FACEBOOK: A Glossary of Terms (The “Important” Ones)
1. Friend: The people with whom you connect (or “Friend”), share content and updates.
You can send Friend requests to other Facebook members. You also receive Friend
requests from other members which you can accept, decline or ignore.
2. Status Update: is an update feature which allows users to discuss their thoughts,
whereabouts, or important information with their friends. When a status is updated, it
posts on the user's Timeline, as well as in the news feeds of their friends.
3. Like: You can click the Like link on any status update to show that you like the content.
Your “likes” will appear on your Timeline (see #8 below). You may also Like a Facebook
Page (see #13 below).
4. Comment: In addition to “liking” a post, you can include a comment.
5. Messages: These are similar to private email messages. They appear in your Facebook
Inbox and can include text messages, chats, emails and mobile messages from your
6. News Feed: Your News Feed is the continually appended feed of status updates that
appears on your Profile home page. It shows the most recent activities from your Friends
and Pages that you follow.
7. Profile: Facebook refers to your Profile as your complete picture and story on
Facebook. It includes your Profile picture, biography, personal information, and more.
Your Profile can be public or private. It’s your personal piece of “real estate” on
8. Timeline: shows all of your updates and activities in reverse chronological order.
9. Chat: send and receive instant messages with Friends without leaving Facebook using
this feature.
10. Event: Use the Events feature to organize events, gather RSVPs and respond to events
that you’re invited to.
11. Group: can be created by any Facebook member and provide a space where smaller
groups of people can come together to discuss specific topics. Groups can be public or
private. You become a part of group and receive updates by Joining the group.
12. Page: a space on Facebook for brands, businesses, organizations and entertainers.
13. Tags: You can tag a Friend in photos and posts that you publish.
14. Cover Picture: the large horizontal photo at the top of your timeline.
15. Profile Picture: the small photo in the far lower left corner of your Cover Picture. It will
show up every time you post a comment or status update.
TWITTER: A Glossary of Terms (The “Important” Ones)
1. Follower: you Follow another user to see their updates, and they Follow you to see
yours. If you have more Followers, your updates reach and potentially influence more
people. Even if you Follow someone, they may choose not to Follow you.
2. Tweet: each message you send out through Twitter is called a Tweet. They are public
and searchable. Each Tweet must be 140 characters (including spaces) or less.
3. Retweet: when you see a Tweet that you think your followers would be interested in,
you can click the “Retweet” button to make that Tweet appear in your Followers’ home
pages. You can also Retweet manually by typing “RT @[username].
4. Modified Tweet: a Retweet that you have edited.
5. DM: short for Direct Message. A tweet-like message sent in private between two Twitter
users. You can only send a DM to someone who’s following you. The 140 character limit
still applies.
6. Hashtag: a keyword preceded by the hash (#) symbol. Hashtags are used to provide
context to your Tweet (like a tag). Hashtags are searchable.
7. Feed: a list of Tweets usually sorted chronologically with the most recent updates
appearing at the top.
8. Trending: a list of trending terms that are extremely popular on Twitter.
9. Favorites: a type of bookmarking feature to assist you in finding Tweets.
PINTEREST: A Glossary of Terms (The “Important” Ones)
1. Boards: these are topic-specific virtual boards that you create within your account. You
may add pictures that are relevant to those boards. There is a 500 character limit.
2. Pin: use to Pin pictures to your Boards. What you put on your board is a Pin.
3. Repin: when you see another person’s Pin, you can Repin to your own board(s).
4. Like: when you see a Pin that you like but does not necessarily fit into your own boards,
you can Like that pin. Pinterest does track your Likes so you can refer to them later.
5. Comment: You can leave a Comment on other people’s pins or respond to comments
on your own pins.
LINKEDiN: A Glossary of Terms (The “Important” Ones)
1. Profile: in a nutshell, it is your online résumé.
2. Contacts/Connections: the people with whom you choose to connect.
3. Groups: an online networking community tailored to a specific brand, organization, etc.
that includes special features such as discussion boards and job postings.
4. Companies: a tool that enables members to search for a specific company that will
show who among your Contacts may have a Connection to that company.
5. Inbox: These are similar to private email messages between you and other LinkedIn
6. Like/Comment/Follow: when someone in your Group posts a discussion, you may Like
the post, Comment on the post, and Follow the post (to ensure that you are notified
when others have submitted a Comment).
7. Share: an update feature which allows users to Share their thoughts or important
information with their Contacts. When a status is updated, it posts on the user's profile.
8. Recommendations: you may request a Recommendation from your Contacts. Contacts
can submit an endorsement of you, which lives on your profile for others to see.