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Form and Use the Present Perfect Verb Tense
The present perfect verb tense tells about an action that began
in the past and continues in the present or affects the present.
The present perfect tense tells that an action began in the past
and continues in the present.
Cole has memorized plays since he was 9 years old.
The present perfect tense tells that an action began and ended
in the past but still affects the present.
I have mopped the stage.
To form the present perfect verb tense, use has or have followed
by the past participle form of the verb.
Read the sentence. Underline the verb. Then write it in the present perfect tense.
1. I learn all my lines for the play.
2. All of the actors rehearsed the play.
3. My sister acts in two plays.
4. Dad watches all of my plays.
5. I wear a costume.
Write the present perfect verb tense for the subject and verb in parentheses.
6. We (prepare) . 8. She (blush) .
7. He (speak)
. 9. I (perform) .
Write a sentence about a play using the present perfect verb tense.
learn all my lines for the play.
rehearsed the play.
acts in two plays.
watches all of my plays.
verb tense tells about an action that began
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Form and Use the Future Perfect Verb Tense
The future perfect verb tense tells about an action that begins
in the past, present, or future and will end in the future.
Often the specific ending time is stated in the sentence.
Later tonight, Mom will have finished the signs she started making.
At the garage sale tomorrow, Mom will have sold the items she is gathering.
Sometimes the specific ending time is implied in the context.
If many people come, Mom will have made extra money from selling things.
To form the future perfect verb tense, use will have followed by the
past participle form of the verb.
Complete the sentence using the future perfect tense of the verb below the line.
1. By this time tomorrow, Dan
the food bank.
2. He and Mom
for the first time.
3. Dad them to the building.
4. I
to them tell about their experience.
Write a sentence about volunteering using the future perfect verb tense.
verb tense tells about an action that begins
Language Fundamentals • EMC 2885 • © Evan-Moor Corp.54
Form and Use the Perfect Verb Tenses
Mark the correct answer.
1. Which sentence uses a perfect verb tense?
𝖠 Ali was living on a chicken farm last year.
𝖡 Ali will live on a chicken farm next year.
𝖢 Ali has lived on a chicken farm all his life.
𝖣 Ali is living on a chicken farm.
Read the sentence. Complete it using the correct perfect verb tense.
2. Until recently, we only comedy films.
3. If you
re late meeting Mandy tomorrow, she
for too long.
4. I the potatoes, so they are ready to cook.
Write a sentence using the past perfect verb tense.
Write a sentence using the present perfect verb tense.
Write a sentence using the future perfect verb tense.
Review 1
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Use Verb Tense to Convey Times,
Sequences, States, and Conditions
The verb tense in a sentence tells about the time when
something happens (in the past, present, or future).
Zoey will eat lunch later.
Verb tense also tells about the following:
The verb tense in a sentence about sequence tells whether
an action happened before, during, or after another action.
Zoey misses lunches with her friend who moved to Ohio.
The verb tense in a sentence about a state of being tells when
someone or something was in that state of being.
s sandwich smelled delicious.
The verb tense in a conditional sentence tells whether the event
has already happened or how likely it is to happen.
Zoey will recycle her milk carton if she can find a recycling bin.
Read it sentence. Complete it using the correct verb from the word box.
see had seen is seeing
saw will see will have seen
1. Last Monday, Corin a bee in his yard.
2. Before Monday, Corin
bees leaving a hive.
3. Today in class, Corin
his teacher use a microscope.
4. Now, Corin
the body parts of a bee through a microscope.
5. If Corin adjusts the microscope, he
the bee much better.
6. By the end of the class, Corin
the bees eyes and claws.
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Use Verb Tense to Convey Times
Verb tense conveys time by telling whether an action happens
in the past, present, or future.
Past Erik was walking outside.
Present Erik wears sunscreen.
Future Erik will have raked the lawn by this evening.
Read the sentence. Complete it using the correct verb from the word box.
will work had worked works
1. Erik in the garden tomorrow.
2. Erik
around the house regularly.
3. Eriks friend Parker
with him before lunch.
Write a sentence about something that happened in the past.
Write a sentence about something that is happening now, at the present moment.
Write a sentence about something that will happen in the future.
by telling whether an action happens
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Use Verb Tense to Convey Sequences
Verb tense in a sentence about sequence tells whether an
action happens before, during, or after another action.
Before Nola rubs sunscreen on herself before she goes outside.
During The sun shines on us as we stroll through the park.
After Cheng bought a baseball cap after he arrived at the stadium.
Read the sentence. Complete it using the correct verb from the word box.
played found am watching will exercise
was playing will find will have recovered
1. I my friends line dance as I sit in the gym.
2. Before the music began, I
a seat on the side.
3. While I
soccer last week, I injured myself.
4. When I go to gym next week, I
from the injury.
5. Mrs. Doe
a faster song after the students said that
the music was too slow.
6. After gym class ends, I
my friends in the
7. Next week, instead of watching, I
with my friends.
Write a sentence about sequence.
Language Fundamentals • EMC 2885 • © Evan-Moor Corp.58
Use Verb Tense to Convey States
Verb tense in a sentence about state of being tells when
someone or something was in that state of being. A state,
or state of being, can be any of the following:
• Emotions
Since she found a job, Mom has felt happy.
Traits that can be sensed with the five senses
Last summer, this shop
s ice cream tasted sweet and refreshing.
• Possessions
The book was mine, but now it belongs to you.
Read the sentence. Circle the verb. Write the verb tense on the line.
Then write emotion, trait, or possession to tell what kind of state
the verb tells about. The first one has been done for you.
1. The suitcase had been yours.
past perfect possession
2. That family looks exhausted.
3. Mom will be excited.
4. The plane smelled like coffee.
5. That was my seat the last time.
6. Dad loves the window seat.
Write a sentence that uses verb tense to tell about a state of being.
1. The suitcase
had been yours.
2. That family
looks exhausted.
3. Mom
will be excited.
4. The plane
smelled like coffee.
5. That
was my seat the last time.
6. Dad
loves the window seat.
Read the sentence. Circle the verb. Write the verb tense on the line.
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Use Verb Tense to Convey Conditions
Verb tense in a conditional sentence tells when or if an action
can happen, provided that another specific action happens first.
The specific action that must happen first is the if statement, or
the condition.
If I lose my cellphone If you win the game
A condition with the present tense tells that an action can happen
now or in the future if the condition is met.
If Pablo makes a goal, his team scores a point.
If Pablo makes a goal, his team will score a point.
A condition with the past tense or the past perfect tense tells whether
an action happened or could happen if the condition is met.
Past If Pablo made a goal, then his team scored a point.
Past Perfect If Pablo had made a goal, his team would have scored
won a point.
Read the sentence. Complete it using the correct verb from
the word box. A verb may be used more than once.
freezes had frozen froze
1. If the lake , it would have looked icy.
2. If water
, it becomes ice.
3. If the lake
last night, it will be hard to fish today.
4. If the lake
, we will go ice skating.
Write a conditional sentence in the past perfect.
an action
Language Fundamentals • EMC 2885 • © Evan-Moor Corp.60
Use Verb Tense to Convey Times,
Sequences, States, and Conditions
Verb tense conveys time, sequence, state, and condition.
Time We swim in the river. (present)
Sequence We were swimming before we ate lunch. (before)
State We felt cheerful all morning. (emotion)
Condition If the river is calm, we will swim some more. (action can happen now)
Read the sentence. Complete it using the correct tense of the verb shown
below the line. Then write time, sequence, state, or condition on
the second line to tell what the verb tense conveys.
1. The river water rapidly this morning.
The verb tense conveys
2. If the river current is swift, we
to swim another day.
The verb tense conveys
3. The river water
very fishy yesterday.
The verb tense conveys
4. After we camped, we
the campsite.
The verb tense conveys
the campsite.
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2885 • Language Fundamentals 61
Use Verb Tense to Convey Times,
Sequences, States, and Conditions
Mark the correct answer.
1. Which sentence uses the past tense to convey sequence?
𝖠 Before Holly leaves school, she volunteers at the library.
𝖡 After Paul spoke, Jill sang.
𝖢 The mug was mine.
𝖣 I felt sorry for Paul.
Complete the sentence using the correct tense of the verb below the line.
2. If you practice a lot, you a better athlete.
3. Tomorrow, Trini a marathon.
Write a sentence using verb tense to convey time.
Write a sentence using verb tense to convey sequence.
Write a sentence using verb tense to convey state.
Write a sentence using verb tense to convey condition.
Review 2