Iowa State University
Greek Week 2023 Rulebook:
March 26th April 2nd
Empowering the
The Sorority and Fraternity Community at Iowa State is full of friendships, pride, and
traditions. One of the oldest lasting traditions is Greek Week. Greek Week gives the
members of the Sorority and Fraternity Community an opportunity to come together
and celebrate for a week of friendly competitions, events, and awards. During Greek
Week, it is expected that all chapters compete with enthusiasm, integrity, respect,
and pride.
Active participation in Greek Week is voluntary and is limited to those who are listed
on each chapter‘s roster. All participants MUST complete the Greek Week waiver in
order to participate in any Greek Week event.
Those outside of the Sorority and Fraternity Community are encouraged to attend the
planned events and competitions, but competition is limited to Sorority and Fraternity
members only.
All Rules are subject to interpretation by Greek Week Central with final say
designated to the Executive Directors and The Office of Sorority and Fraternity
Engagement Staff. Executive Directors reserve the right to change any rule prior to
any event, notice will be provided in writing to chapters for any rule change.
Note: Greek Week is a student-led initiative. Please remember you are representing
the Sorority and Fraternity Community, Iowa State University, and the greater Ames
community. We expect to see our community values in action at all times. Greek
Week Central wishes you a week full of fun and friendly competition. Best of luck!
Greek Week 2023
Alcohol and Substance Policy
1. This policy will apply to all members of the Sorority and Fraternity Community.
2. All chapters with facilities are subject to their current alcohol policy in addition
to the rules of Iowa State University, the laws of the City of Ames, and the
state and the federal government--i.e. CPC organizations shall have no
alcohol on their premises at any time, IFC organizations will conduct their
behavior in alignment with their assignment of being alcohol-prohibited,
alcohol-restricted, or alcohol-permitted.
3. Chapters without a facility are subject to the rules and regulations of their local
chapter bylaws, national organization policies, Iowa State University, state and
federal law, and the premises which they are on at any given time.
4. Organizations may register functions. All functions must be registered
appropriately (e.g. The Office of Sorority and Fraternity Engagement). Any
function found to be unregistered may result in one or more chapters being
charged as such through their respective council or the university. All event
registration rules apply regardless of alcohol involvement or not.
5. Teams that host unregistered events at the conclusion of Greek Week are still
subject to point deductions and if necessary, will be required to forfeit any titles
and trophies.
6. Individuals who are of age (21) may choose to responsibly consume alcohol at
registered events, bars, restaurants, etc. All state and federal laws apply.
7. All Greek Week events are alcohol and drug free and no substances may be
brought to a Greek Week event at any time. This includes anywhere within
eyesight of Greek Week events, regardless of private property.
8. If any individual is found during or after Greek Week to have knowingly
contributed to the concealment of an unregistered event or underage alcohol
consumption or distribution, it will be encouraged that they are charged
through the appropriate channel(s)- Chapter Standards Boards, Office of
Sorority and Fraternity Engagement, and the Office of Student Conduct.
9. Regardless of age, if an individual is suspected to be intoxicated or under the
influence of drugs at a Greek Week event, any member of Greek Week
Central may ask that individual to leave.
10.Regardless of age, if an individual is suspected to have alcohol, or be
responsible for the intoxication of underage students at a Greek Week event-
any member of Greek Week Central may notify Greek Week Executive
Directors, and a member of Greek Week Central will remain with that individual
until the ISU or Ames police can be called.
Greek Week 2023
Alcohol and Substance Policy
10. A team’s first alcohol or substance violation will result in a deduction of 400
points from the individual’s team’s current total Greek Week point
accumulation. A team’s second violation will result in a deduction of 500
points from the individual’s team’s current total Greek Week point
accumulation. A team’s third alcohol or substance violation will result in the
individual’s team being disqualified from all Greek Week competitions.
Additionally, the Greek Week Team Co-Chairs will be called to an immediate
conference with the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Engagement staff and
Greek Week Executive Directors.
11. If any member of Greek Week Central, Crew, or Chapter Leadership knows
an individual is violating rules 1-9 of this policy, they are responsible for
notifying the Greek Week Adviser and Executive Directors. Failure to notify
will result in the following consequences: a reprimand from the Office of
Sorority and Fraternity Engagement, a conference call with national
organization representatives for Chapter Leadership, and immediate removal
from office for Greek Week Central or Crew members. If a Greek Week
Crew member is removed from office, the team will lose the points for that
member’s participation.
12. If any team is issued a second alcohol violation for any reason listed in this
policy, the Greek Week Executive Directors and Office of Sorority and
Fraternity Engagementstaff will immediately disqualify the entire respective
team from Greek Week 2023.
Greek Week 2023
Sportsmanship & Inclusion Policy
1. This policy will apply to all members of the Sorority and Fraternity Community.
2. Greek Week Teams are responsible for the conduct and actions of their members.
3. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated at any time before, during, or after Greek
Week (including both spectators and participants).
4. Unsportsmanlike conduct may refer to, offensive slurs and/or language, taunting, assault,
or any other conduct deemed inappropriate by Greek Week Central or The Office of
Sorority and Fraternity Engagement Staff.
5. Equal inclusion of participating chapters is required (i.e. engagement and decision
making for the team, representation and participation in events, etc.).
6. Should a chapter wish not to participate in a particular event(s) with their respective
team, documentation must be submitted in writing (emailed to to
the Greek Week Executive Directors before the event begins by the particular chapter
wishing not to participate. Submitting this documentation will prevent their respective
team from violating the Inclusion Policy or potential point deductions in the particular
Greek Week event (e.g. tournaments).
7. Should a member, group, or chapter feel they are not being equally included in the team,
these particular individuals should report this to the Greek Week Executive Directors or
SFE Staff. Approaching SFE Staff or Greek Week Executive Directors will remain
8. SFE Staff, Greek Week Executive Directors, and Greek Week Central will be monitoring
sportsmanship and inclusivity at all Greek Week sponsored events including leading up
to Greek Week (including content posted on social media).
9. Should a Sportsmanship or Inclusion Policy violation occur, the respective team co-chairs
will be notified and a conference with Greek Week Executive Directors and SFE Staff will
occur at the earliest convenience, or the team co-chairs will be approached at the
respective event and informed that the particular behavior(s) will not be tolerated.
10. If a serious violation occurs, Greek Week reserves the right to deduct 300 points from the
current total Greek Week point accumulation of the respective team (discretion of the
Greek Week Executive Directors and SFE Staff).
11. Any unsportsmanlike conduct that is in violation of university policy will be reported to the
appropriate university departments who will conduct their own investigations, including
but not limited to: Title IX, Equal Opportunity, and the Office of Student Conduct.
12. Particular events of Greek Week (e.g. tournaments) may have additional consequences
for these violations mentioned above. Please refer to the particular Greek Week event in
the Rulebook for further explanation.
13. Three violations will result in the entire team being disqualified from Greek Week 2023.
Each violation will be documented and shared with the team co-chairs as well as SFE
Staff and appropriate university officials.
14. If a violation of this policy is reported after Greek Week, Central reserves the right to
retroactively deduct points from the teams total score, including revocation of awards
presented at Greek Week awards.
15. Example violations of this policy would include inappropriate “themes” for Lip Sync
practices, offensive language in group chats, behavior which excludes any chapter from
the team, etc.
Greek Week 2023 Information
Online waivers will be utilized for participation in this Greek Week 2023. If participants
do not have their waiver completed by the time of an event, they will not be able
to participate in that event. If Lip Sync participants do not have their waiver
completed by the time of the team CY Stephens run through, they will not be
able to participate in Lip Sync. No late waivers will be accepted after that time.
Electronic Rosters:
The Chapters Odysseus roster will be used to determine participation counts and dues
for all active members (study abroad and other circumstances should be noted in
Odysseus). Chapter Presidents and Team Co-Chairs will receive an email on February
5th reminding them to update Odysseus by Friday, February 10th at 5:00 PM. After
5:00 PM Friday, February 10th, Odysseus rosters will be final (i.e. no amendments will
be made, no exceptions will be granted). If a new member signs a bid of membership
after the deadline, they may be added to the teams roster by notifying and of their addition. The chapter will be
charged for the addition of new members at the original per-member dues fee. Note:
the check in computer system at Greek Week events will only accept those with active
identification on the respective chapters’ Odysseus roster.
Chapters will be charged dues according to the posted Odysseus roster as of 5:00 PM
on February 10th. After this time, additions to the roster will be charged a 25% late fee.
No refunds will be granted to chapters. Dues shall be turned in to the Fiscal Directors
mailbox in the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Engagement by Friday, Feb 24th at 5:00
PM. Dues turned in after February 24th at 5:00PM are subject to a 10% late fee.
Checks are the ONLY accepted payment form. Please make checks out to Iowa State
Greek Week. For a chapter to participate in Greek Week events, a full payment of dues
must be made by Sunday March 26th (late fees will still apply).
Safety is a priority for Greek Week Central. We ask that all participants use caution
while competing in Greek Week events. Additionally, Greek Week Central asks that all
spectators view events in a manner that is safe for both them and the participants. If
spectators must move in order to ensure their safety or the safety of the participants
Greek Week Central will ask them to move. Failure to abide with Central’s request may
result in point deductions or other consequences. Examples of this include but are not
limited to: sitting on chapter facility roofs, riding on top or on the back of cars or trucks,
and hanging out of windows.
Executive Directors
Emma Hamilton & Nathan Wetzel
Billy Boulden
Ansley Martin
Karina Buttler
Tiffany Contreras
Michelle Talbott
Community Service Directors
John Ramirez & Zayna Bardawil
Special Olympics Directors
Jack Whitehead & Mackenzie Patrick
Crew Directors
Olivia Kropp & Katie Saluk
Culinary Directors
Jessica Woodall & Libby Mullican
Fiscal Director
Ian Torstenson
Marketing Directors
Bradleigh Schaefer & Jared Dooley
Media Directors
Calissa Weers & Sophia Kleese
Lip Sync Directors
Brittan Bowman & Melissa Eckert
Logistics Director
Lauren Ratliff
Olympics Directors
Lydia Dayton & Braedon Heun
Spirit Directors
Lily Brandes & Megan Kasprzak
Sponsorship Directors
Ellie Blotsky & Heather Malis
Tournaments Directors
Brandon Kamstra & Meg Larson
Technology Director
Ethan Newell
Signature Events Director
Emelia Lowe
2023 Greek Week Central
2023 Greek Week Teams
Team Name
Greeks of the
Alpha Gamma Rho
Alpha Omicron Pi
Delta Chi
Greeks Lightning
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Pi Beta Phi
Greeks at the
Delta Upsilon
Alpha Phi
Greeks School
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Delta Pi
Beta Sigma Psi
Kappa Sigma
Alpha Chi Omega
Arcade Greeks
Beta Theta Pi
Kappa Gamma
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
The Wonderful
Greeks of Oz
Phi Kappa Theta
Chi Omega
Alpha Sigma Kappa
Greeks Through
Alpha Gamma Delta
Chi Phi
Team Name
Theta Chi
Kappa Delta
Phi Kappa Sigma
Delta Sigma Phi
Greek Powers
Phi Delta Theta
Sigma Kappa
Pi Kappa Alpha
The Greeks That
Never Sleep
Theta Delta Chi
Delta Delta
Alpha Kappa Lamda
Pi Kappa Phi
Greek Perfect
Delta Tau Delta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Theta Xi
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Disco Greeks
Phi Gamma Delta
Delta Zeta
CLUE: Greek
Phi Kappa Psi
Gamma Phi Beta
Scooby Doo &
The Greek
Alpha Tau Omega
Delta Gamma
Greek Week Schedule
Date Time Description Location
Nov 28th 11:59 PM All Co-Chairs Due
Nov 29th 6:00 PM General Co-Chair Meeting 0101 Carver
Nov 29th 7:00 PM Central Meeting 0101 Carver
Nov 30th - Crew Applications Open Qualtrics
Dec 7th 11:59 PM Team Themes and Names Due
Dec 7th 11:59 PM Lip Sync Co-Chair Meeting 1210 Lebaron
Dec 18th 11:59 PM Lip Sync Theme Patents &
Practice Location Due
Jan 2nd 11:59 PM Song Patents Due
Jan 9th 11:59 PM Final Song Patents Due
Jan 13th 11:59 PM Crew Applications Close -
Jan 18th - 21st - Crew Interviews -
Jan 21st 11:59 PM Script Patents Due
Jan 24th 7:00 PM Central Meeting 0202 Carver
Jan 29th 2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Central Retreat 0464 Gerdin
Jan 29th 7 PM -
Lip Sync Practices Start Facilities & Campus
Feb 5th 11:59 PM Lip Sync Scripts Due
Feb 7th 6:00 PM Crew Meeting 0202 Carver
Feb 7th 7:00 PM Central Meeting 0202 Carver
Feb 11th 5:00 PM Odysseus Rosters Due Odysseus
Feb 12th 11:59 PM Banner Patents Due
Feb 13th - Chapter Invoices Sent Out
Feb 14th 6:00 PM Gen-Co Meeting 1148 Gerdin
Feb 14th 6:00 PM Crew Meeting 0145 Gerdin
Feb 14th 7:00 PM Central Meeting 0145 Gerdin
Feb 19th 11:59 PM Karaoke Patents & MP3 Files
Greek Week Schedule
Date Time Description Location
Feb 19th
- Lip Sync Stunt Approval Facilities & Campus
Feb 20th 5:00 PM Athlete Dinner Check-In MU Pine Room
Feb 22nd 6:00 PM Lip Sync Co-Chair Meeting 0001 Carver
Feb 22nd 6:00 PM Crew Meeting 0202 Carver
Feb 22nd 7:00 PM Central Meeting 0202 Carver
Feb 24th 11:59 PM FOC Button Contest
Submissions Due
Feb 24th 5:00 PM Chapter Dues Due Fiscal Mailbox in SFE
Feb 26th 11:59 PM
Final Script, Background Patents
Feb 26th 11:59 PM Lip Off Requests Due
Feb 28th 6:00 PM General Co-Chair Meeting 1148 Gerdin
Feb 28th 6:00 PM Crew Meeting 0145 Gerdin
Feb 28th 7:00 PM Central Meeting 0145 Gerdin
Mar 5th 11:59 PM Walk-Out Songs Due
Mar 6th 6:00
10:00 PM
Lip Offs Iowa Farm Bureau
Mar 7th 6:00 PM General Co-Chair Meeting 1148 Gerdin
Mar 7th 6:00 PM Crew Meeting 0129 Gerdin
Mar 7th 7:00 PM Central Meeting 0129 Gerdin
Mar 10th 11:59 PM Tournament Rosters Due gwctournaments@iastate
Mar 13th-17th - Spring Break -
Mar 19th 7:00-10:00
Final Audio & Props Due Chapter Facilities &
Mar 20th 11:59 PM Greek Race Participants Due
Mar 22nd 6:00 PM Lip Sync Co-Chair Meeting 0114 SICTR
Mar 22nd 6:00 PM Crew & Central Meeting 0129 Gerdin
Mar 26th-April
Date & Time Item Location
2023 Greek Week Schedule
Sunday, March 26th
8:00 AM
Team Banner Display Team Selected Chapter
Sunday, March 26th
11:00 AM 1:00 PM
Greek Race Central Campus
Sunday, March 26th
1:00 PM 2:00 PM
Opening Ceremony Central Campus
Sunday, March 26th
2:00 PM 4:00 PM
Special Olympics Unified Fest Lied Recreation Facility
Monday, March 27th
8:00 AM 2:00 PM
Day of Service Reiman Gardens
Monday, March 27th
11:00 AM 1:00 PM
Food on Campus Central Campus
Monday, March 27th
6:00 PM 10:00 PM
Volleyball Tournament Lied Recreation Facility
Monday, March 27th
6:00 PM 8:00 PM
Community Drive
(Personal Hygiene)
Lied Recreation Facility
Tuesday, March 28th
10:00 AM 2:00 PM
Polar Bear Plunge
1310 Beyer
Tuesday, March 28th
11:00 AM 1:00 PM
Food on Campus Central Campus
Tuesday, March 28th
3:00 PM 11:00 PM
Lip Sync Run-Throughs CY Stephens Auditorium
Tuesday, March 28th
4:00 PM 6:00 PM
ΛΑΡΠ and Bed Racer Checks Greek Triangle
Tuesday, March 28th
5:30 PM 6:30 PM
Keynote Speaker
Evan Austin
CY Stephens Auditorium
Wednesday, March 29th
10:00 AM 2:00 PM
Polar Bear Plunge
0274 Carver
Wednesday, March 29th
1:00 PM 3:00 PM
Food on Campus Central Campus
Date & Time Item Location
2023 Greek Week Schedule
Wednesday, March 29th
6:00 PM 10:00 PM
Treds Tournament Lied Recreation Facility
Wednesday, March 29th
6:00 PM 8:00 PM
Community Drive
(Non-Perishable Foods)
Lied Recreation Facility
Thursday, March 30th
11:00 AM 1:00 PM
Food on Campus Central Campus
Thursday, March 30th
4:00 PM 6:00 PM
ΛΑΡΠ and Bed Racer Checks Greek Triangle
Thursday, March 30th
6:00 PM 10:00 PM
Soccer Tournament Lied Recreation Fields
(weather permitting)
Thursday, March 30th
6:00 PM 8:00 PM
Community Drive
(Clothing Items)
Lied Recreation Facility
Friday, March 31st
11:00 AM 6:00 PM
Polar Bear Plunge Scheman Courtyard
Friday, March 31st
11:00 AM 6:00 PM
Karaoke First-Cuts Scheman Courtyard
Friday, March 31st
7:00 PM 1:00 AM
Broomball Tournament Ames/ISU Ice Arena
Saturday, April 1st
9:00 AM 3:00 PM
Greekland & Chapter House
Saturday, April 1st
6:00 PM 11:00 PM
Lip Sync Performances CY Stephens Auditorium
Saturday, April 1st
6:00 PM 11:00 PM
Karaoke Finals CY Stephens Auditorium
Sunday, April 2nd
3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Greek Week Awards Ceremony CY Stephens Auditorium
Point Breakdown
For each scoring section, the team’s points earned in that section is evaluated as
a percentage of the best scoring team. That percentage will then be multiplied by
the maximum possible points in the section to find the team’s score. (ex. If Team
A earned 180 of the 270 points possible in spirit events and the best scoring team
in the spirit section earned 200, Team A would have earned 90% of the best team’s
score. Therefore, Team A would have a resulting score of 243 for spirit and Team
B would have a resulting score of 270 = the worth of the spirit section.)
Special Olympics: 340 points
Polar Bear Plunge: 260 points
Athlete Involvement: 80 points
Community Service: 320 points
Day of Service: 200 points
Community Drive: 120 points
Lip Sync: 300 points
Tournaments: 270 points
Olympics: 270 points
Spirit: 270 points
Greek Race: 70 points
Karaoke: 85 points
Banner: 30 points
Interaction/Overall Spirit: 75 points
Keynote: 130 points
Opening Ceremony: 100 points
Crew: 70 points
Total: 2,070 points
This year is Greek Week’s 26
annual Polar Bear Plunge. Each year, members of the
Sorority and Fraternity community raise money and plunge in support of the Special
Olympics of Iowa. The proceeds of this event go toward various Special Olympics programs
and athletes. The Ames Polar Bear Plunge is Iowa’s largest fundraiser which brings in
thousands of dollars annually. Each year is a new and exhilarating experience that helps
these talented athletes.
Date: Friday, March 31st 11:00 am 6:00 pm
Team Co-Chairs must have their team page created by midnight on Friday, February 11
Fundraising opens: February 1st, 2023, at 10:00 am
Fundraising closes: March 31st, 2023,at 10:00 pm
*There will be NO extensions, regardless of circumstances.
Early registration:
Tuesday, March 28th, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Room 1310 Beyer Hall
Wednesday, March 29th, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Room 0274 Carver Hall
Day of Check-in:
Friday, March 31st, 2023, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm at the Polar Bear Plunge @ Scheman
Special Olympics: Polar Bear Plunge
Special Olympics Directors
Mackenzie Patrick
Jack Whitehead
(630) 363-2464 (515) 829-6728
Special Olympics: Polar Bear Plunge
Any member can plunge, however, in order to count to a team's plunging total, the
member must have raised a minimum of $75 by fundraising close (10 pm).
Fundraising closes on Friday, March 31st, 2023, at 10 pm.
The Special Olympics Directors will cross reference a list of who has swiped in to
plunge and who has raised the minimum of $75.
If a participant plunges and does not raise the $75 by 10:00 pm on March 31st, 2023,
they will be removed from the team's total plunge percentage.
Points determined by:
Teams can earn up to 130 points through fundraising and 130 points through plunging.
These two aspects of Polar Bear Plunge will be evaluated separately. The points earned
for each section will be determined using the weighted scoring structure (each team's
fundraising and plunge totals will be taken as a percentage of the best performing team,
then multiplied by the 130 points possible for the section). Each team's fundraising and
plunging performance will be evaluated based off the size of the team
Special Olympics: Polar Bear Plunge
Plunge Times:
Below are the plunge times for each team. Teams are recommended to plunge during
their assigned times but encouraged to stay and watch their team's karaoke
performance and enjoy some food and music.
Plungers Outside of Designated Time:
If a team member cannot make the plunge time assigned to their team, the team
must contact gwcsoia@iastate.eduwith a list of members who will be coming to the
designated plunge time from 5:15 to 6:00 pm.
Plunge Time
- 11:25 am
- 11:50 am
- 12:15 pm
- 12:40 pm
- 1:05 pm
- 1:30 pm
- 1:55 pm
- 2:20 pm
- 2:45 pm
- 3:10 pm
- 3:35 pm
- 4:00 pm
- 4:25 pm
- 4:50 pm
- 5:15 pm
- 6:00 pm
Costumes and Dress:
All teams are encouraged to create a theme for dress while jumping. Wearing
inappropriate dress will result in the individual or team to be required to either change their
costume or forfeit their right to plunge, resulting in loss of points.
Absolutely No:
Rhinestones on clothing or face
Loose articles of clothing that could come off while jumping (i.e. feathers)
Offensive icons, articles of clothing, signs, etc.
If a team member cannot make your designated plunge time email Mackenzie and Jack to
let them know that they will be at the extra plunge time provided from 5:15 6:00 P.M.
Golden Plunger Award - Awarded to the individual with the most amount of different people
to donate.
Silver Plunger Award - Awarded to the one fraternity member and one sorority member
who raise the most money.
Bedazzled Plunger Award - Awarded to the team with the most creative theme at the
plunge, determined by Special Olympics staff.
Special Olympics: Polar Bear Plunge
Athlete Dinner:
The team will have dinner with their athletes at a chapter facility (or other location). Team
members from large and small fraternity/sorority are required to send representatives to
the dinner to receive points.
Date: Monday, February 20th, at 5:00pm check-in @ Memorial Union Pine Room
If the selected location is not able to accommodate all team members, the team has
the option to split locations so that each athlete can attend dinner with their team.
At least 25% of the team is required to be in attendance at the dinner. A group photo will
need to be submitted at the end of the event so Greek Week Central can ensure the 25%
requirement is met.
Team Basket/Card (Optional)
A team basket or card can be given to the athlete by the end of Greek Week. If the athlete
cannot be present during Greek Week, please give the basket/card to the Greek Week
Special Olympics Directors.
Suggestions to include in the basket:
Team t-shirt
Special Olympics: Athlete Involvement
Special Olympics: Unified Event
Unified Event:
The purpose of the Unified Event is to create an environment that Special Olympics
athletes and partners can engage in fun games with inclusion in the community and using
sports to break down barriers.
This year for Greek Week the Unified Event will take place at Lied Recreation Center on
Sunday, March 26th from 2:00-4:00 pm. During the Unified Fest, there will be different
stations. The stations will include different sport, such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc.
for the athletes to participate in. Each team is required to have 6 people (2 people from
each chapter) sign up to help run the event at Lied.
Members need to be signed up by Monday, March 6th at 11:59 pm.
Unified Fest Points: 40 points awarded to every team that reached 6 members attend
the Unified Fest.
Community Service
The Community Service component of Greek Week provides an opportunity for Sorority &
Fraternity Community members to give back to the Ames community in a tangible
Community Service will be split into two main events: the Community Drive and the Day of
Service. For the Community Drive, teams will have the opportunity to collect items for local
organizations. The Greek Week Community Service Directors will distribute wish lists to
each team's co-chairs on March 1st, 2023.
Each wish list will contain a list of items requested, what night we are accepting donation
categories,as well as point values for each item. For the Day of Service, teams will sign up
20 membersfor one hour-long shifts on Monday, March 27th from 8:00-2:00 pm.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:00pm-8pm Community Drive at Lied Recreation
Monday, March 27th 8am-2pm Day of Service at Reiman Gardens
Any late submissions will result in a deduction of 5 points from Day(s) of Service per hour.
These deductions will be taken off the team's combined total of Community Drive & Day(s) of Service
Point totals for the Community Drive and Day of Service are included on the
following pages.
Community Service Directors
Zayna Bardawil John Ramirez
(319) 210-3456 (515) 451-8689
The Day of Service is a component of Greek Week that will provide each team with the
opportunity to serve an agency in a tangible way. The Day of Service will take place at
Reiman Gardens, from the 8 am to 2 pm on March 27th. Each team will sign up 20
members for a time slot. The teams will help with whatever activity/project is assigned to
Date: Monday, March 27th 8am-2pm(GW Community Service Directors will collect and evaluate the
finished projects following each team's service project time.)
Participants will be representing themselves, their organizations, and the Sorority
& Fraternity Community as a whole during this event. It is important that all participants
act in a respectful and professional manner. Any inappropriate behavior will not be
tolerated. All chapters within each team should be represented fairly. If any organization
within a team chooses not to participate or feels as if they are not given equal opportunity to
participate, please refer to the guidelines set within the Greek Week Sportsmanship &
Inclusion Policy.
All 20 volunteer slots filled = 200 points
19 or less volunteer slots filled = 0 points
Community Service: Day of Service
This year, Greek Week is partnering with the Ames community to host the seventh annual
Greek Week Community Drive.
Wish Lists & Item Points:
Wish lists will be distributed to teams following the general co-chair meeting on March 6th,
Greek Week Central and Greek Week Crew will collect personal hygiene wish list items at
the volleyball tournament, non-perishable foods at the treds tournament and clothing at
the soccer tournament at each tournament's location. The donation drive will start collection
each night at 6pm and conclude each night at 8:00 pm
Collection Date: Monday, March 27th, Wednesday, March 29th, and Thursday, March
Item Wish Lists:
Each team will receive a list of items for the Community Drive. All teams will have a wish
list for the needs that will provide support to the community's daily functions.
We ask that only items on the wish list are collected.
There is a maximum of 120 points possible to earn for the Community Drive. There will be
specific point values allocated to each item type, determined by the community service
directors prior to Greek Week. The points earned for the section will be determined using
the weighted scoring structure (each team’s points earned from the drive will be evaluated
as a percentage of the best performing team, then multiplied by the 120 possible points for
the section). Each team’s community drive performance will be evaluated based off the
size of the team.
Community Service: Community Drive
Lip Sync Rules: Patents
o Theme patents must be submitted using the Microsoft form sent by Lip-Sync
Directors by Sunday, December 18
, 2023 If the patent is late or submitted
incorrectly, points will be deducted from the team’s total Greek Week score.
o Teams must submit 2 theme patents in preference order.
o Theme patents must be as detailed as possible and must include a plot
summary, character names, and descriptions. If Lip Sync Directors don’t feel
there is enough detail, the respective Lip Sync Co-Chairs will be notified and can
revise and resubmit their team patent without any penalties or deductions.
o After theme patent submissions, all themes are final. There will be no
more changes after that date.
Song patents must be submitted using the Microsoft form sent by Lip-Sync
Directors by Sunday, January 8
, 2023. If the patent is late or submitted
incorrectly, the team will automatically be put to the bottom of the preference list
and points will be deducted from the team’s total Greek Week score at the
discretion of the Lip-Sync Directors.
Teams can list up to 15 songs max. The title, artist, and time of the song the
team is wanting to use must be submitted at this time.
Songs must be appropriate (avoid using racial slangs, swear words, and
inappropriate references).
If the song contains explicit material, the team will need to provide a clean
No remixes or mashups may be used, this includes the following:
Any form of a song that is not the original version.
This includes anything from it not being the produced by original artist, set at the
original speed of the song, blended with other songs and published as such, or
just altogether says it is a remix of the song in the title.
This is the case whether teams remix a song themselves or use a published
No similar theme or song patents will be accepted. This rule will be enforced and
song patents will be returned in the random, pre-set order.
Final song choices must be submitted using the via email to the Lip-Sync
Directors by Sunday, January 15
, 2023 .Teams can ONLY use the songs from
their approved song list, and it must be within the same time limit. All songs
chosen MUST be used in the performance. Late submissions will result in points
will be deducted from the team’s total Greek Week score at the discretion of the
Lip-Sync Directors.
If a team feels like they are unable to use every song that they chose, they may
resubmit their final song choices, however doing so will result in a point deduction
to the team’s total Greek Week score at the discretion of the Lip-Sync Directors.
Lip Sync Rules: Scripts
Requirements/Due Dates:
o Script drafts must be submitted using a Microsoft form sent by the Lip-Sync Directors
by Sunday, February 5
, 2023. If teams submit their drafts late, then they cannot
resume practice until submitted.
o Scripts must include all lines being said in the skit, which participants will be on stage
at any time during the skit, props that will be on stage, and when each song/sound is
o Stunts must be approved by Lip-Sync Directors on Sunday, February 19
, 2023 at
practice.Lip-Sync Directors will be walking to practice locations.
o Final scripts will be submitted through a Microsoftform by Sunday, February 26
2023. at 11:59 pm. Revisions MUST be highlighted. Light cues and timing MUST be
submitted at this time. If teams do not submit their final script on time, it will result in
point deductions at the discretion of the Lip-Sync Directors.
o Sets/backgrounds and Lip-off requests must be submitted through a Microsoftform by
Sunday, February 26
, 2023 at 11:59 pm.
o The submission must include a detailed description of what the set will look like and/or
a draw-up.
o Failure to submit Lip-off requests on time may result in a point deduction.
o Final MP3 flash drive must be given to the Lip-Sync Directors at practice on Sunday,
March 19
, 2023.Late submissions will result in a point deduction to the team’s total
Greek Week score at the discretion of the Lip-Sync Directors.
o Props will be submitted through a Microsoftform by Sunday, March 19
, 2023 at
11:59 pm. If any of these items are not turned in, then this may result in a penalty at
the discretion of the Lip-Sync Directors.
o Props can be sent in as pictures or detailed descriptions.
o There will be a random line and a random dance move given out before the script.
o The random dance move must be performed by a character or group of characters. It
cannot be part of a choregraphed dance.
o Note: It is highly recommended co-chairs keep lighting cues to a reasonable level of
difficulty as no additional time during the CY Stephens practice or before the actual
performance will be allotted for excessive lighting or technology requirements. Failure
to follow this recommendation will be the fault of the chapter Lip Sync co-chairs only.
Lip Sync Directors
Brittan Bowman Melissa Eckert
(641) 233-7515 (312) 860-9971
Lip Sync: Practice Rules
o Practices will start Sunday, January 29
, 2023 at a pre-approved location. This may be a
chapter facility or a reserved room on campus. You may not use other locations to practice.
o Teams must submit their practice locations and times through a Microsoft form by Sunday,
December 18
,2022 at 11:59 pm. If a team needs to practice at a location other than a
chapter facility, then they must state that in the form. The Logistics Director is responsible for
reserving practice locations for those teams.
o Each team is allowed a 2 hour practice between either 7:00 PM 9:00 PM, or 8:00 PM - 10:00
PM Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights.
o Any team caught practicing outside of the designated time or days will be penalized. This
includes not only practicing as a group, but also practicing individually.
o Penalties could range from points deducted to disqualification.
o Only the Chapter Lip Sync Co-Chairs, as submitted by each chapter, will be allowed to work on
anything Lip Sync related outside of designated practice times.
o No team will be allowed to record practice sessions on a video recording device during regular
practice times. This will result in a penalty. The severity is at the discretion of the Lip Sync
o Teams will be allowed to video record during scheduled Lip-Offs and CY Stephens practice
o Greek Week Central Directors and Crew have the right to visit a teams Lip Sync practice at
any given time without giving prior notice to the Chapter Lip Sync Co-Chairs.
o Each team will be assigned a time for an optional lip-off in the Farm Bureau Pavilion on
Monday, March 6
, 2023 .
o Teams are expected to bring their own audio and speaker.
o If participants do not have their waiver filled out by the CY Stephens Rehearsal on Tuesday,
March 28
, 2023 they will not be allowed to perform in the show on Saturday, April 1
, 2023.
Greeks Lightning
Scooby Doo & The Greek
Arcade Greeks
Greeks at the Museum
Disco Greeks
The Greeks That Never
Greek Perfect
Greek School Musical
Greeks Through Time
CLUE: Greek Edition
The Wonderful Greeks of Oz
GREEKside Out
Greek Powers
Greeks of the Galaxy
Song Patent Order
Lip Sync: Performance
o Performance time slots will be determined randomly by the Lip Sync Directors. Teams
will be notified at the Lip Sync Co-Chair meeting on Wednesday, March 22
, 2023 .
o Props being used will need to be approved by the Lip Sync Directors prior to
performance. If they’re not approved on Sunday, February 19th, 2023 at practice,
they may not be used.
o Teams using props will not be allotted extra time for setup on performance days.
o Additional technology (projectors, lights, etc.) will be allowed at the discretion of the
Lip Sync Coordinators and the Technology Coordinator. Any additional technology
must be included in the Prop Patent submission. Teams will not be allowed any
additional time for technology set up.
o All sound on stage must be included in the recording. No additional sounds on stage
are permitted.
o At least one character must be lip syncing with each line in the skit. During songs, it is
expected that all characters will be lip syncing to the lyrics.
o Music and clothing used in a skit should be appropriate and respectable. It is
important to represent Greek Week and the Sorority and Fraternity Community in a
positive manner. If teams fail to represent this standard, potential point deductions
may follow at the discretion of Greek Week Central.
o When writing the script and choosing music/clothing, please be culturally aware.
o References to drugs or alcohol will not be permitted in any portion of the skit. Use of
these references may result in potential point deductions.
o Teams will have a time limit of 3 minutes to set up their entire skit for performance.
o Once on CY Stephens property, including outside behind the stage, teams must be
silent. Only the team’s co-chairs may speak in giving instructions to teams in the
dressing room.
o All set pieces must be free-standing, and fit into an 8’x15 taped off space with a
height restriction of 15.
o A random line and random dance move will be sent via email to teams when both
theme and music patents are approved. The use of the random line and dance move
must be implemented into the skit.
o All teams will be performing once on Saturday, April 1
, 2023 at CY Stephens
Lip Sync: Performance
o All teams will be allotted a designated amount of time on stage on Tuesday,
March 28th, 2023 at CY Stephens Auditorium for rehearsal. Teams are required to do
one complete run through of their skit with props. This is to be treated as Dress
Rehearsal. All additional time may be used at the discretion of the chapter co-chairs.\
o Best of Awards will be awarded by Greek Week Central from a pool
of recommendations provided by Lip Sync Judges. Top three nominees will be
announced during Greek Week Awards. One team will receive each Best of Award.
o Best of Awards do not contribute to total Lip Sync or Greek Week points.
o Teams wishing to see a breakdown of their score along with judging sheets will
receive one only by request from April 3rd, 2023. through April 7th, 2023.
"Best of" Awards
Best Plot
Best Costumes
Best Main Character
Best Supporting Character
Best Supporting Cast
Best Choreography
Best Set
Athlete's Choice
Best Co-Chairs
Cleanliness of choreography _____/15
Lip Syncing Ability _____/15
Choreography _____/10
Plot: _____/10
Song Selection (uniqueness of song choice) _____/5
Random Line _____/5
Random Dance _____/5
Costumes (how costumes correspond with overall skit) _____/10
Acting _____/10
Creativity of incorporation of Five Values, Impact on
Members and Community, and Use of 2023 Greek Week
Theme _____/30
Use of space (actors and set) _____/10
Use of props _____/5
Set (quality of set and how it fits theme) _____/10
Flow of plot and choreography _____/10
Clarity of skit _____/10
Song Selection (song flows with plot and choreography) ______/5
Judge’s Initials:__________
Lip Sync: 2023 Judges Form
Lip Sync: Scoring
Overall Scoring Procedures:
o Of the judges present, each will score teams from zero to 155 using the rubric
o In case of tie, the team with the highest scoring in Representation will place first.
o In case there is still a tie from the team with the highest scoring in Representation, no
scores will be dropped from final score.
o If any team receives a point deduction, they will be notified by email from the Lip Sync
o Any team that incorporates stereotypical, derogatory or offensive language/actions
towards minority identities or cultures will be required to change that part of their show
with approval subject to the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Engagement. A re-
submission will be asked, and points will be deducted for late submission. If a team
fails to change their show, a possible disqualification based on severity will applied to
their final score. This will be assessed by the Lip Sync Directors, Executive Greek
Week Directors, and SFE Staff.
o If a team’s skit, music, or dance moves are found to have been simulated or copied
from any external source outside of the team, it will result in disqualification or point
deduction depending on the severity of the offense. Appropriate penalty will be
assessed by the Lip Sync Directors, Executive Greek Week Directors, and SFE Staff.
o Drinking or any other form of substance use at practice or performance will result in
o Use of unapproved stunts will result in a 3-point deductionfrom the team’s total Lip
Sync score.
o Practicing outside of practice or for additional hours may result in point deduction or
o If a skit is longer or shorter than the allotted time (6-8 minutes), it will result in a
deduction of points depending on the severity.
Over or under 0-15 seconds: 1 point
Over or under 16-30 seconds: 3 points
Over or under 30+ seconds: 5 points
The deduction is not cumulative. For example, if a team is 28 seconds over the time
span, then that will result in a 3-point deduction.
If the set does not meet requirements, it will result in a point deduction at discretion of
the Lip Sync Directors, Executive Greek Week Directors, and SFE Staff.
Tournaments are a great way for the members of the Greek Community to work
together through co-ed athletic events. All tournaments will be played under Greek
Week rules. Please always rememberthat sportsmanlike conduct is expected, and
enthusiasm is appreciated.
*All tournaments are subject to change to comply with COVID-19 rules and
restrictions set in place by the University as well as SFE and will be indicated with *
Date & Time
March 27th
6:00 PM
Lied Recreation Center
Wednesday, March 29th
6:00 PM
Lied Recreation Center
Thursday, March 30th
Lied Recreation Fields
Friday, March 31st
7:00 PM
Ames/ISU Ice Arena
Tournaments Directors
Meg Larson Brandon Kamstra
(612) 807-8274 (712) 451-8999
Participation is limited to members of the Greek Week teams.
A maximum of one team per Greek Week Team may enter each tournament.
All teams need to check-in 20 minutes before their first scheduled event. Any team
that does not have a full team prior to the start of tournament play will
be disqualifiedfrom the tournament.
Participants cannot check in after the beginning of the tournament unless provided
prior approval from the Greek Week Central Tournament Directors.
Each participant must bring their ISU Student ID to every tournament and have
submitted the waiver in order to check in and participate.
Each participant must swipe their ISU Student ID to verify they have completed a
waiver before they can participate.
Jewelry needs to be removed or covered if it cannot be removed for all
Any player who is bleeding during the game must leave the game until the wound
is cleaned and covered.
No metal cleats are allowed for any tournament.
Any game requiring overtime or tiebreaker, will have the starting possession
determined by a single game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Following a rock, paper,
scissors, shoot, format where opponents fire on shoot.
Greek Week Rules are the same as ISU intramural rules, along with specific
inclusions defined in the following pages.
Brackets are generated randomly for each event and will be posted on social media
at least 24 hours prior to the start of the tournament.
Rosters will be locked on March 10th prior to the start of Greek Week.
If an alternate is going to play in a tournament, the Tournament Directors need to
be notified by 11:59 PM the day before the specified tournament.
Unsportsmanlike conduct may result in participant ejections from the tournament. If
a participant is ejected from a tournament, they will not be allowed to participate in
any following tournaments. Participants and spectators will receive one warning for
unsportsmanlike conduct before being ejected from that tournament. Participants
and spectators that are ejected will be removed from the facility immediately.
If a team amasses two ejections in a single tournament for unsportsmanlike
conduct, the respective team will be disqualified from the tournament event in
which the conduct occurred in and the team will receive a 300-pointdeduction, as
defined in the Sportsmanship & InclusionPolicy.
Sportsmanship points will be accounted for under Spirit.
Tournaments: General Rules
Alcohol and Substance Policy:
Intoxication and alcohol consumption is not permitted during any Greek Week
tournament event.
Being under the influence of any drug is not permittedincluding but not limited
to alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, or other illegal substances.
All of the Greek Week2023 Alcohol and Substance policy rules apply.
Destruction of Property:
Any participating team in Greek Week will be held responsible for any destruction of
equipment during all tournaments.
Destruction of any bleacher during Greek Week tournaments will result in a $2,500
fine for the team responsible.
Point deductions will also be distributed to teams responsible for any destruction
at the discretion from the Greek Week Tournaments Directors.
Participation and Scoring:
To prevent domination in a tournament from one fraternity and/or sorority, Greek
Week Central will be requiring teams to utilize members of every chapter that is
present on your team.
Each team may have up to 6 alternates listed on their rosters who may only
participate in the case of an emergency absence of one of the original players.
Each chapter in the team must be represented. If a chapter does not wish to
participate, please email the Tournament Coordinators to let them know and
participation points will not be deducted.
Individual Tournament Points:
Points will be given based on a percentage of the total 100 points allocated to
eachtournament event
1st: 45 points out of the total 100 points
2nd: 30 points out of the total 100 points
3rd: 15 points out of the total 100 points
4th: 10 points out of the total 100 points
Individual tournament point totals determine overall tournament points.
Tournaments: General Rules
Date: Wednesday, March 29
at 6:00 PM
Location: Lied Recreation Center
General Rules:
Teams consist of a max of 5 players on the field at any one time. A minimum of 4
players are required to start the game. A minimum of 2 sorority members and
2 fraternity members must play at any one time.
Teams are allowed a maximum of 10 players on the roster along with
6 alternates including at least 2 sorority members and 2 fraternity members.
Games will be two 12-minute halves with a two-minute half time.
The clock will run continuously throughout the game regardless of scoring or injuries.
No time outs are permitted, with an exception for injured players. The referees may
adjust time for injuries that substantially delay the game at the end of the half.
The team beginning the game with the ball starts with a player throwing the football
from their goal line. Other players may be anywhere else on the playing field.
Substitution is allowed only after a point is scored.
Players substituting in must enter at midfield. Players substituting out may exit the
field anywhere.
Treds is a non-contact sport. Physical contact should be avoided. Players may be
removed from the game for roughness. Refs may stop play and call a penalty for
roughness at their discretions.
Plastic cleats are allowed if games are played outside.
If the game is tied after regulation playing time, a 3-minute overtime will be played
with possession being determined by Rock-Paper-Scissors. This process will
continue, alternating possessions from the initial Rock-Paper-Scissors, with no
breaks between overtimes except to restart the ball at a goal line, until the tie is
If a sorority member catches the ball in the end zone, it will be worth 2 points to the
scoring team.
If a fraternity member catches the ball in the end zone, it will be worth 1 point to the
scoring team.
*If Treds is not outdoors, game duration is subject to change.
Tournaments: Treds
Offensive Rules:
Any movement of the ball can only be made by throwing complete passes to
another player. Handing off is not allowed.
Passes may be thrown in any direction using an underhand or overhand motion.
A player may not advance forward but can run laterally or backward when they have
the ball.
A player that runs backward may not return forward to their previous location.
Offensive players in control of the football have 10 seconds to throw the ball. A
referee begins a silent count until they reach 5 seconds and says, "stalling" and
continues the count from 6 to 10 out loud. Taking more than 10 seconds to throw
the ball results in a turnover.
The thrower cannot hit at a defender, but they can measure space between them
self and the defender by using their non-throwing arm. Any roughness can result in
a penalty and a turnover.
A legal reception is one that is cleanly caught before hitting the ground.
A catch made near the sidelines is considered a legal reception as long as the first
step after the catch is made is inbounds.
If a player’s momentum takes the player out-of-bounds after a legal reception, this
result in a turnover and the other team will gain possession at that spot.
If a player’s momentum carries them into the end zone, they will go back to where
the reception was made and will continue the offensive drive.
An offensive pass interference call will result in a turnover to the other team.
A sorority member and fraternity member must have control of the ball at least once
on eachoffensive drive. This will be signaled from the officials by raising their arm
and a verbal notification of the touch.
Defensive Rules:
A turnover occurs when the offense fails to complete a legal pass between
Upon a turnover, the defending team takes possession at the spot where the ball
hits the ground or at the nearest spot where the ball went out of bounds. Turnovers
in the end zone start at the goal line.
A defensive pass interference call results in the offense retaining possession at the
spot of the foul.
A defensive pass interference call in the end zone results in 1 point for the offense,
and the defense taking over possession at their own goal line.
A defender defending the thrower must be at least an arm’s length away from the
Tournaments: Treds
Date: Monday, March 27
at 6:00pm
Location: Lied Recreation Center
General Rules:
All National Federation High School rules apply unless noted otherwise below.
Teams consist of a max of 6 players on the court at any one time. Teams must have 2
sorority and 2 fraternity members on the court at any one time. A minimum of 4 players
is required to start the match.
Teams are allowed a maximum of 10 players on the roster along with 6 alternates
including at least 2 sorority membersand 2 fraternitymembers.
No time outs are permitted, with an exception for injured players.
Substitution is allowed at the back right or front left positions of the court immediately
after any point is scored.
Matches are scored by rally scoring and are 1 game played to 21-points.
Teams must win by 2, with a 25-point cap on all games.
The net will be set at a median between men’s and women’s height. (7’71/2)
Brackets forvolleyball will be double-elimination.
Game Rules:
Service may be made anywhere along the back line.
Players must rotate positions around the court after earning a side-out.
Each member of a team must serve in turn. Serving out of turn will cause a side-out.
No player may step completely across the centerline. A player may step partially
across the centerline as long as it does not interfere with the play of an opponent.
If a player crosses onto another court to make a hit, the ball is ruled dead and a point
is awarded to the other team.
If the ball comes in contact with an obstruction besides the wall and could have been
reached by a player, the point will be replayed. If it is deemed that the player would not
have been able to make a play on the ball, the ball is ruled dead and the other team
will receive a point.
Team members must stay in rotation throughout a play.
Rotations must not have two fraternity members side by side. If a rotation becomes out
of order, the team will automatically lose one point and the ball will be rewarded to the
other team.
The ball does not have to touch a sorority member and a fraternity member every
Contacting the net or any part of it, including the net supports, while ball is in play is
prohibited,except by a player's hair, or unless the force of the ball by an opponent
pushes the net or its support into a player results in a net foul and the point
automatically goes to the opposing team.
Tournaments: Volleyball
Tournaments: Soccer
Date: Thursday, March 30th at 6:00pm
Location: Lied Recreation Outdoor Fields
General Rules*:
All ISU Intramural 8 v 8 soccer rules apply unless noted below or if rules contradict another Greek
Week policy. All teams are expected to know the ISU Intramural soccer rules prior to participating.
Teams consist of 8 players on the field at one time. A team cannot have more than 4 sorority or 4
fraternity members on the field at any time.
Teams are allowed a maximum of 16 members on the roster with 6 alternates including at least 2
sorority members and 2 fraternity members.
Games will be two 12-minute halves with a 2-minute halftime.
The clock will run continuously throughout the gameregardless of scoring or injuries.
No time outs are permitted, with an exception for injured players. The referees mayadjust time for injuries that
substantially delay the game at the end of the half.
First possession will be determined by a single game of rock-paper-scissors. Possession will switch at half.
Substitutions are allowed when the ball goes out of bounds, after a score, and/or during an injury. Not during
penalty kicks. Substitutions are not limited to whatever team has possession.
Players entering and exiting the game must enter atmidfield.
Field dimensions will be 60x40 yards with penalty line being placed 15 yards from the endline on either end of
the field.
If a sorority or fraternity member is a member of the Iowa State club soccer team they can participate.
Soccer is a non-contact sport. Penalties are left up to the discretion of referees while following ISU
intramural rules. Arguing from any players, benches, or spectators may result in a yellow card and/or points
12 feet (4 paces) must be given on all free kicks by the opposing team.
Slide tackles are prohibited. One warning will be given, upon a second offense players will be eliminated from
any further tournament play and a yellow card will be given to the team
Penalty Kicks are awarded when a penalty occurs within the penalty line. The ball will then be placed 30 feet
from the goal.
Yellow cards can be given to a team's benchor spectators.
Three total yellow cards given to any team will result in team disqualification from the tournament.
Red Card/Ejection will be left up to the discretion ofhead referee and/or tournaments directors. Any player
ejected is not allowed to participate in the remainder of Greek Week Tournaments.
Game Rules*:
Offsides rules are not in affect.
Shin guards are recommended but not required.
Unintentional hand ball is play on.
Time added to the end of the half will be announced after significant stoppage occurs.
Games resulting in a tie will go into a penalty kick shootout.
Team who will kick first will be determined by a single game of rock-paper-scissors.
During a shootout, 5 players from each team will be selected with at least 2 sorority members and 2 fraternity
members alternating between sorority and fraternity member.
If a shootout must continue past 5 players it then becomes sudden death. The order must alternate between
sorority and fraternity member until no longer possible. Players may not shoot twice until full roster has shot.
Shootouts will occur on the same goal. Players will wait on their corresponding benches. No other players
should be on the field besides the two involved in the shootout.
*Rules are subject to change if tournament occurs indoors
Tournaments: Broomball
Date: Friday, March 31
at 7:00pm
Location: Ames ISU Ice Arena
General Rules:
Teams consist of a max of 5 players on the field at any one time. A minimum of 4 players are required
to start the game. A minimum of 2 sorority members and 2 fraternity members must play at any one
Teams are allowed a maximum of 10 players on the roster along with 6 alternates including at
least 2 sorority members and 2 fraternity members.
Games will be two 10-minute halves with a two-minute half time. Teams will switch ends of the rink at
The clock will run continuously throughout the game.
No time outs are permitted, with an exception for injured players. The referees may adjust time for
injuries that substantially delay the game.
Rock, Paper, Scissors (Only 1 round) will decide the first possession of the game. After that, the team
that is scored on will start with the ball for the next possession.
Broomball is a non-contact sport. Physical contact should be avoided. Players may be removed from
the game for roughness. Refs may stop play and call a penalty for roughness at their discretion.
Game Rules:
There will be no high-sticking (stick raised above waist level). This will result in a turnover and
possession given to the opposing team.
Goalie will be allowed a stick but must decide to use it or not before entering the game.
Players must pass the ball using their stick and can stop a ball with their hand.
Players may not throw the ball. It must be dropped where it is caught.
If a player besides the goalie enters the goalie box, the team will face a turnover.
Feet can be used, but you may not intentionally kick the ball into the goal to score.
Touching the Court Divider will send that player to the penalty box for 2 minutes.
Goalies may only throw the ball backwards after picking the ball up from the ice (must remain in
goalie box)
If a defending player is in the goalie box while a shot is taken it will result in a penalty shot for the
opposing team. If an offensive player is in the opposing goalie box when a goal is scored it will not
count and will result in a turnover.
In case of a tie, there will be shoot out consisting of 3 players on each team with a requirement of at
least 1 fraternity member and 1 sorority member will be chosen by the teams. If the teams are tied
after the shootout, sudden death occurs.
In the event of sudden death, each team choose 1 sorority member and 1 fraternity member and will
go back and forth with one penalty shot. Sudden death rounds will persist until one team has more
points than the other.
Goals may only be scored using your stick or deflection of the ball
Each goal is worth one point
Greek Olympics is a day to culminate the Greek spirit we have been celebrating
throughout Greek Week. Sportsmanship is required at all events. Any instance
where Greek Week Central feels the spirit of Greek Olympics is being challenged by
unsportsmanlike conduct, Greek Week Central reserves the right to disqualify and
remove from the competition area anyone who is not complying to the ideals of Greek
Week and Greek Olympics. Safety is of the utmost concern throughout the day; at any
time safety is in question, Greek Week Central reserves the right to intervene on the
behavior and actions. This includes, but is not limited to, sitting on roofs of chapter
facilities, hanging out of windows, crossing the street during events, and participating in
reckless activity.
The Sportsmanship Policy will be utilized during all Greek Week events,
including Olympics.
Any behavior not conveying a positive experience for ALL attendees will result in a
warning to the team
A second incident will result in the team’s loss of points to the teams total
point value.
A third incident will result in the team’s disqualification from Greek Week Olympics.
Spectator safety is a main priority for Greek Week Central. We wish to ensure all
spectators view events in the safest way possible. All spectators are required to view
events from ground level or behind closed windows inside chapter facilities. There will
be zero tolerance for spectators viewing from chapter roofs, hanging out of windows,
etc. Chapters are permitted to have spectators view from inside their own facilities, but
they must abide by the guidelines listed above. Greek Week Central requires this for
the safety of the spectators and the liability of each chapter. Chapters unwilling to abide
by these guidelines will receive a 5-point deduction from their respective
team’s overall Greek Olympics total points.
In the event of inclement weather on April 1st, all events that day will
be postponed until April 2nd. Each event will still be at the same time
and location.
Olympics Directors
Lydia Dayton Braedon Heun
515-423-9424 515-720-0839
Olympics: Schedule
Date & Time
March 28th
4:00 - 6:00 PM
ΛΑΡΠ and Bed Racer
Greek Triangle
March 30th
4:00 - 6:00 PM
ΛΑΡΠ and Bed Racer
Greek Triangle
April 1st
ΛΑΡΠ Phi Kappa Psi
April 1st
Dizzy Dizzy Duck Delta Sigma Phi
April 1st
Gobble Gobble Greeks
Triangle Fraternity
April 1st
Lunch Break Ash Avenue
April 1st
Tug-O-War Kappa Sigma
April 1st
Delivery Derby
Delta Sigma Phi
April 1st
Egg Joust Theta Chi
April 1st
2:30 PM
Bed Race
Sorority Circle
Olympics Scoring
Scoring will be decided on individual events. The top eight teams for each
event will receive individual points. The individual event points will be used to
determine overall Olympic points.
Individual Event Points:
1st Place: 80 points
2nd Place: 70 points
3rd Place: 60 points
4th Place: 50 points
*5th Place: 40 points
*6th Place: 30 points
*7th Place: 20 points
*8th Place: 10 points
Points may not be applicable for some events that places 5-8 are not
awarded points
Ties in events will have points awarded for both teams in that place, and
then the following team demoted 1 point bracket (ex: 1st,1st, 3rd)
Olympics: ΛΑΡΠ (LARP)
Location: Phi Kappa Psi
Time: 9:00 AM
Teams shall consist of three fraternity members and three sorority members.
Teams will compete head-to-head, tournament style (2 teams at one time),
with the top 4 teams being awarded points
Each round will last 5 minutes. At the end of the round, the team with the most
players remaining will be deemed the winner. In the event of a tie, a 1 on 1
sudden death battle will occur.
The best two out of three rounds will determine the advancing team.
Boundaries will be a 20 x 20 ft. square.
Points will be given to the top 4 teams, as well as bonus points being awarded
to the team with the most creative costumes.
All equipment must be inspected and approved on Tuesday, March 28th or
Thursday, March 30th from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Greek Triangle. Equipment
must be approved by 6:00 PM on March 30th or it may not be used. There will
be no check-ins the day of the event.
Weapons and Shields:
Weapons will be limited to one- and two-handed swung weapons; no projectile
weapons will be permitted (i.e., a bow and arrow); along with no flails
One-handed weapons may be no longer than 48 inches (4 feet).
Two-handed weapons must be longer than 48 inches (4 feet) and less than 84
inches (7 feet).
Shields must be between 1 and 3 feet in diameter and must have a padded
face and edges.
Olympics: ΛΑΡΠ (LARP)
Location: Phi Kappa Psi
Time: 9:00 AM
Refereeing and Combat:
The referee has the authority to remove anyone from the battlefield.
The referee shall be responsible for the conduct of battles and can stop a
battle at any time if a safety concern arises by yellingHOLD! or by the blow
of a whistle
Grappling (grabbing an opponent and/or their equipment) shall not be allowed
and shields are not to be used as weapons.
A strike shall constitute an effective hit to a target area, with target areas
consisting of legs,arms, and chest.
An effective strike will be determined by the referee and the target of an
attack, with the referee having the final decision. Effective strikes must be
delivered with sufficient force to be considered effective.
An effective strike to a leg or arm will disable that limb for the rest of the
round. An effective strike to the chest will result in a fatality and
disqualification of the struck individual for the rest of the round.
In the event of a fatality, the individual must lay down and not move until the
round is over (agonizing deaths are encouraged).
If an arm is disabled, the weapon or shield in that hand must be dropped. The
weapon or shield can be picked up and used by the non-disabled arm.
Disabled limbs cannot be used to block attacks and strikes to the disabled
limb will be treated as if it were not there.
A deliberate blow to the head and/or repeated blows to the head will result in
disqualification of the striking individual for the remainder of the round. Repeat
offenders will result in disqualification of the striking individual for the
remainder of the event with no replacement.
Simultaneous fatal blows will result in the fatality of both individuals. If these
two individuals were the last two individuals on the battlefield, there will be a
sudden death round betweenthese two individuals.
The referee shall settle all disputes and make rule interpretations as needed.
Olympics: ΛΑΡΠ (LARP)
LARP Weapon Item Checklist
_____Striking surface has at least 1.75 inches (from the center of core) of
_____Striking surface is at least 1.5 inches wide
_____Striking surface is covered with cloth so that the padding is not showing
_____All non-striking surfaces are covered with padding or rope
_____Non-striking surface on weapon blade must be at least .75 inches from the
_____The pommel must be at least 2 inches in diameter
_____Amount of tape on striking surface is minimal
_____One handed weapon is under 48 inches in length
_____Two handed weapon is over 4 feet (48in) and under 7 feet (84in) in length
_____Handle length is less than 1/3 total weapon length
_____Shield is padded on its edges and face
_____Face of shield has at least .75 inches of padding
_____Shield is between 1 and 3 feet in diameter
Olympics: Dizzy Dizzy Duck
Location: Delta Sigma Phi
Time: 10:00 AM
Teams of six compete by shuttling pitchers of water back and forthuntil their
bucket is overflowing.
At one end of the playing field the team stands with the empty bucket, two
pitchers and a bat that is firmly placed on the ground. On the other end will be
a trough filled with water.
Participants start by spinning around the bat 10 times without lifting the bat off
the ground. They then grab their two pitchers and run to the other end of
their designated lane.
The participant must fill their pitchers with water, return to the bucket and
dump the water into the bucket.
Each team will compete simultaneously, with each team's time stopping once
their bucket overflows with water. Event points will be awarded to the four
fastest teams.
Points will be awarded to the fastest 8 teams.
Each team will consist of three fraternity members and three sorority
Teams must line up at the starting line of the lane in an alternating fashion
between fraternity and sorority member (or vice versa).
Participants must run one at a time from the starting point to the end of the
lane, spin 10 times with the handle of the bat on their forehead with the other
end placed firmly on the ground. Participants must fill the pitchers and return
to the starting line to empty their pitchers into the bucket. Participants will
then hand both pitchers to the next participant for a successful exchange.
This process will continue until the bucket is overflowing with water (Greek
WeekCentral will determine the point at which the team has reached an
While rotating, the participant‘s forehead must remain on the handle of the
bat and the bat must remain firmly on the ground,otherwise the spin will
not count towards the total. Greek Week Central will count rotations.
Disqualification from Dizzy Dizzy Duck will occur if a team accidentally or
purposely interferes with another team‘s race (knocking over opponent’s
bucket, etc.).
If a participant spills water from the pitchers on the return to the team‘s
bucket, they may not return to the water container to refill the spilled pitchers.
Closed-toed shoes are required to be worn by all participants.
Team spectators may not stand in the sand pit, or cross roped off area.
Olympics: Gobble Gobble Greeks
Location: Triangle Fraternity
Time: 11:00 AM
Teams of three will compete to collect balls from the center of a pentagon
arena using a basket while riding a scooter.
Teams must consist of one sorority member and one fraternity member, and
an extra member of their choice as the ball collector.
The participant on the scooter must ride with their stomach on their scooter
with their legs being pushed and pulled by their teammate.
Heats of five teams at a time will have one minute to collect as many balls as
they can.
The top five teams that collect the most balls will be awarded points
regardless of their heat.
Each team will be given one scooter and one basket.
The player on the scooter must be wearing a helmet at all times. Helmets
must be supplied by the team.
A player being pushed on the scooter will be pushed to the center of the
pentagon to attempt to collect as many balls under their basket as possible
and return them to their corner.
Once the teammates return to their corner, the ball collector teammate will
retrieve the balls from the basket and place them in another bin to earn
points. Only the extra teammate is allowed to touch the balls with their
hands. No other team member can assist them.
Only balls placed into the corner bin when the minute is over will count
towards the score.
The scooter can never stop in the center. As soon as the player reaches the
center, they must be pulled back to the team’s corner.
Individuals being pushed and pulled to retrieve balls must remain on the
scooter at all times.
Players may not crash into other teams. If it is ruled a team created
unnecessary contact, they will be sent back to their corner without any balls
and will have to wait 20 seconds before attempting to retrieve any more balls.
Teams may not use any part of their bodies (hands, feet, etc) to direct balls to
their corner or used to place underneath the basket.Only the basket may be
used to collect the balls.
Teams may not use the basket to hit balls toward their corner, move another
team’s basket, or take balls from another team’s corner.
Only one person may pushand pull the sorority or fraternity member on the
Any violation of rules determined by the referee, will result in a time penalty,
and could include a loss of balls at minus five balls per penalty.
Olympics: Tug-O-War
Location: Kappa Sigma
Time: 12:00 PM
Teams of eight compete to pull the opposing team’s marked area of rope over
a designated line.
Top 4 teams will be awarded points.
Teams consist of 4 sorority members and 4 fraternity members.
The teams will be set up in a single elimination bracket.
The top 4 teams will receive points.
No metal cleatsare allowed, however plastic cleats are acceptable. Closed
toed shoes are required for participation. For your protection, we suggest that
participants wear protective gloves. If any member is wearing metal cleats
during competition, the team will be disqualified.
The first person in line must have their hands behind the taped area of the
The rope must be pulled taut with no team holding an advantage before the
contest starts.
The maximum match time will be 4 minutes. If no team has succeeded to
pull the other past the centerline, the team that has pulled the furthest will be
declared the winner. This rule will not be in effect during the 1st/2nd and
3rd/4thplace matches.
The winner of one round of rock-paper-scissors between team captains will
determine which side the team will be pulling from. Captains will say
simultaneously "rock, paper, scissors, shoot" and will fire their sign on
Olympics: Delivery Derby
Location: Delta Sigma Phi
Time: 12:45 PM
Teams will compete in a three-part relay to deliver 5 pizza boxes without
dropping the boxes.
This is a timed event with six team members participating.
The six team members will further split into three groups of two.
Each group of two will consist of one sorority member and one fraternity
The top eight teams will receive event points.
The relay will be across the lawn and back, where an exchange will occur
between groupsof the same team.
The first relay will be a three-legged race.
Each member will be allowed to use one hand and their body to keep the
pizza boxes from falling.
If the offhand is used, there will be a time penalty of 3 seconds added to their
overall relay time.
The second relay will be wheelbarrow race.
The pizza boxes will be balanced on the participant who is on the ground.
The participant who is on the ground must wear protective gloves.
The participant holding their group member must hold both legs and cannot
hold any pizza boxes or use their hands to stabilize the boxes.
One additional team member should follow this groupand replace boxes
in the event they fall to the ground. Member’s must remove one box from the
stack when the stack falls. If this is not done correctly additional time penalties
will occur.
The third relay will be a piggybackrace.
Either memberis allowed to hold the pizza boxes in this portion of the relay.
If the boxes are dropped, the participants must stop all forward
movementand pick up the boxes.
Each team will start with five boxes.
One box will be removed from the stack for every time any number of boxes
are dropped, and a time penalty of 3 seconds will occur.
Dropped boxes carry over between groups during the relay.
If all five boxes are lost the team is qualified.
If during the race only one box falls, the participants may continue racing
without needing to stop.
Team spectators may not stand in the sand pit, or cross roped off area.
Olympics: Egg Joust
Location: Theta Chi
Time: 1:30 PM
In the Egg Joust, each team will have two pairs participate.
Each pair will consist of one sorority member and one fraternity member.
Each team must allow a representative of each fraternity chapter to participate in
Egg Joust before two members of one Fraternity can participate. Each team must
allow a representative of each sorority chapter to participate in Egg Joust before
two members of one Fraternity can participate.
Each team will work to eliminate the other teams by breaking their opponents egg.
6 heats of five teams will compete, the last team per heat standing will advance to
the final round. The final round will be a 6-team round.
Points will be awarded to the top six teams of the final round. Point totals will be
determined based on placement in final round.
No jewelry can be worn during this event.
The pairs will consist of one fraternity member and one sorority member. One participant
will sit on the other participants shoulders. If the top participant falls off the shoulders or
touches the ground with any body part during the game, the team will be disqualified. If
the bottom participants knee touches the ground at any point, the team will be
The bottom participant will have an egg in pantyhose secured to their forehead
which must be tied by a member of Greek Week Central.
The top participant’s free arm/hand cannot be used to protect the team's
egg. Protection of your own or your partner‘s egg with your hand or any other
mechanism of defense will be given one warning, with an additional offense
resulting in disqualification.
The top participants free hand must remain on their partner‘s head the entire time.
Eggs can only be broken by the rolled-up newspaper that is issued by Greek Week
Central. Use of other bodily parts will result in disqualification.
The egg must be visibly leaking in order to be eliminated.
If at any point the newspaper is dropped the team must pick it up for
themselves. Disqualification will occur if any spectators hand the team the dropped
If the top member picks up the newspaper incidental contact with the ground
does not count for disqualification. If the member attempts to pick up the newspaper
and misses and the hand touches the ground there will be a disqualification
All teams must stay within the given boundaries or will be disqualified. The boundaries
are subject to change during a round.
Participants must wear protective safety goggles, which cover the entire eye area and
have strap around the head, provided by Greek Week Central.
If an egg breaks under any circumstances, the team loses and must leave the
designated boundary area.
If you knock a participant off the shoulders, then you will be eliminated and the team that
got knocked off will move on.
No talking will be allowed in the arena. The forming of “alliancesbetween teams
will not be permitted and will result in both teams’ disqualifications.
The championship round winner is the last team with an unbroken egg.
Olympics: Bed Racer
Location: Sorority Circle
Time: 2:30 PM
Two participants ride on a custom-made bed frame that is pushed by 4 other
members of the team.
The race consists of one loop around Sorority Circle.
At the midpoint of the lap, a transition must occur between all 6 participants in
the first leg to the 6 next participantsthat will push the bed for the remainder
of the race.
One leg must consist of four Fraternity members pushing and two Sorority
members riding. The other leg must consist of four Sorority members pushing
and two Fraternity members riding.
The eight fastest times will receive event points.
Bed inspections of completed beds will occur Tuesday, March 28th and
Thursday, March 30th from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Greek Triangle. Any bed
not meeting specifications by 6:00 PM on March 30th will not be allowed
to race.
_______ The riding platform must be no closer than 1 ft. from the ground and no
higher than 2ft., which will be inspected during the week.
_______ The riding platform must be able to hold the weight of two riders.
_______ Total length must not exceed 8 ft. and the width must not exceed 3 ’6
_______ Rubber tires must be used, no wheels (such as shopping cart wheels) are
allowed. The tires must not exceed 26 in. in diameter. This will be measured from
the outer edge of the tire. The tires must be permanently attached to the bed.
_______ The steering mechanism must be separated from the riders by some sort
of protective barrier.
_______ No object can protrude more than 1 ft. from the frame. This includes
handles, decorations etc.
_______ A regular Twin sized mattress will lay flat on the platform. There must also
be a sheet and pillow on the bed.Air mattresses are not allowed.
_______ Each team is required to display their chapter letters or organization name
of all chapters somewhere on their bed.
_______ Both bed riders must wear a helmet, wrist, knee and elbow pads.
Equipment MUST be present at check-in for the Olympic event. Failure to do so will
result in disqualification.
Olympics: Bed Race
Before any bed can enter the event, it must be inspected by Greek Week
Central. There will be inspections on Tuesday, March 28th and Thursday,
March 30th from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Greek Triangle to ensure that all beds
meet the specifications. All beds must be complete at this time. If any bed fails
to pass inspection, the team will be disqualified and not be allowed
to participate. After a team passes inspection, they will not be allowed to
change any aspect of their bed racer, doing so will result in disqualification.
The race will consist of two fraternity members and two sorority members
pushing the bed at the same time and one fraternity member and one sorority
member riding on the bed.
Team members are encouraged to dress up as their team's theme.
The 2 bed riders must remain on the bed at all times while the bed racer is in
The 4 participants pushing the bed must be in contact with the bed at all
times while the bed is in motion. Teams who have members who fall, losing
contact with the bed racer, will be disqualified from the event.Teams who
have a member fall but remain in contact with the racer are urged to stop the
racer until the member regains their footing, to ensure safety. Failure to comply
may result in deduction or disqualification.
The bed riders MUST wear helmets, wrist, elbow and knee pads.
All beds will be rechecked and inspected during the check-in time prior to the
Make sure to double-check and abide by the bed specifications prior to the day
of inspections or the team will be disqualified.
All Greek Week participants must take every precaution to ensure the
safety of all other participants and bystanders. Any drastically unsafe
behavior may result in a 5-pointdeduction and in extreme cases
disqualified from the event. Greek Week Central has the authority to make
decisions on this behavior. This includes, but is not limited to,
hangingon and being dragged by the bed racer and crossing the street
while the beds are being raced.
Spirit events are to be a positive reflection of the Sorority and Fraternity
Community’s dedication to creating camaraderie between members of the
Community through participation in Team Banners, Team Flags, the Karaoke
competition, and The Greek Race competition.
Date & Time
February 12th by 11:59
Team Banner Patents
February 19th by 11:59
Karaoke Patents Due
(Including MP3 File)
February 20th by 11:59
of Selected
Email From:
February 26th by 11:59
Banner Revisions Due
March 20th by 11:59 PM
Greek Race Participant
Names Due
March 26th at 8:00 AM
Team Banner Display
Team Selected Chapter
March 26th 11:00 AM
The Greek Race
Central Campus
March 31st All Day
Karaoke First Cuts
At Polar Bear Plunge
April 1st
6:00-11:00 PM
Karaoke Final Cuts
CY Stephens Auditorium
Spirit Directors
Lily Brandes Megan Kasprzak
630-632-2320 414-242-5824
Spirit: Karaoke
Greek Week teams will select one group to perform a karaoke skit. Teams are
encouraged to wear costumes and create a dance to enhance their performance. All
teams will perform at First Cuts, and six teams will be chosen to continue and perform
at Final Cuts. Teams will be required to submit three songs and know all the songs
lyrics for the competition because no karaoke machine will be provided. The MP3 files
required to be submitted with each team’s patent cannot have lyrics in
them. Performers will be notified on February 20th of the song they will perform at First
Cuts. All subsequent performances will be communicated the night of the event. Songs
and performances MUST NOT depict alcohol and/or drug use, illegal acts, or
slanderousstatements, and must be sensitive to all ethnic, racial, religious, and
gender groups.*Radio edits of the songs are up to the discretion of GW Spirit
Performance Dates and Times:
First Cuts: Friday, March 31st all day
Location: Polar Bear Plunge
Final Cuts: Saturday, April 1st at 6:00 PM
Location: CY Stephens Auditorium
Each team will only be allowed one group, with a maximum of six participants, to
perform.The six participants cannot all be from the same chapter, but not all
chapters from the team are required to participate.
Each team’s selected group must email one patent that includes three
differentindividual songs (NO MASHUPS) to by February
19th at 11:59 PM, as well as an MP3 version of each song with no lyrics. NO
OTHER FORMS OF MEDIA WILL BE ACCEPTED. Patents will be accepted on a
first-come, first-serve basis. If there is a duplicate submission, the respective team
co-chairs will be notified by the Spirit Coordinators and required to send in a
new submission.
From the three song choices by every team, Greek Week Central will select
one and notify team co-chairs and groups by February 20th by 11:59 PM. The top
six teams from First Cuts will advance to perform at Final Cuts. If a team advances
to Final Cuts, all performers must participate unless there are extenuating
circumstances approved by the Spirit Directors or Executive Directors.
First and Final Cuts performances must be five minutes or less.
If two teams submitted the same song in their patent, the team that submitted theirs
first will have the opportunity to utilize it.
Spirit: Karaoke
First Cuts:
First Cuts for Karaoke are in-person at Polar Bear Plunge.
First Cut performances begin on Friday, March 31st. Performance times will be
announced in the near future.
First Cut performanceswillhave an audience. Teams are encouraged to come and
watch to further demonstrate their Greek Week team spirit. Creativity in Karaoke
performances is important due to this factor.
Final Cuts:
Final Cuts for Karaoke will remain during Lip Sync Finals at CY Stephens
Auditorium on Saturday, April 1st at 6:00 PM.
Teams must arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled performance to check-in.
The top six teams that will be preforming at Finals Cuts will be notified on Friday,
March 31st by 11:00pm.
Penalties will be assessed after the judging of each performance and points will
be deducted from the overall score. Penalties will be assessed at the discretion of
Greek Week Central Spirit Directors, and all decisions will be final and
Karaoke 2023 Patent Form
Submit via email to by February 19
at 11:59pm
Team Name:
Individual Songs (No Mashups) 1 being your top song choice. 3 being your least.
Costume Descriptions for each individual song:
Spirit: Karaoke Schedule
Karaoke Times:
Below are the performance times for each team. Performance times are coordinated
with Polar Plunge times. Teams are encouraged watch their team's karaoke
performance and welcome to stay and watch other first-round performances.
Conflict with Designated Time:
If a team cannot make the time assigned to their team, the team must contact
gwcspirit@iastate.eduto schedule an alternative performance time.
Team Name
Plunge Time
Greek Powers
11:00 am
Greeks Lighting
11:25 am
Arcade Greeks
11:50 am
The Greeks That Never Sleep
12:15 pm
Greek School Musical
12:40 pm
CLUE: Greek Edition
1:05 pm
Greeks of the Galaxy
1:30 pm
Greeks Through Time
1:55 pm
The Wonderful Greeks of Oz
2:20 pm
Scooby Doo & The Greek Machine
-Side Out
3:10 pm
Greek Works
3:35 pm
Greeks at the Museum
4:00 pm
Disco Greeks
4:25 pm
Greek Perfect
4:50 pm
Teams that can't make their time
Scheduled with Greek Week Spirit
Spirit: Karaoke 2023 Judge's Form
Team: ____________________________
Round: _________
Knowledge of Song Lyrics _______/10
1.Choreography cleanliness: _______/10
2.Diction and enunciation of words: _______/10
3.Enthusiasm of performers: ________/5
1.Creativity/uniqueness: _______/10
2.Use of stage: _______/10
3.Appropriate for song choice: ________/5
Singing Ability
1.Pitch/tone: _______/10
2.Quality of vocal expression: _______/10
Costumes _______/10
Overall Performance _______/10
Total: ___________/100
Judge’s Initials: ________
Spirit: Team Banner
Every team will paint one banner to be displayed at a location that will be approved by the
Spirit Directors.Banners MUST NOT depict alcohol and/or drug use, illegal acts, or
slanderousstatements, and must be sensitive to all ethnic, racial, religious, and
gender groups. No banner shall contain political or controversial themes.
Each banner shall showcase the individual team theme, and the names of all chapters
in that team.
All banner patent forms are due February 12th by 11:59 PM and should be
submitted via email to
Patents can be sent in to gwcspirit@iastate.edustarting on January 23rd, but patents
will not be approved until after the 12th or later. Patents will be reviewed in the order
they are received.
Team banner patent revisions are due February26th by 11:59 PM and should be
submitted via email to
Each banner must be painted on material no larger than one king size bed sheet
(108 by 102). The banner cannot exceed 36 in depth. Banners do not have to be
rectangular and may be completed on any type of surface. With permission from the
Spirit Directors, banners can exceed the boundaries of 108" by 102" in smaller pieces,
such as additional decoration. Teams are encouraged to utilize these boundary
extensions but must email us at to get approval.
Team banners must be displayed at a chapter facility for judgement. The final location
must be submitted via patent form to by February 12th at 11:59
PM. The team banner patent has a section where each team must write in their display
chapter facility of choice.
All banners must be hanging or standing outside of the designated chapter facility by
8:00 AM on Sunday, March 26th (beginning of Greek Week) in order to receive full
Vandalism or theft of any team's banner will result in automatic disqualification from
banner points, decisions are final.
Patent Order:
Patent order will be determined on a first-come, first-serve basis. If any two or more teams
have the same desired theme, the theme will be granted to the team who submitted their
patent first. A picture is required to be properly approved.
Spirit: Team Banner 2023 Patent Form
Submit via email to by February 12th by 11:59 PM
Team Name:
Team Banner Description:
Display Location (Chapter Facility):
Sketch or picture:
Spirit: Team Banner 2023 Judge's Form
Team: ____________________________
Overall Appearance
Team banner is pleasing to look at, tasteful, and well-proportioned; _______/25
Appropriate colors are used to display the overall team theme;
The entire banner shows appropriate Greek Week Spirit”
Creativity _______/20
Creativity is shown in the design of team banner
Originality _______/20
Design of team banner is unique
Public Appeal _______/10
Team banner appeals to visitors and the general public
The entire team banner is carefully crafted; _______/25
Neatness and accuracy are apparent
Total: ___________/100
Judge’s Initials: _________
Spirit: The Greek Race
Date and Time:Sunday, March 26th at 11:00 AM 1:00 PM
Location: Central Campus and surrounding area
Check-In Location: Central Campus
Each team will coordinate matching shirts to be worn by one representative of each
chapter in the team during the competition. This competition will incorporate a
competition of wits, knowledge of the Sorority and Fraternity Community, and a portion
of athletic ability. The team participants will meet at Central Campus and will be sent to
a specific location to answer a question. Any apparel designed must be inclusive to all
chapters in the team and consider any policies and/or restrictions by which those
organizations abide.
Each team must select one representative from each chapter in the team to
participate (4 members maximum). Each stop, the team will be asked one question
that involves the Sorority and Fraternity Community. Responses will have a correct
and incorrect answer.
Participants will be given one question at each stop. If they guess the correct
answer, they will receive five points.
Teams will not be allowed to move to the next location until they have the answer.
There will be four hints built into each question.
Each time a hint is given, one point will be deducted.
If a team cannot get the correct answer after the last hint, they will be given the
correct answer, and zero points will be awarded.
Points are determined on knowledge of the Sorority and Fraternity Community, use
of hints, and speed. In the event of a tie, timing will be the determining factor in
The participants will also bring their flag to the competition and will run to each
location with it, flags will be judged during the Greek Race, so if flag is not
present, no points will be awarded in the team flag category.
Spirit: The Greek Race Cont.
Each team must stick together.No team can receive a question if every participant
is not present.
The teams will be released in heats, three teams at a time.
Shortcuts are notallowed within Campus.
Do not destroy any property in pursuit of a question, please be respectful.
Participants may run on sidewalks and campus lawns but must only cross streets
at intersections monitored by Central and Crew.
Interference with another team will result in disqualification. Discretion will be up to
the Greek Week Spirit Directors, Executive Directors, and Sorority and Fraternity
Office Staff.
Sharing of race stops, questions, or shortcuts with other teams that have not yet
completed The Greek Race will lead to a point deduction.
The names of the three chosen team representatives and their chapters must be
emailed to on March 20th by 11:59 PM.
All representatives must check in at the event 20 minutes before their
assigned start time.
First Place: 80 points
Second Place: 60 points
Third Place: 40 points
Fourth Place: 20 points
**Inappropriate conduct as determined by the Office of Sorority and Fraternity
Engagement staff, Greek Week Executive Directors, or Spirit Directors will result in a
disqualificationof the team for this event**
Spirit: Greek Race Release Schedule
Reminder: Release Schedule times are final and cannot be adjusted upon request.
Sunday, March 26th
Greek Works
Scooby Doo & The Greek Machine
Greek School Musical
Greek Perfect
CLUE: Greek Edition
The Greeks That Never Sleep
-side Out
Arcade Greeks
Greeks of the Galaxy
The Wonderful Greeks of Oz
Greeks Through Time
Greek Powers
Greeks at the Museum
Disco Greeks
Greeks Lightning
Spirit: Team Flag
Each team will create a flag that will be checked in with the Spirit Directors at the Greek
Race on Sunday, March 26th. Team flags are encouraged to be flown at Greek Week
events to promote team spirit throughout the week. Similar to banners, team flags
MUST NOT depict alcohol and/or drug use, illegal acts, or slanderous statements,
and must be sensitive to all ethnic, racial, religious, and gender groups. No team
flag must contain political and controversial themes. Each team will earn 10 points
for the creation of their flag if it meets all requirements.
To obtain full points, teams should include on their flag their team name, overall theme,
and display of all participating chapters on team.
No patents will need to be submitted for team flags. Questions about flag content can be
directed to
Flags cannot exceed 50 by 96 in size. Teams will provide their own materials.
Flag poles cannot exceed 10 feet in height and the diameter of the flag-pole must be 1 in,
1.125 in, or 1.25 in.
**Inappropriate content as determined by the Greek Week Executive Directors or the
Spirit Directors will result in a disqualification of the team for this event**
Spirit: Overall Spirit
There will be 75 remaining spirit points that can be earned throughout different events.
Tournaments (40 points):
Each team has the opportunity to earn 10 spirit points each tournament. These points will
be awarded based on crowd excitement, crowd themes, and sportsmanship.
Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in a warning or removal from the tournament until a
viable substitution opportunity occurs. A second offense, or extreme first offense, will
result in the loss of the 10 spirit points for that tournament. The final decision will be
based on the discretion of the Executive Directors on all deductions and value of each
Food on Campus (5 points):
5 points will be earned if 50% of your team purchases a food on campus button.
Special Olympics Athlete Gift (5 points):
5 points will be earned if your team provides a thoughtful gift for your athlete by the end of
Greek Week. Points will be awarded once photo proof has been sent to
Overall Spirit (25 points):
Teams will have the opportunity throughout the week to earn 25 additional spirit points.
These points will be awarded at the discretion of the Spirit Directors. Examples of
opportunities for teams to earn these points include hype videos, attendance at events
throughout the week, and appearance of flag at events. Teams are to keep a positive
presence on social media regarding events, other teams, and members of the
Central/Crew team. If you don't follow these standards, spirit points will be deducted at
the discretion of the Spirit Directors.
Spirit: Spirit Stick
A handcrafted, one-of-a-kind Spirit Stick will be presented to the team that most
embodies the spirit of Greek Week and the Five Values of the Sorority and Fraternity
Community throughout the entire week. The Spirit Stick judging will take into
consideration Team Banner quality, team participation and enthusiasm,
sportsmanship, team camaraderie, apparel creativity and design, the use and
frequency of the Team Flag during Greek Week, and any other spirited activities
throughout Greek Week.
Show us your spirit! Email to submit any proof of
spirited activities from your team!
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 28 2023 at 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Location: CY Stephens Auditorium
In the past, Greek Week has hosted an educational speaker that speaks directly to
the struggles, triumphs, and benefits or sorority and fraternity membership. This year,
we wanted to expand this keynote speaker to the Iowa State community. Greek
Week Central has invited Evan Austin, a Paralympic swimmer to speak about
sacrifice, failure, and resilience.
Members of the sorority and fraternity community will be required to check in for this
event fortheir attendance to be counted towards their team's points. There will be
designated check-in stations with Greek Week Central for members. If members
choose not to check in to the event, they forfeit their attendance points that go
towards their team. Doors will be open at 5:00 PM.
Teams can earn up to 130 points through their members' attendance at the Keynote
event. Points will be awarded based on number of attendees relative to the team
size. Maximum points will be earned if 50 percent of the team members are in
attendance. If less than 50 percent of a team is in attendance, points will
be calculated by taking the number in attendance divided by half of the total team.
This percentage will be multiplied by the 130 points possible, and that number will be
awarded to the team.
EXAMPLE: Team A has 200 total members and 50 members of their team attend the
keynote event. The 50 attendees are divided by half of the team's total membership
(100). This number is then multiplied by the 130 possible points. 65 points would then
be awarded to Team A.
Signature Events Director
Emelia Lowe
Opening Ceremony
Date and Time:March 26th, 1-2pm
Location: Central Campus (Beardshear to Curtiss walkway)
Check-in Time and Location:12:30pm at the Beardshear steps
Information: Greek Week Central is introducing the first "Greek Week
Opening Ceremony" to kick-off the week. The celebration is inspired by
traditional Olympic opening ceremonies and is intended to bring together all
Greek Week teams and Special Olympic Athletes. 1 member from each
chapter will walk in as a team down isle with their team flag and stand in front
of Curtiss hall. Each team will have a designated spot at the ceremony. The
event will feature teams, athletes, a performance, and snacks.
Teams are required to have at least 25% of their team at the
ceremony in addition to the Ceremony Representatives.
Ceremony Representatives must consist of one member from
each chapter on the team
Teams must bring their team flag to the ceremony.
Teams must have a walk out song emailed to Director of
Signature Events by March 5.
Signature Events Director
Emelia Lowe
Greek Week Crew/Captains are required to remain disaffiliated from their chapter and team
during the entirety of Greek Week activities.
Any member of the Sorority and Fraternity Community may apply for Greek Week Crew,
except for Chapter Co-Chairs. If an individual is interviewed, is selected to be on Greek Week
Crew, and they accept the position, ten (10) points per individual member will be given to the
team. If an individual is interviewed, is selected to be on Greek Week Crew, but he or she
rejects the offer, the individual WILL NOT receive points for their team. This totals to ten (10)
points per selected member. Each team may earn a maximum of fifty (50) points for
interviews, regardless of the number that apply, are interviewed, or are selected. If every
chapter in a team has a member apply for Greek Week Crew, that team will receive 20
additional points. If there are one or more chapters in a team that does not have a member
apply for Greek Week Crew, that team will not earn any of the 20 possible points. Including
interview points and application points, the maximum points a team can be awarded is 70
points. Participants who sign up to participate in an interview for Greek Week Crew and fail to
attend their interviewed scheduled, will cause a 10-point deduction for their team per offense.
The requirements that each member must complete to be awarded the ten points for their
team are as follows:
Attend the Crew Retreat on Sunday, January 29th from 2:00-4:00PM in the Gerdin 0464.
Attend required weekly Tuesday night meetings or make up any unattended meetings.
Complete a minimum number of events set for Crew individuals by the directors.
Be present all day during Olympics and Lip Sync on Saturday, April 2nd.
Become Food Safe Certified by March 1st.
Assist in other events (Lip Sync, Community Service/Polar Bear Plunge, Greek Awards
Ceremony, Kick-Off events, Spirit events, barricades, etc.).
Remain disaffiliated from March 26th until the end of the Greek Awards Ceremony.
Have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA.
If a Crew member or Captain fails to meet the requirements (e.g., missing events or
meetings), ALL 10 points will be deducted from the entire team.
Crew Directors
Olivia Kropp Katie Saluk
815-281-2264 712-254-3456
Greek Week Crew
Greek Week Crew
Community Service
Marketing Media
Evan Jones
Hallie Hanssen
Radhika Sharma
Olivia Bell
Rachel Rydl
Lindsey Werts
Culinary Signature Events Spirit
Garrett Arnold
Claire Maguire
Isabelle Elwood
Carter Jensen
MaKayla Flanigan
Krissy O'Connor
Emily Cin
Lip Sync Sponsorship Tournaments
Charlie Kautz
Laney Pulliam
Sam Harris
Jadyn Peterson
Quinn Kelly
Lex Kassel
Tommy Paulsen
Olympics Special Olympics Technology
Eva Vasilopoulos
Sawyer Hansen
Bailey Wuestenberg
Allison Pederson
Logan Spracklen