Which factors affect statement of cash flows restatements and how does the
market respond to these restatements?
Elio Alfonso
Ph.D. Candidate
E. J. Ourso College of Business
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Dana Hollie
Assistant Professor of Accounting
KPMG Developing Scholar
J. Ourso College of Business
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Shaokun Carol Yu
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115
March 6, 2012
Please do not quote without the authors permission.
We thank workshop participants at Louisiana State University for their helpful comments.
*Corresponding Author. Tel.: +1 225 578 6222; fax: + 1 225 578 6201.
Which factors affect restatements of cash flows and how does the market
respond to these restatements?
Abstract: The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has become increasingly concerned with
firms’ misclassification of cash flow activities on the statements of cash flows (SCF). The SEC
has maintained that the proper classification of cash flows gives financial statement users insight
into how a firm generates and uses cash flows. This study investigates the relation between cash
flow restatements, firm characteristics, and corresponding stock market reactions to these
restatement disclosures from 2000 to 2006 In particular, we find that the likelihood of a
restatement is higher for firms with more firm complexity as measured by the number of
reported segments, firms with a BigN auditor, greater debt leverage and discontinued operations.
The overstatement of cash flows from operations (CFO) occurs more likely in firms with a cash
flow forecast, and book-to-tax difference (BTD). Interestingly, the overstatement of CFO occurs
more likely in firms issuing dividends. The changes to total cash flows (TCF) more likely occurs
in firms with BTD, but less likely in firms reporting a loss. Thus, firms with financial distress are
less likely to change TCF in CF restatements. We find that investors react negatively, in some
scenarios, to the SCF restatements. While we find that the market negatively reacts to negative
changes to TCF, we find no significant reaction to positive or no changes to TCF. Interestingly,
we find a significantly negative market reaction to firms with understated CFO restatements but
no significant reaction to overstated CFO restatements. Our findings suggest that financial
analysts, investors and regulators alike should pay close attention not only to an earnings
restatement, but also to SCF restatements.
Keywords: Cash flow restatements, cash flows, cash flow reclassifications, market efficiency
Data Availability: Data are available from sources identified in the paper.
Which factors affect restatements of cash flows and how does the market
respond to these restatements?
1 Introduction
Regulators and prior research have shown that investors have suffered significant losses
as market capitalizations have dropped by billions of dollars due to earnings restatements of
audited financial statements (Levitt, 2000; Palmrose et al., 2004). However, to our knowledge,
no study has examined the market effects of restatements of the statement of cash flows (SCF).
As one of the first studies to examine these SCF restatements, our study further contributes to
our understanding of reported cash flows. The statement of cash flows allows investors to
understand how a company's operations are running, where its money is coming from, and how it
is being spent. To the extent that management uses their discretion to opportunistically
manipulate accruals, earnings will become a less reliable measure of firm performance and cash
flows a more reliable and preferred measure. Not only will a firm with more reliable and
transparent statement of cash flows be more aware of its financial standing, but it will also help
investors to make educated decisions on future investments. A firm with reliable cash flow
statements shows more economic solvency, and is more attractive to investors. In this paper,
using a cash flow restatement sample without any concurrent earnings or balance sheet
restatement, we examine the determinants of SCF restatements, that is, whether cash flow
restatements (CFRs) are influenced by particular characteristics of the firm. We then assess the
market’s response to CFRs using the above pure cash flow only restatement sample.
This study examines only cash flow restatements without concurrent earnings or balance sheet restatements. This
approach allows us to have a “pure” cash flow only restatement sample.
“Operating cash flow is the lifeblood of a company and the most important barometer
that investors have. Although many investors gravitate toward net income, operating cash flow is
a better metric of a company’s financial health for two main reasons. First, cash flow is harder to
manipulate under GAAP than net income (although it can be done to a certain degree). Second,
‘cash is king’ and a company that does not generate cash over the long term is on its deathbed”
(Quoted from Rick Wayman, Operating cash flow: Better than net income?, 2010).
The SCFs is one of the primary financial statements required to be in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards (SFAS) No. 95, Statement of Cash Flows (SCF), issued in November of 1987 by the
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) specifies the content and composition of the
statement. The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has become increasingly concerned with
firms’ misclassifications of cash flow activities on their statements of cash flows. The SEC has
seen an increase in misclassifications on the SCF (Levine, 2005), a presentation problem
affecting firm’s financial reporting transparency. The SEC has maintained that the proper
classification of cash flows gives financial statement users insight into how a firm generates and
uses cash flows. Complementing the
research has shown that cash flows, a component of earnings, is important because: (1) cash
flows are value relevant (Barth et al., 2001); (2) price-earnings relation depends on the market
perception of cash flow numbers (Barth et al., 2001); (3) analysts explicitly state that forecasting
cash flows is an important objective of firm valuation (AIMR, 1993); and (4) the primary
objective of financial reporting is to provide financial information that aids financial statement
users in assessing the amount and timing of future cash flows (FASB, 1978).
balance sheet and income statement, the SCF, a mandatory
Posted Oct 4, 2010 on http://www.investopedia.com/articles/analyst/03/122203.asp#axzz1ibAzKeX1
part of a company's financial reports since 1987, records the amounts of cash and cash
equivalents entering and leaving a company. The SCF is distinct from the income statement and
balance sheet because it does not include the amount of future incoming and outgoing cash that
has been recorded on credit. Therefore, cash is not the same as net income, which, on the income
statement and balance sheet, includes cash sales and sales made on credit. Cash flow is
determined by looking at three components by which cash enters and leaves a company: cash
flow from operating (CFO), cash flow from investing (CFI) and cash flow from financing (CFF).
In our sample, approximately 60% (40%) of all CFRs are overstatements
(understatements) to CFO. Firms with overstatements are identified by having downward
restatements to CFO, while understatements are identified by upward restatements to CFO.
Approximately 24% of our observations have nonzero changes from the originally reported to
the restated amounts of total cash flows (TCF). In other words, these firms report restated TCF
differently from their originally reported TCF, which suggest more than just classification
shifting may have occurred. Using a sample of 82 cash flow restatements announced from 2000
to 2006, we find that the likelihood of a restatement is higher for firms with more firm
complexity as measured by the number of reported segments, firms with a BigN auditor, greater
debt leverage and discontinued operations. The overstatement of cash flows from operations
(CFO) occurs more likely in firms with a cash flow forecast, and book-to-tax difference (BTD).
Interestingly, the overstatement of CFO occurs more likely in firms issuing dividends. The
changes to total cash flows (TCF) more likely occurs in firms with BTD, but less likely in firms
reporting a loss. Thus, firms with financial distress are less likely to change TCF in CF
restatements. We find that investors react negatively, in some scenarios, to the CFRs. While we
find that the market negatively reacts to negative changes to TCF, we find no significant reaction
to nonnegative changes to TCF. Interestingly, we find a significantly negative market reaction to
firms with the disclosure of restatements with understated CFO restatements but no significant
reaction to the disclosure of restatements with overstated CFO.
Our empirical findings are particularly relevant to academics, financial analysts,
regulators and investors. The results of this study are important to academic researchers because
it focuses on SCF restatements, which has been studied very little in the academic literature. We
do find inconclusive results regarding whether firms with SCF restatements have lower SCF
quality, as indicated by weaker market reactions to positive changes to total cash flows.
Regardless of whether a firm has a negative or positive change to total cash flows, these changes
are an indication of poor quality financial information. Therefore, we expected a negative market
reaction whether the change is positive or negative. Our findings may be of particular interest to
the auditing profession, where the identification of firms with a higher audit risk is extremely
valuable. The evidence in this study suggests that financial analysts, investors, and regulators
alike should pay close attention not only to an earnings restatement, but also to SCF
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses cash flow
restatement background and the related literature; Section 3 outlines our sample selection criteria
and research methodology; Section 4 presents our summary statistics and empirical findings; and
Section 5 summarizes and concludes the paper.
2 Background and related literature
2.1 Background on cash flow restatements
Traditionally, investors have mainly relied on the balance sheet and income statement,
thus focusing more on companies’ earnings as opposed to their cash position. But accounting
scandals in the last decade have changed the landscape of Wall Street. Investors have seen how
easily earnings can be manipulated so they are now focusing a lot more attention on how the
company is doing operationally and cash wise. They pay more attention to non-GAAP measures
such as backlog, bookings, etc. The statement of cash flows has become a more recent focus, and
measures such as “free cash flow yield” have become an indication of financial health. Although
the cash flow statement has become very important, it had been a while since the SEC
announced any regulations strictly concerning the statement of cash flows. Most recently, in
2006, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced a one-time allowance for
firms with erroneous SCF classifications to correct these misstatements without officially
restating their cash flows. Hollie et al. (2011) assesses the impact of this one-time allowance.
They find that, consistent with the SEC’s concerns, firms generally overstated cash flows from
operations and understated cash flows for investing activities, thereby misrepresenting overall
cash flows; and the most frequent line-item reclassifications echoed the SEC’s concerns about
the presentation of discontinued operations and dealer floor plan financing arrangements.
However, insurance claim proceeds and beneficial interests in securitized loans appeared less
problematic than the SEC expected. Overall, their findings indicate that the SEC’s plan was
relatively successful for these firms in that these cash flow restatements only exerted a
marginally negative impact on these firms’ stock prices.
Before 2006, it was last in the year 1987, when FASB issued SFAS 95, Statement of
Cash Flows which required companies to issue a statement of cash flows as opposed to a
statement of changes in financial position, that the SEC announced any new regulation
concerning the SCF when the FASB encouraged companies to use the direct method rather than
the indirect method – but they did and still do not require it. As opposed to the large number of
guidelines available concerning earnings reporting, SFAS 95 only focuses on the classification of
cash expenditures between three categories of cash activities: operating, investing and financing.
This lack of guidance allows companies to use some discretion to classify items under these
three categories. Many firms have been using techniques which allowed them to improve their
cash flow situation. Some of the techniques used to inflate cash flow were: stretching out
payables, financing of payables, securitizations of receivables, tax benefits from stock options,
and stock buybacks to offset dilution.
Over the last few years, many of the companies that restated their SCF did so because of
a misclassification of cash flows in their SCF. Many of them have used some of the techniques
mentioned above in order to improve their cash flows from operations. Some examples of the
companies that have used these techniques are General Motors which announced that it would
restate financial results from 2000 to 2005 for GMAC, the automaker’s financial arm.
Apparently, GMAC classified cash flow from certain mortgage loan transactions as CFO instead
of CFF. Loews and its affiliate CAN Financial Corp also announced a restatement due to
misclassification of cash flows. This was actually the companies’ third restatement in one year.
Some cash flow items from operating activities were wrongly classified as investing (“net
purchases and sales of trading securities, changes in net receivables and payables from unsettled
investment purchases and sales related to trading securities”). Another example of CFR is
International Rectifier. The company announced that it would be restating its results for the first
two quarters of 2006 due to a cash flow misclassification of an excess tax benefit resulting from
the exercise of stock options. The company stated that it had presented it as CFO so as a result of
the restatement; CFO will decrease while CFI will increase. Linkwell Corporation is another
example in which one of the company’s subsidiary, Shanghai Likang Disinfectant company
bought a building from an affiliate company, Shangai Likang Pharmaceuticals Technology.
Shangai Likang Disinfectant had previously leased some manufacturing space from Shanghai
Likang Pharmaceuticals for about $11,500 per year. Likang Disinfectant paid the $333,675
purchase price for the building by reducing Linkang Pharmaceuticals accounts receivables.
Appendix A provides an example with Lone Star Technologies Inc. (LST). Its SCF restated
period began on January 1, 2003 and ended on December 31, 2004. The CFR disclosure
announcement date is March 6, 2006. LST reported no concurrent earnings restatement with
their cash flow restatement.
With the large amount of restatements occurring, the SEC had no choice but to address
the topic. We investigate the determinants of firms that issue cash flow restatements from three
different aspects. First, we analyze the determinants of firms that issue a cash flow restatement
compared to a control group of Compustat firms. There is very limited prior literature on what
exactly causes a firm to report a cash flow restatement. Second, given that a firm reports a cash
flow restatement, we examine firm characteristics of firms that overstated operating cash flows
instead of understating operating cash flows. Since operating cash flows are often viewed as an
alternative performance benchmark incremental to earnings, managers have incentives to
overstate operating cash flows. If earnings are significantly greater than CFO, investors often
assume that managers are using upward earnings management. This was a major motivation for
many companies, who were eventually caught, to shift financing inflows to the operating section
and to shift operating outflows to investing section. On the other hand, if a firm faces high
political costs, similar to downward earnings management, firms could have incentives to
understate operating cash flows. Third, we compare firms that reported an overall change in total
cash flows versus reporting no change in total cash flows in the cash flow restatement. This latter
is important because if the restatement was caused by a simple misclassification among the three
categories in the cash flow statement, we would not expect ex ante a change in total cash flows
reported. A change in total cash flows could be indicative of an unintentional error and/or an
intentional irregularity. Since firms do not usually report the exact cause of the cash flow
restatement and it is difficult to ascertain whether a restatement is due to an error or an
irregularity, this is an important step in understanding the underlying nature of the cash flow
2.2 Related Literature on cash flows
Currently, there is limited guidance from prior research regarding cash flow restatements
and little to no research related to the determinants of and market reactions to cash flow
restatements. While we attempt to incorporate prior literature into this study, our study may be
viewed as exploratory in nature and is an early attempt in examining the determinants of cash
flow restatements. Prior research has shown that cash flow is thought to be a fundamental
performance measure for firm valuation (Penman 2001), most research has focused on earnings
(Bowen et al. 1987; Ali 1994; Dechow 1994; Barth et al. 2001, etc.). Nonetheless, examining the
value of reported cash flows is potentially interesting because cash flows are usually viewed as
an attribute of value relevance (FASB 1978; Barth et al. 2001). That is, while prior research on
cash flows generally finds that earnings are superior to cash flows in explaining stock returns,
evidence also suggests that cash flows are incrementally useful in valuing securities (Bowen et
al. 1987; Ali 1994; Dechow 1994). Therefore, this study also focuses on the association between
cash flow restatements and market returns. Within the accounting profession, and among
regulators, the debate about the proper format of cash flow statements may have contributed to
classification errors. When finalizing the reporting requirements for cash flow statements, the
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) included interest-related cash flows in the
operating section. In contrast, the AICPA suggested reporting interest payments as a non-
operating cash flow item. Prior research suggests that the format of cash flow statements may be
important to regulators, auditors, and other users of financial statements (Klammer and Reed,
1990; Bahnson et al., 1996; Drtina and Largay, 1985).
The inconsistencies arising when firms report their cash flows in accordance with SFAS
No. 95 have been the focus of several studies. For example, Nurnberg (1993) identifies several
ambiguities within cash flow statements, while Nurnberg and Largay (1996) identify differences
in classifying similar cash flows that may be difficult to resolve. They also provide evidence that
disclosing the nature and reasons for classification policies may enhance cash flow statement
comparability and utility. Some studies have examined the economic implications of cash flow
statement components or items (e.g., Barth et al., 2001; Cheng and Hollie, 2008; Luo, 2008).
Another series of studies (Mulford and Martins (2004, 2005a, 2005b) closely examines
individual cash flow reporting practices at several publicly-traded companies. Mulford and
Martins outline the cash flow problems associated with customer-related notes receivable (e.g.,
dealer-floor plan financing), sales-type lease receivables, and franchise receivables. They
document several companies that classify changes in these types of receivables as investing cash
flows, and argue for their reclassification as operating cash flows. Mulford and Martin’s studies
pre-date the SEC’s actions related to cash flow reclassifications and have been credited with
assisting the SEC in focusing on the issues outlined in Hollie et al., (2011), as well as this study.
Chuck Mulford, director of the Financial Analysis Lab at Georgia Tech, led a charge in
2004 and 2005 to get companies to pay more attention to how they classify cash flows, which
prompted the SEC, in 2006, to allow firms to correct their misclassifications in their next
filingperiod without having to formally restate the SCF. Hollie, et al. (2011) investigates the
statement of cash flow reclassifications during this period. To our knowledge, Hollie et al.,
(2011) is the first study to examine statement of cash flows classification and restatements (i.e.,
reclassifications) concurrently. They examine a unique setting in which the SEC allowed
management to avoid penalty for reclassifying its cash flows during a specified period. They also
examine the reclassifications resulting from the SEC’s increased scrutiny of cash flow reporting
during the allowance period. To assess the impact of these reclassifications, they determine the
types of firms affected by this allowance and the types of reclassifications in the operating,
investing, and financing categories of the cash flow statement. They find that, consistent with the
SEC’s concerns, firms were overstating net operating cash flows and understating net investing
cash flows, thereby misrepresenting cash flows. The most frequent line-item reclassifications
were consistent with the SEC’s concerns about the presentation of discontinued operations and
dealer floor plan financing arrangements. Insurance claim proceeds and beneficial interests in
securitized loans appeared to be less problematic than the SEC expected. Overall, their findings
indicate that the SEC’s plan was relatively successful and, for firms that took advantage of the
allowance period, these cash flow restatements had a marginal negative effect on the capital
Lee (2011) examines when firms inflate reported CFO in the original SCF and the
mechanisms through which firms manage CFO. She finds that, even after controlling for the
level of earnings, firms upward manage reported CFO when the incentives to do so are
particularly high. Specifically, she finds firms manage CFO by shifting items between the CFO
categories both within and outside the boundaries of GAAP, and by timing certain transactions
such as delaying payments to suppliers or accelerating collections from customers. This study
differs from Lee (2011) and contributes to the literature in various ways. First, this study focuses
on both overstated and understated restatements of cash flows. Second, we distinguish between
firms with “pure” classification shifting (which refers to firms that do not have changes to TCF
after restatement) and firms with classification shifting that result in changes to TCF. If the
restatement is purely a function of misclassification (whether intentional or not), we would
expect TCF to remain the same. Third, we assess the markets response to the disclosure of these
3 Research methodology
3.1 Determinants of Cash Flow Restatements
We investigate the determinants of firms that issue cash flow restatements from three
different aspects. First, we analyze the determinants of firms that issue a cash flow restatement
compared to a control group of Compustat firms. There is very limited prior literature on what
exactly causes a firm to report a cash flow restatement. Second, given that a firm reports a CFR,
we examine the firm characteristics of firms that overstated operating cash flows instead of
understating operating cash flows. Since operating cash flows are often viewed as an alternative
performance benchmark incremental to earnings, managers have incentives to overstate
operating cash flows. If earnings are significantly greater than CFO, investors often assume that
managers are using upward earnings management. This was a major motivation for many
companies, who were eventually caught, to shift financing inflows to the operating section and to
shift operating outflows to investing section. On the other hand, if a firm faces high political
costs, similar to downward earnings management, firms could have incentives to understate
operating cash flows. Third, we compare firms that reported an overall change in total cash flows
versus reporting no change in total cash flows in the cash flow restatement. This latter is
important because if the restatement was caused by a simple misclassification among the three
categories in the cash flow statement, we would not expect ex ante a change in total cash flows
reported. A change in total cash flows could be indicative of an unintentional error and/or an
intentional irregularity. Since firms do not usually report the exact cause of the cash flow
restatement and it is difficult to ascertain whether a restatement is due to an error or an
irregularity, this is an important step in understanding the underlying nature of the cash flow
restatement. Absent a theoretical model to guide the selection of potential variables which are
associated with the likelihood of cash flow statement restatements, we use variables referenced
in the literature on earnings restatements and cash flows.
SFAS-95 requires firms to classify uncapitalized interest payments as operating outflows
and capitalized interest payments as investing outflows for both non-financial and financial
companies (FASB, SFAS No. 95). This requirement has led to increased complexity for firms in
choosing how to classify interest payments as it pertains to bonded debt, debt issuance costs, and
capitalized interest (Nurnberg 2006). For example, classifying uncapitalized interest payments as
operating outflows and principal payments as financing outflows leads to at least 4 different
methods of reporting cash flows relating to bonded debt issued at a discount or premium.
Furthermore, classifying capitalized interest payments as investing outflows leads to at least 3
alternative methods of reporting cash flows relating to capitalized and uncapitalized amounts.
Nurnberg (2006) also states that some companies provide cash flow statements “based on largely
arbitrary classifications of cash flows that their own spokesmen claim are largely meaningless”.
In addition, Hollie et al. (2011) find that firms with cash flow restatements have a greater debt
ratio than overall Compustat firms with no cash flow restatement. Based on the difficulties in
classifying uncapitalized and capitalized interest payments on the statement of cash flows, we
expect firms with a larger amount of debt to be more likely to issue a cash flow restatement.
Since firms have some degree of flexibility under SFAS-95 in classifying interest payments and
managers have certain incentives to inflate operating cash flows (Lee 2012), we expect firms
with a larger amount of debt to be more likely to overstate CFO, as opposed to understate CFO,
when they issue a cash flow restatement. If the restatement is due to a misclassification of
interest payments instead of unintentional errors, we expect the total change in cash flows to be
Number of Segments
The number of segments is a well-established proxy for firm complexity (e.g., Bhushan
1989; Berger and Ofek 1995; Comment and Jarrell 1995; Servaes 1996; Dunn and Nathan 1998).
As firms engage in more complex transactions and have more diverse operations, we expect the
complexity of the firm to be a driver of restatements. Many companies such as Enron,
Worldcom, and Symbol Technologies used their increased complexity and large number of
segments to disguise shifting of financing cash inflows to operating section of the cash flow
statement and shifting of normal operating cash flow outflows to the investing section (Schilit
and Perler 2010). Since complex firms sometimes use their flexibility in classifying certain
operating, investing, and financing activities with the objective of inflating operating cash flows
(Lee 2012), we expect firms with more segments to be more likely to overstate CFO, as opposed
to understate CFO, when they issue a cash flow restatement. If the restatement is due to a
shifting among the three categories on the cash flow statement instead of unintentional errors, we
expect the total change in cash flows to be unchanged.
Discontinued Operations
Levine (2005) refers to the misclassifications that occur when firms lump operating,
investing, and financing cash flows from discontinued operations into a single line item—often
included in the operating section of the cash flow statement—thereby distorting the firm’s cash
flows. SFAS No. 95 and SFAS No. 144 contributed to the misunderstanding by presenting
different interpretations of requirements and different options for reporting cash flows from
discontinued operations. For example, SFAS No. 144 (Accounting for Impairment or Disposal of
Long-Lived Assets) provides “broad criteria” for what should be classified as discontinued
operations, while SFAS No. 95 provides more specific criteria in its application of cash flows
(Whitehouse, 2006). Some companies use discontinued operations in an opportunistic manner to
inflate CFO. For example, in 2006, Tenet Healthcare structured the sale of hospitals and medical
centers but sold everything except for the accounts receivable. Tenet then was able to lower the
sales price by $10 million. When the company collected from its former customers, it reported
the $10 million as an operating inflow instead of an investing inflow, since it was related to the
collection of the receivables (Tenet Healthcare 10-Q, 3/2004). Due to multiple interpretations in
the accounting standards for presenting discontinued operations, we expect a firm to be more
likely to issue a cash flow restatement when it reports discontinued operations. Since it is
possible for firms to inflate operating cash flows, either as a result of ambiguities in SFAS-95 or
managerial opportunism, we expect firms with discontinued operations to be more likely to
overstate CFO, as opposed to understate CFO, when they issue a cash flow restatement. If the
restatement is due to a shifting among the three categories on the cash flow statement instead of
unintentional errors, we expect the total change in cash flows to be unchanged.
The alert notes, although not a requirement of SFAS No. 95, that cash flow from
discontinued operations be disclosed separately, companies choosing to disclose them separately
must do so in conformity with SFAS No. 95 and they must be consistent for all periods. Levine
also reiterated the SEC’s preference for the direct method which provides clearer and more
understandable information to investors. Although the indirect method is the most commonly
used by corporations, Levine pointed out that in many cases, when applying this method,
companies start their cash flow statements with income from continuing operations instead of
starting with net income as per SFAS No. 95 guidelines.
The good news for corporations is that the SEC gave them a brief window to rectify their
cash flow classification errors. Firms had to make the necessary corrections in order to comply
with SFAS No. 95 during their next filling period after February 15, 2006 otherwise, they would
have to restate at a later time. This grace period was a great opportunity for companies to avoid
restatement and it reduced the number of companies having to restate their statement of cash
flows. SFAS No. 95 allows companies to choose to report cash flow from continuing and
discontinued operations together or treat them separately. However, companies must remain
consistent in their choice from one period to the other. Unfortunately, many corporations have
not been consistent and have combined them in one period and separated them in another.
Additionally, in many cases, companies are not following the three categories format required by
SFAS No. 95. They often put together all the cash flow from discontinued operations into a
single line item making it difficult to identify which of the three sections (primarily CFO) was
affected. The misclassification is somewhat of a presentation issue, which probably explains why
the SEC gave companies a chance to make the adjustment without dubbing it a restatement,
notes L. Charles Evans, a partner with Grant Thornton, LLP”. Some other requirements of this
alert stipulate that companies taking advantage of this opportunity must provide “enhanced
disclosures”. The modified columns in the cash flow statements must be labeled either “revised
or “restated”, and they cannot use “reclassified”. The information also needs to be disclosed in
the footnotes. According to Professor Mulford from Georgia Tech University, “the increased
scrutiny on this issue is long overdue and that companies had become complaisant in classifying
cash flow from discontinued operations.” In April 2006, the AICPA published another alert
aiming at clarifying things concerning the changes that companies need to make to comply with
SFAS No. This alert focuses on companies with fiscal years which do not follow the calendar
year-end. It provides guidelines on how they can still take advantage of the grace period offered
by the SEC. Since the SEC announcement, companies seem to be more carefully applying the
new guidelines.
In May 2006, Mitcham Industries, Inc announced that it filed its 10K with restated cash
flow statements for the fiscal years ended January, 2004 and 2005 and the first three quarters of
2006. The company stated that the changes in the 10K consist of: (1) eliminating discontinued
operations as a single line item and reflecting cash flows from discontinued operations within
each category of operating, investing and financing activities; (2) reclassifying cash receipts
from the sale of lease pool equipment from operating activities to investing activities and
reflecting the “Gross profit from sale of lease equipment” as deduction in operating activities”;
and (3) reclassified certain of its investments in certificates of deposit from cash and cash
equivalents to short-term investments. More and more companies have followed Mitcham
Industries, which shows how eager companies were to comply with the new guidelines if it
allowed them to avoid the stigma of a restatement.
CFO-Earnings Quality
Nwaeze et al. (2006) find that CFO becomes an important component in setting CEO
cash compensation when the quality of earnings relative to the quality of CFO as a measure of
performance is low. This is due to the stewardship information beyond earnings that is in CFO
when the precision of earnings is low. Therefore, we predict that when earnings quality is low
relative to CFO quality, managers will have greater incentives to overstate CFO in order to boost
the cash component of the CEO’s compensation. Likewise, we expect that firms are more likely
to issue a cash flow restatement when the earnings quality is low relative to CFO quality. If
managers are inflating CFO by shifting from either the investing or financing category instead of
unintentional errors, then we expect total cash flows to remain the same.
Book-Tax Differences
Mills (1998) finds that firms with large book-tax differences are more likely to be audited
by the IRS and have larger proposed audit adjustments. If firms have large book-tax differences
and recognize that it is likely they will draw IRS scrutiny, they could be more likely to understate
CFO in order to de-emphasize the significance of the amount of cash that is attributable to their
daily operations. Therefore, we expect firms with larger book-tax differences to understate CFO,
as opposed to overstate CFO, when they report a restatement. However, since there is no clear
association based on prior research between book-tax differences and cash flow restatements, we
do not make a prediction on the likelihood of restatement given a firm’s book-tax difference. If
managers are deflating CFO by shifting from either the investing or financing category instead of
unintentional errors, then we expect total cash flows to remain the same.
Agency Conflicts
Jensen (1986) shows that conflicts of interests between shareholders and managers are
significantly greater when there are increased free cash flows being generated in the company. In
addition, Dey (2008) finds that firms with greater levels of free cash flows have higher agency
conflicts. Therefore, we proxy for agency conflicts with a firm’s level of free cash flows. We
expect that a firm with more agency conflicts will provide managers with more opportunity to
inflate CFO since managers have varying incentives to report higher CFO (Lee 2012). Likewise,
we expect a firm with more agency conflicts to be more likely to issue a cash flow restatement. If
managers are inflating CFO by shifting from either the investing or financing category instead of
unintentional errors, then we expect total cash flows to remain the same.
Total Accruals
A firm with a greater level of accruals will, by definition, have earnings that are higher
than the firm’s CFO, holding CFO constant. When there is a wide gap between earnings and
CFO, and earnings are significantly greater than CFO, this is often a “red flag” of potential
earnings management (Wild et al. 2004). If firms are using earnings management and desire to
narrow the gap between earnings and CFO, we expect these firms to be more likely to issue a
cash flow overstatement, versus an understatement, when restating their cash flows. In addition,
we expect firms with higher total accruals to be more likely to issue a cash flow restatement due
to their desire of appeasing investors’ concerns of possible earnings management.
Beginning in 2003, when the FASB issued SFAS 150, Accounting for Certain Financial
Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity, there was some classification
issues with respect to dividends (Nurnberg 2006). Under SFAS 150, mandatorily-redeemable
preferred stock is reported as a liability in the balance sheet. Previously, companies were
required to report these securities in the mezzanine section between liabilities and stockholders’
equity. However, SFAS 150 changes the cash flow statement classification of dividend payments
on these securities. Mulford and Comiskey (2005) show that since these securities are now
classified as a liability, the dividends payments are now classified as interest payments, and must
be reported as an operating outflow under SFAS 95. Under SFAS 150, the dividend payments
were classified as a financing outflow. Therefore, we expect that, to the extent that firms issue
mandatorily-redeemable preferred stock, a firm that issues dividend payments will be more
likely to have a cash flow restatement, especially after 2003. If indeed firms use the classification
of dividends as a method to report higher CFO, we expect firms to be more likely to overstate
CFO, as opposed to understate CFO, when they issue a cash flow restatement. If the restatement
is primarily due to the shifting of dividend payments between the financing and operating
sections on the cash flow statement instead of unintentional errors, we expect the total change in
cash flows to be unchanged.
Cash Flow Forecasts
Analysts’ cash flow forecasts are important for investors of firms where
accounting, operating, and financing characteristics suggest that cash flows are useful in
interpreting earnings and assisting in forecasting the firm’s future performance (Defond and
Hung 2003). Furthermore, Lee (2012) shows that firms with cash flow restatements are more
likely have at least one analyst cash flow forecast during the fiscal year. Therefore, we expect
that firms to be more likely to have a cash flow restatement when they have an analyst cash flow
forecast. If the market rewards firms that meet or beat analyst cash flow forecasts, as Brown et
al. (2010) show, we expect that firms with cash flow forecasts will be more likely to have a cash
flow restatement. In addition, firms will be more likely to overstate CFO, versus understate CFO,
when they have a restatement. If the restatement is caused by shifting among the three categories
of the cash flow statement or unintentional errors will determine whether total change in cash
flows will be unchanged.
Auditor Type
The size of the audit firm is often used as reference to the audit quality. Prior research has
shown that bigger audit firms have better financial resources and research facilities, superior
technology, more talented employees to undertake large company audits than smaller audit firms
and are more likely to be sued (Lys and Watts, 1994; Deis Jr and Giroux, 1992; and Lennox,
1999). Therefore, we expect that firms with a Big N auditor would be more likely to understate
CFO which would be consistent with more conservative reporting.
Political Sensitivity
If managers are using downward earnings management it is likely that CFO will be
greater than operating income. Therefore, despite the direction of earnings management,
managers want to close the gap between earnings and CFO because investors are scrutinizing
this gap on the basis that cash is “king” (Wild et al. 2004). Prior literature has found evidence of
downward earnings management when applying the political cost hypothesis (Watts &
Zimmerman, 1986) to larger firms and recent extreme performance (defined by abnormally high
earnings or large losses). We use S&P 500 firms and loss firms as proxies for politically
sensitive and highly visible firms which would have greater political costs on average (Saito
2012). Therefore, we expect S&P 500 firms to be more likely to understate CFO in order to
disguise abnormally high earnings and we expect loss firms to overstate CFO to hide abnormally
low earnings. Even though we acknowledge that the latter is not consistent with managers’ desire
to close the gap between earnings and CFO, this only applies to a special case: loss firms.
Hollie et al. (2011) find that during an SEC restatement allowance period, cash flow
restatement firms tend to have lower operating cash flow and return on assets. Therefore, we
predict that loss firms are more likely to issue a restatement than non-loss firms. Since there is no
clear association based on prior research between firm size and cash flow restatements, we do
not make a prediction on the likelihood of restatement given a firm belongs to the S&P 500
Index. Depending on whether managers are inflating or deflating CFO by shifting among the
three categories of the cash flow restatement versus unintentional errors would determine
whether total cash flows remain the same or not.
3.1.1 Additional Cash Flow Restatement Determinant Variables
Total cash flows differ between restated and originally reported amounts
In each of our restatements, CFO is either overstated or understated while total cash
flows remain the same after the restatement. However, in some instances the restated total cash
We define total cash flows as the sum of cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities.
flows differ from the originally reported total cash flows amount regardless of the CFO
classification shift upward or downward. We suspect that when cash flow totals do not remain
the same the company is less suspect of opportunistic shifting because changing total cash flows
is probably more indicative of underlying errors in the reporting of cash flows. We are more
suspicious of a company that engages in classification shifting among the statement of cash
flows categories and total cash flows remain the same after the restatement. This suggests that
the company may have known what they were doing ex ante and it was not merely a
misclassification error. If this is so, then we would expect this variable to be insignificant in
determining an over/understatement of CFO.
Logistic Regression Models
This study employs three logistic regression models to investigate the determinants of
firms that issue cash flow restatements. The first logistic model tests the determinants of firms
that issue a cash flow restatement compared to a control group of Compustat firms.
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
The second logistic model tests the determinants for a firm that overstated operating cash
flows versus understated operating cash flows, given the firm reported a cash flow restatement.
A firm that overstated operating cash flows reported a higher amount of CFO on the restated
cash flow statement compared to the firm’s original cash flow statement.
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
The third logistic model tests the determinants of the total change in cash flows reported
in the cash flow restatement. The total change in cash flow is determined by summing the
restated operating, investing, and financing amounts less the original operating, investing, and
financing amounts. The dependent variable is a dummy variable indicating whether or not there
is a difference in the total change in cash flows.
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
RESTATER is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm has a cash flow restatement and zero
otherwise. CFO OVER is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm’s restated CFO is greater than
its originally reported CFO. TCF_Differ is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm’s restated
total cash flows differs from the originally reported total cash flows. The variables we use to
determine these three dependent variables and control firms are as follows: (1) Debt/Assets
(DEBT) is estimated as short-term plus long-term debt (item #9 and item#34); (2) The number of
segments (NSEG) is from the Compustat Segment file and is a surrogate for operating
complexity; (3) DO is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm reports discontinued operations,
zero otherwise (item #66); (4) |E/∆CFO| is the ratio of the absolute value of earnings change to
CFO change (item #18 and item #308); (5) BTD, temporary book-tax difference, is the sum of
federal and foreign deferred tax expense (item #269 and item #270, respectively), and where
missing we use total deferred taxes (item #50), grossed up by the statutory tax rate during the
sample period (35 percent). BTD is a dummy variable equal to one if there is a BTD and zero
otherwise; (6) FCF is free cash flow and is equal to CFO minus capital expenditures (item #308
and item #128; (7) ACC, total accruals, is equal to income before extraordinary items minus
CFO (item #18 and item #308); (8) DIV is a dummy variable equal to one if the firm paid
common dividends, zero otherwise (item #21); (9) GROWTH is the market to book ratio [(item
#199 * item #25)/item #60]; (10) LOSS is a dummy variable obtaining one if earnings for the
quarter are negative and zero otherwise; (11) CFF is a dummy variable equal to one if an analyst
issues a cash flow forecast during the fiscal year and zero otherwise. (12) BIGN is an indicator
variable equals to one if the firm is audited by a big auditor (currently the Big 4); (13) SP500 is a
dummy variable equal to one if the firm is listed in the S&P 500 Index.
In the model, we exclude the variables OCF_RESTATE, ICF_RESTATE, and
FCF_RESTATE. These variables generally cause the complete and quasi-complete separation in
the logistic model. OCF_RESTATE is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm restates operating
cash flows and zero otherwise; ICF_RESTATE is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm
restates investing cash flows and zero otherwise; and FCF_RESTATE is a dummy variable equal
to one if a firm restates financing cash flows and zero otherwise.
3.2 Market Reactions to Cash Flow Restatements
We assess the market’s reactions to SCR reclassification announcements. We examine the
various windows centered on the CFR announcement, allowing for any early news leakage that
may occur on day -1 and any news delay that may occur as a result of a restatement
announcement after the close of trading on day 0.
We use a market-adjusted returns model
based on a value-weighted market index to estimate abnormal returns. The model subtracts the
CRSP market index return from a company’s daily return to obtain the market-adjusted abnormal
return (AR) for each day and company. The daily abnormal returns are summed to calculate the
cumulative abnormal return (CAR) for a given time period. We further test whether the total
market reactions to the total cash flow restatement for vary based on changes.
4 Summary statistics and empirical findings
4.1 Sample Selection
We identify firms that restated cash flows in the Audit Analytics, Inc., database. We
define a statement of cash flows restatement consistent with that of Audit Analytics (AA) where
we obtain the data for this study. AA restatement data set covers all SEC registrants who have
disclosed a financial statement restatement in electronic filings since 1 January 2001. Annual and
amended filings are analyzed by queuing for analysis those filings which contain any of the
words “restate”, “restatement” or “restated.” Corresponding cash flow restatement information is
extrapolated either from 10-K wizard, SEC filings available in the SEC’s online EDGAR
database, or from a copy of the annual report on the company’s website. The initial study
population comprises 329 unique firms. After removing observations with missing data and
keeping only 10-K restatements, our remaining sample consists of 42 firms each of which
disclosed at least one reclassified cash flow statement between 2000 and 2006. If a firm
disclosed restatements for multiple years, we record each year restated. This resulted in 82
We lost six firms from the sample because of market data unavailability. We also searched for prior disclosures of
a cash flow restatement announcement to ensure that we were using the first known disclosure date for our analysis.
observations for the 42 firms in our sample. We use all other firms covered in Compustat in the
same period as our control group, which consists of 26,939 firm year observations. Thus, the
total sample size of our study is 27,021 firm year observations ranging between 2000 and 2006.
4.2 Descriptive statistics
Table 1 presents the summary statistics and comparisons between CFR firms and control
firms samples. The _RESTATE variables by design identify firms that restated its operating,
investing, or financing cash flows, which applies to all sample firms. Each company may have
more than one activity category reclassification. While some firms clearly listed individual cash
flow line-items that had been reclassified, others provided aggregated amounts within activity
categories types. Panel A of Table 1 shows that approximately 94% of the firms with
restatements to the statement of cash flow restated its cash flows from operating activities.
Approximately 85% of the restating firms restated cash flows from investing. And approximately
46% of the restating firms restated cash flows from financing. Generally firms were restating
operating cash flows downward, while restating investing and financing cash flows upwards.
This finding is consistent with those found in Hollie et al. (2011). In some cases, firms only
restate their total cash flows without making reference to whether the cash flow restatement was
related to the operating, investing, or financing activities of the firm.
Panel C of Table 1 shows that sample firms have significantly more number of segments,
more discontinued operations, more book-tax differences, higher free cash flow, more dividends
paid, more cash flow forecasts, are audited more often by a Big N auditor, and are more often
S&P 500 firms. On the contrary, control firms have greater losses than the sample firms. Most of
these preliminary results are consistent with our predictions. Specifically, firms are more likely
to have a cash flow restatement if they are more complex, have more flexibility in determining
discontinued operations, attract higher levels of IRS scrutiny, have more agency conflicts, are
subject to ambiguity in the standards surrounding dividends paid, and are subject to meeting
analysts’ cash flow forecasts.
{Insert Table 1 about here}
4.3 Pearson Correlations
Table 2, Panel A, presents the Pearson correlations for the firms which had a cash flow
restatement. The Pearson correlation between CFO_OVER and BTD is positive and significant
(0.254, p-value = 0.026). The Pearson between CFO_OVER and Big N is positive and
significant (0.356, p-value = 0.002). The Pearson between CFO_OVER and DIV is negative and
significant (-0.218, p-value = 0.057). The majority of the correlations among the independent
variables are statistically significant but their magnitudes are not large. This suggests that
multicollinearity should not be of concern. To verify, we run untabulated tests of
multicollinearity using the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and show that multicollinearity does
not pose a problem since all VIFs are below 3 (significantly less than 10 which indicates a
multicollinearity generally).
4.4 Determinants for Statement of Cash Flows Restatements
Table 3 provides the results of the logistic regression analysis for firms with cash flow
restatements, where the dependent variable is one for statement of cash flows restaters and zero
for control firms. We find that firms are more likely to have a cash flow restatement when have
higher levels of debt, more number of segments, discontinued operations, and are audited by a
Big N auditor. The positive association between the likelihood of cash flow restatements and
debt is consistent with the difficulties firms have faced in classifying uncapitalized and
capitalized interest payments on the statement of cash flows as documented by Nurnberg (2006).
The positive association between the likelihood of cash flow restatements and the number of
segments is consistent with more complex firms using their flexibility in classifying certain
operating, investing, and financing activities with the objective of inflating operating cash flows.
It is also consistent with these firms having more difficulty in making the correct classifications
due to having numerous segments which is compounded by the ambiguities inherent in SFAS95.
The positive association between the likelihood of cash flow restatements and the existence of
discontinued operations is consistent with having difficulties with multiple interpretations in the
accounting standards for presenting discontinued operations. Lastly, the positive association
between the likelihood of cash flow restatements and having a Big N auditor is not consistent
with our expectations since having a Big N auditor would imply higher audit quality and
{Insert Table 3 about here}
Table 4 provides the results of the logistic regression analysis for firms with cash flow
overstatements as compared to cash flow understatement. We find that firms when firms issue a
cash flow restatement, firms are more likely to have a cash flow overstatement when they have a
book-tax difference and analysts’ issue a cash flow forecast. On the other hand, when firms issue
a cash flow restatement, firms are less likely to have a cash flow overstatement, when they issue
dividends. The positive association between cash flow overstatements and book-tax differences
is not consistent with our expectations. However, the positive association between cash flow
overstatements and cash flow forecasts is consistent with our expectations following Lee (2012).
Firms are more likely to attempt to inflate their operating cash flows when analysts issue cash
flow forecasts.
{Insert Table 4 about here}
Table 5 provides the results of the logistic regression analysis for firms with total cash
flow changes compared to firms that restate cash flows and have no change in total cash flows.
We find that firms are more likely to have a change in total cash flows when they have a book-
tax difference. On the contrary, firms are less likely to have a change in total cash flows when
they experience a loss. If the change in total cash flows is indicative of an unintentional error
instead of intentional classification shifting, it is possible that this means that firms have cash
flow restatements due to unintentional errors when they have a book-tax difference or experience
a loss. As mentioned earlier, because firms do not disclose the details of the misclassification or
whether it is an error or an irregularity, it is difficult to interpret these findings as evidence of
errors in cash flow misclassification. Nevertheless, we show that the change in total cash flows at
the time of restatement is partially driven by firms that have book-tax differences and losses.
4.5 Market reactions to cash flow restatements
Table 6 shows the abnormal return (AR
) and its statistical significance for each day of
the return window (t = -1, 0 and +1, +2), along with the cumulative abnormal return for the entire
three-day window (CAR
). We are currently finalizing the analysis as it relates to the market
reactions to cash flow restatements. We are sure that this analysis will be completed by the
workshop date.
{Insert Table 6 about here}
4.6 Additional analysis & sensitivity analysis to be completed
We plan to examine whether any firms have upward restatements to cash flows from
operations. The general inclination is to see downward revisions, however like earnings
restatements, we may find certain situations were upward restatements occur within our sample
period. We will also examine the number of restating firms that employ the direct versus indirect
methods for cash flow statement reporting.
We plan perform sensitivity analysis by deleting all Restaters with more than one
restatement. We will then repeat our main tests separately for cash flow restatements in the
fourth quarter, when an audit is required, and all other quarterly cash flow restatements as one
group. For example, we will look at partial year restatements separately from annual audited full
year restatements. Next, all Restaters’ public announcements between the cash flow statement
disclosure and the subsequent SEC filing dates will be examined to determine if the firm issued a
press release that announced the upcoming cash flow restaement in the SEC filing. We then
examine the robustness of our results to whether revisions are to core or non-core cash flows. We
expect when the restatements are to core items that the reduction in market reactions to the total
cash flow surprise of Restaters as compared to non-Restaters is more pronounced than for non-
core items. These additional tests are sure to give us more insight into the occurrence of
statement of cash flows restatements.
5 Summary and conclusions
To be summarized and concluded when the last of the analysis is completed very soon.
Appendix A
Example of a Statement of Cash Flows Restatement
Original Report
Note: The variables defined are as follows: OP cash flows from operating activities, INV
cash flows from investing activities, and FIN – cash flows from financing activities.
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Panel A: Descriptive Statistics for Sample Firms
Variable N Mean Std Dev 25th Pctl 50th Pctl 75th Pctl Minimum Maximum
OCF RESTATE 82 0.939 0.241 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
ICF RESTATE 82 0.854 0.356 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
FCF RESTATE 82 0.463 0.502 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
CFO 77 0.364 0.484 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
TCF_Diffe r 82 0.756 0.432 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
DEBT 82 0.420 0.766 0.180 0.364 0.477 0.000 6.989
NSEG 82 2.720 1.597 1.000 2.500 4.000 1.000 7.000
DO 82 0.293 0.458 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
82 5.565 20.301 0.292 0.684 2.459 0.011 140.443
BTD 82 0.793 0.408 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
FCF 82 -0.029 0.173 -0.034 0.022 0.058 -0.638 0.362
ACC 82 -0.110 0.241 -0.122 -0.048 -0.015 -1.671 0.426
DIV 82 0.402 0.493 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
GROWTH 82 2.589 9.414 1.171 1.683 2.825 -37.266 56.731
LOSS 82 0.280 0.452 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
CFF 82 0.305 0.463 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
BIG N 82 0.817 0.389 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
SP500 82 0.146 0.356 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
Table 1
Summary Statistics on Variables for Sample and Control Firms
OCF_RESTATE is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm restates operating cash flows and zero otherwise; ICF_RESTATE is a
dummy variable equal to one if a firm restates investingcash flows and zero otherwise; and FCF_RESTATE is a dummy variable equal to
one if a firm restates financing cash flows and zero otherwise. CFO OVERSTATER is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm’s restated
CFO is greater than its originally reported CFO. TCF_Differ is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm’s restated totalcash flows differs
from the originally reported total cash flows. DEBT is estimated as short-term plus long-term debt (item #9 and item#34). NSEG is the
number of segments from the Compustat Segment file. DO is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm reports discontinued operations,
zero otherwise (item #66). |∆E/∆CFO| is the ratio of the absolute value of earnings change to CFO change (item #18 and item #308). BTD,
temporary book-taxdifference, is the sum of federal and foreign deferred tax expense (item #269 and item #270, respectively), and where
missing we use total deferred taxes (item #50), grossed up by the statutory tax rate during the sample period (35 percent). BTD is a
dummy variable equal to one if there is a BTD and zero otherwise. FCF is free cash flow and is equal to CFO minus capital expenditures
(item #308 and item #128). ACC is equal to income before extraordinary items minus CFO (item #18 and item #308). DIV is a dummy
variable equal to one if the firm paid common dividends, zero otherwise (item #21). GROWTH is the market to book ratio [(item #199 *
item #25)/item #60]. LOSS is a dummy variable obtainingone if earnings for the quarter are negative and zero otherwise. CFF is a dummy
variable equal to one if an analyst issues a cash flow forecast during the fiscal year and zero otherwise. BIGN is an indicator variable
equals to one if the firm is audited by a Big 4 auditor. SP500 is a dummy variable equal to one if the firm is listed in the S&P 500 Index.
Panel B: Descriptive Statistics for Control Firms
Variable N Mean Std Dev 25th Pctl 50th Pctl 75th Pctl Min Max
CFO OVERSTATER 27052 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
TCF_Diffe r 27052 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
DEBT 27052 0.378 0.867 0.017 0.189 0.400 0.000 6.989
NSEG 27052 1.991 1.421 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 15.000
DO 27052 0.155 0.362 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
26939 5.560 17.952 0.356 1.026 2.917 0.011 140.443
BTD 27052 0.651 0.477 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
FCF 27052 -0.206 0.850 -0.119 0.010 0.069 -6.343 0.362
ACC 27052 -0.357 1.501 -0.146 -0.062 -0.017 -12.521 0.426
DIV 27052 0.263 0.440 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
GROWTH 27052 2.504 8.922 0.844 1.718 3.225 -37.266 56.731
LOSS 27052 0.398 0.490 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
CFF 27052 0.201 0.401 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
BIG N 27052 0.659 0.474 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000
SP500 27052 0.065 0.247 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
CFO OVERSTATER is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm’s restated CFO is greater than its originally reported CFO.
TCF_Differ is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm’s restated total cash flows differs from the originally reported total
cash flows. DEBT is estimated as short-term plus long-term debt (item #9 and item#34). NSEG is the number ofsegments
from the Compustat Segment file. DO is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm reports discontinued operations, zero
otherwise (item #66). |∆E/∆CFO| is the ratio of the absolute value of earnings change to CFO change (item #18 and item
#308). BTD, temporary book-taxdifference, is the sumoffederaland foreign deferred tax expense (item #269 and item #270,
respectively), and where missing we use total deferred taxes (item #50), grossed up by the statutory tax rate during the
sample period (35 percent). BTD is a dummy variable equal to one if there is a BTD and zero otherwise. FCF is free cash
flow and is equal to CFO minus capital expenditures (item #308 and item #128). ACC is equal to income before extraordinary
items minus CFO (item #18 and item #308). DIV is a dummy variable equal to one if the firm paid common dividends, zero
otherwise (item #21). GROWTH is the market to book ratio [(item #199 * item #25)/item #60]. LOSS is a dummy variable
obtaining one if earnings for the quarter are negative and zero otherwise. CFF is a dummy variable equal to one if an
analyst issues a cash flow forecast during the fiscal year and zero otherwise. BIGN is an indicator variable equals to one if
the firm is audited by a Big 4 auditor. SP500 is a dummy variable equal to one if the firm is listed in the S&P 500 Index.
Panel C: Tests of Mean Differences: Control minus Sample Firms
t-statistic Significance
OCF RESTATE -0.939 -645.420 <.0001
ICF RESTATE -0.854 -397.230 <.0001
FCF RESTATE -0.463 -152.840 <.0001
0.636 217.570 <.0001
TCF_Differ 0.244 93.410 <.0001
DEBT -0.042 -0.440 0.662
NSEG -0.728 -4.630 <.0001
DO -0.138 -3.430 0.001
|E/∆CFO| -0.004 0.000
BTD -0.142 -2.690 0.007
FCF -0.178 -1.890 0.058
ACC -0.247 -1.490 0.136
DIV -0.140 -2.860 0.004
GROWTH -0.086 -0.090 0.931
LOSS 0.118 2.180 0.030
CFF -0.104 -2.340 0.019
BIG N -0.158 -3.020 0.003
SP500 -0.081 -2.980 0.003
0.754 0.770
0.079 -0.049
0.187 0.483 0.660
0.116 0.257 0.502
0.384 0.301 0.020 <.0001
0.106 0.035 -0.006 0.066
0.445 0.342 0.757 0.956 0.554
0.254 0.200 0.046 -0.052 0.197 -0.116
0.026 0.072 0.681 0.640 0.077 0.299
0.137 -0.022 -0.317 0.139 0.155 -0.166 0.425
0.234 0.844 0.004 0.212 0.165 0.135 < .0001
0.012 -0.072 0.016 0.207 0.163 0.107 0.180 0.400
0.917 0.518 0.887 0.062 0.144 0.340 0.106 0.000
0.119 -0.109 0.349 0.347 0.012 0.297 0.293 0.268
0.057 0.288 0.329 0.001 0.001 0.917 0.007 0.008 0.015
0.029 -0.149 -0.090 -0.203 -0.266 -0.256 -0.338 -0.683 -0.075
0.206 0.795 0.181 0.423 0.067 0.016 0.021 0.002 <.0001 0.505
-0.120 -0.278
0.120 -0.129 -0.223 -0.008 -0.417 -0.639 -0.342 -0.346 0.307
0.301 0.012 0.284 0.248 0.044 0.941 < .0001 <.0001 0.002 0.001 0.005
0.356 0.025 -0.260 0.155 0.235 -0.140 0.536 0.532 0.226 0.260 -0.269 -0.407
0.002 0.823 0.018 0.165 0.034 0.208 < .0001 <.0001 0.041 0.019 0.015 0.000
0.215 -0.056 -0.059 0.167 0.156 -0.134 0.208 0.206 0.217 0.267 -0.072 -0.237 0.313
0.061 0.619 0.596 0.133 0.161 0.229 0.061 0.063 0.050 0.015 0.523 0.032 0.004
0.074 -0.033 0.312 0.340 -0.098 0.042 0.172 0.167 0.364 0.019 -0.259 0.196 0.400
0.380 0.506 0.765 0.004 0.002 0.380 0.711 0.122 0.134 0.001 0.863 0.019 0.078 0.000
Table 2
Pearson Correlation Coefficients
Panel A: Sample Group (N=82)
0.018 0.159
0.004 <.0001
0.078 -0.050 -0.020
<.0001 <.0001 0.001
0.284 0.024 -0.125
<.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
0.162 0.025 -0.097 0.345
<.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
0.113 0.024 -0.138 0.234 0.661
<.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
0.312 0.076 -0.090 0.300 0.181 0.122
<.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
-0.155 -0.010 -0.022 -0.022 -0.003
0.114 0.131 0.010
<.0001 0.113 0.000 0.000 0.606 <.0001 <.0001 0.090
0.170 -0.250 -0.050 0.143 -0.542 -0.370 -0.252 -0.415 -0.020
<.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.001
0.183 0.057 -0.086 0.311 0.269 0.227 0.256 0.028 -0.306
<.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
0.142 0.058 -0.046 0.232 0.132 0.094 0.221 0.029 -0.252 0.281
<.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
0.209 0.080 -0.022 0.179 0.083 0.052 0.276 0.034 -0.187 0.165 0.355
<.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.000 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
Table 2 (cont.)
Pearson Correlation Coefficients
Panel B: Control Group (N=27,052)
Table 3
Logistic Regression for Determinants of Cash Flow Restatements
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
Parameter Coefficient SE Odds Ratio Pr > ChiSq
Intercept -7.222*** 0.434 <.0001
DEBT 0.5369*** 0.154 1.711 0.001
NSEG 0.1693** 0.067 1.184 0.012
DO 0.5626** 0.250 1.755 0.024
0.004 0.006 1.004 0.545
BTD 0.295 0.324 1.343 0.363
FCF 0.602 0.416 1.826 0.148
ACC 0.405 0.355 1.499 0.254
DIV 0.127 0.266 1.135 0.635
GROWTH 0.005 0.017 1.005 0.787
LOSS 0.234 0.311 1.264 0.451
CFF 0.110 0.273 1.117 0.686
BIG N 0.5355* 0.319 1.708 0.093
SP500 0.269 0.363 1.308 0.459
Percent Concordant: 52.6
Max-rescaled R-Square: 0.0378
N= 27,021 (Sample=82, Control =26,939)
Likelihood Ratio: 41.33
Pseudo R-square: 0.0015
RESTATER equals one if the firm has a cash flow restatement, zero otherwise. DEBT is estimated as short-term
plus long-term debt (item #9 and item#34). NSEG is the number of segments from the Compustat Segment file. DO
is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm reports discontinued operations, zero otherwise (item #66). |∆E/∆CFO| is
the ratio of the absolute value of earnings change to CFO change (item #18 and item #308). BTD, temporary book-
tax difference, is the sum of federal and foreign deferred tax expense (item #269 and item #270, respectively), and
where missing we use total deferred taxes (item #50), grossed up by the statutory tax rate during the sample period
(35 percent). BTD is a dummy variable equal to one if there is a BTD and zero otherwise. FCF is free cash flow and
is equal to CFO minus capital expenditures (item #308 and item #128). ACC is equal to income before extraordinary
items minus CFO (item #18 and item #308). DIV is a dummy variable equal to one if the firm paid common
dividends, zero otherwise (item #21). GROWTH is the market to book ratio [(item #199 * item #25)/item #60].
LOSS is a dummy variable obtaining one if earnings for the quarter are negative and zero otherwise. CFF is a
dummy variable equal to one if an analyst issues a cash flow forecast during the fiscal year and zero otherwise.
BIGN is an indicator variable equals to one if the firm is audited by a Big 4 auditor. SP500 is a dummy variable
equal to one if the firm is listed in the S&P 500 Index.
Table 4
Logistic Regression for Determinants of Cash Flow Overstatements
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
Parameter Coefficie nt SE Odds Ratio Pr > ChiSq
Intercept -1.678 1.321 0.204
DEBT -0.355 0.513 0.701 0.489
NSEG 0.064 0.226 1.066 0.776
DO -1.042 0.881 0.353 0.237
0.037 0.964 0.316
BTD 2.6501** 1.205 14.156 0.028
FCF -2.562 3.602 0.077 0.477
ACC -0.712 1.963 0.491 0.717
DIV -2.3051*** 0.823 0.100 0.005
GROWTH -0.121 0.098 0.886 0.219
LOSS -0.967 0.992 0.380 0.330
CFF 2.4311*** 0.881 11.372 0.006
SP500 -1.400 1.052 0.247 0.183
N= 77
Percent Concordant: 82.1
Max-rescaled R-Square: 0.4114
Likelihood Ratio: 27.52
Pseudo R-square: 0.3005
CFO OVER equals one if the firm has a cash flow overstatement, zero if cash flow understatement. DEBT is
estimated as short-term plus long-term debt (item #9 and item#34). NSEG is the number of segments from the
Compustat Segment file. DO is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm reports discontinued operations, zero
otherwise (item #66). |∆E/∆CFO| is the ratio of the absolute value of earnings change to CFO change (item #18 and
item #308). BTD, temporary book-tax difference, is the sum of federal and foreign deferred tax expense (item #269
and item #270, respectively), and where missing we use total deferred taxes (item #50), grossed up by the statutory
tax rate during the sample period (35 percent). BTD is a dummy variable equal to one if there is a BTD and zero
otherwise. FCF is free cash flow and is equal to CFO minus capital expenditures (item #308 and item #128). ACC is
equal to income before extraordinary items minus CFO (item #18 and item #308). DIV is a dummy variable equal to
one if the firm paid common dividends, zero otherwise (item #21). GROWTH is the market to book ratio [(item
#199 * item #25)/item #60]. LOSS is a dummy variable obtaining one if earnings for the quarter are negative and
zero otherwise. CFF is a dummy variable equal to one if an analyst issues a cash flow forecast during the fiscal year
and zero otherwise. SP500 is a dummy variable equal to one if the firm is listed in the S&P 500 Index.
Table 5
Logistic Regression for Determinants of Total Cash Flow Changes
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
Parameter Coe fficient SE Odds Ratio Pr > ChiSq
Intercept -0.311 1.126 0.782
DEBT -0.034 0.469 0.967 0.942
NSEG 0.216 0.229 1.241 0.345
DO 0.229 0.918 1.257 0.803
0.118 0.109 1.125 0.279
BTD 1.5455* 0.873 4.690 0.077
FCF -4.047 2.784 0.017 0.146
ACC -2.143 2.667 0.117 0.422
DIV 0.019 0.758 1.019 0.980
GROWTH 0.040 0.059 1.041 0.494
LOSS -2.4916** 0.911 0.083 0.006
CFF -0.765 0.712 0.465 0.283
SP500 0.272 1.038 1.313 0.793
N= 82
Likelihood Ratio: 19.83
Percent Concordant: 79.2
Pseudo R-square: 0.2148
Max-rescaled R-Square: 0.3202
TCF_Differ equals one if the firm’s restated total cash flow change is not equal to its original total cash flow change,
zero otherwise. DEBT is estimated as short-term plus long-term debt (item #9 and item#34). NSEG is the number of
segments from the Compustat Segment file. DO is a dummy variable equal to one if a firm reports discontinued
operations, zero otherwise (item #66). |
E/CFO| is the ratio of the absolute value of earnings change to CFO
change (item #18 and item #308). BTD, temporary book-tax difference, is the sum of federal and foreign deferred
tax expense (item #269 and item #270, respectively), and where missing we use total deferred taxes (item #50),
grossed up by the statutory tax rate during the sample period (35 percent). BTD is a dummy variable equal to one if
there is a BTD and zero otherwise. FCF is free cash flow and is equal to CFO minus capital expenditures (item #308
and item #128). ACC is equal to income before extraordinary items minus CFO (item #18 and item #308). DIV is a
dummy variable equal to one if the firm paid common dividends, zero otherwise (item #21). GROWTH is the
market to book ratio [(item #199 * item #25)/item #60]. LOSS is a dummy variable obtaining one if earnings for the
quarter are negative and zero otherwise. CFF is a dummy variable equal to one if an analyst issues a cash flow
forecast during the fiscal year and zero otherwise. SP500 is a dummy variable equal to one if the firm is listed in the
S&P 500 Index.
Table 6
Cumulative Abnormal Returns (CARs) for Event Windows
Surrounding Cash Flow Restatement Announcements
Panel A: Full sample of all cash flow only restatements
Event windows surrounding announcement on day 0 (N=41 obs)
(-2, 2)
(-1, 1)
(0, 0)
-.44% -.78% -.30%
Panel B: Overstated CFO sample of all cash flow only restatements
Event windows surrounding announcement on day 0 (N=23 obs)
(-2, 2)
(-1, 1)
(0, 0)
Panel C: Understated CFO sample of all cash flow only restatements
Event windows surrounding announcement on day 0 (N=25 obs)
(-2, 2)
(-1, 1)
(0, 0)
Mean (%)
Table 6 (cont’d)
Cumulative Abnormal Returns (CARs) for Event Windows
Surrounding Cash Flow Restatement Announcements
Panel D: Negative change from original to restated total cash flows sample
Event windows surrounding announcement on day 0 (N=33 obs)
(-2, 2)
(-1, 1)
(0, 0)
-.42% -1.07% -.92%
Panel E: Positive change from original to restated total cash flows sample
Event windows surrounding announcement on day 0 (N=24 obs)
(-2, 2)
(-1, 1)
(0, 0)
Panel F: No change from original to restated total cash flows sample
Event windows surrounding announcement on day 0 (N=23 obs)
(-2, 2)
(-1, 1)
(0, 0)
Mean (%)
* *, **, and *** are significant at 0.10, 0.05, or 0.0, respectively (all p-values are based on two-tailed tests).
Market-adjusted CARs using a valued weighted index.
t-statistics test whether mean = 0, and Z-statistics are based on rank tests