Claris FileMaker
ODBC and JDBC Guide
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. Mention of third-party products and URLs is for
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Edition: January 2022
Chapter 1
Introduction 5
About this guide 5
Where to find FileMaker product documentation 5
Overview of ODBC and JDBC 5
Using FileMaker software as an ODBC client application 6
Importing ODBC data 6
Adding ODBC tables to the relationships graph 6
Using a FileMaker Pro database as a data source 7
Accessing a hosted FileMaker Pro database 7
Limitations with third-party tools 8
Networking requirements 8
Updating files from previous versions 8
Chapter 2
Accessing external SQL data sources 9
Importing ODBC data 9
Executing SQL to interact with data sources via ODBC 10
Working with ODBC tables in the relationships graph 11
Data sources supported 11
Adding ODBC tables to the relationships graph 11
Chapter 3
Installing FileMaker ODBC client drivers 12
Hardware and software requirements 12
Networking requirements 12
ODBC client driver architecture overview (Windows) 12
ODBC client driver installation (Windows) 12
Configuring client drivers (Windows) 13
Opening the ODBC administrator (Windows) 13
Configuring the DSN (Windows) 14
ODBC client driver installation (macOS) 15
Configuring client drivers (macOS) 16
Where to go from here 18
Chapter 4
Using ODBC to share FileMaker data 19
About ODBC 19
Using the ODBC client driver 20
Overview of accessing a FileMaker Pro database file 20
Accessing a FileMaker Pro database file from a Windows application 21
Specifying ODBC client driver properties for a FileMaker DSN (Windows) 21
Verifying access via ODBC (Windows) 21
Contents 4
Accessing a FileMaker Pro database file from a macOS application 22
Specifying ODBC client driver properties for a FileMaker DSN (macOS) 22
Verifying access via ODBC (macOS) 22
Chapter 5
Installing FileMaker JDBC client drivers 23
Software requirements 23
Networking requirements 23
JDBC client driver installation 23
Using the JDBC client driver 24
Chapter 6
Using JDBC to share FileMaker data 25
About JDBC 25
Using the JDBC client driver 25
About the JDBC client driver 25
Using a JDBC URL to connect to your database 26
Specifying driver properties in the URL subname 28
Specifying a socket timeout value 28
Solutions with multiple FileMaker Pro database files 29
Verifying access via JDBC 29
Chapter 7
Reference information 30
ODBC Catalog functions 30
JDBC DatabaseMetaData methods 30
Mapping FileMaker Pro fields to ODBC data types 30
Mapping FileMaker Pro fields to JDBC data types 31
Data types in 64-bit applications 31
ODBC and JDBC error messages 31
ODBC error messages 31
JDBC error messages 32
Index 33
Chapter 1
This guide describes how you can use Claris® FileMaker® software as an ODBC client application
and as a data source for Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Java Database Connectivity
(JDBC) applications.
About this guide
This guide assumes that you are familiar with the basics of using ODBC and JDBC, and
constructing SQL queries. This guide provides the SQL statements and standards supported by
the Claris FileMaker Platform. Refer to a third-party book on constructing SQL queries.
Where to find FileMaker product documentation
To learn about, view, or download FileMaker product documentation, visit the Product
Documentation Center.
Overview of ODBC and JDBC
ODBC and JDBC are application programming interfaces (APIs). ODBC is an API for applications
written in the C language, and JDBC is a similar API for the Java language. These APIs give client
applications a common language for interacting with a variety of data sources and database
services, including Claris FileMaker Pro® and Claris FileMaker Server®.
All applications that support ODBC and JDBC recognize a basic subset of SQL (Structured Query
Language) statements. Working with SQL, you can use other applications (such as spreadsheets,
word processors, and reporting tools) to view, analyze, and modify data.
Using ODBC or JDBC APIs, a client application communicates with a driver manager that
identifies the client driver to communicate with a data source.
Some FileMaker software can act either as a client application or as a data source.
Chapter 1 | Introduction 6
The following table gives an overview of how to use ODBC and JDBC with FileMaker software.
Using FileMaker software as an ODBC client application
As an ODBC client application, FileMaker software can access data in external SQL data sources.
FileMaker software connects to the external SQL data source using the client driver for the ODBC
data source, and either imports ODBC data or works with ODBC tables in the relationships graph.
Importing ODBC data
You can import ODBC data in either of these ways:
1 from the File menu, by specifying an ODBC data source and entering SQL statements in the
FileMaker Pro SQL Query builder dialog box
1 by creating a FileMaker script that uses the Import Records script step or the Execute SQL
script step
For either of these methods, you enter the SQL statements yourself, so you need to know the
supported SQL statements and their syntax for your ODBC data source. And because you write
the SQL statements, you can import ODBC data from any ODBC data source. See FileMaker SQL
Reference for information on SQL statements and syntax supported by the Claris FileMaker
Adding ODBC tables to the relationships graph
When you add an ODBC table to the relationships graph, you can connect to and work with data
in external SQL data sources in much the same way that you work with data in the current, active
FileMaker Pro database file. For example, you can:
1 create tables in the relationships graph for ODBC data sources
What do you want to do? How do you do it? Product See
1 Use FileMaker software
as an ODBC client
1 Access ODBC data
stored in an external SQL
data source
1 Interactively via the
relationships graph
1 One-time, static via
ODBC import or File
menu > Open. Also, the
Import Records script
step, the Execute SQL
script step, and the
ExecuteSQL function
1 FileMaker Pro
1 FileMaker Server
1 Claris FileMaker Cloud®
1 This guide, chapter 2
1 FileMaker Pro Help
1 Use a FileMaker
database as a data
1 Share FileMaker Pro data
with a third-party ODBC
client application
1 ODBC and JDBC 1 FileMaker Pro
1 FileMaker Server
1 This guide, chapter 3 to 6
1 Use a FileMaker
database as a data
1 Share FileMaker Pro data
with a third-party ODBC
client application
1 SQL queries 1 FileMaker Pro
1 FileMaker Server
1 FileMaker SQL
Chapter 1 | Introduction 7
1 add supplemental fields to ODBC tables to perform unstored calculations or to summarize data
in the ODBC tables
1 add, change, and delete external data interactively
1 create relationships between fields in FileMaker tables and fields (also called “columns”) in
ODBC tables
Because FileMaker Pro generates the SQL statements used to communicate with an ODBC table
that has been added to the relationships graph, you are limited to the specific Oracle, SQL Server,
and MySQL data sources that FileMaker Pro supports in the relationships graph.
Note You cannot modify the schema of external ODBC data sources using FileMaker Pro.
Chapter 2, “Accessing external SQL data sources,” describes how to use FileMaker software as
an ODBC client application.
Using a FileMaker Pro database as a data source
As a data source, FileMaker data is shared with ODBC- and JDBC-compliant applications. The
application connects to the FileMaker data source using the FileMaker client driver, constructs and
executes the SQL queries using ODBC or JDBC, and processes the data retrieved from the
FileMaker Pro database solution.
Note Using FileMaker Pro databases as a data source is not supported for databases hosted by
FileMaker Cloud.
Accessing a hosted FileMaker Pro database
With FileMaker Server or FileMaker Pro, you can host a FileMaker Pro database file as a data
source, sharing your data with other applications using ODBC and JDBC. The following table
describes what each FileMaker product allows.
If your FileMaker Pro database solution uses more than one FileMaker Pro database file, all of the
database files must be on the same computer.
To access a hosted FileMaker Pro database file, you need to install the corresponding ODBC or
JDBC client driver. Install the client driver on the machine where the third-party application is
This guide documents how the ODBC and JDBC client drivers, when used with FileMaker Pro and
FileMaker Server, support the industry standards for ODBC and JDBC.
To learn about the SQL statements supported by ODBC and JDBC client drivers when used with
FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Server, see FileMaker SQL Reference.
This FileMaker product Allows
FileMaker Server Unrestricted connections and supports local access (same computer) and remote
access (both for middleware such as web servers, and for remote client access from
desktop productivity applications).
FileMaker Pro Up to five connections and supports local access (same computer) only.
Chapter 1 | Introduction 8
Important If you disable ODBC/JDBC sharing after it has already been on, a data source hosted
by FileMaker Server, or FileMaker Pro immediately becomes unavailable. The database
administrator doesn’t have the capability to alert ODBC and JDBC client applications about the
data source’s availability (the administrator can communicate only with FileMaker Pro database
file clients). No errors are reported, and the client application should notify users that the data
source is not available and transactions cannot be completed. If a client application attempts to
connect to an unavailable FileMaker Pro database file, a message explains that the connection
Limitations with third-party tools
Microsoft Access: When using Microsoft Access to view data in a FileMaker data source, do not
use data from a summary field. The summary field’s data should not be edited in Microsoft Access,
and the data value that is displayed in Microsoft Access may not be accurate.
Networking requirements
You need a TCP/IP network when using FileMaker Server to host a FileMaker Pro database file
as a data source over a network. FileMaker Pro supports local access (same computer) only.
Updating files from previous versions
If you installed a driver from earlier versions of FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Server, you must install
the driver for the current version. The driver for the current FileMaker software version is not
compatible with earlier versions.
See chapter 3, “Installing FileMaker ODBC client drivers,” and chapter 5, “Installing FileMaker
JDBC client drivers.”
1 You have to create a Data Source Name (DSN) for each FileMaker Pro database file you want
to access as a data source. If you have previously set up access through one DSN that allows
tables to be spread among several FileMaker Pro database files, you’ll need to consolidate
those tables into a single database file (or create several DSNs).
1 For information on using ODBC and JDBC with previous versions of FileMaker Pro, see the
Documentation Center.
Chapter 2
Accessing external SQL data sources
As an ODBC client application, FileMaker software can access data in external SQL data sources.
FileMaker software connects to the external SQL data source using the client driver for the ODBC
data source, and either imports ODBC data or works with ODBC tables in the relationships graph.
Whether you are importing ODBC data or working with ODBC tables in the relationships graph,
you must configure a driver for the ODBC data source you’re using. For example, to access
records from an Oracle database, you configure an Oracle client driver.
Importing ODBC data
When you import ODBC data, you need an ODBC client driver for the external SQL data source
configured on the client machine.
After configuring an ODBC client driver, you can interact with records, import records into an
existing FileMaker Pro database file, or create a new FileMaker Pro database file from an ODBC
data source (such as Oracle or Microsoft Access databases).
First, you access the data source you want to import from. Then you construct a query for the
records you want to import from the data source. Finally, if you’re importing data into an existing
file, you map fields from your data source to fields in your FileMaker Pro database file.
You can access your ODBC data source through the File menu, with the Import Records script
step, or with the Execute SQL script step.
To import ODBC data, follow this general process:
1. Install and configure specific ODBC drivers for the external data sources you want to access.
2. On the computer that will run the ODBC import, define a system DSN for each ODBC data
source you want to access.
3. Determine any additional considerations for the ODBC data sources you want to access (for
example, whether users are prompted for a user name and password).
4. In FileMaker Pro, do one of the following:
1 To import into an existing FileMaker Pro file, choose File menu > Import Records > ODBC
Data Source.
1 To create a FileMaker Pro file from the data source records, choose File menu > Open. Then
choose ODBC Data Source for Files of type (Windows) or Show (macOS).
5. Choose your data source, enter the user name and password (if any), and click OK to open the
FileMaker Pro SQL Query builder dialog box.
FileMaker Pro Client
SQL data
Chapter 2 | Accessing external SQL data sources 10
6. Using the FileMaker Pro SQL Query builder dialog box, you can construct a query. Select the
table from which you want to import, and then select specific columns you want to use in your
SQL query. Use the WHERE tab to construct search criteria and the ORDER BY tab to specify
a sort order.
You can also type an SQL statement directly into the SQL Query builder dialog box.
You can execute the query immediately, or you can use the Import Records script step or the
Execute SQL script step to execute a query as part of a FileMaker script.
Note ODBC import, the Execute SQL script step, and external SQL data sources are not
supported in runtime solutions created with FileMaker Pro.
See FileMaker Pro Help for information on importing data, using the SQL Query builder dialog box,
and creating FileMaker scripts. See FileMaker SQL Reference for information on SQL statements
and syntax supported by the FileMaker Platform.
Executing SQL to interact with data sources via ODBC
In addition to importing data into a FileMaker Pro database file via ODBC, you can also interact
with data sources using SQL statements through the Execute SQL script step and the
ExecuteSQL function. The Execute SQL script step may use any SQL statement supported by the
data source, such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. The ExecuteSQL function supports only
the SELECT statement.
You can also use SQL statements that go beyond simply importing data into a FileMaker Pro
database file. For example, you could execute SQL statements that add records to a database
table in SQL Server, using information from a FileMaker Pro database file.
See FileMaker Pro Help for information on creating FileMaker scripts that use the Execute SQL
script step and the ExecuteSQL function. See FileMaker SQL Reference for information on SQL
statements and syntax supported by the FileMaker Platform.
Chapter 2 | Accessing external SQL data sources 11
Working with ODBC tables in the relationships graph
When you add an ODBC table to the relationships graph, you can connect to and work with data
in external SQL data sources in much the same way that you work with data in the current, active
FileMaker Pro database file.
When you use FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, or FileMaker Cloud as the host for a solution that
includes ODBC tables in the relationships graph, you configure the ODBC client driver for the
external SQL data source on the host machine.
Data sources supported
As an ODBC client application, FileMaker Pro supports external SQL data sources such as
Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL Community Edition as ODBC tables in the
relationships graph. For information about the supported external SQL data sources, search the
nowledge Base.
Adding ODBC tables to the relationships graph
To set up a FileMaker Pro database to access data in supported ODBC data sources:
1. Install and configure specific ODBC drivers for the external data sources you want to access.
2. On the computer that hosts the current FileMaker Pro file, define a system DSN for each ODBC
data source you want to access.
3. Determine any additional considerations for ODBC data sources you want to access (for
example, whether users are prompted for a user name and password).
4. Add one or more tables from the ODBC data source to the relationships graph in the current
FileMaker Pro file.
5. Add fields to layouts in the FileMaker Pro file to display external data.
6. Optionally, add supplemental fields to external tables and layouts to display calculation and
summary results based on data stored in external ODBC data sources.
See FileMaker Pro Help for detailed steps and additional information on configuring an ODBC
client driver, connecting to ODBC data sources, editing ODBC data sources, and setting up an
ODBC table in the relationships graph.
Chapter 3
Installing FileMaker ODBC client drivers
To access a hosted FileMaker Pro database file as an ODBC data source, you need to install the
ODBC client driver. These instructions help you install the ODBC client driver needed to access
FileMaker data from third-party and custom applications via ODBC. Install the client driver on the
machine where the third-party application is installed.
As described below, the ODBC client driver is available through a separate installation on your
FileMaker product installation disk or electronic download in the xDBC folder.
Check for updates to the client drivers on the d
ownloads and resources page.
If you’ll be hosting a FileMaker Pro database file using FileMaker Server, make the client drivers
available to remote users.
After installing the client driver you need, you can configure the driver to access FileMaker data
and construct SQL queries to interact with the data.
Hardware and software requirements
To install and use the ODBC client drivers, you need to meet the minimum hardware and software
requirements described in s
ystem requirements.
Networking requirements
If you’ll be accessing a FileMaker data source hosted on another computer, you’ll need network
access via TCP/IP.
ODBC client driver architecture overview (Windows)
FileMaker software provides 32-bit and 64-bit client drivers for Windows, to support 32-bit and 64-
bit ODBC applications.
You must install the client driver that matches your ODBC application, not your operating system:
1 If your ODBC application is a 32-bit application, then install the 32-bit client driver.
1 If your ODBC application is a 64-bit application, then install the 64-bit client driver.
ODBC client driver installation (Windows)
Windows 32-bit and 64-bit client drivers are installed as separate libraries. On a 32-bit version of
the Windows operating system, you can install the 32-bit client driver only. On a 64-bit version of
the Windows operating system, you can install both the 32-bit and 64-bit client drivers.
To install the ODBC client driver:
1. Do one of the following:
1 If you received your software electronically, double-click the installation icon (.exe file).
1 If you have an installation disk, insert the disk into the drive.
2. In the FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Server window, double-click the Extras folder.
Chapter 3 | Installing FileMaker ODBC client drivers 13
3. Double-click the xDBC folder.
4. In the xDBC folder, double-click the ODBC Client Driver Installer folder.
5. In the ODBC Client Driver Installer folder, double-click the installer file for the driver you want
to install.
1 To install the 32-bit client driver (fmodbc32.dll), use the 32-bit installer file:
1 To install the 64-bit client driver (fmodbc64.dll), use the 64-bit installer file:
6. Install the ODBC client driver by following the onscreen instructions.
7. When the installation is complete, click Close.
By default, the ODBC client driver will be installed in this folder:
1 On a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system, the 32-bit client driver (fmodbc32.dll)
is installed in C:\Windows\System32
1 On a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system, the 32-bit client driver (fmodbc32.dll)
is installed in C:\Windows\SysWOW64
1 On a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system, the 64-bit client driver (fmodbc64.dll)
is installed in C:\Windows\System32
The ODBC client driver, FileMaker ODBC, is now available for you to configure for accessing
FileMaker data.
Configuring client drivers (Windows)
Before using an ODBC client application to access FileMaker data, you must configure a client
driver for the data source. Configuration settings identify the client driver you’re using, the location
of the data source, and details on how you intend to connect.
Important When using a FileMaker client driver, you must reserve 2399 as the port.
Opening the ODBC administrator (Windows)
To open the ODBC administrator, use the Administrative Tools control panel in the System and
Security category.
To open the 32-bit ODBC administrator on a 32-bit Windows operating system:
In Windows Control Panel, open Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
To open the 32-bit ODBC administrator on a 64-bit Windows operating system:
In Windows Control Panel, open Administrative Tools > ODBC Data Sources (32-bit).
To open the 64-bit ODBC administrator on a 64-bit Windows operating system:
In Windows Control Panel, open Administrative Tools > ODBC Data Sources (64-bit).
Chapter 3 | Installing FileMaker ODBC client drivers 14
Configuring the DSN (Windows)
To configure the ODBC client driver:
1. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator, select the System DSN or User DSN tab. You create
a DSN for each FileMaker Pro database file you want to access as a data source.
2. Click Add.
3. Select FileMaker ODBC, and click Finish.
4. Click Next.
5. For Name, enter a name that will be meaningful to others accessing the FileMaker data source.
For Description, enter an optional description of the FileMaker data source. Click Next.
6. For Host:
1 If you’re connecting to a database file hosted by FileMaker Pro on your local machine, enter
localhost or the IP address
1 If you’re connecting to a database file hosted by FileMaker Server over a network, enter the
domain name that is specified by the server’s SSL certificate.
If you have enabled sharing via ODBC/JDBC in the host application, you can select Connect
to host to obtain the names of available databases.
The FileMaker XDBC Listener uses the SSL certificate installed in the CStore folder on the
server if a certificate is available. For security reasons, indicate whether to make a connection
when the SSL certificate cannot be verified.
1 Select Connect to have the ODBC process always connect.
1 Select Connect with warning to allow the ODBC process to connect, but also provide a
warning message.
1 Select Do not connect to have the connection fail and return an error message.
Click Next.
Otherwise, click Finish to save your data source information.
7. For Database, select a database from the list of available databases, or type the filename of
the FileMaker Pro database file you’re using as a data source.
Note For database files hosted by FileMaker Server, the list of databases may be filtered
based on the Filter Databases setting. See FileMaker Server Help. The sample file
FMServer_Sample cannot be used to test ODBC connections. To test ODBC connections,
upload your own database.
1 If you need special handling of non-English text, click Advanced Language.
To auto-detect language settings, select the Auto-detect language settings for
application option. To specify the language setting, clear the Auto-detect language
settings for application option and select the system setting you want to use.
Chapter 3 | Installing FileMaker ODBC client drivers 15
For the Multi-byte text encoding option, select System or select UTF-8. For example,
some applications such as Microsoft Excel may expect text to be encoded using the System
encoding, but web applications may expect text to be encoded using UTF-8 encoding. If the
application expects a specific encoding but this option specifies a different encoding, then
the application may display some characters incorrectly. FileMaker software supports UTF-
8 multibyte characters consisting of up to three bytes.
1 Select the Describe text fields as long varchar option to correct issues with long field
values, such as using fields that do not have a maximum length specified in Microsoft Word
Mail Merge import, or field values in PHP applications that are longer than 255 characters. If
you do not use this option for field values longer than 255 characters, then your application
may retrieve an empty string (Windows) or only 255 characters (macOS).
1 If you want to create a log file for long-running queries, select the Save long-running
queries to a log file option, and enter the name for the log file.
Click Finish to save your data source information.
8. Review the information about your FileMaker DSN.
1 Click Test to verify that you have correctly configured the ODBC client driver to access the
FileMaker data source.
If you receive an error message, you can correct the connection information. You may also
need to check that the FileMaker Pro database file is hosted and available, that the
FileMaker file account specified uses a privilege set with the fmxdbc extended privilege for
access via ODBC/JDBC, and that the FileMaker Server, FileMaker Pro, or FileMaker Cloud
host application has been set up for sharing via ODBC/JDBC.
1 Click Done to save your data source information.
ODBC client driver installation (macOS)
The client driver is installed to the /Library/ODBC folder.
To install the ODBC client driver:
1. Do one of the following:
1 If you received your software electronically, double-click the disk image icon (.dmg file).
1 If you have an installation disk, insert the disk into the drive.
2. In the FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Server window, double-click the Extras folder.
3. Double-click the xDBC folder.
4. In the xDBC folder, double-click the ODBC Client Driver Installer folder.
5. In the ODBC Client Driver Installer folder, double-click FileMaker ODBC.pkg.
6. Install the ODBC client driver by following the onscreen instructions.
Chapter 3 | Installing FileMaker ODBC client drivers 16
7. When the installation is complete, click Close.
The ODBC client driver will be installed in this folder: /Library/ODBC
Note You cannot change the installation folder for the ODBC client driver.
The ODBC client driver, FileMaker ODBC, is now available for you to configure for accessing
FileMaker data.
Configuring client drivers (macOS)
Before using an ODBC client application to access FileMaker data, you must configure a client
driver for the data source. Configuration settings identify the client driver you’re using, the location
of the data source, and details on how you intend to connect.
These instructions assume you have installed the ODBC
Manager from Actual Technologies,
which is a freeware product not supported by Claris
Important When using a FileMaker client driver, you must reserve 2399 as the port.
To configure the ODBC client driver:
1. Launch the ODBC Manager utility. (ODBC Manager is installed in the Utilities folder in the
Applications folder.)
2. Select the System DSN or User DSN tab. You create a DSN for each FileMaker Pro database
file you want to access as a data source.
3. Click Add.
4. Select FileMaker ODBC, and click OK.
5. Click Continue.
6. For Name, enter a name that will be meaningful to others accessing the FileMaker data source.
For Description, enter an optional description of the FileMaker data source. Click Continue.
7. For Host:
1 If you’re connecting to a database file hosted by FileMaker Pro on your local machine, enter
localhost or the IP address
1 If you’re connecting to a database file hosted by FileMaker Server over a network, enter the
domain name that is specified by the server’s SSL certificate.
If you have enabled sharing via ODBC/JDBC in the host application, you can select Connect
to host to obtain the names of available databases.
The FileMaker XDBC Listener uses the SSL certificate installed in the CStore folder on the
server if a certificate is available. For security reasons, indicate whether to make a connection
when the SSL certificate cannot be verified.
1 Select Connect to have the ODBC process always connect.
1 Select Connect with warning to allow the ODBC process to connect, but also provide a
warning message.
1 Select Do not connect to have the connection fail and return an error message.
Chapter 3 | Installing FileMaker ODBC client drivers 17
Click Continue.
Otherwise, click Finish to save your data source information.
8. For Database, select a database from the list of available databases, or type the filename of
the FileMaker Pro database file you’re using as a data source.
Note For database files hosted by FileMaker Server, the list of databases may be filtered
based on the Filter Databases setting. See FileMaker Server Help. The sample file
FMServer_Sample cannot be used to test ODBC connections. To test ODBC connections,
upload your own database.
1 If you need special handling of non-English text, click Advanced Language.
To auto-detect language settings, select the Auto-detect language settings for
application option. To specify the language setting, clear the Auto-detect language
settings for application option and select a system setting.
If your application uses ODBC functions with character buffers whose characters are 4 bytes
wide, select the Application uses the "wide" ODBC API option.
If you want the SQL_C_CHAR text type to be interpreted by the driver as the SQL_C_WCHAR
text type, select the Treat text types as Unicode option.
For the Multi-byte text encoding option, select System (MacRoman) or select UTF-8. For
example, some applications such as Microsoft Excel may expect text to be encoded using
the System encoding, but web applications may expect text to be encoded using UTF-8
encoding. If the application expects a specific encoding but this option specifies a different
encoding, then the application may display some characters incorrectly. FileMaker software
supports UTF-8 multibyte characters consisting of up to three bytes.
1 Select the Describe text fields as long varchar option to correct issues with long field
values, such as fields that do not have a maximum length specified getting used for Microsoft
Word Mail Merge import, or field values in PHP applications that are longer than 255
1 If you want to create a log file for long-running queries, select the Save long-running
queries to a log file option, and enter the name for the log file. You can also change the
Long query time value.
Click Finish to save your data source information.
9. Review the information about your FileMaker DSN.
1 Click Test to verify that you have correctly configured the ODBC client driver to access the
FileMaker data source.
If you receive an error message, you can correct the connection information. You may also
need to check that the FileMaker Pro database file is hosted and available, that the
FileMaker file account specified uses a privilege set with the fmxdbc extended privilege for
access via ODBC/JDBC, and that the FileMaker Server or FileMaker Pro host application
has been set up for sharing via ODBC/JDBC.
1 Click Done to save your data source information.
Chapter 3 | Installing FileMaker ODBC client drivers 18
Where to go from here
After you install and configure a client driver, you can construct and execute SQL queries to
access FileMaker data.
Client applications sometimes use different terminology for accessing a data source via ODBC.
Many applications have menu items with names such as Get external data or SQL query. Review
the documentation or Help that comes with your application for details.
See chapter 4, “Using ODBC to share FileMaker data.”
Chapter 4
Using ODBC to share FileMaker data
Use the ODBC client driver to connect to FileMaker data from another application. The application
that uses the ODBC client driver can directly access the data in a FileMaker Pro database file.
The FileMaker ODBC client driver is FileMaker ODBC.
Note You can also use FileMaker Pro as an ODBC client application, interacting with records
from another data source via ODBC using SQL. See chapter 2, “Accessing external SQL data
sources,” for details about accessing an external SQL data source via ODBC.
About ODBC
ODBC is an API that enables applications to access data from many database management
systems. ODBC gives client applications a common language for interacting with data sources
and database services.
All applications that support ODBC recognize a basic subset of SQL (Structured Query Language)
statements. SQL lets you use other applications (such as spreadsheets, word processors, and
reporting tools) to view, analyze, and modify FileMaker data. See FileMaker SQL Reference for
the SQL statements, functions, and expressions that the ODBC client driver supports.
Your application can access data in a FileMaker Pro database file by using the ODBC client driver.
Your SQL statements are delivered to the FileMaker host of the database file, and the results of
those statements are sent back to your application. If you use FileMaker Server to host a
FileMaker Pro database file as a data source, the database file can be located on another machine
(the server machine) connected to the network, while your client application is located on your
machine (the client machine). This is referred to as a client/server configuration.
ODBC driver
ODBC client
SQL Server
ODBC driver
SQL Server
FileMaker ProOracle
Chapter 4 | Using ODBC to share FileMaker data 20
Using the ODBC client driver
The ODBC client driver supports ODBC 3.0 Level 1. You can use the ODBC client driver with any
ODBC-compliant application. Sharing your FileMaker Pro database file as a data source, you can:
1 perform mail merges with Microsoft Word
1 create charts with Microsoft Excel
1 move FileMaker data to a DBMS like Microsoft SQL Server
1 further analyze your FileMaker data with query or reporting tools to create charts, construct
ad hoc queries, and perform drill-down analyses
1 create a Microsoft Visual Basic application that shares information with FileMaker Pro
To share a FileMaker Pro database file as a data source, use FileMaker Pro to define accounts
that need access to the database file. Then, control access to the database file by assigning
privilege sets to the accounts, including the fmxdbc extended privilege for access via
ODBC/JDBC. Finally, enable the host application to share data via ODBC/JDBC. Visit the Product
Documentation Center for the details in FileMaker Pro Help or FileMaker Server Help.
Important Prior versions of the FileMaker ODBC client driver are not compatible with the current
version of FileMaker software. To connect to a FileMaker Pro database file, you need to install and
configure the ODBC client driver that matches the version of the FileMaker software you are using.
Note To confirm that the FileMaker XDBC Listener is currently running, you can use the Activity
Monitor on macOS or the Task Manager on Windows to check the status of the XDBC Listener
process. When the process is started, it is named fmxdbc_listener, and events are logged by that
Overview of accessing a FileMaker Pro database file
From an ODBC-compliant application, you can construct SQL queries to access a FileMaker Pro
database file. The ODBC client driver must be installed on the computer generating the SQL
To access a FileMaker Pro database file:
1. In FileMaker Pro, review the privilege sets you’ve assigned to accounts that will access the
database file.
Accounts that need access must use a privilege set with the fmxdbc extended privilege for
access via ODBC/JDBC.
2. Enable the FileMaker Server, or FileMaker Pro host application to share data via ODBC/JDBC.
Visit the Product Documentation Center
for the details in FileMaker Pro Help or
FileMaker Server Help.
3. Make sure the FileMaker Pro database file you want to access is hosted and available.
If your FileMaker Pro database solution uses more than one FileMaker Pro database file, all of
the database files must be on the same computer.
4. Connect to the FileMaker data.
Chapter 4 | Using ODBC to share FileMaker data 21
5. Construct and execute an SQL query in the client application.
Each FileMaker Pro database file that is open and set up for access is a separate data source
(you create a DSN for each FileMaker Pro database file you want to access as a data source).
Each database can have one or more tables. FileMaker Pro fields are represented as columns.
The complete field name, including any non-alphanumeric characters, displays as the column
Accessing a FileMaker Pro database file from a Windows application
Specifying ODBC client driver properties for a FileMaker DSN (Windows)
Create a DSN for each FileMaker Pro database file you want to access as a data source. The DSN
identifies the FileMaker ODBC client driver, the location of the FileMaker host application, and the
FileMaker Pro database file you’re accessing as a data source.
For information on creating a DSN, see “Configuring client drivers (Windows)” on page 13.
Verifying access via ODBC (Windows)
To verify that you’ve correctly configured the ODBC client driver to access the FileMaker data:
1. Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator. See “Opening the ODBC administrator (Windows)”
on page 13.
2. Select the System DSN or User DSN tab (select the tab used when you previously configured).
3. Choose the FileMaker data source that you previously configured.
The DSN you originally entered appears under Name, and FileMaker ODBC appears as the
4. Click Configure.
5. Click Next until you reach the Conclusion page.
6. Click Test.
Enter your FileMaker file account name (in Database User Name) and password (in Database
If the connection is successful, you receive the message Test completed successfully.
If the connection fails:
1 Make sure the FileMaker Pro database file is hosted and available.
1 Update or correct your connection information.
1 Make sure your FileMaker file account uses a privilege set with the fmxdbc extended privilege
for access via ODBC/JDBC.
1 Verify that the FileMaker Server or FileMaker Pro host application has been set up for sharing
Chapter 4 | Using ODBC to share FileMaker data 22
Accessing a FileMaker Pro database file from a macOS application
Specifying ODBC client driver properties for a FileMaker DSN (macOS)
Create a DSN for each FileMaker Pro database file you want to access as a data source. The DSN
identifies the FileMaker ODBC client driver, the location of the FileMaker host application, and the
FileMaker Pro database file you’re accessing as a data source.
For information on creating a DSN, see “Configuring client drivers (macOS)” on page 16.
Verifying access via ODBC (macOS)
To verify that you’ve correctly configured the ODBC client driver to access the FileMaker data
1. Launch the ODBC Manager utility. (The ODBC Manager is located in the Utilities folder in the
Applications folder.)
2. Select the System DSN or User DSN tab (select the tab used when you previously configured).
3. Choose the FileMaker data source that you previously configured.
The DSN you originally entered appears under Name, and FileMaker ODBC appears as the
4. Click Configure.
5. Click Continue until you reach the Conclusion page.
6. Click Test.
Enter your FileMaker file account name (in Database User Name) and password (in Database
If the connection is successful, you receive the message Test completed successfully.
If the connection fails:
1 Make sure the FileMaker Pro database file is hosted and available.
1 Update or correct your connection information.
1 Make sure your FileMaker file account uses a privilege set with the fmxdbc extended privilege
for access via ODBC/JDBC.
1 Verify that the FileMaker Server or FileMaker Pro host application has been set up for sharing
Chapter 5
Installing FileMaker JDBC client drivers
To access a hosted FileMaker Pro database file as a JDBC data source, you need to install the
JDBC client driver. These instructions help you install the client driver needed to access FileMaker
data from third-party and custom applications via JDBC. Install the client driver on the machine
where the third-party application is installed.
Check for updates to the client drivers on the FileMaker
downloads and resources page.
If you’ll be hosting a FileMaker Pro database file using FileMaker Server, make the client drivers
available to remote users.
After installing the client driver you need, you can configure the driver to access a FileMaker data
and construct SQL queries to interact with the data.
The JDBC client driver constitutes the driver portions of the FileMaker software that allow third-
party applications or custom applications to access FileMaker files as JDBC data sources.
Software requirements
To install and use the JDBC client drivers, you need JDK 1.6 or later.
To find which version of Java you’re running, open a command window (Windows) or Terminal
window (macOS) and type java -version.
Networking requirements
If you’ll be accessing FileMaker data hosted on another computer, you’ll need network access via
JDBC client driver installation
You must have write access to the folder where you’re installing the JDBC client driver.
To install the JDBC client driver:
1. Do one of the following:
1 Windows: If you received your software electronically, double-click the installation icon (.exe
1 macOS: If you received your software electronically, double-click the disk image icon (.dmg
1 If you have an installation disk, insert the disk into the drive.
2. In the FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Server window, double-click the Extras folder.
3. Double-click the xDBC folder.
4. In the xDBC folder, double-click the JDBC Client Driver Installer folder.
Chapter 5 | Installing FileMaker JDBC client drivers 24
5. Copy the fmjdbc.jar file to the appropriate folder for your operating system:
1 Windows: Copy the fmjdbc.jar file to the folder that includes your Java executable file
(java.exe) or to another folder location included in the ClassPath of your Java application.
1 macOS: Copy the fmjdbc.jar file to the /Library/Java/Extensions folder or to another folder
location included in the ClassPath of your Java application.
You can now use the JDBC client driver to access FileMaker data.
Using the JDBC client driver
Your Java application or applet must register the JDBC client driver with the JDBC driver manager,
and you must specify the correct JDBC URL (Uniform Resource Locator) from within the
application or applet.
Important You must reserve the port 2399 for the FileMaker JDBC client driver. The port number
is always 2399. You cannot change the JDBC sharing to a different port.
See chapter 6, “Using JDBC to share FileMaker data.”
Chapter 6
Using JDBC to share FileMaker data
If you’re a Java programmer, you can use the JDBC client driver with any Rapid Application
Development (RAD) tool to visually create a Java application or applet that connects to a
FileMaker data source. The Java application or applet that uses the JDBC client driver can directly
access the data in a FileMaker Pro database file.
About JDBC
JDBC is a Java API for executing SQL statements, the standard language for accessing relational
databases. JDBC is a low-level interface, which means that it is used to call SQL commands
directly. It is also designed to be used as a base for higher-level interfaces and tools.
Your Java applet or application can access data in a FileMaker Pro database file by using the
JDBC client driver. Your SQL statements are delivered to the FileMaker host of the database file,
and the results of those statements are sent back to your application. If you use FileMaker Server
to host, the FileMaker Pro database file you’re using as a data source can be located on another
machine (the server machine) connected to the network, while your Java applet or client
application is located on your machine (the client machine). This is referred to as a client/server
Using the JDBC client driver
You can use the JDBC client driver with a Java compiler or RAD tool to connect with your database
while you build the code for your Java application or applet. After the Java application or applet
has been created, the JDBC client driver must be present with the files or included within the code
in order for the application or applet to communicate with the database.
To use the JDBC client driver, your Java application or applet must register the driver with the
JDBC driver manager and you must specify the correct JDBC URL from within the application or
applet. You need the JDBC URL to make the connection to the database.
About the JDBC client driver
The JDBC client driver provides partial support for the JDBC 3.0 specification. The following
features are not supported by the FileMaker Platform:
1 SAVEPOINT statements
1 retrieval of auto-generated keys
1 passing parameters to a callable statement object by name
1 holdable cursors
JDBC driver
Java application
Client machine Database server
Chapter 6 | Using JDBC to share FileMaker data 26
1 retrieving and updating the object referenced by a Ref object
1 updating of columns containing CLOB, ARRAY, and REF data types
1 Boolean data type
1 DATALINK data type
1 transform groups and type mapping
1 relationships between the JDBC SPI and the Connector architecture
The JDBC client driver has been tested against the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8.
It is a Type 4 driver—a native protocol, pure Java driver that converts JDBC calls directly into the
network protocol used by FileMaker Pro. This type of driver offers all the advantages of Java,
including automatic installation (for example, downloading the JDBC driver with an applet that
uses it).
The driver class and main entry point for the driver is
Important The JDBC client driver replaces the FileMaker JDBC driver released with a previous
version of FileMaker software. If you have previously set up access to a FileMaker data source
using the older driver, you’ll need to redefine access by using and configuring the new driver.
Note To confirm that the FileMaker XDBC Listener is currently running, you can use the Activity
Monitor on macOS or the Task Manager in Windows to check the status of the XDBC Listener
process. When the process is started, it is named fmxdbc_listener, and events are logged by that
name. The XDBC Listener process is separate from the FileMaker Server process. You can use
FileMaker Server Admin Console to stop and start the XDBC Listener process. See FileMaker
Server Help.
Using a JDBC URL to connect to your database
In Java, most resources are accessed through URLs. A JDBC URL is used to identify the
database so the JDBC client driver can recognize and establish a connection with the database.
The JDBC URL consists of three main parts separated by colons:
The first part in the JDBC URL is always the JDBC protocol (
jdbc). The subprotocol is the
driver name or the mechanism that supports multiple drivers. For the JDBC client driver, the
subprotocol is
filemaker. The subname is the IP address of the machine that is hosting the
FileMaker data source.
Registering the JDBC client driver and connecting to a FileMaker data source (an example)
Here is a portion of a JDBC client application that:
1. registers the JDBC client driver with the JDBC driver manager
2. establishes a connection with the FileMaker data source; the JDBC URL is
3. returns error codes
Chapter 6 | Using JDBC to share FileMaker data 27
Note This example is not meant to be compiled.
import java.sql.*;
class FMPJDBCTest
public static void main(String[ ] args)
// register the JDBC client driver
try {
Driver d =
} catch(Exception e) {
// establish a connection to FileMaker
Connection con;
try {
con =
tabase”,”username”, “password”);
} catch(Exception e) {
// get connection warnings
SQLWarning warning = null;
try {
warning = con.getWarnings();
if (warning == null) {
System.out.println("No warnings");
while (warning != null) {
System.out.println("Warning: "+warning);
warning = warning.getNextWarning();
} catch (Exception e) {
Chapter 6 | Using JDBC to share FileMaker data 28
Specifying driver properties in the URL subname
Specify the user and password driver properties in the subname of the JDBC URL. These are the
properties that could be passed to the connection when calling the DriverManager.getConnection
method via the Properties parameter.
1 user: An account in the FileMaker Pro database file that uses a privilege set with the fmxdbc
extended privilege for access via ODBC/JDBC
1 password: The password for the account in the FileMaker Pro database file
JDBC URL connection with the database name specified in the URL
jdbc:filemaker://<filemaker host IP address>/<databasename>
JDBC URL connection with the database name, user name, and password specified in the URL
jdbc:filemaker://<filemaker host IP
Note Because the ampersand character (&) is reserved for use in this syntax, you cannot use an
ampersand character in the user name or the password.
Specifying a socket timeout value
To prevent the JDBC driver from maintaining the connection indefinitely, include the
SocketTimeout parameter when you specify the JDBC connection string, specifying a socket
timeout value in milliseconds.
Invalid user name:
Invalid password:
Chapter 6 | Using JDBC to share FileMaker data 29
Solutions with multiple FileMaker Pro database files
If your FileMaker Pro database solution uses many FileMaker Pro database files, create an
additional database file that contains all the necessary external data source references, table
occurrences, and relationships for your solution. Then define this additional database file as your
data source in the JDBC URL. All of the FileMaker Pro database files must be on the same
Verifying access via JDBC
Note The sample file FMServer_Sample cannot be used to test JDBC connections. To test
JDBC connections, upload your own database.
When verifying access to a FileMaker Pro database file via JDBC, make sure:
1 the FileMaker Pro database file is hosted and available
1 your FileMaker file account uses a privilege set with the fmxdbc extended privilege for access
1 The FileMaker Server or FileMaker Pro host application has been set up for sharing via
To share a FileMaker Pro database file as a data source, use FileMaker Pro to define accounts
that need access to the database file. Then, control access to the database file by assigning
privilege sets to the accounts, including the fmxdbc extended privilege for access via
ODBC/JDBC. Finally, enable the host application to share data via ODBC/JDBC. Visit the
Product Documentation Center
for the details in FileMaker Pro Help or FileMaker Server Help.
1 The JDBC client driver registration and the JDBC URL are correct (the driver can be included
inside the Java Application or located on the client machine)
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection (
"jdbc:filemaker://", "admin",
"admin" );
Chapter 7
Reference information
ODBC Catalog functions
The ODBC client driver supports the following Catalog functions:
1 SQLTables—catalog information is stored and reported as single part names (table name only)
1 SQLColumns
1 SQLColumnPrivileges
1 SQLDescribeCol
1 SQLGetTypeInfo
JDBC DatabaseMetaData methods
The JDBC client driver supports the following DatabaseMetaData methods:
Mapping FileMaker Pro fields to ODBC data types
This table illustrates how FileMaker Pro field types map to the standard ODBC data types.
1 getColumns
1 getColumnPrivileges
1 getMetaData
1 getTypeInfo
1 getTables
1 getTableTypes
1 getVersionColumns
FileMaker field type Converts to ODBC data type About the data type
text SQL_VARCHAR The maximum column length of text is 1 million characters,
unless you specify a smaller Maximum number of
characters for the FileMaker text field and returns empty
strings as NULL.
number SQL_DOUBLE The FileMaker number field type can contain positive or
negatives values as small as 10
, and as large as 10
with up to 15 significant digits.
time SQL_TIME The FileMaker time field type can contain the time of day or
a time interval. A time interval is returned as a time of day,
unless it is less than 0 or greater than 24 hours (both return
a value of 0).
container (BLOB) SQL_LONGVARBINARY You can retrieve binary data, file reference information, or
data of a specific file type from a container field.
Within a SELECT statement, use the CAST() function to
retrieve file reference information, and use the GetAs()
function to retrieve data of a specific file type.
calculation The result is mapped to the corresponding ODBC data type.
Chapter 7 | Reference information 31
String length is optional in table declarations. All strings are stored and retrieved in Unicode.
Note FileMaker repeating fields are supported like arrays.
Mapping FileMaker Pro fields to JDBC data types
The JDBC client driver uses the following mappings when converting FileMaker data types to
JDBC SQL types.
The JDBC client driver converts the FileMaker calculation data type to the JDBC SQL type
matching the calculation’s result. For example, the JDBC client driver converts a FileMaker
calculation that results in a timestamp data type to java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP.
Data types in 64-bit applications
In the 32-bit version of the ODBC API, some functions used parameters that could pass integer
values or pointer values, depending on context. But in 64-bit Windows operating systems, integers
and pointers are not the same size. The 64-bit version of the ODBC API uses abstract data types
that are not defined as a specific size.
Applications that use 32-bit values may crash when they are ported to a 64-bit operating system.
Applications that use abstract data types work correctly on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating
ODBC and JDBC error messages
Here are the basic formats of error messages you receive when working with FileMaker data and
ODBC error messages
Error messages can come from:
1 ODBC driver errors
1 FileMaker Platform and FileMaker XDBC Listener errors
INSERT INTO mytable(repField[3]) VALUES (‘this is rep 3’)
SELECT repField[1], repField[2] FROM mytable
FileMaker field type Converts to JDBC SQL type
text java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
number java.sql.Types.DOUBLE
date java.sql.Types.DATE
time java.sql.Types.TIME
timestamp java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP
container java.sql.Types.BLOB
calculation specified by the data type of the calculation’s result
Chapter 7 | Reference information 32
FileMaker ODBC error messages
An error that occurs in the FileMaker XDBC Listener or data source includes the DSN, in the
following format:
[FileMaker] [FileMaker ODBC] message
If you get this type of error, you did something incorrectly with the database system. Check your
FileMaker product documentation for more information or consult your database administrator.
Consecutive messages for errors in different columns can sometimes display an incorrect column
JDBC error messages
The FileMaker JDBC driver reports errors to the calling application by returning SQLExceptions.
Error messages can come from:
1 JDBC driver errors
1 FileMaker Platform and FileMaker XDBC Listener errors
FileMaker JDBC error messages
An error that occurs in the FileMaker XDBC Listener or data source includes the DSN, in the
following format:
[FileMaker] [FileMaker JDBC] message
If you get this type of error, you did something incorrectly with the database system. Check your
FileMaker product documentation for more information or consult your database administrator.
[FileMaker] [FileMaker ODBC] Invalid Account/Password
[FileMaker] [FileMaker JDBC] Invalid Account/Password
architecture 12
client driver (Windows) 13
ODBC administrator (Windows) 13
architecture 12
client driver (Windows) 13
data types 31
ODBC administrator (Windows) 13
Access via ODBC/JDBC extended privilege 20
accounts and privileges 20
ARRAY data type 26
auto-generated keys 25
Boolean data type 26
CAST function 30
catalog function 30
client application, using FileMaker Pro as 6
CLOB data type 26
column names 21
configuring a FileMaker data source
for JDBC 28
for ODBC (macOS) 22
for ODBC (Windows) 21
container field
JDBC data type mapping 31
ODBC data type mapping 30
cursors in JDBC 25
data source
configuring for access for JDBC 28
configuring for access via ODBC (macOS) 22
configuring for access via ODBC (Windows) 21
disabling a shared FileMaker Pro database file 8
one DSN for each FileMaker Pro database file 8
verifying access via JDBC 29
verifying access via ODBC (macOS) 22
verifying access via ODBC (Windows) 21
data type mapping
JDBC client driver 31
ODBC client driver 30
DatabaseMetaData methods 30
DATALINK data type 26
disabling a shared FileMaker Pro database file 8
driver properties
JDBC client driver 28
ODBC client driver (macOS) 22
ODBC client driver (Windows) 21
drivers, compatible versions 8
creating (macOS) 22
creating (Windows) 21
one per file 8
error message formats 31
Execute SQL script step 9
, 10
ExecuteSQL function 10
extended privileges 20
external SQL data sources
accessing 9
supported versions 11
mapping to JDBC 31
mapping to ODBC 30
FileMaker ODBC client driver
macOS 16
Windows 13
organizing on one computer 7
setting up access to 20
fmxdbc extended privilege 20
, 28
GetAs function 30
getColumnPrivileges method 30
getColumns method 30
getMetaData method 30
getTables method 30
getTableTypes method 30
getTypeInfo method 30
getVersionColumns method 30
holdable cursors in JDBC 25
Import Records script step 9, 10
importing ODBC data 9
installation requirements 12
, 23
Java Development Kit (JDK) 26
Java version 23
client driver, described 25
described 25
error messages 32
JDBC client driver
driver class and main entry point 26
mapping data types 31
registering with the JDBC driver manager 26
specifying the JDBC URL 26
verifying access 29
creating a DSN 16
JDBC client driver requirements 23
verifying ODBC access 22
mapping data types
JDBC client driver 31
ODBC client driver 30
metadata methods 30
Microsoft Access 8
MySQL 11
networking requirements 8
null value 30
described 19
error messages 31
repeating fields 31
ODBC Administrator (macOS) 22
ODBC catalog functions 30
ODBC client driver
mapping data types 30
verifying access (macOS) 22
verifying access (Windows) 21
ODBC Data Source Administrator
creating a DSN 14
opening 13
verifying ODBC access 21
ODBC Manager
creating a DSN 16
downloading 16
verifying ODBC access 22
Oracle 11
with JDBC 28
with ODBC 21, 22
port 2399
required for JDBC 24
required for ODBC (macOS) 16
required for ODBC (Windows) 13
privileges, extended 20
Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools 25
REF data type 26
registering the JDBC client driver 26
relationships graph 6
remote access 7
repeating fields 31
required ports
for JDBC 24
for ODBC (macOS) 16
for ODBC (Windows) 13
requirements for installation 12
, 23
runtime solutions, limitations 10
SAVEPOINT support 25
schema modification 7
setting up privileges and sharing 20
sharing, setting up ODBC/JDBC 20
SQL Query builder 6
, 9
SQL Server 11
SQLColumnPrivileges 30
SQLColumns 30
SQLDescribeCol 30
SQLExceptions 32
SQLGetTypeInfo 30
SQLTables 30
system requirements
for JDBC client drivers 23
for ODBC client drivers 12
TCP/IP requirements 8
testing access
JDBC client driver 29
ODBC client driver (macOS) 22
ODBC client driver (Windows) 21
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) for the JDBC client driver 26
using ODBC and JDBC with FileMaker software 6
verifying access
JDBC client driver 29
ODBC client driver (macOS) 22
ODBC client driver (Windows) 21
creating a DSN 21
JDBC client driver requirements 23
verifying ODBC access 21
XDBC Listener
error messages 31
used with JDBC 26
used with ODBC 20