Who On Earth Is ”Mr. Cypher“: Automated Friend
Injection Attacks on Social Networking Sites
Markus Huber
and Martin Mulazzani
and Edgar Weippl
*SBA Research
Sommerpalais Harrach, Favoritenstrasse 16, 2. Stock, AT-1040 Vienna, Austria
Abstract. Within this paper we present our novel friend injection attack which
exploits the fact that the great majority of social networking sites fail to protect
the communication between its users and their services. In a practical evalua-
tion, on the basis of public wireless access points, we furthermore demonstrate
the feasibility of our attack. The friend injection attack enables a stealth infiltra-
tion of social networks and thus outlines the devastating consequences of active
eavesdropping attacks against social networking sites.
Keywords: social networks, privacy, infiltration
1 Introduction
In this paper we present a novel attack to infiltrate social networking sites (SNSs) by
exploiting a communication weakness of social networking platforms. Our results sug-
gest that today’s most popular SNSs including Facebook, Friendster, hi5, Tagged.com
as well as orkut are vulnerable to our friend injection attack. Within an experiment we
evaluated the feasibility of our friend injection attack on basis of Facebook.
Gaining access to the pool of personal information stored in SNSs and the infiltra-
tion of social networks poses a non-trivial challenge as SNSs providers start to devote
more resources to the protection of their information assets. Our friend injection attack
depicts a new method to circumvent state-of-the-art protection mechanisms of social
networking services.
We created a proof-of-concept application named ”FriendInjector“ which injects
friend requests into unencrypted social networking sessions. We were able to perform
our attack at a rate of one injection every 1.8 minutes via wireless access points. Even
though our evaluation was based on a relative small number of users, our attack can
be carried out easily on a large scale by motivated attackers. Given the vast number of
SNSs users (e.g. Facebook claims to have more than 350 million active users [1]) this
could have devastating consequences.
The major contributions of our work are:
Our friend injection attack, a novel attack on social networks which enables the
retrieval of protected profile content.
An evaluation on the feasibility of our friend injection attack on basis of public
wireless access points.
A discussion on protection measures against our friend injection attack.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: section 2 introduces SNSs and recent
attacks on users privacy. Section 3 outlines our main contribution, the novel friend in-
jection attack. In the following, the archetype of our friend injection attack, the ”Friend-
Injector” application is described in section 4 and the findings of friend injection exper-
iments are discussed in section 5. In section 6 we finally draw conclusions from our
2 Background and underlying concepts
Within this section we first summarise related work in the area of social networking
related privacy threats. In the following we discuss social networking sites which are
vulnerable to our friend injection attack.
2.1 Related Work
Gross and Acquisti [2] as well as Jones and Soltren [3] were amongst the first re-
searchers to raise awareness for information extraction vulnerabilities of SNSs. While
their techniques were rather straightforward (automated scripts which retrieve web
pages), their results eventually led to security improvements of social networking ser-
vices. Recent publications devoted to information extraction from SNSs introduced
elaborated methods such as the inference of a user’s social graph from their public
listings [4] or cross-profile cloning attacks [5]. Information harvesting from social net-
working sites thus became a non-trivial problem.
The leakage of personal information from these platforms creates a remarkable dilemma
as this information forms the ideal base for further attacks. Jagatic [6] showed that they
could increase the success rate of phishing attacks from 16 to 72 per cent using ”social
data“. The findings of [6] have furthermore been confirmed by the experiments of [7].
Social engineering is yet another attack where information on a future target forms the
starting point for attackers and because of the emerging SNSs usage the whole attack
might eventually be automated [8]. Existing attempts to extract information from SNSs
focus on the application layer and can thus be mitigated by adapting a specific social
networks’ application logic. Our friend injection attack, in contrast, is carried out on the
network layer, which the great majority of SNSs providers fail to secure.
2.2 Vulnerable Social Networking Sites
Social Networking Sites follow to some degree the same business paradigm as other
successful commercial web services whereas the service itself is free of charge and
profit is made by selling online advertising services to third parties. Hence the number
of users and signups are critical for the commercial success of SNSs. SNS providers
therefore design their services so as to increase the number of new signups. Because the
majority of SNSs are free of charge these services depend on selling advertising. The
more comprehensive the socio-demographic datapool they oer, the more of interest
these services become to online-advertisers. Hence SNSs implemented a range of tools
to further expand their growth, e.g. the ability to import email addresses from one’s
email account or the possibility to send email invitations to possible future friends.
Social Networking and SSL/TLS While the adoption of the HTTPS protocol is con-
sidered trivial from a technical standpoint, popular SNSs like Facebook only support the
unencrypted HTTP protocol for data transmission. We hypothesize that today’s SNSs
providers prefer HTTP over HTTPS for performance reasons (compare with [9]) in
order to minimize their hardware and connectivity costs. Authoritatively signed certifi-
cates would furthermore result in additional costs for SNSs providers. Our proof-of-
concept friend injection attack, which is outlined in section 4, exploits the unencrypted
communication by abusing the ”invitation form“ that many social networking sites of-
fer. As a first step we aggregated a list of possible targets for our friend injection attack.
Table 1 shows the most popular SNSs (based on the size of their user base), the avail-
ability of an invitation form, and furthermore if the service provides HTTPS access.
No reliable sources for the actual number of users within dierent SNSs exist as these
numbers are not publicly available but rather claimed by SNSs providers. A Wikipedia
article [10] aggregated a list of popular SNSs and their self-claimed number of users,
which oers a valuable starting point. Based on their claimed number of users, MyS-
pace, Qzone, Windows Live Spaces, and Habbo would have been listed within the Top
five social networking sites as well. We decided however not to include them as their
users often do not represent their real-world personas (e.g. Facebook vs. MySpace [11]),
which renders their stored information less attractive for social phishing and data har-
vesting attacks.
Social Networking Site
Name Claimed user base Invitation Form HTTPS
Facebook 350 × 10
yes Login only
Friendster 90 × 10
yes No
hi5 80 × 10
yes No
Tagged.com 70 × 10
yes Login only
Orkut 67 × 10
yes Login only
Table 1: Top five social networking sites and their support for HTTPS.
Within our top five social networking services, three out of five make use of HTTPS,
but only use it to protect login credentials. The rest of the communication happens
unencrypted and visible to everyone along the communication path. All five SNSs oer
an invitation form, which can be exploited by our friend injection attack. Furthermore
the great majority of SNSs is vulnerable to our attack.
3 Friend Injection Attack
Our novel attack on user privacy within social networks is based on the fact that all
communication between clients and SNSs is unencrypted. The only exception is the au-
thentication process, which is encrypted using TLS in some cases (compare with section
2.2). The HTTP protocol, which is used for communication between web services and
web browser, is stateless. HTTP cookies are thus used for client tracking, personalisa-
tion and most importantly for session management. They were introduced by Netscape
in 1995 in order to provide state-fullness for the HTTP protocol and therefore provide
a better user experience for web services. In case of SNSs, after a user authenticates
herself, a cookie is used to keep track of her session, including a hashed, shared secret
between client and server. As this cookie is transmitted unencrypted over the network,
the communication is vulnerable to cookie hijacking. Hence, by tapping network trac
it becomes possible to extract authentication cookies and to submit requests on behalf
of the victim. While HTTP session hijack attacks are well known, we argue that these
attacks enable a wide range of novel attacks specific to SNSs.
In case of social networking sites, the ability to inject requests into an active session,
has drastic consequences. On one hand sensitive information can be extracted and on
the other hand malicious attacks can be carried out via innocent users.
3.1 Spoofed Friend Invites (Friend injection)
A friend request can be sent to another account, which is under the control of an attacker.
An attacker might for example create a fake account for ”Mr. Cypher” and then inject
requests that seem like the victim added the attacker as a friend. In our proof-of-concept
implementation in section 4, we exploit the friend invitation form that the majority of
SNSs oer (see subsection 2.2). As most SNSs show dierent degrees of information
details, depending on whether the viewer is a friend or not, this could be used to retrieve
user details that are not publicly available. Another possibility is to easily retrieve the
circle of friends of the victim which would be time consuming otherwise [4]. Fig. 1 is
an example for the default access control settings of Facebook at the time of writing.
Friends can access sensitive information such as email addresses and phone numbers,
while e.g., photos are made available to friends of friends as well.
3.2 Further attack scenarios
The majority of SNSs providers oer a developer API for third-party applications. APIs
oer a new way to tap the pool of personal information stored within social network-
ing sites. Once a user adds a certain third-party application it is automatically granted
access to this user’s personal information. According to [13] the context-information
given to third-party applications is usually not anonymized, even though most applica-
tions would be able to function on anonymized profiles. Hence, an attacker could add
a custom third-party application on behalf of a user in order to retrieve all personal
information of him/her in an automated way. In the case of Facebook applications the
access to information is not only limited to the application user, but also the personal
information of the complete set of this user’s friends can be retrieved. As outlined in
Fig. 1: Facebook default privacy settings as of Dec. 2009 [12]
[6], phishing attacks that appear to be legitimate messages sent by a friend are more
likely to succeed in their evil intention. Sending messages to all the victim’s friends
or writing on publicly accessible places like the Facebook Wall (either the victims’ or
those of friends) on behalf of another user could lure victims into opening malicious
files or links. More sophisticated attacks could use the information gathered through an
injected application for spear phishing of selected targets.
4 Proof of Concept: FriendInjector application
Because social networking sites account to today’s most popular web services, we hy-
pothesized that it would be relativly easy to find active social networking session within
dierent networks (LAN, WLAN, gateways, etc.). At the time of writing, Alexa’s site
info statistics [14] suggest that Facebook accounts to 30 per cent of the worldwide In-
ternet trac. We thus decided to implement our friendInjector application on basis of
Facebook, as active Facebook sessions seem to be the most prevalent type of social
networking sessions on the Internet.
4.1 FriendInjector Application
We used the Python scripting language to create our ”FriendInjector” application. Fig. 2
summarises the dierent steps that are involved in our novel attack. (1) In a first step
we use the dpkt library [15] to tap into network trac and parse received packets. Once
a legitimate Facebook session has been found, the FriendInjector application clones the
complete HTTP header of the retrieved packet, including: the user agent string, session
cookies, and accepted file formats and languages. (2) The cloned HTTP header is then
used to request the URI containing the invitation form of Facebook. This second step
is necessary in order to retrieve the specific form ID which is dierent for every user to
mitigate cross-site scripting attacks. (3) Once both a valid HTTP header and the specific
invitation form ID have been collected, the FriendInjector application sends a spoofed
friend invitation request via the mechanize library [16] to Facebook using a predefined
Email address. (4) In case the attack has been successful, Facebook sends a friendship
request on behalf of the victim to the attacker’s Email account. The email notification
in step four is used to verify if the attack has been successful. Multiple transmissions of
the same session cookie are detected over time (every time a user clicks a link or posts
content within the session with Facebook), this gets detected and no friend injection
SNS user
SNS provider
Social networking session
Sniff active session
Request invitation form
Submit friend request
Attacker’s account
Fig. 2: Outline of our proof-of-concept friend injection attack
4.2 Evaluation on the Feasibility of Friend Injection Attacks
We decided to evaluate our FriendInjector application on the basis of unencrypted
WLAN trac, as it is rather straightforward to monitor, only requires physical prox-
imity, and most importantly does not require an active attack against the networked
infrastructure (such as ARP poisoning or DNS highjacking). However, our proof-of-
concept application would have worked equally eective on Internet gateways, LANs
or deployed on single computers. The goal of our evaluation was to verify if our Friend-
Injector application gets detected and at which rate friend requests can be injected:
1. Stealthiness
(a) Targeted user
Facebook does not oer a list of pending friend requests to its users. The only
way to search for pending friends requests is oered through the friendslist
whereas injected friends would have been marked with a ”pending friend re-
quest” status. However, in our attack setup we deactivated our test Facebook
account beforehand and our friend requests therefore do not show up in the
friends listing. Hence, our attack is completely stealth and undetectable to tar-
geted Facebook user.
(b) Facebook platform
Because our application uses a cloned HTTP header of a legitimate request to
Facebook, we hypothesized that our injections will not get detected by Face-
book. Furthermore of interest was the question if Facebook would compare
the network location of a user’s session with the location of our forged friend
2. Injection rate
Once a friend request from Facebook is received, the friend injection attack was
considered successful. The invitation could be used for further attacks like sending
phishing messages or data harvesting. However, this was not the goal of our eval-
uation and we used the friend requests to measure at which rate friend injections
have been possible.
4.3 Methodology and Ethics
We chose the library of a big Austrian university as our experiment location. The univer-
sity’s library was selected because of two reasons: SNSs are very popular amongst stu-
dents, and secondly this particular library oers both secure and insecure (unencrypted)
Internet access via WLAN. The university’s wireless LAN is operated on three chan-
nels: 1, 6, and 11. To capture all three channels we equipped a laptop with three WLAN
USB sticks with an instance of FriendInjector attached to each of the three channels.
In a first experiment we performed the friend injection attack over the period of one
and a half hours and used the libraries Internet connection to perform the injections. In
the second experiment we performed the evaluation for seven hours and used a sepa-
rate HSDPA connection to inject the friend requests. During our experiments we took
special care that the privacy of user data was not put at risk. We did not collect or store
any personal data of test subjects, neither private nor public, and did not reply to the
injected friend requests. The only information used for confirming the successful friend
injection were the friend requests sent by Facebook, which have been deleted as soon
as we received them.
5 Results and discussion
Fig. 3 as well as Fig. 4 illustrate the results of our two experiments. In the following,
our results are further explained as well as mitigation strategies against our novel friend
injection attack are briefly discussed.
5.1 Experiment Results
Within our first experiment we performed the friend injection attack for a period of
1.5 hours during the peak time of the university’s library, where we expected most of
00:00:00 00:15:00 00:30:00 00:45:00 01:00:00 01:15:00 01:30:00
Number of injections
Elapsed time
channel 1
channel 6
channel 11
All channels
Trend (csplines)
Fig. 3: The result of our first friend injection experiment with an average of one injection
every 1.8 minutes as measured during peak time of Internet usage.
00:00:00 01:00:00 02:00:00 03:00:00 04:00:00 05:00:00 06:00:00 07:00:00
Number of injections
Elapsed time
channel 1/1
channel 6/1
channel 11/1
channel 1/2
channel 6/2
channel 11/2
All channels
Trend (csplines)
Fig. 4: The result of our second friend injection experiment with about one injection
every 7 minutes as measured during an average day of Internet usage.
the students would use the library’s wireless access points. As previously stated we
used the library’s Internet connection to perform the friend injections. On average the
FriendInjector application performed a successful injection every 1.8 minutes. The sec-
ond experiment was carried out during an average day in the university’s library were
less students were using the Internet. During a period of seven hours we were able
to inject 60 friend requests which corresponds to one successful injection every seven
minutes. Even though the network connection used by the FriendInjector application
(HSDPA) was dierent from the one used by our test subjects (library WLAN) and thus
using a totally dierent IP adress block, our spoofed requests did not get blocked by
5.2 Mitigation Strategies
The attack surface of our evaluation had been unencrypted WLAN trac, hence, the
answer seems straightforward: users need to ensure that they only use secure wireless
access points. This however is not always possible and many WLAN access points at
airports, hotels, or conference rooms remain to oer insecure network access only. End
users could also protect themselves against our friend injection attack by using an ad-
ditional VPN gateway to tunnel their communication in a secure way, given they have
the technical expertise. Adida [17] on the other hand proposed a method where cookies
can be protected against eavesdropping which could easily be adapted by SNSs. This
method protects however only against passive attacks. In order to eectively mitigate
friend injection and similar attacks, SNSs providers have to ensure that all communica-
tion between their users and their platform is done over HTTPS. At the time of writing
only XING[18] oers HTTPS while the biggest SNSs fail to support secure access to
their services. Thus, the only mitigation strategy available to the average user seems to
be browser extensions such as ForceHTTPS [19], which attempt to force HTTPS for
requests that would have been normally transferred over HTTP.
6 Conclusion
We introduce a new attack on social networking sites, our novel friend injection attack.
It can be used for automated social phishing, data harvesting, or sophisticated social
engineering attacks. The attack is based on the network layer and is completely unde-
tectable to the victims, and as our results suggest even to social networking providers.
Within a practical evaluation we furthermore showed the feasibility of our novel at-
tack on basis of public WLAN access points. Given the sensitive personal information
that social networking services contain, a large scale friend injection attack would have
devastating consequences. In order to mitigate friend injection attacks social network-
ing providers ultimately have to fully support HTTPS. At the time of writing however,
the great majority of services fail to protect their users against malicious eavesdroppers
and injection attacks.
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