International progress on climate action
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Authors: Gregor Erbach and Ulrich Jochheim; Graphics: Ville Seppälä
Members' Research Service
PE 738.186 October 2022
China's climate change policies
State of play ahead of COP27
China was responsible for more than a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. China's per-capita
emissions of 9 tonnes CO
equivalent in 2019 were well above EU levels and far above the global average.
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Trends in China's emissions
China is the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG), with 12.7 billion tonnes CO
equivalent (CO
e) in 2019 and a 26 % share of global GHG emissions, compared to a 7 % share for
the EU-27. China's consumption-based emissions
, adjusted for international trade, are around 10 %
lower. Between 2005 and 2019, China's GHG emissions grew by 75 %, driven by strong economic
growth and burgeoning energy demand. For comparison, the world's emissions grew by 24 % in the
same period, while the EU-27 reduced its emissions by 20 %.
The land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector in China is an important carbon sink,
absorbing around 5 % of China's GHG emissions in 2019. The capacity of China's LULUCF sink almost
doubled since 2005, thanks to large-scale reforestation and landscape restoration programmes
Figure 1 – Total, LULUCF and net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (MtCO
e), 2005-2019
Data source: Climate Watch (CAIT): Country Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data, FAOSTAT. Note: emissions data from the
Climatewatch/CAIT dataset may differ from countries' official greenhouse gas inventories.
China is a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and
has ratified the Paris Agreement. It belongs to the non-Annex I group of developing countries, which
have less strict requirements and are entitled to support from the developed countries listed in
Annex I of the convention. Nationally determined contributions (NDC) set out parties' targets and
commitments to climate action with updates every five years.
Carbon intensity
China is one of the world's fastest-growing
economies. Its economic output
grew by
224 % between 2005 and 2019, outpacing
the growth in GHG emissions. As a result,
the carbon intensity of the Chinese
economy fell by 46 %, but is still far above
the world average.
China is a major industrial powerhouse and
major exporter, with almost a third of gross
domestic product (GDP) coming from
industry and manufacturing. To incentivise
exporting countries to lower their carbon
intensity, the EU plans to introduce a
carbon border adjustment mechanism that
puts a price on the GHG emissions of
imported goods.
Figure 2
Carbon intensity of the economy: GHG
emissions (gCO
e) per unit of
gross domestic
product (
GDP) (US$ in 2015 prices)
Data sources: World Bank GDP data and Climate Watch
(CAIT): Country Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data.
China's climate change policies
Emissions across the economy
Energy industries continue to account for the bulk of China's GHG emissions. In 2019, emissions from
electricity and heat production had a 44 % share of the total and were 119 % above 2005 levels.
GHG emissions from manufacturing and construction grew by 43 % between 2005 and 2019, while
industrial process emissions experienced fast growth at 121 %. Together, these sectors account for
32 % of China's GHG emissions. The strong growth in industrial process emissions is related to
China's construction boom and the associated cement production
Figure 3 – Total GHG emissions by sector (MtCO
e) (rounded data)
Data source: Climate Watch (CAIT): Country Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data.
Transport accounted for 7 % of China's GHG emissions in 2019 and was the sector with the fastest
emissions growth (127 % between 2005 and 2019). Agriculture was the only sector that reduced its
GHG emissions, with a 3.6 % drop between 2005 and 2019.
Energy transition
China's primary energy consumption more than doubled between 2005 and 2021. Coal accounted
for 54.7 % of China's energy use in 2021, followed by oil with 19.4 % and gas with 8.6 %. Although
the share of coal fell from 73 % to 55 %, absolute coal consumption grew by 55 % due to rising
energy demand. In 2021, China opened coal power plants
with a total capacity of 25.2 gigawatts
(GW), more than half of the coal power capacity added globally. The share of renewable energy
sources (RES) increased from 5.5 % to 15 % between 2005 and 2021, while total RES production grew
by 462 %. However, the impressive growth in
renewable energy was outpaced by the growth
of fossil fuel consumption.
China has a strong wind power industry and
dominates the global market
for photovoltaic
solar panels. Hydropower plays an important
role in the Chinese energy system. Ahead of the
COP27 climate change conference, China
proposed a
global clean energy partnership to
support investment and integrate clean energy
supply chains.
China is a net energy importer. Two thirds of
China's natural gas imports consist of liquefied
natural gas transported by ship from Australia,
Qatar, Malaysia and other countries.
Data source: BP statistical review of world energy, 2022.
Figure 4 –
Primary energy consumption by
energy source (exajoules, 2005 and 2021)
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China's climate policies
China officially submitted its mid-century long-term
low greenhouse gas emission development strategy
and an updated NDC in October 2021, ahead of COP26,
pledging to reach carbon neutrality before 2060 and
peaking CO
emissions before 2030. By 2030, China
aims to decrease its carbon intensity by over 65 % from
the 2005 level, and to reach over 1 200 GW installed
wind and solar power. The share of non-fossil fuels in
primary energy consumption should reach 25 % by
2030. China's forest stock should be 6 billion cubic
metres above the 2005 level by 2030.
China's targets are supported by its action plan for
carbon dioxide peaking before 2030 and working
guidance for carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality, as well as the 14th Five-Year Plan (FYP).
China had announced that it will 'strictly control coal consumption' over the period of the 14th FYP
(2021-2025) and phase down coal consumption over the period of the 15th FYP. In 2021, however,
China's yearly coal production reached its highest-ever level and consumption of coal also increased
by 4.6 % due to an increase in energy demand. China's energy-related CO
emissions in 2021
consequently rose by 5.8 % compared to 2020, according to the
BP statistical review.
In his opening speech to the Chinese Communist Party's 20th National Congress on
16 October 2022, President Xi Jinping said China plans to promote its energy revolution and engage
in global climate governance. China and the
Group of 77 developing countries have been pushing
to put the issue of loss and damage on the agenda of the upcoming COP27 climate change
conference in Egypt.
Climate Action Tracker rates China's climate policy as 'highly insufficient' and recommends that
China reduce emissions as early as possible and well before 2030, decrease coal and other fossil fuel
consumption much faster than currently planned and set clear phase-out timelines.
Climate Change
Performance Index gives China a low overall rating, but with mixed ratings across categories: very
low for GHG emissions and energy use, medium for renewable energy, and high for climate policy.
Sandalow, D. et al., Guide to Chinese Climate Policy 2022, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies, 2022
Tracking Clean Energy Innovation: Focus on China, International Energy Agency, March 2022
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the world's largest hydroelectric power station,
with a capacity of 22.5 GW.