Christine Lippard, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 317-457-1424
2009-2013 Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Human Development and Family Studies
Dissertation: Teacher–Child Interpersonal Dynamics: A Closer Look at the Classroom Experience
Committee: Karen La Paro, Catherine Scott-Little, Linda Hestenes, and Danielle Crosby
2007-2009 M.S. Ball State University, Family and Consumer Sciences: Family & Child
2001-2005 B.S. Ball State University, Family and Consumer Sciences: Family & Child
2019-current Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Iowa State University
2013-2019 Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Iowa State University
2012-2013 Instructor, Human Development and Family Studies, University of North Carolina at
2009-2013 Graduate Research Assistant, Human Development and Family Studies, University of North
Carolina at Greensboro
2007-2009 Lead Teacher/Graduate Assistant, Child Study Center Preschool, Ball State University
Early Career Achievement in Teaching Award, College of Human Sciences, 2018
Early Career Research Award, National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Education, 2017
Sam Clark Creative Teaching Award, Human Development and Family Studies, 2017
Lippard, C. (PI), Rouse, H., Choi, J., & Peterson, C. Narrow Cost Analysis and Market Rate Survey
Report. (2020). Iowa Department of Human Services. $81,113.
Rouse, H. (PI), Dorius, C., Peterson, C., Choi, J., Lippard, C. Improving Iowa’s Early Childhood System:
PDG B-5 Grant. (2019). U.S. DHHS Administration for Children and Families Preschool Development
Grant, $2,190,119 awarded to the Iowa Department of Management. Subcontract awarded to Iowa State
University (PI Rouse), $1,094,104.
Lippard, C. (PI). & La Paro, K. L. Preparation for a Strong Early Childhood Workforce: Preservice
Training. (2017). NAECTEF Early Career Researcher Award. $2000.
Chazan Cohen, R. (PI). CUPID Dataset Preparation Grant. (2017). Funded by the Foundation for Child
Development, $30,000. Subcontract awards to Iowa State University, Lippard, C. $6,000.
Choi, J.Y. (co-PI) & Lippard, C. (co-PI). Early Language Experiences for Young Dual Language Learners
and English Monolinguals. (2021). National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Hatch funding to Iowa State
Maynard, C. (PI), Choi, J.Y. (co-PI), Tank, K. (co-PI), & Lamm, M. (co-PI). Observing Engineering
Habits of Mind in Prekindergarten Learners. (2015). College of Human Sciences Intramural Collaborative
Seed Grant. $21,971.
Maynard, C. (PI), Luze, G. (mentor), & Hughes-Belding, K. (mentor). Toddler’s Individual Experiences in
Center-based Child Care. (2013). College of Human Sciences Untenured Seed Grant. $9649.
(Christine Lippard previously published under Christine Maynard, *=graduate student)
Peer-reviewed Journal Papers
Fusaro, M., Lippard, C.N., Cook, G. A., Decker, K. B., Vallotton, C., & CUPID. (2021). The role of
practice-based experiences in undergraduates’ infant/toddler caregiving competencies. Journal of Early
Childhood Teacher Education. doi: 10/1080/10901027.2021.1954566
La Paro, K. M., Lippard, C., Cook, G., & Fusaro, M. (2020). Relationships in early practicum experiences:
Positive and negative aspects and associations with practicum students’ characteristics and teaching
efficacy. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 41, 338-358. doi:
Lippard, C. N., Fusaro, M., Decker, K., & Vallotton, C. (2019). Effects of prior formal and informal
caregiving experiences on undergraduates’ infant/toddler caregiving knowledge and beliefs. Journal of
Early Childhood Teacher Education, 40, 409-429. doi: 10.1080/10901027.2019.1607632
Lippard, C., Choi, J., & Walter, M.C.* (2019). Profiles of classroom activity settings associated with Head
Start children’s receptive vocabulary. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 60, 65-75. doi:
Cassidy, D. & Lippard, C., King, E.K., & Lower, J. (2019). Improving the lives of teachers in the early
care and education field to better support children and families. [Special Issue: Helen LaBaron Hilton Series
on The Future of Healthy Families] Family Relations, 68, 288-297. doi:10.1111/fare.12362
Lippard, C. N., Lamm, M.H., Tank, K., & Choi, J. Y. (2018). Pre-engineering thinking and the
Engineering Habits of Mind in the preschool classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal. doi:
Lippard, C., Tank, K., Walters, M.C.
, Krogh, J., & Colbert, K. (2018). Aligning and infusing science in
an early childhood education teacher preparation program: A case study. Journal of Early Childhood
Teacher Education, 39, 193-212.
Choi, J., Jeon, S.
, & Lippard, C. (2018). Dual language learning, inhibitory control, and kindergarten
math achievement in Head Start. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 42, 66-78. doi:
Lippard, C., La Paro, K. M., Rouse, H., & Crosby, D. (2017). A closer look at teacher-child relationships
and classroom emotional context in preschool. Child and Youth Care Forum. doi:10.1007/s10566-017-
Lippard, C., Lamm, M., & Riley, K. (2017) Engineering thinking in prekindergarten children: A
systematic review of literature. Journal of Engineering Education, 106, 454-474. 10.1002/jee.20174
La Paro, K.M., Van Schagen, A., King, E., & Lippard, C. (2017). A systems perspective on practicum
experiences in early childhood teacher education: Focus on interprofessional relationships. Early Childhood
Education Journal. doi: 10.1007/s10643-017-087-8
Walter, M. C.
, & Lippard, C. (2017). Head Start teachers across a decade: Beliefs, characteristics, and
time spent on academics. Early Childhood Education Journal, 45, 693-702. doi: 10.1007/s10643-016-0804-
Lippard, C., Riley, K. L.
, & Hughes-Belding, K. (2016). Observing toddlers’ individual experiences in
classrooms: Initial use of the Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to
Outcomes. Infant Mental Health Journal, 37, 549-559. doi: 10.1002/imhj.21584
Maynard, C., La Paro, K.M., & Johnson, A. (2014). Before student teaching: How undergraduate students
in early childhood teacher preparation programs describe their early classroom-based experiences. Journal
of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 35, 244-261. doi: 10.1080/10901027.2014.936070
La Paro, K., Maynard, C., Thomason, A., & Scott-Little, C. (2012). Developing teachers’ classroom
interactions: A description of a video review process for early childhood education students. Journal of
Early Childhood Teacher Education, 33, 224-238. doi: 10.1080/10901027.2012.705809
Maynard, C., Adams, R., Lazo-Flores, T., & Warnock, K. (2009) An examination of the effects of teacher
intervention during sensory play on the emotional development of preschoolers. Family and Consumer
Sciences Research Journal, 38, 26-35. doi: 10.1111/j.1552-3934.2009.00003.x
Invited Book Chapters
Lippard, C., Riley, K.
, & Lamm, M. (2018). Encouraging the Development of and Observing
Occurrences of Engineering Habits of Mind in Prekindergarten Learners. In L. English & T. Moore (Eds.)
Early Engineering Learning. Singapore: Springer.
Lippard, C., & La Paro, M. (2018). Middle Toddlerhood: Emerging Autonomy in a Relational Context. In
A. Morris & A. Williamson (Eds.) Building Early Social and Emotional Relationships in Infants and
Toddlers: Integrating Research and Practice.
Vallotton, C., Chazan-Cohen, R., Cook, G., Decker, K., Gardner-Neblett, N., Harewood, T., & Lippard, C.
(2019). The Collaborative for Understanding the Pedagogy of Infant/toddler Development: A Cross-
University, Interdisciplinary Effort to Transform a Field through SOTL. In J. Friberg & K. McKinney (Eds.)
Applying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Beyond the Individual Classroom Level.
Other Publications
Maynard, C., & Ketter, K. (2013). Open-ended art: The value and the process. Teaching Young Children,
7, 24-27.
Manuscripts Under Review or In Preparation
Riley, K., & Lippard, C. (accepted). Adolescent cancer survivors’ oncology camp experience. Journal of
Child Life
Lippard, C. N., Vallotton, C. D., Fusaro, M., Chazan-Cohen, R., Peterson, C. A., Kim, L., Cook, G., &
CUPID. (under review). Practice Matters: How Practicum Experiences Change Student Beliefs.
Walter, M. C., Carlson, J.*, Ryu, D.*, Lippard, C.N., Luze, G., Peterson, C., & Choi, J. Coaching
practicum students to engage young children in learning: A video feedback pilot study.
Riley, K., & Lippard, C. The relationship between social support and self-esteem in adolescent cancer
Regional, National or International (*=graduate student,
=undergraduate student)
Fusaro, M., Lippard, C. N., Decker, K. B., & Vallotton, C. (June 2018). Effects of prior formal and
informal caregiving experiences on undergraduates’ infant/toddler caregiving knowledge and beliefs. Poster
presented at the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) 2018 National Research Conference on
Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Walter, C. , Lippard, C., & Choi, J.Y. (June 2018). Activity setting profiles in Head Start classrooms
across a decade. Poster presented at the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) 2018 National
Research Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Lippard, C., King, E. K., & La Paro, K. M. (June 2017). Pre-service teacher learning in early practicum
experiences. Paper presented at the NAECTE Summer Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Choi, J. Y., Jeon, S.
, & Lippard, C. (April 2017). Dual language learning, inhibitory control, and
kindergarten math achievement in Head Start. Poster presented at the SRCD Biennial Conference, Austin,
Choi, J. Y., Jeon, S.
, & Lippard, C. (July 2016) Development of executive function among English
monolingual, Spanish monolingual, and bilingual children attending Head Start. Poster presented at the
ACF's National Research Conference on Early Childhood, Washington, D.C.
Clucas, M.
& Lippard, C. (July 2016) Teacher beliefs across a decade: Characteristics associated with
developmentally appropriate and inappropriate beliefs. Poster presented at the ACF's National Research
Conference on Early Childhood, Washington, D.C.
Riley, K.
, Caldwell, A.
, & Maynard, C. (March 2015). Aspects of the Teacher-Child Relationship in the
Toddler Classroom and Associations with Toddler Behavior. Poster presented at the SRCD Biennial
Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Johnson, A., LaParo, K., Maynard, C., & King, E. (June 2014). The student and cooperating teacher
relationship: Developing effective teachers through the practicum experience. Paper presented at the
NAEYC National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, Minneapolis, MN.
Kreischer, A.
, & Maynard, C. (June 2014). Investigating the alignment of quality rating systems and
teacher education programs. Poster presented at the NAEYC National Institute for Early Childhood
Professional Development, Minneapolis, MN.
LaParo, K., Gloeckler, L., & Maynard, C. (December 2013). Making meaning in the lives of toddlers: The
experience expectable environment. Paper presented at the Zero to Three National Training Institute, San
Antonio, Texas.
Maynard, C., King, L., & La Paro, K. (April, 2013). Teacher–child interpersonal dynamics: A closer look
at relationships and interactions. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development
Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Scott-Little, C., LaParo, K., Maynard, C., Smith, N., & Eijemofor, A. (June, 2012). Assessing beliefs of
early care and education students: Results from a six-year study. Paper presented at the National Institute for
Early Childhood Professional Development, Indianapolis, Indiana.
La Paro, K., Johnson, A., King, L., & Maynard, C. (June 2012). Relationships of supervising teachers and
practicum students: A model, a project, and a discussion. Paper presented at the National Institute for Early
Childhood Professional Development, Indianapolis, Indiana.
La Paro, K., & Maynard, C., Crosby, D., Rollins, A., & Payne, C. (June, 2011). Mentoring teachers using
reflective observation and supervision: Teacher characteristics and their relation to teacher change. Poster
presented at the National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, Providence, Rhode
Maynard, C., Goodson, L., Scott-Little, C., & Smith, N. (June, 2011). Childhood obesity prevention:
Policies and practical steps for early care and education professionals. Poster presented at the National
Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, Providence Rhode Island.
La Paro, K., Thomason, A., Maynard, C., & Scott-Little, C. (June, 2010) Assessing preservice teachers’
classroom practices: Using the CLASS in teacher education. Paper presented at the National Institute for
Early Childhood Professional Development, Phoenix, Arizona.
Child Health and Development (graduate): This seminar class is offered by the department in an
asynchronous on-line format. I used a variety of strategies to engage students with course materials and in
interactions with peers and with me, including an application presentation focused on using research to
inform applied settings and regular discussion boards and reflection papers, as well as a culminating paper
on current issues. Topics covered included all domains of development across the prenatal to middle
childhood age range. Taught Fall 2014, 2016, & 2018.
Development in Young Children: Birth through Age 8 (undergraduate): This 200-level course surveys
topics related to children’s development and health in family and group care contexts. The course includes a
one-hour-per-week practicum. Though class discussions, lecture, and activities, I facilitate students’
understanding of course readings and aid them in connecting their knowledge to practicum experiences and
other applied settings. Taught Spring 2014, Spring 2018
Curriculum and Assessment for Ages Birth Through Two (undergraduate): This 300-level course
serves as the primary infant and toddler methods course for the early childhood education majors and
includes a three-hour-per-week practicum. I cover assessment data collection strategies, evaluating and
using screen and developmental assessment tools, and planning and implementing child-directed learning
opportunities in STEM, language and literacy, and motor development. Taught Fall 2013-present, with the
exception of Fall 2020.
Ad Hoc Reviewer
American Education Research Association Open
Child & Youth Care Forum
Educational Researcher
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education
Journal of Early Intervention
Journal of Teacher Education
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
Review Panel
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) Grant Review Panel 2019
National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators 2017 Fall Conference, 2018 Summer
National Research Conference on Early Childhood 2018
Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference 2017: Panel #17: School
Doctoral Students Supervised
Year Completed/
Dissertation Title
Human Development & Family Studies
Spring 2025
Faith Molthen
Major Professor
Spring 2024
Dawn Walker-
Major Professor
Spring 2018
Katie Riley
Major Professor
Cancer Survivorship, Social Support, and
Fall 2015
Abbey Copeman
Co-Major Professor
The Transition to Kindergarten: Factors
Associated with a Positive Adjustment
Masters Students Supervised
Year Completed/
Thesis Title
Human Development & Family Studies
Spring 2017
Carlee Konz
Major Professor
The Role of Involved Positive
Parenting and Classroom Emotional
Support on Preschool Children’s
Prosocial and Problem behaviors
Advisory Boards
Regents' Center for Early Developmental Education Advisory Board-Vice Chair, University of Northern
Lippard, C. N. (Host). (2020). Teachers in the tiny chairs: A podcast about all things early childhood
teaching. [Audio podcast].
Lippard, C. N. (October 2019). Infants & Toddlers: Using Emerging Curriculum to Guide Behavior.
Presentation for the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Institute
Lippard, C. N. (October 2019). Caring for Infants and Toddlers: Best Practices Meet Practical Strategies.
Presentation for the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Institute
Lippard, C. (September 2017). Diving deep with infants & toddlers: Emerging curriculum & guiding
behavior. Presentation for the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Institute
Lippard, C. (April 2017). The wonderful world of infants: Development & learning. Invited presentation
for the Hawkeye Area Community Action Program, Inc. (HACAP) Take Care of Yourself Retreat.
Lippard, C. (April 2017). The wonderful world of toddlers: Development & learning. Invited presentation
for the Hawkeye Area Community Action Program, Inc. (HACAP) Take Care of Yourself Retreat.
Lippard, C. & Choi, J. (September 2016). The wonderful world of infants: Development & learning.
Presentation for the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Institute
Lippard, C. & Choi, J. (September 2016). The wonderful world of toddlers: Development & learning.
Presentation for the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Institute
Maynard, C. (October 2015). The wonderful world of infants and toddlers: Understanding the emotional
glass. Presentation for the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Institute
Maynard, C. & Williams, L. (October 2015). Engineering in preschool: Making the most of everyday
moments. Presentation for the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Institute
2017-current National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE)
2013-current Collaborative for Understanding the Pedagogy of Infant-Toddler Development (CUPID)
2013-current Iowa Association for the Education of Young (Iowa AEYC)
2009-current National Association for the Education of Young Children, (NAEYC)
Departmental Service
2016-current Lab School Faculty Liaison
2016-2019 Department Advisory Committee
2015-2016 Early Childhood Education Coordinating Committee, member
2013-2017 Hansen Lecture Series committee, member
2013-2014 Faculty Hire Search Committee, member
Public Service
2020-current Secretary, National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators
2018-2020 Region 7 Representative, National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators
2015-2018 Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Institute planning committee