November 3, 2021
S. 4 John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021
(Sen. Leahy, D-VT, and 48 cosponsors)
The Administration strongly supports Senate passage of S. 4, the John R. Lewis Voting
Rights Advancement Act of 2021 (VRAA), just as it supported H.R. 4 in the House of
The right to vote freely and the right to have your vote counted are fundamental. In the
2020 election, more than 150 million Americans of every age, of every race, of every
background exercised their right to vote.
This historic level of participation in the face of a once-in-a-century pandemic should have
been celebrated by everyone. Instead, some have sought to delegitimize the election and
make it harder to vote, in many cases by targeting the methods of voting that made it
possible for many voters to participate. These efforts violate the most basic ideals of
Meanwhile, yet another wave of discriminatory action is upon us, as we enter a new
legislative redistricting cycle. Unfortunately, incumbents too often cling to power by
drawing district lines to favor their own prospects at the expense of communities of color,
with politicians choosing their voters instead of the other way around.
While anti-voter action undermines democracy for all Americans, we know that
communities of color often suffer the worst effects of these measuresand all too often,
that is not by accident.
The sacred right to vote is under attack across the country.
The VRAA would strengthen vital legal protections to ensure that all Americans have a
fair opportunity to participate in our democracy. Among other things, it would create a
new framework for allowing the Department of Justice to review voting changes in
jurisdictions with a history of discrimination to ensure that they do not discriminate based
on race. It would also clarify the scope of legal tools designed to challenge discriminatory
voting laws in court, ensuring that the Voting Rights Act offers protection against modern
forms of voter suppression.
S. 4 also includes the Native American Voting Rights Act, which would address systemic
and other barriers that Native Americans face when voting, and ensure that Tribal
communities could fully participate in the election process. It would provide essential
protection of fundamental voting rights for Tribal communities, and has the
Administration’s strong support.
In an essay published shortly after he died, Congressman John Lewis wrote, “Democracy is
not a state. It is an act[.]” This bill not only bears John Lewis’s name, it heeds his call. The
Administration looks forward to working with Congress as the VRAA proceeds through the
legislative process to ensure that the bill achieves lasting reform consistent with Congress’
broad constitutional authority to protect voting rights and to strengthen our democracy.
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