Demographic Research a free, expedited, online journal
of peer-reviewed research and commentary
in the population sciences published by the
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Konrad-Zuse Str. 1, D-18057 Rostock · GERMANY
VOLUME 11, ARTICLE 14, PAGES 395-420
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2004.11.14
Research Article
Marital Dissolution in Japan:
Recent Trends and Patterns
James M. Raymo
Miho Iwasawa
Larry Bumpass
© 2004 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 396
2 Background 398
3 Data and methods 399
3.1 Data 399
3.2 Adjustment for year of registration 400
3.3 The cumulative risk of divorce 401
3.4 Differences by education 402
4 Results 403
4.1 Trends and levels 403
4.2 Educational differentials 405
5 Discussion 407
6 Acknowledgements 408
Notes 409
References 411
Demographic Research – Volume 11, Article 14 395
Research Article
Marital Dissolution in Japan:
Recent Trends and Patterns
James M. Raymo
Miho Iwasawa
Larry Bumpass
Very little is known about recent trends in divorce in Japan. In this paper, we use
Japanese vital statistics and census data to describe trends in the experience of marital
dissolution across the life course, and to examine change over time in educational
differentials in divorce. Cumulative probabilities of marital dissolution have increased
rapidly across successive marriage cohorts over the past twenty years, and synthetic
period estimates suggest that roughly one-third of Japanese marriages are now likely to
end in divorce. Estimates of educational differentials also indicate a rapid increase in
the extent to which divorce is concentrated at lower levels of education. While
educational differentials were negligible in 1980, by 2000, women who had not gone
beyond high school were far more likely to be divorced than those with more education.
1. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Sociology
2. National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Tokyo
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
1. Introduction
Over the past 30-40 years, substantial changes in family behavior and organization of
the life course have occurred in all industrialized countries. Often characterized as the
second demographic transition, these changes include: (a) delayed marriage and
fertility, (b) increasing cohabitation, divorce, and non-marital childbearing, and (c)
increasing maternal employment (Lesthaeghe 1995; McLanahan 2004). Theoretical
explanations for these changes have focused on increasing economic opportunities for
women, increasing consumption aspirations, declining economic prospects for men, as
well as increasing secularization and growing emphasis on individual fulfillment
(Lesthaeghe 1998). Key empirical features of these family changes include substantial
socioeconomic and regional variation. For example, in her recent presidential address
to the Population Association of America, Sara McLanahan (2004) argued that patterns
of family change are following two different paths depending on social status. Changes
with favorable implications for children (e.g., later marriage, delayed childbearing,
maternal employment) are increasingly concentrated among women with greater
socioeconomic resources whereas changes associated with unfavorable outcomes for
children (e.g., divorce, non-marital childbearing) are increasingly concentrated among
women with fewer socioeconomic resources. Family change associated with the second
demographic transition thus has potentially important implications for social
stratification in general and for growing socioeconomic differentials in the well-being
of children in particular.
Although McLanahan (2004) emphasized the similarity of socioeconomic
differentials in family behavior across a wide range of western industrialized countries,
it is also clear that there is considerable variation across countries in the pace and the
nature of family changes (Lesthaeghe 1995; Lesthaeghe and Moors 2000). In
comparative studies, Japan stands out as one setting in which some family changes
associated with the second demographic transition have been particularly rapid while
others have been slow to emerge. A very early transition to below replacement fertility
and a very late age at marriage place Japan at the forefront of the second demographic
transition. At the same time, some family patterns associated with the second
demographic transition, such as increases in maternal labor force participation and
divorce have remained less prevalent than in most other low-fertility societies (Tsuya
and Bumpass 2004). Despite rapid socioeconomic and normative change, other
behaviors such as cohabitation and non-marital childbearing have been virtually absent
(e.g., Thomson 2003) (Note 1).
The distinctive pattern of family change in Japan likely reflects, in part, a tension
between the social and economic forces of change noted above and the continued
strength of family forms and family values very different from those in most western
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 397
societies (e.g., Mason, Tsuya, and Choe 1998). Previous studies of demographic
change in Japan have linked declining rates of marriage and fertility to relatively
universal social and economic forces of change including increasing educational
attainment, increasing economic opportunities for women, increasing consumption
aspirations, and more tolerant attitudes toward family behaviors such as late marriage
and maternal employment (Raymo 2003; Retherford, Ogawa, and Matsukura 2001;
Tsuya and Mason 1995). Theoretical discussions of the second demographic transition
often place considerable emphasis on the role of increasing individualistic attitudes. A
plausible explanation for the Japanese exception with respect to the most deviant
behaviors is that the growth of individualism is at odds with the collectivist orientation
of Japanese society (Atoh 2001). There is, however, some evidence that pressures may
be building for a transition in cohabitation and perhaps even unmarried childbearing
(Rindfuss et al., 2005).
It is also clear that divorce has rapidly increased, with the crude divorce rate
increasing by two-thirds during the 1990s. While this change is reflected in pervasive
attention to divorce in the popular press, demographic analyses of divorce in Japan are
extremely limited. Indeed, existing research consists primarily of descriptions of trends
in crude rates or age trajectories, neither of which speaks directly to the risk of divorce.
Almost nothing is known about the correlates of divorce in Japan, trends in
socioeconomic differentials in divorce, or how these differentials compare to those
observed in other societies. In this paper, we draw upon several sources of data to
begin addressing these major gaps in the literature on family change in Japan. Using
vital statistics data, we describe divorce trajectories for marriage cohorts and construct
synthetic cohort estimates to assess the implications of recent rates. These estimates
provide a clear picture of the extent to which divorce has increased over time and allow
for comparisons with other industrialized countries. Using census data, we examine
educational differentials in the prevalence of divorce and describe how these
differentials have changed over time. Results of these analyses enable us to assess the
extent to which the increasing socioeconomic differentials in divorce found in other
low-fertility societies (McLanahan 2004) are also observed in Japan. Our results raise
several questions regarding the implications of rising divorce rates for social
stratification and the well-being of children and divorced parents in Japan. Importantly,
this study also provides a solid empirical basis for subsequent research addressing these
questions we raise. Before presenting our results, we provide a brief background on
family change in Japan and existing scholarship on divorce.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
2. Background
Following steady increases throughout the 1990s, Japans crude divorce rate reached
2.3 in 2002 (Figure 1). It is extremely important to recognize that, as illustrated at the
right side of this figure, this is a level similar to most industrialized countries other than
the U.S. The Japanese rate is also much higher than in Italy and Spain, two European
countries with which Japan shares many other demographic similarities (Lesthaeghe
and Moors 2000). As in the U.S., rapid increases in divorce suggest a major
restructuring of the family life course in Japan. It will be important in future research to
compare the consequences of divorce for women and children in Japan to those in other
industrialized countries. The prevalence of extended family residence (Rindfuss et al.
2004) and the importance of family provided care (Ogawa and Retherford 1997) could
moderate these consequences, while the highly asymmetric gender division of labor
among spouses (Tsuya and Mason 1995) and married womens relatively tenuous
attachment to the labor force (Brinton 2001; Iwasawa 1999) could make the
consequences of divorce even more profound for women and families in Japan than in
other high-divorce societies. The social, economic, and family environments in which
divorce occurs in Japan provide a valuable contrast to the U.S. and other western
countries for studying the correlates and consequences of divorce.
As a non-western society with a very different family tradition, Japan provides an
important test of the generality of McLanahans (2004) description of growing
socioeconomic differentials in family outcomes (Note 2). Do relatively low levels of
economic inequality and widely shared normative views of appropriate family
behavior restrain such divergence in the experience and consequences of divorce? On
the one hand, the homogeneity of the family life course in Japans recent past (Brinton
1992) leads us to expect rather limited socioeconomic differentials in divorce. These
expectations are strengthened by the fact that fertility reduction in the 1950s and more
recent trends toward later and less marriage have occurred rapidly across all social
strata (Hodge and Ogawa 1992; Raymo 2003). On the other hand, we have recently
documented growing socioeconomic differentials in the experience of bridal pregnancy,
an increasingly common pathway to family formation (Raymo and Iwasawa 2004). It is
clear that Japanese women with lower levels of education are increasingly likely to
marry while pregnant relative to their more educated counterparts. Finding a similar
pattern with respect to divorce would provide further evidence of decline in the very
homogeneous family life course in Japan. Although the subject of increasing
socioeconomic inequality has been much discussed in Japan during recent years (Satō
2000; Tachibanaki 2001), very little attention has been paid to the potential role of
growing differentials in family behavior.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 399
Indeed, there is very little academic research on divorce at all. Existing work is
limited to descriptions of trends in crude rates by age and sex (e.g., Koyama and
Yamamoto 2001), analyses of regional variation in crude rates (Fukurai and Alston
1990; Uchida, Araki, and Murata 1993), and synthetic cohort analyses based on age-
specific divorce rates--which ignore differences in marriage duration by age (Beppu
2002, Ikenoue and Takahashi 1994). The scarcity of research on divorce in Japan
presumably reflects the limitations of available data. Complete marriage histories like
those commonly analyzed for the U.S. and Western Europe are not available in Japan
(Note 3). This does not mean, however, that we cannot learn more from the existing
We have three objectives in this paper. The first is to track the experiences over
time of real marriage cohorts up until the duration when they can last be observed. The
second is to use the most recently available period data to make synthetic cohort
estimates of the cumulative proportion of marriages expected to end in divorce by
various durations since marriage. These two results are presented and discussed
together. Finally, we take the observed proportions divorced by ages 35-39 as reported
in the census and make adjustments for differential age at marriage by education
(affecting differences in duration since marriage at the observed ages) in order to
approximate educational differences in the risk of divorce.
3. Data and methods
3.1 Data
The basic data for estimating duration-specific risks are simply the number of marriages
and divorces registered in the Japanese vital statistics system across years. Data on
marital dissolutions classified by the years in which marriage began and ended come
from special tabulations not included in the annual volumes published by the Ministry
of Health, Labour, and Welfare. We adjust these data as described below to reassign
events from their year of registration to the year in which they actually occurred. The
data for estimating educational differentials are census reports of the percent of ever-
married women divorced at ages 35-39, combined with estimates of educational
differences in duration since marriage by these ages.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
3.2 Adjustment for year of registration
The divorce tabulations classify all divorces registered in a given year (between 1979
and 2002) by the year in which the marriage began and the year in which the marriage
ended. Because roughly 10% of marriages and 30% of divorces are not registered in
the year in which they occur (Ishikawa 1995), it is essential to measure marital duration
using the years in which the union began and ended rather than the years in which
marriage and divorce were registered. The vital statistics tabulations we use allow us to
calculate the number of marital dissolutions by marriage cohort and marital duration by
summing registered divorces in each year occurring to each marriage cohortas
measured by the years in which coresidence began and ended.
Because the earliest marriage cohort in the data is 1979 and the most recent year of
data is 2002, we can observe divorces registered up to twenty-three years after they
occurred (Note 4). Our counts become progressively less complete for the more recent
years because for each succeeding year a higher proportion of the events will not yet
have been registered. To construct yearly counts of divorce classified by year of
marriage, we use the procedure described in Figure 2. We first subtract from each
year's registered divorces those that occurred in earlier years and add them to the
number events for the year in which they occurred (which have, in turn, had late
registrations subtracted from them and reassigned to earlier years). The count of the
number events for year t is simply the number of events registered in year t, minus
those that occurred n years earlier, and plus those that were registered n years after year
t (where n ranges from 1 to 23). These additions and subtractions of divorces registered
with delay are represented by the bold dashed arrows in Figure 2. This creates a good
count of annual events until the more recent years for which we no longer observe the
large majority of late registrations. However, we can take advantage of the fact that
patterns of delayed registration have been remarkably stable over time to estimate the
number of divorces that have occurred by 2002 but will be registered in 2003 and
Using the years for which we have complete counts of events and the years in
which these events were registered, we can estimate the proportion of the events
occurring in a particular year, but that will not yet have been registered by 2002. For
example, to estimate a complete count of marital dissolutions occurring in 1999, we
first add in the late registrations of 1999 divorces as recorded in 2000-2002, and then
adjust that total for the proportion of all divorces from earlier years that were registered
more than three years after they occurred (Note 5). The addition of these estimated
numbers of divorces occurring by 2002 but registered after 2002 is represented by the
thin dotted arrows in Figure 2. To assess the appropriateness of this procedure, we also
worked backwards to estimate the number of duration-specific divorces registered with
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 401
a given delay in the past. In all cases, these estimates were very close to the observed
We use similar techniques to construct yearly marriage cohorts. Vital statistics
tabulations classify all marriages registered in a given year by the year in which the
marriage actually occurred. As with the divorce data, we are thus able to reconstruct
annual marriage cohorts by allocating late-registered marriages from the year in which
they were registered back to the year in which they occurred (Note 6). We adjust the
size of marriage cohorts upward by estimating marriages that have already occurred but
have not yet been registered using the procedure described in the previous paragraph.
With yearly counts of marriages and duration-specific numbers of marital dissolutions
for each marriage cohort, it is straightforward to calculate the cumulative duration-
specific proportions of each marriage cohort to experience marital dissolution.
Rearranging cohort and duration-specific dissolution probabilities as year and duration-
specific dissolution probabilities allows us to calculate the synthetic cohort cumulative
probability of marital dissolution for recent years. Because the earliest marriage cohort
in our data is 1979, we can use observed dissolution probabilities in 2002 to calculate a
synthetic cohort divorce trajectory through 23 years of marriage. For the sake of
simplicity, we ignore mortality in these life-table calculations. This simplification is
unlikely to affect results given the very low levels of young adult and mid-life mortality
in Japan.
3.3 The cumulative risk of divorce
We begin by creating synthetic life-table estimates of cumulative divorce by duration of
marriage. There are several important issues relating to these estimates. The first is
that we use divorce data from 2002. It is important to use the most recently available
data given that the crude divorce rate increased so dramatically during the 1990sa
decade characterized by very low levels of economic growth, corporate restructuring,
and increasing unemployment (Yamagami 2002).
Second, we improve considerably upon existing synthetic estimates by estimating
cumulative disruption from entry into exposure to risk (marriage) rather than by age,
i.e., we use marital duration-specific dissolution rates rather than age-specific rates.
Age-specific divorce rates reflect two components: a) the risk of divorce by duration
since marriage, and b) the effects of age at marriage on the proportions married at
specific ages, and age differences in duration since marriage. Cumulative estimates
based on age are appropriate when the objective is compare life course experience by a
given agefor example, differences between cohorts in the experience of divorce
before age 30. To evaluate the risk of divorce, however, estimates must be based on
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
rates specific to durations since marriage. This difference between age-based and
duration-based estimates is especially important in settings such as contemporary Japan
where marriage timing has changed rapidly (Raymo 2003).
Finally, we present data for both real and synthetic cohorts. We are not aware of
any previous analyses of marital dissolution in Japan describing the trajectories of real
marriage cohorts.
3.4 Differences by education
Registration forms for vital statistics do not collect information on educational
attainment, and large sample surveys such as the Current Population Survey or the
National Survey of Families and Households which collect respondents socioeconomic
characteristics and marital histories are not currently available in Japan (see Note 3).
Rather than waiting for such data to become available, we believe that it is
important to take advantage of existing data to learn what we can. Consequently, we
use data from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 census publications to describe educational
differences in current marital status and to examine how these differentials have
changed over time. It is important to recognize, however, that examining differentials
in current marital status to shed light on educational differentials in divorce poses two
significant problems. The first is that current marital status understates the actual
amount of divorce because those who have divorced and remarried are simply classified
as married (Note 7). We are thus forced to assume that there are no educational
differentials in the likelihood of remarriage. Growing educational differentials in the
transition to first marriage in Japan (Raymo 2003) suggest that this assumption may be
violated. However, the fact that studies of remarriage in the U.S. and other
industrialized societies have typically not found significant educational differentials in
remarriage (de Graaf and Kalmijn 2003), suggests that the same may be true in Japan.
Data from the Japanese National Fertility Surveys (JNFS), the only large survey
containing information on both educational attainment and experience of divorce,
suggest that educational differentials in remarriage are not large in Japan. However,
because the number of ever-divorced respondents is small for some educational groups,
we cannot confidently conclude from these data that educational differentials in
remarriage are negligible. This caveat should be kept in mind when evaluating our
The second problem is the one we addressed above in comparing life-table
estimates based on duration since marriage rather than simply on age. The available
census data leave us no option but to base our estimate on comparisons of the
proportion divorced at specific ages. Because those in lower educational groups marry
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 403
at younger ages, on average, than those in higher educational groups (Raymo 2003), the
length of exposure to divorce is inversely related to educational attainment. We take a
simple approach to addressing this problem. We first calculate age-specific mean ages
at marriage by education, and we then weight the education-specific ever married
populations by the number of years between mean age at first marriage and the census
date. Dividing the divorced populations by these measures adjusts the prevalence of
divorce to reflect educational differences in age of initial exposure to the risk of
divorce. For each educational group at each census, we are thus able to calculate the
number of currently divorced individuals for each year between initial exposure to the
risk of divorce and the census date.
In order to calculate the education-specific values of mean age at marriage used to
weight the ever married populations in the census tabulations, we use data from the
Japanese National Fertility Surveys. Conducted every five years by the National
Institute of Population and Social Security Research, these surveys provide information
on educational attainment and age at marriage for large nationally representative
samples of married women between the ages of 18 and 49. Measures of mean age at
marriage for 1980 are calculated from the 1982 JNFS, values for 1990 are calculated
from pooled data from the 1987 and 1992 JNFS, and values for 2000 come from the
1997 JNFS. Because tabulations of marital status by educational attainment in the
census are presented by five-year age group, we calculate mean age at marriage for
similar age groups in each of the JNF surveys. In the analyses presented below, we
focus on ages 35-39 because women at these ages will have been married long enough
for many divorces to occur, and yet their experience represents marriages over a
relatively recent period.
We present these analyses and their results in two sections. In the first, we
examine trends and levels in marital dissolution and in the second, we examine
educational differentials in the prevalence of divorce.
4. Results
4.1 Trends and levels
We describe trends in marital dissolution by examining the cumulative probability of
divorce for single-year marriage cohorts beginning in 1980, and a synthetic cohort
trajectory based on divorce rates observed in 2002. The latter spells out the
implications of recent increases in divorce by describing the expected cumulative
proportion divorced at successive durations if a marriage cohort were to follow the most
recently observed duration-specific rates.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
Figure 3 presents five cumulative divorce trajectories. The four solid lines
represent the experience of the 1980, 1985, 1990, and 1995 marriage cohorts. The
broken line represents the synthetic cohort dissolution trajectory calculated from
duration-specific dissolution probabilities observed in 2002. The rapid increase in
marital dissolution is very clear, particularly between the 1985 and 1990 marriage
cohorts. The proportion of marriages ending within five years is 50% higher for the
1995 marriage cohort (12%) than for the 1980 marriage cohort (8%). The proportion of
marriages dissolved within 10 years was 12% for marriages begun in 1980 and 17% for
marriages begun in 1990. Despite the somewhat greater gap between marriages begun
in 1985 and 1990, each successive cohort has experienced a higher proportion divorced
at each duration since marriage. The synthetic cohort line continues this pattern with an
increase over the 1995 cohort and then follows a smooth trajectory in which the
proportion divorced by 12 years is about as much higher than the 1990 cohort as the
1990 cohort was relative to the 1985 cohort. This rough equivalence of a 10 year
increase (between 2000 and 1990) to the prior 5 year change (between 1990 and 1985)
suggests some attenuation in the rate of increase, but implies continuing increases in
divorce nonetheless. We estimate the cumulative probability of marital dissolution
within 20 years of marriage to be 30%, a figure that is substantially higher than the
lifetime probability of divorce from earlier age-based estimates (Beppu 2002; Ikenoue
and Takahashi 1994).
As we argued in the introduction, Japans markedly different family traditions
make comparisons with the Western experience of the second demographic transition
extremely valuable. Figure 4 compares the proportion of marriages expected to end in
divorce by 20 years after marriage in Japan to those estimated for various European
countries by Andersson and Philipov (2001). Our results here are startling. While the
increase in rates of divorce in Japan is well recognized, it has gone unnoticed that Japan
has fully experienced this component of the second demographic transition. The risk
of divorce for new marriages in Japan now matches the highest levels in Europe, even
though it is still considerably below that in the U.S. Rates are similar to those of
Germany and Austria, slightly higher than those in Sweden and Finland, and
substantially higher than those of France (30 vs. 19 percent) (Note 8).
Although divorce rates decline steadily over the course of marriage, there is some
increase in cumulative divorce for a cohort even after the duration of 23 years that we
can estimate from our data. On the other hand, the cumulative proportion divorced
increases very little after 30 years, so the proportion divorced by 30 years is a
reasonable indicator of the lifetime probability of divorce. We can make a rough
estimate of this proportion, by applying the ratio of the proportion divorced by 30 years
to the proportion divorced by 20 years duration as reported in other synthetic cohort
studies of divorce in the U.S. and elsewhere. The lowest of these ratios (from the U.S)
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 405
suggests that a third of all marriages in Japan will end in divorce by 30 years after
marriage. This has very substantial implications for family patterns in Japan, especially
in light of evidence presented in the next section showing that the prevalence of divorce
is relatively high among the less advantaged.
4.2 Educational differentials
It is extremely important to understand the extent to which this rapid increase in marital
dissolution has occurred across the socioeconomic spectrum or is increasingly
concentrated among certain groups. As noted above, cross-national studies of family
change associated with the second demographic transition indicate that divorce is
increasingly concentrated among the less educated (McLanahan 2004). We would
expect to observe a similar pattern of change in Japan to the extent that economic
hardship is associated with marital instability and to the extent that Japanese couples
with more limited socioeconomic resources have been most adversely affected by the
economic downturn of the 1990s.
We begin with tabulations of age and marital status by educational attainment for
women in the 1980, 1990, and 2000 census publications. The census contains six
categories of educational attainment: junior high school graduates, high school
graduates, junior college/vocational school graduates, university graduates, in school,
and never attended school. We do not consider the last two categories given the very
small numbers in each and the largely irrelevant nature of the in school category
beyond usual ages for schooling. In Figure 5, we present the unadjusted ratios of the
divorced population to the ever married population by educational attainment for 35-39
year old women in 1980, 1990, and 2000. It is immediately clear that the prevalence of
divorce has increased for all educational groups, especially between 1990 and 2000
(Note 9). In 1980, less than 5% of ever married 35-39 year-old women were currently
divorced. By 2000, 15% of ever married women who did not finish high school and
7% of high school graduates were divorced. Increases in the prevalence of divorce for
women with at least a two-year college degree have been relatively small. While it is
important to keep in mind that these figures substantially understate experience of
divorce given that roughly half of those who divorce eventually remarry, it seems clear
that there has been a sharp increase in educational differentials in divorce over the past
two decades.
In Figure 6, we describe change over time in the relative prevalence of divorce
after adjusting for educational differences in the mean age at first marriage of 35-39
year old women at each census (as calculated from the Japanese National Fertility
Surveys). This adjustment to account for earlier marriage among women in lower
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
educational groups has little impact on the patterns described by the unadjusted data.
Educational differences in the prevalence of divorce were negligible in 1980 but
increased substantially over the following two decades. In 1990, there was a slight
divergence between women with higher education and those who completed high
school and a very large relative increase in the prevalence of divorce among women
who did not finish high school. This divergence between women with and without
higher education accelerated rapidly between 1990 and 2000. In the 2000 census, the
adjusted prevalence of divorced female high school graduates is 1.6 times larger than
for university graduates. Among women who did not complete high school, the
prevalence of divorce is 2.8 times higher than among college graduates. Trends for
women in the lowest educational category may be discounted given the increasingly
small and select nature of this group in the 2000 census, only 5% of 35-39 year-old
women were classified as junior high school graduates. However, with high school
graduates comprising 51% of 35-39 year-old women in 2000, it is clear that there are
growing educational differentials in the experience of divorce in Japan.
There are two issues that could possibly result in the size of these differentials
being overstated. First, because age at first marriage has increased substantially
between 1980 and 2000, age at divorce has also increased, thus inflating the prevalence
of divorce (i.e., women have had less time to remarry). If this pattern of change has
differed by education, our results may overstate the increase in educational differentials
in divorce. This seems most unlikely, however, since age at first marriage has been
delayed most among the most highly educated women (Raymo 2003). Second, it is
possible that educational differentials in the likelihood of remarriage following divorce
have increased. If highly educated women are increasingly likely to remarry soon after
divorce (relative to their less educated counterparts), the patterns depicted in Figure 6
would overstate the increase in educational differentials in divorce. We are not aware,
however, of any empirical or anecdotal evidence to suggest that this is the case.
In sum, our adjustment for differences in age at first marriage only partially
accounts for differences in exposure to the risk of divorce so we do not place much
weight on the specific values presented in Figure 6. Rather, it is the general pattern of
change that is important. The very clear trends convince us that the growing
educational differentials in divorce are not an artifact of the crude measurement
techniques necessitated by data limitations. The ratio of divorced high school graduates
to divorced university graduates may be more or less than the 1.6 we calculate but it is
surely larger than it was in 1980 and 1990.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 407
5. Discussion
Very little has been known about recent trends in marital dissolution in Japan. It is
clear that crude divorce rates increased sharply during the 1990s, but the absence of
more informative measures of the likelihood of divorce has hidden the scale of current
levels. Furthermore, nothing was known about socioeconomic differentials in divorce.
Our interest in understanding patterns of divorce in Japan is heightened by the contrast
between the very homogeneous nature of the family life course in Japan and evidence
of increasing socioeconomic differentials in family behavior in other industrialized
societies. Is divorce increasingly common across socioeconomic strata, as suggested by
the limited socioeconomic differentials in fertility trends and changes in marriage
timing? Is divorce increasingly concentrated among those with fewer socioeconomic
resources, as in other industrialized countries? In this paper, we have utilized available
data to describe trends in the experience of marital dissolution across the life course and
to examine trends in educational differentials in the prevalence of divorce.
Cumulative probabilities of divorce have increased markedly across marriage
cohorts in Japan. Indeed, our synthetic cohort estimates indicate that roughly one-third
of Japanese marriages are expected to end in divorce. This figure is similar to that
observed in some western European countries and higher than the level in most. Japan
is no longer a society characterized by low levels of marital dissolution. Rough
estimates of educational differentials in the prevalence of divorce indicate that there has
been a rapid increase over the past two decades in the extent to which divorce is
concentrated among those with lower levels of education. While educational
differentials in the prevalence of divorce were negligible in the 1980 census, women
with a high school degree or less are far more likely than their more highly educated
counterparts to be divorced in the 2000 census.
As in the U.S. and most other industrialized societies, it appears that family
changes associated with the second demographic transition may have important
implications for social stratification in Japan. For example, the economic implications
of rising divorce rates for women may be particularly pronounced in Japan where
married womens attachment to the labor force is far more tenuous than in the U.S. and
many European countries. At the same time, however, the relatively high prevalence of
coresidence with parents following divorce may diminish the economic implications of
divorce for some Japanese women and their children (Note 10). Tabulations of
Japanese census data and data from the National Survey of Families and Households
indicate that the proportion of 35-39 year-old divorced women coresiding with parents
is 25% in Japan but only 2% in the U.S. Does this pattern of post-divorce coresidence
with parents mitigate the economic consequences of divorce for women? Does it
influence the likelihood of remarriage among divorced women? Does it ameliorate the
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
negative consequences for children of growing up with a single parent (e.g.,
McLanahan and Sandefur 1994)? In considering these questions, attention will need to
be paid to the potential for even further divergence in family experience. If coresidence
ameliorates the consequences of divorce for some women and children in Japan, these
consequences may be very severe indeed for the majority who do not live with parents.
In the absence of joint custody laws, what role do divorced fathers play in the lives of
their children? What are the implications of divorce for fathers well-being?
Subsequent research should address these questions not only to further understand the
family implications of divorce in Japan but also to further understand the ways in which
the consequences of divorce may be moderated by the family, legal, and economic
contexts in which it occurs.
6. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by a Health and Labor Science Research Grant to the National
Institute of Population and Social Security Research. We would like to thank Naoko
Katsumoto for assistance with data preparation.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 409
1. Japans total fertility rate has been below 2.1 since 1974. In 2002, the mean age at
marriage was 27.4 for women and 29.1 for men, 1.9% of children were born to
unmarried mothers, and 3% of unmarried 25-29 year old men and women were in
cohabiting unions (National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
2004a, 2004b).
2. It is worth noting that low levels of divorce are not a traditional feature of the
Japanese family. Historical studies (Fuess 2004; Hayami 1973) have documented
very high levels of divorce among Japanese couples in the 19
3. Marital history data are available from the National Family Research of Japan
survey conducted by the Japan Society for Family Sociology and from the Japanese
General Social Survey, but both surveys seriously underrepresent divorced
4. Vital statistics data obviously provide no information on marriages that were
dissolved but never officially ended by registration of divorce. If de facto
divorces are common in Japan, as in the U.S. (Bumpass, Castro Martin, and Sweet
1991), the vital statistics data will understate the incidence of divorce.
Furthermore, if there are socioeconomic differentials in the likelihood of either
registering divorce or self-report of divorce in the census, our analyses may
understate or overstate educational differentials in the experience of divorce.
5. This adjustment procedure very closely resembles that described in Ishikawa
6. We use data on all divorces and marriages. We do not distinguish between first
marriages and remarriages. Among women, first marriages comprised 91% of all
marriages in 1979 and 85% of all marriages in 2002 (National Institute of
Population and Social Security Research 2004a).
7. Tabulations of current marital status by experience of divorce among respondents
to the Japanese National Fertility Surveys suggest that roughly 40% of divorced
women and 60% of divorced men remarry.
8. The figures from Andersson and Philipov (2001) are based on data from the late
1980s and early 1990s.
9. The patterns described here are very similar for women in adjacent five-year age-
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
10. Mothers receive custody in roughly 80% of divorces involving children (National
Institute of Population and Social Security Research 2004a).
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 411
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Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
CDR= Divorces/1,000 Population
Figure 1: Trends in Japan’s Crude Divorce Rate and Recent Figures from Other
Source: National Institute of Population and Social Security Research. 2004. Latest Demographic Statistics. Tokyo: National Institute
of Population and Social Security Research.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 415
Figure 2: Adjustment Procedure Used to Construct Yearly Divorce Counts.
Note: t=1979-2002, n=1-23. All divorces are classified by the year in which the marriage began and ended.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Union Duration (years)
Cumulative Probability of Dissolution
1980 1985 1990 1995 2002*
*Refers to hypothetical cohort
Figure 3: Cumulative Probability of Marital Dissolution, by Marriage Cohort.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 417
Figure 4: Proportion of Marriages Expected to Disrupt Within 20 Years: Life Table
Source: Andersson and Philipov (2001).
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14
1980 1990 2000
# Divorced/#Ever Married
Junior High School High School Jr. College / Voc. School University
Figure 5: Ratio of Divorced to Ever Married 35-39 Year Old Women, by
Educational Attainment: 1980, 1990, 2000.
Source: Population Census of Japan, 1980, 1990, 2000.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14 419
1980 1990 2000
Adjusted Ratio Divorced (Relative to
University Graduates)
Junior High School High School Jr. College / Voc. School
Figure 6: Educational Differences in the Prevalence of Divorce: Adjusted Ratio of
Divorced to Ever Married 35-39 Year Old Women Relative to University
Graduates, 1980, 1990, 2000.
Demographic Research Volume 11, Article 14