with Oracle
Database 19c
On-Premises, Cloud, Data Types, Security,
Performance/Scalability, Zero Downtime
2 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the
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not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written
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This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for
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The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document
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Due to the nature of the product architecture, it may not be possible to safely include all features
described in this document without risking significant destabilization of the code.
3 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
The Oracle database release 19c enables Java developers and architects
to design and deploy modern, secure, fast and resilient applications using
the Oracle JDBC drivers, the Universal Connection Pool (UCP), and the
database-embedded JVM (a.k.a. OJVM)
This white paper walks you through the latest enhancements and APIs in
the following areas: JDBC standards, connectivity to database on-premises
and/or in the Cloud, new data types support, security enhancements,
performance and scalability, and zero downtime.
The Oracle JDBC supports the standard JDBC 4.3 enhancements.
This section covers: database alias, database service, the Easy Connect Naming mechanism and
connectivity to databases in the Cloud.
Drivers Jars
In this release, the core Oracle JDBC driver comes as:
ojdbc8.jar compiled w Java SE 8 (JDBC 4.2); can be used with Java 11
ojdbc10.jar compiled w Java SE 10 (JDBC 4.3); can be used with Java 11
The Metalink Doc ID 2482279.1 gives a statement of direction for Oracle JDBC releases.
The complete list of all the jars files that you might need can be found on Oracle Maven as well as the
OTN download page.
Database alias and service
For connecting to an Oracle database, Java programs use an Oracle Net Naming alias in the JDBC
connect string e.g., jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbalias
The Oracle Net Services alias is expanded into a full description that includes: the protocol, the host,
the port and the service name. A configuration file known as tnsnames.ora or an LDAP a directory
naming service repository ldap.ora (for large scale deployments). The Java developer or the
database administrator define the mapping of the alias and the full description in the configuration file
or the directory naming service repository.
Here is an example of tnsnames.ora entry
dbalias =
See the OJVM landing page for more details (including Github code samples) @
4 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
JDBC supports the long URL format where the full description of the tnsnames.ora entry is
specified directly in the connect string, thereby avoiding the use of the configuration file or a directory
naming service.
For example
jdbc:oracle:thin:@ DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales-
server) (PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=dbservice)))
The database service name is similar to JNDI names for datasources, the database service name
virtualizes the database; the associated database may be changed e.g., service relocation from one
instance to another in RAC environments or moved from on-premises to the Cloud without making
code change.
The following description is the recommended database connect string which supports clustered
database (i.e., RAC) and disaster recovery (i.e., Active Data Gard) environments.
dbalias =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST=primary-scan)(PORT=1521)))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST=standby-scan )(PORT=1521)))
(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME = service name)))
The specification above has provision for retrying to connect, load-balancing the workload across all
the instance accessing the same database (RAC technology) and failing over to another data center in
the case of disaster recovery (Active Data Guard technology).
The default location for the tnsnames.ora configuration file is specified by TNS_ADMIN specified
as system property: Starting with Oracle database release 18c, JDBC
supports defining TNS_ADMIN as environment variable or in the URL, as follows:
Properties in JDBC Connect String
Starting with this release, the JDBC properties can be set in the connect string. In the following
example, the implicit statement cache size is set to value 60.
Properties Files
Starting with Oracle database 18c, the JDBC drivers support a properties file mechanism for
simplifying Cloud as well as on-premises connectivity. The default properties file is, and it’s default location is defined by the value of TNS_ADMIN (value set
5 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
either in the JDBC URL or via a system property ( or environment
i.e., $TNS_ADMIN/
You may use an additional file, named from your database alias ojdbc_<dbalias>_properties (e.g.,
ojdbc_orcl_properties). If both the default and the non-default files are present, then the non-
default file takes precedence. The online JDBC Javadoc, gives more details on the properties file.
Wallet Location Property
Starting with Oracle Database release 18c, the JDBC driver supports a new property
my_wallet_directory for specifying the location of the wallets as follows:
dbaccess =
You may also set the wallet location via the system property,
as follows:
java cp .:oraclepki.jar:ojdbc10.jar D
file:/ path/to/wallet/cwallet.sso MyApp
Easy Connect Plus
The Easy Connect Naming mechanism available since Oracle database release 11, dynamically
expands the connect string without the need for an alias (and thereby no need for a configuration or
directory naming service), using default values for the port, the protocol, and the service; the default
service name however, needs to be defined in the DEFAULT_SERVICE_listener.ora file.
The general Easy Connect syntax is
The following Java connect string jdbc:oracle:thin:@sales-server will expand into
In this release, the Easy Connect Naming has been enhanced to support: TCPS, multiple hosts or
ports, a global database service name, an optional wallet location, an optional distinguished database
server name, and passing connections properties as name-value pairs in the connect string.
The general Easy Connect Plus syntax is
The question mark (?) indicates the start of name-value pairs and the ampersand (&) is the delimiter
between the name-value pairs.
The following Easy Connect Plus based connect string
jdbc:oracle:thin:@tcp://salesserver1:1521, salesserver2,
6 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
will expands into
All JDBC connection properties (including the server’s domain name and many others) may be
specified in the URL, using the Easy Connect Plus syntax.
For example, the following connect string
Will expands into
See section 8.2.5 of the JDBC documentation for more details.
Java Connectivity to Databases in the Cloud
Connecting your Java applications to the Autonomous Cloud database services i.e., the Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP-S, ATP-D) or the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse
Cloud (ADW) requires the following simple configurations steps.
The most important step is to get the client credentials from the Cloud console; it is a zip file
containing the configuration files mainly: tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora,, keystore.jks, truststore.jks, cwallet.ora and
ewallet.p12 see more details here (see step #2, under the prerequisites of this document)
Get the latest JDK8 (JDK8u163+), JDK9, JDK10 or JDK11
Get the latest Oracle JDBC and UCP jars from either the Oracle Maven repository or the JDBC
download page. Note that 19.3 JDBC drivers are available on central maven.
The property file (and ojdbc_<aliasname>.properties) is pre-
configured to work with Oracle Wallet, out of the box; you need to configure it for JKS, as follows.${TNS_ADMIN}/truststore.jks${TNS_ADMIN}/keystore.jks ***Not needed for ATP-D ***Not needed for ATP-D
This blog post zooms on ATP-D. Visit the Java connectivity to DB Cloud Service page for more
JSON Datatype Verification
Since Oracle Database 18c, the isColumnJSON() method may be used to check that a returned
column is of JSON datatype.
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
7 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
OracleResultSetMetaData orsmd = (OracleResultSetMetaData)rsmd;
boolean json = orsmd.isColumnJSON(i);
REF CURSOR as IN bind Variable
See the GitHub example.
In the previous Oracle database releases, the Oracle JDBC driver has supported several security
mechanisms including: support for strong authentication, data encryption and integrity, SSL, Kerberos,
RADIUS, secure external password store, and Oracle Advanced Security.
The latest security capabilities for Java applications includes: server domain name verification,
automatic SSL authentication, and HTTP Proxy configuration.
Server Domain Name Verification
Starting with Oracle Database 18c, the JDBC driver automatically authenticate the server if its DN is
specified either via connection property or via
ssl_server_cert_dn in the JDBC URL.",OU=ST,O=Or
Note: the value set in the URL overrides the value set in the property.
Automatic SSL Authentication
Oracle provides a public key infrastructure (PKI) for using public keys and certificates however, the
Oracle PKI provider must be registered. Starting with Oracle Database release 18c, the JDBC driver
resolves the PKI provider automatically (i.e., no need to register it) by loading the OraclePKIProvider,
if the provider implementation i.e., oraclepki.jar is on the CLASSPATH or if the connection property or system property is set. Note that
osdt_core.jar and osdt_cert.jar should be in the CLASSPATH. These additional jars are
downloaded along with 19.3 JDBC driver on Central Maven or you can download or to get these jars.
The wallet location can be set in one of the following two formats:
file:/path/ewallet.sso" or "file:/path/cwallet.p12" or
Using Oracle Wallets SSL authentication with Java also requires osdt_core.jar and
osdt_cert.jar in the CLASSPATH.
java -cp
8 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
Staring with the Oracle database 18c, the JDBC driver can resolve the key store types based on the
extension of the keystore (the value of the property) and truststore (the value of
the property) files.
a) The file extension .jks resolves to as JKS
b) The file extension .sso resolves to as SSO
c) The file extension .p12 resolves to as PKCS12
d) The file extension .pfx resolves to as PKCS12
If the key store or the trust store is a URI with a kss:// scheme, this maps to type KSS
Support for HTTPS Proxy Configuration
HTTPS proxy enables accessing public cloud database service as it eliminates the requirement to
open an outbound port on a client-side firewall.
Starting with Oracle database 18c, the JDBC drivers support HTTPS Proxy configuration in the
connect string, as shown hereafter.
Getting the best performance and scalability for your Java applications using the Autonomous
Databases (ATP and ADW) Cloud services and Oracle databases on-premises includes, as discussed
in this blog post: speeding up database connectivity, speeding up SQL statements processing,
optimizing network traffic, in-place processing, and scaling out Java workloads.
The most recent performance and scalability enhancements for Java applications in Oracle database
release 19c and 18c include: Memoptimized Rowstore, data affinity in RAC environments, the
Connection Manager in Traffic Director Mode (CMAN-TDM), and Shard routing APIs
Memoptimized Rowstore
This new Oracle database 19c mechanism allows fast ingest (i.e., high speed ingestion of small
amounts of data from a large number of clients simultaneously) and fast lookup (i.e., querying data at
a very high frequency).
Assuming a table has been created with the following options
CREATE TABLE customers (
id NUMBER(20,0),
name VARCHAR2(90 BYTE),
region VARCHAR2(10 BYTE)
segment creation immediate
memoptimize for write
9 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
The following SQL INSERT statement via JDBC will perform a fast ingestion of the data i.e., the user
call returning very quickly.
See section 12.5 of the database performance tuning doc for more details on Memoptimized
Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director Mode (CMAN-TDM)
CMAN-TDM is an enhancement of the Oracle Connection Manager (CMAN); a database proxy which
transparently furnishes the following performance capabilities: statement caching, rows prefetching,
result set caching, connection multiplexing. CMAN-TDM furnishes also transparent security and high-
availability mechanisms. Starting with the Oracle database release 18c, the JDBC drivers support
CMAN-TDM. Java applications get its benefits, transparently.
You can see more on CMAN-TDM on this Web page.
Oracle RAC Data Affinity
In Oracle RAC environment, data in a table may be partitioned (i.e., subset of rows) in such a way that
a partition is associated or affinitizedto a specific instance of the RAC system. The localization of
affinitization” of data to a RAC instance leads to more scalability.
Starting with the Oracle database 18c, the Oracle Java Connection pool known as Universal
Connection Pool (UCP) supports RAC Data affinity as follows:
1) UCP gathers the topology of data partitions
2) Connections requests that need to leverage RAC Data Affinity furnish the affinity key using the
database Sharding key and connection builders as
PoolDataSource pds = new PoolDataSourceImpl();
// configure the datasource with the database connection properties.
OracleShardingKey dataAffinityKey = pds.createShardingKeyBuilder()
.subkey(1000, OracleType.NUMBER)
Connection connection = pds.createConnectionBuilder()
See the Oracle Universal Connection Pool doc for more details.
Shard Routing APIs
Java 9 introduces the ShardingKey interface to indicate a Sharding key object; any mid-tier
connection pools may route connection requests to specific shards based on the sharding keys.
The Oracle JDBC drivers support the standard Sharding Key API.
However, the ability for each mid-tier to access any arbitrary shard leads to the caching of the entire
topology of all sharded databases and the pooling of connections to those shards, by each of these
To avoid such waste of system resources (i.e., database connections), the Universal Java Connection
Pool (UCP) furnishes a routing API that “couples” each mid-tier (or few of them) with a specific Shard.
This pattern is known as “swim lanes”, where each lane “connects” a web server to a Java application
server all the way down to an instance of a Shard.
The benefit of creating an affinity between mid-tiers and Shards, reduces the number of connections
each mid-tier has to establish and increases overall system scalability.
Here are the public interfaces and classes
10 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
* This class extends the UCP's internal shard routing cache
public class OracleShardRoutingCache extends ShardRoutingCache {
* Creates an instance of a Shard Routing cache to be used
* by a mid-tier that needs to do shard-based routing.
* Once this cache is created,getShardInfoForKey can be used for
* every Sharding Key to know which shard needs to be used.
public OracleShardRoutingCache(Properties dataSourceProps)
throws UniversalConnectionPoolException {
* Gets the information of each sharded database that maps to
* the sharding keys.
public Set<ShardInfo> getShardInfoForKey(OracleShardingKey key,
OracleShardingKey superKey) {
* When the routing cache is queried for shard information, a set of
* objects of this type is returned.
* Each object furnishes the required information about one of the shards
* referred to by the sharding keys.
public interface ShardInfo {
* Returns the shard name.
* @return shard name
String getName();
* Returns the shard's priority.
* @return shard priority
int getPriority();
See this blog post for more details and a working example.
High availability or Zero downtime for Java applications consists in the ability to sustain planned and
unplanned outages of the Oracle database. This section concentrates on the latest high-availability
11 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
mechanisms in Oracle Database 19c and 18c contributing to zero downtime. These mechanisms
include the rolling patching of the embedded JVM (a.k.a. OJVM), Transparent Application Continuity
(TAC), Application Continuity (AC) support with the Database Resident Connection Pool (a.k.a.
DRCP), and support for legacy JDBC types with TAC/AC. The section does not discuss Oracle
database high availability configurations including RAC, RAC One Node and Active Data Guard which
are required but not a concern for Java developers. The section describes how the high availability
mechanisms come into play to achieve zero downtime.
The previous releases furnished Transaction Guard and Application Continuity that are not described
here but used under the covers or have been extended in this release; see the Oracle Database
release 19c JDBC doc for more details.
Rolling Patching of the Embedded JVM (OJVM)
Since the release 8i, the Oracle RDBMS furnishes an embedded Java VM (a.k.a. OJVM) for running
Java code in the same memory space and process than SQL and PL/SQL. See the OJVM GITHUB
The JVM is made of Java system classes that are shared across all sessions accessing the same
database. In clustered database configuration, the Real Application Cluster technology allows several
RDBMS instances to simultaneously access the same database including the embedded Java VM
system classes.
The challenge for patching the OJVM classes, lies in the fact that all RDBMS instances must be
stopped thereby, all Java and non-Java applications.
Since the release 18.c (18.4), OJVM can be patched during a planned maintenance operation in
rolling fashion resulting in zero downtime
for Java and non-Java applications.
Here are the three steps in a Rolling OJVM patching, in RAC environment (your Cloud or database
administrator takes care of this operation, Java developers need only to make sure that the
RETRY_COUNT and RETRY_DELAY in the connect strings will accommodate the small brownout
Step #1: Split the set of RDBMS instances sharing the same database into two groups.
Step #2 On group 1 i.e., the first half, stop and patch the Oracle binary (which has an OJVM part);
Java and non-Java activity must be relocated to the other half set. Your DBA knows how to relocate
Java service. Java connection pools (at least Oracle UCP and Java containers) know how to stop
dispensing connection from instances scheduled for patching (see Sustaining Planned Database
Outage). Resume these systems after the binary patching however, Java work must not be resumed
as the patched Oracle binary is no longer in sync with the JVM system classes (still to be patched). An
attempt to use Java from these patched systems will block until step #3 is completed.
Step #3: Bring down the second half and patch the OJVM system classes (iow, replace the old OJVM
classes with the new ones). This process takes a few seconds ~ 10 to 15 sec (this is the brownout
period for Java across the cluster).
Following the patching the OJVM system classes, Java work can resume on group 1 (blocked
sessions will resume) however, the second group of non-patched Oracle binary cannot use the
new OJVM system classes; it must be patched on these systems then these are brought back
up. Java and non-Java work can resume on group #2 as well.
Cloud administrators or DBAs handle such Rolling patching of OJVM however, Java developers and
architects need to be aware of the orchestration of the OJVM patching process and provision retry-
count, retry-period as indicated in the recommended connect string.
Fast Application Notification
There is a few seconds brownout period for Java work, across the cluster.
12 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
Traditionally, Java applications are notified of the unavailability of the database service at the
expiration of the timeouts associated with the in-flight database operations; however, timeouts are not
immediate and unpredictable. Fast Application Notification (FAN) on the other hand furnishes
immediate notifications. FAN events and notifications are triggered by the following events:
Node Down, Public Network Down, Instance Down, Instance Up, Service
Down, Service Up, Service Member Down, Service Member Up, Database
Down, Database Up.
The simplefan.jar furnishes the Java APIs for subscribing and managing FAN events by JDBC
drivers, Java connection pools and Java containers. In previous releases, 3rd party connection pools,
and containers must explicitly enable and register to receive FAN events. Starting with Oracle JDBC
release 18c and 19c, the JDBC driver automatically enables FAN in high-availability database
environments (i.e., RAC, ADG) when both simplefan.jar and ons.jar (which supports the
transport system for FAN events) are present in the classpath.
Transparent Application Continuity (TAC)
Application Continuity (AC), introduced in Oracle database release 12.1, is an Oracle database high-
availability mechanism (capture-and-replay) where the JDBC driver and the RDBMS collaborate to
capture in driver memory, all database calls (including SQL statements, parameter assignments,
session and transaction states) made in a unit of work a.k.a. “request (typically a Java transaction),
so as to replay these in a new session against a good standing database instance upon unplanned
outages (network down, host down, RDBMS instance down) or forced termination of sessions during
planned maintenance.
Transparent Application Continuity (TAC), introduced in Oracle database release 18c, is an
enhancement of Application Continuity (AC). The ultimate goal of Transparent Application Continuity is
zero client-side configuration therefore, each new database release pushes the settings from the
client-side to the server-side and increases the coverage of session states during capture and replay.
This paper covers TAC only and from Java developers perspective; AC and server-side configuration
are not discussed but more details can be found in this Application Continuity white paper.
With AC, the capture of calls is demarcated by the beginning (i.e., checking out a connection from the
pool, explicit conn.beginRequest call) and the end of the unit of work (i.e., checking in a
connection back to the pool, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or explicit conn.endRequest call).
With TAC, such demarcation is implicitly or transparently enabled by the JDBC driver; a state-tracking
infrastructure allows the driver to intersperse “request” boundaries with the running Java application
code. The implicit request boundary mechanism can be disabled by setting the
oracle.jdbc.beginRequestAtConnectionCreation system property to false.
Java applications looking to use TAC/AC must use the Replay Datasource
(oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSourceImpl) instead of the vanilla JDBC Data source, to get
connections, as illustrated hereafter.
The Replay Datasource of the JDBC driver starts the recording of database calls at the beginning of a
unit of work; typically at the beginning of a new transaction i.e., connection checkout
(getConnection()), or explicit call to beginRequest() on an OracleConnection object.
A Logical Transaction ID (LTXID) is associated to the new transaction; the LTXID is used by
Transaction Guard to check whether an in-flight unit of work has committed or not (see the “Sustaining
Unplanned Outage” section for the orchestration of the various TAC/AC building blocks)
At the end of the unit of work i.e., COMMIT, ROLLBACK, connection checked back to the pool
(conn.close()), or conn.endRequest). The Replay datasource stops and drops the recording of
13 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
database calls.
import java.sql.Connection;
import javax.sql.PooledConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSourceFactory;
import oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource;
import oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource;
OracleDataSource rds = OracleDataSourceFactory.getOracleDataSource();
Connection conn = rds.getConnection();
((OracleConnection) conn.beginRequest(); // Explicit request begin
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource rcpds =
PooledConnection pc = rcpds.getPooledConnection(); Connection conn2 =
pc.getConnection(); // Implicit request beginRequest
TAC requires the database service FAILOVER_TYPE attribute to be set to AUTO; consequently,
the FAILOVER_RESTORE attribute is also set to AUTO. When FAILOVER_TYPE is set to AUTO,
the JDBC driver automatically starts a new unit of work on connection checkout. The
oracle.jdbc.enableImplicitRequests property can be set to FALSE to turn off the
implicit request demarcation (TRUE by default).
When FAILOVER_RESTORE is set to AUTO, TAC restores the following session states during replay:
Note: for Java, NLS_COMP and CALL_COLLECT_TIME would not be restored.
The restoration of these states is sufficient for most Java applications however, for restoring custom
session states not included in that list, during replay, Java developers may use either the JDBC
Connection Initialization Callback” or the UCP Connection Labelling Callback” mechanisms; these
callbacks and the initial state restoration mechanism are exclusive (i.e., the callbacks override the
state restoration mechanism).
// Example of JDBC initialization callback implementation
import oracle.jdbc.replay.ConnectionInitializationCallback;
class MyConnectionInitializationCallback implements
public MyConnectionInitializationCallback()
14 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
public void initialize(java.sql.Connection connection) throws
// Reset the state for the connection, if necessary
Note: the initialization callback is executed every time a connection is borrowed from the pool or during
replay; it is idempotent and must not commit or rollback the in-flight transaction.
Database mutable functions such as SYSDATE, SYSTIMESTAMP, SYS_GUID, and
sequence.NEXTVAL return new values each time these are called. As a result, during the TAC or AC
replay of in-flight unit of work following unplanned outage of the database service, the result sets will
differ from the original values and the system will consider that the replay has failed.
If your Java application uses any of these mutable functions, to ensure that during replay, the returned
values from these functions remain unchanged (as in the original call), you must request your Cloud or
database service administrator to grant the KEEP privilege to your database user.
A database call from a client-side Java application may incur a call to an external system (RPC) from
within the database session such as HTTP callout, FTP callout (file transfer), sending an email. These
external call (or side effects) are also replayed by AC. TAC on the other hand, is capable of detecting
these side effects and automatically disabling them. If your Java application requires the side effects to
be replayed, you must fallback to AC and use the disableReplay() call of the
oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection interface.
if (connection instanceof oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection)
(( oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection)connection).disableReplay();
The earlier Oracle JDBC releases furnish legacy data types implemented as concrete Java classes
that, unlike interface-based implementation java.sql types, cannot be proxied during replay (and
deprecated per Metalink note 1364193.1).
Starting from Oracle Database Release 18c, JDBC driver supports the following concrete classes with
Application Continuity (AC) and Transparent Application Continuity (TAC):
oracle.sql.CLOB, oracle.sql.NCLOB, oracle.sql.BLOB, oracle.sql.BFILE,
oracle.sql.STRUCT, oracle.sql.REF, oracle.sql.ARRAY
The following concrete classes are not supported: oracle.sql.OPAQUE,
oracle.sql.STRUCT, and oracle.sql.ANYDATA.
Application Continuity (AC) support in DRCP
Starting with the Oracle database 18c release, the Oracle JDBC drivers now support Application
Continuity when the Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP) DRCP is configured on the server-
side. The Java connection string determines the use of DRCP as in the following example
String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =
15 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
PoolDataSource pds = PoolDataSourceFactory.getPoolDataSource();
// Set DataSource Property
System.out.println ("Connecting to " + url);
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.put("oracle.jdbc.DRCPConnectionClass", "HR-Pool1");
Zero Downtime Java Checklist
Use the Replay Datasource (oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSourceImpl) of the Oracle
JDBC driver (see TAC section above); we are looking into removing such requirement in future
Get the latest Oracle JDBC drivers and apply the recommended patches to support TAC/AC
Use the recommended Java connect string with the appropriate values for CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
applications time out when the database service is temporarily unavailable (for tens of seconds or
few minutes).
Enable JDBC Statement Caching and disable the one in Java containers; this allows the driver to
identify statements that are closed at the end of the “request” and free up the memory
Enable Fast Application Notification (FAN) by ensuring that simplefan.jar and ons.jar
are in the classpath
Follow the steps for sustaining planned maintenance or unplanned outages, described hereafter.
Sustaining Planned Database Downtime
Planned outages of the database server are sometime required for OS or RDBMS patching, or
hardware upgrade. The Cloud or database administrators manage the schedule and the notification for
these outages. To shield Java applications from these outages, and ensure continuity, the Java
frameworks (driver, connection pools, containers) and the user Java code have to take a couple of
steps outlined hereafter.
1. If the the database service is available only on a single system then, relocate it from the system to
be maintained to another one. The exact command is not the concern of Java developers.
This action sends a “Planned Maintenance FAN event” notification to the JDBC driver
**DB19c JDBC bug fixes for TAC/AC: 29150338, 29195279, 29313347. **DB 18c JDBC bug fixes for TAC./AC: 27748210, 29313347, 28381686, 28504351.
**DB19c UCP bug fixes for TAC/AC: 27423500, 29128935. **DB 18c UCP bug fixes for TAC/AC: 27103398, 27290134, 27423500, 27479395, 29325356.
**Weblogic bug fixes for TAC/AC: 24919627, 26336757
16 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
and/or the Java Connection pool (UCP) or any Java container which has subscribed to
receive those events
2. Alternatively, if the database service is also available on other systems then, stop the database in
a specific way on the system to be maintained. The exact command is not described here as this
is not the concern of Java developers.
This action sends a “Planned Maintenance FAN event” notification to the JDBC driver
and/or the Java Connection pool (UCP) or Java container which has subscribed to
receive those events
3. Allow time for the Java applications to complete in-flight work and relinquish the database
connections attached to the system to be maintained. This time is referred to as drain-period.
4. Stop the database instance or the system, once all applications have stopped their activities on
the system to be maintained.
It might be necessary to force terminate the database sessions associated to batch jobs
or Java applications that cannot complete the in-flight work or relinquish their
5. Once the maintenance is completed, the service could be relocated back or restarted on the
system that has been maintained.
Upon receiving the “Planned Maintenance FAN event” notification, the Java connection pool (UCP) or
Java containers (Weblogic, WebSphere, JBoss) take the following action
a) Stop dispensing connections that are attached to the instance of the database service running on
the system to be maintained
b) Clean from the pool i.e., remove, idle connections attached to the instance of the database
service running on the system to be maintained
c) Let the in-flight work complete, assuming the Cloud service administrator or your DBA have
specified a realistic drain-period. Java developers too may specify a drain-period through the
oracle.ucp.PlannedDrainingPeriod system property with a non-zero value.
Upon receiving the “Planned Maintenance FAN event” notification, the JDBC driver closes the
connections in use when one of the Safe-draining APIsdescribed hereafter is invoked, so as to allow
those connections to be safely removed.
java.sql.Connection.isValid(int timeout)
oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.pingDatabase(int timeout)
Statement.execute(any SQL command with the following Hint as the first non-Comment
Java containers including Tomcat, Weblogic, WebSphere, Wildfly, and JBoss have specific connection
validation options, such as TestConnectionOnReserve, PreTest Connection, check-
valid-connection-sql, TestonBorrow -- to be specified in the datasource configuration.
The rationale for these APIs is to indicate to the driver that the Java application has made provision to
do something in case the result of the invocation of one of these APIs is False. If you test the validity
of a connection, it means you are prepared to take the appropriate action in the case that the
connection is declared Invalid, by the driver or the connection pool, in prevision for the planned
User Java code performing in-place processing in the database (e.g., Java stored procedure, other)
using the embedded JVM (a.k.a. OJVM) are usually invoked from a top-level call i.e., JDBC
CallableStatement) or mid-tier tool or utility. These in-database user Java code are covered by the
planned maintenance for top-level Java.
In summary, sustaining planned maintenance is generally transparent to Java applications provided
that Java developers have configured the latest jars (ojdbc10.jar or ojdbc8.jar,
17 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
ucp.jar, simplefan.jar and ons.jar) and implemented the general Java best practices
i.e., returning connections back to the pool when not in use as well as the HA recommendations i.e.,
configure the recommended connect string that supports high availability (see above) and invoke a
“Safe-Draining API” for long running transactions or batch jobs.
Long running transactions or batch jobs may be terminated if these have not implemented the best
practices. In that case, unplanned outages mechanisms such as the Transparent Application
Continuity come to the rescue and replay uncommitted in-flight work on the available members of the
service (or when the single instance service resumes).
Sustaining Unplanned Database Outages
Unplanned database outages correspond to one of the following situations: the database system or
host is down, the public network connecting the database system is down, the database instance is
down (but not the entire system), the database service being used by the Java application is down (but
not the entire database instance), and a member of the service is down (but not the entire service).
When any of these situations occurs, the corresponding FAN event is immediately published by one of
the surviving instance or service member within your RAC cluster or the disaster recovery site in
Active Data Guard configuration. The subscribers i.e., Java drivers, connections pools or containers
receive the notification immediately and take the appropriate action, transparently to the user Java
code (plain Java, microservice, Servlet, Bean and so on).
As soon as the FAN event is published and received by the subscribers, Transparent Application
Continue (TAC) kicks-in, provided that the Java application or framework have configured the latest
jars (ojdbc10.jar or ojdbc8.jar, ucp.jar, simplefan.jar and ons.jar) and
the Java application implemented the general Java best practices i.e., returning connections back to
the pool when not in use as well as the recommended connect string (see above).
Typically, UCP (or the like) performs the following actions in cooperation with the driver and the
1. Hides the SQL exception from the application (assuming this is a recoverable exception; see the
JDBC doc for more details).
2. Cleans up the pool by removing orphan connections attached to the failed instance/node/data-
3. Creates temporary connections to a good standing instance/node/data-center; then restore the
session states automatically preserved by TAC/AC or invokes user-implemented initialization or
labelling callback(s). It also re-cast the values of mutable functions, as set in the failed unit of
work, assuming the KEEP privilege has been granted to the database sessions corresponding to
the Java connections in question.
4. Triggers Transaction Guard (TG) under the covers, to check whether an in-flight work has
committed (or rolled back), using the logical transaction id (LTXID) assigned at the beginning of
the transaction; the loss of connectivity with the database could have occurred after the reception
of the COMMIT or ROLLBACK operation by the database session. Transaction Guard guarantees
that an un-committed transaction will not/never commit after TG-check thereby making safe to
5. Replays the recordings of in-flight units of work; the recording for each connection that has
enabled the Replay Datasource is kept in driver memory.
6. Upon replay, if the outcome is identical (i.e., result set checksum) then TAC/AC is successful and
the control is given back to the application to continue; if not, the exception is re-cast and visible
the user Java code (assuming there is a provision to deal with such exception).
18 WHITE PAPER / Java Programming with Oracle Database 19c
TAC/AC works for most Java applications however, there could be situations where TAC/AC will not
be able to replay successfully. We recommend to run the ORAchk utility, refer to My Oracle Support
note 1268927.2.
This paper gives you, Java developer and/or architect, the best practices for getting the best
performance, scalability, high-availability, and security from your Oracle database 19c (on-premises
and/or in the Cloud.
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White Paper Java Programming with Oracle Database 19cJava and the Oracle database 19cJava Programming the Oracle database 19cJava
Programming The Oracle Database 19c
January 2020
Author: Kuassi Mensah