Connection Management Strategies for Java
Applications using JDBC and UCP
Oracle Database 12c
O R A C L E W H I T E P A P E R J U N E 2 0 1 6
Introduction 2
Quick Introduction of JDBC & UCP 3
Connection Management Strategy for Performance 4
1.1 Single Database/Single Instance 4
1.2 Real Application Clusters (RAC) 7
1.3 Multitenant Database – Multiple Databases/Single Instance 9
1.4 Data Guard or Active Data Guard - Multiple Datacenters/Single Instance 9
1.5 DG or ADG with RAC - Multiple Datacenters/Multiple Instances 10
1.6 Global Data Services (GDS) – Multiple Geographies 11
Connection Management Strategy for Scalability & Load Balancing 11
2.1 Single Database/Single Instance 11
2.2 Real Application Clusters (RAC) 14
2.3 Multitenant Database 15
2.4 Data Guard or Active Data Guard 15
2.5 DG or ADG with RAC 15
2.6 Global Data Services (GDS) 16
Connection Management Strategies for High Availability (HA) 16
3.1 Single Instance Database 16
3.2 RAC ONE Node 17
Hiding planned maintenance 17
Hiding unplanned downtime 18
3.3 Real Application Clusters (RAC) 19
3.4 Data Guard or Active Data Guard 19
3.5 DG or ADG with RAC 20
3.6 Global Data Services (GDS) 20
Connection Management Strategy for Security 21
Connection Management Strategy for Manageability 25
4.1 Single Instance Database 25
4.2 Real Application Clusters (RAC) 26
4.3 DG or ADG 27
4.4 DG or ADG with RAC 27
4.5 Global Data Services (GDS) 27
Conclusion 28
Architects, application developers, and DBAs strive to achieve the best system throughput by
tuning the RDBMS, the operating system, and Java applications. Database connections play a
crucial role in application performance, scalability, availability, security, and manageability. In
many cases, applications perform sub-optimally because of short term design decisions, incorrect
database configurations, poor tuning and poor understanding of database capabilities.
The Oracle database along with the Oracle JDBC drivers and the Oracle Universal Connection
Pool (UCP) offer many connection management strategies to improve the quality of services in
terms of performance, scalability, availability, security, and manageability. The strategies consist
in setting the appropriate connection descriptors and properties, choosing the appropriate
connection pool, tuning the pool to meet the application behavior, using connection affinity, using
connection labeling, leveraging high availability features such as Application Continuity(AC) or
Transaction Guard(TG) for achieving smooth planned maintenance and hiding unplanned
outages; and using the security and manageability features etc., This whitepaper makes
recommendations based on your database configuration such as Single Instance Database,
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), Oracle Multitenant, Oracle Data Guard (DG), Oracle
Active Data Guard (ADG), and Oracle Global Data Services (GDS).
The paper is structured around performance, scalability, availability, security, and manageability.
Every section presents the recommendations related to each Oracle database 12c configuration.
The companion connection management code samples
are available for download from Oracle
Technology Network (OTN) and also from GITHUB.
1 OTN @ or GITHUB @
Quick Introduction of JDBC & UCP
The Oracle JDBC drivers implement and comply with the latest JDBC specifications. Java
applications need to have ojdbc7.jar (for JDK 7 and JDK8) or ojdbc6.jar (for JDK 6) in their
Refer to “JDBC Developer’s guide
for more details. The following code sample
shows how to obtain a JDBC connection.
//Use connection descriptors
final static String DB_URL=
final static String DB_USER = "hr";
final static String DB_PASSWORD = "hr";
//Set connection level properties
Properties connProps = new Properties();
OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
OracleConnection connection = (OracleConnection) ods.getConnection();
Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP)
is a feature rich Java connection pool tightly integrated
with all Oracle database configurations, providing high availability, scalability and work load
balancing; In addition, UCP may be used with non-Oracle JDBC drivers against non-Oracle
databases. To use UCP, Java applications or containers must have
in their class path
along with
(for JDK 7 and JDK8) or
(for JDK 6). Many third party
connection pools provide basic functionalities. UCP stands out from other connection pools
because of its tighter integration with Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), Active Data Guard
(ADG), and Global Data Services (GDS). Refer to “UCP Developer’s guide
for more details.
The following code fragment shows how to retrieve a connection with UCP.
// Get the PoolDataSource for UCP
PoolDataSource pds = PoolDataSourceFactory.getPoolDataSource();
//Set the connection factory first before all other properties
//Set the pool level properties
Connection conn = pds.getConnection();
2 JDBC Developer’s Guide @
3 Download UCP.jar from OTN @
4 UCP Developer’s Guide @
Connection Management Strategy for
Many factors affect performance of Java applications with Oracle database. This section focuses
on the appropriate strategy for each database configuration.
1.1 Single Database/Single Instance
A single instance database has a one-to-one relationship between the Oracle database and the
Recommendation 1:
Use Connection URL for a Single Instance Database
The recommended format of a connection URL is a long format with descriptors as they allow
passing parameters such as CONNECT_TIMEOUT and other that can improve performance.
(RETRY_DELAY=3) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=myhost-vip)(PORT=1521))
CONNECT_TIMEOUT: When enabled, this parameter instructs Oracle Net services to wait for the
specified number of seconds (15 seconds in the example) for the completion of the connection
establishment. This is equivalent to SQLNET.OUTBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT which specifies
the time for the client to establish a connection to the oracle database instance.
RETRY_COUNT: It specifies the number of network connect retry attempts before returning a
failure message to the client. In the example above, Oracle Net retries 3 times before returning an
error message to the client. This helps in increasing the possibility of getting a connection and
thus improves the performance.
RETRY_DELAY: This parameter specifies the wait time in seconds between reconnection
attempts. It works in conjunction with RETRY_COUNT. So, it is advised to use RETRY_DELAY
and RETRY_COUNT together to avoid unnecessary CPU cycles.
Recommendation 2:
Choose the performance related connection properties.
Note: Refer to
for a complete list of connection level properties.
Session Data Unit (SDU):
It sets the size of the network buffer that Oracle Net uses for
transmitting data back to the Java application. SDU size can be tuned to optimize the throughput
of data packets being sent across the network thereby improving performance, network utilization
and memory consumption. SDU size for the client can be configured in
or in the connection URL. You may change the DEFAULT_SDU_SIZE in
for all connections, or in tnsnames.ora for specific services or in the connection URL
for a specific application. With Oracle database 12c the default SDU size is 8K which can be
increased to 2MB, if necessary. SDU should be increased with caution as it applies to each
5 OracleConnection in JDBC Javadoc @
Increase SDU in the following scenarios:
While using a wide area network (WAN) that has long delays.
When larger amounts of data are returned.
When transferring XML& JSON documents
DO NOT modify the default SDU value in the following scenarios:
Using a high speed network where the effect of the data transmission is negligible
When the requests return small amounts of data from the server
: Enable read timeout on sockets to avoid
connections from being severed due to firewall timeout and thereby causing applications to hang
waiting for a response from the RDBMS. The timeout value is in milliseconds.
Recommendation 3:
Use Java in the Database
“Java in the database
provides the ability to group SQL operations with Java data logic and load
in the database for in-place data processing. Java in the database comes with a “server side
internal driver” for direct access to data and PL/SQL subprograms through local calls. Java in the
database is recommended for applications that are data-intensive as it does not incur network calls
experienced by client applications. Applications will achieve higher performance and faster
execution. The connection string for getting a connection through a server side driver is as shown
OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
// alternatively any of the following URLs
// ods.setURL("jdbc:default:connection");
Connection connection = ods.getConnection();
Refer to, InternalT2Driver .sql, InternalT4Driver.sql,
in connection management code samples.
Recommendation 4:
Use Universal Connection Pool (UCP)
Universal Connection Pool (UCP)
Database connection creation and deletion is an expensive operation and repeated
creation/deletion lead to performance/scalability issue. A connection pool promotes the reuse of
connection objects and reduce the number of times the connection objects are created or deleted.
Also, an application waits less time to get a connection as the connections are already created.
The recommendation is to use Universal Connection Pool (UCP)
a Java connection pool for
managing database connections to improve performance and to better utilize system resources of
Java applications.
6 Refer to UCP Developers Guide for more details
UCP Performance Properties
UCP properties are used to control the connection pool size, handle stale connections, and
balance quick response times. The optimal settings for the pool properties depend on the
application and hardware resources. In many cases, it is necessary to try different settings to find
an optimal balance. Some of the performance properties are mentioned here.
MaxPoolSize specifies the maximum number of connections that a pool maintains to ensure it
does not exhaust system resources. The recommendation is to set it to a value based on the
number of connections expected from the application and tune it as required. The value can also
be set as suggested by the following formula.
MaxPoolSize = (rdbms-cores * n) / sum (pools-per-mid-tier)
where n is an integer with a typical recommended value of 9 or 10
Consider a single node database server with 4 cores per node and 5 mid-tiers each running a
single JVM with one pool each.
MaxPoolSize = (4 * 10) / (5 * 1) = (4 * 10) / 5 = 40 / 5 = 8
so MaxPoolSize should be 8 for each mid-tier, as a first approximation.
Applications that require an even number of connections per mid-tier can use the above formula.
However, in scenarios where connections required per mid-tier varies, we suggest to compute the
optimal connection workload that the database can sustain then split these connections among
mid-tiers. In the example above, 40 is the total number of connections that can be split among 5
mid-tiers based on the connection requirement.
MinPoolSize specifies the minimum number of available connections that a pool maintains. Set
this value to the minimum number of connections required by your application at any given time
and tune it as required. MinPoolSize should be less than or equal to MaxPoolSize. The default
value is 0.
InitialPoolSize specifies the number of connections that are created when the pool is created or re-
initialized. It should be closer to MinPoolSize, which will let the connection pool start faster. The
default value is 0 which means that no connections are pre-created.
In applications where the number of concurrent active connections are known and memory is not a
concern then set MaxPoolSize, InitialPoolSize, and MinPoolSize to the same value.
MaxStatements specifies the size of the SQL statement for each connection. Statement caching
lets cursors be re-executed without reparsing the statement, eliminating repetitive statement
parsing thereby improving the performance and scalability. By default, statement caching is
MaxStatements should be set to the number of frequently used SQL statements by the application.
So, use a number that is neither too high nor too small.
TimeToLiveConnectionTimeout allows a borrowed connection to remain borrowed only for a pre-
determined period of time. When this period expires, the connection is reclaimed back into the
pool. It is enforced even if the connection is in use. This timeout helps maximize connection
reuse and helps conserve system resources. It should be set sufficiently high, based on the
application profile.
AbandonedConnetionTimeout: a borrowed connection is considered abandoned when there is no
activity for an extended period of time; then it is reclaimed back into the pool. This timeout helps
maximize connection reuse and helps conserve system resources. It should be set to twice or
three times the longest duration that connection may be checked out, including failover time.
InactiveConnectionTimeout specifies how long an available connection can remain idle before it is
closed and removed from the pool. It is only applicable to available connections, not borrowed
ones. This timeout helps conserve resources. The default value is 0. A non-zero value depends
on application requirements.
ConnectionWaitTimeout specifies how long an application may wait before obtaining a connection.
Upon the expiration of this timeout, an exception is thrown. This timeout improves overall
application usability by minimizing the amount of time an application is blocked and provides the
ability to implement a graceful recovery. The default value is 3 seconds. Choose the value based
on the application.
Refer to
code samples in connection
management code samples.
Recommendation 5:
Use Connection Labelling
Universal Connection Pool (UCP) enables an application to associate custom labels i.e., non-
transactional states (e.g., NLS, Transaction Isolation or custom state) to a connection then later
search for the same connections. Connection labeling avoids the time and cost of connection re-
initialization. For more details on Connection Labeling”, refer to UCP Developer’s guide
Refer to in connection management code samples.
1.2 Real Application Clusters (RAC)
The Oracle Real Application Clusters
(Oracle RAC) configuration has one-to-many relationship
between the Oracle database and one or many instances. Oracle RAC satisfies high
performance, increased throughput, high availability, and expanded scalability requirements.
Oracle RAC can be deployed with Oracle Multitenant and Oracle Active Data Guard (ADG).
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to Real Application Clusters (RAC). In addition, the following recommendations apply.
Recommendation 6:
Connection URL for a RAC database
Performance related connection descriptors are explained in this section.
7 UCP Developers Guide @
8 Refer to RAC datasheet for more details on benefits
“Recommendation 1: Connection URL for a Single Instance Database” for detailed explanation of
these descriptors.
HOST: Always use a SCAN name as it provides better manageability. Refer to “Recommendation
33: Use Single Client Access Name (SCAN)” for more details.
SERVICE_NAME: Always use application service name. Services provide location transparency,
facilitate load balancing, enable recovery of work, and provide performance attributes. Default
database service corresponds to db_name, db_unique name or PDB name. Avoid using default
database services which are strictly used for database administration usage and reserved for
Oracle Enterprise Manager and DBAs.
Recommendation 7:
Use Universal Connection Pool (UCP)
Universal Connection Pool is tightly integrated with Oracle RAC and is a proven solution to
leverage all benefits and features offered by the RAC database. Refer to “Single Instance/Single
Database” section for more details about UCP and its performance properties. In a RAC
environment, set MaxPoolSize as suggested by the following formula.
MaxPoolSize = (sum (rdbms-cores-per-instance) * n) / sum (pools-per-mid-tier)
where n is an integer with a typical recommended value of 9 or 10.
Consider a 3 nodes Oracle RAC cluster with 24 cores per node and 10 mid-tiers each running 2
JVMs with one pool each and n=10.
MaxPoolSize = (sum (24, 24, 24) * 10) / (10 * 2)
= (72 * 10) / 20 = 720 / 20 = 36
so MaxPoolSize should be 36 as a first approximation.
Applications that require an even number of connections per mid-tier can use the above formula.
However, in scenarios where connections required per mid-tier varies then compute the optimal
connection workload then split these connections among mid-tiers. In the example above, 720 is
the total number of connections that can be split among 10 mid-tiers based on the connection
Recommendation 8:
Use Connection Affinity
Connection Affinity is a RAC performance feature that enables a pool to select connections that
are directed at a specific RAC instance. The pool uses run-time connection load balancing (if
configured) to select an instance specific connection; then subsequent connections request from
the same application are allocated with an affinity to the same instance. UCP supports two
connection affinity types (a) Web Session Affinity and (b) Transaction based Affinity
(a.k.a. XA
UCP Web Session Affinity
With web session affinity, UCP attempts to allocate a connection to the same database instance,
for consecutive connection requests from the same web session. The application must implement
an affinity callback.
A code fragment of web session affinity callback is shown here. Refer to
in connection management code samples.
9 Transaction Affinity aka XA Affinity is not covered in this whitepaper
MyConnectionAffinityCallback callback = new MyConnectionAffinityCallback();
// Web Session Affinity Callback implementation
public class MyConnectionAffinityCallback implements
ConnectionAffinityCallback {
// Affinity policy used by callback
ConnectionAffinityCallback.AffinityPolicy affinityPolicy =
public MyConnectionAffinityCallback() {
// Other Affinity callback methods go here
1.3 Multitenant Database – Multiple Databases/Single Instance
Oracle Multitenant is an option with Oracle Database 12c that simplifies consolidation,
provisioning, upgrades, and more. It allows a container database called CDB to manage many
pluggable databases abbreviated as PDB. PDBs are full-fledged databases containing customers
and applications data and metadata. Oracle Multitenant fully complements other options, including
Oracle Real Application Clusters and Oracle Active Data Guard. Connecting to PDBs through
Oracle Net is similar to connecting to a non-CDB database.
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to a Multitenant database. In addition, the following recommendations apply.
Recommendation 9:
Connection URL for a Multitenant database
SERVICE_NAME: The service name must be a valid service name associated with a given PDB
and unique within the CDB. DO NOT use service name that correlates to db_unique_name
(database or PDB name).
Recommendation 10:
Use a Shared UCP Pool
“A shared UCP pool” enables sharing a single pool of connections across multiple PDBs (or
tenants) to improve the performance and better utilize the database resources. The solution
available in Oracle database 12.1 requires few configuration and programmatic steps for reusing a
connection across PDBs. A shared UCP pool requires a combination of UCP Connection labeling,
Global database user (with access privileges to any PDB), and the new SET CONTAINER
statement within a call back function. Refer to “UCP Developer’s guide”
for step by step
instructions for creating a shared pool across multiple PDBs and also refer to
in connection management code
1.4 Data Guard or Active Data Guard - Multiple Datacenters/Single Instance
10 UCP Developer’s Guide @
Oracle Data Guard ensures high availability, data protection, and disaster recovery for enterprise
data. Oracle Data Guard maintains standby databases as copies of the production data center.
Then, if the production data center becomes unavailable, Oracle Data Guard switches the standby
database to the production role, minimizing the downtime associated with the outage. Oracle Data
Guard is included with Oracle Enterprise Edition with no additional license fees.
Active Data Guard (ADG)
is a superset of Data Guard (DG) and furnishes the following
additional features: Real-Time Query (performance and ROI), Far Sync (Zero Data Loss
Protection at any Distance), Automatic Block Repair (HA) and Database Rolling Upgrades. Active
Data Guard requires additional license with Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to a Data Guard or Active Data Guard database configuration and make sure to use a
connection URL with relevant connection descriptors as shown below.
Recommendation 11:
Connection URL for DG or ADG
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (FAILOVER=on) (LOAD_BALANCE=off)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=primary-vip) (PORT=1521)))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=secondary-vip) (PORT=1521)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME = gold-cloud-service-name)))
“Recommendation 1: Connection URL for a Single Instance database” for detailed explanation of
these descriptors.
1.5 DG or ADG with RAC - Multiple Datacenters/Multiple Instances
Oracle RAC and Data Guard architecture combines the benefits of both RAC and DG and is the
recommended architecture for Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA).
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to DG or ADG with RAC. An important strategy is to use a connection URL with
connection descriptors relevant to ADG/DG with RAC.
Recommendation 12: Connection URL for DG or ADG with RAC
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (FAILOVER=on) (LOAD_BALANCE=off)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=primary-scan) (PORT=1521)))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=secondary-scan) (PORT=1521)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME = gold-cloud-service-name)))
11 Refer to ADG datasheet @
“Recommendation1: Connection URL for Single Instance database” for detailed explanation of
these descriptors.
1.6 Global Data Services (GDS) – Multiple Geographies
Oracle Global Data Services (GDS)
caters to applications that efficiently serve geographically
distributed customers from the instances that are closely situated to the user. GDS is integrated
with Oracle Data Guard broker and is included with Oracle Active Data Guard.
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to a GDS database configuration and along with that, make sure to use a connection
URL with descriptors relevant to GDS.
Recommendation 13: Connection URL for Global Data Services (GDS)
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (FAILOVER=on) (LOAD_BALANCE=off)
(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL= TCP) (HOST=myorclgsm1) (PORT=1571)))
(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL= TCP) (HOST=myorclgsm2) (PORT=1572)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=gold-cloud-service-name) (REGION=region1))
Connection URL for a RAC database” for detailed explanation of these descriptors.
SERVICE_NAME: A global service is a database service provided by multiple databases
synchronized through data replication. Recommendation is to use a service name that is a
name in case of GDS.
Connection Management Strategy for
Scalability & Load Balancing
This section focuses on improving scalability and addressing load balancing by choosing an
appropriate strategy for each database configuration.
2.1 Single Database/Single Instance
Recommendation 14:
Use Database Services
A Database Service represents a single database and divides workloads into mutually disjoint
groups. Use database service for a workload with common attributes, service-level thresholds, and
priorities. Database services enable you to configure workload for a single database, administer it,
enable and disable it, and measure the workload as a single entity. Using database services
requires no changes in the application code. For example, the Oracle E-Business Suite defines a
database service for each responsibility, such as general ledger, accounts receivable, order entry,
12 Refer to GDS Whitepaper @
and so on.
SERVICE_NAME: Use a database service name.
Recommendation 15:
Use UCP and enable run time load balancing.
Enable run time load balancing on the service side for RAC and GDS. Refer to the section
Time Load Balancing
in the whitepaper
for more details.
Set ‘Runtime Load Balancing Goal’ to SERVICE_TIME or THROUGHPUT and
Set ‘Connection Load Balancing Goal’ to SHORT on the server side for both RAC and GDS.
$srvctl modify service –db <db_name> -service <service_name> -clbgoal
$srvctl modify service –db <db_name> -service <service_name> -rlbgoal
$gdsctl modify service –db <db_name> -service <service_name> -rlbgoal
$gdsctl modify service –db <db_name> -service <service_name> -clbgoal
Recommendation 16: Use Shared Server
Oracle database server process can either be dedicated (default), shared server (a.k.a. MTS) or
pooled server (a.k.a. DRCP).
In a shared server architecture, a dispatcher directs multiple incoming network session requests to
a pool of shared server processes, eliminating the need for a dedicated server process for each
connection thus reducing system resources when supporting an increased number of users.
Shared Server would be recommended for any database configurations to achieve scalability for
applications with a medium number of connections. Dedicated sessions are recommended for
applications with a small number of connections.
The downside of shared server is an extra hop through the dispatcher, a restriction with some
database features support, and increased complexity for setup and tuning.
As a general guideline, use shared server only when there are more concurrent connections to the
database than the operating system can handle. SHARED_SERVERS and
MAX_SHARED_SERVERS initialization parameters can be used to control the number of shared
servers created. Use the following formula for computing the optimal number of connections for a
database server.
MaxConnections = (sum (rdbms-cores-per-instance) * n)
where n is an integer with a typical recommended value of 9 or 10.
13 Oracle 12c HA Concepts @
Example: Consider a single node database server with 4 cores per node with n=10
MaxConnections = (4 * 10) = 40
Server Side configurations:
Shared Server must be configured and enabled by setting a few initialization parameters. Refer to
Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide
for detailed steps on enabling shared server on the
database side.
Client Side configurations:
SERVER: Use this parameter to specify a particular service handler type. The connect descriptor
uses (SERVER=SHARED) to request a dispatcher when connecting to a database indicating a
shared server usage. (SERVER=DEDICATED) indicates a dedicated server which is the default
Recommendation 17:
Use Oracle Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP)
Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP) is the server side connection pool consists of a set of
"dedicated servers" managed by connection broker(s). A connection broker manages the "pooled
servers" and shares these among multiple mid-tiers based on requests.
DRCP should be used in any database configurations to achieve better scalability in environments
requiring a large number mid-tiers (or web servers) accessing the same database server and the
number of active connections is fairly less than the number of open connections. For more details
on DRCP refer to JDBC Developer's guide
The downside of DRCP is: it requires an additional hop to the connection broker for authentication
and getting a connection from the pool however, once the connection is established it works
exactly the same way as dedicated servers. DRCP also incurs more server side CPU and memory
consumption. Use it only when database connections are to be shared across multiple middle-tier
Server Side configurations:
package is used for configuring and starting DRCP pool on the server
side. Use
for starting and stopping a pool. Also, invoke
to enable
statement caching on the server side.
Client Side Configurations:
14 Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide -
15JDBC Developer’s Guide
SERVER: Connection descriptor (SERVER=POOLED) is used to enable DRCP. Permitted values
for this parameter are DEDICATED, SHARED, and POOLED.
Another code change required is to set a non-null or non-empty string value to the
connection property while getting a connection.
DRCP with UCP as client side connection pool
UCP helps in maintaining a liaison or attachment to connection broker. The client-side connection
pools must attach and detach connections to the connection broker through
The benefit of using UCP over
third party client pool is that, UCP transparently takes care of attaching and detaching server
connections. Refer to
in connection management code samples.
DRCP without UCP
DRCP can be used with any third party client-side connection pools. Third party client side
connection pools must attach and detach connections explicitly to the connection broker through
. C
onnection class
should also be set as shown in the sample. Refer to
in connection
management code samples.
OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
// DRCP Property: Connection Class
// Set the connection-class to share connections across pool
Properties connproperty = new Properties();
try (OracleConnection connection = (OracleConnection) (ods.getConnection())) {
System.out.println("DRCP enabled: " + connection.isDRCPEnabled());
2.2 Real Application Clusters (RAC)
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to Real Application Clusters (RAC). In addition to that make sure to have scalability/load
balancing descriptors in the connection URL.
Recommendation 18:
Use connection URL for RAC
ADDRESS_LIST: If there is only one address then ADDRESS_LIST is not necessary. In case of
RAC, ADDRESS_LIST provides a way to specify LOAD_BALANCE and FAILOVER connection
descriptors for each ADDRESS. It enables connection time load balancing across the list of sites
specified in SCAN or a list of host names spelled out within an ADDRESS.
LOAD_BALANCE: This parameter enables connection time load balancing thus enabling listeners
to make routing decisions based on the load on the nodes. When this parameter is set to OFF,
Oracle Net tries the protocol addresses sequentially until one succeeds.
When this parameter is set to ON for a SCAN based address, new connection requests will be
randomly assigned to one of the 3 SCAN-based IP addresses resolved by DNS. This
randomization enables all listeners to share the job of servicing incoming connect requests. For
clients without SCAN, Oracle Net services randomly selects an address in the address list and
connects to the listener on that node.
2.3 Multitenant Database
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to Multitenant Database.
2.4 Data Guard or Active Data Guard
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to Data Guard or Active Data Guard. In addition to that make sure to have
scalability/load balancing descriptors in the connection URL.
Recommendation 19:
Connection URL for DG or ADG
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (FAILOVER=on) (LOAD_BALANCE=off)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=primary-vip) (PORT=1521)))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=secondary-vip) (PORT=1521)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME = gold-cloud-service-name)))
LOAD_BALANCE (Connect time Load balancing): When set to ON, this parameter instructs
Oracle Net to progress through the list of protocol addresses in a random sequence, balancing the
load on the various host name addresses. When set to OFF, it instructs Oracle Net to try the
address sequentially until one succeeds. It is turned OFF for single instances.
2.5 DG or ADG with RAC
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to DG or ADG with RAC. In addition to that make sure to have scalability/load
balancing descriptors in the connection URL.
Recommendation 20:
Connection URL for DG or ADG with RAC
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (FAILOVER=on)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=primary-scan) (PORT=1521)))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=secondary-scan) (PORT=1521)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME = gold-cloud-service-name)))
HOST: Always use SCAN name
LOAD_BALANCE (Connect time Load balancing): Refer to “Recommendation 19: Connection
URL for DG or ADG” for more details.
2.6 Global Data Services (GDS)
All connection management strategies discussed under “Single Instance/Single Database” are
applicable to GDS. In addition to that make sure to have scalability/load balancing descriptors in
the connection URL.
Recommendation 21:
Connection URL for GDS
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (FAILOVER=on)
(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL= TCP) (HOST=myorclgsm1) (PORT=1571)))
(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL= TCP) (HOST=myorclgsm2) (PORT=1572)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=gold-cloud-service-name) (REGION=region1))
HOST: Always use a Global Service Manager (GSM) listener which is analogous to a SCAN
listener for a RAC database. GSMs are “Global Listeners” that are instrumental in performing
inter-database service failovers and load balancing of GDS.
REGION: This is another important connection descriptor for GDS that specifies the region. The
region name is required because run time load balancing advisory is customized for particular
region in GDS. Examples of a GDS Regions are Asia region or Europe region etc.
Connection Management Strategies for
High Availability (HA)
Applications should be designed to mask downtime (time that a resource is unavailable) from end
users. Downtime can be planned or unplanned. The primary characteristics of high availability are
reliability, recoverability, timely error detection, and continuous operations. Oracle Database 12c
provides integrated HA technologies to reduce or avoid unplanned downtime, enable rapid
recovery from failures, and minimize planned downtimes. Oracle Real Application Cluster (Oracle
RAC), Oracle Data Guard (DG), Oracle Active Data Guard (ADG), and Application Continuity (AC)
are the key components that enable high availability. This section focuses on strategies for
achieving high availability for each database configuration.
3.1 Single Instance Database
Single Instance Database do not provide any high availability capabilities. Therefore, our
recommendation is to convert a single instance database to either Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC
ONE Node database to take advantage of the high availability capabilities. Refer to 3.2 RAC ONE
Node” and “3.3 Real Application Clusters (RAC)for more details.
3.2 RAC ONE Node
Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node (Oracle RAC One Node) is a single instance of an
Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database that runs on one node in a cluster. RAC
ONE benefits from the same infrastructure used for Oracle RAC.
The online database relocation feature ensures service availability by relocating an Oracle RAC
One Node to another node during maintenance. The second instance of an Oracle RAC One
Node database is created only during a planned online database relocation. On the start of
planned maintenance, when the primary instance is down, move all services to the second
instance through service relocation
(srvctl relocate service
), wait for all the connections to
migrate to the relocated instance, and shut down the primary database instance forcing any
remaining connections to move to the relocated instance.
Customers who need sub-minute recovery should deploy their databases on multi-node Oracle
Real Application Clusters (RAC). Oracle RAC provides the best possible availability and fastest
recovery from failures.
Hiding planned maintenance
Planned maintenance is required for regular maintenance of the technology infrastructure,
software upgrades/patching, or for hardware maintenance. It is important to design a system to
minimize planned interruptions.
The connection management strategy recommended to hide planned downtime is to drain the
workload away from the server schedule for maintenance. Enabling
a UCP property handles the draining.
Recommendation 22: Enable FAN events and Draining
Fast Application Notification (FAN) events such as DOWN, Planned DOWN, UP, RLB% etc., are
notified to subscribers (database drivers, containers) in a fast and reliable manner using the Oracle
Notification System (ONS).
FastConnectionFailover (FCF)
is a mechanism through which
UCP subscribes to FAN events and helps in rapid failover of connections or rebalance of workload
based on the event. The “UCP configuration in Apache Tomcat” is as shown below. An
application using UCP with FCF, handles the planned maintenance gracefully; DBAs and
developers should follow the steps mentioned in the whitepaper
for achieving a smooth and
transparent planned maintenance.
16 UCP with Tomcat whitepaper @
<Context docBase="UCPTomcat" path="/UCPTomcat“
reloadable="true" source="org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:UCPTomcat">
<Resource name="tomcat/UCPPool" auth="Container“
description="UCP Pool in Tomcat"
minPoolSize="5" maxPoolSize="50" initialPoolSize="15“ autoCommit="true“
user="scott" password="tiger"
Hiding unplanned downtime
Oracle database provides high availability solutions that prevent, tolerate, and reduce downtime for
all types of unplanned failures. Unplanned downtime can be caused by site failures, computer
failures, storage failures, data corruption, or human errors.
The connection management strategy recommended to hide unplanned outages for any database
configurations is to use Application Continuity (AC). Application Continuity (AC) which internally
invokes Transaction Guard (TG) attempts to mask unplanned outages from end users.
Recommendation 23:
Use Transaction Guard (TG)
Transaction Guard (TG) provides an API for ensuring at-most-once COMMIT execution. TG
furnishes a reliable commit outcome that indicates whether a transaction is committed and
completed or not. Every transaction is tagged with a Logical Transaction Identifier (LTXID), which
can be used by an application after a COMMIT failure to verify whether the in-flight transaction had
committed before the failure or not. Transaction Guard prevents applications from submitting
duplicate transactions. Refer to the whitepaper
for application changes and server side changes
to enable TG.
Recommendation 24:
Enable Application Continuity (AC)
Application Continuity (AC) improves the end user experience by masking many unplanned
outages. It attempts to hide downtimes by replaying in-flight application requests during planned
and unplanned outages. A request is a unit of work from the application that corresponds to DML
statements and other database calls of a single web request.
Application Continuity
needs to be enabled on the server side and also on the client side.
Java Applications require the following configurations for Application Continuity:
Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1)
17 Oracle Database 12c HA Building Blocks @
18 AC Whitepaper @
Java applications to use Oracle Universal Connection Pool with the Oracle replay data
source (
and also, subscribe to FAN
events through
in UCP.
Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) or Oracle Data Guard should ensure that
FAN is configured with Oracle Notification System (ONS). Note that ONS is configured by
default in RAC and DG.
Use an application service; do not use the default database service that is reserved for
Oracle Enterprise Manager and DBAs.
Set the required properties on the service for replay and load balancing as shown below.
modify service -db <db_name> -service <service_name> -
failovertype TRANSACTION -replay_init_time 600 -failoverretry 30 -
failoverdelay 10 -
commit_outcome TRUE
» ojdbc7.jar, ucp.jar and ons.jar
should be in the class path. Make sure that all these
jars are from the same database version i.e.,
Replace Oracle JDBC concrete classes
with standard JDBC interfaces: AC does not
support concrete classes and these must be replaced before using AC.
Disable replay to avoid any side effects. Replaying transactions related to mailing, printing
checks etc., may cause side effects hence, you must disable replay for such critical sections
using the
method of the
3.3 Real Application Clusters (RAC)
All connection management strategies discussed under “3.2: RAC ONE Node” are applicable to
Real Application Clusters (RAC). In addition, make sure to have high availability descriptors in the
connection URL.
Recommendation 25:
Connection URL for RAC
Connection URL:
Some points to remember.
(a) Never use Easy Connection URL aka EZConnect (Example:
jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/myorcldbservicename) for connecting to a RAC. It does not
provide a way to specify connection descriptors and thus cannot take advantage of high availability
(HA) and load balancing, et al.
(b) DO NOT use syntax from old versions. Always use the latest version connection URL syntax
as shown above.
HOST: The recommendation is to always use SCAN and not use a database host name as it will
not offer high availability capabilities.
3.4 Data Guard or Active Data Guard
19 Refer to MOS Note “New Jdbc Interfaces for Oracle types (Doc ID 1364193.1)
All connection management strategies discussed under “3.2: RAC ONE Node” are applicable to
DG or ADG. In addition, make sure to have high availability descriptors in the connection URL.
Recommendation 26: Connection URL for DG or ADG
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (FAILOVER=on) (LOAD_BALANCE=off)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=primary-vip) (PORT=1521)))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=secondary-vip) (PORT=1521)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME = gold-cloud-service-name)))
FAILOVER: It enables connect time failover. When turned ON, it instructs Oracle Net to fail over
to a different listener if the first listener fails. The number of addresses in the list determines how
many addresses are tried. When set to OFF, it instructs Oracle Net to try only one address. Always
set FAILVOER=ON for ADG or DG database configuration.
3.5 DG or ADG with RAC
All connection management strategies discussed under “3.2: RAC ONE Node” are applicable to
DG or ADG with RAC. In addition to that make sure to have high availability descriptors in the
connection URL.
Recommendation 27:
Connection URL for DG or ADG with RAC
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (FAILOVER=on)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=primary-scan) (PORT=1521)))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST=secondary-scan) (PORT=1521)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME = gold-cloud-service-name)))
FAILOVER: Refer to FAILOVER description under “Recommendation 26: Connection URL for DG
or ADG”.
3.6 Global Data Services (GDS)
All connection management strategies discussed under “3.2: RAC ONE Node“ are applicable to
GDS. In addition to that make sure to have high availability descriptors in the connection URL.
Recommendation 28:
Connection URL for GDS
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (FAILOVER=on)
(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL= TCP) (HOST=myorclgsm1) (PORT=1571)))
(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL= TCP) (HOST=myorclgsm2) (PORT=1572)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=gold-cloud-service-name) (REGION=region1))
FAILOVER: Refer to FAILOVER description under “Recommendation 26: Connection URL for DG
or ADG”.
Connection Management Strategy for
Oracle database provides a rich set of security features that can be used to manage user
accounts, authentication, privileges and roles, application security, encryption, network traffic, and
The connection management strategy is to choose any one of the following security features
based on the security requirements/restrictions of the business. These security features are
applicable to any database configurations such as Single Instance Database, Oracle Real
Application Clusters (RAC), Oracle Multitenant, Oracle Data Guard (DG), Oracle Active Data
Guard (ADG), and Oracle Global Data Services (GDS).
Advanced Security
: Includes Data Encryption and Data Integrity
Strong Authentication
methods such as SSL, Kerberos and RADIUS
Proxy Authentication
Recommendation 29:
Consider Advanced Security
The Oracle JDBC drivers embed the classes that implement advance security APIs. The security
parameters for encryption and integrity are usually set in the
file; these can also be
set as connection properties or system properties.
Data Encryption and Data Integrity
Sensitive information communicated over enterprise networks and internet can be protected by
using encryption algorithms, which transform information into a form that can be deciphered only
with a decryption key. Some of the supported encryption algorithms are RC4, DES, 3DES, and
AES. Oracle Advanced Security uses the following hashing algorithms to generate the secure
message digest and includes it with each message sent across a network. Refer to the
connection level properties related to Data Encryption and Data Integrity in this section.
Properties connProps = new Properties();
// For Data Integrity Check
PES, "( MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 or SHA512 )");
// For Data Encryption
// OracleDataSource – Oracle JDBC Connection
OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
// PoolDataSource – While Using UCP as connection pool
PoolDataSource pds = PoolDataSourceFactory.getPoolDataSource();
Recommendation 30:
Use Strong Authentication
For customers looking for a stronger authentication than the basic username/password, Oracle
Advanced Security enables users to authenticate externally with RADIUS, Kerberos, Certificate-
Based Authentication, Token Cards, and Smart Cards. Oracle JDBC driver supports the following
strong authentications:
SSL (certificate-based authentication)
SSL Authentication
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) provides authentication, data encryption, and data integrity. SSL
uses digital certificates that comply with the X.509v3 standard for authentication and a public and
private key pair for encryption. SSL also uses secret key cryptography and digital signatures to
ensure privacy and integrity of data. When a network connection over SSL is initiated, the client
and server perform a SSL handshake. Refer to the whitepaper “SSL with Oracle JDBC Thin
for code samples and more details. Some of the connection level properties used in SSL
authentication setup are as shown below. SSL properties can also be set as system level
properties using the name included in parenthesis.
Name of the connection property Detailed Description
To specify the authentication service to be
used. Use SSL as the value.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_CIPH To enable a subset of the cipher suites
ER_SUITES ( available. Prioritize cipher suites starting
with the strongest and moving to the
weakest to ensure the highest level of
security possible.
To force the driver to verify if the server’s
DN matches. Permitted values are ON,
OFF, TRUE or FALSE. Sample connection
URL looks like:
20 SSL with Oracle JDBC Thin driver @
To denote a valid type of the key store
supported by SSL. Example. JKS, PKCS12,
SSO etc.,
To specify the location of a key store.
To specify a password for a key store, used
to check the integrity of the data before
accessing it.
To denote a valid type of the trust store
supported by SSL. Example. JKS, PKCS12,
SSO etc.,
To specify the location of a trust store.
To specify a password for a trust store used
to check the integrity of the data before
accessing it.
To specify the SSL version. e.g., 1.2 or 1.1
ON (
To specify the oracle wallet location. The
wallet contains certificates and keys used by
SSL. listener.ora or tnsnames.ora file
contains the following.
To specify the wallet password which is only
required if auto-login is not enabled in the
Kerberos Authentication
Kerberos protocol uses strong cryptography so that a client or a server can prove its identity to its
server or client across an insecure network connection. The Kerberos architecture is centered on a
trusted authentication service called the Key Distribution Center (KDC). The users and services in
a Kerberos environment are referred to as principals; each principal shares a secret (e.g.,
password) with KDC. A principal can be a user such as HR or a database server instance.
Kerberos requires an initial KDC setup. Refer to JDBC Developer’s Guide
for the sample code
on Kerberos. Some of the connection level properties related to Kerberos setup are:
Name of the Connection property Detailed Description
21JDBC Developer’s Guide
To specify the authentication service to be used.
To specify the location of the Kerberos
credential cache.
To turn on Kerberos mutual authentication, set
this property to "true".
RADIUS Authentication
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a client/server security protocol that is
most widely known for enabling remote authentication and access. RADIUS can be used with a
variety of authentication mechanisms, including token cards and smart cards. Refer to JDBC
Developer’s Guide
for the sample code on RADIUS. Connection level property related to
RADIUS setup is mentioned here.
Name of the Connection property Detailed Description
To specify the authentication service to be used.
Recommendation 31: Consider Proxy Authentication
Proxy authentication
also called N-tier authentication uses middle tier for user authentication. A
middle tier server can be designed to proxy clients in a secure fashion in any three forms
(USERNAME, DISTINGUISHED NAME, and CERTIFICATE) of proxy authentication. In simple
words, proxy authentication enables one JDBC connection to act as a proxy for other JDBC
Example: In case of “USER NAME -Proxy Authentication”, if “appuser” is the proxy user name
then “jeff” and “smith” are the proxied users created with specific roles as shown below. “jeff” and
“smith” can connect to the database through “appuser”, where “appuser” is doing the
authentication for them.
Rem Connect as system user to grant necessary roles to the DB users "jeff" and
connect system/manager
grant select_role, insert_role, delete_role to jeff;
grant select_role, insert_role, delete_role to smith;
Rem grant the users "jeff" and "smith" to connect through “appuser” with
specified roles
alter user jeff grant connect through appuser with role select_role,
alter user smith grant connect through appuser with role select_role,
22 JDBC Developer’s Guide
Some of the connection level properties that are used in Proxy Authentication setup are:
Name of the Connection
Detailed Description
PROXY_CERTIFICATE Used for specifying the proxy certificate.
PROXY_DISTINGUISHED_NAME Used for specifying the distinguished name of the user
PROXY_ROLES Used for specifying the roles that the proxy will be granted
access to.
PROXY_USER_NAME Used for specifying the user name.
PROXY_USER_PASSWORD Used for specifying the user password and should be used
in conjunction with PROXY_USER_NAME.
Refer to ProxySessionSample.sql and in connection management
code samples.
Connection Management Strategy for
Manageability in Java applications consists of using appropriate monitoring tools to monitor the
health of applications with respect to connections and best practices that will ease maintaining and
managing database servers.
4.1 Single Instance Database
Recommendation 32:
Use JMX based management tools
JMX (Java Management Extensions) is used to monitor and manage resources as they are
created, installed, and implemented. In JMX, a given resource is instrumented by one or more
Java objects known as MBeans (Managed Beans). Universal Connection Pool (UCP) can be
managed through MBeans as well. The
is a manager
MBean that includes all the functionalities of a conventional connection pool manager. The
is a pool MBean that covers dynamic configuration of pool
properties and pool statistics.
When you start JConsole (or MBeans enabled tool), it lists all processes to choose from, pick the
process id (pid) of the application or program that is using UCP. A sample JConsole screenshot of
the MBean is shown here.
4.2 Real Application Clusters (RAC)
All connection management strategies discussed under “4.1: Single Instance Database” are
applicable to Real Application Clusters (RAC). In addition to that make sure to use SCAN as
described here.
Recommendation 33:
Use Single Client Access Name (SCAN)
SCAN is an Oracle RAC feature that provides a single name for clients to access the Oracle
database cluster. SCAN does not change throughout the life of the cluster thus providing better
manageability. Oracle recommends that all connections to the Oracle RAC database use SCAN in
their client connection string.
Digging deeper, SCAN is defined either in Domain Name Server (DNS) or Grid Naming Service
(GNS) that always resolves to three IP addresses. Example, if there are 10 instances then, SCAN
setup leads to an entry in /etc/hosts with 3 SCAN IP addresses. When a connection is requested,
Net services round robins to pick a SCAN listener from these 3 IP addresses. Later, SCAN
(remote) listener will choose any one of the10 instances (local listeners) from the least-loaded
instance where the service is available.
# Scan IP's – contents of
/etc/hosts primaryscan primaryscan primaryscan
Connection String without SCAN:
In this connection string, there are four hosts/nodes, each host has its own domain name
mentioned explicitly in the URL. Imagine, if Oracle RAC has 10 instances then, the connection
string will have 10 hostnames that can be error prone and tedious to manage.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = myhost-a-vip)(PORT = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = myhost-b-vip)(PORT = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = myhost-c-vip)(PORT = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = myhost-d-vip)(PORT = 1521)))
(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME= myorcldbservicename)))
Connection String with SCAN:
SCAN simplifies the client connection string and makes it more manageable. The connection
string does not change even when the nodes/instances are added or removed from the cluster.
If Oracle RAC has 10 instances then, SCAN name makes the connection string simple and
4.3 DG or ADG
All connection management strategies discussed under “4.1 Single Instance Database” are
applicable to DG or ADG.
4.4 DG or ADG with RAC
All connection management strategies discussed under “4.1 Single Instance Database” and 4.2
Real Application Clusters (RAC)” are applicable to DG or ADG with RAC.
4.5 Global Data Services (GDS)
All connection management strategies discussed under “4.1: Single Instance Database’’ are
applicable to Global Data Services (GDS). In addition to that make sure to use GSM listeners as
described here.
Recommendation 34:
Use Global Service Managers (GSM) listeners
Global Service Managers (GSM) listener in Oracle Global Data Services (GDS) is analogous to
SCAN in an Oracle RAC database. A GDS configuration contains multiple Global Service
Managers (GSM) per region. The GSMs are “Global Listeners” which understand real-time load
characteristics and the user-defined service placement policies on the replicated databases.
Connection String with GSM Listeners:
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (FAILOVER=on)
(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL= TCP) (HOST=myorclgsm1) (PORT=1571)))
(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL= TCP) (HOST=myorclgsm2) (PORT=1572)))
(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=gold-cloud-service-name) (REGION=region1))
This white paper furnishes a comprehensive and practical coverage of connection management
strategies while using Oracle JDBC and UCP with Oracle database 12c. The paper discusses
best practices, configurations, and properties to achieve performance, availability, scalability,
security, and manageability with various database configurations such as Single Instance
Database, Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), Oracle Multitenant, Oracle Data Guard (DG),
Oracle Active Data Guard (ADG), and Oracle Global Data Services (GDS). Oracle Database
Administrators, Java Architects, and web application designers can leverage the strategies from
this whitepaper to design robust, reliable, high performant, highly scalable, highly available, secure
and manageable web applications for better user experience. The complete connection
management code samples referenced in this paper will be posted on OTN
and also on GITHUB
23 Code samples are not uploaded and will be uploaded soon on OTN @
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