Powered by:
Cygnus allows you to use any aviation or navigation
apps running on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch while
connected to any one of a wide range of ight simulation
software products. When using Cygnus during a simulation
session your iPad and the aviation app it is running
will believe that it is located wherever the aircraft in the
active simulation is located. Cygnus is the perfect tool for
training pilots in the use of iPad aviation apps in a safe and
controlled environment.
Cygnus is available in two versions. Cygnus Pro Wireless
allows wireless connection via Bluetooth to up to 6 iPad,
iPhone, and iPod Touch devices simultaneously. Cygnus
Home Direct connects your iOS device using a special
Cygnus cable.
Cygnus Pro Wireless:
Cygnus Flash Drive containing Installation software and
supporting documentation
Bad Elf BT-GPS Pro GPS Receiver
(refer to the included Bad Elf GPS Pro manual)
BT-GPS Connection Cable (RED CABLE)
Quick Start Guide
Cygnus Home Direct:
Cygnus ash drive containing installation software and
supporting documentation
Cygnus Direct Connect Cable (RED CABLE)
Quick Start Guide
Compatible Flight Simulation
Software Products
Cygnus is compatible with any Windows-based ight
simulator that is running one of the following simulator
programs or simulation engines:
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D with Microsoft SimConnect
Client v10.0.61242.0 (or higher)
Microsoft ESP with Microsoft SimConnect Client
v10.0.61242.0 (or higher)
Microsoft Flight Simulator X with Microsoft SimConnect
Client v10.0.61242.0 (or higher)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 with FSUIPC v3.9.9.9
(or latest supported version)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 with FSUIPC v3.9.9.9
(or latest supported version)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 with FSUIPC v3.9.9.9
(or latest supported version)
X-Plane 9 for Windows
X-Plane 10 for Windows
Cygnus, The Basics
In order for Cygnus to connect your simulator to your
iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch based aviation and navigation
apps you must:
Install Cygnus software on your simulator’s computer
Plug your Cygnus RED cable into any USB port on your
simulator’s computer
Start an active simulation
Verify that Cygnus has a valid connection to your
simulation and your Cygnus cable
Additionally, for users of the Cygnus Pro Wireless version:
A valid connection between your simulator computer
and the Bad Elf BT-GPS Pro device
An active Bluetooth connection between your Bad Elf
BT-GPS Pro device and your iPad, iPhone, or
iPod Touch.
Install the Redbird Cygnus Software
1. Insert the USB key that came with your Redbird
Cygnus product into any USB port on your
simulator’s computer.
2. Click the Windows Start Button and select
“Computer.” You should see a new removable disk
listed. Double click to open that device.
3. Double click on “setup.exe” The Installer will guide
you through the steps required to install Cygnus.
4. You may be prompted to install additional prerequisite
software (such as the Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime). If
prompted, choose Yes to each prompt, and accept
each End User License Agreement.
5. Follow the remaining Installation prompts to install.
This may take a few minutes, depending on your
system’s conguration.
6. When Cygnus Install Wizard shows the “Installation
Complete” screen, Cygnus has been successfully
installed. Click “Close” to exit.
7. For additional troubleshooting information and
software updates, please visit us on the web at:
Connecting Cygnus Pro Wireless and Home
Direct Hardware on Your Simulator
Connecting Cygnus hardware is easy..
For Cygnus Home Direct, connect the RED Cygnus cable
to any USB port on the simulation computer and your iPad,
iPhone, or iPod Touch.
For Cygnus Pro Wireless, connect the RED Cygnus cable to
any USB port on the simulation computer and your Bad Elf
GPS Pro device.
Simulation computer
running Redbird Cygnus
Simulation computer
running Redbird Cygnus
iPad, iPhone
or iPod Touch
iPad, iPhone
or iPod Touch
Connects with up to 5 devices
simultaneously via Bluetooth
Cygnus Cable
Bad Elf
The First Time You Use Cygnus
If after installation, Cygnus does not start automatically, you
should start it manually from your Windows Start menu.
When you run Cygnus for the rst time, you may see the
Sim Engine Activation Screen. This screen will guide you
through setting Cygnus up to run with any of the supported
simulation packages you have on your computer, as well as
offer help with any additional settings that Cygnus requires
to run properly.
When you see this screen, click the “Check Prerequisites”
button. Cygnus will begin examining your system for the
components it needs to connect to your
simulation software.
When Cygnus is nished examining your system, the icon
next to each product will change from a question mark ,
to a red, yellow, or green light.
The First Time You Use Cygnus
A green light means that Cygnus is ready to run with your
simulation software. Click the “Start Cygnus” button and get
ready to y!
A yellow light means that Cygnus has detected components
required for using a given product, but something
is missing.
Double-click the product name to nd out more.
A red light means that Cygnus could not detect the software
product on your system. Double-click the product name to
get more information, or, in the case of X-Plane, to show the
system where you have installed your software.
Starting Cygnus
To start Cygnus, launch the program from your Windows
Start menu. The Cygnus Information Panel, below, will
Cygnus will automatically connect to any supported ight
simulation software, as well as any supported Bad Elf
device. If you haven’t already, connect your Bad Elf device
to your simulator’s computer. (Refer to: Installing Cygnus
Pro Wireless and Home Direct Hardware on your simulator
earlier in this manual)
Now, begin a simulated ight.
As shown above, Cygnus has connected to a simulation,
and has enabled a connection to the Bad Elf device. If you
see a screen similar to this, you’re ready to begin using your
Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch with Cygnus!
Starting Cygnus
If, however, the Cygnus Information Panel looks like this:
Cygnus has failed to nd a running simulation. Check to
make sure a simulation is running.
If the Cygnus Information Panel looks like this:
Your computer is not connecting properly with your Bad Elf
device. This could require one of two actions:
1. You need to properly connect your Bad Elf device and
power it on.
2. You need to install the correct drivers for the cable
provided with your Bad Elf device.
Starting Cygnus
If your Bad Elf device is connected properly and powered on
(or you have Cygnus Home Direct), you will need to perform
the following actions:
1. Click the link labeled “Click for important message”.
This will bring up the window shown below.
2. Click the button labeled “Take me to the installer!”
3. If you are running Windows Vista or 7, right click on
the executable le and choose “Run as Administrator.”
If you are running Windows XP, simply double click the
executable le.
4. Choose YES if you are prompted with any Windows
warning messages.
NOTE: On Windows XP, you may need to reboot your
computer to get the system to recognize the new driver.
Starting Cygnus
Using Cygnus Pro Wireless
When your Cygnus Information Panel looks like this,
you’re ready.
If you’re using CYGNUS HOME DIRECT you’re ready to go
and may start using your aviation and navigation apps on
your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch and you may skip the next
section entitled Using Cygnus Pro Wireless.
If you’re using CYGNUS PRO WIRELESS, you need to
ensure that your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch is paired with
and connected via Bluetooth to your Bad Elf BT-GPS Pro
unit. In order to pair your device with your Bad Elf GPS Pro,
refer to the Bad Elf manual included with your device.
Once that connection is made you’re ready to go and may
start using your aviation and navigation apps on your
iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch.
Using Cygnus
Cygnus is designed to automatically connect to the rst
Bad Elf device it detects. If you have more than one Bad Elf
device connected to your system, and would like to override
Cygnus’ automatic connection process, perform the
following steps:
1. Click the grey lock icon next to the “Initialize COM
Port” button
2. Once the button turns red and the COM dropdown
box is editable, choose a different device
3. Click the “Initialize COM Port” button
Cygnus will automatically connect to any of the supported
simulation engines, without any action on your part. In some
cases – especially if you are using Cygnus with multiple
simulation products – you might need to force Cygnus to
reconnect to the correct package.
Once Cygnus is connected to both your Bad Elf device
and your ight simulation, you can minimize the window by
clicking the “X” button in the upper right hand corner of
the screen.
While minimized, Cygnus is still running and appears as an
icon in your system tray.
Using Cygnus
To access Cygnus when it is minimized, click your System
Tray expand icon, and Right-click on the Cygnus icon
From here, you can choose to:
View the Information Console (shows information about
your Bad Elf device connection as well as location
information from your ight simulation)
View the Activation Console (shows information about
which products Cygnus has detected on your system)
Exit Cygnus
Using Special Features of the Bad Elf Utility App
(Cygnus Pro Wireless only)
The rst time you connect your Bad Elf device with an iPad,
iPhone, or iPod Touch, you may be prompted to download
the Bad Elf utility app. We recommend that you do, as it
enables several useful additional features of Cygnus.
(Note: downloading apps typically requires an iTunes
account. Please visit http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/
if you need any help getting an iTunes account set up.)
Once downloaded you should see the Bad Elf utility app on
your iOS device:
If you have paired and connected your iOS device to the
Bad Elf BT-GPS Pro GPS Receiver, you will see an option to
congure it:
Using Special Features of the Bad Elf Utility App
(Cygnus Pro Wireless only)
From the Conguration screen, you will see three Cygnus-
specic settings:
1. Simulated GPS
Always – This option tells your Bad Elf BT-GPS
Pro GPS Receiver to operate in simulation mode,
regardless of whether or not it is connected to your
computer via a cable.
Detect cable – This option will let your Bad Elf BT-
GPS Pro GPS Receiver operate as a normal GPS
receiver when it is not connected via cable to your
computer, and to use simulation data only when the
unit detects a cable connected.
2. Custom Bluetooth Name
Yes - This option allows you to give your Bad Elf BT-
GPS Pro GPS Receiver a convenient nickname that
will show up in your iOS device’s Bluetooth devices
list (this is especially useful if you regularly connect
to more than one Bad Elf BT-GPS Pro GPS Receiver).
Give the device any name you like in the ‘Name’ eld –
up to 16 characters can be displayed from your iPad/
iPhone/iPod Touch.
No - your Bad Elf BT-GPS Pro GPS Receiver will
always appear as ‘BE-GPS-2200’ in your list of
Bluetooth devices.
3. Anonymous Pairing
Yes - allows connection of an iPad/iPhone/iPod
without having to conrm a PIN on both the Bad Elf
and Apple devices.
Using Special Features of the Bad Elf Utility App
(Cygnus Pro Wireless only)
Using Special Features of the Bad Elf Utility App
(Cygnus Pro Wireless only)
No - A PIN must be acknowledged on both the Bad Elf
and Apple devices.
Installation Problems
The Cygnus installation package includes the software
necessary to connect your simulation to an Apple iOS
device, as well as some additional prerequisites (for
example, the Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime, various drivers,
etc.). If the installation is unsuccessful you may experience
problems that are unrelated to Cygnus itself, but that
nonetheless prevent Cygnus from running properly.
Problem: You do not have Administrator rights to the PC on
which you are attempting to install Cygnus.
Solution: Because Cygnus installs device drivers and other
operating-system-level updates, Administrator access is
required. Please have an administrator install the software
for you if you do not have Administrator rights to your
Problem: You get an error message saying that “Another
version of this software is already installed.”
Solution: If you use the original installer to reinstall Cygnus,
you may see this error. To resolve it, you need to rst
uninstall Cygnus by navigating to Control Panel à Programs
and Features -> Cygnus, right-click the Cygnus listing and
choose “Uninstall.”
Problem: The installer runs successfully, but not all
components are installed.
Solution: Make sure that you launch the installer from
Setup.exe, and not from any .msi les located within the
installer package.
Problems Starting Cygnus
If all components are successfully installed, the rst time
you launch Cygnus you should see a screen that allows you
to activate one or more simulation software products. If not,
check the following list of common problems/solutions.
Problem: Cygnus complains that Microsoft .NET v4
is required.
Solution: The Cygnus installer ships with the Microsoft
.NET runtime prerequisite necessary to run the program. On
older and/or unpatched systems, it may be necessary to
apply operating system updates from Microsoft before your
computer will be able to run software requiring the .NET
v4 runtime. On Windows XP, it may be necessary to reboot
the machine – even after a successful Cygnus installation –
before the operating system will recognize the
required updates.
Problem: The Cygnus activation screen appears, but the
“Start Cygnus” button is greyed-out and disabled.
Solution: This is expected behavior – Cygnus cannot start
until it has detected at least one supported simulation
software package. Click the “Check Prerequisites” button
to see which packages Cygnus is able to detect on your
system. If there are any prerequisites missing, you will see a
yellow or red icon next to the name of the product. Double-
click anywhere on the row of that product and Cygnus will
attempt to tell you what’s missing and/or how to x it.
Problems Connecting to a Simulation Package
Cygnus will connect to a variety of ight simulation software
products. As of this writing, those products include:
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D
Microsoft ESP
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
X-Plane 9
X-Plane 10
Please note that Cygnus requires the following, in addition
to the base software listed above:
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D, Microsoft ESP, and Microsoft
Flight Simulator X each require the Microsoft SimConnect
Client v10.0.61242.0 or higher. The SimConnect client
is provided as part of the SDK (software developer’s kit)
with the original install media for each of these products.
Updates for SimConnect are available for free on the web.
Additionally, Microsoft Flight Simulator X requires FSX
Service Pack 1, available at no charge from Microsoft.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, Microsoft Flight Simulator
2002, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 each require
the FSUIPC connection client 3.999, available from Pete
Downson here: http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html (note:
Depending on the purpose of your FSUIPC usage, you may
be required to register and pay for an FSUIPC license.)
X-Plane versions do not require any additional software.
Following are some common problems and solutions
connecting Redbird Cygnus to a simulation engine.
Problem: Using an unsupported simulation software
provider or version.
Solution: Double check that the software version you have
– and all of its prerequisites - is a supported one. If you have
Microsoft Flight Simulator X, for example, you’ll need to
make sure that Service Pack 1 for FSX (or higher) has been
applied, and that the SimConnect client v10.0.61242.0 or
higher has been installed.
Problem: X-Plane is running a ight, but Cygnus still says it
cannot connect.
Solution: Make sure that the Cygnus plugin for X-Plane
is enabled (from the main X-Plane menu choose Plugins
> Plugin Information > Enable/Disable). If you don’t see
Cygnus as an option under the Plugins menu, verify that the
Cygnus plugin le (Cygnus.xpl) was successfully installed in
[X-Plane root directory]\resources\plugins directory.
Also note that although X-Plane can be congured to run on
multiple machines simultaneously, Cygnus must be installed
on the main ight computer.
Problems Connecting to a COM Port/Bad Elf Device
Cygnus relies on hardware and drivers provided by 3rd
parties, most notably in the case of Bad Elf cables and
Bluetooth GPS units. These components must be operating
correctly, or Cygnus may not work.
If Cygnus cannot connect to a COM port after 30 seconds
or more of trying to connect, try the following:
1. Verify that the cable is connected securely at
both ends.
The USB male connector should be connected to your
computer’s USB port, and the other end should be
connected to your iOS device’s docking port (in the
case of Cygnus Home Direct Connect edition), or the
Bad Elf GPS Pro unit’s mini-USB connection (in the
case of Cygnus Pro Wireless).
2. Verify that your computer recognizes the RS-232
cable plugged into your computer’s USB port.
From the Control Panel (or from Computer à Manage),
navigate to the Device Manager.
Expand the listing labeled “Ports (COM & LPT).”
3. Verify that you see a listing labeled “USB Serial Port
(COMX)” (where ‘X’ will be some number). If you do
not see this listing, verify that your cable is connected
properly, and in the case of Cygnus Pro Wireless that
you have the Bluetooth unit powered on.
Right-click on the listing showing “USB Serial Port
(COMX)” and choose Properties.
Click on the Driver tab and verify that a driver made
by FTDI has been installed. If not, install the driver
(included as le CDM20824_Setup.exe in the directory
[Cygnus Install Folder]\Resources.)
You can also install the FTDI driver by expanding one
of the CDM zip les inside the directory [Cygnus Install
Folder]\Resources, right-clicking on the .inf le, and
choosing Install.
NOTE: On Windows XP, you may need to reboot to
get the system to recognize the driver.
If Cygnus seems to be stuck “polling” for a connection,
you can lock it to a single COM port by clicking the small
grey lock icon . When the icon turns red, you can choose a
specic COM port, and Cygnus will try only that COM port
until you “unlock” it and put it back in polling mode.
Cygnus Pro Wireless version only: If the Bad Elf Bluetooth
GPS Pro device is shows it’s connected to satellites but
the altitude/speed don’t match your simulation’s altitude,
the Bluetooth GPS may not be in SIM mode. With the unit
connected to your computer and Cygnus running, power off
and on the unit.
Getting Support
If you experience any issues with your device that you are
unable to resolve using the Troubleshooting section of this
manual, please visit www.RedbirdFlightSimulations.com/
support/ for other support information.
All rights reserved except as expressly provided herein. No
part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted,
disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage
medium, for any purpose, without express prior written
consent of Redbird Flight Simulations.
Information in this document is subject to change without
notice. Redbird reserves the right to change or improve
its products and to make changes in the content without
obligation to notify any person or organization of such
changes or improvements.
Visit http://www.RedbirdFlightSimulations/support/ for
current updates and supplemental information concerning
use and operation of Cygnus products.
“Made for iPod,” “Made for iPhone,” “Made for iPad” mean
that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect
specically to iPod, iPhone or iPad, respectively, and has
been certied by the developer to meet Apple performance
standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of
this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory
standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with
iPod, iPhone or iPad may affect wireless performance.
iPod, iPhone and iPad are registered trademarks of
Apple, Inc.
Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of
Microsoft, Inc.
Bluetooth wordmark and logo are registered trademarks of
Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Microsoft Flight Simulator and ESP are registered
trademarks of Microsoft, Inc.
X-Plane is a registered trademark of Laminar Research.
Prepar3D is a registered trademark of Lockheed
Martin Corporation.
Bad Elf GPS Pro is a trademark of Bad Elf LLC.
Engineering Magic and ElfPort are trademarks of Bad
Elf LLC.
Redbird is a registered trademark of Redbird Flight
Simulations, Inc.
Redbird Cygnus is a trademark of Redbird Flight
Simulations, Inc.
All other product or company names that may be mentioned
in this publication are tradenames, trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.