Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
IHE Radiology 5
Technical Framework Supplement
Invoke Image Display 10
Rev. 1.3 - Trial Implementation 15
Date: September 9, 2016 20
Author: IHE Radiology Technical Committee
Please verify you have the most recent version of this document. See here for Trial 25
Implementation and Final Text versions and here for Public Comment versions.
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
This is a supplement to the IHE Radiology Technical Framework V15.0. Each supplement
undergoes a process of public comment and trial implementation before being incorporated into
the volumes of the Technical Frameworks. 30
This supplement is published on September 9, 2016 for trial implementation and may be
available for testing at subsequent IHE Connectathons. The supplement may be amended based
on the results of testing. Following successful testing it will be incorporated into the Radiology
Technical Framework. Comments are invited and can be submitted at 35
This supplement describes changes to the existing technical framework documents.
“Boxed” instructions like the sample below indicate to the Volume Editor how to integrate the
relevant section(s) into the relevant Technical Framework volume.
Amend Section X.X by the following:
Where the amendment adds text, make the added text bold underline. Where the amendment 40
removes text, make the removed text bold strikethrough. When entire new sections are added,
introduce with editor’s instructions to “add new text” or similar, which for readability are not
bolded or underlined.
General information about IHE can be found at: 45
Information about the IHE Radiology domain can be found at:
Information about the organization of IHE Technical Frameworks and Supplements and the
process used to create them can be found at: and
The current version of the IHE Radiology Technical Framework can be found at: 50
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
Introduction to this Supplement ...................................................................................................... 4
Open Issues and Questions ........................................................................................................ 4
Closed Issues .............................................................................................................................. 4 60
General Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6
Appendix A – Actor Summary Definitions .................................................................................... 6
Appendix B – Transaction Summary Definitions ........................................................................... 6
Glossary .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Volume 1 – Profiles ....................................................................................................................... 7 65
Copyright Licenses..................................................................................................................... 7
Domain-specific additions ......................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Integration Profiles Overview .............................................................................................. 7
2.1.35 Invoke Image Display ................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Actor Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 7 70
2.4 Transaction Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 8
35 Invoke Image Display (IID) Profile ........................................................................................... 9
35.1 Invoke Image Display (IID Actors, Transactions, and Content Modules) ........................ 9
35.1.1 Actor Descriptions and Actor Profile Requirements ................................................ 10
35.2 IID Actor Options ............................................................................................................ 10 75
35.3 IID Actor Required Groupings......................................................................................... 10
35.4 IID Overview ................................................................................................................... 10
35.4.1 Concepts ................................................................................................................... 10
35.4.2 Use Case #1: Review Studies ................................................................................... 14
35.5 IID Security Considerations ............................................................................................. 16 80
35.6 IID Cross-Profile Considerations ..................................................................................... 17
Volume 3 – Transactions (cont.) ................................................................................................ 19
4.106 Invoke Image Display [RAD-106] ................................................................................. 19
4.106.1 Scope ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.106.2 Use Case Roles ....................................................................................................... 19 85
4.106.3 Referenced Standards ............................................................................................. 19
4.106.4 Interaction Diagram ................................................................................................ 20
4.106.5 Security Considerations .......................................................................................... 26
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
Introduction to this Supplement 90
The Invoke Image Display Profile allows the user of an Image Display Invoker, typically a non-
image-aware system like an EHR, PHR or RIS, to request the display of studies for a patient, and
have the display performed by an image-aware system like an Image Display (PACS).
Open Issues and Questions
Closed Issues 95
1. Should a SOAP-based version of the transaction be provided in addition to the HTTP
GET URL request?
No. Demand for SOAP not expressed. Do this first.
2. What about viewer automatically showing relevant priors? 100
No. Don’t burden the Image Display. Reports may or may not contain references to
relevant priors (which could be put in the study message by the Invoker).
IdentifyRelevantPriors would be a good service to which you could send various context
details and get back a list of relevant studyUIDs. 105
3. Is there value in including a "requesting physician" or similar parameter to constrain the
patient request studies provided?
No. Redundant with security/access control mechanisms and does not work with teams
(e.g., would need role rather than individual, etc.) 110
4. Should modality be an optional parameter for the patient request?
Yes. Useful to be able to ask just give me the latest CT instead of pulling a list and
looking for CTs.
5. What baseline security mechanisms should the profile specify that the "server" be 115
required to support?
Mention the server can request the user's credentials itself rather than attempting single
sign on or delegated trust. Otherwise leave it out of scope.
6. How should the invoker choose the right root when multiple providers are possible in the 120
same environment?
Current silence of the text is adequate. For a single service provider, a hardwired or
configurable URL root suffices. Can query a list of multiple configured roots. Could
receive appropriate root from the host (e.g., EMR), etc. 125
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
7. Is there a need to forbid caching?
OK to remain silent.
8. Should implementations be required to record various details in the Integration
Statement? 130
No. IS references other documents where such information could be recorded. Should
raise the issue with Domain Coord Cmte for further discussion.
9. Should "optional" parameters be explicitly required by the server?
Yes. They are optional only for the client, and were documented in the same manner as
ITI RID but this may be confusing. Should submit a CP to ITI perhaps.
10. Should machine readable definitions of the interface be provided?
Yes. WSDL has been found useful for IHE SOAP interfaces, is familiar to some IHE 140
implementers and WSDL is apparently appropriate for an http GET request even if there
is no SOAP binding (""). WADL is more
typically used for this type of interface. Both will be provided as files in the ftp folder and
referenced from the supplement.
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
General Introduction
Update the following Appendices to the General Introduction as indicated below. Note that these
are not appendices to Volume 1.
Appendix A Actor Summary Definitions 150
Add the following actors to the IHE Technical Frameworks General Introduction list of Actors:
Image Display Invoker Requests display of DICOM image studies.
Appendix B Transaction Summary Definitions
Add the following transactions to the IHE Technical Frameworks General Introduction list of
Transactions: 155
Invoke Image Display [RAD-106]
Invokes the display of DICOM image studies.
Add the following glossary terms to the IHE Technical Frameworks General Introduction
No new glossary items. 160
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
Volume 1 – Profiles
Copyright Licenses
Domain-specific additions
Add the new profile to Section 2 dependencies table 165
Table 2-1: Integration Profiles Dependencies
Integration Profile
Depends on
Dependency Type
Invoke Image Display None None -
Add the new profile to Section 2.1
2.1 Integration Profiles Overview 170
2.1.35 Invoke Image Display
The Invoke Image Display Profile allows the user of an Image Display Invoker, typically a non-
image-aware system like an EHR, PHR or RIS, to request the display of studies for a patient, and
have the display performed by an image-aware system like an Image Display (PACS). 175
Add the following actors to Section 2.3
2.3 Actor Descriptions
Image Display Invoker – An actor that requests that DICOM
image studies be displayed by
another actor (e.g., an Image Display Invoker might be an Electronic Health Record (EHR), 180
Personal Health Record (PHR) or Departmental Information System (such as a Radiology
Information System)).
DICOM is the registered trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association for its standards
publications relating to digital communications of medical information.
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
Add the following transactions to Section 2.4 185
2.4 Transaction Descriptions
Invoke Image Display [RAD-106] An Image Display Invoker invokes the display of DICOM
image studies by an Image Display.
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
35 Invoke Image Display (IID) Profile
The Invoke Image Display Profile allows the user of an Image Display Invoker, typically a non-
image-aware system like an EHR, PHR or RIS, to request the display of studies for a patient, and
have the display performed by an image-aware system like an Image Display (PACS). 195
35.1 Invoke Image Display (IID Actors, Transactions, and Content
Figure 35.1-1 shows the actors directly involved in the IID Profile and the relevant transactions
between them. If needed for context, other actors that may be indirectly involved due to their
participation in other related profiles are shown in dotted lines. Actors that have a mandatory 200
grouping are shown in conjoined boxes.
Figure 35.1-1: IID Actor Diagram
Table 35.1-1 lists the transactions for each actor directly involved in the IID profile. In order to
claim compliance with this profile, an actor shall support all required transactions (labeled “R”)
and may support the optional transactions (labeled “O”). Actor groupings are further described in
Section 35.3.
Table 35.1-1: IID Profile - Actors and Transactions
TF Reference
Image Display Invoker Invoke Image Display [RAD-106] R RAD TF-3: 4.106
Image Display Invoke Image Display [RAD-106] R RAD TF-3: 4.106
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
35.1.1 Actor Descriptions and Actor Profile Requirements Image Display Invoker
This profile specifies only the interoperability requirements of the Image Display Invoker
immediately associated with requesting the display of images. 215 Image Display
In the absence of a claim of support for another profile that specifies requirements for Image
Display, the Integration Statement for the Image Display shall include a link to documentation
describing either explicitly, or by reference to its DICOM Conformance Statement, the type of
images supported, such as the variants of DICOM images and evidence objects (which may 220
include Presentation States, Evidence Documents, Key Image Notes).
The Image Display shall be able to provide both review and diagnostic quality. See RAD-TF-3:
In the context of this profile, how the Image Display obtains the images to display based on the
parameters provided, is not specified. 225
Note: E.g., it may be integrated with an Image Manager/Archive, Imaging Document Source or Imaging Document
Consumer, or it might retrieve images from an Image Manager/Archive, etc.
35.2 IID Actor Options
Options that may be selected for each actor in this profile, if any, are listed in the Table 35.2-1. 230
Dependencies between options when applicable are specified in notes.
Table 35.2-1: Invoke Image Display - Actors and Options
TF Reference
Image Display Invoker No options defined - -
Image Display No options defined - -
35.3 IID Actor Required Groupings 235
35.4 IID Overview
35.4.1 Concepts
The IID request to display a patient’s studies is implemented as a single HTTP request with the
appropriate parameters identifying the patient or one or more studies, and accompanying 240
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
parameters describing the desired display behavior. The request is implemented as a simple
HTTP GET with the parameters in the URL.
The Image Display is responsible for somehow displaying the images to the user. This may be
via a current or new window hosted in a browser that shares a screen with, or is embedded in, the
IDI, or it might be via a separate co-located hardware device that is driven directly by the Image 245
Display, or it might be via a plug-in provided by the Image Display but executed on the IDI
system, or it might be by some other means.
This profile does not specify what mechanism, browser or platform is necessary to actually
execute the display software, or how to identify the user and control their access; these are
matters of local IT infrastructure configuration, customization of software, or even configuration 250
of software other than the browser +/- consumer plugins. An Image Display that complies with
this profile will not necessarily be able to display images for an IDI actor that complies with this
profile, due to such technical details that are not constrained or specified by this profile.
The following sections outline several conceptual scenarios where IID can be used. Mobile Web EHR Invoking Mobile Web Image Viewer 255
Figure Mobile Web EHR Invoking Mobile Web Image Viewer
In this scenario, a user reviewing data on their mobile EHR application would like to review
associated images to a report. Using IID, hyperlinks are generated by the EHR and displayed to 260
the user; when clicked, it will launch a mobile web image viewer. The Image Display Invoker is
the system which is responsible for the contents of the IID message string (in this scenario the
HTTP Provide patient identifiers + cookie
HTTP Log in to EHR Portal
EHR Portal
Return HTML patient lookup page + cookie
Return patient details + embedded IID links
[RAD-106] Invoke Image Display
(HTTP Request Display of Study Images + cookie
Return HTML image viewer page
HTTP Request for binary image data + cookie
Return requested binary image data
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
EHR which embeds the string as a link in the HTML that it provides to the Browser) even
though the message is transmitted to the Image Display by another device (in this scenario the
Mobile Browser). 265
Only the IID transaction is standardized within the scope of this profile; in particular, the
“cookie” referenced in Figure is a placeholder for any form of authentication session
state information supported by the actors. Desktop EHR Invoking Desktop Image Viewer
Figure Desktop EHR Invoking Desktop Image Viewer
In this scenario, a user reviewing data on their EHR desktop application requires access to
diagnostic quality images for treatment decision-making. Using IID, buttons are generated in the
desktop application, and when clicked, will launch a transient popup page that triggers the 275
startup of a local PACS viewing application and then commands that application to display the
selected study.
Request for binary image data
[RAD-106] Invoke Image Display
(HTTP IID Request Display of Study Images)
PACS Server
Return Trigger to launch local PACS application
Return requested binary image data
User launches
detailed patient view,
which generates
embedded IID links
User clicks IID link
Launch local PACS
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
13 Advanced Image Display
Figure Advanced Image Display 280
Similar to, this scenario demonstrates how this profile applies not only to traditional
EHR to PACS launches, but also to any application that triggers the launch of any other
application with an image-specific context, such as an advanced visualization tool. Note that in
this scenario the PACS Client is the Image Display Invoker, not the Image Display. 285
Request for rendered image data
[RAD-106] Invoke Image Display
(HTTP IID Request Display of Study Images)
PACS Client
Visualization Server
Return Trigger to launch Adv. Vis. application
Return requested rendered image data
User launches
detailed study view,
which generates
embedded IID links
User clicks IID link
Launch local advanced
visualization application
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
14 Launching Image Viewer on Adjacent Workstation
Figure Launching Image Viewer on Adjacent Workstation
This scenario demonstrates how IID can be extended beyond traditional platforms. In this case, 290
IID is used to trigger a launch on another physical device; for example, a regular workstation
running an EMR Client side-by-side with a specialized PACS workstation.
35.4.2 Use Case #1: Review Studies Review Studies Use Case Description
The user of an EHR, PHR or RIS computer or mobile device application can open a link to 295
review the study data on that device using the Invoke Image Display transaction.
Note: The Image Display may support a full functionality image review client that can be hosted on the EHR/PHR/RIS.
Such a client application may or may not be an Image Display (in other IHE profiles) using DICOM transactions
with the Image Manager/Image Archive.
Specific variants of this use case include: 300
1. A nurse practitioner, physician assistant or physician not expert in imaging is using the
EHR and wants to review only key images on mobile device; the user clicks on a "key
image review" button or a hyperlink in the radiology report, for a dated study entry for a
patient in the web application; the web browser tab switches to one that contains adequate
review quality (not diagnostic) key images. 305
-106] Invoke Image Display
(HTTP IID Request Display of
Study Images)
EMR Client PACS Server
User clicks
IID link
PACS Client
User launches
detailed patient
view, which
embedded IID
Generate Trigger to
launch local PACS
Request for binary
image data
Return requested
binary image data
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
2. A physician or surgeon expert in imaging is called to consult on an emergency patient
and is using an EHR application on a desktop computer (with a high speed connection to
the local network and with diagnostic quality displays); the user is reviewing the patient's
status and results, and wants to see the diagnostic quality images for treatment decision
making; the user clicks on "diagnostic image review" (or a hyperlink in the preliminary 310
or final radiology report, if one has been issued already) in a dated study entry for the
patient in EHR web portal; a new web browser page executing a zero footprint viewer
displays a complete set of diagnostic quality images for the selected study.
3. The same situation as 2, but when the user clicks on "diagnostic image review", a
transient popup page opens that triggers startup of local PACS viewing application and 315
then commands that application to display the selected study.
4. The same situation as 2, but when the user clicks on "diagnostic image review", an
already running local PACS viewing application is commanded to display the entire
study selected.
5. The same situation as 2, but when the user clicks on "diagnostic image review", a 320
separate workstation with specialized hardware running PACS workstation software,
physically co-located with the EHR workstation, is commanded to display the entire
study selected.
6. A physician or surgeon expert in imaging is located in another enterprise (a trauma
center) than where the patient is currently physically located (the emergency department 325
of a rural community hospital), and is evaluating whether the patient needs to be
transferred for treatment; the user has credentials on the EHR and PACS portals of the
remote site, with restricted access to transfer candidate patients only; the user interacts
with the remote EHR and thence the remote PACS using their mobile device with review
quality images, decides that diagnostic quality images are required, and repeats the 330
review using a diagnostic quality workstation, again interacting first with the remote
EHR and then invoking display by the remote PACS of the studies from the EHR
application; the patient is not yet registered in the local enterprise, and only remote
applications are executed, displaying on local hardware.
7. A physician or surgeon expert in imaging is consulting on a new patient referred from an 335
outside facility, either as an inpatient or in an ambulatory setting; the patient's history
(including radiology reports) has been previously loaded into the local EHR and the
patients images are available on the external regional image repository, where they are
indexed by an identifier different from the local medical record number, but known to the
EHR; the user has credentials to view images in the external regional image repository 340
(also known to the EHR); the user clicks on a hyperlink in a prior radiology report
displayed in the EHR, and a viewer supplied by external regional image repository but
running on the local hardware displays a complete set of diagnostic quality images for the
selected study.
8. The same situation as 7, except that the EHR has not stored the user's credentials for 345
access to the external regional image repository, hence the user is prompted for their
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
username and password by the remote external regional image repository before they are
permitted to view the images.
9. A patient's relative/friend/neighbor who is a specialist radiologist is asked by the patient
to review their images; together, using the patient's credentials to login to the patient 350
portal of the hospital EHR, they read the radiology report and then click on a hyperlink to
display their images; the patient portal of the hospital PACS, recognizing that the patient
is permitted access to their own images (only) displays a complete set of diagnostic
quality images for the selected study on the radiologist's teleradiology hardware that is
being used for the session. 355
10. The same situation as in 9, except that the patient's record being reviewed is in the
patient's own PHR, provided by their insurance company, and the images are stored in a
regional image repository, provided by the regional government.
11. The same situation as in 2, but the basic image viewer user wants to invoke a separate
advanced visualized application for the same studies as they were already looking at, so 360
requests the viewer software to invoked the more advanced application on the same
studies. Review Studies Process Flow
Image Display
Display Images
Image Display Invoker
Invoke Image Display
Figure Basic Process Flow in IID Profile
35.5 IID Security Considerations
The Invoke Image Display Profile may be used in a variety of environments, from small
ambulatory practices, to large enterprises or cross-enterprise. The threat models for those
environments may vary widely, and hence the IID Profile does not mandate any specific security 370
Deployments should consider whether or not:
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
The Image Display Invoker requires user authentication to access patient data.
The Image Display uses credentials supplied by the Image Display Invoker in the Invoke
Image Display transaction, or whether the Image Display requires its own user logon 375
Whether the Image Display Invoker or the Image Display (or both) records access in an
audit log.
The form and granularity (patient or study level) of any audit logging by the Image Display
Invoker and the Image Display are outside the scope of the IID Profile. The ITI Audit Trail and 380
Node Authentication (ATNA) Profile is recommended if appropriate to the deployment
How the Image Display Invoker supplies credentials to the Image Display in order to provide the
user with a seamless "single sign on" experience, if it does, is not defined in this profile. The
HTTP GET URL transaction allows for a range of authentication mechanisms including HTTP 385
basic authentication (over a secure connection to protect the cleartext credentials), digest
authentication, client certificate based authentication, provision of a SAML assertion in an
authentication header, or other mechanisms that are suitable for stateless atomic single phase
Whether the Image Display requires that the Image Display Invoker identify the user 390
individually in order to perform access control, or whether it trusts the Image Display Invoker
regardless of the user, or uses some delegated authority mechanism, is outside the scope of the
IID Profile.
Not all approaches to deployment and management of security credentials will support
sufficiently restrictive access control to support all use-cases, particularly those involving access 395
by patients themselves, and cross-enterprise access.
35.6 IID Cross-Profile Considerations
Some uses cases for invoking image display involve access only to locally acquired images,
others are to allow the review of images that have been acquired in other locations, and to share
images acquired locally with other institutions. Each institution thus needs to be able to either 400
provide remote access or to exchange images with other institutions' EHR and image
management systems.
The IID Profile considers only the manner of requesting that images be displayed if they are
known to the system, regardless of whether they were acquired locally, imported, or reside in
remote systems. 405
The Image Display Invoker may be faced with the need to determine what endpoint (URL root)
they need to connect to in order to choose the right Image Display.
In the absence of a service to look up the endpoints, a hardwired or configurable (set of) URL
roots may be required.
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
SWF Scheduled Workflow 410
An Image Display in SWF that also claims IID can use query/retrieve to access images for
XDS-I.b – Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging
An Imaging Document Source in XDS-I.b might be grouped with an Image Display to respond
to requests from outside IDIs, and no XDS-I.b transactions are required. 415
Alternatively, an Imaging Document Consumer in XDS-I.b might be grouped with an Image
Display to locate and access remote study data for presentation to local Image Display Invokers.
The Image Display might use the assigning authority provided in the invocation request to get
guidance on the affinity domain to search. The Imaging Document Consumer retrieves the
images using XDS-I.b transactions from the Imaging Document Source, for use by the Image 420
IRWF – Import Reconciliation Workflow
An Importer in IRWF might be grouped with an Image Display to display images that have been
imported and adjusted to match local identifiers.
CPI – Consistent Presentation of Images 425
An Image Display in CPI that also claims IID can apply presentation states during display, and to
use a calibrated display. Note that the presentations states in question may have been created in
the context of the Presentation of Grouped Procedures (PGP) Profile.
KIN Key Image Note
An Image Display in KIN that also claims IID can apply Key Object Selection documents that 430
may be present in the study as appropriate.
IOCM – Image Object Change Management
An Image Display in IOCM that also claims IID can suppress the display of rejected images in
the requested studies. An Image Display that only supports KIN might present the images along
with the KOS describing their rejection 435
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
Volume 3 Transactions (cont.)
Add Section 4.106
4.106 Invoke Image Display [RAD-106]
This section corresponds to Transaction RAD-106 of the IHE Radiology Technical Framework.
Transaction RAD-106 is used by the Image Display and Image Display Invoker actors. 440
This transaction is derived from CARD-15 and ITI-11.
4.106.1 Scope
In the Invoke Image Display Transaction, the Image Display provides an HTTP interface to
command display of stored DICOM images and evidence in one or more studies.
4.106.2 Use Case Roles 445
Image Display Invoker
Requests display of DICOM image studies.
Image Display
Displays DICOM image studies.
4.106.3 Referenced Standards
IETF RFC1738, Uniform Resource Locators (URL),
IETF RFC2616 HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1, 450
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition). W3C Recommendation 6 October
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1. W3C Note 15 March 2001.
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
4.106.4 Interaction Diagram 455
Display Study
Request Display of
Study Images Request Display of Study Images Message Trigger Events
The following event will trigger a Request Display of Study Images – Patient-based:
User of the Image Display Invoker needs to review imaging studies for a specific patient 460
(optionally in a specific date range).
The following event will trigger a Request Display of Study Images – Study-based:
User of the Image Display Invoker needs to review specific imaging studies, using
identifiers of the study as keys. Message Semantics 465
These messages are implemented as an HTTP request and response.
The Image Display Invoker shall support both Patient-based and Study-based requests.
Table specifies the HTTP request parameters for the patient-based request.
Table specifies the HTTP request parameters for the study-based request.
The Image Display shall support all parameters, including those that are optional, except that the
viewerType may not be recognized. The Image Display shall return at least all exact matches to
the query parameters sent by the Image Display Invoker; IHE does not further specify matching
All parameter names and values are case-sensitive (except for patientName values). 475
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
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Template Rev. 10.3
Table HTTP Request Parameters Patient-based
REQ Description Notes
Specifies what type of information
shall be provided.
Shall have the value PATIENT
patientID R Identifies the subject of the studies
being requested. Its value shall
include identification of assigning
Shall be formatted as HL7
CX data type
according to the requirements specified for the
Patient Identity Feed transaction (see ITI TF-
Assists in the identification of the
subject of the studies being
requested, in case the patientID is
Shall be encoded in the DICOM PN format.
Assists in the identification of the
subject of the studies being
requested, in case the patientID is
Shall be encoded in the XML primitive
dateTime format.
lowerDateTime O Used to constrain the earliest study
Shall be encoded in the XML primitive
dateTime format.
Used to constrain the latest study
Shall be encoded in the XML primitive
dateTime format.
mostRecentResults O The number of most recent studies
to be included into the response.
Omitting this parameter means the server will
decide how many or how few results to return.
modalitiesInStudy O This attribute identifies one or
more modalities being requested,
by comma-delimited DICOM
Modality values.
Selects any study that contains a series with
any one of the specified modality values
viewerType O The type or name or family of
viewer requested
The value of viewerType may be
implementation defined or a well-known
value; see Section
diagnosticQuality O The quality of display requested. Value of "true" indicates that diagnostic
quality is requested; value of "false" indicates
that diagnostic quality is not requested; see
keyImagesOnly O Whether or not only key images
are displayed
Value of "true" indicates that only key images
are requested; value of "false" indicates that a
complete set of images is requested; see
Notes: 1. The patientID, lowerDateTime, upperDateTime, and mostRecentResults parameters are identical to those of
the Retrieve Specific Information for Display [ITI-11] SUMMARY request.
2. If subcomponents of the CX data type are used for the patientID (such as in the Assigning Authority
component), the HL7 subcomponent delimiter ‘&’ must be escaped to ‘%26’, as & is the delimiter for the HTTP
HL7 is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International.
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
Table HTTP Request Parameters Study-based 485
REQ Description Notes
Specifies what type of information
shall be provided.
Shall have the value STUDY
studyUID C Identifies one or more DICOM
studies being requested
Shall contain a comma-delimited list of Study
Instance UID values.
Required if accessionNumber is not present.
Shall not be present otherwise.
Identifies one or more DICOM
studies being requested.
Shall contain a comma-delimited list of
Accession Number values.
Required if studyUID is not present. Shall not
be present otherwise.
The type or name or family of
viewer requested
The value of viewerType may be
implementation defined or a well-known
value; see Section.
diagnosticQuality O The quality of display requested. Value of "true" indicates that diagnostic
quality is requested; value of "false" indicates
that diagnostic quality is not requested; see
keyImagesOnly O Whether or not only key images are
Value of "true" indicates that only key images
are requested; value of "false" indicates that a
complete set of images is requested; see
Formal definition of the HTTP Request in WSDL and in WADL is provided on the IHE FTP
The only binding required for both the Image Display Invoker and Image Display is the binding
to the HTTP-GET. In this binding, messages are formatted as in the following examples, in 490
which the normative components are indicated in bold, the deployment-specific components are
in normal text, and the instance-specific parameter values are in italics:
The <location> part of the URL is configurable by the implementation, and must contain the host
name, an optional port address, and may be followed by an optional path. The path, if present,
may not contain a ‘?’ character. The remainder of the URL, including IHEInvokeImageDisplay
and the following request parameters, are specified by the message semantics and may not be 500
changed. See the discussion about <location> in ITI TF-2a:
The Image Display Invoker may perform the request utilizing the HTTPS protocol.
Image Display Invoker Actors can expect to receive an error response, or the data requested, or a
request to look elsewhere for the data. An Image Display Invoker must follow redirects
(responses with values of 301, 302, 303 or 307), but if a loop is detected, it may report an error. 505
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
23 Expected Actions
The Image Display shall support the HTTPS protocol.
The Image Display shall return an HTTP response.
The Image Display shall return HTTP response code 404 (Not Found) if it cannot locate the
requested identifiers, or if no studies meet the parameters, or the studies contain no images. 510
The Image Display may return HTTP redirect responses (responses with values of 301, 302, 303
or 307) in response to a request.
If there are no errors, the contents of the DICOM Study or Studies matching the request
parameters shall be displayed by the Image Display, as specified in Section If there are
errors, any previously displayed images of a different Patient or Study shall be closed, to prevent 515
incorrect interpretation.
The Image Display shall provide a mechanism to handle the case where multiple studies satisfy
the request parameters. For example, this might involve letting the user select from the set of
matching studies, or providing side-by-side display for comparison, or providing sequential
display of the matching studies. 520 Display Study Images
The Image Display displays the contents of the requested studies. Trigger Events
The Request Display of Study Images message initiates this action by the Image Display. Message Semantics 525 Viewer Type
A parameter in the request specifies whether a particular type of viewer is requested.
The Image Display is not required to support this parameter, but may do so if it is able to provide
different types of viewer. If the value of the parameter is not recognized by the Image Display, it
shall ignore it and use any viewer it wants and not return an error. 530
The value of viewerType may be implementation defined or a well-known value.
Well-known viewer types are defined in Table
Table Well-Known Values for Viewer Type Parameter
Parameter Value Description Notes
IHE_BIR Viewers compliant with the IHE Basic Image Review (BIR) Profile.
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
24 Diagnostic Quality
A parameter in the request specifies whether or not diagnostic quality is requested.
Diagnostic quality is display of a complete set of images with the quality required to make a
diagnosis or clinical decision.
The Image Display shall be able to provide diagnostic quality, assuming that the display 540
hardware and viewing environment are appropriate.
When diagnostic quality is not requested, a lower quality display may be provided, sufficient for
review, for the purpose of providing sufficient quality but faster, if it is necessary to sacrifice
quality for adequate interactive performance.
The Image Display shall be able to provide review quality. 545
Factors that affect quality include the capabilities of the viewer, and whether or not irreversible
compression, spatial or contrast down-sampling or other forms of image processing have been
It is beyond the scope of this transaction to specify more detail, but regulatory authorities hold
manufacturers to standards of performance according to a claim of diagnostic quality in the 550
labeling of the device. The intent is that when the user requires and requests diagnostic quality,
the quality should not be limited by the software, storage or transmission mechanisms used by
the Image Display.
If the parameter is not supplied, the default shall be review quality. Key Images Only 555
A parameter in the request specifies whether or not only key images are requested.
Key images in this context are those that have been designated within the information about the
Study that is available to the Image Display as being key from the perspective of being relevant
clinically. The radiologist may have designated them during authoring of the report, or at some
other time. The designation of key images in the Image Display may use the Key Image Note 560
Profile, or may use the DICOM Key Object Selection SOP Class, or some other mechanism.
If key images only are requested (the parameter has a value of true), the Image Display shall
initially display only those images. It may provide a means of navigation to other images
If key images only are not requested (the parameter is absent or has a value of false), or if there 565
are no key images specified for a study, then the complete set of images shall be displayed. Expected Actions
The Image Display shall display all requested DICOM objects for which it claims compliance in
any IHE Content or Workflow profile or DICOM Conformance Statement. This includes images
(single frame and multi-frame), DICOM SR (including Evidence Documents and Key Image 570
Notes), and Presentation State objects with their referenced images. All supported DICOM
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
information objects included in the selected studies shall be displayable, except images identified
as “for processing”, raw data instances, and instances of private SOP Classes. It is permissible to
display “for processing”, raw data instances, and instances of private SOP Classes. There are no
specific requirements placed on the manner in which non-image objects are displayed. 575
Note: Grouping with other profiles, such as CPI, SINR, and KIN, may require more specific behavior for non-image
The required behavior for display of images is specified in the Retrieve Images transaction View
Images Behavior section (RAD TF-2:; any additional behavior defined by other
profiles claimed in conjunction with this transaction (such as the Mammography Image Profile) 580
is defined therein.
The Image Display shall provide interactive viewing. Interactive viewing in the context of this
transaction is defined to be the ability to navigate within the requested studies (including change
studies, series, and scroll between images and frames), and manipulate the appearance of the
displayed image (window, zoom and pan). 585
Note: A more complete definition of interactive viewing capability in other contexts is provided in the Basic Image
Review (BIR) Profile, but support of the BIR Profile is NOT a baseline requirement of the Image Display in this
transaction, though it may be requested using the optional viewerType parameter.
Display may be (but is not required to be) in the form of a web-based client interaction to one or
more windows opened, or already open, on the Image Display Invoker. Any necessary plug-ins 590
shall be automatically downloaded from the Image Display, if not already installed on the Image
Display Invoker client.
There is no requirement that the image be displayed on the same device hardware as the Image
Display Invoker is running on.
The specific viewer technology used is outside the scope of this transaction, but the IHE 595
Integration Statement for the Image Display and the Image Display Invoker shall include a link
to documentation describing the technology required.
Note: The area of web interaction technologies is rapidly evolving, and the producers of Image Display products with
web interfaces are very cognizant of the need to display properly on the variety of platforms that are used for
EHR systems. The IHE Cardiology and Radiology Technical Committees have decided that over-specification of
this interaction would be counter-productive to innovation in implementation of effective user interfaces. This
transaction therefore specifies only the initial HTTP invocation, and the functional requirement for display of all
study information objects. During Trial Implementation, the committee will monitor whether this approach is
achieving the requisite level of interoperability.
As an example, the provider of the interactive display may provide an HTML page that does whatever is
necessary, including, but not limited to, such methods as:
HTML5/Canvas zero footprint viewer
traditional HTML +/- JavaScript JPEG/PNG viewer or plugin (Flash, Silverlight) embedded (in-browser)
Java WebStart or ActiveX viewer
triggers proprietary installed plugin to feed or launch local viewer application
IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement – Invoke Image Display (IID)
Rev. 1.3 2016-09-09 Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
Template Rev. 10.3
4.106.5 Security Considerations
User access control is managed outside of the specification of this transaction. This transaction
makes few assumptions about the security environment (see RAD TF-1: 35.5 - IID Security
Considerations). 615 Security Audit Considerations
The Image Display may record in an audit log the requesting client network address and the
identifiers of the patient and studies displayed, together with any additional information (such as
authenticated user identity).
The Radiology Audit Trail Option in the IHE ITI Audit Trail and Node Authentication Profile 620
(ITI TF-1:9) defines audit requirements for IHE Radiology transactions. See RAD TF-3:5.
Editor: Add the following row to RAD TF-3: Table 5.1-2
Table 5.1-2: IHE Radiology transactions and resulting ATNA trigger events 625
IHE Radiology
ATNA Trigger Event(s) Actor(s) that shall be able to record audit
Patient Registration [RAD-1] Patient-record-event ADT
Order Placer, DSS/OF when PHI is presented
Invoke Image Display [RAD-
Study-used Image Display Invoker
Image Display