tables describe the data mapping between BMS and QuickBooks Online.
Account Code
QuickBooks entity: Account
BMS Fields QuickBooks Field
Account Code Field Number
Account Name Name
Description Description
Account Type Account Type
Parent Account Parent Account
QuickBooks entity: Inventory/Non-Inventory Product
BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Product Name Name
Product Description
Expense Account Expense Account
Income Account Income Account
Requires Procurement (Yes/No) Inventory/Non-Inventory
Work Type
QuickBooks entity: Service
BMS Field
QuickBooks Field Notes
Work Type Name
Description Description on sales form
Income Account Income Account
Taxable Inclusive of tax non-US companies
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Expense Account Expense account
QuickBooks entity: Service
BMS Field
QuickBooks Field Notes
Service Name Name
Unit Price Sales price/rate
Description Description on sales form
Income Account Income Account
Taxable Inclusive of tax non-US companies
Expense Account Expense account
Expense Type
QuickBooks entity: Service
BMS Field
QuickBooks Field Notes
Name Name
Description Description on sales form
Income Account Income Account
Taxable Inclusive of tax non-US companies
Expense Account Expense account
Discount Type
QuickBooks entity: Service
BMS Field
QuickBooks Field Notes
Name Name
Description Description on sales form
Income Account Income Account
Taxable Inclusive of tax non-US companies
Expense Account Expense account
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Data Mapping
Data Mapping
Tax Group
QuickBooks entity: Group rate
BMS Field
QuickBooks Field Notes
Name Group Rate
Tax Rate Sum of added sub tax items You can only ad 5 children using Tax rate dropdowns
Description Description
Related Tax Items Sub Tax Items Refer to the following Tax Item mapping
Tax Item
QuickBooks entity: Custom Tax
BMS Field
QuickBooks Field Notes
Name Group Rate
Tax Rate Rate You need to check "I collect this on sales"first
Tax Agency Tax Agency Name
QuickBooks entity: Customer/Vendor
BMS Field QuickBooks
Account Display name
Website Website
Description Display name
Address Line 1 Street Line 1
In case of customer : 1-QB billing address is mapped to BMS billing
address 2-QB Shipping address is mapped to S main address
In case of vendor: 1-QB billing address is mapped to BMS billing
address 2- no shipping address , main site not filled
Address Line 2 Street Line 2
City City/Town
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
State State/Province
Post Code Postal code
Country Country
Phone Number Phone
Fax Number Fax
Email Address
(Billing Address
QuickBooks entity: Invoice
BMS Field QuickBooks Field Notes
Account Customer
P.O.Number Customer field, PO Number This field should be configured in company settings in
quick books as a custom field.
Invoice Date Invoice date
Due Date Due date
Notes Message on invoice/Message
on statement
Tax Item Sales Tax Where automatic sales tax calculation is disabled.
Total Price Total
Grand Total Balance due
Address Line 1 Billing Address
Address Line 2
Post Code
Email Address(Billing
Address Info)
Customer email The first email address in BMS invoice
Invoice Item
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Data Mapping
Data Mapping
QuickBooks entity: Invoice Item
BMS Field QuickBooks Field Notes
Item Name Product/Service
Description Description
Quantity QTY
Unit Price Rate
Total Price Amount
Taxable Taxable (Yes/No) In non-US companies: the product/service tax will be the same as the invoice tax
QuickBooks entity: Payment
BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Account Customer
Payment Date Payment Date
Reference # Reference no
Payment type Payment method
Memo Memo
Invoice Number Description
Amount Amount Received
Vendor Bill
QuickBooks entity: Expense
BMS Field QuickBooks Field
Vendor Vendor
Create On Bill Date
Due Date Due Date
Reference # Bill no.
Amount Balance Due
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Memo Memo
BMS-QuickBooks Online Integration
Release 4.0.28 | December 2019
Data Mapping