May 17, 2005
Frontier Community College
Frontier Drive
Fairfield IL 62837
Dinner – 6:00 p.m. – Mason Classroom 23
Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – U of I Extension Conference Room
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges
Board Agenda
May 17, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Frontier Community College
1. Call to Order & Roll Call.................................................................................Chairman Lane
2. Disposition of Minutes...........................................................................................CEO Bruce
3. Recognition of Visitors and Guests ................................................................................Bruce
A. Visitors and Guests
B. IECCEA Representative
4. Public Comment
5. Reports
A. Trustees
B. Presidents
C. Cabinet
Coal Mining Technology/Telecom
6. Policy First Reading (and Possible Approval)................................................................Bruce
A. None
7. Policy Second Reading...................................................................................................Bruce
A. None
8. Staff Recommendations for Approval
A. 2005 Annual Report on Institutional Effectiveness ...........................................Cantwell
B. Joint Agreement between IECC and Kaskaskia College ...................................Cantwell
C. Joint Agreement between IECC and Stover Institute .............................................Bruce
D. Nursing Course Review Fee....................................................................................Bruce
E. City of Robinson Tax Abatement Resolution .........................................................Bruce
F. HIPPA Agreement Addendum with Fairfield Memorial Hospital..........................Bruce
G. Board Authorization to District Treasurer...............................................................Bruce
H. Affiliation Agreement with Crawford Memorial Hospital......................................Bruce
9. Bid Committee Report..............................................................................................Browning
10. District Finance
A. Financial Report ................................................................................................Browning
B. Approval of Financial Obligations....................................................................Browning
11. Chief Executive Officer’s Report ...................................................................................Bruce
12. Executive Session ...........................................................................................................Bruce
13. Approval of Executive Session Minutes
A. Written Executive Session Minutes..........................................................................Bruce
B. Audio Executive Session Minutes.............................................................................Bruce
14. Approval of Personnel Report ........................................................................................Bruce
15. Collective Bargaining .....................................................................................................Bruce
16. Litigation ........................................................................................................................Bruce
17. Acquisition and Disposition of Property.........................................................................Bruce
18. Other Items
19. Adjournment
Minutes of a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community
Colleges - Frontier Community College, Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College, Wabash
Valley College - Community College District No. 529, Counties of Clark, Clay, Crawford,
Cumberland, Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, Wayne and White, and State
of Illinois, held in the Banquet Room, at Olney Central College, 305 North West Street, Olney,
Illinois, on Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Notice of Special Meeting
: This special meeting was called by Mr. James W. Lane, Jr.,
Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Notice of the meeting was given at least 48 hours before the
meeting, in writing, by mail service to each member of the Board and to news media having
requested such notice. A copy of the notice was also posted at the main office of this community
college district. The notice did specify the date, time and place of the meeting, and the purpose
: To meet with the North Central Association/Higher Learning Commission
Visitation Team.
1. Call to Order & Roll Call:
Mr. James W. Lane, Jr., Chairman, who chaired the
meeting, called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m. and directed the Board Secretary, Mr. Harry
Hillis, Jr., to call the roll.
Roll Call:
Upon roll call of members present the following trustees answered to their
names as called and were found to be present:
Mrs. Brenda K. Culver, Dr. George Andrew Fischer, Mr. Walter L. Koertge, Mr. James
W. Lane, Jr., Dr. Larry Rost, Mr. Kevin C. Williams, Miss Marilyn J. Wolfe. Trustees absent at
roll call: None. (The newly-elected student trustee had not been seated at the time of this
meeting.) There being a quorum present, the Chair declared the Board of Trustees to be in open,
public session for the transaction of business.
Also present
at this meeting, in addition to trustees:
Mr. Terry L. Bruce, Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer.
Dr. Harry Benson, President of Wabash Valley College.
Dr. Michael Dreith, President of Frontier Community College.
Dr. Carl Heilman, President of Lincoln Trail College.
2. Recognition of Visitors & Guests:
3. Public Comment:
4. Executive Session:
The CEO recommended that a closed meeting be held,
under Section 2(c)(16) of the Open Meetings Act for self-evaluation ... with a statewide
association of which the public body is a member.
5. Closed Meeting:
Dr. Fischer made a motion to hold a closed meeting to
consider the matters outlined by the CEO. Mr. Koertge seconded the motion and on a recorded
roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Trustees absent: None. (The newly-elected student trustee had not been seated at the time of this
meeting.) The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion
carried and a closed meeting was held beginning at 4:49 p.m.
6. Closed Meeting Ended:
Miss Wolfe made a motion to reconvene in open
session. Dr. Rost seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say
“Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and the Chair
declared that the “Ayes” have it and the motion is adopted. A quorum being present, the Board of
Trustees reconvened in open, public session for the transaction of business at 5:57 p.m.
: Separate minutes have been prepared for the foregoing closed meeting.)
7. No Business Transacted:
No formal business was transacted by the Board of
8. Adjournment:
Mr. Williams made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Culver seconded
the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say
“No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken. The Chair declared the “Ayes” have it, the
motion is adopted, and the meeting adjourned at 5:58 p.m.
Approved: Chairman: ____________________________________
Secretary: _____________________________________
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community
Colleges – Frontier Community College, Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College, Wabash
Valley College – Community College District No. 529, Counties of Clark, Clay, Crawford,
Cumberland, Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, Wayne and White, and
State of Illinois, held in the Banquet Room, at Olney Central College, 305 North West Street,
Olney, Illinois, Tuesday, April 19, 2005
AGENDA #1 – “Call to Order & Roll Call”
– Mr. James W. Lane, Jr., Chairman, who chaired
the meeting, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and directed the Board Secretary, Mr. Harry
Hillis, Jr., to call the roll.
Roll Call:
The Secretary called the roll of members present and the following trustees
answered to their names as called and were found to be present:
Mrs. Brenda K. Culver, Dr. George Andrew Fischer, Mr. Walter L. Koertge, Mr. James
W. Lane, Jr., Dr. Larry Rost, Mr. Kevin C. Williams, Miss Marilyn J. Wolfe. The newly-elected
student trustee will be seated later in this meeting. Trustees absent: None. There being a quorum
present, the Chair declared the Board of Trustees to be in open, public session for the transaction
of business.
AGENDA #2 “Disposition of Minutes”
– Open meeting minutes of the Regular Meeting,
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
, were presented for disposition.
Board Action:
Mr. Williams made a motion to approve minutes of the foregoing
meeting as prepared. Dr. Rost seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the
motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken
and the Chair declared the “Ayes” have it and the motion is adopted.
AGENDA #3 “Canvass of April 5, 2005 Election Returns”
– The Board of Trustees
conducted the canvass of the election returns of the April 5, 2005 community college board
election. Following the canvass of election returns, Mr. Williams introduced the following
Resolution Proclaiming Results of April 5, 2005 Election:
WHEREAS, on the 5
day of April, 2005, there was held in and for Illinois Eastern
Community Colleges, Community College District No. 529, Counties of Clark, Clay, Crawford,
Cumberland, Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, Wayne and White, State of
Illinois, an election for the purpose of electing two (2) members of the Board of Trustees for the full
term, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees must canvass the returns and proclaim the results of said
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of said community
college district, as follows:
Section 1
: That petitions were properly filed by the following:
Candidates for member of the Board of Trustees for the full term, expiring in 2011:
Walter L. Koertge
Brenda K. Culver
Section 2
: That proper petitions were filed, proper notice was given, and proper ballots were
used at said election.
Section 3
: That certificates of results have been submitted to this Board of Trustees by the
county clerks of the counties of Clark, Clay, Crawford, Cumberland, Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper,
Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, Wayne and White, and that a canvass finds that the following number
of votes were cast for the candidates at the election:
Clark County: Koertge 151, Culver 159.
Clay County: Koertge 1500, Culver 1599.
Crawford County: Koertge 2644, Culver 2811.
Cumberland County: Koertge 0, Culver 0.
Edwards County: Koertge 645, Culver 589.
Hamilton County: Koertge 0, Culver 0.
Jasper County: Koertge 780, Culver 795.
Lawrence County: Koertge 2038, Culver 2164.
Richland County: Koertge 2878, Culver 2657.
Wabash County: Koertge 527, Culver 539.
Wayne County: Koertge 2259, Culver 2276.
White County: Koertge 473, Culver 490.
Totals: Walter L. Koertge 13,895, Brenda K. Culver 14,079.
Total ballots requested by voters, according to certifications from county clerks: 26,621.
Section 4
: That the following candidates have been elected as members of this Board of
Walter L. Koertge, elected to a full term.
Brenda K. Culver, elected to a full term.
Section 5:
That the following forms, listing the foregoing candidates and votes received, as
signed by members of this Canvassing Board, are hereby adopted and ratified: “Abstract of Votes”
and “Notice to Election Authority of Persons Elected.”
Section 6
: That the Secretary of the Board of Trustees is directed forthwith to transmit
duplicate original copies of the Abstract of Votes to the State Board of Elections and to the county
clerk in each of the 12 counties in which all or a part of Community College District No. 529 is
located, as required by the Illinois State Board of Elections.
Board Action:
Mr. Williams made a motion to adopt the foregoing resolution
proclaiming results of the April 5, 2005 election. Dr. Fischer seconded the motion and on a
recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
The newly-elected student trustee will be seated later in this meeting. Trustees voting nay: None.
Trustees absent: None. The motion having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair
declared the motion carried.
AGENDA #4 – “Adjournment of Old Board”
– There being no further business to be transacted
by the old Board, Miss Wolfe made a motion that the old Board of Trustees stand adjourned sine die.
Dr. Rost seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and
those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and the Chair declared
the “Ayes” have it and the motion is adopted and the old Board of Trustees was adjourned sine
die at 7:05 p.m.
CEO Assumes Chair:
Terry L. Bruce, Chief Executive Officer, assumed the Chair for
purposes of organization of the new Board of Trustees.
AGENDA #5 – “Organization of New Board”
– The Board of Trustees organized as follows:
#5-A. Appointment of Temporary Secretary:
Without objection, the Chair appointed
Harry Hillis, Jr. to act as Interim Secretary during organization of the new Board.
#5-B. Oath of Office and Seating of Trustees Elected April 5, 2005: The oath of office
was administered to Brenda K. Culver and Walter L. Koertge. Mrs. Culver and Mr. Koertge were
duly seated.
#5-C. Seating of Student Board Member:
The oath of office was administered to
Laura Tiusaba Guzman, a student at Wabash Valley College, and she was seated as student member
of the Board of Trustees for the coming year, succeeding Andrea Pennington.
#5-D. Roll Call:
The Chair directed roll call of the new Board. The Interim Secretary
called the roll of members present and the following trustees answered to their names as called and
were found to be present:
Mrs. Brenda K. Culver, Dr. George Andrew Fischer, Mr. Walter L. Koertge, Mr. James W.
Lane, Jr., Dr. Larry Rost, Mr. Kevin C. Williams, Miss Marilyn J. Wolfe. Also present was Miss
Laura Tiusaba Guzman, student trustee. Trustees absent: None. There being a quorum present, the
Chair declared the Board of Trustees to be in open, public session for the transaction of business.
: In accordance with Board of Trustees Policy No. 100.4, the student trustee shall have
an advisory vote, to be recorded in the Board Minutes. The advisory vote may not be counted in
declaring a motion to have passed or failed.)
Also present
at this meeting, in addition to trustees:
Mr. Terry L. Bruce, Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer.
Dr. Harry Benson, President of Wabash Valley College.
Dr. Jack Davis, President of Olney Central College.
Dr. Michael Dreith, President of Frontier Community College.
Dr. Carl Heilman, President of Lincoln Trail College.
Mr. Roger Browning, Chief Finance Officer.
Mrs. Tara Buerster, Director of Human Resources.
Mr. Alex Cline, Director of Information & Communications Technology.
Ms. Kathleen Pampe, Associate Dean, Career Education & Economic Development.
Ms. Pamela Schwartz, Associate Dean of Institutional Development.
Mr. George Woods, Dean of Workforce Education.
Abbreviations Used in Minutes
DO District Office
DOC – Department of Corrections
FCC Frontier Community College
HLC – Higher Learning Commission
ICCB – Illinois Community College Board
ICCTA Illinois Community College Trustees Association
IECC – Illinois Eastern Community Colleges
IECCEA – Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Education Association
LCC – Lawrence Correctional Center
LTC – Lincoln Trail College
OCC Olney Central College
PHS – Protection, Health & Safety
RCC Robinson Correctional Center
SURS – State Universities Retirement System
WED Workforce Education
WVC Wabash Valley College
#5-E. Election of Chairman:
The Chair asked for nominations for Chairman. Mr.
Williams nominated James W. Lane, Jr.
to be Chairman of the Board of Trustees until the next
reorganization meeting. Mr. Koertge seconded the nomination. The Chair asked if there were
additional nominations. There being none, Dr. Fischer made a motion that the secretary cast a
unanimous ballot for James W. Lane, Jr.
to be Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Koertge
seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those
opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and the Chair declared that the
“Ayes” have it and that Mr. Lane is elected Chairman.
#5-F. Election of Vice-Chairman:
The Chair asked for nominations for Vice-Chairman.
Dr. Rost nominated George Andrew Fischer
to be Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees until the
next reorganization meeting. Mr. Williams seconded the nomination. The Chair asked if there were
additional nominations. There being none, Mr. Williams made a motion that the secretary cast a
unanimous ballot for George Andrew Fischer
to be Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Dr.
Rost seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those
opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and the Chair declared that the
“Ayes” have it and that Dr. Fischer is elected Vice-Chairman.
#5-G. Election of Secretary Pro Tempore:
The Chair asked for nominations for Secretary
Pro Tempore. Mr. Lane nominated Marilyn J. Wolfe
to be Secretary Pro Tempore of the Board of
Trustees until the next reorganization meeting. Mrs. Culver seconded the nomination. The Chair
asked if there were additional nominations. There being none, Mr. Williams made a motion that the
secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Marilyn J. Wolfe
to be Secretary Pro-Tempore of the Board of
Trustees. Mrs. Culver seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say
“Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and the Chair
declared that the “Ayes” have it and that Miss Wolfe is elected Secretary Pro-Tempore.
#5-H. Election of Secretary:
The Chair asked for nominations for Board Secretary. Mr.
Koertge nominated Harry Hillis, Jr.
to be Secretary of the Board of Trustees until the next
reorganization meeting. Mr. Williams seconded the nomination. The Chair asked if there were
additional nominations. There being none, Mr. Williams made a motion that the secretary cast a
unanimous ballot for Harry Hillis, Jr.
to be Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Koertge
seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those
opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and the Chair declared that the
“Ayes” have it and that Mr. Hillis is elected Secretary.
#5-I. Appointment of Ethics Officer:
Mrs. Culver made a motion that the Board
hereby appoints Harry Hillis, Jr., Board Secretary, as Ethics Officer for the Board, and for the
District, pursuant to statute. He shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. Dr.
Fischer seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and
those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and the Chair declared
that the “Ayes” have it and the motion is adopted.
Mr. Lane Assumes Chair:
Mr. Lane assumed the Chair.
#5-J. Resolution for Adoption of Rules, Regulations, Policies and Actions of Prior
Boards: The CEO recommended adoption of the following resolution.
by the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges,
District No. 529, State of Illinois, that all rules, regulations, policies and actions of prior Boards of
Trustees of this community college district are hereby adopted in full, including any changes and
: The Board agrees to follow past practices and procedures. The Secretary shall
rotate the order of calling upon Board members to cast votes on each roll call vote. Roberts Rules of
Order will be followed for general procedural guidelines, but will not be adopted. When voice votes
are taken, any trustee may ask for a roll call vote on that issue.
Board Action:
Mrs. Culver made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution for adoption
of rules, regulations, policies and actions of prior boards as recommended. Dr. Rost seconded the
motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
#5-K. Resolution for Time and Place of Board Meetings:
The CEO recommended
adoption of the following resolution for Time and Place of Board Meetings.
, that the Board of Trustees regular monthly meetings shall be held as follows
during the calendar year 2006:
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 7 p.m., Lincoln Trail College
Tuesday, February 21, 2006, 7 p.m., Olney Central College
Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 7 p.m., Wabash Valley College
Tuesday, April 18, 2006, 7 p.m., Frontier Community College
Tuesday, May 16, 2006, 7 p.m., Lincoln Trail College
Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 7 p.m., Olney Central College
Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 7 p.m., Wabash Valley College
Tuesday, August 15, 2006, 7 p.m., Frontier Community College
Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 7 p.m., Lincoln Trail College
Tuesday, October 17, 2006, 7 p.m., Olney Central College
Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 7 p.m., Wabash Valley College
*Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 7 p.m., Frontier Community College
*Board meetings in December will be held on the second Tuesday of the month due to Winter
Board Action:
Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution for
Regular Meeting dates, times and places. Dr. Rost seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call
vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
AGENDA #6 – “Recognition of Visitors & Guests”
#6-A. Visitors & Guests: Visitors & guests present were recognized, including the
(1) Recognition of OCC Veterans:
The following Olney Central College students
who are members of the U.S. Armed Forces, were recognized for their recent service in Iraq:
Amanda Jean Ballew, Robinson; Sarah Elizabeth Beauchamp, Sumner; Heather Renee Buzan,
Olney; Adam Dean Henderson, Clay City; Richard Allen Leath, Newton; Jon C. Masters, Flora;
Brandt Elliott Patterson, Olney.
(2) Recognition of ATEA Faculty:
The following IECC faculty members addressed
the Board of Trustees relative to their recent attendance at the American Technical Education
Association National Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 21-23, 2005: Jeff Cutchin,
FCC; Amie Mayhall, OCC; Paul Stouse, LTC/RCC; Dave Wilderman, WVC.
#6-B. IECCEA Representative:
Mr. Dan Tahtinen, President of Illinois Eastern
Community Colleges Education Association, was recognized.
AGENDA #7 – “Public Comment”
– None.
AGENDA #8 – “Reports”
#8-A. Report from Trustees:
Mr. Lane and Mr. Koertge reported on their coal mine
#8-B. Report from Presidents:
Dr. Benson, Dr. Davis, Dr. Dreith, Dr. Heilman
presented informational reports from their colleges.
#8-C. Report from Cabinet:
Mr. George Woods presented an informational report on
Coal Mining Technology/Telecom.
AGENDA #9 – “Policy First Readings (and Possible Approval)”
– None
AGENDA #10– “Policy Second Readings”
– None.
AGENDA #11 – “Staff Recommendations for Approval”
– The following staff
recommendations were presented for approval.
#11-A. Articulation Agreement with McKendree College:
The CEO recommended
approval of a 2 + 2 Program Articulation Agreement for a Bachelor of Business Administration
between Illinois Eastern Community Colleges and McKendree College. This agreement is to
serve as a formal arrangement for those students who complete a degree with one of the Illinois
Eastern Community Colleges to transfer with ease into the McKendree College AiM Program.
The AiM Program (Accelerated Instruction with McKendree) is designed for students whose
local commitments make them unable to attend McKendree College’s Lebanon campus.
Board Action:
Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the Articulation Agreement with
McKendree College as recommended. Dr. Fischer seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call
vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
#11-B. Agreement with Division of Rehabilitation Services:
Illinois Eastern
Community Colleges (IECC) currently has an agreement with the Division of Rehabilitation
Services (DRS), located at 1112 South West Street Olney, Illinois, to clarify relationships
between DRS and the four colleges within the IECC system. The agreement clarifies
responsibilities of DRS for funding disability related services and responsibilities of IECC for
funding accommodations for students with disabilities. Intent of the agreement is to ensure that
students with disabilities receive services needed to complete their course of study and can obtain
viable employment for independent living. DRS can provide technical assistance including
physical accessibility surveys, accommodation consultations, and information on computer
assisted real time captioning (CART). This agreement is effective July 1, 2005 and will remain in
effect until June 30, 2006, unless terminated by either party. The CEO recommended approval.
Board Action:
Mrs. Culver made a motion to approve the Agreement with the Division of
Rehabilitation Services as recommended. Dr. Rost seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call
vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
#11-C. Activity Fee Allocation:
The Chief Finance Officer presented the following
allocations of student activity fees for FY 2006. The allocation notes what percentage of each
dollar will be turned over to an appropriate self-balancing account in the auxiliary fund. The
CEO recommended approval.
Alumni Association 0% 0% 0%
Athletics 30% 30% 30%
Cheerleaders 0% 0% 4%
College Union 7% 0% 14%
Student Testing 3% 3% 0%
Intramurals 0% 1% 0%
Parking Maintenance 0% 6% 0%
Publications 20% 0% 16%
Soc. Cul. Act. Team 0% 8% 0%
Special Events 3% 0% 3%
Student Senate 15% 10% 17%
Special Projects 7% 0% 16%
Natatorium 0% 0% 0%
Student Handbook 0% 6% 0%
Model United Nations 0% 0% 0%
Child Care 0% 19% 0%
Food Services 10% 17% 0%
Sports Facility 5% 0% 0%
Board Action: Dr. Fischer made a motion to approve the FY2006 Activity Fee allocations
as recommended. Mr. Koertge seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the
Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
#11-D. Nursing Review Course Fee:
In the Spring of 1999, the Board of Trustees
instituted a policy, at the recommendation of the Dean of Nursing and Applied Health, which
required LPN and RN students to complete a review course so that IECC’s licensure pass rates
would improve. At the time of institution of this policy, the cost of the review course for all
nursing students was approximately $25,000. A new IECC course was developed and all students
were required to be enrolled. The District then sought and received state reimbursement for the
credit hours generated. Initially, this state reimbursement covered the cost of the review course.
However, the course now costs the District more than $40,000 per year, and with the
contemplated increase in the number of nursing students, the course cost will soon reach $60,000
per year. To recoup the cost from the students who benefit from this review course, it is proposed
that beginning with the Summer Session of 2005-2006, nursing students be charged a $50 review
course fee for the courses NUR 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 2201, and 2202. This would mean the
student would pay $300 if he/she enrolled in all six courses. If a nursing student had paid these
fees but failed to progress to a level necessary to participate in the review course, then the student
would be given a refund of these review course fees. The CEO recommended approval.
Board Action:
Mrs. Culver made a motion to approve the nursing review course fee as
recommended. Dr. Rost seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair
the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
#11-E. Tuition Increase:
The CEO recommended that the tuition rate be raised from its
current $48 to $53 per semester hour, a five dollar per semester hour increase. The proposed
tuition increase is required by the uncertainty of state funding and tuition increases implemented
by other community colleges. This year’s tuition rate barely meets the required threshold amount
for access to equalization funding.
Board Action:
Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the $5 per semester hour increase
in student tuition as recommended. Mr. Koertge seconded the motion and on a recorded roll call
vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
#11-F. Department of Corrections FY2006 Contracts:
The Department of
Corrections (DOC) intends to continue its contract with Illinois Eastern Community Colleges for
the provision of occupational programs at Robinson and Lawrence Correctional Centers. The
educational programs at the two institutions are offered by Lincoln Trail College. The contracts
for fiscal year 2006 were reviewed. The CEO recommended approval.
Board Action:
Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the FY2006 Department of
Corrections contracts with IECC as recommended. Miss Wolfe seconded the motion and on a
recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
AGENDA #12 – “Bid Committee Report”
#12-A. IECC – Computers:
Mr. Browning presented the recommendation of the Bid
Committee to accept the bid of Grace Computers
, Salt Lake City, Utah, for computers for a total
of $19,652.38
, as follows:
Five (5) Desktop Computers 3.0 GHz, $657.46 each: Total $3,287.30.
One (1) Desktop Computer 3.2 GHz, $793.96 each: Total $793.96.
Seven (7) Monitors 17” Flat, $210.94 each: Total $1,476.58.
Nine (9) Notebooks 2.0 GHz, $1,566.06 each: Total $14,094.54.
Total Bid: $19,652.38.
Source of Funds: SEHC Grant, Education Fund, Tech Prep Grant. Department: Nursing
Program, Academic & Student Support Services, OCC Automotive Program.
The CEO recommended approval of the foregoing recommendation
of the Bid Committee as outlined.
Board Action:
Dr. Fischer made a motion to approve the recommendation of the Bid
Committee for purchase of computers as outlined. Mrs. Culver seconded the motion and on a
recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
#12-B. IECC – Projectors:
Mr. Browning presented the recommendation of the Bid
Committee to accept the bids of CompView
, Beaverton, Oregon, and CDW Gov, Vernon Hills,
Illinois, for projectors for a total of $5,746.00
, as follows:
CompView, three (3) Mitsubishi XL8U.3SA Projectors, $1,450.00 each: Total
CDW Gov, four (4) Bulbs, $349.00 each: Total $1,396.00.
Total Bid: $5,746.00.
Source of Funds: SEHC Grant, Tech Prep Grant. Department: Nursing Program, OCC
Automotive Program.
The CEO recommended approval of the foregoing recommendation
of the Bid Committee as outlined.
Board Action: Dr. Fischer made a motion to approve the recommendation of the Bid
Committee for purchase of projectors as outlined. Miss Tiusaba seconded the motion and on a
recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
AGENDA #13 – “District Finance”
– The following district financial matters were presented:
#13-A. Financial Reports:
The monthly financial reports were presented, including the
treasurer's report, showing a balance in all funds of $6,109,153.12, as of March 31, 2005.
#13-B. Approval of Financial Obligations:
District financial obligations (Listing of
Board Bills) for April 2005, totaling $688,833.77, were presented for approval.
Board Approval for Payment of Financial Obligations:
Miss Wolfe made a motion to
approve payment of district financial obligations for April 2005, in the amounts listed, and
payments from the revolving fund for March 2005. Dr. Rost seconded the motion and on a
recorded roll call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
AGENDA #14 – “Chief Executive Officer's Report”
– Mr. Bruce presented informational
reports relative to the following topics:
1. Tax Assessment Complaint – Trunkline Gas Company.
2. GED Advisory Council – Jack Davis to be Speaker.
3. Lobby Day – May 3-4, 2005.
4. Trustees Attendance at Graduation 2005.
5. Enrollment Report – District Up 2%.
AGENDA #15 – “Executive Session”
– The Board of Trustees did not hold an executive session
at the April 19, 2005 regular meeting.
AGENDA #16 – “Approval of Executive Session Minutes”
– The following actions were taken
relative to executive session minutes.
#16-A. Written Executive Session Minutes:
The CEO recommended that written
minutes of an executive session held during a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 2005, be
approved and opened to the public record.
Board Action:
Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the written minutes of the
executive session of March 15, 2005, and that these minutes be opened to the public record as
recommended. Mrs. Culver seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion
to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and
the Chair declared the “Ayes” have it and the motion is adopted.
#16-B. Audio Recording of Executive Session: The CEO recommended that the audio
recording of an executive session of Tuesday, March 15, 2005, be approved and that the Board
Secretary make provisions for its safe keeping, that it be made available only upon the proper order
of a court and a finding by a judge that such audio recording should be released. The audio recording
shall be destroyed 18 months after the date of the meeting if the Board has adopted written minutes
of the executive session in question.
Board Action:
Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the audio recording of the
executive session of March 15, 2005, and that the recording remain closed as recommended. Mrs.
Culver seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and
those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was taken and the Chair declared
the “Ayes” have it and the motion is adopted.
AGENDA #17 – “Approval of Personnel Report”
– The CEO presented the following
amended Personnel Report and recommended approval.
400.1. Employment of Personnel
A. Faculty
1. Nedra Pershing, Massage Therapy Instructor, effective August 11, 2005.
B. Classified
1. Justin Wiles, Academic Support Specialist, DO, effective April 21, 2005,
contingent upon continued grant funding.
400.2. Leave Requests
A. Faculty
1. Karen Mason, Food Service Technology Instructor, LTC/LCC, Family Medical
Leave, effective April 20, 2005, intermittent with up to 12 weeks of leave. The requested leave is
unpaid with allowance for substitution of paid leave time.
2. Janet Kinkade, Nursing Instructor, OCC (FCC), Family Medical Leave, effective
April 11, 2005, intermittent with up to 12 weeks of leave. The requested leave is unpaid with
allowance for substitution of paid leave time.
B. Classified
1. Kim Wilson, OCC, Family Medical Leave, effective April 11, 2005, with up to 4
weeks of leave. The requested leave is unpaid with allowance for substitution of paid leave time.
400.3. Resignation
A. Classified
1. Brett Gardner, Upward Bound Student Advisor, DO, effective May 31, 2005.
Personnel Report Addendum
400.3. Resignation
A. Faculty
1. Amy Bowler, Food Service Technology Instructor, LTC/RCC, effective April
15, 2005.
Board Action to Amend Personnel Report:
Mr. Williams made a motion to amend the
Personnel Report, to add an addendum containing an addition to Section 400.3, resignation of
Amy Bowler, as recommended. Dr. Rost seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor
of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote
was taken and the Chair declared that the “Ayes” have it and the motion is adopted.
Board Action to Approve Personnel Report:
Miss Wolfe made a motion to approve the
foregoing Personnel Report as amended. Miss Tiusaba seconded the motion and on a recorded roll
call vote ordered by the Chair the following trustees voted yea:
Mrs. Culver, Dr. Fischer, Mr. Koertge, Mr. Lane, Dr. Rost, Mr. Williams, Miss Wolfe.
Student advisory vote: Yea. Trustees voting nay: None. Trustees absent: None. The motion
having received 7 yea votes and 0 nay votes, the Chair declared the motion carried.
AGENDA #18 – “Collective Bargaining”
– None.
AGENDA #19 – “Litigation”
– None.
AGENDA #20 – “Acquisition & Disposition of Property”
– None.
AGENDA #21 – “Other Items”
– None.
AGENDA #22 – “Adjournment”
Mr. Williams made a motion to temporarily recess this
meeting, with the Board of Trustees to reconvene Wednesday, April 20, 2005, at 10:20 a.m. in the
Stull Auditorium, at Olney Central College, Olney, Illinois, for the purpose of receiving the report of
the Higher Learning Commission visitation team. Dr. Fischer seconded the motion. The Chair
asked trustees in favor of the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by
the voice) vote was taken. The Chair declared the “Ayes” have it, the motion is adopted, and the
meeting recessed at 8:25 p.m.
Approved: Chairman: ____________________________________
Secretary: _____________________________________
Minutes of a reconvened regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern
Community Colleges - Frontier Community College, Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College,
Wabash Valley College - Community College District No. 529, Counties of Clark, Clay, Crawford,
Cumberland, Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, Wayne and White, and State
of Illinois, held in the Stull Auditorium, at the Olney Central College, 305 North West Street, Olney,
Illinois, on Wednesday, April 20, 2005
, pursuant to a temporary recess taken at a regular meeting,
Tuesday, April 19, 2005.
: This reconvened meeting was held for the purpose of receiving the report of the
North Central Association/Higher Learning Commission Visitation Team, and comments of the
Chairman, Dr. David Devier.
1. Trustees Present:
In the absence of the Chairman, the meeting was called to
order at 10:50 a.m. by Dr. George Andrew Fischer, Vice-Chairman. Present were the following
Dr. George Andrew Fischer, Mr. Walter L. Koertge, Dr. Larry Rost, Mr. Kevin C. Williams,
Miss Marilyn J. Wolfe. Also present was Miss Laura Tiusaba Guzman, student trustee. Trustees
absent: Mrs. Brenda K. Culver, Mr. James W. Lane, Jr. There being a quorum present, the Chair
declared the Board of Trustees to be in open, public session for the transaction of business.
Also present
were Mr. Terry L. Bruce, Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer; Ms.
Renee Smith, Executive Assistant to the CEO. Renee Smith recorded minutes of the meeting.
2. Report of HLC Visitation Team:
The Board of Trustees received the report of
the North Central Association/Higher Learning Commission visitation team and comments of the
Chairman. Following are portions of a news release distributed following the HLC report:
Following an accreditation visit by the eight member Higher Learning Commission
(HLC) team, Dr. David Devier, Chairman, reported that Frontier Community College, Lincoln
Trail College, Olney Central College and Wabash Valley College in the IECC District would be
recommended for re-accreditation for ten years.
Devier stated: “We were warmly welcomed by the colleges in all four communities. The
colleges are important to each community. They are an important part of K-12, business and
industry, and its governmental partners. You are to be applauded for the good you do over the 12
counties in the district and for the value you have added to so many lives.”
The Higher Learning Commission establishes institutional accreditation to provide
quality assurance and institutional and program improvement. The Commission visits institutions
of higher education each ten years and does an in-depth review of the higher education
institution’s programs, quality and consistency.
IECC and its four colleges were last reviewed and approved for accreditation in February
of 1995, with a focus visit in 2000 for Olney Central College. The current visit focused on the
five criteria established by the Commission: Mission and Integrity; Preparation for the Future;
Student Learning and Effective Teaching; Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of
Knowledge; Engagement and Services.
In extensive comments Dr. Devier stated: “You are doing a great job, a wonderful job, in
addressing the mission of the colleges. You are on strong financial footing. Your financial
reports are flawless. Your Technology Plan, your Resource Allocation Plan and your Career and
Technology Plans are outstanding. Your faculty is committed to effective teaching. You allocate
money for faculty development and college courses are aligned with state-wide articulation
efforts. Your colleges serve their constituents well and they went above and beyond on
community use of college facilities for many social and cultural events.”
Devier concluded by commenting on the progress of the four college system since the
study ten years ago in 1995. “The progress over the past ten years has been remarkable. There is
strong evidence of the maturing and understanding of the role of the Board of Trustees, and there
has been development of good leadership.”
The eight member team, while recommending accreditation for ten years, also asked the
district to prepare a report, due in three years, on assessment of students and adult learners. The
team also asked that the district consider whether the high workloads of faculty inhibited faculty
involvement in other aspects of college operations.
The visitation team has made its recommendation. The work of the team will be
evaluated, and if found to be accurate, the Higher Learning Commission will approve the
recommendation and approve accreditation until 2015.
3. No Business Transacted:
No formal business was transacted by the Board of
4. Adjournment:
Following the report of the HLC visiting team, Miss Wolfe
made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Koertge seconded the motion. The Chair asked trustees in favor of
the motion to say “Aye” and those opposed to say “No.” The viva voce (by the voice) vote was
taken. The Chair declared the “Ayes” have it, the motion is adopted, and the meeting adjourned at
11:30 a.m.
Approved: Chairman: ____________________________________
Secretary: _____________________________________
Agenda Item #1
Agenda Item #1
Call to Order & Roll Call
Agenda Item #2
Agenda Item #2
Disposition of Minutes
Agenda Item #3
Agenda Item #3
Recognition of Visitors and Guests
A. Visitors and Guests
B. IECEA Representatives
Agenda Item #4
Agenda Item #4
Public Comment
Agenda Item #5
Agenda Item #5
A. Trustees
B. Presidents
C. Cabinet
Coal Mining Technology/Telecom
Agenda Item #6
Agenda Item #6
Policy First Reading (and Possible Approval)
Agenda Item #7
Agenda Item #7
Policy Second Reading
Agenda Item #8
Staff Recommendations for Approval
Agenda Item #8A
2005 Annual Report on Institutional Effectiveness
Agenda Item #8A
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Terry L. Bruce
DATE: May 17, 2005
RE: Annual Report on Institutional Effectiveness
The 2005 Annual Report on Institutional Effectiveness describes the District’s
institutional assessment in meeting its stated mission and purposes. The assessment data
is used to identify curricular and support services modifications that will increase student
The Annual Report on Institutional Effectiveness has been distributed to Board
members under separate cover by mail. Mr. Chairman, I recommend approval of the
2005 Annual Report on Institutional Effectiveness.
Agenda Item #8B
Joint Agreement Between IECC and Kaskaskia College
Agenda Item #8B
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Terry L. Bruce
DATE: May 17, 2005
RE: Joint Agreement with Kaskaskia College
Below is the Joint Agreement between Illinois Eastern Community Colleges and
Kaskaskia College. There are no changes or updates to this agreement from last year.
Illinois Eastern Community College District #529, agrees to accept students
from KASKASKIA COLLEGE, District #501, in the following programs:
Coal Mining Technology AAS/Certificate
Diesel Equipment Technology AAS
Industrial Manufacturing Technology AAS
Machine Shop Technology AAS/Certificate
Radio-TV Broadcasting AAS
Telecommunications Technology AAS/Certificate
Kaskaskia College, District #501, agrees to accept students from ILLINOIS
EASTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE District #529, (Frontier
Community College, Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College, and Wabash
Valley College), in the following programs:
Basic Carpentry Certificate
Dental Assisting Certificate
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificate
Nail Technology Certificate
Physical Therapist Assistant AAS
Respiratory Therapy AAS
I recommend the Board’s approval of this agreement.
District #529
Illinois Eastern Community College District #529, agrees to accept students
from KASKASKIA COLLEGE, District #501, in the following programs:
Coal Mining Technology AAS/Certificate
Diesel Equipment Technology AAS
Industrial Manufacturing Technology AAS
Machine Shop Technology AAS/Certificate
Radio-TV Broadcasting AAS
Telecommunications Technology AAS/Certificate
Kaskaskia College, District #501, agrees to accept students from ILLINOIS
EASTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE District #529, (Frontier
Community College, Lincoln Trail College, Olney Central College, and Wabash
Valley College), in the following programs:
Basic Carpentry Certificate
Dental Assisting Certificate
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificate
Nail Technology Certificate
Physical Therapist Assistant AAS
Respiratory Therapy AAS
The Joint Agreement between Kaskaskia College and Illinois Eastern Community
College District #529 is hereby extended for a one-year period beginning July 1,
Kaskaskia College
Chairman of the Board of Trustees President
Date Date
Illinois Eastern Community College District #529
Chairman of the Board of Trustees President
Date Date
Agenda Item #8C
Joint Agreement between IECC and Stover Institute
Agenda Item #8C
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Terry L. Bruce
DATE: May 17, 2005
RE: Joint Agreement between IECC and Stover Institute
Olney Central College has an opportunity to develop a Phlebotomy Program
utilizing the professional services of the Stover Institute for Medical Professionals.
Under a proposed agreement, Stover would provide instructors, coordinate course
offerings, provide appropriate certificates of insurance, provide marketing support for the
program, and provide placement services for graduates.
IECC would evaluate Stover instructors and have overall responsibility for
program evaluation.
The District would reimburse Stover for an amount based upon the state credit
hour reimbursement for health occupational and vocational courses.
The program may be terminated by either Stover or the District.
I ask the Board’s approval of this contract with Stover Institute for Medical
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 1
day of July, 2005, by and between
COLLEGE (hereinafter referred to as DISTRICT #529), for its Phlebotomy Program and Stover
Institute for Medical Professionals, Marshall, Illinois (hereinafter referred to as STOVER).
WHEREAS, DISTRICT #529 desires to make use of STOVER’S instructional resources
by students of the Phlebotomy Program for the DISTRICT, and
WHEREAS, STOVER desires to make use of DISTRICT #529 facilities to offer
instruction in Phlebotomy to students within the service area of DISTRICT #529.
NOW, THEREFORE, for consideration of the mutual covenants and acts to be kept and
performed by the parties hereto, the parties do herewith agree as follows:
1. STOVER will provide an instructor DISTRICT #529 deems qualified to teach
DISTRICT #529 courses in Phlebotomy.
2. STOVER will coordinate their schedule of Phlebotomy Program course offerings
with DISTRICT #529.
3. DISTRICT #529 will evaluate STOVER instructor and provide appropriate
reports to STOVER.
4. STOVER instructor(s) will not be a part of the Illinois Eastern Community
Colleges Education Association bargaining unit.
5. Each STOVER instructor will not be assigned to teach more than 11.5 credit load
hours each of the fall and spring semesters.
6. DISTRICT #529 will reimburse STOVER an amount equal to the current Fiscal
Year ICCB Credit Hour Grant reimbursement for Health Occupational &
Vocational courses. (For Fiscal Year 2006, it is projected that the ICCB
reimbursement will be $89.43 per semester hour of credit per student.) Payment
to STOVER shall be made within sixty (60) days of the end of each DISTRICT
#529 academic term.
7. DISTRICT #529 will endeavor to enroll a minimum of ten (10) students per
8. STOVER will provide appropriate certificate of insurance covering any potential
liability for the STOVER instructor while teaching courses for DISTRICT #529.
9. STOVER will provide marketing support to DISTRICT #529.
10. STOVER will endeavor to provide placement services for Phlebotomy
Technician students upon completion of courses, externship, and successfully
passing the National Center for Competency Testing Certified Phlebotomy
Technician (CPT) examination.
11. STOVER will assist DISTRICT in securing adequate externship sites for the
Phlebotomy Technician students.
12. An annual review may be requested in May by either party. A review shall be
made every three years. Either party hereto may terminate this agreement,
provided DISTRICT #529 determines all currently enrolled students have
adequate time to complete graduation requirements. Upon request for
termination by either party, no new students shall be enrolled.
13. This Agreement supersedes all previous contracts or agreements between the
parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and constitutes the entire
agreement between the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned signatures have caused this instrument to be
executed by its duly authorized officials the 1
day of July, 2005.
__________________________ ______________________________
CEO, Stover Institute for Medical Chairman, IECC Board of Trustees
CEO, Illinois Eastern Community
President, Olney Central College
Agenda Item #8D
Nursing Course Review Fee
Agenda Item #8D
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Terry L. Bruce
DATE: May 17, 2005
RE: Nursing Review Course Fee
At the Board meeting held on April 20, the Board changed the fee structure for
the nursing review courses. The memo to the Board, upon which the Board took official
action, indicated that a refund would be given to any student who failed to make normal
progress in the nursing curriculum. That statement was incorrect.
The memo should have stated that a refund of review course fees would be
returned to students in the same manner as refunds are given on tuition. I regret the error.
I would ask that the Board take action to clarify the refund policy on nursing
review course fees and move that such refunds will be provided only pursuant to existing
refund policy on tuition.
Agenda Item #8E
City of Robinson Tax Abatement Resolution
Agenda Item #8E
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Terry L. Bruce
DATE: May 17, 2005
RE: City of Robinson Tax Abatement Resolution
Each year the Robinson City Council asks that the Illinois Eastern Community
Colleges’ Board of Trustees approve a resolution continuing the tax abatement on real
property located within the Robinson Enterprise Zone.
The abatement only relates to new improvements and the improvement project
must be located within the District, and the abatement cannot exceed the amount
attributable to the improvements, and is only allowed for commercial and industrial
I ask approval of this resolution.
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community College District #529, does hereby
adopt this resolution as follows:
The County Clerk of Crawford County, Illinois, is hereby directed to abate ad valorem taxes
imposed upon real property located within the Robinson Enterprise Zone as the result of an
Enterprise Zone Ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of Robinson, Crawford County,
Illinois on April 12, 2005, as Ordinance Number 2005-O-06, upon which new improvements shall be
renovated or rehabilitated, subject to the following conditions:
a) no abatement shall be applicable to any such improvement project located within the
boundaries of a Tax Increment Redevelopment Project District;
b) any abatement of taxes on any parcel shall not exceed the amount attributable to the
construction of the improvements and the renovation or rehabilitation of existing
improvements in such parcel;
c) such abatement shall be allowed only for non-residential, commercial and industrial
property located within the zone are;
d) such abatement of taxes on any parcel shall be for, and only for, the taxes attributable to an
increased assessed valuation of the parcel for the taxing period immediately preceding the
issuance of a building permit for the qualified construction and renovation or rehabilitation;
e) such abatement shall be at the rate of 100 percent of the taxes for a period of five years,
beginning with the first year in which the improvements are fully assessed. Such is limited
to the term of the Robinson Enterprise Zone.
Upon roll call vote the following Board members voted aye.
Upon roll call vote the following Board members voted nay.
Passed and approved by the Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community College District #529,
at its regular Board meeting held on May 17, 2005, at the Frontier Community College Office in
Fairfield, Illinois.
Agenda Item #8F
HIPPA Agreement Addendum with Fairfield Memorial Hospital
Agenda Item #8F
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Terry L. Bruce
DATE: May 17, 2005
RE: HIPAA Agreement Addendum with Fairfield Memorial Hospital
I request approval of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) Addendum Agreement between Illinois Eastern Community Colleges and
Fairfield Memorial Hospital in Fairfield, Illinois. The agreement is attached.
This Addendum modifies the Business Associate Agreement, as amended, by and between
Fairfield Memorial Hospital/Way-Fair (“Provider”) and IECC/OCC ADN Program, Frontier
Community College site (“Business Associate”).
The provisions of this Addendum shall become effective upon final signature of both parties.
When properly executed below this Addendum shall be added to the above named Agreement.
4.A. Safeguards. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE shall use appropriate safeguards to
prevent use or disclosure of protected health information other than as permitted
or required by this Contract or as required by law. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE
shall implement “administrative, physical safeguards” to protect electronic
confidential information and must require subcontractors to implement
“reasonable and appropriate” safeguards to protect electronic confidential
information as outlined in Centers for Medicare Services (CMS) Rules and
Regulations 45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164 Health Insurance Reform: Security
Except as herein above provided, no other change, amendment or modification of the Agreement
is hereby intended or implied.
_________________________________ _______________________________
Dana Shantel Taylor, Privacy Officer Signature
Fairfield Memorial Hospital
303 NW 11
Street James Lane, Chairman Board of Trustees
Fairfield, IL 62837 Typed Name
________________________________ ________________________________
Katherine J. Bunting, Ph.D. RN/MSN Name of Organization
Chief Nurse Executive/Co-Administrator
Fairfield Memorial Hospital ________________________________
303 NW 11
Street Address
Fairfield, IL 62837
President, Olney Central College
Agenda Item #8G
Board Authorization to District Treasurer
Agenda Item #8G
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Terry L. Bruce
DATE: May 17, 2005
RE: Board Authorization to District Treasurer
First Financial Bank of Robinson, Illinois has asked the Board of Trustees to
approve a resolution granting the District’s Treasurer, Marilyn Grove, the power to open
accounts and withdraw and transfer accounts on deposit with First Financial.
Such authorization has been granted to the Treasurer in the past, but First
Financial has been acquired by a different banking network and wishes the corporate
authority of the IECC Board to be reaffirmed by this new resolution.
In all other regards, this is the same power that our Treasurer currently has with
banks throughout the District. A copy of the resolution will be presented at the Board
I ask the Board’s approval of a resolution giving the District Treasurer the powers
as outlined above.
Agenda Item #8H
Affiliation Agreement with Crawford Memorial Hospital
Agenda Item #8H
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Terry L. Bruce
DATE: May 17, 2005
RE: Affiliation Agreement with Crawford Memorial Hospital
An affiliation agreement between Illinois Eastern Community Colleges and
Crawford Memorial Hosptal will be presented to the Board at Tuesday night’s meeting.
This is a standard agreement that we maintain with area health care facilities. The
agreement is not available in electronic format for inclusion in the Board agenda mailing.
A paper copy will be available for your review at the meeting.
Agenda Item #9
Bid Committee Report
Agenda Item #10
District Finance
A. Financial Report
B. Approval of Financial Obligations
Educational $2,479,564.35
Operations & Maintenance $428,726.12
Operations & Maintenance (Restricted) $233,368.23
Bond & Interest $51,229.07
Auxiliary $471,792.31
Restricted Purposes ($8,182.71)
Working Cash $4,390.67
Trust & Agency $81,364.76
Audit $15,157.41
Liability, Protection & Settlement $148,696.84
TOTAL ALL FUNDS $3,906,107.05
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Grove, Treasurer
TOTAL REVENUES: 28,253,645
OPER & MAINT PLANT 2,125,849
Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses,
and Changes in Net Assets
AS OF April 30, 2005
Combined Balance Sheet - All Funds
April 30, 2005
CASH 3,906,107
FUND BALANCE 10,256,363
College Category
pent Thru
April % of Bdgt
pent Thru
April % of Bdgt
pent Thru
April % of Bdgt % of Year
Frontier Bills $1,494,476 $1,394,137 $1,483,537
Payroll 1,551,211 1,569,766 1,704,179
Totals $3,338,586 3,045,687 91% $3,517,920 2,963,903 84% $3,614,748 3,187,716 88% 83%
Lincoln Trail Bills 986,801 1,037,627 1,112,528
Payroll 1,923,463 1,923,011 2,011,611
Totals 3,415,527 2,910,264 85% 3,539,299 2,960,638 84% 3,610,776 3,124,139 87% 83%
Olney Central Bills 1,527,477 1,607,899 1,573,614
Payroll 3,053,282 3,122,201 3,353,425
Totals 5,197,559 4,580,759 88% 5,450,839 4,730,100 87% 5,511,199 4,927,039 89% 83%
Wabash Valley Bills 1,379,709 1,383,934 1,518,701
Payroll 2,354,587 2,436,415 2,572,007
Totals 4,013,571 3,734,296 93% 4,260,975 3,820,349 90% 4,394,989 4,090,708 93% 83%
Workforce Educ. Bills 1,000,778 1,134,366 1,342,041
Payroll 897,413 937,427 942,593
Totals 2,129,290 1,898,191 89% 2,627,781 2,071,793 79% 2,791,185 2,284,634 82% 83%
District Office Bills 241,443 192,563 202,967
Payroll 720,826 720,081 730,309
Totals 1,252,323 962,269 77% 1,169,354 912,644 78% 1,217,781 933,276 77% 83%
District Wide Bills 1,443,738 1,431,103 1,381,783
Payroll 457,005 514,910 519,447
Totals 3,586,335 1,900,743 53% 3,206,924 1,946,013 61% 3,283,135 1,901,230 58% 83%
O & M Bills
$22,933,191 $19,032,209 83% $23,773,092 $19,405,440 82% $24,423,813 $20,448,742 84% 83%
Excludes DOC
Other (20.10%)
Capital Outlay (1.02%)
Utilities (4.12%)
Fixed Charges (1.23%)
Travel & Staff Dev. (.75%)
Materials (5.57%)
Contractual Services (2.85%)
Employee Benefits (6.49%)
Salaries (57.87%)
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges
Operating Funds
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Dist. #529
As of April 30, 2005 - $20,448,742
Agenda Item #11
Agenda Item #11
Chief Executive Officer’s Report
Agenda Item #12
Agenda Item #12
Executive Session
Agenda Item #13
Agenda Item #13
Approval of Executive Session Minutes
A. Written Executive Session Minutes
B. Audio Executive Session Minutes
Agenda Item #14
Approval of Personnel Report
Agenda Item #14
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Terry L. Bruce
DATE: May 12, 2005
RE: Personnel Report
Mr. Chairman, I recommend that the Board of Trustees approve the attached
Personnel Report. Additional information for items 400.1., 400.2., and 400.3. will be
mailed under separate cover.
400.1 Employment of Personnel
400.2 Resignations
400.3 Retirement
400.1. Employment of Personnel
A. Faculty
1. Richard A. Kribs IV, Math Instructor
2. Brian Wick, Automotive Service Technology/Collision Repair Instructor
B. Classified
1. Lindsay Willis, Upward Bound Student Advisor, DO
400.2. Resignation
A. Professional/Non-Faculty
1. Tim Emmons, Building Superintendent, LTC, effective May 6, 2005
400.3. Retirement
A. Faculty
1. Jerry Bayne, Journalism Instructor/Coordinator of Community Services,
WVC, effective May 31, 2005.
Agenda Item #15
Agenda Item #15
Collective Bargaining
Agenda Item #16
Agenda Item #16
Agenda Item #17
Agenda Item #17
Acquisition and Disposition of Property
Agenda Item #18
Agenda Item #18
Other Items
Agenda Item #19
Agenda Item #19
Science Buildin
lacement WVC
GRAND TOTAL $325,200
Protection, Health, Safety and ADA
Projects Schedule
Phase VII