Code Section 1002: Accessible Unit
Code Section 1003: Type A Unit Code Section 1004: Type B Unit
Visitablility Standards
ICC A117.1-2009
Type C Unit
Visitablility Standards
Minn. Stat. §462A.34
Universal Design
Required application
Care facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes
and assisted living facilities require that a
percentage of the units be accessible units.
At least 2 percent of units are required
to be Type A units in apartment
developments and Group R-2 townhome-
style designs having eight or more units.
Facilities with four or more units intended
to be occupied as a residence.
There are currently no requirements for Type
C units in Minnesota.
Single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes and
multilevel townhome-style designs that are
financed in whole or in part by the
Minnesota Housing Finance Agency.
Universal Design concepts for housing have been
developed by the Center for Universal Design at
North Carolina University. There are currently no
requirements for Universal Design units in
Excluded dwellings
Apartment buildings, single-family, duplex,
triplex, townhome-style designs, and assisted
living facilities with three or fewer sleeping
Single-family, duplex, triplex and
Group R-3 townhouses
Single-family, duplex, triplex and
multistory townhome-style designs
No data No data No data
Design elements
Code Section 1002: Accessible Unit
Code Section 1003: Type A Unit Code Section 1004: Type B Unit
Visitablility Standards
ICC A117.1-2009
Type C Unit
Visitablility Standards
Minn. Stat. §462A.34
Universal Design
Route to unit
Accessible route, could include ramp. Same as accessible unit. Same as accessible unit. Same as accessible unit. No step, provision can be waived. Accessible route, ramps should be avoided.
Entry door
32-inch clear opening.
Maneuvering clearance adjacent to door on both
sides of door.
No round hardware.
One-half-inch threshold.
Same as accessible unit. Same as accessible unit.
1.75-inch clear opening.
One-half-inch threshold.
32-inch clear opening.
32-inch clear opening.
One-half-inch threshold.
Five-foot by five-foot landing on each side of door.
Power opener.
Covered entry.
Shelf, bench or table near door.
Sidelight and/or TV monitor.
Lighted doorbell or intercom.
Outside light with motion control.
Interior doors
32-inch clear opening.
Maneuvering clearance adjacent to door on both
sides of door.
No round hardware.
One-half-inch threshold.
Same as accessible unit.
31.75 inch clear opening
one-half-inch threshold
Same as Type B unit. 32-inch clear opening.
32-inch clear opening.
Flush threshold.
18-inch clearance beyond latch.
Operable parts
Lighting controls, electrical switches and
receptacle outlets, environmental controls,
appliance controls, electrical panelboards, and
user controls for security or intercom systems
shall be accessible and located between 15 inches
and 48 inches above the floor.
Same as accessible unit.
Controls for appliances exempt from
reach range and operable parts
Receptacle outlets and operable parts of
lighting controls shall be located between 15
inches and 48 inches above the floor.
Light switches 44 inches to 48 inches above the
Electrical outlets 18 inches minimum above the
Electrical panelboard 54 inches maximum above
the floor.
The building code’s requirements for Type B dwelling units are consistent with the provisions of the Federal Fair Housing Act. The information in this document is intended to provide an overview of the topic and does not constitute legal advice. The specific provisions of law and an attorney should be
consulted to determine applicability to any particular situation. The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry has tried to provide accurate and useful information, it makes no representation and accepts no liability for any reliance on the completeness or accuracy of this information.
2020 State Building Code Accessibility Provisions for Dwelling Units in Minnesota
Clothes washer and
Clear floor space for parallel approach centered
the appliance.
Accessible operable parts located between 15
inches and 48 inches above the floor.
Top-loading machines 36 inches maximum above
the floor.
Front loading machines 15 inches to 34 inches to
the bottom of the laundry opening.
Same as accessible unit.
Clear floor space for parallel approach
centered on the appliance. Controls
Front loading.
Front controls.
Raised platform.
Clear floor space 36 inches wide extending full
length of appliance plus 18 inches to either side of
At least one bed in Accessible sleeping units shall
measure 17" to 23 inches high from the floor to
the top of the uncompressed mattress. In
at least one sleeping area, a minimum of 5% but
not less than one bed shall have a 30 inch by 48
inch clear floor space provided on both sides of
the bed, positioned for a parallel approach to the
side of the bed. Where two beds are provided
next to each other a single clear floor space may
be provided between the two beds.
Turning space
Rooms require a 5-foot diameter or "T"-shaped
turning space.
One bathroom and all other rooms
require a 5-foot diameter or "T"-shaped
turning space.
N/A N/A N/A Same as accessible unit.
Accessible Unit
Code Section 1002.12
Type A Unit
Code Section 1003.12
Type B Unit
Code Section 1004.12
Visitablility Standards
ICC A117.1-2009
Type C Unit
Visitablility Standards
Minn. Stat. §462A.34
Universal Design
Clearance between
40 inches minimum between counters in pass-
through kitchen.
60 inches minimum between counters in U-
Same as accessible unit.
40 inches minimum between counters in
pass-through kitchen or ‘U’ shaped
kitchen with cabinets on opposite walls.
60 inches minimum between counters in
U shaped kitchen with cabinets on three
40 inches minimum between counters. N/A 48 inches between counters.
Work surface
30 inches wide minimum, 34 inches in height
maximum with knee and toe clearance beneath
located next to oven.
30 inches wide minimum, 34 inches in
height maximum with knee and toe
clearance beneath.
Removable cabinet can be provided for
knee and toe clearance.
Variable-height work surfaces between 28 inches
and 42 inches above the floor.
34 inches in height maximum.
Forward approach with knee and toe clearance
Accessible operable parts on faucet.
Same as accessible unit except a
removable cabinet can be provided for
knee and toe clearance.
Clear floor space for parallel approach
centered on sink.
Sink required with no design criteria. N/A
29-inch minimum knee clearance (can be
removable cabinet).
Variable-height sink between 28 inches and 42
inches above the floor.
Clear floor space adjacent to open dishwasher
Accessible operable parts between 15 inches and
inches above the floor.
open dishwasher door shall not obstruct clear
Same as accessible unit.
Clear floor space adjacent to open
dishwasher door.
Dishwasher raised ona platform or drawer unit so
top rack is level with adjacent countertop.
Clear floor space next to appliance.
Controls located at front of appliance.
Same as accessible unit. Clear floor space centered on appliance.
Cooking appliance required with no design
Staggered burners and front or side-mounted
34 inches above the floor.
Clear floor space next to appliance.
Controls located at front of appliance.
Work surface located next to oven.
Clear floor space next to appliance.
Controls located at front of appliance.
Countertop located to one side of oven
Clear floor space next to appliance. N/A N/A
Built-in oven set for one pull-out oven rack at the
same height as adjacent countertop.
At least 50 percent of freezer shelf space 54
inches maximum above the floor.
Clear floor space for parallel approach.
Same as accessible unit. Clear floor space next to appliance. Refrigerator required with no design criteria. N/A Side-by-side refrigerator with pull out shelving.
Code Section 1002: Accessible Unit
Code Section 1003: Type A Unit Code Section 1004: Type B Unit
Visitablility Standards
ICC A117.1-2009
Type C Unit
Visitablility Standards
Minn. Stat. §462A.34
Universal Design
34 inches maximum height.
Forward approach with knee and toe clearance
Accessible operable parts on faucet.
Same as accessible unit except that
removable cabinet can be provided for
knee and toe clearance.
Clear floor space for a parallel approach
centered on the sink.
Option B – sink height of 34 inches
Sink required with no design criteria.
At least a half-bath required with no design
Provision can be waived.
32 inch minimum height.
29 inch minimum knee clearance (can be removable
Single lever control.
Water closet
Clearance of 60 inches in width and 78 inches in
Seat height of 17 inches to 19 inches above the
Located next to a wall 16 inches to 18 inches from
wall to centerline of fixture.
Horizontal and vertical grab bars.
Clearance of 60 inches in width and 56
inches in depth.
Clearance of 60 inches in width and 66
inches in depth if lavatory located next
to water closet.
Seat height of 15 inches to 19
inches above the floor.
Located next to a wall 16 inches to 18
inches from wall to centerline of fixture.
Reinforcement to provide horizontal and
vertical grab bars.
Clearance of 48 inches in width and 56
inches in depth for a side approach or 66
inches in depth for a forward approach.
Width can be reduced to 33 inches next
to water closet for a maximum depth of
24 inches.
Reinforcement for horizontal grab bars.
Same as Type B unit.
At least a half-bath required with no design
Provision can be waived.
Clearance of 36 inches in front and to one side.
18 inches minimum from centerline of water closet
to obstruction.
Reinforcement for grab bars.
Clearance next to tub 30 inches in width and
of tub.
Horizontal and vertical grab bars.
Controls located on end of tub.
Hand-held shower control.
Seat required.
Clearance next to tub 30 inches in
width and length of tub.
Removable counter allowed in clearance
at control end of tub.
Reinforcement for horizontal and
vertical grab bars.
Controls located on end of tub.
Clearance next to tub 30 inches in
width for the length of tub.
Sink or water closet can be in
clearance next to tub.
Option B – no fixtures in clearance at
Reinforcement for horizontal grab bars.
Clear floor space 30 inches by 48 inches minimum.
Reinforcement for grab bars.
Seat provided.
Single lever control.
Adjustable height, movable hand-held.
Shower head or 60 inch to 72 inch flexible hose.
Shower size options: 36 inches min. by 36 inches
min., 30 inches minimum by 60 inches minimum,
or 36 inches by 60 inches minimum.
Clear floor space next to shower.
Horizontal grab bars.
Vertical grab bar in 36 inch by 36 inch shower.
Hand-held shower control.
Control location within reach of seat in hatched
area shown in code figures.
Seat required.
Same as accessible unit except that
removable counter allowed in clearance
next to roll-in shower.
Reinforcement only for future
installation of grab bars & seat.
Minimum size of 36 inches by 36 inches if
shower is the only bathing facility in unit.
Clear floor space next to shower.
36 inches by 60 inches minimum.
No curb.
Clear floor space 30 inches by 48 inches minimum.
Reinforcement for grab bars.
Seat provided.
Single lever control.
Adjustable height, movable hand-held shower head
or 60 inch to 72 inch flexible hose.